The Phoenix || Marvel

By calliopetropes

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"I'm free, and I'm the Phoenix." Raena Crawford is a woman who was kidnapped by HYDRA at the young age of 13... More

ONE - gunfight

TWO - rude awakening

10 0 0
By calliopetropes

WHEN RAENA WOKE UP, her body was practically drowned in sweat. She opened her eyes and gasped, only to cough heavily upon realizing how dry her throat was. It was such a struggle just to simply fill her lungs with oxygen.

The sun gleamed brightly in her eyes and she winced, covering her face with her hand and sitting up, only to feel the same, familiar stinging pain in her ankle as she did earlier. She quickly gripped her ankle, squinting down at the ground to adjust her vision.

Blinking a few times, she looked up a bit, expecting to find the building she had escaped from, only to find nothing. Absolutely nothing, except for a few dead bushes and a tumbleweed in the distance.

This isn't the same place. Where the fuck—how the hell—

As soon as Raena heard the sounds of engines, she flinched, jumping forward and looking behind her, only to find three military vehicles drives down a dirt road. She raised an eyebrow, her eyes widening as she crawled quickly toward the road, watching as the vehicles slowly continued to make their way down.

These guys tried to fucking kidnap me. I cant trust them for shit. What am I doing?

Yet, she still felt compelled to move forward. As she began to crawl more toward the vehicles, she noticed the men and women inside, driving them. In the middle vehicle, they seemed to be taking a photo with a man in a suit. Lovely.

She was able to get out of the sand and onto some dirt, where she was able to hide and take peek over a rock at the vehicles. As she spied on them, she was able to notice what seemed to be a trapped mine on the road, right in front of the vehicles.

Oh, shit—

Before Raena could make a move, the vehicle exploded, the force of it knocking her back slightly. She gasped, her eyes wide as saucers as she stumbled, trying to back away as far as possible. Gunshots rang out through the air and Raena watched as some of the military were killed by what seemed to be older, angry men.

The man in the suit stepped out of one of the vehicles, stumbling behind a rock to cover himself from gunfire. Raena felt the urge to help him; he wasn't far from her,'d be hard to reach him with her ankle being so weak and bloodied.

Just as she began to think of a plan, she saw a bomb land directly next to his hiding place, which made her gasp and instinctively shout. "Watch it!—"

The bomb exploded, sending debris flying. Raena covered her face to protect herself, but as soon as the explosion had fully ended, she crawled toward the man, watching him struggle with his back on the ground.

She sat up, kneeling on the dirt below. As she towered over him, her hands hovering uselessly over him, the place where his heart should've been began to fill with blood. She quickly opened his suit jacket, seeing more blood pool onto the white shirt beneath it.

"Oh, shit. Fuck. Fuck me." Raena mumbled, distressed as she placed her hands on the wound, applying pressure.

Why am I even helping this guy? I'm putting myself back into danger. She thought, watching as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, signaling his unconsciousness.

Instinctively, she placed her ear to his lips, listening for a breath. She listened for a moment before hearing a gentle breath escape his lips, making her sigh in relief. He's alive.

"Okay... what the fuck do I do..." Raena mumbled, running a hand through her hair in exasperation. She placed her hands on his chest once again, applying harder pressure against his wound. She was quite literally afraid to take even the slightest peek, afraid he would bleed out as soon as she moved her hands. She could feel the sticky, red liquid coating her hands; though it wasn't an unfamiliar feeling...considering the earlier events.

Suddenly, she heard the click of a gun from directly behind her. She looked up, keeping pressure on the wound even as her eyes widened in alarm.

What was even more strange was that the first word that came out of the man's mouth was unrecognizable. Something of a different language; but definitely not one she would've recognized...not Dutch or Mandarin, nor French. She had heard those languages lots over the years, whether it had been in extracurriculars before she was kidnapped, or visiting soldiers during her many years in captivity. She picked up a good amount of the languages due to those.

This language, again, certainly wasn't one she had ever heard in her life.

"(Get up, lady! Get up, now!)" Raena furrowed her eyebrows, not turning her head at all in fear of the trigger being pulled. Instead, she was pulled by the back of her maroon shirt, making her cry out in surprise and struggle in his sudden grip, taking her hands off of the man in the suit.

"Get the fuck off me!" Raena screamed, kicking and throwing punches. A different man came into her line of vision and grabbed at her legs, only causing her to kick and struggle more. The man behind her wrapped his arms around her upper chest, holding her up for the other man to punch her in the chest, making her gasp for air and cough.

"(Get Stark, let's go. I've got the girl.)" The man behind her said, moving his arm to wrap around her throat. She coughed in response to the movement, her hands gripping his arm in an attempt to escape his grip.

"What the fuck are you even saying!?" Raena shouted in confusion, blowing a piece of hair from her face. She stopped her struggle, trying to get a good look of the man in front of her, who simply stared at her for a response.

"(She can't understand us, man.)" The man in front of her spoke, looking back at the guy holding her. She was able to feel a slight release in the man's grip, making her hold her breath for a moment.

"(Good. It's for the best. Grab Stark, we gotta get out of here before the whole military's on top of us.)" The man behind her said, making the other man nod and pick up 'Stark' bridal style.

"(Got him. Let's go—)" Raena interrupted them with her actions, elbowing the man behind her in the gut. He immediately let go of her, crying out in pain. She attempted to run, but quickly fell to the ground after remembering the pain in her ankle. She yelped, falling to her knees.

"(Fucking bitch!)" One of the men yelled just as she turned onto her back, bracing herself for any sudden pain.

The last thing she saw and felt was one of the men hitting her over the head with a wrench, knocking her out immediately.


Aw shit, here we go again. Raena's unconscious. Again.

Hope you guys enjoyed this shorter chapter! We'll be officially entering the movie 'Iron Man' in the next chapter :)

Thanks for reading lovelies!

~ Via

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