So Much Pleasure, a Little bi...

By Englottt0215

99.5K 2K 83


Khun Waraha.
The Contract...
First Session...
Good Girl...
Are You Coming?...
If You Spanked It, You Can Soothe It...
Dinner And Little Peace...
You Are Pretty Amazing...
You Can Reach...
I Am Going To Devour You...
Open The Door...
Take What's Yours...
I Love You Engfa...
Rough Day...
Touch Me, Engfa...
I Dare You...
Catching And Falling...

It's Not Just Pain...

4.1K 110 2
By Englottt0215

"Hey there" Engfa grinned as Charlotte came up beside her. "Are you headed to lunch?"
"Yeah, I thought if you weren't busy maybe we could eat together?"
Looking up into dark eyes, her grin grew softer. "I would love to, Charlotte. Want to sit with your friends or head back to my office?"
Charlotte hesitated before answering.
"It's ok if you'd rather not have everyone see you hanging out with me" the smaller brunette said gently.
"Yeah, no. That isn't the issue. " Charlotte laughed "I'm trying to decide if I want to share you. I mean, share your company." she fumbled.
Engfa was silent as she let that thought wash over her, trying to tamp down the fluttering of her heart deep inside her chest.
"What were you're plans? Were you going to stay in the cafeteria or head back to your office?"
Grabbing a tray, the smaller woman fell in line. "I never have any intention of staying here although I'm always open to the possibility." she grinned.
"It would be kind of fun to torture Noah a little more by having you sit with us although I don't think he'll actually be doinng much sitting. I'm surprised he didn't take the day off" Charlotte murmured low enough that only Engfa could hear, amusement evident in her voice..
Engfa laughed before biting her lip and turning to her with a mock stern look. "Miss. Austin, don't make me extend your sessions."
"Yes ma'm" Charlotte responded immediately although not looking chastised in the least.
"Between us, a day off was not an option for Mr. Ayutthaya." she murmured back.
"Oohhh" Charlotte whispered then grinned again, letting her eyes drift over the smaller model. "So...your office?" she questioned as she reached ahead of her and paid for both of their lunches before sauntering away.
Mouth opening and shutting quickly, Engfa just stared after her until the person in line behind her cleared their throat impatiently.

Engfa sighed softly before sitting back.
"Full?" Charlotte questioned with a smirk at where she was slumped dejectedly in her seat.
"Actually, no. It wasn't bad but not very filling either. I could really go for a nice steak and some potatoes" she said with a little pout.
"I make amazing steak and potatoes. How about I make that for you the next time I come hangout at your place?" she wiped her fingers on a napkin and took a drink of her water.
"Really? That would be awesome! I have a nice grill out back that I've hardly ever used" Charlotte laughed as Engfa's face lit up with anticipation.
"I'd really love to actually. It's nice to cook for someone who appreciates it rather than snarfing it down on their way out the door"
"Ok!" She pushed herself up and started clearing their mess. "Are you ready to get this over with, Miss. Austin?"
"Are you kidding? I've been waiting all day for this moment. Take your time" she teased with a wink.
"Very funny. Alright, drop them and bend over"
"Did you want me to cough too?"
Ignoring that comment and the racing of her heart, Engfa stepped behind her. "Hmmm...only a little pink. Much better than yesterday" Her cool fingers skimmed over smooth skin before she took a step back and shoved her hands in the pockets of her jeans. "Looks like I will be seeing you tonight at around 7"
Charlotte bit her lip as she stood and pulled her pants up. " Is there anyway I can talk you into changing it to tomorrow?"
Engfa's eyes narrowed as she studied her face for a minute. "There would have to be a really good reason. Really, really good reason, Miss. Austin. Like life or death reason. "
"I uh...have a thing tonight...a family thing. What about moving it until later? Could I come by around 9?"
The brunette's head tilted to the side as she considered the request. "Ok. You have until 9pm, Charlotte. Don't be late"

