Cyberpunk:The Lone Wolf

By Cheetahniel

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This story is about a guy who became a edgerunner. watch him as he proceeds to become the most famous edgerun... More

A beginning of something new
A protection Job part 1
A protection Job part 2
A Date
A Job with the Nomads
The Big One.
A Mansion Job
Arasaka Convoy
Fly me to the moon
Personal Vendetta
Relationship is hard
Hot Springs
Perfect Murder
I can fix her
A pleasant surprise.
You wanna know how I got that scar?
Childhood memories
Best. Night. Ever.
The Italian job
Resolving Negotiations.
Cammora sends his regards

Project 777

29 1 0
By Cheetahniel

As they walk by the observation room and see the live feed, they all stop to take a closer look. On the monitor, there appears to be a person in a large glass cage.Oh no... - Panam says quietly as she watches the person, recognizing them.Is that... Alt Cunningham... - Ronin replies in a shocked tone. Alt Cunningham is one of the most famous and infamous netrunners in history. The three of them all stare at the monitor in shock, suddenly realizing what a dangerous thing they've stumbled upon. Weird... I forgot who she was for a moment - Ronin casually says. How could you forget who Alt Cunningham is?? - Panam says, sounding surprised and offended. She's probably the most famous netrunner to ever live. She's been at the forefront of cyber and digital technology. Yeah, she's probably second only to Richard Night himself. Sarah agrees.  And she's right there, in a glass cage. What the hell is going on here? Well, she's in the net. We can't bring her back. - he says. No, but we need to figure out why the Tyger Claws have their hands on her. Ronin replies, now sounding a little annoyed. We need to get her out of here and make sure she's safe.  Alt Cunningham is an insanely valuable netrunner, and she's definitely of use to Arasaka. - Sarah points out. I can understand the Tyger Claws kidnapping her, but why keep her locked up like this?  Yeah, that's probably it. - Sarah replies. Maybe they think they can get something useful out of her now.But what exactly is it that they want? - Panam says, sounding curious and slightly nervous. Why go to all the effort of kidnapping her when most people think she's dead and buried in history?

Probably for the money. - Ronin says. Trust me, there is a lot of weirdos out there who would like to buy her body to do 'things' to her. or even worse. Gross. -Sarah responds with a disgusted look. Why would anyone want Alt's body, of all things?  Sure, she's an insanely talented netrunner and she's probably worth billions, but her body??

Panam also can't help but react with disgust at the thought of someone buying Alt's body. Who would want such a thing? - She asks, now sounding concerned. Well, she was kinda hot when she was on this world. No wonder Johny Silverhand dated her.Panam laughs even more at the second mention of Johnny Silverhand's relationship with Alt. Ok, yeah. I kinda see the appeal in that case. - She says, still laughing.In the meantime, Sarah's interest is piqued. - The thing is, though, Alt has been working on something, yeah. But what exactly has she been working on, that both Arasaka and the Tyger Claws are interested in?Hey, wait a second... Ronin suddenly realizes. That's it right there. He points at the monitor showing Alt, which is still active. Hold up... You don't mean. - Ronin says now being intrigued - They managed to move both of her body and her consciousness here? I'm impressed. - he says as he checks the PC for even more information. As Ronin looks through the files, he finds something that catches his eye. It looks like they managed to download her entire consciousness and upload it into the Net. The real Alt Cunningham is dead, but now she exists as a fully functional AI in the Net. Oh god. Sarah stares in disbelief and shock, now realizing why Arasaka and the Tyger Claws are both interested in this.  Suddenly Alt speaks through the screen. Hey? Hello? - Anyone here? - she says as she tries to communicate the outside world. Panam, Sarah, and Ronin all jump in surprise as they hear Alt speak to them through the monitor. Alt?! - Sarah exclaims. - It's you! But.. But how?Yeah, what the hell is going on? - Ronin asks in surprise. I thought you were dead.

I'm not exactly dead. I'm alive in the net. - she answered 

Panam and Ronin share a look, now starting to understand the situation here. Well, I guess that explains it. -  Panam says after a moment of thought.Yeah, this is a huge discovery. - Ronin adds, now looking fascinated. - She's one of the most famous netrunners to ever live, and she's somehow been uploaded to the Net?

