Rescue˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Daryl Dixon...

By xoxo_gvf

5.5K 222 43

you were a stranger just trying to survive, suddenly found by a man during the apocalypse. He captured you, t... More

Prologue (2)
Cell (3)
Escaping (4)
Alexandria (5)
Kingdom (6)
The Storm (7)
Lines Crossed (8)
Waves (9)
Bad Dream (10)
Silence (11)
Silence part two (12)
Bonds (13)
Eyes Open (14)
World Before (15)
Squeeze (16)
Stalker (17)
The Horde (18)
Walk (19)
Bloom (20)
Tower (21)
Certain Doom (22)
Home (23)
Find Me (24)
Diverged (25)
Dream (26)
Acheron: Part one (27)
Acheron: Part two (28)
The Hunted (29)
The Rendition (30)
Ashes (31)
On the inside (32)
Broken Promises (33)
Blood (34)
no other way (35)
New Haunts (36)
Rogue (37)
Lucky Ones (38)
Rotten (39)
Trust (40)
Acts of God (41)
Locked Down (42)
Deal (43)
New Varient (44)
The Birth (45)
Timejump (46)
Outpost (47)
Faith (48)
Family (49)
Rest In Peace: Part Two (51)
Rest In Peace: Final (52)

Rest In Peace: Part One (50)

57 1 0
By xoxo_gvf

y/n Martin

Daryl and i ran for awhile, trying to find the hospital. My lungs burned from all the running, growing more exhausted. Daryl still carried Judith in his arms, she woke up for a bit, but went unconscious again.

This is my fault.
I said to myself a few times.

She took that bullet for me.
My mind wouldn't stop.

why did she take that bullet?
I asked myself.

It should've been me. Not her.
I felt guilty.

Daryl's footsteps shuffled inside the hospital. "help me! Help!" He yelled desperately. The building was empty from what we could see.

"help!" I yelled, daryl placing Judith down on one of the beds.

Judith slowly started opening her eyes, but she was still very much out of it. Daryl ran off, trying to find anyone to help. I did the same, making sure to not run off far. I had no luck. There was nobody here. I jogged back, seeing Judith still on the bed. "daryl..i-" before i could finish my sentence i saw daryl on the ground, knocked out cold. "daryl!" I yelled dropping to my knees, and feeling for a pulse.

He was okay. "daryl, wake up." I said to him. I saw movement in the corner of my eye, looking over to see walkers approaching the glass. Lots of them, and they were coming quick. I heard shuffling from behind me, turning my gaze to see Judith stumble out of the bed.

"Judith.. no. Get back in bed." I told her, but as stubborn as she is, she didn't listen.

I quickly ran to the doors that were open, shutting them and locking it. Judith helped the best she could before she collapsed onto the ground next to daryl. "Shit. Judith!" I yelled and ran to her. She still had a pulse, but it was beginning to faint. I saw Judith and Daryl's unconscious body, unsure of what to do.

Tears flooded my eyes as i continued kneeled down next to the two of them. I didn't know how to help them. I'm just one person, and daryl is far too heavy for me to lift him onto my own. I put pressure on Judith's wound, trying to suppress the bleeding.

Suddenly i heard more noise, panicking, screaming voices. I looked toward the hallway, seeing Carol and the others. "carol!" I yelled to get her attention. She quickly ran over to me, seeing daryl on the ground. "what happened?" Carol asked worried.

"i don't know. We were trying to find someone to help us with Judith. I came back, and he was on the floor. He won't wake up.. Judith..she was awake.. she helped me close the doors, but she collapsed." I wiped the tears from my eyes.

Carol helped me with Judith, laying her on a bed, then we went back for daryl. He was heavy, and his unconscious body was heavier. We struggled, but eventually got him onto a bed, putting him in the same room as Judith.

Time went by, and Daryl finally had some movement, slowly opening his eyes he jolted up, looking around. "easy." I place my hand on his shoulder. Luke was in another bed in the same room after he had been bitten on the leg.

