Cold Blood [ASOIAF]

By Lilithishere24

684 81 3

A grey stone head with fiery eyes, on a light green field A golden rose, on a green field Tyrells are only La... More

Cold Blood
Aesthetic 🪐🔮
Petal I. Highgarden
Petal II. Mysterious Lord
Petal III. The Wedding
Petal V. Arryn's Death

Petal IV. King's Landing

39 6 0
By Lilithishere24

In the morning, Birds chirping with joy at daylight and sunrise.

I open my eyes and smile a little, how I wish I could be as happy as they are. I turn around, laughing a little, watching Petyr sleep.

I get out of bed looking for my silk robe and put it on, going to the balcony to watch the neighborhood getting ready for the morning...

I sit at the chair putting my leg on the other chair smile closing my eyes as I felt soft kiss on my cheek. I smile to myself "Oh good morning"

Petyr smiles and takes my leg on his hand sitting on the chair rests my leg on his lap "You sneak out the bed"

I lean on my hand "Well, I had the weirdest dream so I wanted to smell fresh air before you wake to be in a good mood"

Petyr massages my leg "Tell me"

I feel relaxed in his touch "Our first met and our betrothed, wedding" I smirk "Wedding night" I chuckle "Gods, it's been two years"

Petyr smiles "Best two years" he gives me a box "Happy anniversary"

I smile taking it and open the box "Beautiful" a rose necklace. I stand picking his mouth "Thank you, husband"

Peter pulls me to sit in his lap "you like it"

"how could not I? You are the best" I move my hair away as he clips it around my neck with my B necklace "Oh its perfect, I thought you forget our anniversary, it was yesterday"

Petyr with his grin "How could I?" He gives me a look "But we were little busy yesterday"

I look at our messy chamber "Yeah, I can see"

He rests his chin on my shoulder "What bothers you?"


"Tell me, I am hearing"

I sigh standing up head inside the chamber "I am not making you happy"

"How is that?" He walks inside "I'm the happiest man since our marriage"

I play with my wedding ring "Petyr, I can not give you an heir, it's been two years and everyone asks" I look down "I want a heir to make you happiest. A piece of me and you"

Petyr holds my hand "And we are trying and I'm sure after last night we will have one"

I smile kissing his mouth "You are the best"

Petyr nods "Well, I have to get dressed to see how everything going on"

I nod "Okay"

Petyr heads to the bathroom while I pour for myself wine looking around the chamber.

Our chamber in the brothel. If two years ago you asked me that I could live here, I wouldn't believe that.

Well, ws live between here and the Red Keep. Here we have our little chamber and come in weekends. The rest of the week in our apartment at the Red Keep.

If you asked me I would say prefer living at brothel. I'm close to the people and children in neighborhood not the Red Keep every one pretend and if they get the chance they would kill each other without blinking.

I take a sip from the wine with a sigh. Being a wife to Petyr makes you learn a lot of things how be smart cunning, chameleon with everyone and everything.

I turn as Petyr walks out the bathroom. I take the mockingbird pin and head to him. I fix his tunic and put the pin with smile "Look how handsome you are" I blink more than once "Gods, protect hin not giving him evil eye"

Petyr chuckles "You start talking like the girls here"

"When you are at work, I had no one to talk just them" I smirk "Guess who is teach me tricks"

"I will send you carriage to take to the Red Keep while I will head now cause I have a meeting" he heads to the chamber door.

"You forget something?"

Petyr smiles and we kiss "Just take care"

"Don't be late, wife"

I smile closing the door behind him.


As I walk out the brothel heading to the carriage, one of the girls following me "Just do what Petyr told you" I smile "And please take care of Lord Tyrion. He is special one"

She smiles "It's not my first time, do not worry"

I give her a look "Because it's not your first time" I ride to the carriage "See you later" to the driver "You can go" the carriage walks outnthe neighborhood.

I watch from the window the walled city of King's Landing, capital of Westeros. The royal castle, the Red Keep, built of red sandstone, perches on the cliffs above Blackwater Bay.

The seven-towered Great Sept of Baelor rises on the south edge of the city. In between sprawls the fetid slum called Flea Bottom.

King's Landing is roughly square-shaped, sprawling across several miles and defended by tall walls. It is dotted with manses, arbors, granaries, brick storehouses, timbered inns, merchant stalls, taverns, graveyards and brothels.

There is a fish market. Hundreds of quays can be found in the harbor. Between buildings the roads are broad, lined with trees and branching alleys and streets.

The city covers the north shore of the Blackwater Rush and covers three tall hills, named after Aegon and his two sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys.

Aegon's High Hill, surmounted by the Red Keep, the royal castle located in the south-eastern corner of the city, overlooks the bay directly, whilst Visenya's Hill to the west is crowned by the marble-walled Great Sept of Baelor and its seven crystal towers.

The Hill of Rhaenys in the north is capped by the collapsed ruins of the Dragonpit dome, its bronze doors shut for a century and a half since the last dragon died.


In the Red Keep, the carriage walks into the gate. The Red Keep is made of pale red stone and overlooks the mouth of the Blackwater Rush.

The Red Keep has seven massive drum towers crowned with iron ramparts.

