Time Linked Together

By WolfDMoonStone

360 0 1

In the land of Hyrule, events of eerie nature unfold pretty often. When things are calm and quiet, it almost... More

The Five of Six
Last of The Six
four of six meet
Tear for a Tear 1
Tear for a tear 2
Sandstorm 2
Meeting 3
Thunderous Arrival 4
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Light 1
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Zora and Cave 1

Through Eagle Eye's 2

16 0 0
By WolfDMoonStone

For the past fourteen days, Link has been residing in Rito Village, immersing himself in the local culture. Over time, the villagers have grown more at ease around him. Even the youngsters have begun approaching him, extending invitations to join their games and explore the quaint isles near Lake Totori, which can be reached via the bridges. The grown-ups, too, have warmed up to him, appreciative of the new recipes he has introduced them to and his overall amiable demeanor, despite their initial reservations in accepting him.

Throughout his visit, the esteemed guest displayed unwavering kindness and generosity towards the villagers, which did not go unnoticed. They were grateful for his warm presence and invited him to partake in customary rituals steeped in tradition and significance. Among these were the intimate festivals, where songbirds chirped harmoniously and skilled warriors displayed impressive displays. To the delight of the villagers, the guest even offered to showcase his archery prowess, earning high praise from The Village Elder and numerous Rito Warriors who bore witness to his skillful shooting at the challenging flight range.

Of all the people who paid attention to him, Link was least thrilled about interacting with Revali, the champion who approached and lauded him with rude behavior. "Well, I suppose it's unexpected to see a Hylian like you doing something impressive for once with one of our Swallow bows, but let's not get too excited," Revali remarked. Link couldn't help but roll his eyes at the comment. However, he still complimented Revali's exceptional archery skills and noted how quickly he had destroyed all the targets.

As expected of the champion, he couldn't help but display his extraordinary skills to everyone present. It was a sight to behold as he effortlessly executed the magnificent move he had created, the Ravali Gale. Although already aware of his remarkable abilities, Link graciously allowed Revali to witness his genuine admiration and respect.

Following their previous interactions in his memories, he had come to a deeper understanding of the root cause of Revali's hostility towards him. It became apparent that Revali's antipathy stemmed from Link's apparent lack of emotional expression. The misconception that Link considered himself superior to Revali was merely a result of Revali's misinterpretation of Link's emotional state. In reality, Link was envious of Revali's unrestricted ability to express himself and act on his impulses despite the heavy responsibilities of his status as a Rito warrior and champion.

However, this was different for Link. He was always expected to conduct himself impeccably and adhere to the path laid out for him. From what he can remember, his father and the senior knights of his community had instilled this lesson in him from a young age.

Despite this, Link recognized that Revali was still young and had not yet attained the standard of maturity expected of Rito warriors at age 21. He still had fledgling marks on his cheeks. He realized that the 17-year-old was eager to impress others with his exceptional abilities and became frustrated when Link did not respond as he had hoped.

Link didn't appear to be fazed by Revali's sharp-tongued remarks. As they spent more time together, Revali's acerbic comments gradually subsided. In fact, Link began to glimpse a side of Revali that he had never seen before. Although he still harbored some residual resentment towards Hylians, he became less hostile and antagonistic towards Link. This newfound civility was a welcome relief to Link, who had grown weary of Revali's constant sniping.

However, despite the slight shift in their dynamic, Link knew he needed to be prepared for the challenges ahead. He carefully gathered warm clothing, a generous supply of arrows, and multiple bows, knowing that he would need to be well-equipped for whatever lay ahead. Even though the shopkeepers were kind enough to offer him discounts, he was willing to pay the total price or even a little more to ensure he had everything he needed to face whatever obstacles came his way.

Link had enjoyed his stay at the Swallow's Roost Inn for the last two weeks. The innkeepers had gone above and beyond to make him feel comfortable, even providing him a private room with a cozy Rito-down bed. Although Link was hesitant to accept such luxurious accommodation, the staff insisted, citing his generous spending at the village shops as the reason for their gesture.

The staff also provided Link with extra amenities to ensure his stay was as pleasant as possible. From fresh linens to a stocked mini-fridge, Link felt pampered but humbled by their kindness.

As he packed his belongings on the 14th day of his stay, Link couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness at the thought of leaving behind his temporary home. Carefully placing his items into his pouch, bag, and Purah pad, he kept them out of sight from others, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to himself. Despite his reluctance to leave, Link knew it was time to move.

Revali approached Link as he prepared to depart and commented, "It seems like you're getting ready to leave. Do you need help packing? Your bag appears to be overflowing. Would you like me to find a dumpster for you?"

Link chuckled and replied, "No, thank you. I've always traveled like this and it hasn't been an issue before, so I don't anticipate any problems."

Revali raised an eyebrow and remarked, "I have to disagree. Judging by the amount of unnecessary items you're carrying, I find it hard to believe that you're an experienced traveler. Maybe it's time to reconsider what you truly need for your journeys." He gestured towards a jar containing crickets and another jar filled with Hot-footed frogs hanging from Link's belt and asked, "What's the purpose of keeping these things? Are they essential for your travels?"

"You never know when having a restless cricket might come in handy up in the mountains." Link smiled

Revali entered the room and asked, "Where are you headed now? I hope you're not planning on crossing any more bridges after the last incident."

Link chuckled, remembering the time he had fallen off a bridge and caused quite a commotion in Rito village. "Don't worry, Revali. It was a one-time thing." He had been grateful for the help of the Rito, who had come to his aid, even if it was pretty comical to see him stuck on the edge of one of the islands.

Upon entering the room, Revali directed his attention to Link and inquired, "Where do your travels take you next?" While packing his gear, Link responded thoughtfully, "I was considering venturing to the mountains to partake in some Shield surfing before journeying south."

Noticing the hint of worry on Revali's face, Link's intuition was confirmed when the bird-like warrior offered, "Would you like one of our fellow Warriors to accompany you on your journey?" Although the question was simple, it spoke volumes of Revali's concern for Link's safety.

Link chuckled, "Don't tell me you're suddenly worried about me? And don't worry, I've done this before."

"That's not bothering me right now, but I won't tolerate any false accusations, Link," Revali retorted, his expression souring at the mention of his rival's name on his new... friend.

