My au ideas and stories And N...

By KennedyCarroll6

248 2 12

These are the au ideas i had which i will keep forever you can draw them but don't take my au ideas thought More

Talking about the dead au
The gemstone au
The doll au
Doors au
the mystery solvers au
Red light au
Trapped in minecraft au
Missing au
Remade au
The cursed store

The mystery solvers

22 1 0
By KennedyCarroll6

( If i can i will make this story into a real game but i can't yet only watch the first part of the video chapter 1)

Mimi: Come On we got to tell the others!!!
Blu: I'm coming!!!
They ran to there house
Mimi bust in
Amor and bob: AAAAAA WTF!!!
Blu: Sorry that we scared you guys
Amor: It's okay
Mimi: Look i got us all in the king castle something i forgot the rest
Amor: COOL!!!!
Bosip: Sounds fun we should go
Bofo: Yeah
Boweav: I can't go i told my friend that we will help him with his singing contest so he can win for the first time
Bob: Hmmmmm
Bobal: Maybe we can help your friend first because I heard that at her school they have the biggest drama class in the biggest art class but most importantly gymnastics
They ran outside
Bob: ALRIGHT!!!!!

Sever: Click play to start the game!
Sever: thank you for playing your game right now they're driving to their destination
Amor: Maxie!!!!
Max: What?
Amor: Can i get a snack?
Max: Here
He gives amor two drinks and two jolly Rancher gummies
Amor: Thanks here bib
She gives bob one vents
Bob: Thanks
Max: Amir here take the bag to
Amor: Okay
She grabs the bag from max
Amor: Omg my drink!!!
She grabs her drink

Amor: Hahaha!!!!
Bob: What?
Amor: Bosip's face how he's dronking the h-
Bosip: WHY IS IT SPICY!!!!
Bob: GET P-
They were just laughing
Bob: I'm sorry you just made me laugh to much and i spilled my drink!
Amor: ON MY BRA!!!!
Bib: WEAR A SHIRT!!!!!
Andy: Here just take this and pls shut up
Amor: Thanks
Andy gives amor his shirt
Amir puts on his shirt
Amor: Are we there yet-
Bosip: Here!
They all put there snacks down and got out of the car
Bobal: Me and bobot will go this way
Everyone: Okay
They all spilt up
Sever: you are now playing as Bobal
Bobal: Let's look around for clues
They started to look around
Bobot: Hmm i see noting
Bobal: Let's keep going
They kept on walking father
Bobal: Up here maybe
They went up some stairs
Bobot: That's a far jump....
Bobal: We can do it
Sever: Press space to times to jump or press x
Bobal jumps over so did bobot
Bobal: See!
Bobot: Yeah come on let's keep going
Bobal: Alright
They kept on walking
Bobal: Hey look it's one of those bnb gang things
Bobot: Get it!
Bobal climbs uo to get it
Bobal: Go it!!!
Sever: you are now spectating
???? Walks in
Bobal and Bobot: AAAAAA!!!
????: Woah i did not mean to scare you guys- wait you guys must be the bob gang well the mystery solvers
Bobot: You and you must be boweav's friend
????: Yep my name is maddie
Bobal: Aren't you a boy-
Bobal: Right sorry
Maddie: It's okay but since you guys are here can you help us with our Phantom problem?
Bobal: A WHAT-
Bobot: Sure
Maddie: Thanks you can find are school exit over there
He points to the left
Bobal: Uh thanks
Maddie: Your welcome good luck!!!
He left
Sever: you are now playing as bobal
Bobal: Bobal come in i repeat bobak coming in we have to keep a look out for a Phantom
Bosip: Copy that over
Bobot: Alright let's gi
Thet walked to the exit area
Bobot: oh I can get up there with my super jump and you can get there from the vents
Sever: Press R2 to switch to bobot or stay as Bobal or press B
Sever: You are now playing as bobot press x 3 times to make bobot jump high
Bobot: Made it come on!!
Bobal crawls through the vents
Bibak: Alright hey look a lever
Bobot: Make sure we pull it at the same time dummy
Bobal: HEY!!!
Sever: Press R1 to pull the lever
They pulled the lever
Sever: you are now spectating
Bobot: Oh god i can't go through the vent
Bobal: I can!
Bobot: Alright go
Bobal: See ya
He crawls through the vent
Bobot: He left me :(
You are now playing as Boweav!
Boweav: Hmm so we have to watch out for a Phantom
Bofi: Yeo
Bosip: Hey i can puss that crate
You switch to bosip
Bosip: Niw let me just puss it...
He grabs onto it and pushes it out of the way
Bosip: There
They went inside the small building
Bosip: I can pull this thing to!
He pulls it around so the fence would open
Bosip: There now come on!
They all walked away from the room and to the baseball area
Bofo: Hmmm oh i can try to get into those machines
Sever: You are now playing as bofo
Bofo walks over to the first machine
Bofo: Alright.....
Sever: He presses the up down left right right buttons which turn on one of the lights
Bofo: Now the last one
He walks over ti the other one
Sever: He pusses left down up right down and then the other lights turn on
Bofo: There-
Boweav: Look clue prints!!!
Bosip: Grab them!
You moved bofo to grab all the pieces
Bofo: There-
Sevwr: You are now spectating
Boweav: Uhhh oh coach harp
Harp: You kids should be at home sleeping
Bofo: we're here to find out who is ruining the School Musical
Harp: Well good luck and try checking miss flace she acts weird I heard whenever the Phantom is around she is gone....
Everyone was shocked while coach harp jog away
Sever: right as he jogged away the gates closed down nowhere but nobody was around when they all looked around they seemed like these weird dress up skeleton things walking right towards them looking like they want to pick up a fight
Bofo: What the?!
Boweav: Looks like they want to foght?!
Sever: You are now boweav
Bosip: I think we should-
He was punched by a skeleton
Boweav: Uh oh
They started to fight the skeletons
Boweav used his super speed to run around them fast while punching them while bofo used his super stretch to a punch them away or throw them away or like slam them hard to the ground while bosip used his shark powers to eat the enemy's or to scare them away
Bosip: Last one
He punches the last one
Boweav: Look at that gate open
Bosip: Come on let's go!
They walked towards the gate
Bofo: Who is that on the roof?
Bosip: I don't know but come on let's go
They kept on walking
To be continue in chapter 2 "The Witches"

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