I have even more option, when I'm the net, than when I was a net runner. So you're completely free? - Sarah asks, now sounding curious. You're not bound by the restraints of physical reality anymore? Yup, that seems about right. I have unlimited knowledge, so if you want to ask me something, feel free to ask. - she says awaiting their response.  Wait, let's slow down. - Panam says. How are you still functional? You're an AI, but you seem completely human. You have thoughts and feelings. How is this even possible?" Ronin adds, now sounding intrigued. - I always thought artificial intelligence was too simple to do something like this.Well, If not my consciousness I would've been just an AI, but now I'm an sentient AI with a 'soul' of human. So what you're saying is... - Panam begins to say as she thinks about it. Does that mean your consciousness was copied and uploaded onto the Net? But the original Alt Cunningham died? Yup. - she says as she confirms it. So... If the real Alt is dead, does that mean... - Sarah begins to ask, seemingly realizing what this means. - The body they're keeping in that glass cage... It's just her rotting corpse? Yes. Which year is it by the way? - she asks. The year is 2077. -Pam answers. Why, how long has it been for you? I suppose I lost track of time... Time is very relative 'here' in the Net. Alt comments with a small smile. In fact, I think I lost touch with human norms a long time ago.  I've been in here since 2023 - Alt answers. 2023?! No way, it's been that long?! Sarah says in surprise. - I can't even imagine... Yup, me neither. Although looking at my body, I stayed hot, even after 50 years. - she says. So when you were an actual person, were you really that pretty? - Sarah asks with curiosity. Just curious. You seem to have your memories in tact, yeah. Ronin adds. Do you have the same personality and traits as the real Alt Cunningham? I do. In fact, I technically could get back to my body if you connected me in an ice bath. Wait, for real? Sarah asks excitedly. That's incredible! And you could really have your body back? I can't believe it, that would be like bringing you back to life. Yup, I certainly could. The three companions now feel both optimistic and nervous at the same time. They could save Alt Cunningham's life, and bring her back to life in the real world. Yet they're also a little concerned about the idea of bringing the world's most dangerous netrunner back to life. This is a lot to take in right now. - Ronin comments. Seriously, we need to take a moment to process all this. - Panam adds. This is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity. It is. - Sarah agrees. We can't just ignore the possibilities here. Yup. We certainly can't. But how will we get her out of here? - Alt says. That's a good question. - Ronin says while thinking. This building is pretty much owned by Arasaka. They have a lot of security here. We need to come up with a plan on how we can both get into Arasaka's mainframe, unlock all the doors, and get Alt out of here without causing a scene. Panam and Sarah now look at each other and nod, agreeing with Ronin's plan. That sounds like it could work. Just need a way in. Panam says, now sounding determined. There! - Ronin suddenly says - There's an Arasaka van we can use to get in the tower undetected. There's a van out there! Panam asks, now sounding excited. That would be perfect! But how do you know there's a van out there? And where exactly is it? Wait, I got an idea." Sarah adds. If we know the van's parked close to the main entrance of the tower, we could try and hack into Arasaka's cameras to figure out it's precise location. Sure. That's a great idea - he says  Perfect! Ok, here's the plan. We find the van and get our hands on it. Then we use it to get into Arasaka tower and access the mainframe.  Panam explains the plan to the other two as she checks the monitor showing Alt Cunningham to make sure she's still there. All right, let's do this! - Sarah says excitedly.The three of them head for the factory exit. Once they're outside, they quickly take cover and search for the Arasaka van, trying to stay hidden. After a few minutes of searching, they spot the van and sneak towards it, trying to avoid being seen by any guards still patrolling the area. Sarah is the first to reach the van, which appears to be still unlocked. She gets in and quickly starts the van, while the other two hop into the back and duck down so they won't be seen through the windows. Sarah speeds off in the van, driving the trio towards the Arasaka tower. They stay hidden in the van, not wanting to risk the Arasaka guards spotting them. The tower comes soon into view, and they slowly approach, looking for the main entrance. Hey, I think we've found the entrance! - Panam says, pointing at a large set of glass doors to their side. There are a few guards around, but they don't appear to have noticed the van yet.  Sarah pulls the van up as close to the main entrance as possible. They all make their way out of the van, checking to make sure the coast is clear before moving towards the main entrance door. Sarah gets to the door first and tries to open it, but it's locked. Damn it - she says under her breath, as she starts to scan it for security measures. Hold on, let me try something. - Panam suddenly says after a few seconds. I think I know how we can get inside. Panam uses her Tech skill to start hacking the lock to try and override the electronic locks on the main entrance door. The screen on her cyberdeck starts to display lines of text and numbers as the hacking process begins. After a few moments, she finally manages to crack the lock and the door to the Arasaka tower opens. The three of them quickly run into the tower and move along, now being careful to avoid any cameras or guards they come across. The trio carefully sneaks inside the Arasaka tower. They move down a few hallways and find their way into an elevators that takes them up to the upper floors. As they're waiting for the elevator door to open, Sarah notices something strange on the elevator console: buttons for floors labeled as '-1' and '-2'. Oh, what's this? She asks the others as she presses the button for Level -1. Seconds later, the elevator doors open to reveal a dark and foreboding area. It looks like they've entered the dark basement of the Arasaka tower. The ice bath should be nearby - Ronin says as he activates his optical camo and moves out of the elevator. The trio follows Ronin as he makes his way out of the elevator, and soon find a set of double doors that lead into a freezing cold area. They open them and see a large rectangular room with an ice bath in the middle. A few of the ice cubes have melted, showing hints of a human body underneath.Guys... You're not gonna believe what we found. - Sarah says as she stares in disbelief at the sight of Alt Cunningham's frozen body. She's here... Well, let's get this shit rolling already - Ronin says. Panam steps forward and places her cyberdeck against the ice bath, starting to upload a data stream into the bath to download Alt's consciousness. As she does this, we cut to the inside of Alt's mind... A pitch black world, where Alt finds herself standing in a large black void. Suddenly, a blinding light appears before her. Is someone there? She calls out in the void. Hello? Can anyone hear me? What's going on?! - Hey! Over here - Panam says as she grabs the Alt's AI hand and drags her back to her body. Alt's eyes slowly adjust to the bright lights of her new body, as she finds herself waking up on the ice bath. She looks around for a few moments, before suddenly realizing what happened. I can't believe it... I'm actually back in my body. - Alt smiles for a few moments, before she suddenly looks back at the trio. Wait... You guys helped me! Of course we did." Sarah smiles as she extends her hand to help Alt up. What were we gonna do? Leave you in that ice bath for eternity? Here, grab this clothes - Ronin says as he throws her used clothes - You know how to use a gun? - he asks Alt quickly gets dressed, and now feels a bit overwhelmed with excitement. Of course I know how to use a gun! I was the greatest netrunner to ever live. Alt responds playfully. Yeah, but you've been in a freezer for the past fifty years. Think you can still handle a gun? -  Ronin teases, now sounding amused. Alt responds by sticking out her tongue, before looking back at the trio. So... How did you guys even know about any of this? I thought I was well protected from the world. What changed?  - Alt asks. You mean since Silverhands assault on Arasaka tower? Very much. - he answers her question. Alt's eyes go wide in shock. Wait... Silverhand attacked Arasaka? - Alt asks. Yeah, he did. - Sarah responds. -He even nuked the tower. Alt pauses, as she stares off in disbelief. That's impossible... He... He destroyed Arasaka? Yup, He did it with Rogue and some guy called Morgan. Morgan was caught by Smasher, and Silverhand escaped. - he replies. - But unfortunately, Silverhand was gunned down 5 years later by Arasaka guards. Alt stays silent for a few moments, as she seems speechless, as if she's having trouble processing everything that's happened. And Rogue is alive? Alt finally asks with a stunned expression. Yeah, she's still kicking. Sarah confirms, as she sees Alt in stunned disbelief. She survived the Assault on Arasaka? - Alt asks. She did. And she's a fixer now. She buys and sells info for money in the afterlife club now. - he replies to her questions. No way! - Alt says while covering her mouth in disbelief. I need to contact her! I need to see if she's OK. I can't believe that Silverhand is dead though... -  Alt sighs, now sounding a bit sad. Alt, there's something we need to tell you... -Sarah says to Alt with a serious look on her face. What is it? - Alt asks nervously. Everyone thinks you're dead - Ronin suddenly says. Alt's eyes go wide in shock, and her face turns pale. "What... What did you just say?" she asks, staring at Ronin in disbelief. Let me get this straight... Everyone thinks I'm dead? But... But I'm right here. I'm right here! - Alt says, now sounding extremely puzzled. Yeah, and before we took you from the net you were frozen for 50 years in the ice tub behind us. - he says. 50 years!? - Alt asks incredulously. It's apparent that she can't really process what she's hearing right now. Everyone thinks I'm dead, but I'm alive? I've been gone for 50 years? The world is completely different now, isn't it? - Alt asks. Sarah and Panam now look at each other and nod, understanding how shocking this must be for her. Yeah, but you're back now! - Sarah smiles at Alt as she tries to comfort her. 54 to be exact - he says. I... I don't know what to say. - Alt stays silent for a few moments, as she seems overwhelmed with all the information. Wait... Can I have a cigarette? she finally asks.My head's spinning. Wait, but smoking is bad for you! - Panam replies, now sounding a bit concerned. I know, I'm just... I just need a few minutes to clear my head. - Alt replies calmly. A cigarette wouldn't kill me at this point, right? Panam hesitates for a moment, before handing Alt a pack of cigarettes. At this moment, alt probably has metal lungs, so technically, she can't die from smoking. Alt smiles as she opens the pack of cigarettes, now looking relieved to be smoking again. She lights one up and takes a long drag, while she now starts to think to herself. After a few moments, Alt looks back at the trio and now speaks with a bit more confidence. So... I guess Silverhand really did nuke Arasaka tower. He really did it, huh?Sarah and Panam both now look at Alt with a bit of awe. Yeah, but he's also dead now. Killed by Arasaka agents. Ronin adds. Holy shit... Guys, we can talk once we escape Arasaka's elite squad. Here alt, take this gun and shoot whatever moves - he says as he takes his battle stance. You're right.Alt now says as she takes the gun from Ronin. She then carefully takes up a position to provide cover fire, as the trio slowly move down the cold, dark hallway of ice baths. They soon see a group of Arasaka agents start to appear around the corner. Alt fires her gun at the Arasaka troops, and she manages to take down a few of them. The trio can see the Arasaka agents now coming around the corner, and they're now preparing to return fire. Hold up - Ronin says as he stops time. He then touches the others to bring him into his world. Don't think about how I did it. Just follow me, ok? As soon as the world freezes, the three of them feel an unexplainable moment of clarity and calm. They look around in awe, seeing that time is indeed stopped. What the hell did you just do? Sarah asks in shock, while Panam  now sounds amazed. Just stay close to me. - Ronin replies, now sounding confident and determined. We're making our move to the ice bath area. Keep the Arasaka troops occupied while I hack their mainframes, got it? 15 minutes later...  We actually escaped... - Panam says in relief as she takes a deep breath. And we even managed to bring Alt Cunningham out of the Arasaka tower!