Link laughed, "Come on, with a name like Link, what bad luck could I possibly have?"

Revali sighed, "I hope everything goes smoothly for you. But it would mean a lot if you could visit occasionally... Everyone here will miss you... I suppose." He avoided eye contact as Link turned around.

Revali's unease was palpable as Link prepared to venture near the summits. The bird-like Rito did his best to conceal his anxiety, but Link could sense it nonetheless. Despite Revali's efforts to ensure Link's safety, the hero couldn't shake the guilt that crept up on him as he packed his belongings.

"Don't worry over me, Revali. The Great and Powerful Link will be just fine. My name is my lucky charm, after all," Link chuckled, hoping to ease his companion's worries. However, Revali merely rolled his eyes in response.

"That's only because you consistently find yourself in outlandish situations that you somehow manage to emerge from unscathed...mostly," Revali remarked, his tone laced with disapproval as he shot Link a stern look.

Undeterred, Link shrugged off the comment and finished packing his bag. "Regardless, I'm all set to go. I appreciate your concern, Revali."

Link and Revali walked together toward the stable, their footsteps echoing against the bridge's wooden planks. As they approached, Link's eyes searched for the familiar figure of his black stallion amongst the other horses.

Finally, he spotted him and hurried over to greet his faithful companion. Revali watched quietly, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. They both knew that this could be their last meeting for a while.

Link turned to face Revali, his expression serious and concerned. "I hope you'll take care of yourself," he said, his voice low and gentle. "Being a champion can be overwhelming, but your health and well-being should always come first."

Revali nodded in agreement, his own eyes glinting with emotion. "And you too, my friend," he replied. "Beware of any mountain monsters and make sure to come back for a rematch. I expect you to come back at some point," he added with a small smile.

A sudden and deafening roar filled the air as the two bid farewell. Revali's divine Beast lifted off its perch, soaring into the sky. The others quickly guided the children and women inside their homes, taking precautionary measures as they watched in awe and concern.

Revali, clearly frustrated, muttered a curse and turned to face Link, gazing intently at the now soaring Vah Medoh. "Damn it," he grumbled, his wings spread wide and ready to take flight with his move Revali's Gail. "I have to deal with this foolishness. I'll catch you later." And with that, he soared into the sky with other Rito Warriors, determined to regain control of his Divine Beast.

Link watched for a moment, his eyes fixed on the majestic creature gliding effortlessly in the sky before urging Diablo to gallop at full speed towards the trailhead Lodge in Rospro. He didn't dare look back, knowing Revali's struggle was far from over. It was a dangerous journey ahead, and every moment counted.


Tulin hardly needed help blending in with the crowds of Rito Village. It was almost comical how no one suspected he didn't belong there, at least not yet. He skillfully avoided guards, worried parents, and even the village champion, adopting a childlike demeanor when necessary to slip away from sticky situations.

Tulin spoke with Link a few times before his 14-day limit was up. During this time, he carefully planned the most efficient way to board the Divine Beast. However, this would be no easy feat since the Divine Beast was now guarded around the clock, with at least one vigilant warrior watching from every angle.

Despite multiple attempts, he had been unable to approach the Divine Beast. Every time he tried to climb up to the perch, he was stopped by a concerned warrior or Rito, who ushered him back down to the Village. He had no choice but to comply unless he wanted to get caught. He kept trying to find another way, but he finally got his chance two days before Link had to leave for Hebra Peak.

Numerous individuals grew increasingly attached to Link, admiring his endearing personality and courageous spirit as time passed. However, as much as they adored him, they couldn't help but worry about his safety, given his penchant for daredevil stunts. This was particularly evident in the Village, where he frequently dangled from tree branches overlooking the surrounding islands, putting himself in harm's way with each attempt. Despite repeated warnings from concerned parties, he persisted in his risky behavior. Unfortunately, his recklessness eventually caught up with him one day when he became distracted by the aroma of scrumptious food. As he crossed a bridge, he failed to take note of a damaged wooden plank and narrowly escaped a catastrophic fall.

While it is true that using the bridge had the potential to cause damage, the Rito tribe rarely found it necessary to do so except in instances where Hyrulians would visit. As such, there was no great cause for concern. However, all sense of calm was shattered when Link, seemingly out of nowhere, fell from the planks and dangled precariously from a rope. Panic erupted as even the guards watching the Divine Beast Vah Medoh turned to see what was happening. Link's fall was sudden, and it was only a matter of moments before he could not hold on any longer and plummeted toward the lake below. It was fortunate that Ravali appeared out of nowhere at that very moment and was able to catch him in the nick of time, much to the immense relief of everyone present.

Link's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Revali scolded him for his carelessness and inattentiveness. The bird-like champion didn't mince words, even going so far as to call Link a name in front of everyone. The rest of the group watched in uncomfortable silence as Revali berated him.

Despite feeling mortified, Link knew that Revali was right. He had been too distracted, lost in his thoughts, and let his guard down. He apologized profusely to everyone, not wanting to cause unnecessary concern or worry. They quickly reassured him that they were happy he was safe and unharmed.

Unbeknownst to them. However, Tulin had already snuck inside the Divine Beast and was making preparations for their upcoming mission. He had discovered something vital: the Divine Beast could only ascend to the shrine's location, which was essential in enabling Link's teleportation ability. The others were still in the dark about this crucial piece of information.

Unwilling to take any risks, he carefully instructed the Divine Beast to return to the Village, guaranteeing the inhabitants' safety. With bated breath, Tulin patiently waited for two whole days, hoping for a signal from Link to signify his readiness to proceed with his mission. Then, out of nowhere, a glowing light suddenly illuminated the room where Link had been staying, indicating that he was making his way up the mountain. Filled with relief and excitement, Tulin swiftly activated the Divine Beast, eagerly watching Link slowly but surely disappear from view.

With excellent efficiency, Tulin promptly initiated the activation of Vah Medoh, ensuring that it was positioned at a significantly elevated altitude in anticipation of any potential complications that might arise from Link's plan. Fortunately, the plan was executed seamlessly. Tulin observed Link's actions outside the Village, successfully distracting Revali and a group of Warriors. Compelled by Tulin's command, the Divine Beast was fully activated, unleashing a thunderous roar that echoed throughout the surrounding area.

