Divorce is so Difficult (Chi...

By kim_ray092

105K 2.3K 75

Divorce is so Difficult [Entertainment Circle] Author: Jiuxin Wan Description Once Shao Qin... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109

Chapter 66

683 13 0
By kim_ray092

Chapter 66

  As soon as this topic came up, Seventh Brother already knew about it. He didn't rush to contact and delete the topic, but waited and waited. Sure enough, the popularity of the topic skyrocketed in an instant, and it quickly reached the leaderboard.

  Today's network management is stricter, and it is not possible to easily control public opinion by maintaining an account as before, but this does not mean that the trolls will lose their jobs. It's just that the proportion of low-level trolls has decreased, and trolls that create public opinion guidance and then manipulate tap water have occupied the mainstream of the market.

  But the increase in this topic is obviously unreasonable, and almost all of the posts in it do not have pictures, and they just open their mouths and see Shao Qin in the amusement park, looking very haggard.

  Check the maximum number of passengers in the amusement park and compare the number of posts in the topic. It is not difficult to find that almost all the tourists in the amusement park have seen Shao Qin and feel that Shao Qin is decadent and lost.

  It is still possible that the tourists in the amusement park can see Shao Qin, maybe Shao Qin is unstoppable charm, everyone wants to see her beauty. But after seeing Shao Qin, these people all came to the gossip APP to post, and they all brought the same topic, which is very weird.

  The popularity of the topic continued to rise, and finally made it to the top 20 on the topic list. Of course, the person who made the topic was still very careful to control the number of IDs. No shocking bug was created where the people who saw Shao Qin were bigger than the number of passengers in the amusement park.

  The topic rose to the top two on the hot search list. It was exactly 8 pm, and there were more and more active users on the Internet. Gradually, real passers-by began to post on the topic.

          --I just came back from the amusement park and saw this topic. Kiss wasn't very haggard, but didn't wear makeup. I asked him why he didn't wear makeup, and he said that the organizer didn't prepare a makeup artist for him, so he was very wronged. Kiss is super beautiful without makeup, with red lips and white teeth, and the real person looks very good. [picture]

  --Qiqin's real complexion is super good, and it's easy to see the explosion without makeup. It's unimaginable that a man with a child is so tender. Well, Kiss is only in her early twenties, tender as she should be. (The photo does not look as beautiful as the real person) [Picture]

  --I saw Shao Qin from a distance, he looked haggard, and he also had a forced smile when taking photos with fans. I thought he was doing well after the divorce, but I didn't expect it to be so miserable. So is the child really not his?

  --Young Mistress is not wearing makeup, not haggard. It is said that he did not bring a make-up artist with him, and his IQ is low. The real person is not bad, but unfortunately he is not as handsome as me, so I don't agree with the photos. [picture]

  --To tell the truth, Fengshen's ex-husband's looks are really good. Especially with a good complexion, if someone says haggard, it must be because they are not close enough. [picture]

  --This really needs to be explained. Kiss doesn't wear makeup. It can be seen from a close distance, pure makeup. The real person looks super beautiful and super young, but it will feel a bit unsightly when photographed. I adjusted the light, and this is the real appearance I saw on the scene. [Picture] By the way, I asked him why he didn't wear makeup, and he said he couldn't. It was so cute it left my heart empty. I really want to make up for my kiss, every day.

  Brother Qi didn't expect that Shao Qin's popularity with passers-by was really good. Although many people still called Young Mistress, they did not deliberately slander Shao Qin, but helped Shao Qin dispel rumors based on facts.

  After 10 o'clock in the evening, the topic has risen to the top of the hot search list. Feng Jingyi's call finally came.

  "I thought you could work hard on your own without my urging." Feng Jingyi's voice was faint, and no emotion could be heard.

  "I'm really working hard." Seventh Brother said seriously.

  "Work hard? Didn't you see the topic about Shao Qin's haggard look after divorce? And let it climb to the top of the topic list." Feng Jingyi's tone was rarely unhappy.

  "I made it go up on purpose. You also said that someone wanted to blackmail you and Shao Qin, but you couldn't figure it out, and you couldn't confirm who it was." Seventh Brother said.

  Feng Jingyi pondered for a while. Indeed, ever since the baby's incident was exposed, he and Shao Qin had never stopped talking about negative things. Although they were all small flames, they were quickly extinguished, but it was endless and an eyesore.

  He suspected that Qi Rui was behind it. With his contacts in the entertainment industry, he couldn't find out which studio was behind the manipulation. The last possibility is that Qi Rui's internal public relations department is manipulating these things.

