Red Dragon Emperor in Hell

By dragonNecroKing132

12.5K 354 116

Issei Hyoudou, Leader of the Perverted Trio and Red Dragon Emperor. He has face quite the roster of foes over... More

Prologue (short)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

1.3K 45 30
By dragonNecroKing132

Third Person POV











The resounding sound of Issei's metallic footsteps reverberated through the desolate air as he treaded across an icy wasteland. However, this particular landscape differed from the ones he had encountered before. Instead of the usual frozen terrain, he found himself surrounded by endless stretches of pure white nothingness.

Hell, true to its name, was an entirely unique experience. Wherever Issei ventured, whatever he attempted, he was inevitably drawn into another random pocket of Hell-an intricate construct designed by the Devil himself to impede the boy's arduous journey.

Nevertheless, despite the countless tribulations and hardships he had endured, Issei pressed on. A trail of smoke and dust trailed behind his colossal figure as he steadfastly continued his march, unyielding in his determination with every resolute step.

Having vanquished God, intimidated Lucifer into retreat, and utterly annihilated Trihexa for its transgressions, Issei remained resolute in his chosen path. He believed he must be drawing closer to the elusive exit, even if countless millennia had passed since he embarked on this quest. Time had lost its meaning to him long ago, along with many other things. To put it simply, Issei had undergone profound changes.

First and foremost, he remained locked in Juggernaut Drive mode. Ddraig, the Welsh dragon, had implored Issei to revert to his balance breaker form out of fear for the potential consequences. Issei, however, stubbornly disregarded Ddraig's advice. This staunch determination greatly concerned Ddraig, who had witnessed numerous hosts succumb to the destructive power of the Juggernaut Drive.

The youngest had been a mere twelve years old when he accidentally triggered the Juggernaut Drive for the first time, resulting in his immediate demise due to the immense strain it placed on his fragile body. The traumatic event had left an indelible mark on Ddraig's memory, making Issei's current utilization of the form all the more perplexing.

Remarkably, Issei's life force remained unaffected. Perhaps this was because he consciously accessed the Juggernaut Drive, whereas his predecessors had been involuntarily consumed by their overwhelming emotions. In short, Ddraig harbored deep concerns about Issei's mental stability and, worse yet, his very life. In fact, Issei had indeed lost his sanity at one point.

It was a scene of pure terror-overwhelming rage, anger, and pain. Ddraig had never witnessed such potent emotions in any of his hosts before. Issei laid waste to everything in his path, leaving only death and destruction in his wake. The ensuing cataclysm spanned several centuries, as Ddraig desperately struggled to rein in his partner, whose emotions proved too overpowering to control. Explosions erupted, shaking the foundations of Hell itself, while the fiery talons of devastation carved craters and left a trail of bodies in their wake.

This reign of chaos persisted until an inexplicable event unfolded, leaving the Heavenly Dragon dumbfounded to this very day. Issei grew weary of his own madness. Astonishingly, he regained his sanity simply out of sheer boredom. Never in all of Ddraig's existence had he fathomed such a possibility. Furthermore, Issei accomplished the unimaginable feat of mastering the Juggernaut Drive, a feat that had eluded all of Ddraig's previous hosts. But then again, Issei had begun to change from the moment he was cast into the depths of the Lowest Part of Hell.

The influence of Hell had wrought unimaginable changes upon Issei's physiology. He had become immune to the effects of aging, rendering him unable to sleep, drink, or eat. Issei's existence had been reduced to a solitary purpose: to simply exist. Ddraig attempted to keep track of Issei's age, but even the Welsh Dragon had lost all sense of time after spending an eternity in Hell.

There existed a possibility that Ddraig himself was succumbing to Hell's influence, resulting in alterations to his own soul's physiology. However, these changes were relatively minor compared to Issei's metamorphosis. They manifested as a modified appearance, which puzzled the dragon, as such alterations typically indicated the passage of time-an aspect Ddraig believed he had long forsaken.

