Cyberpunk:The Lone Wolf

By Cheetahniel

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This story is about a guy who became a edgerunner. watch him as he proceeds to become the most famous edgerun... More

A beginning of something new
A protection Job part 1
A protection Job part 2
A Date
A Job with the Nomads
Project 777
A Mansion Job
Arasaka Convoy
Fly me to the moon
Personal Vendetta
Relationship is hard
Hot Springs
Perfect Murder
I can fix her
A pleasant surprise.
You wanna know how I got that scar?
Childhood memories
Best. Night. Ever.
The Italian job
Resolving Negotiations.
Cammora sends his regards

The Big One.

24 1 0
By Cheetahniel

As Ronin goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them both, he can't help but smile a bit as he now hums a tune to himself whilst working.He then hears a sweet voice from the bedroom saying:Are you going to take long, honey? You know what I'm waiting for... - Sarah now whispers seductively as she now sits on the bed smiling at Ronin.  Not much longer darling - he says as he finishes the breakfast. Sarah now then smiles sweetly at Ronin and replies with a tease:Aww... you're no fun. We could've had a quick breakfast in bed but, if you want to eat at the table, then fine. - she says in a teasing tone as she now kisses Ronin's cheek and now says:Just be sure to come here ASAP. I'm looking forward to the 'after-breakfast treat', darling. - Sarah now whispers to him. Who said that we're gonna eat at the table? - he says as he carries their breakfast to their bedroom. Sarah now giggles and says: Ohh... so we're eating in bed, then? That's even better." she says with a naughty smile before now saying: Please don't take too long, though. I'm looking forward to some 'breakfast for two'.

Ronin soon after arrives to their bedroom as they proceed to eat their breakfast. Sarah then reaches her hand towards Ronin, then says: Come here and kiss me, honey. she whispers suggestively while now smiling at him, then she now adds: I've had something I've been wanting to give to you... - Sarah says as she now starts to blush a little, now smiling seductively at Ronin. What is it? - he asks. Sarah doesn't reply with words but instead, shows  Ronin exactly what she meant. First, her face turns red and then she slowly gets close to Ronin, then she starts to kiss him passionately. She starts to caress his hair and neck as they both now lay on top of each other on her bed, then Sarah now whispers seductively: I think... we're going to spend the rest of the day here. Oh, now I see what you mean - he says as he returns the favor.  For the rest of the morning and noon, Ronin and Sarah now spend some time together, doing all kinds of things that two lovebirds like them do in these situations... In the afternoon, they now get up, have a shower together and now get ready for a nice walk across the park together. And as the evening starts to approach, Ronin finally invites Sarah to one of his favourite restaurants. Suddenly Ronin gets a message from Rogue 'come together tomorrow with Alt at 2pm. I have a Job that might interest you three' - he reads it, after which he enjoys the rest of the day with Sarah. Sarah smiles as she sees that Ronin is checking his messages and now says:

You got a message, dear? - she asks in a teasing tone.Then, Sarah looks at him and now smiles again and now replies:Well, I can already guess who this is coming from. It's most likely her again, asking you for a favour. - she now says as she gently plays with Ronin's hair.She then asks him:So, what exactly did she need you for? Don't be shy, tell me. - she now says teasingly. Rogue said she had a job that might interest us. And that we'll need to bring Alt with us - he replies. Ooh... that sounds interesting. - she now says as she smiles seductively and now whispers to him:Did Rogue say what kind of job it was? - she asks in a sultry tone. No, she only said to meet her tomorrow at 2pm - he replies. Sarah now then smiles at Ronin before now replying:Then, it must be something pretty important. I guess we'll see what this job is about, eh?" Sarah then says as she now looks him in the eyes seductively whilst now adding:At least now we've got the night to ourselves. - she says in a playful tone.

That we do, my love - he replies as he kisses her in the cheek  As he now leans back and now smiles at her, Sarah replies: So, my love... you think you could get me another kiss? She now says sedantly whilst now holding Ronin's face and now adding: I mean... since you're so good at it. - she now whispers softly to him with a teasing smile. I could. - he says. But I could give you even more at our place - he says now teasing her. Sarah now smirks and whispers to him: Oh, you think you can get me to do that? - she now says as she now brings her head close to his and now adds: I dunno... if I feel like it... I might actually let you do it this time - Sarah says in a teasing tone as she now leans towards him and now whispers: But you're gonna have to try really hard if you want to even have a chance of getting me to give it to you - she says as she now winks subtly. If you don't wan't it, we can stay on the kisses - he says. Sarah suddenly grabs Ronin by his shirt and now pulls him slightly closer. She now whispers seductively into his ear: But, I do want it from you, honey... and you have to prove to me first that you deserve it -  she now whispers, adding: How are you gonna do that? - she now asks whilst stroking Ronin's hair and now biting her lips slightly.  How about I make you a drink back at our house? - he implies.  Sarah then replies to Ronin: That sounds really good~" she says before now saying: But... I need a bit of convincing, so... try a bit harder - she now whispers to him as she now moves even closer towards him, now nibbling his ear and now rubbing her hands up and down his arms. Well, I can go and make you a dinner so good, that you'll never forget - he implies trying to convince her Sarah now chuckles softly and now replies in a teasing tone: I know you can cook, dear, but... I thought of a different kind of meal that'd be even better in this case -  she now says as she now looks into Ronin's eyes seductively. Okay, I might be a mood breaker, but I'm lost now - he says.