A group of Rito Warriors approached Tulin with great speed. However, he had already secured all entrances to the Divine Beast before they could enter. With his plans successfully executed, he took off into the sky with the Divine Beast. Revali and some other warriors were quick to follow in hot pursuit.

While flying, he received a notification on his Purah pad, which revealed that Revali had attempted to access the Divine Beast's doors. Fortunately, he could block the signal and prevent any unauthorized entry.

Tulin decided to take the Divine Beast on a grand tour of the surrounding area. He led them around Hebra and even took them to the North Tabantha Snowfield. However, the snowfall worsened as they arrived, and he noticed that the Rito had turned around. Despite using Vah Medoh's sensors, he could not locate them and eventually assumed they had returned. As a result, he headed back to Hebra Peak.

Link embarked on a strenuous journey requiring him to spend two additional days climbing Rospro Pass, navigating towards Hebra South Summit and Corvash Peak before finally reaching the majestic Talonto Peak. Once he arrived at Hebra Peak, he patiently waited for Tulin to come with the Divine Beast. Thankfully, his wait was not too long - a mere two to three hours - before the Divine Beast made its way closer to him, allowing him to use his paraglider and board it.

As Tulin guided Medoh upwards, he greeted Link with warmth and kindness, allowing him to enter the Divine Beast. Even though the ascent was slow and steady, Medoh could only circle a few times and ascend.

Link looked around, brushing the snow off his clothes and hair, and couldn't help but comment, "I can't believe it took me so long to climb up here." The divine Beast was massive, and the climb was challenging.

Tulin, who had been waiting for him, turned to face him and replied, "I really miss how convenient those caves used to be. I apologize for not arriving sooner, but I needed to guarantee that I wasn't being followed."

Link nodded, understanding the need for caution. "Don't worry about it. As long as we make it up there, that's all that matters. After all, we've waited this long. What's a couple more minutes before we start getting down and dirty to defeat Colgera?"

Tulin smiled at his friend's determination. "Yeah," he responded softly.

"Just remember that our upcoming battle will be the same as the previous one, but I'm confident that we'll handle it effortlessly this time. We're already familiar with its moves, and we've triumphed before.," Link said with a warm smile, even though he didn't fully believe his words. He then proceeded to take out some delicious food for them to enjoy.

"I do understand, but I can't help but worry about what might happen," Tulin replied, his tone filled with concern.

"I see. May I ask what specifically worries you?" Link inquired, his expression showing genuine concern.

"What if the same thing that happened last time happens again?" Tulin questioned, his voice trembling slightly.

"Oh, Tulin. You don't need to worry about that. I assure you that it will not happen again," Link reassured him with a gentle smile. He walked up to Tulin and affectionately petted his head, saying, "We will not let that incident repeat itself."

" but..."

Link handed Tulin a succulent piece of roasted meat, his face etched with determination. "We have all the time we need to vanquish Ganondorf before he poses a serious threat," he stated confidently.

However, Tulin's brow furrowed with worry as he voiced his concern. "But what about Calamity Ganon? What if it appears again?"

Link calmly reminded him of the facts. "Last time, they said Calamity Ganon existed because enough evil energy had gathered around Ganondorf's body. If we open the passageway, most of that malevolent energy will start to disperse, making it impossible for Calamity Ganon to grow again."

Tulin nodded thoughtfully, still apprehensive, but Link's unwavering confidence reassured him that everything would turn out alright and perhaps even better than before.

As their journey on the Divine Beast continued, the two companions tried to bolster each other's spirits by reminding themselves that everything would unfold as planned, just like the last time they embarked on such a mission. However, despite their efforts to remain optimistic, both harbored a sense of unease and trepidation about what lay ahead.

After a grueling two-hour climb, they finally arrived at the highest point that the Divine Beast could carry them to, and they quickly disembarked from the vessel.

It was snowing and cloudy this time, making it harder to see than the last time when it was only snowing. Tulin, with his sharp Rito eyes, could manage, but Link struggled to see his hand clearly. The wind was harsher than before, almost pushing them off the Divine Beast when they stepped outside to reach the floating island. Despite the wind, they made it to the nearest shrine without being blown away.

Link activated the shrine and entered it, leaving Tulin outside to wait for him as he had done before. After completing the shrine, he returned and informed Tulin that it was now activated and they could use it whenever they wanted.

They began their journey up the floating islands but encountered new challenges this time. The wind blew them in different directions and caused them to crash into some isles, making their journey slower and more complex.

Link and Tulin had encountered a few instances where they had sustained injuries. However, due to Link's foresight, they had brought along a well-stocked kit containing various medicines, bandages, and other necessary supplies. They carefully tended to their wounds as they took a break to regroup and replenish their strength. They ensured that they were in good health before continuing on their journey.

However, they soon realized that starting a fire using the portable pots they had brought along was attracting unwanted attention from enemy Aerocudas hovering in the sky. Despite their efforts to remain unnoticeable, the Aerocudas were challenging to spot, and they had to be extra cautious to avoid getting hit with an attack.

After successfully defeating multiple Aerocuda creatures and coming across Captain and Soldier constructs, who observed the blue flames emanating from their portable pot, they ultimately decided to forgo their meal and proceed with their climb.

Despite being ambushed multiple times by Constructs and Aerocudas, they continued climbing to the Wind Temple, eventually reaching their destination when nightfall hit.

Although they faced an ever-growing number of menacing Aerocudas and Soldier constructs, they remained undeterred. Link and Tulin encountered so many of these monstrous creatures that entire small floating islands were overrun with their presence. Despite this, one particular incident only slightly derailed their progress. A group of 15 Aerocudas ambushed them, but Tulin skillfully redirected them to another location and lost them in the shrouded clouds before reuniting with Link and sending him ahead toward their destination.

Link quickly turned to look behind him, but the sudden movement caught him off guard. He watched in horror as the floating island beneath his feet crumbled and broke apart, falling rapidly towards the ground below. With a gasp, he leaped towards the next section of the island, only to find that it, too, was collapsing. Frantically, he grabbed onto the top of the crumbling structure and jumped to the next piece. Still, the same terrifying scenario repeated itself once more. As he made his final jump off the last part of the island, he landed with a painful thud on the next one, wincing as he felt a sharp pain shoot through his shoulder from the rough landing.

