Parenthood - A Journey [COMPL...

By TereBin_

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Sometimes a love story starts from parenthood. Cocer by : @chupkaroswaraaa More

1. We collide again
2: Pregnant
3 : Worth
4 : Trust?
5 : Leave
6: Conversation
7: Your dreams are mine now
8 : Fight
9 : Tumhare Alawa koi ni hai
10 : Shohar
12 : Insecurities
13 : Wild Life Photographer
14: Be mine
15 : Unsaid Confession
16 : Love Vs Fear
17 : Meerab Murtasim Khan
18 : Meerab's POV
19 : Selfish?
20 : Confession
21: Hospital and Pregnancy
22: First kick
23: A perfect Mismatch
24 : God Bharai
25 : Delivery
26 : Meri Meesam
Epilogue ❤️
BONUS ( First Step)

11 : Engaged

3.5K 152 31
By TereBin_

Long chapter ahead 🤗🤗. Happy reading ❤️

The next day Meerab woke up and checked the room to find herself alone. Last night Murtasim asked her to sleep and went to talk with Wakas and till she was awake he didn't come. She didn't even know if he came back here or not as she didn't sense him. She thought he would sleep with her tonight but it seemed like she was sleeping alone which confused her. She checked her mobile phone for any message from him and found none.

"Ma where is Murtasim?", Meerab asked

"He left early in the morning because Ma Begum was calling him and you were sleeping", Aneela replied as Murtasim informed them before leaving. He went at 4 am which was too early but they couldn't say anything as Murtasim told them nobody knew about Meerab and Ma Begum called him back. They got their daughter back which was enough and they didn't argue further

"Ok... I am going to meet Saba in an hour", Meerab said and got up to get ready. She wore her slippers and walked towards the dressing table to find it empty. She remembered she didn't have anything here because her parents shifted everything to the store room which pinched her heart.

"And yes if possible please put my belongings in my room till I'm here", Meerab said and was about to move towards the washroom but stopped hearing Aneela's explanation

"Meerab beta we are sorry for putting everything in the store room. Wakas...", Aneela tried explaining herself but Meerab showed her hand in irritation as she didn't believe in that lame excuse. Even if her father missed her, that doesn't mean they will shift her belongings to the store room. Every daughter leaves thier maternal house so for her this excuse is lame

"Please don't give explanations because I'm not a child to believe it. One day I had to leave because of marriage and that doesn't mean putting everything in the store room. People keep the belongings of a person safe even after that person dies but you treated me like trash and showed your love", Meerab said and left to change. She already had enough and now she don't want to hear any more excuses.

She wore the same dress that she wore twice when she visited here because that made her remember all the miseries she faced here and also kept her strong. She reminds her mind always about the person who was there for her when she needed him and who left her. She picked up her dupatta and went to meet Saba

Murtasim reached at 6 am and saw his mother sleeping so he went to his room and sat on the couch. He looked at the bed and recalled his recent moments with Meerab on the bed. His lips curved into a smile thinking about her and missing his beautiful wife. His bed miss her but he knows till Haya is here he can't do anything. He started to miss her already and spent time thinking about Meerab and reading articles about babies. He was perplexed to know that their lovemaking could harm the baby as well. Even though it is not in the first 3 months but he is afraid to take any risk because he is attached to his unborn child.

He always dreams of spending his life with his child and is very excited to meet his child and pick his first child in his arms. That mere thought is enough for him to feel goosebumps. His life without Meerab was simple and too hectic because of work pressure but after meeting her he never felt pressure because one look in her eyes takes all his workload away. After falling in love, he realized that he didn't need a reason to smile. Reading these articles gave him peace as he learnt many new things and decided to take more information from Aneela. He can't ask his mother as he is afraid of lies. He feels a pang inside his heart when he lies to his mother because his mother always taught him to tell the truth. He closed his laptop immediately when he heard a door opening sound and looked towards the door to find his mother standing with a maid with a trolley

"Aslam e walikum ma", Murtasim greeted his mother and walked towards her. He hugged his mother and closed his eyes recalling his meeting with Meerab. He is so happy because of the news and his soul is urging him to tell Ma Begum about Meerab's pregnancy but he is bound by promise and he can't say anything. The happiness is beyond limits but the guilt is extreme which will keep eating him till he gives the news of his unborn baby to his mother.

He gulped his saliva and the truth as well, the hold on his mother got tightened because of the fear of Ma Begum's reaction. Ma begum rubbed her hand on Murtasim's back and kissed his forehead as she missed her son. For her Murtasim is the world's best son and she loves him more than anything in the world. She can give up on anything but Murtasim because Murtasim looks exactly like his father and reminds her or her husband

"Walikum asalam. When did you reach? Did you find any information regarding Meerab?", ma begum asked to which he shook his head without looking at his mother feeling guilty for lying.