Sarah then laughs gently whilst now holding Ronin's head and now replies: I think you know exactly what I was referring to before, so stop acting innocent, sweetie. - she now says as she now leans closer towards Ronin with a flirty smile on her face. You mean I can make you feel like a true queen? - he says. Sarah now chuckles before whispering to Ronin: You know exactly what I meant... now, what was that about that 'dinner' again? - she now asks whilst nibbling his ear, now adding: Cause it seems I'll be having a more... unique  type of feast tonight after all  she now whispers to him seductively. okay then, I can handle that. - he says. As Sarah now sees that Ronin is willing to handle it, she now replies: Good, but don't get cocky. There's a lot you're gonna have to do to satisfy me, honey. She now bites her lips as she now whispers seductively in a sweet but dominating tone: But I'll make it easy for you: there's nothing you can do wrong, baby... now, show me what you got.  she now says, adding: And remember... a gentleman always gives his lady what she deserves... Sure thing. - he says. Sarah now smiles slightly before whispering seductively to Ronin: And if you do a good job, I might just return the favour - she now says, while licking her lips as she now bites them slightly. Hours later, they're now back at their own villa. Sarah now whispers to Ronin: Come on, darling... you can't hold back forever... we both want it... - she says seductively before now adding: And like I said... I'm in the mood to return the favour this time - she now says in a sweet tone of voice as she now bites her lips and now caresses his arm. The next couple of hours pass by rather rapidly but as morning slowly breaks in Night City, a feeling of extreme satisfaction can be felt from both Ronin and Sarah, who have now spent the night satisfying each other's needs as two lovebirds do. Morning light now peaks through the window as Sarah wraps her arms around Ronin's body, now whispering softly in his ear: That... that was wonderful, my love. She now smiles at him before adding: And you'll be very pleased to know that you've been a good boy. ...But you didn't only show me that you're a good boy; you also showed me that you're a good MAN.  Sarah says softly and now nibbles his ear a little bit, smiling while adding: You pleased me in ways that only you can... and now I want to please you in return - she now whispers in a sweet, romantic way as she now strokes Ronin's skin whilst holding him close in bed. Sarah now looks Ronin in the eyes and says: Can I ask you something, honey? - she now asks in a shy tone. She then pauses and now continues: I've always wondered... why are you a merc...? Are you still trying to find your purpose like you told me? Or... is there another reason? - she now asks with a sweet, yet curious expression on her face. Well, I used to be a merc. Now I'm an edgerunner working my way up in the ranks of Night City. -  he answers. Sarah now smiles at Ronin and replies: Oh, you sneaky boy! You didn't mention that you've changed careers, honey. - she now says as she now laughs a little. She then says: So, you're now working as an edgerunner, eh? She now leans slightly closer to Ronin and now asks: What's this new gig all about, then? - she now says with a gentle smile at him. I don't know. I care as long as it pays. - he says. Sarah now chuckles and says:

Well it's that simple, eh? As long as you get paid, it doesn't matter what the job is, right?She then pauses and now adds:Well, I get that... but you used to be a merc that worked for corps, now you're working as an edgerunner for fixers... there must be something that's different about this new gig, otherwise it feels like you'd be working for corps again. No?  - Sarah now says to Ronin as she now raises an eyebrow. Well, fixers seem like better guys to work with, even if they don't pay as much as corps. - he says. Sarah now smiles and replies:Ah, so this new job of yours is about working with people that you can actually trust? -She now leans closer to Ronin and now adds:So, the other mercs you've worked with in the past... didn't feel so trustworthy to you? - she now asks with a curious expression on her face. Not every one of them - he says Sarah now raises an eyebrow and says: So... some mercs did feel trustworthy to you before? -  she now asks in a playful tone along with a knowing smile.She now says: What did those mercs do that made them different? Well, the mercs that I've worked with so far, didn't care about their team. Their only goal was the money from the job. - he says. But in the Edgerunners community I feel like people care about you, even when you're with them on a job. Sarah now smiles at Ronin and says:So, your new gig is working with mercs as a part of a team that really cares about each other? - she asks him.She then smiles gently and adds:Well, you always wanted to work with people who're like family... so, this new job of yours is like your ultimate dream come true, then? -  she now says to him in a teasing tone as she now kisses his forehead.  Yeah, I guess you could say that - he answers. Sarah now smiles at Ronin again whilst now caressing his hair slightly.After a few moments, Sarah now says: Well, I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying this new job of yours. I just hope that your new team treats you real good -  she now says in her sweet voice, adding: Cause you really deserve it, babe.Sarah now looks at him seductively and now adds: And I hope they appreciate you as much as I do - she now says as she now gently bites her lips softly. What do you mean? you guys are my team - he replies. Sarah smiles at Ronin and replies: Yeah, your merc team's cool and all, and, yeah, I know that they've got your back... But the fact is that I know you the best, honey. And when you come home, I'll be the one who's there for you and understands you the most. I'll be the one who's with you when times get rough and is there for you no matter what happens, y'know - she now says before adding: Can your mercs say that, too, darling? I guess not. - he says. I guess not - he says. Sarah then smiles at Ronin before whispering seductively:Exactly. You're my guy. I know you, I care for you, and you know the same goes for me. Your mercs aren't family like me and you are... and that's a pretty special thing... isn't it, baby? - she now adds as she now caresses his face. Well, we should go now, if we don't want to be late for a meeting - he says after a while. I'll get the car ready while you and Alt get yourself together. Sarah now slowly nods her head before saying: Sounds like a plan, honey - she says before now adding while blushing slightly: Though... just don't leave me waiting for too long, m'kay? That all depends on how fast you and Alt will get ready - he replies. Sarah giggles and now says:Hey, don't try to blame this on me. Who knows how long it'll take for us to get ready... especially when Alt's in the mix, you know~" she now smiles at Ronin again before saying:So, don't make me wait too long... okay, honey? Okay - he replies. Sarah