Link's shoulder had suffered severe injury and was now severely bruised, making it difficult for him to breathe properly. He was emitting tiny yelps of pain as he tended his wound, trying to relieve the discomfort. Tulin, concerned for his well-being, called out to check on him. The man responded roughly with a terse "yes" and quickly assured him he was alright before urging Tulin to catch up with him soon.

Upon reaching the small floating island, Tulin was taken aback to discover Link concealed in a room. He had started a fire and was examining his shoulder, which appeared bruised. Tulin sensed his discomfort and immediately offered to assist him in applying a bruising potion to the affected area. He knew it would be difficult for Link to do it himself, given the pain he was experiencing. Tulin couldn't help but feel anxious, as the journey to the Wind Temple had been much smoother the first time.

Upon reaching a halfway point, they stumbled upon a shrine. Link wasted no time and swiftly made his way inside. Shortly after, he emerged, obtaining a spirit orb that gave him additional energy. However, before they could progress further, they were suddenly hit with a debilitating headache. They quickly turned to face the wind and were enveloped by a dense fog.

" come... Come... To me..." They heard a mysterious voice and looked up slightly.

Tulin recognized the voice and whispered, "It's him... he's calling to us again."

"Come on, we have to get this over with as soon as possible," Link said as he urged them to keep going. Their next task was to jump onto the boats and continue to the top of the sky, where they could enter the Giant Temple through the clouds. Unlike their last visit, there were no sounds of thunder coming from within. Now, the only thing they could hear was the rush of wind in their ears.

The task proved more challenging as the ships moved at a much swifter pace than in previous attempts. Despite their concerted efforts to target the center, they could have done better. They were forced to regroup at the shrine before embarking on their journey to the clouds again.

After a relentless series of bounces on the trampolines, they ascended to the summit. Link unfurled his trusty paraglider and peered downward, only to discover that he had broken through the clouds and was now hovering above the Temple. From this vantage point, he beheld the entirety of Hyrule before him. Tulin trailed behind him, and together, they took in the breathtaking vista stretching out into the distance.

Link couldn't shake off the worry that was gnawing on his mind. He couldn't help but notice that the last time they were this high, they were doing the same thing, trying to climb up all the way up to the wind temple. Despite being on his paraglider, he kept wondering if Tulin was genuinely ready for the third time they battled together.

"Are you ready?" inquired Link, addressing his youthful companion.

"Absolutely!" responded Tulin, with a newfound sense of assurance, as though any earlier reluctance had gone. Link, too, appeared to regain his confidence and nodded before relinquishing his hold on the paraglider.

He deftly maneuvered the paraglider briefly, expertly unfurling it to ensure a safe and seamless landing. Tulin flapped his wings with finesse and precision, skillfully dodging any potential danger of colliding with the Temple's deck.

"We have returned," Tulin murmured softly as they carefully scanned the Temple's first floor. As they glanced out of the corners of their eyes, they caught sight of a mysterious figure making their way towards the Temple, conjuring up a blizzard that seemed to barely graze the mainland. It didn't take long for them to recognize the figure as none other than Zelda herself. Still, upon closer inspection, they realized the image before them was merely an illusion of her, just like last time.


Zelda disappeared again into the ether as they looked on in Recognition, leaving nothing but a faint trace behind. Without skipping a beat, the two quickly dispatched all the menacing creatures that lurked on the Temple's first floor, their weapons clanging and slashing as they fought. Once the last enemy had fallen, they gathered around the nearby activator. They got a fire going, the comforting warmth and smell of cooking food filling the air.

As they patiently waited for their meal to cook, Link and Tulin engaged in a thoughtful discussion about their aspirations for the future. They also took the opportunity to inspect each other for any wounds or injuries. Link revealed a severe bruise on his shoulder that required ample healing potion. He also had suffered a slight twist in his wrist, but he quickly took a bite of the simmered fruit, which would hasten the healing process. Additionally, Link was mindful of the holes in his shirt resulting from the latest skirmish. He knew he needed to replace it soon to avoid getting too cold. In the meantime, Tulin assisted him in treating his wounds.

Upon completing the assigned task, Link swiftly tended to Tulin's wounds inflicted by the vicious assault of the Aerocuds on his shoulder and back. Additionally, he offered Tulin a fresh supply of arrows, as Tulin had mentioned having depleted his previous stock. The individual appeared to express concern over the conspicuous absence of feathers on Tulin's arms.

To reassure Link, Tulin explained that as long as his flight feathers remained intact, he would completely recover. Tulin further clarified that any discomfort he may feel would only be a slight chill from the absence of feathers, but otherwise, he would be fine.

After completing their cooking, Link and Tulin were all set to put away the food for later when they needed it. Link had shown great foresight by bringing along a diverse range of ingredients, ensuring they had backup meal options in case of any issues. He had meticulously crafted multiple main course dishes. He stored them in his Purah Pad, which helped maintain their freshness for consumption later.

They remained in that position for at least another hour to gain more energy before quickly deciding to return to complete the Temple. This would allow Tulin to recover his secret Stone again and activate the new ability he had acquired last time.

Link cautiously rose, surveying the aftermath of the blaze he had inadvertently ignited. With determination, he strode purposefully toward the central activator within the Temple. Tulin trailed silently behind him, offering only a supportive presence as he extended his hand towards the pulsating, luminescent component, ready to activate it with a single touch.

With his hand raised, Link initiates the activation process of the teleporter. A brilliant blue light illuminates the area behind him, indicating that he can now effortlessly transport himself to that precise spot at any moment. The teleportation pad is now in place, and the gears surrounding the center of the Temple begin to lower, indicating that the process has started. The main hatch tries to open but doesn't, making the Gears go back up as they once were.

"Here we go again," Tulin muttered as he watched them in the distance. Suddenly, a deafening bell rang out, and a brilliant golden fog engulfed everything around them.

" Brave Fletchling... There are still five locks securing the hatch on the deck... Use your power to release all five locks, and the hatch will open..." the voice said again. Link quickly grabbed his Puarah Pad and deftly tapped the screen to activate the map feature. As he had expected, the five distinct points of the Temple were clearly marked on the map, their locations precisely recorded as they had been during his last visit. " Heed my words..." the voice said before it disappeared along with the golden vision around their eyes.