Is he still aging?


How old even is he anymore?

He doesn't know, and he feels like he may never know-the answer to yet another enigma that shall forever be lost to the annals of time.

Another notable aspect is that Issei has retained the power he acquired by consuming both angels and demons, as if it had become an inseparable part of him. He has grown accustomed to the combined might of heaven and hell, exuding a formidable and menacing aura infused with both holy and demonic energy.

However, unlike the scenarios depicted in the anime that Ddraig has taken to watching, Issei has not gained any overwhelmingly powerful abilities from wielding this celestial and infernal power. If he has obtained such abilities, he has not yet utilized them, nor does he seem inclined to. Nevertheless, this has earned him the fear and trepidation of many demons within Hell.

Speaking of Hell, the prolonged exposure to its unforgiving environment has continued to amplify Issei's strength. Ddraig believes that his partner now possesses the potential to pose a threat on a planetary or even universal scale-although, even then, he could still ascend to even greater heights.

The limits of his partner's strength remain uncertain to Ddraig, but what he does know is that no supernatural entity would be capable of facing Issei head-on. After all, Issei singlehandedly laid waste to Trihexa, a being that surpasses both Great Red and Ophis, who themselves surpass the creator of the universe-God.

Despite all these extraordinary circumstances, Issei is all that Ddraig has. He is unwilling to part with Issei anytime soon, having developed a deep and unprecedented attachment to the young boy-a sentiment he had never experienced with his previous hosts. As long as Issei manages to vanquish his rival, Albion the White Dragon Emperor, Ddraig did not concern himself with the deeds of his previous hosts. However, being in the company of Issei has transformed Ddraig's perspective. Thus, he remains committed to aiding his partner throughout his eternal journey, braving countless trials and battles together.

As Issei continued his relentless trek through the desolate wasteland of ice, his mind remained fixated on a singular objective-escaping Hell at any cost. He had traversed the most scorching flames and endured the harshest blizzards, yet nothing had deterred him from his goal. Memories of his parents, friends, the Occult Research Club, and Rias flooded his thoughts.

He yearned to see them again, to stand by their side. Although sleep eluded him, visions of reuniting with Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, and Kiba replayed in his mind-a scene where he would walk into the Occult Research Club and be greeted with warm smiles.

Issei's colossal footsteps reverberated throughout the surroundings as he pressed on, undeterred. Suddenly, a powerful gust of icy wind assailed him. Nevertheless, despite this blatant attempt by the ruler of Hell to impede his progress, Issei continued walking, his armor gradually becoming encrusted with ice. Why should he be perturbed by such trifles? This was merely another feeble endeavor by the Devil to halt the relentless march of the brown-haired boy-a futile attempt that would ultimately prove fruitless.

Ddraig: ["easy, Partner. Remember why we are going this way"]

The red dragon emperor growled, the ice cracking as he began to shake it from his armored hide.

Issei: "Your right..."

With the ice now gone, Issei continued his march across the barren land as he narrowed his eyes.

He could feel it....

It was close....

The exit was just within his reach....

All he had to do was remember that he needed to be strong, to never give up hope, and to never surrender to fear or doubt. However, when had he ever faltered in embodying these principles? Ever since his arrival, Issei had been filled with an unwavering determination, a steadfast resolve that had not wavered even now.

Issei continued to walk, his footsteps resounding through the desolate expanse. The length of his journey remained a mystery, for he had traversed unimaginable distances, from one extreme to another. The biting winds of icy desolation gave way to blistering heat, but such matters held little significance to Issei. He simply pressed on, unaffected by the harsh conditions.

None would dare stand before him, and none would follow in his footsteps, for Issei alone possessed the ability to traverse the ethereal plains of Hell.

As the brown-haired boy ventured forth, he approached a bridge. But just like all the previous times, he was denied passage. The bridge crumbled beneath the weight of the red dragon emperor, and Issei found himself hurtling into an even deeper abyss.

