Quench My Fire

By Riadreame7

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#1 in Adultromance🀭 "She's messing up with my brains again!" Stefano shut his eyes tightly and took a deep b... More

Chapter 1: My devilish Sister
Chapter 2: What happened at New York?
Chapter 3: What happened 8 years ago?
Chapter 4: getting the appointment with the devil
Chapter 5: Meeting Castillo and Genrich
Chapter 6: The wine tasting party
Chapter 7: The heat at the party
Chapter 8: Meeting Face to face at the Conference room
Chapter 9: The Gala
Chapter 10: Dancing with the devil
Chapter 11: Presenting another Sketch
Chapter 12: What is she doing to me?
Chapter 13: Preparing her favorite
Chapter 14: Locking eyes
Chapter 15: Shutting the building early
Chapter 16: The Last Presentation
Chapter 17: fighting the devil in me
Chapter 18: I owe her no apology
Chapter 19: The Cafeteria
Chapter 20: is it jealousy?
Chapter 21:Encounter with Coco Winks
Chapter 22: Cassandra being Cassandra
Chapter 23: A night to remember
Chapter 24:I'm Sorry
Chapter 25:The Kiss
Chapter 26:The hang over
Chapter 27:Achilles
Chapter 28: Conflicting heart
Chapter 29:Venice
Chapter 30: The Russo's Wedding
Chapter 31:Forgiveness
Chapter 32:Breaking Balls
Chapter 33: I want the ache
Chapter 34:Ripped
Chapter 35:Embedded deep
Chapter 36: HAY
Chapter 37: Ludovica
Chapter 38: The Revelation
Chapter 39:I miss him
Chapter 40:No way out
Chapter 41: His Repression
Chapter 42: Her Confession
Chapter 43: Enraptured
Chapter 44: Cinque Terre
Chapter 45: The Visit
Chapter 46:Are you here to stay?
Chapter 47: Her mother
Chapter 48: She was hurting
Chapter 49:The Award Ceremony
Chapter 50:HAPPY
Chapter 51:The After Party
Chapter 52:Impulse
Chapter 53:Breakfast
Chapter 55:Greece
Chapter 56:Best Gift

Chapter 54:Truth game

87 7 8
By Riadreame7

Love is not enough to guarantee a happy ending; it takes effort, compromise, and a strong connection to make it work -Unknown


The smile that formed on my face was palpable. After I woke up and didn't find Ruby at my side...my instinct said I should look out the glass door covered in curtains. I moved it slightly as the morning Sun grazed on my skin and there... I find My Dad and Ruby together...

I thought it was going to be bad so I tried to put on my shirt but the situation didn't look exactly that bad before my Father walked away not without leaving a sheepish smile on Ruby's lip who's action amazed me as she hugged the tree tightly like her life depended on it.

I smirked lightly. What could have prompt that action? What could they have talked about? I thought while eating and trying my utmost best to compose myself and avoid touching my Ruby on the table as I could not get enough of her not especially on my Sweater... She looked special fucking hot!

I tried to distract myself with Lucca's scandal.

I was still laughing at my friend's perplexed face when I saw my Dad dropped a ricotta pancake on Ruby's plate.

I was not sure I saw correctly but it's real. He did that...Marco dropped a fucking pancake?

"Care for a G wine?" I asked pointedly at my father who was standing at his room bar spot scanning for a drink at the wine cellar.

After the meal...My mother, Cassandra and of course Ruby decided to pack some meal in a meal box and visit Emilia at the house we bought for her.

I wanted a personal time with my Dad so I let the group go without me.

He moved his glass cup to my side as I turned the Red berry G wine into it.

"Are you sure about this?" He started not sparing me a glance as he lift his glass and took a sip from it.

My hand paused from turning the wine into my cup at the sudden question before my lips curved into a smile saying "Si, Padre" ( Yes, Father)

He drank the full glass cup and shifted the bottle to his side pouring himself another Wine.

"Non voglio che tu ti faccia male" He spoke softly in italian still not meeting my gaze. ( I don't want you to get hurt again).

I drank the wine he poured for himself before facing him...moments and talks like this with my Father is rare...in fact... this is the first..even when he knew I was heartbroken in the past, he never asked about it nor showed that he cared so seeing him like this... Is a new to me.

"I won't Father..." I paused taking the bottle back from him and pouring him another glass since I drank his own...

