Lets have Lovesickness togeth...

By tobi0swh0re

285 8 3

Kuroo and Kageyama are both heartbroken and unsure of what to do. Not wanting to deal with their situations a... More

//Just a few hours//

285 8 3
By tobi0swh0re

It was a regular, quiet Friday afternoon. The practice was already over due to the hot weather. Not even Tobio wanted to play volleyball in that heat. Everything was quiet. The young Raven was peacefully sitting in the garden of his parent's House. It's been a while since he's last been there, but now he finally found the time and motivation to visit them. They are currently at work, just like his siblings, so he was all by himself. 

The silence was interrupted by his phone ringing like crazy. Weird. He was sure he put it on silent mode when he went out. He tapped on the black screen with his index finger, which now showed his wallpaper. A picture of Shoyo and him holding hands and looking at the sunset. Sugawara once made it while the two of them were in their own little world. Tobio liked the picture.

The Face ID opened the phone, and he saw that he had over thirty new messages. He rolled his eyes. Nine out of ten times that a sign that something stupid happened to the chaotic duo Nishinoya and Tanaka. The ravenette thought about just ignoring the chat and just enjoying his peace again, but curiosity got overhand of him and he opened the text program.

He was right. His two senpais were the ones who started the conversation by spamming 'Hey' around five times until Shirabu, Shiratorizawa's setter, told them to shut up. They wouldn't be Nishinoya and Tanaka if they didn't react with a dramatic reaction, which made Tsukishima insult them as annoying idiots.

Everything seemed normal, up till the vibe got serious. Noya started to talk about how disappointed he was with Hinata. The youngest was about to interrupt him until he saw something that made his heart feel like it was about to be ripped apart.

He looked at the pictures on the screen in front of him. There were multiple pictures of Shoyo and Kenma-san being close together.

Too close to be just friends.

A bitter laugh escaped his cherry lips. "I knew it" he muttered under his breath.

Yes, he already had the feeling of Hinata not being loyal to him, but he never said anything. Trying desperately to keep his little world together. But now there was no reason to deny it anymore. The waterproof proof was right in front of his eyes.

Hinata and Kenma were trying to defend themselves, but it was too late. Kuroo-san and Tobio already knew the truth. Both of them didn't say much. Just how disappointed they were, yet that they already had the gut feeling that this was the end of both relationships.

More messages started to float in. Many people were telling the two revenettes that they fully supported them and that if they needed someone to talk to, they could always talk to them. They all were just trying to be supportive friends, but both of them ignored them.

Tobio didn't know how he was supposed to feel. On one side, he felt hurt and unlovable. On the other side, he was released. The entire relationship just didn't feel the same anymore. Hinata would rarely spend time with him, and if they did, all he talked about was his hangouts with Kenma.

He was about to put his phone away, but another ringing sound stopped him. His sapphire eyes looked back at the screen where an unusual contact showed up.

Kuroo Tetsuro Nekoma Captain

Why was Kuroo-san calling him? It's not like they were friends or anything. With hesitation, Tobio pressed the green button and waited.


A deep voice came out of the phone. So Kuroo didn't call the wrong person.

"Yes Kuroo-san?"

There were a few seconds of silence.

"How are you?"

The older one finally asked.

"Could be better, but also worse, I guess"

Tobio answered honestly.

"Same with me"

"I'm happy to hear that"

Then there was a laugh.

"Why are you laughing, Kuroo-san?"

"Don't you think it's ironic? We both just got cheated on, and yet we're not really hurt"

Now the young raven also started to laugh.

"I guess it is"

They both were laughing for a while until they finally calmed down.

"Has someone ever told you how beautiful your laugh sounds?"

Tobio abruptly stopped laughing.


He wanted to slap himself for stuttering like an idiot.

"I've heard multiple people say that your smile was scary, but now that I've heard your laugh, I think that's crap. It sounds adorable"

"That means a lot to me Kuroo-san, thank you"

Tobio said with a soft voice he never heard of himself.

