Risen from the Ashes (A Harry...

By MolMcN

77.1K 2.7K 370

Through a mysterious series of events, Lily and James Potter are brought back to life the summer after Harry'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 3

3.4K 118 12
By MolMcN

Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, checking over the list of future first years who would be receiving their letters in a few weeks. Enrollment was up this year, very promising. Suddenly, there was a swift banging at the door to his chamber. "Odd." He muttered to himself. Minerva, Filch, and Hagrid were the only other people at the castle at the moment, all of which would have simply let themselves in. Meaning, he must have had a visitor. "Come in!"

He had glanced back down to his list to mark where he left off so that he could return to it later. When he looked up again, his eyes widened in shock.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Professor." James started in on his tear-filled rant. "There's... something horrible has happened... Voldemort, he came to our house and... somehow he must have sent Lily and I away. We woke up in front of the church and when we got there the house was destroyed."

"Harry..." Lily sobbed, "He... he's gone... we couldn't... we couldn't find him... oh god that monster killed him..."

"I want him dead!" James yelled. "I don't care what it takes, I am tired of living in fear! I don't want this to happen to anyone else! I want you to get the Order together, we need to discuss strategy."

Dumbledore stood up from his desk and stumbled against the bookcase behind him. "I... I can't believe this..."

"I... I know..." Lily sobbed. "My baby... he's gone... oh Harry..."

"No, I'm not talking about Harry! I'm talking about the two of you! You haven't even aged a day..." he said in bewilderment.

"How can you say that so casually?!" James glared at him, "He was my son!"

"Oh, you don't need to worry about Harry, he's fine." Dumbledore went over to the two of them, raising his wand, he scanned them for any kind of concealing magic. "It's... it's really you..." he too began crying.

"Wait, Harry's alright?!" Smiles lit up their faces. "Oh, that is wonderful! Where is he? Did someone rescue him from the house?"

Dumbledore wouldn't stop crying, "I... I can't believe what I am seeing..."

"What's wrong Professor?" James asked. "Has something else happened?"

"My boy..." Dumbledore wiped his eyes, "You both were dead..."

"What...?" they looked at him in confusion.

"On the night Voldemort broke into your house, he killed both of you." He explained. "Only young Harry, miraculously survived the killing curse."

"What?!" they yelled in shock.

"But how is that possible?" James turned to his wife, "No one could survive the killing curse."

"How... we aren't dead..." she struggled to understand what all of this meant.

"I can see that" Dumbledore chuckled, "But I assure you, you were dead at one point. I was at your funeral. You died as heroes, being the ones to finally defeat Voldemort." They looked at him with even more confusion. "Lily's love and sacrifice for Harry, is what let him live. The spell backfired off of him and hit Voldemort instead. Besides a brief whisper here and there, he has not been seen sense."

"That's wonderful!" James' face lit up. "All our troubles are over! We can all live in peace again."

"Sir, can we see Harry now?" Lily asked. "I need to hold my baby. He must be terrified."

Dumbledore bit his lip and sat down at his desk. He summoned to chairs and gestured for them to take the seats across from him. "I... I don't know how to explain this... We all... you both were dead. You both have been dead, and I cannot understand how you two have come back to us..."

"Perhaps some kind of ancient artifact?" James asked, "The Deathly Hallows?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "No, it would have taken all three Hallows together to perform this kind of powerful magic. The stone has not been seen in years, the Elder Wand has not left my side, and I know that Harry has been taking good care of your invisibility cloak."

"My cloak?" James asked in surprise, "What is Harry doing with it?"

"Oh, that would be my doing," he chuckled to himself. "I should have known better, entrusting another Potter with an artifact that can cause such mischief. But that's not important at the moment. If the three Hallows were all in separate locations, then how could both have come back...?"

He stood up from his desk and started pacing. The two younger wizards knew better than to interrupt him when he got like this. Suddenly, he stopped and snapped his fingers. "The comet!" he ran over to his desk and started rifling through some papers. "Yes! That would do it... if a very powerful wizard... and I can only assume that he would have been the one... yes... that would work!"

"What is it Professor?" Lily asked.

"Earlier this evening," he began to explain, "a comet, that only comes to earth every one thousand years, passed over Europe. If a normal witch or wizard were to make a wish on this "shooting star" nothing would happen. They simply aren't powerful enough. However, if a very powerful wizard made a wish, and if that wish was fueled by love, then it could possibly be granted. Legend says it has happened before. My guess is that Harry wished for your return. He has the power for it, plus your love is what spared him in the first place! It would only make sense that his love for the two of you would be able to repay that debt and would be powerful enough to bring you back!"

"But how could Harry make a wish?" James didn't believe any of this, "I mean, he's only a baby..."

"My dear boy..." Dumbledore looked down sadly, "You both have been dead for thirteen years..."

(A/N - Hey guys, thanks for reading!)

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