lana del rey imagines

By xfknhopex

78.5K 2.1K 565

☆ lana x reader (r goes by the she/her/hers pronouns) ☆ angst/fluff/hurt-comfort stuff only More

ꨄ︎ she's sad about Chemtrails ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ kissing Dorothy after seven days ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ having fun on her instagram ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ mercy ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ she's ready to leave LA and wants you to come ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ a loyal fan, a loyal love ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ taking care of Lemon ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ you're her national anthem [au] ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ engagement rumors - but not with u ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ grateful ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ wildfire ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ fights, pride and wasps ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ instagram live and... engagement? ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ new banisters ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ you surprise her when she needs it most ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ fuck the met gala ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ so alone on a friday night ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ an unexpected kiss in Brazil ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ the heart has to break, that's how the light shines in ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ falling like snow at the beach ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ she doesn't want to marry - not with him ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ seasons may change but we won't ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ we fell in love in october ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ nothing like her ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ violets for roses ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ kiss under the mistletoe ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ fuck the grammys ꨄ︎

ꨄ︎ when you know, you know ꨄ︎

2.2K 60 55
By xfknhopex

Rehearsal dinner day

Margaret has a plan.

Ever since she introduced you to Lana at that festival a few months ago, you've been acting so weird. She caught you stalking her Instagram account a couple of times, smiling idiotically at your phone screen. You clearly have a huge crush on the singer, but every time Margaret brings up the subject, you deny everything and play dumb, as if the blush on your cheeks didn't give you away.

You just need a little nudge to take the initiative, because if you haven't done it yet, it's because you're afraid it might not be reciprocated. And to find that out, Margaret can't do it alone; she's very good friends with Lana but not that close. There's someone who actually spends more time with her in the recording studio, working.

So Taylor is also part of the plan.

But the blonde is so eager to be some sort of undercover Cupid agent, dinner has barely been going on for less than fifteen minutes and she can't hold back another second.

"She looks so pretty today, don't you think?"

Lana looks at Taylor next to her with a confused little smile as her fork moves on her plate.

"Who?" She whispers back, scanning the entire table of guests. There are some handsome men present tonight, family and friends of the soon to be husband and wife. She didn't know her friend was interested in any of them.

Taylor notices how lost Lana is and soon glances discreetly to the front, grinning all the while in that way that makes her blue eyes sparkle with mischief. "Next to Maggie. Her."

Following the gaze, Lana finds herself looking directly across the table. Sitting next to Margaret is her best friend, you. Electrifying sparks tickle the brunette's skin at the sight of you laughing about who knows what. She wants to kiss you so very bad, it makes her insides writhe with longing and impatience. Tonight would be the perfect occasion to do so, to flirt with you beyond an Instagram post. And yet she can barely bring herself to talk when you're around. It doesn't make any sense.

"I hear she's single," Taylor adds, her gaze turning suspicious at the way Lana just stares at you like you're the only person here.

Not for much longer, though. Because Lana almost immediately snaps her head back to Taylor, her thoughts all over the place.

"Wait, you like her?"

The blonde opens her eyes a little, caught off guard. "What? No! I don't like her. Not like that," she cackles a giggle to try to calm her nerves. She can't give her friend the wrong idea, she thought her hints were being rather obvious. Change of strategy then. "Do you like her?"

Well, that was perhaps too direct but necessary.

The surprised one now is Lana, who leaves her utensils resting on the plate as her mind tries to formulate some quick lie in response. But the words that slip from her lips are completely unexpected.

"I like men, Tay."

On the other side of the table, Margaret continues to recall anecdotes stored in the back of her mind as you take a sip from your wine glass. The rest of the people present at this rehearsal dinner fade away as your eyes connect with a pair of green ones. You were casting careful glances in her direction for the last twenty minutes, hoping that Lana would look back at you just once. And now that she does, it's not like you expected. She offers you a faint half-smile, the twinkle in her eye gone.

You automatically know something is not right.

Grabbing your phone that was resting in your lap, you quickly open your Instagram DMs.




omg??? you look so good!!!
i really love your dress


I know you do, you're staring


sorry, you're hot, i can't help myself:(


Ok now I'm blushing??? Hate u
No I don't



heeyy, ur good? you look a bit down

"You okay?" Chuck asks her sister, who nods.

"I am."