How many times had he fallen? How much more could he endure? These questions lingered in the air, unanswered and shrouded in uncertainty.


Why was he being denied?

Why was he being rejected?

He has experienced so much, too much for one boy could possibly handle and not desire death as a way out to liberate the pain. Yet, he keeps going because he its his promise but time and time again he has been denied his goal.

How much more can he take?

When is it gonna stop?

Crashing into the stone ground below him, a large dust cloud engulfed the boy as Issei slowly rose up and he found himself surrounded by huge stone spikes that resembled towers of some kind. The brown-haired boy let out a small pant as his anger began to rise from within, his blood began to boil like a volcano and his eyes glowed a menacing green.

He growled as he unleashed a roar that shook the ground beneath his very feat, a roar of fury, rage, and various other negative emotions.

Issei: "DAMN IT!!!"

Issei began to fire a red beam from his mouth at one of the towers as he swung his tail and destroyed a couple more of them.

Why has he been denied once again? All he has been doing is walking, fighting, walking, fighting, and walking.










It has been a never-ending cycle for the boy and he has had enough of it, all he wants to do is go home. He hasn't eaten any good food, drank clean water, or gotten a good night's sleep. But Lucifer doesn't seem to care about what Issei wants, he just wants to see the brown-haired boy suffer.

Issei swears when he finds that bastard and he shall suffer the same fate as his father did, maybe than those two will finally out their pointless bickering to rest when they're no longer alive.

The red dragon emperor fired another beam and swung his tail, destroying more and more of the towers around him. Ddraig watched as he waited for Issei to calm down a little, this has happened numerous times before so it wasn'ta complete shocker. Issei has had his moments of losing control to his anger and lashing out at things, mainly it's been demons but there are none around the brown-haired boy right now.

However, lucky enough it didn't take long before Issei began to calm down. He had stop destroying the towers, his glowing green eyes had returned to the normal shade of green... despite still being in the Juggernaut Drive mode and showing no signs of wanting to deactivate it.

Ddraig: ["You calm now?"]

Steam poured from Issei's mouth as he slowly nodded his head, growling a little as he really he needed to get that out of his system. He had a tremendous amount of built-up rage inside of him, a dangerous amount that wasnt good for his health. It made sense considering his current predicament and what happened to Elizabeth, he was gonna need to one day let it all out.

He has been through soo much bullshit that it could be considered a movie, a sick one at that and Issei didnt want to be apart of it anymore.

He was just so sick of it all.

He just wants to go home.

Issei: "I'm tired of this, Ddraig. I don't want to be here anymore..."

Ddraig let out a small sigh, he understood Issei's anger. He also desired to return to the living world because he grew tired of seeing the hellish landscape around them, the welsh dragon also knew that things like this takes time for these kinds of things.

Ddraig: ["I know, Partner. I know, but you have to be patient"]

Hearing this annoyed the brown-haired boy.


Ddraig: ["I KNOW! I understand that your hurt! But this is what that bastard Lucifer wants! He wants you to lose control! He wants to torture you!"]

Issei went silent, Ddraig was right...This is a part of Lucifer's plan...he is the devil after all and he did try to force Issei to join his army of Hell by forcing his minions down the boys throat.

Ddraig: ["Now, Partner. Are you gonna give Lucifer what he wants? or are you gonna show him that the Red Dragon Emperor stands above all!"]

Issei: "...I'll show him"

Ddraig: ["I'm sorry, what did you say? Did you just say that you will give Lucifer what he wants!?"]

Issei gritted his teeth as his eyes glowed.

Issei: "NO!"

Heaeing his partners determined tone caused Ddraig to let out laugh of amusement, he has probably said it a trillion times by now but... Issei Hyoudou was definitely something else.

Ddraig: ["That's my partner!"]

With that, Issei began to walk off. He had a journey to complete and a devil to kill, but this time he wasn't alone and he wasn't talking about Ddraig.... No, there were others this time because from within the towers came a swarm of red demons emerged.