"I know this might sound weird because we barely know each other, but do you want to hang out? I don't want anyone else around me right now"

"Sure, I'm in Tokyo anyway, so why not"

"You're in Tokyo? Why?"

Kuroo asked confused.

"Visiting my family"

"Ahhh, shouldn't you be spending time with them then?"

Tobio laughed again.

"Don't worry. They are all working right now and later have their partners around. My presence doesn't matter"

"Okay then, can you text me the address, so I can pick you up?"


Aishh, why was he stuttering again?

"Thank you, then I will pick you up in like an hour, is that fine with you?"

"Yeah, that's perfect"

There was a short silence. Neither of them knew what they were supposed to say"


Tobio finally broke the silence

"See you later Kuroo-san"

"Yeah, see you later Kageyama"

The call ended and Tobio was just staring into the void. Is he actually going to meet up with Kuroo-san? In one Hour?

Shit! He has to get ready in under one hour?! Tobio started to panic and ran inside, up the stairs, and into his bedroom. He ripped the big closed doors open and started to look for something to wear. The closet was full of clothes, and yet he wasn't able to find anything that he wanted to wear that day.

After around 15 minutes, he finally found an outfit he liked. It's pretty basic, yet looks amazing on him. Basic Baggy jeans which perfectly showed off his tiny waist and round butt. On top of that, a beige sweater which was a few numbers too big.  Around his neck, he wore two small silver necklaces and a few rings on his fingers. With around 45 minutes left, he took a quick shower and fixed his hair, so it looked slightly fluffy.

The front door was opened and Tobio heard familiar voices. His Family was back. 

"My beloved Tobioooo~" he heard his oldest brother call him.  Tobio let out a sigh and went downstairs. "Yes, Yato-nii?" he answered. "Ohoooo~ is our little Tobio going on a date with Tengerine-kun?"

"Tobio is going on a date?!" he heard another deep voice coming towards them.

"No, I'm not Ritsu-nii," Tobio answered frustrated. "I'm going to hang out with a friend"

"Won't Hinata be jealous if you go out looking good like that?" Yato said jokingly. "It's a normal outfit, Yato-nii." The youngest sibling said, confused. "It is, but these pants make you look like a whole-ass snack"

"Miwa-nee! Don't say something like that!" "It's just the truth Tobio" the oldest of the siblings laughed. "But honestly, why did you get the best cake out of all of us? I should have got it" Miwa fake cried.

"Uhm, guys, I have something to tell you," Tobio said while looking at his feet.

"What is it Tobio? Did you lose your virginity?" Ritsuka asked.

Ignoring his brother's side comment, he said "Hinata and I broke up" in a quiet voice, but Miwa heard it loud and clear. "You guys did what?!" she said in shock. "Why?!"

"Ugh...how do I say this...he's been cheating on me with Kenma-san, that's why Kuroo-san and I are going to hang out together, to clear our minds together you know"

You could feel how the atmosphere changed in the entire room.

"He did what?" Yato said in a dark tone. "He had the balls to cheat on my little brother?"

"Please calm down, guys. I was planning to break up with him anyway, so it's not that big of a deal" Tobio tried to calm his siblings down, but it didn't really work.

"That doesn't change the fact that he cheated! He could simply have broke up with you! I swear if I ever see that excuse of a tangerine again, I will rip his head off." The oldest said angrily. Tobio's eyes widened. If Miwa says something like that, she's never joking. "C-calm down Miwa-nee. Kuroo-san and I are fine, no need to hurt someone physically." Tobio took her hand in his own and looked into her eyes. "Please Miwa-nee". Her eyes slowly softened, and she put her free hand on Tobio's cheek. "He's lucky I can't resist my little baby"

"I'm not a baby!"

"Yes, you are." they all said in common, and Tobio's lips turned into a cute little pout.

Before anyone could say anything else, there was a knock on the door.

"Uhhhh! Your date is here Tobioo!" Ritsuka screamed and started to run towards the front door. "I'll go and open the door!"

"He's not my date! And don't open that damn door!"

