[TG] The Amazing Spider (Wo)m...

By FluffyRedPanda77

2.1K 25 7

Using a hyper-advanced suit, Miles transforms into Gwen and infiltrates the Spider Society. However, things g... More

A new day, a new life.
With great power...
The koala, the octopus and the spider.
Checking the suit.
The moment of truth.
Goodbye... for now (END OF PART 1)

A crazy idea.

692 5 0
By FluffyRedPanda77

***DISCLAIMER. The premise for this fanfic is very similar to another one called "The Ghost Spider's Twin: Spider Gwen bodysuiting" and that's not a coincidence: that's exactly where I got the idea from. Just giving credit where credit is due :)

Now, even though this fanfic was inspired by that one, you may notice we took the story in very different directions very quickly (and this will become more and more obvious as the story progresses, it will be at least 3 parts long, each part subdivided into several chapters).





The sun hung low in the red sky, casting a warm glow over the cityscape. Miles and Gwen stood on a rooftop, the gentle breeze ruffling their clothes as they looked out over the city below. Miles was lost in his thoughts.

"You seem pretty down, Miles," Gwen said, breaking the silence. She leaned against the ledge, her eyes fixed on him with genuine concern. "You're thinking about the Society again, aren't you?"

Miles sighed, unable to hide his frustration. "Yeah, I am. It's just... it feels like I'm missing out on something bigger. Something that could make me better, you know? I don't get it. Why would Miguel reject me from the Spider Society? Where did that aversion to the Miles Morales across the multiverse even came from?"

She shrugged.

"Miles, I get it. It's tough when things don't go as planned,"

Miles nodded unenthusiastically.

"Yeah, I just wish I had a shot to prove myself, you know? I would do anything."

Gwen placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but it didn't help. She retreated her hand and stood there, awkwardly in silence.

"Do you really mean that?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, I'd do anything."

Gwen looked at him, getting serious all of the sudden.

"Because if you wanna get in so badly, I have an idea that might work. But you're probably not going to like it."


Gwen stood before the shimmering portal that would lead her to Peni Parker's dimension. With a confident stride, she stepped through the portal and found herself in a world lit by the neon lights of futuristic technology.

"Hey there, Peni!" Gwen called out, waving to the 12-year-old inventor, who was tinkering with a gadget that looked like it could defy the laws of physics.

Peni looked up from her work, her eyes lighting up when she saw Gwen. "Gwen! It's been a while. What brings you around here?"

Gwen leaned in, her voice hushed as she shared her plan. Peni's eyes widened in excitement, and a mischievous grin crept onto her face. It didn't take too much convincing. They started working on their secret project right then and there.

Some weeks passed, and Miles entered Peni's workshop with a curious expression, his eyes scanning the array of futuristic gadgets and contraptions that surrounded them. His attention quickly shifted to Gwen and Peni, who looked like they hadn't slept in days. Peni's usually cheerful demeanor was replaced with a noticeable crankiness.

"Hey, Miles," Gwen greeted with a tired smile, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

"Hey, Gwen. Peni," Miles replied, concern flickering in his eyes as he took in their fatigued appearances.

Peni let out a yawn, rubbing her eyes with one hand while holding a cup of coffee in the other. "Ugh, I need more coffee. Someone, please."

Gwen's eyebrows shot up in amusement as she picked up a coffee pot and poured a dark liquid into Peni's cup.

As Miles settled in, he noticed Gwen exchanging a secretive glance with him. She leaned in and whispered, "It's not really coffee, just chocolate. Peni's too tired to notice."

Peni overheard their whispered exchange but was too fatigued to react. She gave a resigned shrug and took another sip of her "coffee," the corners of her mouth lifting slightly.

With Peni momentarily pacified, Gwen moved to the heart of the matter. She reached for a nearby case, unveiling a strange piece of synthetic cloth. A plain bodysuit, made out of a futuristic gray substance. Miles' eyes widened in confusion and curiosity, his gaze fixed on the enigmatic creation.

"What's that?" Miles asked, raising an eyebrow.

Gwen's eyes glinted with determination. "This, Miles, is the solution to your Spider Society problem."

Miles studied the suit for a moment before turning his gaze to Gwen. "I'm not sure I follow. What is it?"

Gwen's smile was both reassuring and mischievous. "It's a suit with limited shape-shifting capabilities. A 'morph-suit'. A hyper-realistic suit that can make you look and sound exactly like someone else. In this case, like me."

Miles blinked, his confusion deepening. "But... why would I need that?"

Gwen's expression softened as she explained. "Think about it, Miles. What better way to get into the Spider Society than becoming someone who's already a part of the Spider Society? Like i said, when you wear this suit, you'll look and sound exactly like me. Not only that, but the suit will modify your sensations to feel like your own skin. It's the perfect disguise."