They had the appearance of bats with wings, their designs were totally different though because their skin was crimson-red and they had a single eye on the middle of their heads.

There were many of them, going up to the thousands or maybe even millions. There was easily enough to eclipse the whole sun with their bodies and render everything in darkness. Hellspawn creatures, probably the lowest in the list of demons when it comes to individuality cause there was no way they could kill a person unless they got the jump in them. But since there was a lot of them, well that's a whole different story entirely.

The creatures flew after Issei who kept on walking, the brown-haired boy already knew that they were following him but strangely enough he didn't just turn around and unleash a beam to eradicate them from existence. He had a strange feeling about those little buggers, he wasn't 100% sure about it though but he gets the feeling that they will come in handy pretty soon.

But it was just a feeling....

Either way Issei continued his march across the depths of Hell, Now with determination flowing through his veins. as he cannot and shall not be stopped. He will finally archive his goal and be rid of this prison, he will escape and return to the world of the living.

Issei continued walking as his metallic footsteps echoed throughout the air, his gaze narrow as he could feel it. It was close, very close in fact to the point that he could almost taste it.... well if he could anyway.

As he took another step, he immediately noticed that his environment had changed to something else again. Another pocket of Hell? no, this time it was different because he slowly looked up and... he saw it. The thing that he had been looking for all this time, his final test.

Laying before him was a mountain, almost similar to the one that God had taken the shape of but on a much bigger scale as it made Issei feel like an atom staring up at a titan. No words could describe the jaw dropping sight before Issei, but appearances aren't what is on Issei's mind right now.

Issei stared at the mountain in silence, resisting the urge to grunt as he soon noticed something at the highest peak on the mountain. Laying at its summit was a massive red gate, something that Issei has seen before in the oast but can't remember the name of it.

Finally, he had found it after all this time searching he had finally found the gates of Hell, his one and only way out of this nightmare realm. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing that he saw because someone was guarding like and not to his surprise it was none other than the bastard hinself: The Devil, Lucifer.

Although, he looked like he had seen better days because Issei imagined him to be like the story makes of him... A beautiful Angel, or in this case a Fallen Angel who had an appearance unlike any other. Except, Lucifer didn't look like that for Issei because instead all he was feeling was something out of H.P Lovecraft except only uglier.

First God and now Lucifer? Issei guessed that ugliness ran in their family because both of them look like they should be erased from existence, good thing Issei had already did that to one of them and now he gets to do it to the other one.... talk about a win/win for the brown-haired boy.

Issei: 'Well, no wonder his wife left him. If you woke up to a face like that, anyone would leave'

Ddraig: ['says the boy who can barely get any bitches']

Issei: 'at least I have more bitches than you, sad salamander'

Ddraig: ['You mother fucker...']

Issei: 'yes, your mother was nice to fuck. She has a nice ass'

Ddraig: ['I hate you...']

Issei: 'I hate myself too'

With that out of the way, The Red dragon emperor stared down the devil and narrowed his green eyes. This was his chance, his chance to finally be free from Hell.

His one chance to go home.

To see those he loves.

His friends

His parents.

Was Issei nervous to face Lucifer?





Fuck no.

He had killed God who is more powerful than Lucifer, even if he had assistance with the combined energy from both Heaven and Hell with the added bonus of his Sacred Gears boosting ability. He still killed him which was an accomplishment since he never expected to reach such a high at all, it took him by total surprise but he was in a moment and didn't wanna ruin it.

Either way, Issei believes that it was time for him to use up his stored power. After his battle with Trihexa, Issei decided to Boost and store the power for when he needed it against Lucifer. However, with the time difference in Hell that was over several centuries ago but now it wss time to use the power he had stored up.

Issei opened his mouth, a small crimson-red glow brgsn to build up within his throat as he attempted to fire a beam at the devil. However, something went wrong and that was... nothing came out of Issei's mouth which shocked both him and Ddraig. What happened? Why was he unable to launch an attack at Lucifer? what was going on?

Issei: 'Huh!?'