"Let's get started, same as last time," Link said as he led him toward one of the locks.

Link and Tulin quickly made their way through the Temple towards the other end of the Ship. Link skillfully used his Ultrahand to open a sealed gate and caught the captain construct off guard. He swiftly defeated it and retrieved the treasure chest at the back of the room. Inside the chest, he found the fire emitter spear the construct had previously used and gathered its contents before making a hasty departure.

Link's eyes fell upon a massive ice spear beside him as they stood outdoors. In a swift motion, he grabbed it, feeling its weight in his hand. With the help of his ultra hands, he quickly unlocked the adjacent gate, allowing them access to the initial lock. Link then turned to Tulin, instructing him to activate his gust ability. As Tulin complied, Link watched as the lock began to turn.

After returning outside, they noticed that one of the gears had already started working. They then decided to go to the next floor to check if they could access the remaining locks.

They stumbled upon a construct as they descended to the first basement floor. Inadvertently, they pushed a construct past the red laser in the room, causing it to fall through a concealed door and plummet. Tulin, who fired the shot, was surprised and shocked, while Link couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

Link's laughter echoed through the room as he navigated the maze of red lasers, his eyes fixed on the chest that beckoned him from the other side. Tulin watched in shock as Link deftly crossed the room, clearing the path quickly.

"I didn't mean to," Tulin giggled as he lowered his Bow and landed gracefully on the floor, still in disbelief at what he had just done.

Link turned to him with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "At least you got it out of the way," he quipped before moving on to the next lock.

But before they left the room, Link paused to survey their surroundings, his gaze alighting on a pile of boxes in the corner. With a swift motion, he drew his sword and sliced through the cardboard, revealing only a handful of arrows inside.

As Link turned around, he was met with a sizeable ice-covered opening, making it treacherously slippery. The gap was too wide to simply jump across, but he could use his gliding ability to traverse it while sticking to the icy walls. However, he had to move cautiously. Link devised a plan and climbed back up to the entrance before ascending one of the pillars to oversee the chasm.

He swiftly leaps to the next pillar with remarkable agility, quickly crossing the gap. Landing gracefully, he turned the corner and promptly shot his weapon, displaying impressive combat skills. The construct put up a formidable fight but persisted, constructing and retrieving the Ruby that typically combined with the construct weapon. Despite the lengthier-than-usual battle, he eventually defeated the captain, collecting all the necessary materials for his quest. He then carefully stored them in his Purah pad before ascending to the first floor again.

He stumbled upon his next challenge in the form of a fallen cement wall piece that needed to be attached to a massive lever to open a door. After assessing the situation, he skillfully completed the task and utilized the recall technique to ensure the mechanism functioned independently. Following their successful endeavor, the duo took a well-deserved break to replenish their energy with a quick meal.

As they resumed their expedition, they encountered an unexpected Soldier construct armed with a Halberd. Despite Link's best efforts, he sustained an injury during the fighting.

"Link, are you alright?" Tulin asked with worry evident in his voice after they had successfully handled the Soldier construct.

"Don't worry about me, Tulin. I'm fine," Link answered assuringly as he delved into his bag to procure a snack to aid in his healing. He promptly tended to his wound, just in case his recovery time was restricted, and directed Tulin to utilize his gust ability to activate the lock mechanism. Still, Tulin couldn't help but feel guilty for allowing Link to get hurt so suddenly.

Tulin's expression betrayed his doubt as he glanced skeptically toward Link. Nevertheless, he complied with Link's instructions. He followed him as they approached their next destination after the lock activated. They passed through the nearby doorway and emerged back onto the central deck of the Temple. Link checked his map and located the lock they needed to reach next, situated on the Ship's starboard side and towards the center. However, to access it, they first had to activate a massive wheel in motion and cross over to the other side of the deck using it.

They stumbled upon yet another structure, which they promptly destroyed before solving another puzzle. They swiftly secured one of the frozen pillars. They connected it to a mechanism on the wheel, causing the second wheel to turn and unlock the door to the next section. Tulin utilized his gust to activate another lock, leaving only two more to open before facing Colgera.

Following their successful maneuver, they skillfully exited through a door Link had opened, avoiding a perilous cannon nearby. They then hopped onto the nearest trampoline boat, seamlessly returning to the main deck of their vessel. Once there, they swiftly bounded onto another boat trampoline, propelling themselves to the Temple's highest point. There, they discovered a hidden door, which was cleverly camouflaged to the surrounding environment. Upon peering down through the opening, they saw lasers obstructing their path and a colossal fan actively blowing air upwards.

In complete silence, they exchanged a knowing glance. They jumped down, displaying remarkable agility as they deftly navigated through the laser beams to finally reach the lock at the bottom. With practiced ease, they unlocked it and stealthily made their way out of the room, their eyes trained on the small gap beneath the fan that would lead them directly under the Temple.

Spotting A boat trampoline beneath the Temple, they promptly embarked on it to access a hidden section underneath the Ship. Regrettably, their passage was blocked by the annoying of yet another construct. Still, they persevered and succeeded in activating the ultimate and conclusive lock.

Link breathed a sigh of relief as the wind whipped through his hair. They returned to the main deck, where the locks were glowing, ready to be activated. They stood silently for a moment before exchanging a look and moving towards the activator. Before starting it, they took a moment to heal each other's wounds. Link fully recovered himself this time and watched as all his injuries disappeared.

Tulin attempted to assure him that he was fine. However, Link thoroughly examined him and ensured he consumed a complete meal before engaging in the fight.

Tulin looked at Link with concern once again. Something seemed off about him. He appeared different from the last time they had spoken when he was optimistic about their mission. They knew the task would be easier the second time, but Tulin sensed that Link had lost some confidence. Tulin felt the same way but didn't want to express it out loud, making things awkward.

While they ate, Tulin kept stealing small glances at Link and noticed he was lost in deep thought. Tulin wondered what was going through his mind as they gathered weapons from all over the Ship.

Finally, after finishing their meal, they stood up and headed towards the activator, ready to activate it.