"La amo Padre" I dropped the bottle as his hands stiffened on his glass cup probably from my revelation. (I love her Father)

"You think it's enough?" He asked indecorously clenching his glass tightly on the bar stand.

"She feels the same..."

"non è abbastanza Achilles!" He caught me off with a hiss beneath his voice even if it came out softly...you wouldn't miss the anger hidden in his voice. (Is not enough Achilles)


He stood up irately to the other side of his glass window.

"I know you love her but that's not enough reason for me to let her be in your life again..." He turned to me and before I could retort...he beat me back to it...

"I tried to look at her in another way but I guessed the image I already had portrayed of her will last a long time in my head..." He paused and I know he still has more to say so cutting in right now...will be a bad idea. I stared at him unbelievably...

He was indeed a true heir of the Alcantara... you will know the blood flowing through his vein is truly of the Clan as we are all known for not giving people a second chance to be in our life... Once beaten, twice shy has been the most famous logo of the family....sometimes i wonder if my blood is original as I've been broken at the best possible ways you can ever break a Man yet my heart always find a space to toss them aside and accept them back into my life.

"She broke you once, what's the assurance she wouldn't do it again?" He said bringing me out of my trance.

I sighed deeply...if there's anyone who should fight for us...I guess I'm the one and I'm ready to do that.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take Father" I replied confidently.


"Just like you did with Mother" I countered looking straight at him....

His voice got hung on the throat...He tried to say something but something was stopping him.

He never had it easy with mother but the love they had for each other fought against all odds and brought them back together after breaking each other's heart countless times.

My Nonno from my paternal side will never fail to ring out how devastated Dad was when he thought he lost my Mom.

"That's different Son." He finally found his voice back.

"It's not...you know it will be different this time... I watched your little inaudible conversations this morning and from her reaction...she was so happy you were warming up to her and also back there at the table...you dropped your ricotta for her...something you rarely do...admit it as much I did Father.... " I paused flipping the glass cup at my side...

"You know she's here to stay..." I said focusing my gaze on his dangerous golden eyes which appears calmer than earlier.

Two weeks later.

"Catching up with the demands is hard Mr. Alcantara...we cannot let her go...we need to give her a permanent position here at the office...A talent like her is rare and I'm sure a lot of company will be after her as we speak." Mr. Molotov, the departmental manager spoke discreetly pointing at the power point on the screen that shows the growth of our textile business at Sicily and Arizona.

The growth was massive just within these fee months. The sales was beyond impressive.

"Yes...let's convince her to stay with us" Ms. Clinton chipped in.

"Losing her will do us no good... Her designs are impeccable and there's this shoot coming up soon and as we all know... The HAY is the next host of the GALANT party..." Molotov trailed off with his eyes on me.

I cocked my brows in his direction to continue...

"Celebrities are going to be present and a fashion designer will be needed for their personal fit which is another way to bring her out to the global world"

I rested my head backward at his last statement. Bring her out? Well the choice is hers....as much as I love her to stay, I cannot hold her against her will.

"Okay...is that all?" I asked looking at them simultaneously.

"Just okay Mr. Alcantara?" Molotov cursed beneath his voice and you wouldn't miss the irritation within it.

"Am I supposed to say something else?" I demanded indecorously looking at them skeptically.

Everyone went silent all of a sudden.

"The choice is hers in case you've forgotten... She's my woman as you all know does not give me the license to hold her down here at the company against her will...if she want to stay with us...of course I'll be the most happy and if otherwise...we just have to support her decision okay!" I stated firmly leaving no room for objection.

"We're dismissed!" I said standing up as Ms. Rennes came to my side and packed all the document in my front walking briskly at my back.

Getting inside my office, I resigned my head backward as I settled on the love leather seat.

Ms. Rennes dropped all the files and I dismissed her with my hands but she stayed glued at the spot.

I turned my head to her direction urging her to speak.

"Sir...we planned a farewell dinner for Ms. Bennett today and I was wondering if you can spare a moment to be there..."She said picking her words gently afraid of making a mistake.

I almost laugh at her serene look... I nodded leaving her to smile and giggle out of my office....immediately the door was shut, I sighed deeply...

I'm the most hurt to think Ruby will be leaving me this week back to New York... I'm not sure I can bear with her not being close to me for a day not to talk of months.