He tried to do it again, only for nothing to happen like before. He tried again, same result like the one before that. He'll, he even attempted to do it a third time but nothing came out which shocked and annoyed Issei dearly.

Ddraig: ['What did he do!? He shouldn't be able to do that!']

Somehow, Lucifer had found away to take away Issei's ability to use his powers. He was still in his Juggernaut Drive form surprisingly, but he couldn't fire beams, and when he tried to use Boost his power it didn't seem to be working either for some reason.

There was nothing at all.

Issei: 'Damn it....'

Thunder roared like a beast while lightning raged across the sky, causing dark clouds to firm in the process. Issei glared at up at the devil, who was obviously taunting the boy since he somehow took away his power. However, this wasnt gonna keep the brown-haired boy down because if he can't attack from afar, than the only solution for Issei is to just have to climb up to the devil and face him head on.

Issei: 'Ddraig, I'm gonna climb!'

Ddraig: ['Go, Partner! Show this mother fucking why we will not be stopped!']

And so, Issei growled and dug his massive claws into the side of the mountain, making sure that he had a tight grip as he began to traverse the side of the mountain.

Up top, Lucifer slowly opened his many eyes and stared down at the red dragon emperor. He had to say that he admired the boys determination, making it this far and even killing the Fallen ones own father as well as Trihexa, the Beast of the Apocalypse. Those feats alone are no simple tasks, only the strongest could possibly survive such things and to think a lowly mortal did just that.

However, that didnt mean that Lucifer would just allow the boy to escape from Hell. This was where he belonged now, this place shall forever be Issei's prison, his pit of torture for the rest of his miserable life and to make sure of that... he will personally make sure he stays down at the bottom of the mountain.

As he stared sown at Issei, the devil used his power and sent an avalanche toward Issei in an attempt to stop him from climbing anymore further. Speaking of the boy, Issei perked up and saw the approaching avalanche which caused him to growled as he began to swat as many boulders away as he could. However, there were simply too many for the boy to defend against and continue climbing at the same time.

Lucifer watched with delight in his many eyes as the Avalanche washed over the red dragon emperor, knocking him off the side of the mountain as he fell all the way down to the bottom of the mountain and procceded to bury the poor boy alive beneath all the stones.

With that, Silence filled the air with the only exceptional noise coming for the thunder and lightning in the background. Lucifer, thinking he had finished off his enemy started to close his many eyes because he had completed his objective.

However, this moment of peace and quiet only lasted for a short time because did the devil seriously believe that some rocks would stop the Red Dragon Emperor? After everything he had been through, all the countless fights Issei had been involved im. Did Lucifer really think that a few rocks will stop him?

In a split second, the rocks went flying into the air as Issei had risem up and let out a powerful roar. He glared at the mountain with hatred in his eyes, he needed a plan to take this son of a bitch down.

Issei: 'Ddraig, you got any ideas?'

The welsh dragon dwelled with hisbown thoughts for a moment, trying to come up with an idea. If they cant attack from a distance and if they cant climb, than flying up to Lucifer woyld be the smartest decision for Issei to do. However, Ddraig gets the feeling that Lucifer has something planned for that as well.

Ddraig: ['Sorry, Partner. I got nothing, I would say fly but...']

Issei: 'Yeah, I understand. It's alright Ddraig. I'm sure we will think of som-'

Issei was cut off before he finished his sentence as he heard something, causing him to turn around and see the Hell Swarm Horde flying over to his location. It looked like they had finally arrived and Issei was getting that feeling yet again, the same one as before where he spared thr horde because he got the feeling that they would come in handy for something.

But how will they help him with his current situation? he was literally fighting the King of Hell itself and he was pretty sure that Lucifer had total control over the horde so that was also a bad thing. So why does he still get the feeling that they will help him out in this fig-

Issei paused for a moment as something came to his mind, it was an idea and a pretty stupid one at that. Then again, everything Issei has done so far in his time in Hell has been stupid so this wouldn't be anything new.