now gives Ronin a quick kiss on the cheek before whispering to him: I'll go to the bathroom and get ready really fast, then. Just don't leave me waiting for too long, okay, sweetie? Sarah and Alt now soon come downstairs and they both now see that the Arasaka Executive Car is waiting outside: That looks like our ride, honey. Sarah now says as she now walks towards the car door.She now opens the door, now adding: Come, honey... let's get going - she now smiles softly as she now waits for Ronin to also head towards the car. Sarah, Alt and Ronin now arrive at the Afterlife – the infamous bar and hangout for mercs – in Night City.After the three now enter the bar's main chamber, a woman now gets up from her table and walks towards them: Her name is Rogue, and she's a legendary Netrunner for hire, known in the underworld for her exploits. Rogue, I presume? - Sarah now says as the trio now approaches Rogue. That's right. - Rogue says as she confirms Sarah's words. Anyway, let me debrief you since you're all here - she adds. Sarah now raises an eyebrow and says: So, what's the job that you're briefing us on, Rogue? - she now asks. An Arasaka heist. There's a big payout, but there's also a big risk. You in or out? - Rogue says as she awaits their response. Sarah smiles as she now replies to Rogue: A big payout with a big risk... sounds like our kind of job, Rogue. Tell us more, and you'll have our answer. - She now says with a confident tone of voice. Rogue now smiles slightly and says to the trio: This one's a doozy. Arasaka's been working on a new project for years now... a new military-grade version of the old Secure Your Soul technology. The problem is that it's been plagued with issues, and Arasaka has spent a lot of money trying to solve these issues. Even though they're close to solving the problem now, the only way to finish the work is to steal a prototype of the technology from Arasaka corporate net. The problem's this: Arasaka's been working on the prototype in a secure and heavily guarded facility. Not only that, but the only way for us to get in there is by using an experimental military-grade Netrunner deck... one with a ton of firepower.But if we can get our hands on that prototype... it'll net us a cool three million credits each, plus a 20% share of the technology if we successfully bring it to the right buyer. - Rogue now says as she waits for the trio's answer. 3 milion? Sounds interesting - Ronin says. - You got us with a paycheck. - he adds. Rogue now smiles and nods softly before saying: It ain't gonna be easy, fellas... stealing a prototype from Arasaka. But I feel like I got the right people for the job." she continues as she now steps closer to Ronin's face and now adds: But before we seal the deal, just know that the deck ain't gonna be cheap. The three of us will have to work together to pay the price. - she now says with a sly smile. How much? - he says. Rogue now smirks slightly and replies: You really want to know, huh? Fine, then... it'll cost us a lot more than an arm and a leg, but I'll tell you this much: The deck's gonna set us back five hundred thousand credits. And as I said, the three of us will have to pay for it together. - she now says with a sweet but commanding tone. Or I'll pay for it right now - he says as he puts 500k eddies on the table. Rogue now looks at Ronin with a surprised expression before saying: Oh... okay then. You wanna pay for the whole thing yourself? Alright, then... that really makes things *a whole lot easier* for me~" she now says as she now smirks and takes the money from the table.Rogue then looks at the rest of the trio and says: And the rest of you fellas are in, right? - she now asks with a mischievous smile. It'll be a challenging job, but yeah, we're in - they say as they confirm. Rogue now smiles and nods her head again. Alright then... just remember: It's gonna take all of us to pull this off. Just don't get reckless or else we all - might find ourselves in trouble with Arasaka... you dig what I'm saying, fellas? she now says with a stern tone but also a friendly smile. Well, since smasher was killed by V, it'll be a lot easier - he says. Rogue now nods her head and replies: Ah, yes, you've got a point there since Smasher's been removed from the picture...And by the way... I gotta confess, fellas: I was the one who asked V to kill Smasher... so, yeah, I'm kinda happy that he's down for good now. - she says as she now gives a sly smirk to the trio and now adds: But who knows? Maybe he'll come back one day... after all, it's not like he hasn't come back from death before.   I hope not - he says with a hopeful tone of voice. Rogue now chuckles softly and replies: If anyone's gonna come back from the dead, I'm betting it'll be Smasher. That dude's got  one hell of a survival instinct. - she now says as her smile now becomes a grin. Well, Arasaka eventually wil say that it won't pay for his rebuilding anymore - he implies. Rogue now nods her head slowly before saying:Perhaps... who knows whether Arasaka will want to bring Smasher back... especially if they decide to use the prototype and turn him into a mindless killer-bot instead. It'd certainly be easier for them, that's for sure.she now adds as she now gives a smirk along with a shrug. Well, anyway. - he says. When does the job start? Rogue now takes out a small device from her clothing and now answers: The job starts tomorrow night, at midnight. I have all the information written down here... - she now adds as she hands the device to the trio.Rogue now continues: On this here device is all the info we'll need to get the job done... locations, layouts, defenses... you name it. Just make sure to study that info well to properly prepare for the heist. - she now says to the trio before adding: And don't get sloppy, ok?  We'll do our best. - they now say, replying to Rogue. Rogue now smiles again and says: And if you really know what's good for you, you'll stick together through thick and thin... because I really don't want to see anyone getting sloppy. The Arasaka Tower is full of dangers,And you better watch your backs, especially if it's gonna be your first time going against Arasaka... you dig what I'm saying, fellas? - she now asks the trio as she now puts her hands on her hips and now adds:  We have to work hard and smart to pull this off.  