When Lana drops her gaze to her iPhone in her lap and sees the notification of your message, she's quick to reply.


I'm not actually


of course!!!!!

Lana is the first to excuse herself and leave the table. You wait a few minutes to do the same, so it doesn't look like you're following her—even if that's exactly what you do next.

When you walk into the restroom, there are a few women fixing their makeup and taking selfies. You soon retrace your steps, aware that Lana would want privacy. You're walking down the narrow hallway and that's when you spot a door ajar to what appears to be a cleaning closet.

"Hey," you say as you take a step inside, Lana pacing the confined space with a look of distress. "What happened?"

Once the door clicks shut behind you, the brunette shortens the distance and melts you in an unexpected embrace. Your arms wrap around her body without hesitation, hugging her tightly back. The gesture prolongs for a few long seconds in which neither of you utters a single word. But there's no need for such a thing, it feels good to simply be held and feel safe in silence.

Slowly, Lana draws away from you just enough to be able to look you in the eye. And then, she leans in and sweetly captures your lips between hers. You two have waited weeks to kiss, the sweetness isn't left behind but the passion and lust drives you to soon be making out like two teenagers against the door, the warmth of each other's body being an absolute place of comfort.

One of the fervent kisses is interrupted when guilt begins to prick Lana like rosebush thorns.

"Taylor asked me if I liked you and I couldn't tell her the truth. I feel awful." Opening your eyes, you're met with an apologetic look. "I'm such an idiot."

Lana turns away from you, crossing her arms as she takes another look around. It seems that being surrounded by cleaning products is not to her liking because the bitterness shines on her features effortlessly.

After detaching yourself from the door, you let her know how you feel about that confession. "You're not an idiot, Lana. It's okay if you're not ready to let the rest of the people know we have something going on yet."

"But I am! I mean, I have to be. I hate doing this, hiding," her gaze meets yours. "I said I needed some time so I could be on terms with my bisexuality but it's been months. It's not fair to you, and I don't want to hurt you."

You approach her, your hands resting gently on the sides of her arms.

"You're not hurting me. But I don't want you to feel bad about yourself either, so if you want to end this, I understand. We don't even have a relationship anyway."

Lana knows you're just giving her a way out, but hearing you say that, "we don't even have a relationship," hurts more than she'd admit.

"Maybe we don't but we're dating, we're getting to know each other, and it's nice. I really like being with you." Her gaze wanders between the floor and you, some insecurity creeping in. "Don't you?"

"Of course I do!" You exclaim immediately, barely able to hide your enthusiasm, which has Lana smiling in that way that makes her eyes sparkle. "You're everything I want."

Okay, maybe that was a little bit too much. Or maybe not, because Lana wraps her arms around your neck and crashes her lips against yours in a much-needed kiss. It feels so good, for both of you, that you wonder why life has taken so long to put you on the same path all these years. Damn universe.

"Um, would you like to go to my hotel later? We can watch a movie or somethin'."

"I'd love that," your lips begin to leave a trail of kisses down her neck, and you smile as she tilts her head to the side, granting more access. "Is watching a movie the only thing on your mind, though?"

Lana's heart hammers against her chest the second you gently pull down the sleeve of her blue flowered dress, red kisses beginning to be left on her shoulder as well.

"Not really, not when I know you'd love to take this dress off me."

"Can I do it now?"

Lana has to take your hands and pull them away from her back as your naughty fingers untie the ribbon of her dress. You exhale sharply, almost frustrated.

"Be patient, baby. I promise we'll have plenty of time to have fun later," a new kiss is placed at the corner of your lips. "Just a couple more hours, yes?" You sigh in surrender.


You've waited weeks already. You can certainly keep waiting a little longer.


Some song by Wolf Alice is playing in the background as you take a sip of your cocktail. You weren't planning on consuming alcohol tonight but decided that having some wouldn't hurt.

After dinner, which proceeded quietly amid more anecdotes and laughter, the guests dispersed to different parts of the bar. You were hanging out with one of your friends when you saw Lana in a corner, hitting on her vape while talking to some guy you didn't recognize, probably Jack's relative. Despite your best attempts not to lend intent, remembering what happened in that closet earlier, her lips on yours, her hands holding you, jealousy stung you when you saw her laughing. Suddenly, you wanted to be the one who made her laugh and not him.