Too late. When Tobio arrived at the door, it was already wide open, revealing a confused Kuroo. "Mhmm, not what I was expecting but handsome. Good pick Tobio"

"Shut up!"

With that, he slammed the door close and was now alone with the Nekoma captain, who loudly began to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?!" Tobio said and shot a sharp stare toward the older one.

"Haha, I'm sorry. But at that was adorable"

"I'm going back in"

"NO, NO! I'm sorry!" he kept laughing.

"Ugh, fine. Let's go now" Tobio said frustrated and walked towards the street.

Still, with a little smile on his face, Kuroo shook his head and followed the shorter boy with fast steps.

They walked for a while, neither of them saying anything. They never really talked before, so it was kinda of weird that it was just the two of them now.

"So...have you talked to Hinata yet?" Kuroo finally said.

"No, and I'm not really planning to do it in the next few days. How about you?" Tobio answered truthfully. He simply wasn't ready to talk to Hinata in person yet.

"Me neither. Maybe it's ridiculous, but I'm afraid to do it." Kuroo said with a sad undertone.

"What are you afraid of?" Kuroo turned his head towards the young raven, surprised to meet the big doe sapphire eyes that stared at him with so much care and interest. No one had ever looked at him that way, which made his cheeks turn slightly red.

He cleared his throat and replied, "Kenma has been my best friend since kindergarten.  Not having him as my boyfriend is one thing. I can live with that. But losing him as a best friend hurts more than anything. He's been here since pretty much the beginning. My best memories are with him. I simply don't know how to live without him by my side."

"I completely understand what you mean" Tobio answered with a soft voice. "Hinata and I might not know each other as long as you and Kenma do, not even close. Yet he was my first real friend. It was like my entire life had been covered in a black layer and Hinata brought some light into it. I never experienced anything like that, maybe that was the reason I fell for him, I don't know. But imagining a future without him feels weird and empty. Like that black layer will come back, but this time with me knowing that there could be a light, but I lost it to someone else"  he started to laugh. "God, that probably didn't even make any sense, sorry Kuroo-san. Please forget what I just said."

Kuroo shook his head, "No, It did make sense. I get what you were trying to say"

Tobio looked at him with a surprised look. "You did?" "Yes, why are you so surprised?" Kuroo laughed. "I don't know. People always told me that they never get what I'm trying to say when it comes feelings and stuff. Not even Hinata was able to understand it" There was a slight sadness in the shorter's eyes. "Well, I understood what you said," The cat said with a soft smile. Tobio slightly blushed and smiled back, "Thank you, Kuroo-san"

Looking at the ravenettes adorable smile made Kuroo soft. Never in his entire life, he has seen such a genuine and adorable smile.

"No need to thank me, Kageyama"


Time flew by and the two ravenettes were at the local park. The awkwardness in the beginning was completely forgotten, and they were talking as if they'd known each other for years.

In one hand, they both held a cup of Ice cream, and they sat down next to each other on one of the benches. There was a lot of free space, yet they sat so close that their tights slightly touched. Strangers probably thought that they were dating, which would explain the few dirty looks they received here and there.

On the other hand, there were people looking at them with sparkly eyes, some even took pictures of them. Especially when Tobio fed Tetsuro a spoonful of his ice cream.

Tobio and Tetsuro didn't notice any of these actions, too deep in their own little world together.


Both Ravenettes looked up and saw two tall people talking towards them. Tobio's eyes went wide, and he jumped off of the bench. "Rin!" he called, happily jumping into the redhead's arms.

"You're finally back!" Tobio smiled. "Yes I am," Rin said and slowly put the smaller one back on the ground. "Your little boyfriend over there looks jealous" Haruka, Tobio's second-oldest brother, said with a smirk. "Boyfriend?" asked the smaller one with an innocent look on his face.

"Ahhh, you are talking about Kuroo-san! Let me introduce you to him!" With a smile, he walked back to the confused captain and grabbed his hand. "Come on Kuroo-san! I have to introduce you to my brother!"