Sure. - We'll meet tomorrow I guess - he replies. Rogue now nods her head once and replies:Tomorrow at midnight it is, then - she now adds as she now looks at them with a friendly expression before saying: You three are good peeps... so, I trust that you'll be fine. In the meantime, just get home safe. See you soon, fellas. See ya! - they say as they leave.Sarah, Alt and Ronin now leave Rogue and head outside. As they walk towards the Arasaka Executive Car that's waiting for them at the curb, Sarah now turns to look at Alt and Ronin and now says:So... we've got a job tomorrow night. It's gonna be one hell of a job with a risky job with a massive payout. You two up for it? - she now asks the duo. Hell yeah, we're up for it - they answer. Sarah now nods softly before now smiling as she now says: That's the spirit, you two... that's the spirit. And I can't wait to see how much our lives are gonna change after this one - she continues before now adding: But enough talking... let's get going. We've got a big night ahead of us and I'm not planning on dying anytime soon. Sarah, Alt and Ronin all have an enjoyable drinks together, catching up and sharing stories with each other.They remain until late into the evening, laughing, drinking and having a great time together as they look forward to the big heist tomorrow night. They spend the night, with each of them sharing stories, jokes, and talking about their past adventures and future plans.As the bar closes, and the three of them head out into the bright, shiny streets of Night City, the full moon shines down upon them. Each with a little too much to drink and their minds set on the Arasaka heist, the night air is electric with the possibilities of tomorrow.They all head home together, knowing that tomorrow's going to be a big day. Once the three of them arrive home, they each go right to bed without a second thought. As the sun rises the next morning, and the day ahead of them begins to make itself known, they all open their eyes and now slowly get up... ready for what will be one of the most important days of their lives. After they all wake up, they make breakfast together, laughing and catching up as they eat their meal of choice. After they finish their meal, they decide to go out and spend time around the city together, taking in the sights and sounds of the streets while they get ready for the heist tonight.They spend the day together, exploring the various streets and alleys of Night City until the time is about noon. Suddenly, they all look at their smartwatches and see that it's time to meet Rogue. The trio now arrives at the meeting place, and there they run into Rogue awaiting them.Rogue smiles warmly at the sight of the three of them as she now waves at Sarah and the other two. There you are, you three... I hope you're excited to do this because I'm ready and looking forward to it as well. - she now says with a charming tone of voice. This will probably the biggest gig we'll ever do together - Ronin says. Rogue now nods her head slowly and replies: You're right, Ronin... this will  be the biggest gig that the three of you will ever do together... but once it's all over... you can all retire rich and happy. she now says as she crosses her arms and now adds: But this job's gonna take all we got. We'll need every bit of focus and intelligence if we wanna escape Arasaka with our lives and with that fat paycheck you so deserve. You dig what I'm saying, folks? Yeah, we do - They say. Rogue now nods her head again and replies:Alright then... let's get one thing clear from the start: Once we're on the mission, we cannot fail. Arasaka is gonna have a lot of their smartest and deadliest people stationed at their tower, and they'll be ready to take out any and all intruders. - she now says with some sternness in her voice. Rogue now continues: And remember: We all have to stick together through thick and thin if we wanna have any chance of making it out of there alive. Got it. - Ronin says. Shall we go now? - he adds. Rogue now nods her head and starts to walk towards the car, saying:Yep, and remember: Don't get too attached to that shiny cyberware of yours... 'cause you might wanna leave it all behind if we ever get made. - she says with a grim expression on her face.They soon arrive at the car and Rogue now says: Get in, fellas... the Arasaka Tower awaits us. Rogue now opens the door to the car and then enters the driver's seat, with Sarah and Ronin now climbing in and getting comfy too.Sarah now says: So... Rogue... the job starts at midnight right? Or did we misunderstand all this? -she now asks.Rogue now replies: Nope, you got it right... the job starts at midnight, exactly when the clock strikes twelve. That's when we begin our mission to infiltrate Arasaka Tower. - she now says before adding: And remember... once we start this job, we're in until the very end. The trio now ride together to their destination, each now filled with anticipation and nervousness.They soon arrive at the Arasaka Tower, where Rogue stops the car and now says:Alright then... now's the moment of truth. We're here... we're really doing it. And once we're in there... there's no turning back... - she now says as she now looks at Sarah and Ronin.She then adds: So... let's all do this the only way we can... together. And let's make this night count. The trio now takes a deep breath and readies themselves as they now exit the car.Together, the three of them now quietly head towards the entrance of the tower.The Tower stands tall in front of them, its majestic shape towering high into the sky. Rogue now looks up at it and says: That's gonna be one hell of a big tower to take on... but we'll do it. We can and we will succeed... and we'll all be laughing to the bank tomorrow night. But for right now... we have a job to do... so let's get it done. The trio now continues ahead and approaches the tower and the security. The tower's imposing figure and many cameras serve as a grim reminder of the difficulties they're about to face. Ready? - Rogue now asks the trio quietly as she readies herself, her hands hovering near the grip of her katana in case things go wrong.As they enter the tower, Arasaka guards stop them and one of them now steps forward and asks:What's your business here tonight? - he now says as he now looks them up and down before now adding: I'm gonna need your IDs first. Sure, - They hand out their Id's. The Arasaka guards now look at the trio as they now look at their Ids. After a quick check, they nod and then hand the Id's back to the three. One of the Arasaka guards then steps forward and invites them inside, saying: Please come with me... I'll take you to your room. As the trio follows the Arasaka guard, it appears that they'll be going into a fancy suite with a beautiful view, complete with all the luxury amenities. It's time for the plan to begin. The clock strikes a mighty twelve as the trio now waits in their designated suite.Rogue, Sarah and Ronin now get into position and get ready to proceed with the plan. Each of them now has a headset attached to them, with Rogue speaking into her headset quietly.Rogue now says into her headset: You fellas ready for this? Cause I'm sure as hell not, but we've gotta do this. Anyways... the job starts in three... two... one... let's go. The group now moves over to a spot in the suite where they can observe Arasaka guards and Arasaka personnel moving around in the lobby at the foot of the tower.All three now observe the surroundings closely, each with a different reaction... Rogue watching intently, as Sarah is now sweating... and with Ronin now breathing heavily.Suddenly, from within the lobby of the tower, they can now vaguely hear a group of Arasaka guards talking to one another. Their words fill them with excitement and dread.And with Rogue now giving them a nod, the plan