While you drink your little but annoying blues away, in another part of the place, Lana is watching the crowd of people gathered in front of the Black Whale Bar & Fish House from the terrace. Most are Taylor fans, if not all, but they scream at the sight of any celebrity nonetheless. The singer smiles and waves her hand just slightly, causing excitement for sure, before her gaze get lost in the sky. The hours have passed so painfully slowly, it's a miracle that the sun has finally decided to set and give the spotlight to the moon and stars. She's undoubtedly having a good time but she just can't wait to leave with you.

"Jack's cousin was fascinated with you," Lana turns around as she hears Margaret approach.

"Sam? We only talked for like two minutes," she laughs softly to herself.

Margaret stands next to her, her white dress dancing gently in the summer breeze. "You can meet the love of your life in just two minutes," her innuendo makes Lana roll her eyes. "Just kidding! Each one decides to have a partner when they please, and if you don't want one yet..."

"I didn't say I don't want a partner, I'm just not interested in Jack's cousin. Or in any man, to be honest," Lana rushes without being able to stop herself. "No man in this place, I mean, like right now, I don't mean men in general, y'know."

Margaret smiles softly as the singer becomes visibly nervous. "Understood. Any women, then?"

Lana frowns. That's weird. First Taylor hours earlier at dinner, asking about her love status and if there's anyone special, and now Margaret. Did you say something? Her heart starts to get a little out of control.

"Why do you ask that, Maggie? Are there any other cousins interested too?"

That makes the other woman laugh.

"I'm sorry. I know it's none of my business but..." Her words trail off. Kind of unusual for her. Oh, you're probably going to hate her but Margaret can't contain herself anymore either. "Okay, there may be someone. A woman." She turns to Lana, taking a step closer to keep this conversation just between them. "She hasn't told me but I know her. She's my best friend after all."

Lana swallows nervously. This woman has only claimed to have one best friend in her life since they've known each other. And of course that's you.

"Your... By your best friend you mean.... Her?" The brunette dares to ask in almost a whisper, her eyes never leaving Margaret's. "Y/N?" A soft nod makes her continue. "How... How do you know?"

"She's changed since I've introduced you to each other. She looks more... Happier. And when someone says your name, she can barely hide her smile. It's so obvious to me, Lana, I don't know how she can't see it," Margaret exhales, almost exhausted from speaking so fast. "Anyway, she should be the one to tell you so forget this conversation right now. And, ohmygod, please don't tell her I told you! I can't lose my best friend the day before my wedding!"

Lana chuckles. "Don't worry, that won't happen," she reassures as she leans back against the railing of the terrace. Surprisingly, her nerves haven't overwhelmed her like before this time. She actually feels good. More confident. After a moment of contemplation, the corners of her lips lift upward into a half smile. "You're one hundred percent sure she likes me?"

Margaret almost snorts. "Two hundred, I'd say." Lana hums softly, thoughtfully.

"Well, she sure is pretty..."


You lose track of how many minutes you've been sitting in this booth in the corner of the bar, away from the windows so paparazzi won't capture your loneliness—as if they care, anyway—but it's certainly not your ideal of fun. So after downing your second and last Bloody Mary, you decide to go find something to do. That's when a living goddess slides next to you in the seat, blocking your only escape.

"Hey you," she sets two glasses of Cherry Smoothies on the table, frowning when she sees your already empty glass. "You've been drinking?"

"Barely," comes your reply, breathing in her sweet perfume. "Where were you? I missed you."

"You did, huh?"

Lana rests her head on her hand, staring with a mixture of intensity and amusement into your eyes. You're now aware of her leg touching yours, the almost nonexistent space between your bodies, and it drives you crazy, having her this close. Heat makes your face flush in the blink of an eye. Despite that, shyness is the last thing you show.

"A lot," you admit, voice low even though no one is practically nearby. "Can we go sneak some more kisses for another five minutes?"

Your question shakes the brunette out of her trance. "Hm, I don't know 'bout that," after taking a sip of her smoothie, she looks back at you. "What if we took selfies instead? I have few with you."

You smile in confusion. The disappointment of having been subtly rejected fades once Lana takes your phone and opens the camera, getting as close as physically possible to you.

The first photos are simple, casual type shots. Just you and her posing flirtatiously, smiling and making some faces. It's hard for you to focus your attention exclusively on the camera, Lana soon realizes. Mischievously, she places a tender kiss on your cheek. You stare at her in awe, mesmerized by the grin she subsequently offers.

