Strike It Right (Louis Tomlin...

By CarolmSimon

86.2K 1.5K 127

Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't, Tried hard to fight your feelings but you just couldn't... More

Strike It Right
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
*Finale* Chapter 33
The Sequel : My Lucky Strike
The Soundtrack

Chapter 11

2.5K 46 0
By CarolmSimon

We all are in the changing room. An hour has left till the match and I have to give orders to them. I hope that this time they will listen to me more than the last time. And in the trainings it seems that the situation it’s a lot better… but my communication with them is still the same if not worse. I know that they just want to show me to the world as a total fool. I sigh and take my notes. I raise my look up to them although I don’t really want that and meet Louis look. I swallow everything in  my throat and quickly turn my look away.

“Well, what can I say…” I say and sigh “…today is a must win match and you have to give all your energy to gain a victory I say a bit nervously “so if today we reach a victory than we can be a bit calmer that we will go further than a group stage.” I say and look at them but then quickly turn my look away again. I am not so strong to repulse their looks. I raise my look up to them “Everybody knows that you’re a stronger than them. Just you need to show that. Now you can prepare for the match.” I say and turn around to go out of the room.

“Coach, wait!” I hear someone shouting. Probably it’s me because that coach word sounded a bit strange. But I know that it’s hard them to admit that after all I’m their coach.
I turn around a bit confused and find Charles standing and looking at me a bit carefully and scared, maybe…
“I just want to apologize on behalf of the team on what happened in your room.” He says shyly and I just frown “We wanted only to talk.”
“Well, it really didn’t look like that.” I say a bit nervously when I remember how they saw me only with a towel “Anyway… thank you.” I say and this time really going out of the changing room.

>>>>Louis< <<<

“She’s strange.” Says Gerard and we all probably understand why because of Zayn who told everybody about the kiss…He’s like an old lady who can’t live without gossiping.

“She’s afraid to look at us.” Says Will
I remember the kiss which really stuck into my memory because it was not like all kisses with Jessica. It was something different and I can’t get it out of my stupid head. And what was I thinking…
“Anyway… now we have to concentrate on the match. Because like Navishaa said we have to win!” Gerard motivates us all and we all agree.
Please, give me the strength to concentrate on the game…

>>>>Navishaa< <<<

I put my stuff on the chair and look at smiling Xavier nervously. I can’t understand how he can be always smiling? I’m glad that I didn’t eat anything few hours ago because probably now I would be in the toilet. I’m so nervous…
“Sit.” Says Xavier softly and shows at the seat but I just shake my head and bite my finger.
“I can’t.” I say and shake my head “I’m too nervous to sit calmly.”
He just chuckles and I just look at the teams standing on the field.
I just take a deep breathe and prepare…

Gerard runs with the ball in the middle and nobody is running to him to take away the ball. He uses this opportunity and shots a strong shot. The ball is flying right to the goal and…?! I prepare to jump from happiness and…the ball hits the bar. Shouts of disappointment sounds in the stadium. Damn…it was such a great opportunity…
“Good job!” I shout and clap.

Zayn tricks another opponent. Penalty?! But wait… Zayn still manages to kick the ball and it flies right to the GOAL!!! GOAL!!!
“Yes!” I shout and jump from happiness. I turn to Xavier and hug him strongly. Oh my God… I have never felt such a feeling in my coaching career.
“Thank you.” I whisper soundless and close my eyes happily.
I can see that they are fired up and I’m so happy. For the first time while I’m with them they made me really really happy.

>>>>Louis< <<<

“I will miss you.” I remember soft Jessica’s voice and those four words. When I think that she’s there in England waiting for me for the whole month till I come back my heart starts aching. I’m a scum… Nothing more than a scum who doesn’t appreciate what he has. My relationship with Jessica is more than amazing. She understands me, she is by my side whenever I need, she could do anything for me. And I kissed another woman… A woman who about a week ago I hated with all my strength, a woman who thinks is better than me… But that kiss… Gosh, why I can’t forget it?!