Miles' brows furrowed, skepticism evident in his eyes. "I don't know, this feels like... cheating"

Gwen leaned in, her drowsy eyes meeting his with sincerity. "It's not cheating, Miles. It's about showing Miguel that you have what it takes and he can take his stupid prejudices up his a-"

"You sure this is a good idea? Aren't you afraid someone could steal it and pose as you?"

"Not at all! Through biometric and DNA recognition, only you can wear it."

"I don't know, Gwen..."

Peni's patience seemed to have reached its limit. She let out an exasperated sigh. "For crying out loud, just try the *bleep* suit already!"

Both Gwen and Miles stared at Peni in surprise, and then they burst into laughter. "And where did you learn to speak like that?" Miles managed to say between chuckles.

Penny's eyes fluttered, and she mumbled, "Sorry. Tired."

"You know what? Why not? I'll try it on," said Miles, as he took the suit and walked to the bathroom.

Gwen and Peni waited outside with a mix of anticipation and mild impatience. Peni fidgeted with her cup of "coffee", casting glances at the bathroom door. "Come on, how long does it take to put on a suit?" she muttered, her voice tinged with fatigue.

Gwen leaned against the wall, suppressing a yawn and trying her best to appear awake and alert. "You really turn into a little angry gremlin when you're sleep-deprived, huh?"

Peni shot Gwen a withering look but refrained from commenting. The dimly lit hallway right outside her workshop seemed to stretch on as they waited.

After what felt like an eternity, the bathroom door swung open, and Miles stepped out. He had the morph-suit on completely, save for the mask, and on top of it he was also wearing the white-and-black-with-pink costume of Spider Woman, a futile attempt at a disguise that wouldn't fool anyone. Miles frowned, looking puzzled.

"I think the magic suit is broken or something," Miles said, his voice tinged with confusion.

Gwen stepped closer and reached out to the gray-colored mask that Miles was holding in his hand. "It's not broken, Miles. You just need to put on the mask."

Miles looked at her skeptically, his eyebrows furrowing. "The mask? What's the mask going to do?"

"Just trust me. Put it on," Gwen managed to say, her voice a touch strained.

As Miles put the mask on, he felt a sudden tingling sensation all over his body. It was as if a gentle electric current was flowing through him. His frame shrank and morphed. The fabric tightly hugged his form as if it had been tailored specifically for him. Every inch of it clung to him, forming a second skin that sent shivers of unfamiliar sensations racing through his nerves.

The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced. The fabric seemed to meld with his body, almost alive in its responsiveness. It only took about ten seconds before the process was complete.

Miles looked down at his body in disbelief. It wasn't his body anymore; it was Gwen's. He was wearing her form like a second skin, every curve and contour feeling completely unfamiliar. He suddenly was aware of every micro-movement of every muscle in his –or rather Gwen's– body, a sensation that normally he would automatically overlook in his own body, but now he could not. It was overwhelming. He could barely move.

He even tried to speak, and to his surprise, Gwen's voice came out of his mouth.

"Oh, wow," Miles gasped, his voice sounding soft and unfamiliar.

Gwen's eyes widened as she took in the sight of her own body standing before her. It was surreal and slightly unnerving, like an out-of-body experience. Her smile faltered slightly, her excitement waning as she realized she hadn't really considered the implications of seeing herself walking around all the time. The realization hit her like a jolt.

But then, she forced a smile, and just said "Welcome to my world, Miles."

Miles took an awkward step forward, it was almost like looking at a baby walking.

"This... this is so strange." He said with Gwen's voice.

Gwen reached out and gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, her voice carrying more sincerity than she felt in that moment. "It'll take some getting used to, but you'll adjust. Just remember to breathe and take it slow."

Miles took a deep breath, his –now female– chest feeling different under Gwen's clothing.

"Yeah. Take it slow. I think I can do that," he replied, with faint traces of excitement starting to form in his voice.


The next day came, and the morning sun cast a warm glow over Miles' neighborhood as he stood on the doorstep of his house. He hugged his parents tightly, exchanging smiles and well wishes for his upcoming summer camp job. His mother playfully ruffled his hair, a mixture of pride and nostalgia in her eyes: it was the first time Miles went as an employee rather than as a camper, he was growing up.

With his backpack slung over his shoulder, Miles walked down the familiar path towards the waiting bus. His parents waved until he was out of sight. But then, as the bus pulled away, Miles watched it disappear around the corner. He veered off the path and into the woods that bordered his neighborhood.

Unbeknownst to his parents, he had already quit the job. It was all just a cover-up for his real summer plans.

Hidden beneath the thick canopy of trees, Miles moved with purpose, his footsteps muffled by the soft forest floor. He knew the location well, for Gwen had meticulously described where she had left the interdimensional portal open. Guided by his determination and her guidance, he soon stumbled upon the shimmering portal, its edges dancing with otherworldly light.

Without hesitation, Miles stepped through the portal, leaving behind his reality and crossing over into Gwen's dimension. He felt a mixture of awe and trepidation as he realized that his journey had truly begun. With the portal closed behind him, he adjusted his backpack and set off.