As Link lifted his hand towards the activater, his movements were calm and assured. With a simple gesture, he activated the mechanism, and the gears underneath the shrine sprung to life. Slowly but surely, the main hatch began to creak open, revealing what lay inside. Link and Tulin eagerly hastened towards the opening, their guts filled with anticipation. However, just as they were about to cross the threshold, a sudden gust of wind erupted from within the shrine, catching them off guard and throwing them high like last time. It was almost as if a sleeping giant had awoken, disrupting their path and throwing them off into the sky.

As the wind violently rushes past them, Tulin and Link fight to catch even the slightest breath. Once they finally manage to steady their breathing, they gaze down at the entrance with a mixture of awe and worry.

"Alright, it's time to move," Link said determinedly.

"Right, let's go," Tulin replied, matching his resolve as they swiftly launched into a free-fall descent toward the looming Ship. Their adrenaline pumping, they braced themselves against the fierce gusts of wind and snow. Suddenly, Colgera emerged from the Ship's open hatch, intensifying the already violent rush of air around them just like last time.

As they were spotted by Colgera in the air, it let out a loud roar and quickly flapped all six of its wings to get closer for an attack. However, both could easily dodge their main biting attack and skillfully maneuvered around the creature.

They could not launch an attack as it created a warm hole, just as before, and vanished through it. However, they knew it would probably resurface beneath them, so they hastily attempted to avoid its path.

"Be cautious," cautioned Tulin, flapping his wings vigorously to draw the creature's focus away from Link as he aimed his attack at two of its three exposed weak points.

As Link gazed upon the majestic Colgera soaring upwards, he swiftly analyzed the situation. He figured that a strategic strike to its vulnerable point twice would yield optimal damage. With precision and skill, he executed the first hit flawlessly. Without hesitation, he seized the opportunity to land the second strike on the second weak point. The Colgera, enraged by the attack, spun around in a fury. Still, Link quickly regained his balance with his trusty paraglider in the air.

In the heat of the battle, the Colgera's anger and frustration boiled over, and it began launching Spears from the weak spots on its back. Unfortunately, one of those Spears found its mark and struck Link, causing him to momentarily lose his balance. However, his training and experience kicked in, and he quickly regained his footing. With a clear head, he took aim and let loose an exploding arrow, which struck the Colgera's vulnerable back. He didn't anticipate just how close he was standing to the creature. As the Colgera recoiled in pain from the explosion, it accidentally struck Link back, sending him flying. Despite the setback, Link was determined to defeat the Colgera and continue his assault.

Despite being struck twice rapidly and experiencing excruciating pain, Link summoned their paraglider again to attack the Middle weak point. However, before they could attempt to do so, the elusive Colgera opened another wormhole and vanished into it, leaving Link to contemplate their next move.

Tulin's voice boomed with urgency, "Be careful! The Colgera is coming from beneath us again." He deftly equipped his trusty Bow and arrow, carefully aiming at the Beast's vulnerable eyes. Meanwhile, Link focused on targeting its weak spots, determined to defeat the foe.

Colgera emerged, but the Link appeared to have left the wrong side and faced its pointed back. However, before Colgera could become discouraged, the Beast turned around, giving him a clear shot to shoot another bomb arrow toward the exposed belly.

He landed a direct hit on his intended target with precise aim, causing him to release his paraglider as a precaution in case of further explosions. Fortunately, there were no subsequent blasts to worry about. Despite this, he realized one more accurate shot was necessary to overcome the Colgera.

With great skill, he expertly utilized the force of the wind to his advantage. He soared gracefully upwards towards the path that Colgera was taking. His eyes were locked onto the target, and he prepared for another clear shot, aiming precisely at the vulnerable spot he had identified earlier.

Tulin breathed a sigh of relief and exclaimed, "You did it! We're almost there!" as he watched the Beast writhe in agony. As predicted, the creature opened a wormhole but remained open longer. Link and Tulin paused momentarily, their eyes fixed on the pulsating portal, waiting for any hint of its reappearance. However, the billowing clouds surrounding them slowly dissipated almost imperceptibly before they could investigate further. But then, with sudden and explosive force, the clouds dissipated in a spectacular display, leaving the duo momentarily stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

As the wind suddenly died down and the clouds dispersed, a stunning panorama of the Temple's surroundings was revealed, eliciting surprise from both of them. They could clearly make out a bustling shopping village and the rest of Hyrule from their vantage point. However, a thick layer of cloud still shrouded most of the area. Navigating through it would be akin to traversing a tempestuous night's storm, with visibility severely interfered with.

Upon exiting the Wormhole, Colgera suddenly appeared before them, leaving the team bewildered and struggling to make sense of their surroundings. However, Link's intuition told him something was different this time. Upon further inspection, it became clear that the situation was much more dire. The entity they faced now was fortified and resilient, unlike the weakened foe they had encountered previously. They faced a new challenge as colossal tornadoes swirled around them, much bigger than before, threatening to engulf the two and disrupt their movements.

Upon close inspection, it was evident that the Colgera had made significant progress in its healing process. Its physical state was noticeably improved, with approximately seventy-five percent of its health seemingly restored. The two were fixated on this negative development. Still, their attention was abruptly diverted when a series of tornadoes unexpectedly swept through the area that not only towered over them but now were much more significant in size than before, leaving them dazed and confused.

The primary concern of the two heroes is to confirm with absolute certainty that the object under scrutiny did not leave the Temple. However, upon closely observing the actions of the Colgera, it becomes apparent that its head has swiveled to survey the surrounding environment. This is because the storm it had previously conjured has dissipated, and the clouds have dispersed. Its focus is now solely on the Direction of Rito village, and it maintains a fixed gaze.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, NO!" exclaimed Link, his heart pounding in his chest as he launched himself towards the Colgera, a massive and fearsome creature. Despite his efforts, the Beast remained indifferent to his approach, swiftly taking flight with its six wings and soaring over the edge of the Temple's Ship. The sight sent a jolt of panic through Link's body as he realized what the creature was headed towards - Rito Village, a peaceful settlement in the valley below.

"OH NO, RITO VILLAGE!" cried Tulin, who had joined Link in his frantic pursuit of the Colgera. Together, they hurtled towards the earth, desperate to prevent the creature from unleashing its wrath upon the unsuspecting villagers.