"Was that okay?" You nod slightly. "And this?" She leans forward and captures your lips between hers. You melt in place, rush running through your veins.

"Lana..." you whisper fearfully, "people can see us..."

"Should I stop then?"

You take her face in your hands, thumbs gently caressing her skin. You don't let her pull away, pressing a longer kiss. Butterflies (yes, butterflies) erupt inside Lana. She drops your phone back on the table only to bring her own hands to the level of your lower back. Her hold, as usual, is delicate, fingers moving tantalizingly through the fabric of your own dress. To say you look pretty doesn't do you enough justice; you're radiant, so beautiful, she really, really needs to kiss every inch of your splendid body. But if you change your mind, that's okay too, just being by your side is enough.

Damn, what have you done to her stone cold heart? She loves it.


Wedding Day

Happiness hangs in the air as you tour the Parker's Garage and Oyster Saloon, the first guests just arriving.

The venue the couple chose for the ceremony sure as heck is perfect. A summer wedding by the ocean is something Margaret has always longed to have. Both she and Jack booked the place months ago, with a list of about a hundred confirmed guests. The wedding after-party will be interesting.

In the next ten minutes you take on the serious job of taking pictures like a professional photographer of the beautiful centerpieces and flower decorations to later posting them on your Instagram. More people start arriving, including the one you can't get out of your mind, but you don't notice.

It takes you a long time in fact, which Lana takes advantage of to appreciate you from afar. Today it's you who's wearing a long flowered dress, a slit revealing a discreet section of your back; your hair pulled back in a neat low bun, exposing your slender neck. You look gorgeous, so perfect.

All at once Lana is internally freaking out a little, immediately dragging her sister Chuck to the side, out of your line of sight.

"Do I look good?"

Chuck furrows her eyebrows together. Lana has asked the same question several times since they left the hotel.

"You know you do," Chuck assures her, grabbing her blue handbag. "Now, go get your girl."

She leaves before Lana can explain that you're not her girl. Not yet.

You're sniffing the flowers absently (or at least trying to) when you hear a voice speaking behind you, so familiar and sweet.

"Hey, you."

A smile spreads across your face as warmth nestles in your chest. As you turn around, your breath is stolen away. Lana's body is wrapped in a white, lace mini dress, with tiny, pink flowers attached to it; a white cardigan draped over her shoulders. Her hair, just like yesterday, is flowing long, just a portion held back with a blue bow.

"Damn, you look beautiful."

Blushing, Lana manages to reply in return without stuttering or having her voice drop to a whisper of embarrassment. "Not as much as you, though."

You snorts. "That's not possible under any circumstances, because you're like, the hottest woman in the world and those are facts."

After a quick glance around, your hand is taken by Lana's. She starts dragging you with herself away from all the people, chuckling when you ask her where the hell yo're going. The truth is that even she doesn't know but the first door she sees is pushed open. The women's restroom is completely empty when you enter. The door barely closes behind you as you are being pinned against the nearest wall.

"Hi," Lana whispers against your lips as her hands rest firmly on your waist.

"Hi," you say back, lips parting softly.

Unable to hold on for another second, Lana's mouth collides with yours with need. You tug lightly at the edges of her cardigan, holding her close. Her body presses against yours in such a close, tight way, it makes you moan softly into the kiss. The sound is heaven to Lana's ears, who has to muster all her willpower to pull away.

"You know... This morning, after I showered, I noticed something curious on my neck. Do you remember anything?"

Pushing aside her hair, Lana exposes what was out of everyone's sight: a small purple-toned bruise on her neck, on the left side, at the level of her pulse point. A hickey, of course. You can barely contain your proud little smile.

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh, you're not sorry," her hands run up your arms, leaving goosebumps along the way. "You had your fun, now it's my turn."

You frown as her face hides in the crook of your neck. "Lana..." You start to warn, but you're completely screwed at the mere first touch of her lips on your skin.

You soon feel like you're on fire as her tender kisses gain intensity. Your hands run up her hips, her dress has a slit that allows you to bury your fingers gently into her skin. For the next minute it's just you and her confined within these walls, Lana sucking your skin deliciously, motivated by little moans and muffled sounds and the way you're melting into your place beneath her. You feel dizzy from the overwhelming sensations flowing through your body by the time she accomplishes her task, her tongue soothing the now reddish section of your glowing skin.