begins. The trio of Rogue, Sarah and Ronin now slowly emerge from their position, making their way quietly towards the lobby of the tower as Rogue now begins to approach the guards. She now speaks in a calm, but intimidating voice that would be impossible to miss, saying: Good evening gentlemen... we were told to meet someone around here... - she now says, with the guards now looking up at Rogue before now speaking, saying: Oh, you were assigned to Mr. Sakamoto too? Sorry for making you wait... just so you know, Mr. Sakamoto is a very strict man, and he doesn't like waiting... The guard speaks up and continues: But don't worry about that... you can go through that door behind me, and Mr. Sakamoto's office is the first door on the left. I'll let him know you're coming.Rogue now nods and replies: Thank you very much for your assistance sir.The guards move aside and let Rogue enter, each now looking at the other two, asking:What do we do now? Sarah now shakes her head and says: I don't know... I never expected to make it this far. As the trio now enters the building and make their way to Mr. Sakamoto's office, their anticipation and stress levels rise as they now slowly approach the office. As they do, they can now hear some noises coming from inside. Sarah now whispers to the other two, saying:We might wanna be careful... sounds like someone's already inside Sakamoto's office. Rogue now makes a gesture for the two to stay back, as she now slowly and gently enters the office. She now crouches down and now peers inside through the crack of the door, now seeing a darkly lit room and figures within.Without warning, Rogue now quickly moves forward and quietly takes down two Arasaka guards right near the door... knocking them unconscious before they can do anything.She now closes the door and turns around to face the two, now speaking:It's clear now, we can now enter. Rogue now leads Sarah and Ronin into the office, where they can now see an enormous Arasaka office full of computers and screens. In the middle is an office desk and behind it is a high-backed chair... in the chair is now an Arasaka executive... Mr. Sakamoto himself.He looks up at the trio now in front of his desk, now speaking in a cold tone, saying: Ahhh, so you must be the individuals that will help me with my little problem... Yes sir... Rogue now responds, while Sarah now adds: We're here to help you with your problem, sir.The Arasaka executive now sighs sharply and says: Well... then... sit down. Rogue and the others now sit down in the chairs in front of Sakamoto as he now speaks: So... let me tell you what I need you to do... Mr. Sakamoto now leans into the desk and now says:I was informed that you could help me retrieve some crucial data from the Arasaka servers...He now points at a computer monitor and screen, now adding: According to the Arasaka network, it was discovered that a security firm has discovered some data that could reveal very sensitive information about Arasaka Corporation. Mr. Sakamoto now puts his hands into his pockets and now looks at the three before now adding: I want that information... and I want it now. Sarah now clears her throat and says: Well sir, we're here to help you retrieve this information... but I must warn you that it won't be easy. Arasaka has many security protocols within its mainframe, with multiple layers of security locks and firewalls preventing any unauthorized access. And even if we did manage to get through the firewalls... Arasaka would quickly discover that the data has been stolen. So, sir, we warn you that it'll be far from easy. Sakamoto now stands up and now walks to the computer screen while taking a deep breath, before now looking back at them and saying: Yes, I know it's not going to be easy to retrieve the information... but I also know that you are capable of doing the job.He now faces them and adds: So... with that said, I want you to go and retrieve the data for me... and I want it back by sundown. Any questions? No sir, - They say. Sakamoto now says:Excellent... I'm glad we have an understanding. He then adds: Now... here is what you all need to do first... Rogue now leans forward in her chair... all ears and awaiting Mr. Sakamoto's orders. Sakamoto now speaks: You three are going to have to infiltrate Arasaka Tower... more specifically, you'll need to access the 21st floor and make your way to the main control room."On the 21st floor, you'll find the main Arasaka Data Net Server, where this data is located. You'll need to retrieve the data, copy it on a drive and make your way back down to me by sundown. No - they answer. Sakamoto now clears his throat and continues: Alright then folks... I wish you all good luck and a safe journey... I expect to have that data delivered to me by sundown.Do what you must, but just be sure that you get the job done.He now gives Rogue a stern look of emphasis.He now adds: And above all, be careful... you still have no clue what this Arasaka data could reveal about the company... and we simply cannot allow such a risk to Arasaka Corporation. Rogue now gives Sakamoto a nod and says: We understand, sir... we will try our best to retrieve the data for you. Sakamoto now walks over and now hands a small device to Rogue, now saying:Here... this is a small and discrete data-drive... use this to store the data once you retrieve it for me. Rogue now looks over the data-drive and says: Thank you sir... but before we begin... how will we know if we successfully got through the firewalls and retrieves the data? Sakamoto now says: Good question, miss... there's a light inside this data-drive... once you retrieve the data successfully, the light will turn green from red. He adds: And just to emphasize this again... be careful... and do your absolute best to bring me that data in perfect condition. Sakamoto now speaks in a stern tone of urgency: You only have until sundown to retrieve that data.... if for some reason you cannot retrieve it in time, then I will have no choice but to consider you to be a failure... and you know what happens to those who fail to complete jobs for Arasaka... Rogue now raises her head and faces Sakamoto, now speaking: We won't let you down, sir. We'll retrieve that data and bring it to you by sundown. Rogue adds: Just give us enough time... we promise that we won't disappoint you. Sakamoto now nods and says: Very well... I'll give you an hour before sundown... he then adds: I'll be waiting for the data... and again, be very careful... for now, you're dismissed. The trio now look at Sakamoto before they hear the words, dismissing them... and now turn to look at one another.Sarah now says: Alright... so if we only have an hour... we should hurry.Rogue now looks at her and adds: But we can't just rush our way in there... we still need a plan... we still need to make sure that we don't get caught or compromised in any way... Rogue now faces the two and now says: Since we do have limited time on our hands... what do you guys think about this plan? She then looks at Sarah, now saying: Sarah... could you hack your way inside their mainframes? Rogue