I shut my eyes tightly...with no way out of this...I cannot force her to stay... But should I ask if she'll like to stay here at italy...that question feels like a lump on my throat.

Realizing how close her days here at Italy...I've taken her to the most beautiful places here at Rome.

From Ponte Sant'Angelo bridge to Trastevere...a romantic neighborhood with narrow arena and colorful facades of the street and where the secret corne is located.

She was marveled at everything she saw and I love the look on her face giving me the urge to show her all the beautiful things that existed in this world.

How to convince to stay with me is the problem just before I could get myself back together...my door burst open...

"What the...

The presence that grazed was not a surprise at someone who could attempt that without fear.

"Someone looked stressed out..." Trust Lucca for his entrance at someone else's building.

"Why do you find joy in harming my door Castillo?" I frowned at his direction but trust him to be unaffected at my glare.

"Why so grumpy? Huh-uh someone is sulking..." He jested throwing himself on the love seat.

I creaved my brows at him "sulking?"
He nodded like it's something obvious..." Red is leaving" he blurted out casually...

I didn't bother to ask how he knew about it looking at his reputation... Details like this are nothing to him.

"I'm not in the mood for this Castillo..." I sighed lightly moving towards my coffee machine.

"Mood for...I haven't done anything yet my friend" he gestured with his hand before moving to my coffee stand and taking the cup from me to make himself a black coffee... The only thing we had in common.

I chose to shut up as arguing with this bastard here is no joy to write about...he always have the upper hand.

He stared at me quietly before returning his gaze to his brewed coffee for the both us.

He pushed one cup to my side before taking a sip from his own then dropped it back on the table.

"You really don't know what you're doing wrong or what you are supposed to have done but yet to do? answer me swiftly, which one amico?" He asked with solemnity...

"Cut to the chase Castillo...it's not in you to beat around the bush" I said in frustration earning him a laugh.

I tried to sip from my coffee when he suddenly pop up a question that made me almost spill the coffee on the entire floor.

"Why are you yet to tie the knot with her?" He spoke nonchalantly ...

My body froze as I dropped the coffee calmly...lost for words as He was right.... I don't have any solidify reason on why I'm yet to ask her out....I mean it's been almost two months now and yet...


"Still gettiing to know each other after loving each other for 10 years if I'm not mistaken...so tell me amico...what else do you want to know?" He rested he head backward but with his eyes fixated on me.

I have no excuse to justify my action as he was right and I hate to admit that.

"It's not that easy..."

"What's not easy?" His brows creased before he suddenly let out a laugh making me to frown at him...

"It's not funny"...

"It is my friend...I mean a whole Stefano Alcantara is afraid of commitment...no let me rephrase it...is afraid of asking the woman he loves to spend her whole life with him yet you think you'll be okay to see her with other men at New York." He stood up from his seat and moved towards me.

"Do something right for once in your Life Stefano...don't let her go back alone to New York" He said before glancing at his watch...

"My client will be at your hotel already..." He paused hitting me lightly at the shoulder..." The next time I see you, I hope you act like your name..."

I honestly don't know what I'm afraid of? I mean am I truly capable of loving someone else and being able to keep them in my life.

All my life, I've been so used to losing my loved ones as I always felt I was the problem so I tried not to get too attached to people aside from my two bastards friends who initiated me forcefully into the friendship group...

My early days as a Sophomore was hell and these guys were there for me.

A knock interrupted... My heart jolted fast like a speedboat at the presence of the person at the entrance.

My eyes softened as she moved closer to where I sat... I stood up to receive the one person that mattered the most in my world. Ruby.

"Mi Vida" I said embracing her tightly and sniffing in her addicting scent that I cannot just seem to get enough...I'm not talking about her scent...but the inner scent that always manage to awake and throbb up my dark desire on things I want to do to her until she screams my name and lose her voice.

I want to drive her into her best world of ecstasy but I have to control myself right now.

She loosened the hug and stared at me with her beautiful oceanic eyes.

I did not hesitate to capture her lips in a searing kiss...I held her tightly as I realized she was losing her balance immediately I took her lips.

I caressed her body and devoured her mouth like the best meal I've ever tasted.

I love her so much and it's driving me real crazy that I honestly cannot imagine a whole day without her not to talk of months.

My hands grazed her left breast slightly making her to gasp against my mouth.

I used the opportunity to take her tongue and devour it mercilessly still with my hands encircling her left breast before doing the same to the right.