“Louis!!!” I hear my name and snap out of my thinking. Charles is calling me “Will you pass me the ball or I will have to stand here for the whole day?!” he shouts and I look at him a bit unbalanced and then pass him the ball.
The second half has already started and I really have to admit that we play very good. Just we need to end our attacks a bit better. But until we’re not loosing I can’t complain.
“Louis! Coach said to go warm up.” Says Navishaa's assistant and I just looked at him  confused.
“Let’s go, Louis.” Says he said again and drags me from my seat and we go to warm up. I will go and play? That’s unexpected.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I clapped and jumped happily.
“Yes!” I shout with a wide smile on my face. I turn to Xavier and make few small jumps in my place and he congratulates me
I look happily at the bench and meet almost angry and very strange Vince's look. No, it’s not a look… it’s a glare. I frown a bit confused and turn my look to the game.
 Referee blows the whistle and that's the end of the match and I happily clap with big smile playing on my face. I turn to Xavier and he wraps his arm around my shoulder.
“Are you ready for your glory?” he asks playfully and I just sigh.
“I don’t even dare to dream that this winning will be named as a result of my good coaching.” I say a bit sadly but this is the reality “Probably all of them will think that England decided to grab the trophy without a coach.” I say and poorly smile.
“Don’t say like that. People are not so stupid.” Says Xavier and I just laugh.
“Of course they aren’t.” I say a bit sarcastically

>>>>Louis< <<<

I’m sitting in the bus while Navishaa is in a conference in the hall. I sigh and turn my look trough the window.
“Is Vince in the conference too?” I hear Zayn asking but I don’t even think to open my mouth and answer. After all he’s talking not with me.
“Hey, Lou!” this time he says to me cheerfully “Why your face is so long? Aren’t you happy that you got a chance to play?” he asks but I just glare at him. These days are not the happiest days in my life I can say.
“What’s wrong?” he asks this time seriously and it’s really hard to see him like that.
“I’m just thinking about Jessica.” I say sadly and look at my fingers “I really feel guilty.”
“Listen, stop thinking about that kiss if it didn’t mean anything to you. You still love Jessica and that kiss was a mistake so just forget it.” He says and I just smile ironically.
Easy to say… easy to say…
Finally Navishaa came back and in a minute Vince runs to the bus also.
“Where have you been?” asks Gerard and I look at Vince and see that he’s a bit strange. He doesn’t respond and just keeps looking out through the window.
Everybody sits into their places and in a minute we were off from there.
“Listen…” suddenly Navishaa says and stands up in front of everybody. Her voice sounds like a melody to my ear and I frowned.

Jessica, Jessica, Jessica… I need to think only about her.....

“I want to thank you for today’s win. I know that you don’t care about me but thank you that you saved me from another load of unpleasant articles in the newspapers.” She says and softly so beautifully smiles… Stop Lou! Jessica's smile is beautiful not hers! “Also due to the fact that it’s the first victory in here I think we can celebrate it and tomorrow a bathhouse is already booked for us.” She says and the whole team claps and shouts happily. I just sigh and turn back to the window again.
I turn on the other side and can’t sleep. My eyes are not even thinking about coming down and to let me sleep. I just sigh and sink my face into the pillow and want to shout but I remember that everyone is sleeping. I can’t sleep… I don’t want to sleep… I need to do something. I just sigh and silently crawl out of the bed and move into slippers. I with no sound go out of the room and slowly walk in the corridor… Where to go and what to do now…? I stopped and looked at the door… I recognize this door… Behind it is Her room… I wish to hate her like I did before… but I can’t. I nervously sigh and know that after what I am going to do I will regret this. I slowly go to the door and silently open it. It’s strange that some people feel very safe in the hotels… I silently close the door and enter her dark room. I lean against the wall and look at her calmly sleeping in the bed. It’s good for her that she doesn’t feel what I do…

“No reasons? I thought so too. So don’t you dare…” she keeps yelling but I just quickly come to her. Took her face in between my hands and crash my lips into hers. I softly kiss her with fireworks shooting in my stomach and strangely beating heart inside my chest. I slowly withdraw my face from her and calmly looked at her.

I just bite my lip and frown nervously. I look at her again. She kicks the blanket off her body and remains only with her nightdress which that special evening when everything started was in Charles's hands. He’s right… She really looks amazing in it. I slowly come to her bed and took the blanket in my hands and gently put it on her body. I looked at her face and smile. Sleeping like a real baby. No pride or toughness like she is when she’s awake and is around us. I sigh and barely touch her face with my finger tips.
She’s so beautiful…
I quickly shake my head and rush out of the room to the corridor. I came back to my room and nervously laid back and this time I screamed soundless into the pillow.

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