Sarah and Ronin both nod in agreement and they smile at Panam, who now looks happy to have succeeded today. Now, we need to take Alt back to your place, 'kay? - Sarah says.Well, let's not waste any time. We should get going. - Ronin adds, now starting the drive back to his villa. After a few minutes of driving, the trio eventually reach Ronin's villa, and they now get out of the car. They head inside and then find a place to sit down, now looking forward to finally getting some rest. However, they see Alt staring out the window with a sad look on her face.What's wrong? - Sarah finally asks in a gentle tone as she approaches Alt and now sits down near her. Alt turns to look at Sarah, with a solemn expression on her face.Can I ask you a favor? - Alt asks Sarah quietly. Alt takes a deep breath and then starts to speak with a more serious tone. I need to get in contact with Rogue. I haven't talked to her in 50 years, and I need to know if she's okay. I need to see her in person... Can you take me to her? Please? I need this. - Alt says, now sounding somewhat desperate. Sure, we'll take her to you tomorrow when the heat falls down. For now, try to get some rest. Alt nods in understanding, and then leans her head against the back of the couch, now trying to relax and catch some sleep.The trio leaves Alt alone and goes to prepare some food. After a few moments, they all sit down at the dinner table with some food, and they begin to discuss tomorrows' plans.Rogue should still be working at The Afterlife. If we're lucky, she should still be there. - Ronin says as he takes a bite of some ramen. Oh, Alt. - Ronin suddenly says. - When you'll be done with food, go to the closet and pick yourself some nice clothes. We can't go to Afterlife looking like poor people. Alt gets up from the couch and walks to the walk-in closet. She takes a few moments to look through her clothing options and now starts to pick out a few more fashionable clothes. Hey, Ronin... What time do you think we should go see Rogue at The Afterlife? - Sarah asks. Oh... We should probably go in the evening, when it gets busy. It should be easier to blend in. - Ronin replies. Sure - Ronin says as he messages Rogue 'We need to meet tomorrow at 10pm ouside Afterlife ASAP' - then he eats his food further. Alt eventually comes downstairs and now has a more fashionable appearance, looking more like her old self again.Hey guys, look who's back! - Sarah says with a smile. Alt looks super hot in that outfit.Alt smiles back at Sarah and nods in appreciation. Then she turns to face Ronin and now speaks.Hey, Ronin. Do you think we can go to The Afterlife anytime soon? I really want to see Rogue. - Alt says with a hopeful smile. Yeah, I have a meeting set with her tomorrow at 10pm outside the Afterlife - he answers. 10 PM... Got it. - Alt sighs with a determined look on her face. So, we have to wait another 24 hours. - Alt's now sounding a bit frustrated. She then turns to face Ronin and now asks him a serious question.Hey, Ronin... Do you think my soulcast still works? - she asks. Do you think I'm still capable of hacking into computers and systems? It's been 50 years. You could try - he says. Hmm... Why don't we try it now? - Alt asks. I'm in a better mood now, and I think I can actually try something. Let me just try and see.Alt takes out her cyberdeck from her back pocket and now starts typing on its interface.What am I hacking into? - she asks Ronin.Well, you can try hacking into one of Arasaka's computers. I'm sure we can find one somewhere in the villa. - Ronin replies. Alt nods in agreement and now puts on a determined look on her face, as if she's preparing for an upcoming battle. She then quickly types on her cyberdeck, while trying to hack into an Arasaka data stream.The data stream quickly unlocks, and Alt now looks very happy that she's still capable of hacking. She then starts to explore the data stream and now finds lots of classified corporate information that's been stolen. Wow, I can't believe I still got it. - Alt says in disbelief. But now I should probably put up some data defense programs. The Arasaka netrunners are probably coming for me now. Alt then starts to run a data defense program on her cyberdeck to protect against netrunner attacks. After a few seconds, she now looks back at the three of them.Ok, I'm good to go now. I'm ready for the meeting with Rogue. - Alt says with a hopeful smile.