His friends cried as they tried to help him. "i'm fine." Daryl took off the bandage wrapped around his head. "daryl.. you're not." I tried stopping him. He had a black eye. The worst black eye i had ever seen. He turned his gaze to Judith, she was so pale.

"she's lost a lot of blood." Daryl moved the strain of hair out his face.

So many emotions could be felt. Connie, Kelly, Magna and Yumiko cried while standing with luke. "stay with us." Magna cried.

"all the doctors are gone. All the nurses. All the medicine. gone." I looked at Luke.

"where?" Daryl asked.

"we heard Pamela took everything. She's holed up in her gated community. She left the rest of the Commonwealth to fend for itself." Carol joined in.

"that's where we go." Daryl turned around.

"there's a team looking for Mercer. The others went out to find the children." Carol checked the bloody rag.

"so we just wait?" I shook my head.

The sobs grew louder, looking over to see Luke was dead. Magna plunged a knife into his skull. Kelly sobbed as she hugged her friend. They all did. It was heartbreaking to see them like that.

Kelly's cry broke my heart most of all.

"we have to give her blood. One of you know how to do this?" Daryl grabbed some supplies.

"yeah, but your blood type has to match." Carol walked closer.

"mine goes with anybody. Merle used to make these to sell it when i was a kid for money. Carol got the line hooked up, placing the needle into daryl's arm. "we're gonna sweep the hospital. Make sure the others are okay. You good?" Carol asked while everyone else went with her. "i'm gonna stay here with them." I nodded and sat in one of the chairs next to Judith while daryl was on the other side of the bed.

"she's gonna be okay. she has to be." I looked down at Judith.

Minutes had gone by. Judith opened her eyes again, looking around the room. Daryl was still giving her blood. "what's happening?" Judith asked, her voice raspy.

"where am i?" Judith looked at her arm.

"shh. you're okay." I looked at her.

"you're at the hospital." Daryl ran his fingers through her hair to comfort her.

"why? am i gonna die?" Judith asked nearly in tears.

"no. baby. no." I held her hand.

"no. you're not gonna die." Daryl spoke softly.

"it feels.. it feels like i'm gonna die. I can't die. Mom is gonna find dad. We're gonna be together. We have to be together." Judith cried and panicked.

"shhh. you're fine. you're fine." Daryl tried to reassure her.

"Jude.. wake up." I glanced at her, noticing she was fading again.

"Jude. come on girl. Jude!" Daryl tapped her face, trying to wake her up.

Carol quickly rushed into the room again. "walkers breached. we gotta go." Carol looked at us both.

"no. We can't go. We can't." I shook my head to carol before glancing at Judith.

"Jude? Wake up. Jude. Come on." Daryl tried getting her to wake up again.

Rosita's voice could be heard on the walkie talkie. She sounded distress as she talked to Carol. They were in trouble. Daryl took the needle out and stopped giving Judith blood. He closed the door, and placed another bed in front of it. "what are you doing?" I asked.

"we're gonna come back for her. Right now our people need help." Daryl jogged off toward the others, pulling his knife out and stabbing walkers.

"we have to go!" I yelled to everyone.

"let's go! Move!" Daryl yelled, getting everyone to follow him.

We all ran back into the hallway, moving the bed as daryl bursted through the door to get Judith, wheeling her on the bed. "Get behind me!" Daryl yelled in a protective manner.

Walkers filled the hospital fast, almost blocking us, but we got through just in time. Turning the corner and continuing to run down the hall.

We finally made it back to everyone else, seeing one of the doctors. Yumiko's brother. He was a surgeon. Daryl laid Judith onto the bed. "help her!" I yelled. Nobody wasted a second and the doctor immediately started to help Judith.

I walked away, wiping the blood and sweat from my eye brows. I noticed Aaron was here, remembering Lydia went with him. I looked around not seeing her, and i started to panic.

"Aaron? where is she? where's Lydia?" I teared up, imaging the worst.

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