Still holding hands, they walked to the two boys waiting.

"So, Kuroo-san, that's my brother Haruka," He said and pointed at the boy who looked pretty much the same as himself, just taller, yet shorter than Kuroo. Kuroo nodded in Haruka's direction, which the older one returned. His eyes turned to the redhead, which he didn't like up till now.

Why was Kageyama hugging him like that, why did he smile so brightly, and why did this guy call him by his first name?

Rin noticed the jealous look on the captain's face and smirked. He grabbed Tobio by his small waist and put his head on top of the shorter one. "Aishh, you are still so small and cute Tobio," he said while smirking at Kuroo.

"It's not my fault that y'all are built like a skyscraper" Tobio pouted and slightly hit Rin's chest.

"And who is he" Kuroo asked with a mad undertone.

"Oh right! His name is Rin. And he's Haruka's Boyfriend!" He got out of Rin's grip, turned back towards Kuroo, and gave him a cute little smile.

Kuroo's eyes went wide, and he looked at Rin, who had a hard time holding back his laugh.

"Haruka, Rin, that's my Friend kuroo!" Tobio told the two older ones.

"Friend?" Haruka asked skeptically.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you are still holding hands even though Rin just hugged you" Haruka pointed towards their hands, which were still comfortably holding each other.

The two ravenettes first looked at each other, then down at their hands, and then back at each other. With red faces, they both let go and looked in different directions. Rin couldn't hold back his laugh anymore and burst out. Haruka also couldn't hide a small smile

"You two are adorable"  Rin laughed, showing his sharp shark teeth.

"S-shut upppp!" Tobio said, shaking his head.

"We'll be leaving you two alone now. Don't come home too late, it's getting dark outside" his brother said and patted his head.

"Okay Haru-nii"

"Have fun on your date!" Rin said while waving and walking away.

"Aishh, I'm so sorry," Tobio said and bowed in front of Kuroo, who started to laugh. "Why are you apologizing?"

"Because of the entire date thing. I'm sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable."

Kuroo's laugh turned into a soft smile. "Don't worry, I didn't mind. I mean, they aren't completely wrong, are they?" He winked at Tobio and started to walk away.

"H-hey! What is that supposed to mean?!" Tobio shouted but only received a silly laugh.


"It's fine Kageyama, my home isn't too far from here, I can walk," Kuroo said in a desperate voice.

The two of them have been arguing for the last twenty minutes about the way kuroo should go home. Kuroo desperately says that he can walk home, it's barely a fifteen-minute walk, but Tobio is strictly against it.

"The streets of Tokyo are dangerous at night! Either a driver brings you home or you stay here!" Tobio said, demonstratively crossing his arms. "Aishh, is there any way I can convince you to let me walk?"

"Impossible" a female voice appeared from the back. Both of them turned around and looked at Miwa.

"You can argue with him as long as you want to, he will stand his ground and won't let you walk home" Miwa laughed. "But you are more than welcome to stay the night. The others and I would love to get to know you" Her laugh turned into a soft smile and while walking past them, she softly patted Kuroo's shoulder.

Kuroo let out a sigh. "Fine, I'll stay.

Tobio giggled happily and clapped two times in his hands. "Perfect! Let's go upstairs and change!" With that, he grabbed the older one's hand and walked upstairs, while kuroo was smiling like a love-struck idiot.

They arrived at Tobio's room, the smaller one gestured for Kuroo to sit down on the couch. "You can sit down if you want to, I'll get some clothes from my brothers since I don't think that mine will fit you" he smiled and walked back to the door. "Thank you," kuroo said as Tobio left the room.

He was really curious about what kind of clothes Tobio wore in his free time, so he opened one of the closet doors and looked at the stuff.

But what he saw surprised him.

"Skirts?" he thought out loud.

"Yeah, I like to wear them sometimes. They are really comfy." A soft voice appeared from the door.

"Oh, you're already back. Sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy" The captain apologized and closed the door again.

"It's fine. But...aren't you disgusted?" Tobio was nervously playing with his sweater paws.