  "Since we can't find out, it must not be someone in the circle. Qi Rui and Ruike are the most suspicious, besides," Feng Jingyi paused before continuing, "If the company's public relations department is used, then this matter It can't be just a personal grievance, it's probably for real interests. It's aimed at me, at Chengda."

  "If it was in the past, knocking you down would mean knocking down half of Chengda's board of directors, but now you are slowly reducing your investment. Does this make sense for you?" Seventh Brother was helpless, "I have also asked about Qi Rui, and it is said that he is not Stupid."

  Feng Jingyi chuckled softly: "No matter what he is doing for it, I am a national-level male god, so I can't let him step on the black. Do you think so, my manager."

  "It must be. But to say that he stepped on you is giving him too much face. He is just a clown, annoying. I promise to deal with it thoroughly this time, so that there will be no future troubles." Seventh brother said, hey, bad Laughing, "He sent the handle to me himself, so why don't I use it?"

  "What's the reason?" Feng Jingyi asked curiously.

  "You'll know later, don't worry." Seventh Brother said, and hung up the phone directly.

  Feng Jingyi smiled and put away his phone, he was completely at ease with Seventh Brother.

  Shao Qin has already returned, and is coaxing the baby to eat solid food after taking a bath. The baby lacked interest in food supplements, played with the robot in his hand, and paid little attention to Shao Qin.

  This was the first time Shao Qin was deflated in front of the baby. You know, even if he spends less time with the baby than Feng Jingyi, the baby obviously likes him more.

  "I said it was because he didn't eat it, but you said it was because I couldn't coax you." Feng Jingyi walked over, whispering with grievance.

  Shao Qin glanced at Feng Jingyi and put down the small bowl, "Didn't the technician say that he would start eating complementary food in four months? Why doesn't the baby even look at it?"

  "It's fine if he doesn't want to eat, and he's not in a hurry. Every baby's situation is different, and they may become interested in it after a while." Feng Jingyi said, walking over.

  The robot in the baby's hand can be disassembled, and all parts are connected with magnetic things. This can be regarded as a toy for developing intelligence, which can let the baby know a little about various parts of the human body in advance.

  I saw the baby remove the legs of the robot, glue them on the head, glue the head on the shoulders, and then glue the arms on the stomach, and held it up to Shao Qin, "Boom, boom."

  "Ah, this person exploded." Shao Qin smiled and coaxed the baby.

  The baby nodded and ran his fingers across his cheeks as if about to cry.

  "It's so pitiful, isn't it? The baby is crying." Shao Qin understood what the baby meant.

  The baby then put the robot's limbs back to their original positions, and showed Shao Qin, "Dad, Dad."

  "It's great. You cured him, you can be a doctor in the future." Shao Qin said, kissing the baby.

  The baby was grinning, probably didn't understand what Shao Qin was saying.

  "Where did you get this toy?" Feng Jingyi frowned slightly, "It's kind of awkward to ask him to take people apart."

  "My aunt and the others gave me a big bag, and I don't know who bought it." Shao Qin also felt that what Feng Jingyi said made sense. It is inevitable that it will be a little weird to let the baby play with a robot that looks like a human.

  Shao Qin took the robot toy away and handed the baby a doll. The baby tugged at the doll's arm, obviously didn't like it very much, stopped playing, and began to snort.

            Shao Qin put the baby back on the crib and put the baby to sleep.

  The baby was so obedient that he didn't need to be coaxed at all. He looked at Shao Qin with a smile, and fell asleep blinking his eyes after a while.

  After the baby fell asleep, Shao Qin returned to the living room and sat side by side with Feng Jingyi on the double sofa.

  Feng Jingyi thought that Shao Qin didn't know about the hot search, but he didn't want Shao Qin to know. It was Hui Hui who noticed it and asked Shao Qin how to deal with it.

  Shao Qin also knows that all kinds of gossip about him have been pouring in recently, black him, black Feng Jingyi, black couple's marriage, black couple's divorce, and even black baby. He originally thought that if there was no exposure during this period, these gossips would die down, but he didn't want him to just participate in an event, and the noise would start again.

  "I think someone is targeting us." Shao Qin expressed his concern to Feng Jingyi, "But why? With your current reputation, they want to blackmail you, unless there is something wrong with you. Blacking me is even more strange. Shouldn't black me pick on my faults black, it's better not to pull you in. Otherwise, if you make a move, what chance does he have to black me."

  "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. There are always people who have nothing to do, and we can only see the tricks. I said that I will handle things related to divorce and babies. Don't worry." Feng Jingyi said, pulling Shao Qin In the past, point to a photo and ask him, "Are you without makeup?"