"Start with a web of lies because one day you have to get trapped in your lies", Murtasim thought and shook his head. He doesn't want to answer because his guilt is eating him. Last time his mother forgave him but not this time he know that.

"It's ok. Try to forget her. She was a nightmare who played with your emotions and left. I'm sorry for forcing you to marry her. Haya is far better than Meerab", ma Begum said stating a point of fact according to her. But her statement horrified Murtasim as Haya is the last girl he wants in his life. Especially after what she did with his wife and him. He is still unable to forget how Haya trapped him and she is the reason for thier fights

"Ma please I can never forget Meerab. She is my wife. Haya means nothing to me, especially after what she has done to me. Get Haya married like you forced me and Mariyam. I want Haya out of this house now. Marry her", Murtasim said desperately and sat on the bed acting tired to avoid more conversation as he didn't want to lie. He doesn't lie and thinks his mother will catch his lie very easily. He is thinking about him and Meerab right now because Meerab put a condition that she will come once Haya goes and here there is no chance of Haya leaving anytime soon. How he will manage? He is not only Meerab's husband but a son, a brother and a Khan who is a leader of his village as well as his neighbour who seeks help from him. He can't break anyone's heart because he feels bad for hurting everyone.

"What are you saying?", Ma Begum asked as Murtasim's request looked strange to her. Murtasim's voice looked desperate to her which is not in Murtasim's nature as he doesn't take decisions in haste but his voice seemed like if it was in his hands he would have married Haya to someone right now.

"She flirts with me and asks me to marry her. I feel uncomfortable so please", Murtasim requested looking into her eyes and pleading with her as he knew he could meet his eyes with Ma Begum in this conversation. He is speaking the truth because he felt uncomfortable around Haya when she would come close to him and confess her love in front of him. He was never interested in Haya but he feels bad for her. Maybe he is wrong to feel it but he feels pity even for his enemies then she is his sister whom he vowed to protect.

"OK, I will see that. First, find your wife", ma Begum said. Murtasim chuckled thinking about his life as his mother wanted him to find his wife who was living with her parents and didn't want to be found. He can't secretly talk with his mother as he is afraid to break Meerab's promise as she refused to trust ma begum

"Why did you call me?", Murtasim asked

"Hann there is a problem here people were calling you for help ", ma begum replied to which Murtasim nodded and went to meet Anwar to talk further on the matter. He wants to sort everything out today and go back to Meerab and his unborn child.


"I want to buy a ring for Murtasim. Tell me what else can I do for him?", Meerab asked walking towards the jewellery shop. She is determined to purchase a ring for Murtasim today and make him wear it. His hand looked empty to her and she wanted to gift him something precious that he could save for his whole life. She hated the emptiness in his eyes when he spoke that he wanted someone to love him. She is very weak in expressing feelings but she wants to do everything to keep him happy.

"Why can't you admit that you love him? Otherwise, you never purchased anything for anyone ", Saba said placing her hand on Meerab's shoulder Meerab jerked after hearing Saba's words.

"I don't. I just want to see him happy. I feel nobody tried to think about his happiness and I want to see him happy", Meerab replied

"Aacha. Swear on your unborn child that you don't love him. Meerab admit your love I promise I will not tell anyone ", Saba said and held Meerab's hand in her. Meerab sighed as she knew there was no point in hiding her feelings from Saba because Saba knew her very well and she couldn't hide anything from her.

"Yes, I do but I... I'm afraid to confess. He love me and assured me that he love me but Saba I can't fight with him. I became so weak which I don't want yar. Tell me how to get out of it. I... I am attracted to him but I am not that type of girl. How to bury these feelings because if I confessed I'm afraid of losing him", Meerab asked and sat on one bench tensed because her heartbeat rose when Murtasim came near her. His presence affects her and she forgets the world whenever he is near her. But her fear of going away from him scares her as every time he confesses they fight. She is afraid to lose him as she has watched many movies where couple separate their ways. She wants to stay with him forever at any cost, no matter what she has to go through. She wants them to live happily that's it

"There is no way you can do that because love is a strong emotion which can't be forgotten. The only way to get out of his love is by hating him", Saba said as she misunderstood Meerab's words. She thought Meerab wanted to bury her love for Murtasim and want to forget him and she gave the only suggestion which came to her mind.

"I can't do that and don't want to hate him. He needs love and care and honestly, I also love his care and attention. Tell me how to show care without showing my love for him. I want to hide the fact that he is my weakness. I don't want to go away from him. I just want to control myself to behave crazily that's it. Answer accordingly", Meerab asked. Saba chucked hearing Meerab as Meerab was confusing her now. She felt Meerab's love for Murtasim and realized that she was madly in love with her husband

"You are mad in love with him. I'm thinking about what will happen to Rohail. He is waiting for you both to divorce ", Saba replied getting tensed thinking about Rohail who had been waiting for Meerab for a long time and now it seems like Meerab can never love him back because of Murtasim. Saba has felt Meerab's love for Murtasim and feels bad for Rohail who was behind Meerab for a long time

"Never. I will not leave him. He is my husband and I can't live without him. My unborn baby carries his name How am I supposed to cheat on him?", Meerab snapped at Saba angrily touching her abdomen and feeling her child, Their baby is the symbol of their love and she can never leave Murtasim now. How dare Saba think about Rohail when there is no chance of her leaving Murtasim? Here she is dreaming her whole life with Murtasim and Saba is tying her with Rohail. She couldn't handle Murtasim's anger if he got to know what Saba was talking about.