"Why would I be?" Kuroo raised one of his eyebrows. What the heck was the younger one talking about?

"I mean a guy wearing skirts. Don't you think that's weird?"

"You said it makes you feel comfortable, so why should I think it's disgusting? Actually, I think it's adorable, and I'd love to see you wearing one" Kuroo said softly and walked towards Tobio, lifting his chin with his thumb and looking at the beautiful sapphire eyes. His smile grew even wider when he saw the younger's cheeks turning bright red.

Kuroo gently stroked Tobio's cheeks, always maintaining eye contact. Their faces slowly got closer to each other.

But just as they were about to kiss, a loud voice interrupted them.

"Tobio, Kuroo! Hurry up, food is almost ready!"

The two of them instantly took a step back and cleared their throats.

"S-sorry for that" Kuroo laughed weirdly.

"Haha, it's fine...here are some clothes. I hope they fit you. I took some of Ritsuha-nii's clothes since he's the tallest one, I'll go and change in the bathroom" Tobio smiled and walked into the bathroom with his own clothes.

"Aishh, why are you so stupid Tetsuro" he cursed and gave himself a small punch.

"Did I actually fall in love in just five hours?"

If only the captain knew that the little blueberry was having the exact same inner fight.


Kuroo turned around as he heard someone clean his throat behind him. What he saw was probably the most breathtaking beautiful sight he has ever seen.

Tobio was standing in front of him wearing a babyblue, short skirt , a whife fluffy sweater and on his legs some cuffs.

The outfit itself was already absolutely adorable, but tobio playing with the end of the skirt with that flustered look on his face made it even more breathtaking.

"W-what do you think?" the whispered so you could barely hear him, but kuroo heard him loud and clear.

"You look absolutely stunning" He said, not able to take his eyes off the beautiful Blueberry.

Tobio looked at Kuroo with sparkly eyes and thanked him. After a short akward silence he took the olders hand and walked downstairs


"And you wanna tell me they aren't dating? They look incredible together!" A tall, blonde woman said. "Don't worry alisa, i'm sure they won't be 'just friends' for long" Yato winked.

"Don't wink at my girlfriend like that Yato" Miwa said with a glare.

Yato just jokingly rolled his eyes and then they both started to laugh.

After a fee minutes the front door opened and two males walked in.

"Tobio my baby!" called the shorter of the two.

"Dad!" tobio called back and gave the male a tight hug.

"Its good to have you back, son" The second one said and patted tobios head.

"These are yor Parents. Daisuke and Haru Kambe" explained miwa

"Kambe?" Kuroo asked confused

"We're all adopted" she laughed. "Tobio and I are the only ones who are actually siblings. Thats why we have the same last name. Haruka's last name is Nanase and Ritsuka's is uenoyama. Yato is the only one who took Kambe as his last name because he never knew his parents or any other relatives." Kuroo nodded as a sign that he understood.

After five minutes they sat at the table, after introducing Kuroo to Haru and Daisuke.

After another ten minutes, they also explained what happened with Hinata and Kenma. Saying that their parents were mad would be a huge understatement. Tobio hat to beg again that they'd calm down.

"I always knew that this boy wasn't good for you," Haru said, clearly annoyed.

"And you are sure we shouldn't do anything against him?" Daisuke asked with a serious voice, looking directly at Tobio.

"Yes, paps, I am sure."


"So... You and Kuroo" Miwa started.

"We aren't dating," Both of them said in sync, slightly smiling.

"I haven't even finished my sentence" The young woman smirked.

"Dating or not, I already like Kuroo more than I ever liked that Hinata guy," Daisuke said with an approving look on his face.

"Thank you, sir," Kuroo said while slightly bowing toward Daisuke.

"No need to call me sir. As my son in law, you can call me by my first name."

"F-future boyfriend?!" The two of them shouted. What the heck was happening here? Was everyone going crazy?!

"I think they won't take longer than one week," Yato said with a proud smile on his face.

"One week? Are you crazy? No way they'll take longer than three days" Rin disagreed.