The castle is smaller than Winterfell and is patrolled by gold cloaks. Much of the Red Keep is connected underground.

Massive curtain walls surround the castle, with nests and crenelations for archers.

Thick stone parapets, some four feet high, protect the outer edge of the wall ramparts, where the heads of traitors are traditionally placed on iron spikes between the crenels at the gatehouse.

The walls have great bronze gates and portcullises, with narrow postern doors nearby.

The castle also has great cornerforts. The immense barbican has a cobbled square in front of it.

Behind the walls are small inner yards, vaulted halls, covered bridges, barracks of the City Watch of King's Landing, dungeons, granaries, kennels, and stables.

The Red Keep has serpentine steps which can be strenuous to climb. Maegor's Holdfast, the small council chambers, the Tower of the Hand, the lower bailey, a small sunken courtyard, and the black cells are located below the steps.

The Great Hall with the throne room is found above the steps, and the outer yard or ward is found near the main gate.

Also above the steps are the godswood, the river walk, the small kitchen, and the pig yard.

The royal sept and the Maidenvault are located above the serpentine steps as well.

Relics of the Targaryen dynasty, such as dusty suits of black armor, sit in some corridors.

Doors are made of oak banded with black iron. Sweet-smelling rushes can be spread on floors.

The Red Keep is full of cats, including those kept as pets as well as strays, like a black tomcat.

I walk out the carriage and the guards came to take my bags and I walk towards our apartment or how they called it our chambers. They are located across the Great Yard from the Tower of the Hand.

I open the chamber door and point at the floor "You can leave them here" they put them "Thank you"

I close the door after they left and start to unpacking our bags.

And then I take a book and decided to read it out at the great yard.

I walk around the great yard touching the roses, a wind hits me remind me of Hightower winds. Gods how I miss grandfather...

I sit at bench facing fountain and start reading my book.

After a while I close the book as Lysa Arryn approaches me with her son Robin. well let's the anger begin.

Lady Lysa Arryn, née Tully, is a member of House Tully. She is the youngest daughter of Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun and his wife, Lady Minisa Whent, and wife of Jon Arryn, the Lord of the Eyrie and Hand of the King to King Robert I Baratheon.

Lysa is grown thick of bodyas a result of her many pregnancies, miscarriages and stillbirths. Despite being two years younger than her sister Catelyn, Lysa looks ten years older; her face has become pale and puffy, and she now paints and powders it

She cannot completely hide the sour milky smell. She has the blue eyes of House Tully, but they are pale and watery. Lysa has a small, petulant mouth, and her beautiful auburn hair falls thickly down to her waist.

Her marriage to Lord Jon Arryn was purely political, and while he was dutiful and kind to her, the marriage lacked the warmth Lysa required. A woman who is by turns proud, fearful, cruel, dreamy, reckless, impulsive, timid, stubborn, vain, and inconstant.

Robin is six years old but small and painfully thin for his age. He is pale with brown hair and big eyes that are runny. He has spindly arms and legs, a soft concave chest, a little belly, and his skin is splotchy.

He is spoiled and whiny, prone to crying when his dolls are taken away or damaged. He enjoys puppetry shows, as well as songs and stories about animals and the Winged Knight. He likes to play come-into-my-castle, hopfrog, and spin-the-sword, although the court of the Eyrie allows him to win. He enjoys being told how strong he is, but does not know how to ride.

I smile faking it "Good evening, Lady Arryn" to Robin "Hello, young lord"

Robin just keep jumping play around.

Lysa joins me "Good evening, Bianca" she sits "Not any news yet"


"A child coming soon"

"No, we still need time to grace each other"

"Well, let me give you advice as older sister, you must see a maester, you must have a problem. In the past when Petyr touches a girl she would carry one at the same night"

"And how did you know?"

"We shared a childhood growing up together" I raise one eyebrow not believing like I can not see she loves my husband "What I want to say men goes to another when she does not bear their children and you do not want him to go to another"

I smile "Thank you worrying about me and I trust my husband he would not take a step like this"

Petyr kisses my cheek from behind while Lysa glaring at us "You just came"

I shake my head "No, from a while but I came to read until Lady Arry came to join me"

Lysa stands "If you excuse me, I have to take Robin for his meeting with maester"

Petyr nods "Of course" she walks off with her son "Look who became grumpy"

I turn to him "She is a married woman and still can not forget about you"

"You think she still?"

"Of course, can't you see her face when you came??!"

Petyr wraps his hands around my waist "Aw you are jealous"

I look away "I'm not"

He turns my face to meet him "Well, I just have to travel for a week"

"Without me?"

"Duty for the king, it's just a week to Riverlands"

"Take me with you, Petyr" I hold into his collar.

"I can not, I am sorry"

I sigh "You will take care of yourself for a week without me"

"I had to"

We kiss and I nod sadly hugging him.


It's nighttime as I walk out the bathroom wearing a silk green nightdress. Petyr lefts before I get in the bathroom, he must ride his boat.

I head to the wine jar but stop as knocking at the door, I take my robe wearing it and head to the door opening it "What did you forget again, Pet__"

I stop stunned at the doorway with widen eyes.

Athen stands at the doorway with his perfect smile "Hello, my Rose"

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