"Sorry let's go ", Saba apologized and they both purchased a ring for Murtasim. Meerab selected the ring as she found one ring beautiful and of his size. She struggled with the size of the ring as she didn't know his finger size and purchased the ring on her idea hoping it would fit in his finger perfectly.

When they were driving back, Meerab noticed the Dargah where they started their journey and she felt hatred for Murtasim vanishing. She asked Saba to stop the car and smiled thinking about that day. She was broken that day and she knows without Murtasim's support she would have never had the courage to fight with the people around her. His support not only gave her strength but also gave her a new life.

"I want to spend time here. You can go ", Meerab said and forced Saba to leave. She entered the dargah and with each step, she remembered Murtasim. Last time she had different feelings for him, that time she was with him because of her helplessness and today she is here to pray for him. For his well-being and his love. His love is her strength now and she loves the fact that she carries his name with her. She sat in the the same place where she prayed last time and closed her eyes remembering him. Suddenly she felt her name called by him and opened her eyes with a jerk

"Murtasim. You here", Meerab asked with a smile and got up to see him standing wearing the same clothes as he wore last time and the same shawl. She moved towards him and touched his hand to see if he was there for real or if she was dreaming but to her surprise, he was there for real

"My wife is here so I came here", Murtasim replied and caressed her cheek softly. Meerab smiled and felt herself melting in his touch and looked down feeling shy. She felt her heartbeat rise due to proximity and inhaled deeply to control herself. Last time she never thought she would fall in love with this man and would become habitual of his presence. She kept staring at him for some time and when heard footsteps, she looked away. Both looked towards the sky lost in their thoughts.

Suddenly Meerab remembered the ring that she purchased for him and picked purse from the ground. She turned towards Murtasim with a smile and pulled out a blue box containing a ring for him. She is excited to see his happiness and can't wait to make him wear it. He is the love of her life and she wants others to know he is taken and the only way to show others is by showing the ring. He is just her husband and only she can stare at him, not anyone else.

"I purchased a ring for you", Meerab said showing the ring to him and smiling watching his expression change into surprise and he looked at her happily. Murtasim forwarded his hand and looked into her eyes, gesturing for her to make him wear a ring

"Beautiful. I will never open it if you will make me wear it. This will become precious if you slide this ring on my finger ", Murtasim said huskily. Meerab looked here and there to see if people were looking at them or not and held his hand softly in his. His strong hand looked so perfect in her and she felt the urge to kiss his hand. Murtasim helped her to take out the ring and she slid the ring in his hand. Murtasim blushed as these small gestures meant a lot to him and he brought their hands towards his lips and kissed the back of her hand softly whispering "This means a lot to me". They kept looking at eachother relieving the moment and capturing this moment in their soul.

For Meerab everything seemed like a dream as she was thinking about him and he came there. She was dreaming about his reaction and his reaction was so pleasant. If her gifting him a ring means a lot then she is ready to gift herself to him as well because she knows he will keep her safe and will always protect her. She loves his care and the way he shows his love to her. His behaviour and love make her feel like she is the most important person in his life and his forgiving nature took her heart. She was surprised when he took all the blame initially and now she wants to cook his favourite dishes just to keep him delighted.

"I want to pray first", Meerab said to which Murtasim nodded and they joined their hands to pray

"Ya Allah. You know what is there in hearts. He is always there in my heart. Please keep him safe and don't let anyone hurt him. Last time I prayed for myself and you sent him and this time I want him safe for me. I can't lose him. This time you sent a baby and kept both of my priorities safe", Meerab prayed

"Ya Allah give her whatever she wants and keep her safe and don't let any harm to my child. I never thought she would love me back but now I'm sure she loves me and her love is my strength. I'm glad that my love is not one-sided anymore, please keep this situation like this forever. I promise to keep her happy. You sent a life to us and now you will help me to protect my baby. Thanks for the gift", Murtasim prayed


I wanted these scenes in drama but never got them🥺.

Next update will take time

Also, I'm in love with the new photoshoot ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥. Both are looking so good, especially in this pic. I need a video of this pic🙈🙈. Just look at Wahaj 🤌🤌❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥. Will definitely include this picture in this story🙈🙈

Don't forget to vote and comment. Also, share your views as wrote a long chapter for all of you ❤️. I will leap of a few months in the next chapter

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