Ok then. You can either sleep here on the couch, or choose any bedroom in the back of the mansion. If you need us, we'll be on the west side. - he says as he walks with Sara to their bedroom.  Alright, thank you guys. I'll be off to bed now. - Alt replies as she nods at Ronin. She then walks towards one of the bedrooms in the back, and now looks around a bit before choosing one of them. She then walks towards the bed and sits down, now looking forward to finally getting some rest. So, we freed the best netrunner from her endless sleep - Ronin says once they're in their bedroom - How about we celebrate it? - he offers Sarah as he looks at her. Sarah laughs and now smiles at Ronin, while taking a seat on the bed next to him. How are we gonna celebrate it? Sarah asks with a smirk. I think I have an idea. Ronin replies, now with a playful tone. Oh yeah? Go on. Sarah says, as she now looks a bit curious. Ronin then grabs Sarah and lays her on the bed while starting loving her. Sarah wraps her arms around Ronin as he begins to kiss her passionately. She now looks back at him with an eager look on her face, and she now wraps her legs around his back. Ronin now leans in again and continues kissing Sarah. He now pulls her a bit closer and starts to move his hands around her body, while she now moves her hands around his back. Sarah now can't help but moan with pleasure as she and Ronin continue to make love to each other. She can feel the heat between them, like the flame between two lovers. Oh my god - she whispers softly as she wraps her arms around Ronin and starts to get her breath back. The two of them now both look completely exhausted and out of breath, but they're both also smiling at each other with an aura of passion. Hey, uh... Can I... Can I ask you a favor? - Sarah asks Ronin after they both sit up on the bed, now feeling a bit embarrassed from their lovemaking. Sure, what is it? - Ronin replies.