"You both are wrong, they'll be dating in one and a half days" Daisuke also joined.

They all started arguing, while Kuroo and Tobio were blushing like crazy, not knowing how to react.

"Let's make a bet!" Rin smirked. "Everyone has to give the winner 15'000 Yen"

They all agreed, exluding Tobio and Kuroo of course, and placed their bets.

Only Miwa, Alisa and Haru were left to place their bets. The three of them smirked at each other and said, "Three hours". Everyone looked at them in shock.

"Three hours?! And I thought Yato was crazy" Rin laughed loudly.

"You'll see" Haru smirked and walked away. "I want my money tomorrow, not a single Yen missing!"

"Same counts for us," Alisa said while flipping her long blonde hair back, grabbing Miwa's Hand and also walking away.

"What is wrong with y'all" Tobio muttered under his breath. "Let's go Kuroo-san," he said, quickly dragging the older away, embarrassed to be around his family for even one more second.


When they arrived at the younger's room, there was an awkward silence.

"I'm so sorry for their behavior I wish I could say they aren't always like this, but sadly they are," Tobio said while hiding his face in his hands.

Kuroo laughed at the adorable sight in front of him and took a few steps toward the young raven. Softly, he took Tobio's Hands in his own and pulled them down, but Tobio was still looking down.

"Look at me Tobio"

Tobio immediately looked up into Kuroo's eyes. Without being able to say a single thing, the captain connected their lips.

At first, Tobio was shocked, but soon closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around the taller's neck.

The kiss was sweet and soft, just filled with love.

After a while, Kuroo disconnected their lips again, but Tobio didn't want to, so he let out a soft whimper.

Tetsuro softly smiled at the small boy and took his hand. Together they walked towards the bed.

Kuroo sat down first, pulling Tobio into his lap.

The raven didn't expect it and let out a little squeak, which made Kuroo laugh even more.


"Your Asshole"


🔞 (It's my first time writing a smut scene in English, so don't judge me) 🔞


Their Lips connected once again, but this time much sluttier and wilder. Tobio spread his legs and was now sitting on the elder's crotch. Tetsuro let out a little moan as Tobio started to move around his butt. And oh god, it felt amazing.

If Kuroo was being honest: he had been looking at Tobio's amazing Body the entire day. His Hourglass figure was just so incredibly attractive, and then there is also his round Butt, which he was finally able to grab.

He slowly slipped his hands under Tobio's skirt and took the two round cheeks into his hands, gently massaging them. For his action, he received the most adorable moan he had ever heard.

"You are so beautiful Tobio" he muttered throughout the kiss.


"Say that one more time and I won't be able to control myself anymore," The cat said with a wildfire in his eyes.

"Tetsu please"

A slight growl escaped his lips. "Please what? Tell me what you want Kitten" He slowly kissed down Tobio's jawline, down his neck and slightly bit into it.

"Ahh, Tetsuu, don't tease me like that" The raven whimpered.

"I'm not teasing you, all you have to do is tell me what you want me to do" With his tongue he was licking over a sensitive spot, ready to mark the boy on top of him as his own.

"M-make love with me" Tobio finally brought out and immediately hid his face in Tetsuro's neck.

Tetsuros movements instantly stopped. The way Tobio worded his sentence made him want to take care of the little boy for the rest of his entire life.

"Oh Tobio" He quickly turned their positions. Tobio was now lying on his back, looking directly into the brown eyes of the captain.

"How could I say no to that?" He smiled softly and brought their lips back together, only separating them to take off their shirts and pants, or skirt. 

Soon both of them were completely undressed, still making out heavily.

"Tetsu" Tobio broke the kiss.

"What is it, Kitten?" Tetsuro said while looking into the blue eyes underneath him.

"I've never done...this before" he turned his head away out of embarrassment.

Tetsuro giggles slightly before he spoke up again. "Look at me Tobio" With two fingers he turned the youngers face towards his own and looked directly at that innocent face,

"Don't worry, ill be gentle" he said while stroking the blueberries soft cheeks.