Engfa fluffed the pillows on her couch again before sitting down with a huff. It was 9:18 and there was no sign of Charlotte. Feelings of irritation knowing that this would require her to further extend her discipline and hurt for being stood up warred within her . Just then the lights of a car pulling into her driveway flashed against her living room window.
"Finally" she muttered, waiting sullenly on the sofa until the frantic knock sounded at her door. Stomping to it, she jerked it open, angry dark brown eyes meeting pleading brown.
"I am so, so sorry. My phone died and I lost track of time. I am so sorry. My dad kept introducing me to people and....."
Charlotte continued to talk but the words were no longer registering in Engfa's mind. The taller brunette was wearing a strapless form fitting red dress with a plunging neckline that was just this side of decent. Her delectable cleavage was on display, and the material hugged her curves lovingly. Engfa's heart raced and her mouth went dry at the beauty of the woman before her. Finally tearing her eyes from her curves, they dropped down to take in muscular thighs. Oh fuck, she was in trouble. This woman was the definition of sex on a stick. She could barely breathe at all of that exposed delicious pale skin . The dress ended mid-thigh and Engfa felt her knees weaken as she watched her muscles move and, oh damn, her heels. Red stilettos that had to be at least 4 inches high and made her legs look a mile long. Desire streaked rampantly through her body quickly followed by a feeling she didn't want to dissect. This wasn't family time attire, this was date attire.
"Engfa?" Charlotte's voice had gone soft and uncertain
Blinking a few times, Engfa finally met her eyes again. "You're late" she pronounced with a low voice laced with anger. Clearing her throat, she folded her arms across her chest still trying to shake herself loose from the pounding demand inside her to touch and taste.
"I'm so sorry. How can I fix this?"
"What were you doing?"
"My dad needed me to go with him to a reception at one of his hotels. Please, can I come in?" she asked taking a tentative step closer.
Engfa was shocked to realize the woman was still standing on her porch. Stepping back, she waved her in, shutting the door behind her. "Do you have a bag?"
"I..uh...I left my bag in the guest room last time I was here. It has what I need."
"Fine. Let's get started"
"Um...should I go change?"
Engfa let her gaze rake over her one more time as her mind raced, images of the brunette bent over her couch with that dress hiked up around her hips and those shoes. Oh damn. No, the shoes would definitely have to go or there was no way she herself would get through this. She just couldn't resist the temptation of that dress though.
"Nope. You would have had time to change if you had been here at 9 but you weren't so I guess we work around the dress. Lose the shoes though."
Turning to walk away she was stopped when Charlotte reached out and grasped her hand. "Engfa, I really am sorry. I would never intentionally leave you waiting. I just...I just want to make sure that you and I are ok" she whispered, her hand gesturing between them.
Engfa's heart fluttered at the knowledge that Charlotte cared enough to check. That whatever this was between them meant enough to her to worry. Giving a quick nod, she gave her a small smile. "We're ok, Charlotte. I'm going to have to add a few swats, but you and I are ok"
Charlotte smiled back, relief evident on her face. Squeezing her hand before she let it go, she leaned against the wall so that she could remove her shoes. "I am so glad to be out of those" she groaned, rubbing her toes. "Maybe I could get some gel rubbed on them tonight too" she teased.
Engfa shot her a narrow eyed playful glare before opening a drawer and pulling out the wooden hairbrush with the large oval head. "I won't promise that but I will promise to make you forget about your toes." she quipped.
Charlotte took one look at the brush and went a little pale. "Do I uh...aren't there supposed to be 3 options to choose from?"
"Not tonight, Miss. Austin. Actions have consequences" she winked "I choose tonight"
Nodding she watched in silence until Engfa turned to her expectantly.
Biting her lip, Charlotte hesitated as she stood in front of the coffee table Engfa was sitting on. "Can I ask you something?"
"You can ask"
"I just wondered....have you ever liked it? Spanking someone?" Engfa looked up at her hesitant grin, measuring the familiar question against appropriate responses.
"Does it matter?" she asked softly deciding to keep with the script.
"I think it might" Charlotte responded, voice a tad lower than normal. Brown eyes gazed into deep dark brown, a conversation taking place between them without any words needed. Finally breaking the spell, Engfa looked away and let out a little breath.
"Are you ready?"