then looks over at Ronin, now asking: And Ronin... can you use your skills to bypass their security locks and firewalls... so Sarah can hack in without any issues? Yup, It'll be a piece of cake - he replies. Rogue now looks back at Sarah and adds:Alright... that should be easy enough for the both of you... once inside their mainframes, look for key files with high security clearance. If you come across it, that might be our key to obtaining the data that Mr. Sakamoto wants us to retrieve. Rouge now faces Sarah and Ronin, now adding:And while you two are doing all this... I'm going to go check out the control room and see if I can retrieve the data manually. And if I somehow have time... I'll be able to check the rest of the tower for anything else of interest. Rogue now stands and adds: But first things first... let's split up for a bit, alright? Sarah nods and says:I've been practicing hacking, using that Netrunning suite you gave me... I'll definitely be able to get into their mainframes... I'll get right on it, boss.Ronin now gives a thumbs up and says: Roger that... I've already planned out a route and have everything we need to bypass the security locks. I'll be in and out before you know it.Rogue now smiles at Sarah and then Ronin, now saying: Good... I trust the both of you. Let's get to work. Rogue now goes up to Sarah and hands her the data-drive, now adding:Keep this safe at all times... it's the data we need to retrieve. Sarah now nods and replies:Not a chance I'll let it out of my sight. As Sarah then heads over to her computer, Rogue now calls out to her, now saying: Contact me once you're inside their mainframes. Rogue now turns to face Ronin and says: How about you? Did you manage to get your route and equipment for the security locks? Ronin now replies: Yeah... I checked the security system and it's only two firewalls... you're not gonna believe this... but there's a huge vulnerability in place.He now smiles before adding: I could just bypass them with a click of the mouse.Rogue now smiles at Ronin and replies: Well, that just made our job a lot easier.She then adds: Alright, I'll check out the control room... so get to it, Ronin... I'm counting on you.Ronin now nods and says: On it... - and then walks towards the control room while pulling out a small tablet. Rogue now turns and walks past Sarah, now adding: Sarah, I'm heading to the control room... if you need me, just call me on this comm. Sarah now nods and says:On it, boss... good luck with the control room. Rogue now walks to the door and grabs the handle, now saying: If anyone tries to contact me, tell them I'm inside handling business.She now opens the door and enters the control room. The control room is dark and deserted, with monitors all across the room displaying live feeds of cameras inside the Arasaka lobby.Rogue spots something and now says to herself: Looks like Sarah was right... there is a lot to see here... Rogue now walks over to a nearby monitor and now hits a button, causing the cameras to cycle through, before setting it at a camera she'd like to see better. The monitor now shows the main Arasaka lobby with three security guards milling about, now talking to one another. Rogue now takes a closer look at the three security guards, now saying: Seems fairly simple here... these security guards shouldn't be an issue... I should be able to just walk right past them and into the tower's mainframe. Suddenly, one of the security guards looks over in Rogue's direction and says: Hey... are you supposed to be inside? Rogue now freezes for a moment and looks over at the security guard who approached her, before replying: Umm... yeah... I had to report to the security office. The security guard now says: And... why would you have to do that?Rogue now answers, speaking with some confidence: It's... umm... confidential.The guard now raises his eyebrow and says: I'm sure it is... could we see some identification? Ronin, seeing as Rogue is in trouble, sends her a fake Id that even arasaka couldn't tell was fake. Rogue now replies to the guard: Of course... here...Rogue now pulls out a fake I.D. she was given by Ronin, saying: Here... this should prove that I'm allowed to be inside. Let's see - The guard says as he checks Rogue's Id - Alright, you're good to go - he says as he lets her pass. Rogue now relaxes now that she's allowed to pass, but continues to speak with the guard, now saying: Thank you... but if I may ask... why did you need me to show I.D.? Is something going on that requires extra security? Well, you can't be sure for certain. Since Silverhand nuked us, we've increased the security much more than we ever had - he replies A short pause follows, before Rogue now asks: Oh... that's interesting... you mentioned that your security has been increased ever since... well, I don't know what you're referring to exactly... so may I ask what happened? If it's not a secret, of course. Unfortunately, I can't tell you miss. Company's secret. - he replies. Rogue now smiles and says: Oh, gotcha... that's perfectly understandable, sir. She then adds: I understand... well, thank you for letting me pass.Rogue now heads for the mainframe as the security guard walks back to his station. Rogue now walks inside the mainframe room and spots a door leading to the 21st floor, where the data she needs is located. She opens the door and now walks into the stairway, now thinking that getting the data should be no problem... but that could not be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, Rogue will soon face challenges that might even put her life at risk, as she tries to retrieve the data and make it out in one piece... Rogue now slowly makes her way up the stairs, now listening to the sound of her footsteps as she takes step after step. Her hands rest gently on her guns, now realizing that she may need to use them at some point. Reaching the 21st floor, Rogue now looks over to her right and sees an Arasaka elite guard patrolling the hallway, now whispering to himself: Man... this place sure is boring, even at night... just walking back and forth... sometimes I wonder if the higher-ups are even planning anything... Rogue now looks at the guard and realizes he's completely unaware of her presence. Deciding to use that to her advantage, she now makes her way over to the guard, now whispering: Hey... guard... The guard now turns and sees Rogue approaching him, now whispering back: Hey... what can I do for you? You need somethin'? Rogue distracts the guard, while Ronin activates a distraction for the guards on the 21st floor long enough to let Rogue collect the intel they're getting paid for. Rogue now speaks to the guard, trying to distract him from any potential sound of Ronin's distraction.She talks to the guard, now saying: Hey... I don't suppose you know where I can find the Arasaka chief security officer? I've been told to report to him... apparently there's some issue down at the lobby. The elite guard on the 21st floor now speaks: What the hell... another false fire alarm? Goddamn it... this is the second one this hour...