Tobio slightly nodded before he gently pulled the captain down and let their tongues dance again.


Tetsuro's Fingers made scissor movements as he slowly stretched the young raven, who was letting out these beautiful soft moans that never missed taking Tetsuro's breath away. For him, that was already the most beautiful sound on earth, and he wanted to hear it all over again.

"You're doing great Kitten," he said while stroking through his hair, always making sure the younger was comfortable and had a nice time.

"Do you think you are ready?"

Tobio nodded.

"I need words Tobio"

"I am ready Tetsu" Tobio said and the look in his eyes was backing him up.

"Good boy. Don't be afraid to tell me if you feel uncomfortable and if you want me to stop"

"I will"

They smiled at each other as Tetsuro was slowly entering the youngers hole. Tobio's facial expression showed a mix of pain and pleasure, and out of his mouth came heavy breaths.

"You're doing great. I'll enter fully now, okay?" again, Tobio nodded.

With that, he brushed in his entire length. Tobio's back was bent up, and he let out a loud moan. "Shhh, your family will hear us" he smiled. "Can I move?"

"Y-yes" his voice was shaking and barely there.

Tetsuro smiled as he connected their lips again, so the raven's moans would be a little more quiet, even though he would love to hear Tobio scream out in pleasure. He started to move his lower body in a slow rhythm.

Looking for something he could hold on to, Tobio clawed at the back of Tetsuro, leaving some red marks behind. The younger's nails made Tetsuro hiss slightly, but he loved the pain.

With time, Tetsuro's rhythm got faster and harder. The room was filled with the sound of kissing, muffled moans and skin-touching skin. Every person who walks into this room after the session will know that there happened something more than just cuddles.


"I'm c-close," Tobio said completely out of breath.

"Me too kitten"

After a few more thrusts, Tobio came all over his belly and Tetsuro's chest. The sight that was in front of Tetsuro gave him the last kick and he came inside Tobio.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," he said in guilt. "It's fine" Tobio smiled back.

Both of them were out of breath. Tetsuro slowly lay down next to Tobio and pulled him into his chest. "You did amazing," he said and kissed the smaller's forehead, which made him giggle.

After a few minutes of silence, Tetsuro spoke up again.

"I think I like...no, I know I Love you"


Fuck, did he mess up already?

"I love you too Tetsu"

Tetsuro's eyes went wide and he looked down, just to meet two sapphire eyes looking at him with so much love.

"So...can I kiss you?" He asked nervously.

"You act like you didn't just take my virginity" Tobio laughed and pulled him down, connecting their still slightly swollen lips.

"Will you be my Boyfriend Tobio?" The captain asked after the kiss.

"I'd love to" Tobio answered with a big smile.

They turned off the light and cuddled on the big bed, sharing a kiss here and there, before they finally fell asleep.


"Where is my money?" Haru asked smirking.

"Oh common! How were we supposed to know that they are going to fuck after they literally denied even just dating?!" Rin argued.

"Not our problem, give us our money" Miwa rolled her eyes as she stretched out her hand.

"Guys, stop it already! That's embarrassing!" Tobio said with a red face.

"Aww, my cute little Tobio. Who would have guessed that you'd lose your virginity to someone you just started talking to"



Hi guys!


Do you want me to write out the other two parts too?

Also, as you probably noticed - I changed a few things, I hope you don't mind. I wrote the original story two years ago (It feels like it was yesterday, I am getting old LMAO) so there were a few things that I did not like anymore :)

To the new people: I hope you liked it! Right now I'm writing out all my Wit books, so I'm not able to take any requests, but I will publish a special book for requests and stuff :D So if you don't want to miss it, you can subscribe :D (Feeling like a YouTuber right now)

And again: Please don't flame me for the smut scene. Like I said, it was my first English one and I was kind of struggling. I hope you still liked it! <3

I really hope my grammar wasn't too bad!

Have a great day, night or whenever you read this!! <3

Thanks for reading, and see you next time! <3

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