You take a deep, ragged breath against her lips as she looks up at you, a smirk on her face, like usual. You turn so weak for her so quickly and easily, it should be worrisome. But it's exciting instead. And you just love every bit of it. Before you can ask how the hell you're going to cover your neck, Lana brings your hand behind your head, removing the clips that hold your hair in its neat place; it falls to your shoulders, and then you realize she already had it all planned out in her brilliant mind.

"I like your little waves," her fingers lightly brush your hair to the side, tangling gently at the ends. "God, you look so hot."

"Stop, I need you so bad right now," you breathe, voice almost trembling. "I need your lips all over me."

Lana's pupils dilate in a second, gaze darkening and drowning in even more intense desire. And you instantly know your little tease wasn't one for her. Your chest begins to rise and fall rapidly once more and you bite your bottom lip in anticipation.

"How long do we have before Margaret arrives?"


Turns out that when you're surrounded by friends and people you love, time flies by.

Margaret, beautiful in her white satin halter-neck dress, and Jack, charming in his black tuxedo, read their vows and were pronounced husband and wife, sealing with an "I do" their love till death do them part. First to open the reception is Taylor, with a speech lasting about fifteen minutes. As she talks about how lucky she feels to have a friend like Jack, Lana's hand rests on your leg, your fingers tracing light caressing patterns on her skin.

You were assigned to the same table, and Lana made sure to take a seat next to you; no more discreet, careful glances and smiles from one corner of the table to the other, with all that distance in between, out of each other's reach. You just had to turn your head—a lot like now—and she's right here, smiling back at you every time, reaching out with her hand to hold yours even if it's for a quick second. But it was never for a second but for minutes, which you treasured immensely. This day has already become one of your favorites of your life and it's not even over yet.

And little did you know that it's about to become that much more special and magical.

Because after the toast and other speeches by the bride and groom's family, it's time for the first dance. At the announcement, Lana gently retracts her arm. You miss the contact right away. You look at her, the fleeting thought that she's going to ask someone else to dance crossing your mind.

"Time to sing," she mumbles before standing up, leaning in close enough so no one else hears but you. "Wish me luck."


Lana just smiles at your slight confusion and leaves a quick kiss on your cheek, disappearing from your line of sight afterwards. Within minutes she's holding a microphone, a music track playing in the background, the first lines of the song being angelically sung as Jack takes Margaret's hand and both begin to dance to the soft rhythm of her song.

You're unable to look at anyone other than the beautiful singer who's blessing the whole place with her performance. It scares you, the way you're falling harder in love with this woman in the meantime and, simultaneously, you don't care at all. You're going to let it happen, because it's the sweetest and lightest fall of your entire existence.

"When you know, you know.... it kinda makes me laugh, runnin' down that path... When you're good, it's gold..."

Lana is singing that specifically verse when her gaze travels from the loving and tender just married couple dancing in front of her and lands squarely on you. The realization hits her hard.

Because she knows. My God, she knows too—she knows she wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life by your side. In fact, that was the image that was projected in her mind when you were the lucky one who caught the bouquet Margaret tossed, when you looked at her and your eyes had that sparkle of amusement at what happened. Right then, more than ever, Lana saw flashes of a good life too, and you're in it, every step of the way. You brought colors into her life and she can't or won't even go back to knowing what black and white used to look like for a long, long time.

Unconsciously, at least in part, a bright beam spreads across her face, and she feels an incredible inner peace with her frightened heart when you return the gesture—as you always do. Does that mean something, anything? Does it mean that for once love is going to be reciprocated too, that she won't suffer the agonizing pain of a broken heart this time? Did you really mean what you said, that she's everything you want? Is this, what you two have going on, something you long as much as she does? You love fun as much as she does but you would like to engage in something more serious, make things more real? When you picture your future, is she in it?

She wonders if you know too. But it's okay if you don't yet....

Lana could wait hundreds of tomorrows for you.


a/n: .....the way i thought the party would be on december 18???? lmao

tbh, i tried to make this sweet and soft and cute and i don't know if i succeeded but i hope you liked it anyway :) sorry if it looks rushed at the end but i lost my inspiration :( bye

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