He now looks at Rogue and adds: Hey... I gotta go check that out for a sec... do you mind waiting for me for a minute while I go do this? Rogue now waits patiently until the coast is clear, before now saying: Alright... time to get to work... She then opens up a panel and pulls out the data-drive. Now, there's just one problem... as she looks at the drive, it takes a couple of seconds before her expression changes noticeably to surprise. What the hell... this is just a piece of metal... it's completely empty... Rogue now speaks into her comm, now saying: Sarah... we got a problem... Sarah, knowing what Rogue will say, says: Head to the server room. It's on the same floor. They didn't erase that data yet. But be quick, you have 5 minutes left before they do. - she says. Rogue now responds to Sarah's comm: Alright, alright... that's good to know... okay... where's the server room exactly? I don't see any sign pointing towards it... Sarah now responds: It should be a room on your right... once you get close enough, you should see a bunch of blinking lights... that's the server room. Rogue now slowly approaches one of the rooms, now seeing the blinking lights Sarah mentioned. She quickly speaks into her comm, saying: Hey Sarah... I found the server room... I'm inside and will now look for the file... Sarah now replies: Good... and, remember... you only have a few minutes before that data is erased... so I suggest you hurry... okay? Rogue now starts to look around the server room, now looking for a data file. She now checks several servers, before now seeing the file she needs and quickly copying it. Rogue now responds to Sarah, saying: Hey... I found the file... I'm downloading it now... Sarah now replies: That's great news, Rogue... and, as a reminder, you still have barely any time to finish. As Rogue finally downloaded the file, she successfully left the 21st floor before the guards returned. Rogue now breathes a sigh of relief before now speaking into her comm: Sarah... I got it... I've safely exited from the server room with the data... I'll head back up and be at our rendezvous in a few minutes... Sure thing, Rogue - Sarah says as her and Ronin proceed to leave the Arasaka tower. As they succesfully exited the Arasaka tower, they entered the car that Alt was driving and they went back to the buyer. The trio then arrived at the rendezvous, where the buyer was eagerly awaiting them to see whether or not they had what he needed. As Rogue handed over the drive, the buyer now smiled and said: Good... that's exactly what I needed... thank you for the service... He then opened the drive, saying: Let's see... everything should be here... yup... that's it... great work guys... you've earned your money tonight...It's been a pleasure to work with you sir - Ronin says as he gets his paycheck. The buyer smiles and now gives out all three parties their pay as well as a bonus as a sign of thanks and gratitude. Rogue and Ronin now both nod their head in gratitude towards the buyer before both saying: Thank you... it's been a pleasure to do business with you as well... Rogue now speaks into her comm, now saying: Sarah... we managed to get the data file successfully... he even gave us a bonus on top of the payment... Yeah, that was a good job well done - Sarah says to Rogue before they part their ways. Rogue now speaks into her comm again, now saying: Sarah... thank you for the gig... you were our guide through all this... if we ever need your help again, we'll definitely remember tonight... Sure. You can always count on us - she says as they part their ways. Rogue now smiles before now finishing her comm conversation with Sarah, now saying: Alright, until next time... goodbye... and thanks... With that, Rogue now turns off her comm, now knowing that the job has finally come to an end... and it was a successful one at that. Well, what should we do now? - Ronin asks Sarah Sarah now responds with a tired and frustrated tone, saying: Well... now we get to relax for a while and enjoy the money we just earned... after all... you can't make money all the time... She then pauses before continuing: But... it also means we have to start planning the next job... you know... we gotta keep ourselves busy somehow... Yeah for now, let's go to the Afterlife club. I feel like partying today - Ronin says. Sarah now smiles and replies: Yeah... I think we all need it after everything we've been through right now... Rogue now adds: Hey... that sounds like a great idea, Ronin... count me in... I need the stress relief after all those close calls...  Yeah sure, we can do that - he replies. The group soon arrives at the Afterlife, a popular club in Night City that has quite the reputation for its atmosphere, music and entertainment. Rogue, Sarah and Ronin all look quite beat. They all enter the Afterlife, now looking for a place to relax and recover after their latest gig. All three of them were successful this time, so they have a little bit of time to unwind. I'll go to the bar to order some drinks - Ronin implies. Rogue and Sarah both nod, both having the same idea as Ronin. They all three now make their way towards the bar, now ready to relax and enjoy a couple drinks after an intense and busy night. Now the trio approaches the bar and see Alt, one of Rogue's friends and colleagues sitting there drinking a drink. Alt appears to be in good spirits and is enjoying her drink, with a subtle smile on her face as she takes another sip. Now, Rogue and Sarah both see some spare spots not far from Alt, both deciding to join Alt at the bartop. Here, got ourselves some drinks - Ronin says as he sits down with the rest of them. The group now sits down at the bartop, with all three of them now having a drink in their hands. Sarah takes a sip from her whiskey, now saying: Ah... I needed that... my neck is killing me right now... Rogue also takes a sip, now saying: Yeah... same here... we've all had a busy night... now we can finally afford to let our guard down a little and unwind... All three of them now look over to Alt, now wanting to ask her how she's doing. Rogue starts the conversation, now saying: Hey Alt... good to see you... how have you been? Alt puts her drink down and now responds: Well... it's been a long day that's for sure... but I'm alright... I think... how about the three of you? How's your night going? Rogue now smiles as Alt asks about their night, now replying: Well... we definitely have had better