"Ach..." She tried to say but a moan escaped her mouth instead.

My mouth traveled to her neck down to her nape as I lifted her in a swift motion on the table, spreading her laps for me.

Her breath was heavy and tedious and so was mine.

I undo her first three button to get access to her cleavage before I left a hickey in the middle of her breast.

She grasped..."Achilles..." Her eyes was widened... I smiled

"No exposing of cleavage tonight if not the whole world will know you're mine and mine alone. It's a Mark Ruby..." I breathed in her mouth as she captured my lips and wrapped her hands around my neck...giving me the best sensational kiss I can ever think off... My bulge will soon explode at what this woman is doing to me.

My hands continued with her button until I found the last piece and I ripped it off her shoulder showing me the crimson red sexy lace bra she wore.

My eyes was filled with a desire of no escape and in a second I undo the bra and captured her right breast in my mouth while fidgeting with other one.

"Ohmy...God...Ach..." Her voice trailed off as she held me tightly... I kept sucking not even afraid if anyone could open the door at the moment as it was getting late at the evening but no one will dare except Ivan and I'm sure he's smart enough to know when not to interrupt.

My other hand traveled down in between her laps as she gasped immediately my finger brushed her core....she was wet for me just as I wanted...

I fingered her sensually at first before adding another finger as I know it will drive her crazy...

I watched her moan trying her best not to make an obvious sound for people passing outside the office.

I enjoyed her wary and ecstasy look.


She groaned as I noticed she was coming close to release then I replaced my fingers with my mouth....

I savored her sweet core deviously with no mercy... She bit her tongue to stop herself from screaming my name but it is me we're talking about.

"Achilles...." Her legs shook... Her body quivered and her voice whimpered as my tongue ate her feminine dry.... She wrapped her legs tighter that gave me a go ahead to devour her intensely before her whole squirt filled my entire face and I wiped her whole vagina clean with my mouth before I carried her up and sat on the couch setting her feminine in between my already pulsing bulge and in a swift motion... I entered her...


Drying her hair with the blow drier after repeated round of sex on the couch and inside the shower.

We turned our Clothes into the tumble dryer already as I stared at the beauty right in my front...right now, she was just on my extra shirt that's always here at the office and that shirt made her look sexy as fuck.

I can never get enough of her.

"What am I going to wear to the dinner farewell party tonight when you ripped off my shirt." She cocooned on the couch where we both sat facing each other... I caressed her natural glowing face in my hands and questioned myself...what did I do to deserve such a beautiful woman...

"What are you thinking about?" She asked with her eyes on me as I tried to dry the last side of her hair.

"You" I stated truthfully and I didn't miss how her body reacted to what I said...I smiled... She was really made for me like I was made for her.

A knock interrupted us...

"Come in" I said not looking at the door as I know it can only be one person... Bianca tries to hide behind me probably from her dressed state or wet hair. I smiled at her cuteness.

"Your Suit is here and the dress..." He trailed off...clearing his throat... I smiled, I know he will still tease me for this...

"Drop it there..." I stated ad Bianca was still holding and hugging me tightly from behind with her breast pressed against my back. If only she knows she was awaking my man with the act.


"I know...I know...we'll be out soon" I assured him...I know he wanted to remind me about the dinner.

Immediately he shut the door, Bianca heaved a sigh before sneaking out gently from my back...I missed her touch already and with no hesitation... I pulled her back and crashed my lips with her giving her a deep long kiss before forcing myself to let her dress up.

I picked the wine dress which looked beautiful and I remembered I specified...no cleavage revealing dress. She's mine alone.

I helped her out of my shirt...even if my hand was aching to touch and remove her lacy bra again and do wonders to her breast but I have to control myself.

I helped her fit into the beautiful red dress showing off her tanned skin just above her knee which I didn't exactly like but it was better than showing off her cleavage and a golden silhouette to go with it.

Immediately she was done...she tried to pack her hair up but I unbunned it back left it to cascade down here waist.

I tried to wear my suit but she insisted in doing the same with me...helping me to put it on including my Suit Pant.

I didn't miss the intentional grazing of her hand around my Prick leaving me to take a heavy breath. She's such a tease.

Getting to the venue which happened to be at the rooftop of the building... It was decorated beautifully with the encryption...