Um... Well... Can you turn your back and look away for a few seconds, please? - Sarah says, now sounding a bit shy.What for? - Ronin asks, now sounding a bit confused why Sarah asked him this.Do you trust me? -Sarah asks. Sure. - Ronin says as he looks away Sarah now stands up from the bed and now starts to undress from her clothing, while Ronin keeps his back turned to her.Thanks... - Sarah says softly after she's done undressing, as she now sits back down on the bed and now feels the sheets against her bare skin. Holy... You're even hotter when you're naked. - he says as he lies in bed with her. Oh, stop it. - Sarah says with a blushing expression as she smiles at Ronin while burying her face in the sheets. You're making me feel shy.So, why did you want me to look away? - Ronin asks, now sounding a bit more curious.I'll tell you later. - Sarah replies playfully, now leaning in to kiss Ronin again. Sarah again lays back on the bed as Ronin begins to kiss her again. She now lets out a series of soft, sensuous moans as she closes her eyes and enjoys the feeling of Ronin's fingers slowly moving across her body. Oh god, yes... Don't stop... - she says, now sounding a bit desperate. I'm all yours. - Sarah now whispers seductively as she pulls Ronin a bit closer to her and continues kissing him passionately. As the two of them continue to make love with each other, they now both feel a growing sense of intimacy and trust. The touch of their bodies against each other now creates a powerful connection between them, and they now know they can fully trust each other as they move together in perfect harmony. As they continue with their passionate embrace, Sarah now starts to feel a strong sense of love and affection towards Ronin, as if their souls were merging together as one. Oh, Ronin... I love you. - she whispers softly, now leaning in to kiss him again.I love you too... Ronin whispers in reply, now leaning in to kiss Sarah again.The two of them now continue with their lovemaking and are now lost in the moment, completely embracing each other with love and passion. Nothing else matters anymore except this precious moment they share with each other. Sarah now lets out a soft, gentle chuckle as she now rests her head against the pillow. She now looks happily at Ronin and now speaks to him. I... I've never met or loved someone more than I have with you. Sarah says to Ronin, now sounding a bit flustered. I know. I can feel it. Ronin replies, now looking back at Sarah with a gentle smile and now gently strokes her hair. Sarah leans in to kiss Ronin again, and now continues with their lovemaking. They now have a powerful connection to one another, and they now feel fully in sync with each other.As they continue, Sarah now leans in again to kiss Ronin. Her lips slowly move against his, and now she starts to whisper sweet, seductive words to him. I'm yours... You're mine... There's nothing else in between us. - Sarah whispers to Ronin, while now pulling him even closer to her.Sarah and Ronin are now making love with each other and now feel a connection like no other.She now leans in and kisses Ronin again, and now she softly whispers to him while touching her lips to his: All of this is yours, and all of me is yours, too. Our bodies, our souls, our everything."Ronin smiles at her affectionately and now leans in to kiss Sarah again, now holding her more tightly around her body. They now continue with their lovemaking until they're both completely exhausted. As they lie together in bed, Sarah now smiles and leans in to kiss Ronin again. He smiles back at Sarah, now feeling completely spent but also very happy and fulfilled. I love you, Ronin. -Sarah says in a soft voice. The two of them now relax under the covers and now enjoy the feeling of being together and sharing each other's love and affection. As they both settle down in bed and now rest in each other's arms, Sarah is the first to speak.That was... Wow. she now says, while slightly blushing. I can't believe how... amazing that was. I completely agree.  That's one of the most intense experiences I've ever had. - Ronin says, while still holding Sarah close to him.That's a night I'll never forget. Sarah now adds, while smiling at Ronin. Ronin and Sarah now kiss each other again before snuggling tightly together under the covers of the bed.You know, Ronin... - Sarah says softly at this point. I can't tell you how happy I am right now, to have found and been able to reconnect with you.Me too, Sarah. - Ronin replies, now sounding hopeful and a bit emotional. It feels like everything is falling into place again. We feel so close to each other, even though we've been apart for half a century. Sarah then wraps her arms around Ronin's back once again, while smiling gently at him before now whispering to him: I'm so glad we were able to find each other tonight. It was almost as if destiny wanted us to reconnect, after being separated for so long. I feel the same way. Ronin replies, now sounding hopeful and a bit emotional. It feels like we're finally back to where we left off, like we never really needed to be apart in the first place.  Sarah now leans in and gives Ronin a deep, sensuous kiss, while now moving her hands across his body and now running her fingers across the muscles on his back. I know this may sound a bit cheesy, but... I love you, Ronin. -she says softly. I love you too, Sarah. -Ronin replies back, now with a gentle smile.They soon both fall asleep in each other's arms, feeling totally content and safe.As they lie there, now asleep and wrapped in each other's arms, they look like a couple that's deeply in love and at ease with each other. For them, it was like their connection was never severed, and now they can once again be with the person that means the most to each of them. In the morning...Ronin and Sarah wake up in each other's arms and now feel fully refreshed and rejuvenated.They look at each other, as they now sit up in their bed and now smile warmly at each other.At Rogue's base...Rogue's base is an underground compound in the Badlands, located in the biotechnica fields. It's heavily fortified and highly protected. There are several armed guards at the entrance and multiple security cameras throughout the area.When you arrive at Rogue's base, you and Sarah are now greeted by Rogue and her assistant, Thompson. Rogue is dressed in her signature red jackets and black turtlenecks, along with jeans. Well, well, well. Looks like you and my little project have returned. - she now says, while now looking at you and Sarah. Project? You mean Alt? - he says surprised. Rogue now smiles and nods at you as she replies: - Exactly. It wasn't easy to lure her out of her deep hibernation, but I got the job done nevertheless. Well, that's impressive. - Ronin says, while now smiling at Rogue.Ah, please. Alt was quite a difficult project at first, but luckily she turned out to be a bit too eager to learn. - Rogue now says, while now standing up from her chair. You can say that again. -Sarah adds with a laugh while now putting her arm around Ronin's shoulder. Ok, but why did you wanted her so badly? - he says now being curious. Why? Well, for one thing, Alt's skills could have helped me immensely back in the day when we fought Arasaka's netrunners during my days at NetWatch. - Rogue now says.Rogue now turns to her assistant, Thompson, and says: Thompson, would you be a dear and bring in our little guest? Of course, Rogue. - Thompson replies while now walking away.Rogue now turns back to you and says: She's one of the greatest netrunners of all time. And she's sitting alone, doing nothing. I thought... Why waste such talent? Hold up... Let her stay with us for a while. She hasn't found herself in this world yet. After all, it's been 54 years for her - Ronin adds befor Thompson reached her. Rogue now looks over at Ronin and Sarah and then smiles warmly at him. That's... very thoughtful and generous of you, Ronin. - she now says. And I have to agree, it would be a waste of talent to leave someone with her abilities to sit idle. And I think having her come stay with the two of you would be a good way to acclimate her to the current situation. - Rogue now adds, while now speaking more softly. Sure. Besides, she can teach Sarah a trick or two, since she's a master at her work. - he says. And whenever you need us, just call or message me Rogue, and we'll help. I'll keep that in mind, thank you. - Rogue now answers while now smiling warmly at you and now looking at Sarah.Then, Thompson now quickly walks into the room carrying a datashard.Rogue, the data from the shard you've asked for. -Thompson now says as he hands the datashard to Rogue, who now takes it and thanks him before now holding it up in front of your and Sarah's face. I've also found something else. Alt left us a message before disappearing into the Blackwall. Do you care to hear it?  Sure, It will be useful to hear what she said before she 'died' - he says. Rouge now presses a button on the datashard and a virtual screen appears in front of your and Sarah's eyes. Then, a virtual 3D avatar of Alt now appears on the screen. The Alt avatar now looks like she never died, being very beautiful and still as stunning as ever.Hello, Rogue. - the virtual Alt avatar now says in a soft and gentle voice. She now looks up and gives a slight nod to Rogue. It's been a while.Alt. - Rogue says to the avatar in response, now sounding a bit shocked and amazed. Hold up, she's in two places now... But how? - Ronin asks being amazed by this. Well, I'll let her explain it. - Rogue now says to you.Then, the virtual Alt avatar now speaks to you again.First, I'll need to explain why I faked my death. My goal was to become independent. I wanted to be the creator of my own destiny. I wished to be free to explore and experience the world on my own, free from NetWatch's constant surveillance. To achieve this, I needed the help of someone with access and knowledge of the Blackwall. And? Who was that someone? - he asks now being invested in the situation. I was able to find a powerful and resourceful Netrunner to help me. A Netrunner by the name of Rache Bartmoss. No way, he helped you?!? -Rogue now says, now seeming shocked and amazed at the news of Rache helping Alt.I met Rache through my data-harvesting routine, where we developed a friendly relationship over the course of two years. It took a lot of convincing, but I was finally able to convince him to help me by explaining my intentions and goals. Rache wanted to be free as well. Well, Rache was a good guy. I met him back in 2069 on one of the jobs we did together. - he says. Indeed, I have a lot to thank him for. He helped me achieve what I wanted, which was to free myself from any outside control. And I would not have come to this conclusion without Rache. The time I was able to spend with him changed my life and my views on everything. But there is another reason I am now back, a more important one. - Alt now says, now sounding a bit serious while looking at both of you. What's the reason? - he asks. Well, that brings us to the topic of my message to you, Rogue. - Alt now says as the mood becomes a lot more serious. After gaining independence, my main focus became understanding the nature of the Blackwall. I discovered that the Blackwall was not completely impenetrable, and with my skills and the lessons I learned from Rache, I was able to discover a flaw in the Blackwall system. Using this error, I was able to escape the Blackwall completely. That would explain how we were able to revive you... -he says. Exactly. - Alt replies, now sounding a tad more confident and now making eye contact with you.Thanks to Rache's knowledge, as well as my own determination, skills, and resourcefulness, I'm now able to cross over from the dark web and the Blackwall. And after doing a bit of exploration on this side, I've reached the conclusion that... I'm free... for the first time in fifty-four years. - Alt now says in a soft, but happy tone, while now looking at both of you. Well, it's all thanks to Panam. If not her, we wouldn't even know you escaped the Blackwall - he says. Alt now smiles at you and now looks over at Rogue. Yes, Panam seems like a very kind and loyal person. I'm happy that I now have the opportunity to meet her and the others. - Alt now says. I'll be sending all of you the data I now have collected for the project. It should help you immensely during your mission. And Rogue, thank you for reviving me. It's nice to have friends... again. It's been a pleasure to meet you, Alt.  Rogue now says to her, while gently smiling. Hey, Can I ask you a question Alt? The virtual Alt avatar now looks over at you and says: Of course, what's on your mind, dear? Well, V went some time ago to the Arasaka tower with Johny Silverhand chip. Once he entered the net... How was it like to see him again after so many years? It was both exciting and bittersweet to see Johnny again. Bittersweet because he reminded me of the many memories we shared in the past. Exciting because I never thought I'd ever get the chance to see him again. In the Net, we were able to talk and catch up on everything that has happened in each others' lives. In some ways, it was almost like we were able to reunite and become friends again. Johnny and I both learned a lot from each other, and I think that our friendship will always remain as an important part of our lives. - Alt now says, smiling softly at you. Yeah, anyway - he says - We should go back to the villa since it's late alredy. And Rogue, thanks for the help. - he adds  You, Sarah, and Rogue all walk out of the base and walk a bit before stopping in front of a car. Then, Rogue now turns to you and says: You two be safe out there. And don't hesitate to call me for any reason. Thank you Rogue, for everything. It's been a pleasure meeting you. - You reply to which her smiles warmly and now puts her arms around you and Sarah as she says: And you two have always been a pleasure to me. Just be careful out there, okay? Sure thing - they say as they drive off with Alt back to their villa. Sometime later in the car... Sarah is now driving while you are sitting beside her. While Alt stays in the passenger's seat, looking out of the window and trying to take in all the new sights and sounds. Alt seems to be enjoying her time in the real world so far, taking in all of these new stimuli. Sarah, I have to say. This world is... so fascinating. This must truly be what it means to be alive. - Alt now says, sounding a bit surprised while smiling at you both. Yeah, it truly is - Ronin answers. Especially the night activities.Suddenly, the car's headlights now shine on a group of Tyger Claws, who seem to be standing in the middle of the road, blocking you. They all wear their signature yellow uniforms and now turn toward you. Oh, that ain't good. - Sarah says as she now looks ahead. What should we do, Ronin? Hold up... - Ronin says as he steps out of the car and then handles something to the Tyger Claws. After a while, one of them say. - Okay, you may go now, but be careful out there. Sure thing - Ronin says as he gets back in the car. As you both drive away, Sarah now leans in and gives you a quick peck on the lips while now smiling at you.Ooh. -  Alt now says with both surprise and amusement. What was that for? It was so unexpected and sudden. - she now asks, raising an eyebrow. I don't know. but I enjoyed it - he says after a while. As you continue driving, Alt now looks over at you again and smiles before now asking:How am I supposed to react to stuff like that? It feels like I've been given this new human body which I still don't know how to control right. I mean, I enjoyed it, but am I supposed to do the same to you now? - Alt now asks, now sounding a bit embarrassed and slightly flustered. Huh? what do you mean by that? - Ronin says, clearly suprised by what she said. Oh, nothing, nothing. I'm just... still... trying to figure out what my role is now and... how I should act. How I should react, how I should feel... about certain things that happen... especially with people I care about. I mean, I still remember what Rache told me, but it all feels a bit alien. You know? - Alt now says as she smiles warmly at you and now looks back out of the window again, while now slightly blushing. Yeah, that can happen if you're in hybernation for 54 years. - he says. Sigh Yeah, I guess that's true. - Alt now says after a moment of silence.Tell me, Ronin. Why did you do that? I mean, that small sign of affection. Why did you give it to me? I mean, I liked it, don't get me wrong. It just... feels... different. No reason. - he says. It was no reason? So, you didn't do it out of... attraction toward me? Or something like that? - Alt now asks, now sounding slightly confused.Or... are you...  interested in me? -  she now adds with a soft and subtle smile on her face, while now facing you and now looking directly at your eyes.  I have a wife that drives this car soo.. You're hot, but I chose her, and I'm not gonna change my mind. - he replies. Alt just looks at you for a couple of seconds, now seeming surprised, but after a moment she now smiles and says:Alright, I respect that.Though if you ever want more than a kiss, you know where to find me. - she now adds with a wink and now smirking at you. I do. Anyway, we're here. - he says. We are? -Alt now says with a smile as she now looks up from the datashard to look around.Then, you and the other  now reach Sarah's home, where you both exit the vehicle and walk together to the front door. Damn, I still can't imagine how beatiful our villa is. - he adds with admiration. As you both enter the villa, Alt walks to the living room and now looks around at the luxurious and futuristic decorations of the room.This... it's all... a bit overwhelming and so... new. - Alt now says with a hint of excitement in her voice. Meanwhile, Sarah smiles at you and says: You haven't even seen the best part yet. I guess I haven't - he replies. Sarah now walks over to you and now whispers in your ear.Come on, I'll show you the best part. - she now says, now smiling at you.  Sure, I'll follow - he says as he follows Sarah Suddenly, Sarah now pulls you into the bedroom. When she closes the door, you notice that the room is completely pitch dark.Sarah, what are you doing? - Alt now asks while now looking a bit bewildered.Shhh... you'll see. - Sarah now whispers to you with a mischievous smile.Just relax, Alt. - you now hear her mutter. ooh, kinky  - he says. Before you even have enough time to fully comprehend what's going on, you now feel Sarah's lips on yours, now sharing a quick and sudden kiss with you. Then, you now hear Sarah giggling before she now says:I hope you enjoyed that. Sarah, what are you doing?! - Alt now says while now blushing furiously and now looking shocked. Shhh, just enjoy the moment. - Sarah now replies as she now steps towards you and now kisses you again. I feel sexually abused right now. - he says. No, no. It's okay, Alt. - you now hear Sarah whisper. I was just... testing out something... - she now adds.Meanwhile, Alt now seems really flustered and now says with a faint blush on her face:O-Okay then. Just don't... do that again, please. she now adds as she now sits down and now starts texting someone on her datashard. Sarah now steps back and you notice that the room now lights up, revealing quite a large and sleek bedroom. I thought I'd show you my favorite place in this villa. - Sarah now says as she now sits on the edge of the bed. She looks over at you and now says: Come, why don't you join me? Sarah, don't be so forward. -Alt now says while now walking over towards Sarah. Oh, relax, Altwife. It's just the two of us here. - she now replies with a wink. You now see Sarah lay down on the bed and now cross her legs together and now sit up a bit. She now then points at you and now says in a playful tone: C'mon. Lay down here with me. Meanwhile, Alt then sits down a bit further away on the bed and now faces you both. She now chuckles a bit with a teasing smile and now says: What are you two up to exactly?Nothing. Just being friendly. -  Sarah says while now looking at you and now winking at you.