Moving until she was mere inches from Engfa's knees, Charlotte reached down for the hem of her dress. She watched the smaller brunette carefully as she worked the dress up until it was above her hips, exposing the sinful black lace panties she wore beneath.
Fuck. That's the only word that Engfa's brain could come up with as she watched that red material slide up muscular thighs before her gaze fell on panties that were ever more revealing than the last pair. Fuck. Double fuck. Her tongue darted out to wet suddenly dry lips as her clit pulsed merrily away at the sight.
A blush turned her cheeks pink and she turned her head and let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding as Charlotte slowly slid that lace down exposing herself. She tried not to look, truly she did. She tried desperately to pull her mind out of the gutter but it was impossible. Every cell of her body craved contact with all of that glorious bare skin in front of her.
"Thank.." she had to stop to clear her throat "thank you, Miss. Austin. Can you please tell me why you are getting a spanking today?"
Charlotte stood mesmerized by the desire etched into the brunette's every feature. She had never seen so much heat and need directed at her before even with the brunette's attempts to hide it. Normally she would be smiling smugly and shooting a wink at anyone that looked at her with a fraction of what she found in Engfa's eyes. This was different though because her own body was responding just as intently.
"I uh...I forgot for a moment that I am responsible of certain things and that people trust me every day with their jobs. I forgot and I put a contract at risk."
"Thank you, Miss Austin. You can go ahead and bend over the couch"
"Engfa? I mean, Ms.. Waraha?" she asked, also feeling the need to use professional names in this situation.
"I understand that my lateness forfeits my right to choose the implement used, and that my discipline will be extended tonight. I was wondering though if I still have the option of choosing the sofa or your lap?"
Engfa stared at her, surprised by the request although knew she shouldn't be. "Yes, you can choose"
Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Charlotte's cheeks flushed as she answered, "I would like your lap then please"
There was a long moment of silence as they looked at each other, both searching for answers to unasked questions in the other woman's eyes. Finally nodding, Engfa stood and grabbed the large towels stacked nearby. Spreading one on the floor in front of the table, she sat back down and draped the other over her knees. Patting her lap, she looked at Charlotte. "Feet and hands on the floor at all times. No kicking, and no reaching back, ok?"
Flushing red even as her core clenched, Charlotte nodded before carefully lowering herself down.
Raising her knee slightly to help the brunette get in the right position, Engfa shifted until she was comfortable and Charlotte's bare behind was where she needed it to be.
Hands on the ground, Charlotte blushed hard imagining all that was exposed to the dark eyed gaze in this position. There was almost a delicious edge to the humiliation though because of whose lap she was spread across.
Engfa brought a slender hand down on her firm backside feeling a small thrill at the skin that lightened before turning a pale pink. "So pretty" she murmured quietly.
Charlotte's head turned her way but before she could ask what she had said, Engfa's hand came down on her other cheek causing her to gasp and her head to fall back down. Her hand quickly found a steady rhythm as it methodically covered every inch of her ass before moving to the sit spots at the top of her thighs.
She tried to hold still but it was nearly impossible with the fire being lit on and beneath her skin. Her clit throbbed with the slap of the other models hand against her tender skin and she moaned at the intensity of both the pleasure and the pain.
"'re doing really well, Charlotte." Engfa praised as she stopped to rub her backside soothingly. "Warm up is over. I'm going to start with the brush now" Charlotte nodded even as she tensed. "Relax, Charlotte. It will be better if you relax"
Her snort turned into a sob as the brush met her skin with a firm smack. "Fuck" she gasped as Engfa picked up the same rhythm as before. Moaning again as her clit throbbed mercilessly, she pressed against the smaller woman's thigh seeking for relief of any kind. Her hips bucked in between swats as she grinded against Engfa but her position kept her from getting any direct contact where she desperately needed it.. It barely registered when her dress shifted enough that her breasts fell free and bare beneath her until the cool air of the room caressed her stiff and aching peaks. Lifting one hand up to try and yank her dress down to cover them inadvertently pressed her hips tighter against Engfa's thigh and a groan was ripped from her throat as her body convulsed with pleasure, her orgasm washing over her. She gasped out the brunette's name as she collapsed back across her knees.