Link and Tulin attempted to draw its attention by recklessly advancing toward it while discharging a barrage of arrows, including explosives, shock-infused arrows, and regular arrows imbued with different things. Despite their valiant efforts, their attempts were in vain as the Colgera remained undisturbed.

Link and Tulin had bravely climbed to the summit of the Temple, where they were met with a thick layer of clouds that obscured their vision. But Tulin, her expert guide, confidently led Link through the mist.

Though deep inside the Temple, the deafening sounds of the raging snowstorm outside could not be heard over the din of the fierce battle they were waging against a powerful and fearsome creature. The storm was unlike any other, with gusts of wind so strong that they threatened to knock the duo off their flight path. Clearly, the Colgera had gained a firm grip on the weather, and their control over the elements grew stronger with each passing moment.

The formidable creature pays no heed to their presence, only recognizing their existence by launching colossal ice spears with great force. Despite Link's best efforts to evade the projectiles, he is still struck by a handful of them, leaving him slightly wounded.

"I'll make sure it doesn't get to the Village. You go under and at least get it distracted to go to Tabantha Tundra, where there were most likely no villagers or anyone else." Link commanded.

With unwavering determination, Tulin boldly declared, "I will do my best!" before taking off into the sky. Flapping his wings incredibly fast, he darted underneath the massive, intimidating Beast, hoping to catch its attention. Meanwhile, Link battled through the thick, billowing clouds, acutely aware of the danger behind him. With every beat of the Beast's colossal tail, he skillfully maneuvered out of harm's way, never losing sight of his objective. Despite their valiant efforts, the Beast remained unimpressed, forging ahead on its predetermined path without glancing in their direction.

Link cautiously advanced towards the daunting Colgera; he soon realized that his previous strategy of aiming for its weak spot would no longer be effective. To his dismay, he saw that the vulnerable area was now encased in a thick layer of menacing ice spears on both sides, leaving him with no clear path to defeat it.

As he was preparing to retreat, Colgera suddenly let out a huge roar. Ice spears flew in all directions, originating from two vulnerable spots on the creature's body, and were aimed directly at Link. Link attempted to eye them all at once to avoid being struck. However, he still ended up with even more scratches than he had previously. Some even in places where he had already been shot, making the pain worse.

Despite his best efforts, Link needs help to hit the vulnerable areas of the Colgera. His arrows are deflected by other Ice spears already lodged in the target, making reaching the intended weak spot nearly impossible. As he continues his attempts, the situation grows increasingly tricky and lengthy. The strain on his Bow has even resulted in injury to his hands. He realizes he neglected to properly maintain his Bow, a mistake he deeply regrets as he reaches for another bow from his Purah pad.

Just as he drew his trusty Bow and prepared to descend towards the Village of Colgera, the youthful Rito called out to him in a clear, urgent voice, piercing through the wildness of the wind.

"Link, be careful!" Tulin had shouted urgently from his position in the distance. Link struggled to see his surroundings, but he could sense the presence of the Colgera's Brigade of Ice Spears approaching. Despite evading them, he sustained numerous cuts, which intensified the pain. As he prepared to deploy his paraglider, Tulin warned him of an incoming spear directly in his path.


Link wasn't even able to move.

At that particular moment, it seemed as if the flow of time had decelerated, giving the impression of a slowed-down motion reminiscent of him using bullet time to accurately launch an arrow towards its target.


Suddenly, he found himself unable to move as a massive ice spear hurtled towards his head. Despite using his paraglider, he failed to dodge the attack.


If he were to release his paraglider, the spear beneath it would likely strike him.


He couldn't move left or right because he would be too slow.


The spear drew nearer and nearer until he could feel its presence looming before him, a daunting and ominous threat.


He couldn't help but wonder if this was how he would meet his demise. His mind wandered to his regrets about not aiding Zelda a century ago, but only briefly.


As he reminisced, he remembered the moment he failed to save Zelda from falling into the chasm.



As he reminisced, he recalled Zelda's memories regarding her transformation into a dragon during time travel in an attempt to rectify everything...




To provide assistance with anything, he may need to stop Ganondorf.




He was experiencing that failure once more...




He has failed once more.


Once again, he had failed... The fear of never being good enough...consumed him.


Was his only thought as he patiently waited for the spear to go through his head...



Out of nowhere, the back of his shirt was yanked. He narrowly dodged a spear within only two seconds and released his paraglider. However, he could no longer glide easily as he was lifted higher into the clouds, navigating through the impossible spear to detect.

Because of his near-death experience, his mind was in disarray, with his thoughts muddled and lacking clarity. He was finding it challenging to grasp the present circumstances, and the mounting fear was causing him to struggle for breath.

In a moment of urgency, a commanding voice rang out, instructing those present to take action. "Charge and lead the beast away from the village," the voice commanded firmly, emphasizing the importance of safety above all else. Without hesitation, the crowd of hundreds responded in unison, affirming their commitment to the task. "Yes sir," they replied resolutely, ready to take on the challenge with unwavering determination.

As he gazed at the sky, numerous silhouettes were approaching Colgera directly. However, he managed to observe them closely before expressing his worries.

Upon breaking through the dense and ominous clouds, a moment of relief washed over him as he was met with a clear and open expanse of sky. However, his brief respite was soon interrupted by the sight of a vast array of Rito warriors, armed with bows, arrows, and various other weapons, keenly focused on taking down the monstrous creature looming ahead. With a precision and accuracy that was both impressive and terrifying, the Rito warriors unleashed a barrage of deadly shots that found their mark with unerring accuracy.

As he observed, the Warriors worked to distract the Colgera and bring it down. Despite the creature's wrath and the ice spears it flung everywhere, the Warriors quickly dodged them. They moved through the sky with such agility that he had never seen in any Rito. Like a falling leaf, they avoided being struck while still hitting their target.

Link was shocked as he observed numerous warriors in the sky and many more approaching from Rito's Village.

"You were instructed to take better care of yourself, not recklessly throw yourself into harm's way," a stern voice admonished from above Link. He tried to look up, but his vision was obstructed by flapping fabric and the frenzied movements of the person (Rito). "Considering your luck, I strongly suggest a name change would be in your best interest."

"Revali," Link asked, waiting until the champion had put a safe distance between them before glancing up. As he did, he could see the unmistakable expression of annoyance etched onto Revali's face, and he held onto him tightly, not wanting to lose his grip and risk falling.