" Bianca Bennett, We Love You." I read with a smile forming on my lips as we all sat on the 96 table sitter.

All these people came just for Ruby? Wow....

We were ushered to our sit and I happened to be placed at the head seat with Bianca at my side...Molotov at the other side... Ms. Rennes, Ms. Clinton, Mr. Dmitri, Mr. Ferrington, Ms. Gabry, Raphael, Celesta, Maurio, and the others all sitting side to side as the dishes were being served.

At first we ate in silence before a question was popped up about me from Molotov.

"How did you meet Ms. Bennett years ago if I may ask?" He said sipping the champagne in his front...fortunately I was done with my meal as I used the napkin to wipe my mouth.

"Yes we want to know how you were so lucky to capture her heart?" Ms. Clinton chipped in.

I smiled turning to meet My Ruby's eyes before directing it back at Molotov.

"It's not what you think...trust me the encounter was far from being good" I said as a smile formed on my lips... I traveled down the memory lane on my first encounter with her at the Adriatic Sea where I first met her.

I explained briefly leaving the part of her trying to drown in the sea as everyone laughed.

"Wow...who could have thought?" Raphael said meeting my eyes.

The table went silent again before Ms.Rennes started...

"So it's a farewell party...and we love you so much...personally right from the first day you entered into this company....I always had a good feeling about you..." She paused sniffing in ...wait...she's crying?

"I'll miss you so much" she finally said as Bianca stood up to her side and gave her a girly hug...

I scoffed silently at their funny attitude.

Everyone did the same one after the other...I was okay with her hugging the females but not the males...

I clenched my hands together under the table trying to control myself before someone chipped in again...

"Let's play a truth game and anyone who refuses to answer must drink..." Ms. Clinton said.... I smiled , I never knew she was such an interesting person...she always looked serious at the boardroom.

""I'm in" they all chorused waiting for my response.

I clicked my wine glass too at them to signify a go.

Ms. Rennes flipped the bottle and it landed on Ms.Clinton...the originator of the game. Everyone clapped.

"It seems I'm starting this game..." She commented sheepishly before getting ready for a question to be thrown at her.

"What's the best angle you've had sex?" I almost spilled my drink at the ridiculous question thrown at Ms.Clinton who to me looked righteous...everyone was curious with her answer as her face softened with a smile and said..." The sitting room centered table" I gasped...that was weird....center table?

Everyone laughed and they all cheered...so she's into this after all.

The bottle was flipped again and this time around it landed on the flipper. Ms. Rennes.

"Do you have feelings for anyone sitting on this table right now?"

Raphael asked...what a question to ask my secretary and I'm starting to suspect Raphael himself. My eyes traveled to Ms.Rennes as she exchanged look with Bianca....what's going on? Before she took the alcohol in her front and gulped it down in a second. Is there something I'm supposed to know?

"Oh wow...she chose to drink instead" Molotov commented leaving everyone to keep quiet...meaning she indeed have feelings for someone here but refused to reveal and that got me curious a bit.

Ms. Rennes flipped the bottle again and it landed on me this time...

"What's the craziest thing you've done for love" Ms. Gabry was the one that asked this time... I smiled reminiscing on the crazy thing I did years ago at the university.

"Getting an apartment close to the girl I love just to see her face everyday at her university" I said facing Bianca...she was astounded...I never told her this before.

"Wow...for real...I mean it's Bianca you're talking about right?" Ms.Clinton asked... I nodded.

"But I thought you guys were not together then?" Molotov asked indecorously.

"Yeah we were not like you said...the crazy thing I did for love" I answered to Ms. Gabry...

"Wowww" everyone chorused as Bianca's face gives this 'you will explain to me better' I smiled...I know she won't let me go for this...

The bottle flip continued till it landed on my Ruby and I'll be asking the question.

Everyone's attention were fully focused on me waiting for my question.

My lips curved up in a smile before turning to meet her eyes.

I stood up from where I sat and lowered down to her level before looking up at her....

"Will You Marry Me Bianca Bennett?"

Hi Lovelies, thanks for your patience with me....I made this chapter really long to make up with my lovers....

What's your thought on this chapter? Was it what you expected? Or it's far from it...

My exams are stressing me out but I'll try to update again as soon as possible... A chapter or two more to go...😍😍😍

Please don't forget to follow, vote, comment and share with your friends....means a lot....

Love you, Ria🍒

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