Engfa froze for just a moment as she felt Charlotte struggling. Rubbing soothing circles against her she whispered comforting words and waited for her to still before she resumed the spanking. It was only seconds later that she felt the warm wetness seeping through the towel and on to her bare thigh. Her swing faltered as she bit back a moan of her own as the warmth spread over her skin. Recovering quickly, she let the brush fall again and again almost in tandem with the desire rushing through her.
Charlotte was openly crying now, begging for relief of one kind or another. Finally the brush slowed and then stilled. Engfa pulled her up and into her arms where she held her tightly on her lap, one hand weaving through her hair as the other stroked her bare back.
Straddling her thighs and burying her face in the curve of her neck, Charlotte continued to cry silently even as she desperately tried to cover her breasts before the other woman noticed what had happened. Her tears slowly dried and Engfa tried to pull back but Charlotte refused to let her go.
"Charlotte?" her voice tinged with equal parts of amusement and sympathy "You need to stand in the corner now, ok? Then we'll be all done for tonight"
"I can't"
"Sure you can. You've done so well! The corner is nothing compared to what you just did"
"I really can't" she shook her head adamantly
Engfa's voice turned stern as she forced her to look at her. "Miss Austin"
"Engfa, my isn't covering everything"
Confused Engfa just looked at her. Charlotte blushed again as she realized how very exposed she was. Her panties had been kicked off at some point and she was now sitting bare assed and straddling the smaller woman's legs which meant her most intimate parts were completely open if Engfa were to look down. In addition to that, her breasts were nearly bare, nipples still pebbled tightly above the top of her dress.
"I mean..there's been a wardrobe malfunction" she bit her lip as she sat and watched realization replace the confusion and bright dark brown eyes turn midnight. Charlotte swallowed thickly forgetting to breath.
Engfa's body throbbed with need. She wanted desperately to strip that dress off of her and push her onto the couch so that she could taste and explore every inch of her amazing body. She closed her eyes at the images that she couldn't tamp down. Charlotte writhing beneath her, calling her name, her face buried between those muscular thighs. Fuck.
Charlotte took advantage of her closed eyes to ease back enough to raise her dress. Standing, she took a step back. Engfa's eyes flew open and Charlotte took one look at the predatory gleam in them and retreated to the corner. Making sure her ass wasn't covered by the dress, she put her hands on her head and slid her legs apart. Her chest rose and fell rapidly with the beat of her heart and she could feel the wetness on her thighs as she tried to smother the need building inside of her.
Even without the heels the sight of the taller brunette in the corner was almost too much with that amazing dress around her waist. Engfa couldn't help but wander closer and stroke her hands over her hips. Leaning in she whispered in her ear "I'm going to go take a quick shower. I'll be right back. Be good, ok?"
Charlotte's eyes fluttered shut and she bit back a moan before nodding.
An hour later, after both women had calmed down and the taller brunette had donned her sleep shirt, Charlotte reclaimed her favorite spot on the couch as Engfa smoothed soothing gel over her backside. "I think you're more red than last time" she whispered with a tiny amount of regret.
"I was late" she whispered, eyes closed as she enjoyed the other woman's touch.
"Mmm...yes, you were." she agreed "You looked really pretty tonight Charlotte."
A smile lit up her face and Engfa grinned at the sight of it. "Thank you" she said before growing quiet again, studying the smaller brunette's face thoughtfully. Charlotte hesitated before turning to look at her more fully. "You know it doesn't just hurt, right? "
Her fingers stilled on her skin "What do you mean?"
"You have to know, to have seen, that my reaction to the discipline, its not just pain" she whispered.
Smiling softly, she began smoothing her hand over her skin again as she thought about what she had said. She did know, she had seen the evidence, had felt the pull.
Biting her lip, she spoke softly "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Maybe? Not tonight though. I just wanted to make sure you knew. It's not just pain." she quietly murmured before lowering her head back to the pillow and snuggling closer.
Nodding her head in understanding, Engfa gave her a little squeeze. "Thank you, Charlotte."


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