Issei: 'Hey, Ddraig. I have an idea...'

Ddraig: ['What is it?']

Issei didn't want to say his plan out loud, not wanting Lucifer to overhear and come up with some sort of counter to the plan. But this plan was definitely gonna be risky, one wrong move and its game over for Issei Hyoudou and Ddraig.

So he hooed that this will actually work and not be a total bust.


Issei: 'No, I got bored of that remember'

Ddraig: ['...oh, right. But still, what you are suggesting is crazy!']

Issei: 'Do we even have a choice? Plus was the Red Dragon Emperor, there is nothing we can't do'

Ddraig let out a small sigh, Issei can tell that the welsh dragon was shaking his head.

Ddraig: ['Sometimes, I think you are gonna be the death of me']

Issei merely chuckled.

Issei: 'Trust me, we're not dying! We're gonna live! Cause we are...'


Issei smirked as he closed his eyes, the Hell Swarm Horde took this chance at the command of their master, Lucifer and dove down towards the Red dragon emperor who basically was offering himself to them.

As they got to him, surprisingly their teeth were able to pierce through the armor of the Juggernaut Drive which confused Lucifer because as far as he knew thst armor had been able to withstand just about anything it threw at him and only now it was as durable as paper?

The Hell Swarm Horde began to feast on Issei's flesh, nawing on his bones as the devil watched on with even more questions going through his mind. Why would Issei let himself be consumed?

Why didn't Ddraig stop him?


It made no sense at all.

In a matter of seconds, the Hell swarm flew away from Issei as the mere husk of the juggernaut drive armor was left standing. All that remains of the red dragon emperor crashes to the rocky floor.

Death is a path we must all take, it is an inevitable path that no one can avoid.... but this wasn't the end, no it was anything but the end.

After having their fill, the creatures were gonna fly back to their dens. However, they soon stopped which gained Lucifer's attention as the swarms eyes started to change and become pure green.

The swarm, the demons, God, Trihexa, and even the devil himself. They had no idea how powerful Issei's will to escape Hell was. He stated the very moment he knew he was in Hell that he will get out, no matter what. Plus, did they forget? It had been an extremely long time and will to escape did not fade away from the brown-haired boy.

The Hell swarm let out small roars as they flew towards the husk of the Jugguraut Drive, Lucifer tried to order the swarm to halt but they refused his command which shocked him. They date disobey him? he was their king, their God and they were rebelling against him. Poor Lucifer, so niave to the fact that devouring the flesh of the Red Dragon had tainted them.

The connection between them and the Devil was broken, they now served their new master: The Red Dragon Emperor.

There is a reason why Emperor is in his title, that is cause he stands above everyone. He is an absolute being, A god. The devil stared down, his eyes were soon filled with fear as he watched the husk rise up.

Issei had used the Hell swarm to make a new body, one made out of the devils very own minions and it shall be the form that he would use to finally defeat Lucifer once and for all.

The Red Dragon Emperor unleashed a mighty roar as his chest opened up each of the flying bastards containing the spirit of Issei and Ddraig.


Issei's entire body was suddenly engulfed in a bright green aura as his power increased, because the Hell Swarm now had his abilities, which meant that he was receiving a million Boost per second.


























Ddraigx10000: ["LONGINUS SMASHER!!"]

With that, Issei unleashed his final attack on the Devil. It was time for the King of Hell to be dethroned, and that is what happened.

The attack struck Lucifer and he was completely erased from existence.
All that was left on the enormous mountain, was the gate of Hell.

With nothing stopping him now, The Red Dragon emperor began to climb the mountain once again.

He had done it, after so many...he finally did it. He completed what he had said he would do.

He had defeated the forces of Hell.
Conquered every trial.

Kill God.

Decimated Trihexa.

Killed the Devil.

Now, there was nothing to stop him from returning to the world of the Living and seeing the ones he loves.

As the Red Dragon Emperor walked through the gate of Hell, his body vanished.





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