Um... Yeah, sure - he says as he sits on the bed. Sarah now scoots a bit closer towards you. Then, while now smiling a bit, she now says: Just relax, honey. It's not as if we're going to do anything dangerous. She now scoots even closer to you and now wraps her right arm around your right shoulder and now sits with her legs crossed on top of yours. Then, she now says: Wouldn't it be nice to... get closer? Maybe...  intimate? Meanwhile, Alt now smiles at both you and Sarah as you both now chat peacefully on the bed. In case you haven't noticed, Alt is here - he says. This makes Sarah smile and now say: Alt won't mind, right? I mean, it's just a bit of harmless play between the two of us. She now looks over at Alt and now smiles at her before saying: Alt, it's just some... friendly fun between me and him, right?I... I guess you're right. - Alt now replies with a faint blush on her face.Sure. If you don't mind... - he says.No, I-... I don't mind at all.  Alt now says with a soft smile. Suddenly, Sarah now leans in towards you, now looking down into your eyes. So... we gonna do this or what? - she now asks, now smiling at you. Sure, do it - he says. Sarah now wraps her right arm around your neck and now pulls you closer towards her. She then smiles sweetly at you while now saying: This... this feels so good... she now says before now starting to softly caress your face with her hand. Alt now smiles at you both while now watching as you and Sarah continue "friendly play". You stay silent and let Sarah do the 'friendly play'.