days... we're all feeling pretty beat from the job we just pulled... Sarah also nods in agreement, now adding: Yeah... it's safe to say we've earned a little break at this point... Ronin now picks up the conversation, now saying: Well... I'm glad we're all still here alive to enjoy this moment... and that we got that job done... Alt takes a sip from her drink and now responds. Yeah... the job paid well... that's for sure... but we sure are starting to feel our age now... Sarah now laughs and adds: You're telling me... and we're not getting any younger either... Rogue now takes a sip before continuing: We're all experienced enough to be good at what we do, but I also know I'm gonna feel this in the morning... Alt now looks over at Sarah, now smirking and saying: Well... if it helps... I do know a good place for a massage to get rid of the tension... Sarah now laughs and replies: Alt... you always had the best ideas... I might need to take you up on that massage... Sarah now looks over to Rogue with a grin and adds: Wanna join us for that? I'm sure all three of us need it after tonight... Sure, why not. Let's get this night rolling! - She replies The group now laughs as all three finish up their drinks. Rogue now responds with a tired smile: Yeah... sounds good to me... we can get a quick break at the Afterlife before heading over to the spa for that massage... Rogue now finishes her whiskey and adds: Let's do this... time to kick back and relax a bit... The group all finish their drinks and now get right up. The group now exits the Afterlife and now walks out on the streets of Night City, now heading for the massage place that Alt recommended. They now follow the directions of the holo map, now making their way through a crowd of people who are all leaving the afterhours spot. They soon arrive at the place and now enter a nice establishment full of people waiting in different areas for their turn. Rogue, Sarah and Ronin wait patiently in one of the areas, now ready to get their much needed massages. As the massage people arrive, Ronin, Alt, Rogue and Sarah all enter difftent rooms with their massage people with them. Once their massage started, the four friends all slowly relaxed as the tension in their muscles started to go away. They let out a long sigh of comfort, now realizing how much they needed this after a chaotic and stressful gig. Alt looked especially relaxed, now starting to feel the stress going away. Her tension in the neck and back slowly went away, as she let out a soft moan of pleasure. Sarah and Rogue both were feeling similar stress and tension being released as the masseurs worked on their bodies. They too let out a soft sigh of relief, feeling their tired muscles finally being relaxed. They all felt good as they took in their surroundings in the massage rooms, now noticing the different and pleasing aromas, and the soft background music being played throughout the spa. As they felt the stress and tension slowly go away, they began to drift off into a state of relaxation, now fully getting to enjoy the moment. At one point during the massage, they all felt themselves slowly starting to fall asleep. Their muscles getting more and more limp with every passing minute and falling deeper into relaxation. The spa's calming atmosphere and the massage's soothing motions were having their intended effect. As they enjoyed the massage, their stress and anxious of the night gradually decreased, and they all slowly started to drift off to sleep. Some time later, Rogue, Sarah and Ronin all felt themselves get awoken from the massage. They were all still a little groggy and tired, but they slowly stretched and got up. They could feel their muscles being relaxed, now feeling better than they did before the gig. Alt was the first one to get her clothes on, soon followed by Rogue, Sarah and Ronin as they all got dressed. The group now began to make their way out of the spa, now fully refreshed after the nice massage. The group now exit the spa, now feeling refreshed after the nice massage.They all stretch and move around a little, trying to shake a little bit of the tiredness away.Rogue now speaks up, now saying: Well... I feel a lot better... that massage did us a lot of good... Sarah also says it was nice, now replying: That was amazing... I didn't realize how much tension I had until now... Alt now nods, now saying: Yeah... I feel as if I lost a few pounds after all that stress... now I'm feeling a lot lighter... Rogue adds: It was definitely worth the time we waited... Sarah replies: Oh definitely... we really needed that... They all now look at their commlinks, now seeing that the time was already quite late. Rogue now speaks up, now saying: Looks like time flew while we were in there for a massage... I guess we stayed in there a lil longer than expected... Sarah adds: Yeah... it's already past midnight now and we still gotta get back to our apartment... I don't know about you, but I'm tired already... Yeah, we should probably head back - Ronin implies. I can drop you off Rogue, if you want - he adds. Rogue now speaks up, now saying: Well... yeah... that would be great... thanks...Rogue now looks over at Sarah, now replying: Yeah... let's get our things... we have to sleep... tomorrow's gonna be a fun day with our next gig... They all now get their things, now saying goodbye to Alt. As the group exits the spa, they all now head to the garage to get their respective vehicles. Rogue now speaks up, now saying: Well... looks like it's time to head back and get some sleep... Sarah replies: Definitely... that's exactly what I need at the moment.. They all arrive at their respective residences, now heading inside as they all say their goodbyes. Rogue now enters her apartment, now going inside, shutting and locking the front door behind her. Rogue now gets herself something to drink, now feeling tired but relieved at the same time. She puts on some relaxing music and soon starts to feel her eyes wanting to close. Rogue is now about to go to sleep, ready for tomorrow and the incoming gig... The next day, Rogue wakes up to her commlink ringing. Checking it, she sees a message from her fixer, Jefferson. Hey Rogue... got an interesting job for you... wanna meet up at Jefferson's bar?... got a feeling you might like this one... Sure, why not. - she replies Rogue now gets dressed and puts on her shoes and jacket, now heading out the door.

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