"Don't you even think about Revali-ing me," Revali barked. "You should be thanking your lucky stars that I bothered to show up. You're just another ignorant Hylian who would be dead without me," he spat, his voice filled with anger and concern.

"Why are you here? How did you get here?" Link said as he looked at how high they were.

"An even better question is, what brings you here and what is that thing?" snapped Revali, attempting to redirect their attention to the current situation.

"LINK," Tulin's voice echoed across the battlefield. Both of them turned to see Tulin, and Revali shot a look of concern and annoyance at the young Rito warrior he had spent much time searching for.

"TULIN," Link shouted, causing the younger Rito to turn and look. Tulin paused when he saw who was holding Link.

"Take them both back to Rito Village, Clause, while I deal with this. Make sure they don't leave," Revali commanded. Another brown Rito appeared and nodded in agreement to his orders. Despite his young age, Revali was highly respected and considered the top authority among the Warriors of Rito Village.

"Revali wait no," Link started.

"My top priority now is ensuring everyone's safety, and that can only be achieved by defeating that monstrosity," Revali snarled. "Return to the village, and we will discuss it later when we return."

"No," Link cut him off, only to nod at Tulin. "This is something I have to deal with. Get everyone to retreat; I'll ensure it doesn't go towards Rito Village."

"That's not your task right now. Your only responsibility is to return home while we handle the situation that you brought here," Revali stated as he gestured for Clause to take over as he flew away.

As Clause grabbed Link, he was met with a blank stare. Meanwhile, Revali rushed to handle Colgera, who was descending near Hebra Peak.

"Tulin," Before Link could react, the Young Rito took action and fired an arrow at the Rito holding Link. The hand hit behind the Rito and caused him to lose his grip on Link. As a result, Link quickly positioned himself to descend faster.

Tulin followed Link, flying towards the clouds after shooting a Rito. They swiftly maneuvered themselves towards the dark sky.

Through the darkened clouds, they could hear numerous commands issued by commanding Rito Warriors and the responses of the lower-status ones. Ragli was also heard shouting orders to everyone, urging them to remain focused and distract the Beast. At the same time, he figured out a way to destroy it.

Link observes the Colgera launching ice spears at the swift Rito, who successfully dodges them. He witnesses the ice reforming within a minute. They have led the Colgera away from the dark clouds and closer to the clear sky, but it remains concealed by the darkness. Nonetheless, Rito and the Beast can still see clearly.

Despite struggling to see, Link came up with a plan.

"Go with the Rito and get close enough to hit its weak spot. I'll try to go under it while you do that," Link ordered Tulin.

"Will you be all right?" Tulin asked him as he flew next to him.

With confidence, Link assured him, "I'll be alright. I have a plan." He nodded towards the Young Rito, who acknowledged the gesture and followed the plan. Link cleverly disguised himself from the Colgera, surprising the other Rito, who was shocked to see him amid the battle. They urged him to seek safety, not expecting such a young fighter to be involved. Despite their warnings, Tulin trusted Link and carried out his plan.

Link went below the Colgera and patiently waited for Tulin to launch his attack, along with several other Rito who aimed to divert the Beast's attention from the younger Rito and protect them.

Tulin managed to distract the Beast and lured it into attacking him. He skillfully dodged the ice Spears and took advantage of a brief moment to use his paraglider to ascend and fire two exploding arrows at the vulnerable spot on the Beast. The creature let out a deafening roar as its weak point shattered.

Link was caught off guard when Revali suddenly snapped at him out of nowhere, "What in the world are you doing?"

Link didn't respond to Revali, but he let himself drop. Revali attempted to follow him, but he quickly moved out as the monster approached where Link had been.

Looking up, Link sighed in relief as he saw that Revali had emerged unscathed from the other side of the monster.

A fierce confrontation unfolded as a group of Rito attacked the Colgera. However, the creature was not one to be trifled with, as it only grew more enraged and retaliated by unleashing a barrage of tornadoes upon the Rito. Despite the Colgera's formidable power, the Rito displayed impressive agility and managed to avoid the tornadoes with skillful maneuvers. The battle raged on for a grueling 2 to 3 hours, leaving all participants thoroughly exhausted. To make matters worse, the Colgera resorted to regenerating its spears through wormholes, further complicating the arduous fight. The Rito suffered several injuries due to the Colgera's onslaught of tornadoes, highlighting the danger of engaging with such a powerful and unpredictable creature.

Link struggled to develop new tactics when Colgera's health dropped to 20%. He was tired and wanted to end the battle with the beastly creature. Meanwhile, Tulin fought with all his might to keep the Beast distracted and prevent it from attacking the rest of the group of Rito.

He went back to trying to aim at the Colgera's weak point, getting its attention once more on him.

At the moment, Link is running out of options. He doesn't know what to do, and Ravali disappeared an hour ago. They are all exhausted and just want to get some rest.

After what felt like an endless amount of time, Link found himself face-to-face with Colgera once again. He aimed his weapon at the creature's eyes and weak spot, but something unexpected occurred. Link and the Rito's had been so focused on the monster that they failed to notice their surroundings until Vah Medoh, the Divine Beast, suddenly ensnared Colgera with its massive talons.

The Rito cheered upon seeing the Divine Beast squeezing the monster's weak point, shocking Link and Tulin. Despite the monster's attempts to escape, it was held firmly by the Divine Beast's grip. The protective ice shell that once covered its weak and weak points shattered.

Link and Tulin knew only one thing left: destroy the middle weak point that the Divine Beast could not reach quickly. They went to the Caldera, where the Divine Beast was located. With swift precision, they both let out arrows, hitting the weak point simultaneously.

At that moment, the Divine Beast released the Colgera. All eyes were fixed on the scene, waiting to see what would happen next. The Colgera let out a tortured roar as its body began to contort, and the clouds overhead scattered. Finally, the monster let out one last bellow towards the sky, signaling its defeat before it exploded into oblivion.

Rito cheered as they watched the Beast they had once battled be vanquished. Revali, who was in his Divine Beast, exhaled, surprised by the success of their strategy, and grinned as a Rito praised him.

Link and Tulin vanished without a trace after the Colgera was defeated.

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