  Shao Qin looked at the photo, which was a photo of him with a certain male tourist in the amusement park. The male tourist put on makeup and looked more glamorous than him, so he posted a post saying he was more handsome than him, but he got thousands of comments, all of them were "We are even more handsome than you without makeup, handsome~"

  "Yeah, I forgot to bring a makeup artist. I thought Mengdudu would provide it for me." Shao Qin said amusedly.

  "If you lack a makeup artist, you can tell me, the makeup team in my studio has been on paid leave for several months." Feng Jingyi said, and flipped through a few more posts, "You said you don't know how to do makeup?"

  Shao Qin nodded: "It's not that I don't know how to put on makeup."

  "As an artist, how can you not know how to put on makeup?" Feng Jingyi said, put down the phone, and faced Shao Qin with a light smile, "Let me teach you."

  "Can you paint? Aren't you all a makeup artist?" Shao Qin looked at Feng Jingyi distrustfully.

  "Of course I will. Today's makeup is done by myself." Feng Jingyi said with certainty.

  "Have you put on makeup?" Shao Qin looked at Feng Jingyi carefully, it was obvious that he had no makeup on. The plain Feng Jingyi still looked fierce, but he was less cruel and more gentle.

  "Draw it." Feng Jingyi continued to affirm.

  Shao Qin frowned, and reached out to touch Feng Jingyi's face in disbelief, his hands were clean without any powder.

  The warm and soft touch of his cheeks made Shao Qin's heart beat faster, but he put on a serious expression on his face, "I just didn't draw."

  "I painted my eyebrows." Feng Jingyi slightly raised his eyebrows, his tone solemn.

  Shao Qin pursed his lips and stared at Feng Jingyi's eyebrows, he couldn't see that he had painted them at all. Feng Jingyi's eyebrows are not too deep or shallow, and their shape is perfect. Is it necessary to draw them?

  "Aren't you going to touch it to confirm?" Feng Jingyi asked expressionlessly.

  Shao Qin pursed his lips, put his heart on it, and touched it as he wanted, there's nothing to be shy about taking advantage of it for nothing.

  Shao Qin gently stroked Feng Jingyi's eyebrows with the pulp of his index finger, it was obvious that he hadn't drawn them.

  "Are you kidding me?" Shao Qin pointed his index finger in front of Feng Jingyi's eyes and said angrily.

  "Ah, I remembered wrongly. I put on lip makeup. In fact, as long as I put on lip makeup, I will look good." Feng Jingyi said again.

  Shao Qin felt that Feng Jingyi must have lied to him, but when he looked closely at Feng Jingyi's lips, the color was really pretty. Deep rose red in color, especially red on the lips.

  Feng Jingyi raised his chin slightly, motioning for Shao Qin to touch it.

  Shao Qin snorted and guessed Feng Jingyi's tricks. He slowly stretched out his hand, thinking that if Feng Jingyi dared to bite his finger, he would immediately retract it and let Feng Jingyi bite his tongue.

  Shao Qin was cautious, still touching Feng Jingyi's lips with the pulp of his index finger. There is no lip makeup, even a slight peeling can be felt, and no lipstick has been applied.

  Feng Jingyi was indeed lying.

  Although he saw through Feng Jingyi's trick, Shao Qin didn't rush to stop, just waiting for Feng Jingyi's next move. But Feng Jingyi just raised his chin slightly and let him touch it without moving.

  Instead, he touched Feng Jingyi's lips over and over again, making Feng Jingyi's lips warm. No matter how you look at it, it's a bit hooligan.

  Shao Qin blushed and retracted his fingers. At this moment, Feng Jingyi pursed his lips, kissed his fingertips, and let out a very soft "pop".

  Shao Qin lost his sanity in an instant, and slapped Feng Jingyi's face directly, pushing Feng Jingyi's face away.

  Of course he didn't use much force, his hand swept across Feng Jingyi's face, which was not much heavier than touching.

  Feng Jingyi quit, grabbed Shao Qin's hand, and pretended to be annoyed even though he was smiling, "Why are you beating someone?"

  Shao Qin was pulled almost into Feng Jingyi's arms, hid in a panic, and retorted indiscriminately, "Playing a hooligan deserves to be beaten."

  "Obviously you are playing hooligans, it seems endless." Feng Jingyi followed Shao Qin's strength and leaned forward.

  In order not to keep getting close to Feng Jingyi, Shao Qin could only lean back and continue to argue, "I don't want to touch you begging me."

  "I beg you? When did I beg you?" Feng Jingyi continued to press.

  Shao Qin had no choice but to fall down on the sofa, glaring at Feng Jingyi with watery eyes, "You begged me with your eyes."

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