He sneaked into Gwen's small apartment through a window that she purposely had left open, and greeted her once inside. Gwen did't waste a second and exited the apartment, giving Miles a few moments of privacy. The morph-suit was safely tucked away in his backpack, and as he laid it out on Gwen's bed, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

He quickly changed into the suit, struggling a bit with the unfamiliar fabric, and then, with the sensation of his body shifting and molding to its contours. When Gwen returned, she found Miles in the middle of a predicament, nervously standing still like a statue, eyes wide shut and his face tainted all shades of red. He was fully enclosed within the morph-suit... which now looked like a naked version of herself.

"Need any help?" she asked.

Miles nodded timidly, without moving a limb or opening his eyes.

Gwen put some clothes on him, it was like dressing up a mannequin, since Miles refused to see or move one muscle the whole time. She appreciated his consideration, but dressing up a person that looked just like herself was just as awkward.

Just as she finished dressing Miles with the first clothes she found –a black blouse and some torn jeans–, a portal opened in the corner of the room, and Peni stepped through. She greeted them with a casual wave and a mischievous grin before settling into a corner with a holographic mobile device. She tapped away at the device, engrossed in a game, seemingly unfazed by the extraordinary events unfolding around her.

"Well, now what?" asked Miles with Gwen's voice, opening his eyes for the first time, showing that they were now tainted a deep blue.

Though Miles had a completely different voice now, his speech patterns sounded exactly the same as before, giving off the sensation of Gwen perfectly imitating Miles, instead of Miles imitating Gwen.

"Now, we get to work" she replied, plucking her phone from her drawer.

She started scrolling through videos of herself that she gathered mostly from her dad's phone and computer. As they watched video after video, Miles did his best to imitate Gwen's mannerisms and speech patterns.

At some point, Miles grinned mischievously and began mimicking every word Gwen said in real time for about a whole minute.

"Miles, you're taking this a bit far, don't you think?" Mumbled Gwen.

"Miles, you're taking this a bit far, don't you think?" he repeated.

"Okay, stop it."

"Okay, stop it." He repeated it


"Alright, sorry! Couldn't resist," he replied, laughing.

Peni burst into laughter, clapping her hands in amusement. "Oh, this is golden! I'm staying right here. This is way too entertaining."

Miles and Gwen looked at Peni, surprised. They had forgotten she was there, but apparently she had been watching them the whole time.

"-and I'm also here to help in whatever you need, of course" Peni was quick to add.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Chided Miles.

"Yeah. Sorry. I'm off now" replied Peni, as a portal opened behind her and she jumped in.

Time passed, and Miles and Gwen decided it would be good to take some fresh air. They dressed up in their respective Spider Woman outfits (and Miles blindfolded himself to do so), and took off.

The sun cast a warm golden hue over the city as Miles and Gwen swung gracefully between the skyscrapers. Miles was adjusting to his new form. So much movement brought to the forefront all kinds of awkward and unfamiliar sensations.

"Ugh, Gwen, I've got all these new wiggly parts," Miles muttered, his voice tinged with exasperation.

Gwen burst into laughter, nearly losing her rhythm in mid-swing. "Wiggly parts? Seriously?"

Miles couldn't help but grin. "Hey, it's not funny."

Gwen composed herself. "Well, you're gonna have to get used to it, Spider-Boy. And trust me, regularly wearing a bra is probably gonna be the hardest part of this whole deal."

Miles gave her a sideways glance. "You're not helping."

Gwen replied playfully. "I'm not lying either. Come on, I'll race you to the Brooklyn Bridge!"

They swung at full speed for a while, the city lights painting intricate patterns below them. Eventually, the two Spider Women landed on top of the Brooklyn Bridge, catching their breath and taking in the breathtaking view.

"I've always loved how different the city looks from up here," Gwen mused, her voice carrying a hint of wonder.

Miles nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's like a whole new perspective."

As they sat side by side, Miles felt his phone vibrate in his belt. He retrieved it and saw a message from his mother asking if he made it safely to summer camp. He quickly typed a response: "I'm fine, mom. Kids were a bit crazy though".

After that, Miles and Gwen sat in comfortable silence, watching the cityscape as it twinkled and shimmered beneath the night sky.

Finally, Miles turned to Gwen. "By the way, how's everything going with you?"

Gwen's expression softened, and she gazed out over the city. "It's a bit challenging at times, you know? Juggling my regular life with being Spider Woman. Sometimes it feels like the Spider stuff consumes everything."

Miles nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I can see how that could happen."

Gwen smiled at him, appreciating his empathy. "But it's nice to have friends who get it. Friends like you."

Miles smiled back. "Yeah, we've got to have each other's backs. If Spider People don't take care of each other, who will?"

Gwen nodded in silent agreement.


End of chapter 1. I'll probably upload the next chapter sometime next week. Thanks for your patience, and have a good week.

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