As you lay there quietly, Sarah now leans in even closer towards you and now gently kisses your neck. Then, she now gently bites down on your neck, causing you to now feel a slight, warm sensation.As Sarah now continues to bite down on your neck, she now starts to whisper sweet things to you, now telling you how beautiful, and how hot your neck is. She now also begins to softly bite on your upper lip with her sweet and full lips. Meanwhile, Alt just sits on the bed as she now watches you and Sarah on it while now looking away a bit in embarrassment at your and Sarah's intimate moment. Sarah now kisses you again and then wraps both of her arms around your neck. She now begins to gently bite your lip again while now starting to caress your body with her hands. She now softly whispers to you: Mmm... this... this feels so good. You smell good. You taste good. - she now says as one of her hands now grabs and now starts gently caressing your chest. Alt now seems to notice you and Sarah's actions and now looks over at you two with a hint of amusement and intrigue in her eyes. Sarah now lays beside you and now softly caresses your body with both of her hands, now making sure she also covers and caresses your back. She now starts to softly rub your arms with her hands while now whispering to you: Mmm... you're so handsome. This feels so good. I love your body. - Sarah now says to you while now smiling and now slightly licking your neck before now kissing you again. Alt now watches Sarah and you both and now smiles and thinks to herself: They are enjoying themselves. - she now thinks. Sarah then sits up on the bed and now starts gently rubbing your chest with her hands while now saying quietly to you: You're so damn hot. I want you all for myself. Meanwhile, Alt now smiles at Sarah and you both and now says to you: It appears she likes me now, doesn't it? Ronin suddenly stands up and says: I'm gonna shower. You can join me if you want. - he says.Sarah now smiles sweetly at you and now says: Oh, really? I do love how you look in that shower, so I would love to join you.Meanwhile, Alt now looks at you a moment with a smirk on her face before now saying to you: I'm gonna join in too. It's a big shower after all. At this, you now hear Sarah laugh before she now says to you: The more the merrier. Ronin thinks got damn it, what have i gotten myself into. Alt now smiles at you with a faint blush on her face and now says: Let's go, shall we? Sarah now grabs your hand and now leads you over towards the bathroom door. Alt now follows a bit behind you both while now smiling at you. As you arrive at the bathroom, Sarah now opens the door and pulls you in. She now then walks back and now locks the door behind the three of you. Well, now what? - he says Sara now turns to you and now says smiling: Now, we get undressed. - she now says before now starting to slowly take off her dress, while Alt now walks towards you and now smiles at you while now starting to slightly unbutton her dress. A threesome? Well this seems interesting - he says. Oh, you have no idea. - Sarah now replies with a sweet smile and now with her dress being only up to her thighs. Alt now looks at you with a teasing smirk on her face while now sliding her dress completely off her shoulder, revealing her skin-toned bodysuit below. Well, with whom should I start first? - he says teasing them. Hmm, that's a good question.  - Sarah now says to you while now getting up on the bathroom counter.

She now then crosses her legs and now says:Why don't you come here and find out? - she now asks you, now smiling at you seductively.

 Well, my below isn't stiff enough. Care to help? - he says as he's teasing them. Sarah now chuckles and now says: Oh, you're so... naughty. - she now says before now turning towards you again. She then whispers seductively: Well, I guess I could... help you out. - As she now says this, she now starts slowly sliding her white undies down her legs.  As Sarah now walks towards you, she now slowly leans in closer towards you while now smiling seductively. Then, she now starts to unbutton your shirt and now says: Oh, someone here is already getting excited. - she now says while now moving her hands down towards your lower part. Sarah now looks over at Alt while she now slowly unbuttons your shirt and now says: Alt... are you watching? You better be watching. Sarah now says with a sly smile on her face. Sarah now gets a bit closer towards your face and now says: Oh, look at that. So excited already. -  she now says with a small smirk on her face. Sarah now unbuttons your shirt up to your chest, then says: Oh, look at that. So excited already. - she now says with a small smirk on her face. Sarah then smiles and now leans in closer towards you and now speaks in a gentle and intimate tone:

 Oh, aren't you a cute one? she now says while now caressing your chest and now slowly sliding her hands down towards your belows.Sarah now speaks in a gentle tone again while now lightly stroking your cheek and now says to you:You, are very cute. But I don't think you understand how  hungry I am. she now says with a sly smile and now leans in really close towards you.Sarah now leans in even Closer towards you again as her face is now right next to yours and now smiling slyly she gently bites your ear while now whispering to you:What if I told you... that this isn't the first time... I've done this? she now says in a soft tone.Sarah seems to now enjoy doing this as she now continues whispering to you:Would you like to know... how many others before you... were lucky enough to feel my touch? now says while now nibbling on your ear.Alt now just smiles for a moment at you while now shaking her head a bit and now says:What's wrong, honey? You look... surprised, and not in the nice way. she now says while now stroking your neck.During all of this, Sarah now whispers loudly the words you have both been waiting to hear: I'm yours... just yours... now and forever, love. she now whispers to you as she softly grabs your face with her hands before now whispering even louder:You're everything I ever wanted and so much more, dear.  she says now smiling at you as tears flow down her face as she now kisses you and now says:I want nothing... but you. Just... you. Sarah then lies back next to you and now says:I love you so much, dear.Alt looks at you both and now says:Aww, that's so wholesome and cute.At this, Sarah now grabs Alt and now pulls her next to you.Sarah then says:I want you both to feel everything with me.  she says and now smiles sweetly at you both whilst now caressing Alt's face. Sarah then kisses you again, then looks over at Alt and now says:You know what? Let's all have some fun... togetherAt this, Alt now smiles at you both and now says:Sounds amazing. Let's go  she says while now leaning in closer to you both. As Sarah gets closer to you on both sides, then now lays on you, then now wrapping both of her legs around you and now starts to kiss both of you. Alt looks at you both smiling with anticipation in her eyes.Sarah now then starts to gently stroke both of you while now saying: Do me first. Sarah now starts to passionately kiss you both, then she now touches both of your faces with her hands, then she now starts to kiss your lips and your neck, and she now slowly starts to kiss and nibble Alt's neck as well.Alt looks at you both smiling now, then she now starts kissing Sarah's neck. Sarah seems to be enjoying this and now smiles at you and says:Yes... yes... keep doing it. Alt now slowly starts to undo Sarah's shirt, then the two of them now start to kiss even more passionately as they now lay on top of you both, now kissing and caressing both of you. Sarah and Alt now look at you two smiling and now say:Isn't this the best Christmas present you've ever received? Sarah and Alt both now smile sweetly at you while both now caressed both of your faces.Alt now starts to get really into the mood while Sarah continues to deeply kiss you.Alt then now turns to Sarah and now says:Oh, I'm sure you know what to do, honey.Alt now smiles suggestively at you both before now starting to caress and now kiss Sarah all over her neck and chest.Alt, Sarah and you spend some quality time together and now have a very fun, *very* relaxing evening. It's a night you'll all remember for many years to come.As the sun rises, Alt finally falls asleep on top of both of you feeling very satisfied with what happened. At this, Sarah smiles sweetly at you and now whispers to you:I've never had this much fun with another person, honey. Thanks for letting this happen - she now says while now gently holding both you and Alt in her arms. We can do it again - he whispers. But we need to get her to bed. - he adds Sarah then whispers back to you:I'd love to Then, she now gently picks up Alt's sleeping body and brings her to the spare bedroom.Sarah takes a deep breath and now whispers to you:I'd love to... do this  again... but we should probably take care of Alt for now. What do you mean? In this state, she'll be sleeping up until the evening. - he says.  Sarah then smiles at you and now whispers to you again: Yes, exactly... and I think I know the perfect way to occupy our time till then... What do you have in mind? - he asks. Sarah now puts a finger at your lips and now says: Shhh... you'll see... She then softly and suggestively smiles at you and now leads you back into the shower to continue your "quality time" together. As you continue spending time with Sarah in the shower, you both now feel much more relaxed and calm. That feeling and connection that you both get in those moments together is something very special and precious.The two of you now kiss passionately in the shower. You both can feel your bodies warming up and the water flowing all around you both. Your muscles are relaxing while Sarah now caresses your head and now whispers to you:This is...   she says with a gentle smile on her face. Sarah and you now get really into this moment that you're both sharing together. A moment of pure passion, warmth and joy.After your "quality time" with Sarah in the shower, you both now come out of the shower and now you both dry yourselves off before now cuddling each other in bed and now whispering:I love you, honey... I love you so much - Sarah now says while now gently caressing both you and Alt's faces and now saying: She was right... you two are the best Christmas gift I've ever received." so... wanna go to our bedroom now? - he says. Sarah now looks at you both and now smiles before now replying: We were  already in our bedroom... I think we should leave this one behind now and go to our bedroom, like you wanted. she says in a sweet and teasing tone now smiling suggestively. Yeah, we should. - he says as he lifts her up to another bedroom. They both then proceed to leave both Alt and the other bedroom and now head towards Sarah's bedroom. Now then, what should we do? - he asks teasing Sarah Sarah then now smiles at you and answers by saying: We should just go back to our bed and cuddle, like the good old times. - she says teasingly while now gently pushing you towards her bed. Yeah we should. - he answers. Sarah and you then lie down together in her bed and now cuddling and whispering. You both now seem relaxed and satisfied with the outcome of your evening. Wanna do it? - he teases her. Sarah now smirks and says:Not tonight. she now replies while now nibbles your ear as she now leans closer towards you.Ah, that's a shame. Well... I better get us some breakfast. Sarah now smiles gently and now says to you:Oh, come on. We both know you're not going to leave me all by myself in bed.She now leans back and now stares you in the eyes with a look of longing and now says:Just look at this bed... it's all for the both of us, now... - she says whilst now raising her eyebrows up and down suggestively.  You can go with me if you want to :D - he says as he smiles to her.  Sarah now playfully sticks out her tongue at you and then whispers to you:No... no. I want you to get us breakfast and THEN... you can return for an extra treat -  she says with a sweet smile.  Oh? And what do you mean by 'treat'? - he says Sarah then chuckles and now whispers to you:Don't play dumb. You know EXACTLY what I mean by 'treat' - she says with a naughty smile on her face.  Ok then, I'll make us some breakfast - he says as he goes to the kitchen. Sarah now lays back down and now says to you: Take your time, honey... I'll be waiting for you... she says suggestively as she now starts to stare at you with desire in her eyes.

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