Cyberpunk:The Lone Wolf

By Cheetahniel

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This story is about a guy who became a edgerunner. watch him as he proceeds to become the most famous edgerun... More

A beginning of something new
A protection Job part 1
A protection Job part 2
A Date
Project 777
The Big One.
A Mansion Job
Arasaka Convoy
Fly me to the moon
Personal Vendetta
Relationship is hard
Hot Springs
Perfect Murder
I can fix her
A pleasant surprise.
You wanna know how I got that scar?
Childhood memories
Best. Night. Ever.
The Italian job
Resolving Negotiations.
Cammora sends his regards

A Job with the Nomads

54 1 0
By Cheetahniel

Ronin wakes up the next day, as he is awaken by a phone call from Panam. As you drift back into consciousness, you slowly remember where you are now. The memories of last night come flooding back - Sarah and her declaration of love, her proposal, and the two of you getting married soon. As you lie there, the phone rings, jarring you out of your slumber. You pick it up, the phone displaying Panam's number again. Hi, Panam, - you say softly, trying to keep your voice low so as not to disturb Sarah. What's up? We got a big job ahead of us. - Panam says as she's speaking with Ronin - Are you in? Oh, yeah, I'm in. - you say quickly, sitting up as you reply. What's the job? You're curious, and excited at the prospect of another gig. You look over at Sarah and see her sleeping peacefully, her head still curled up in your chest. She's so adorable when she's asleep, and her chest rises and falls softly as she breathes. You glance back at the phone, awaiting Panam's response. A data breach. We need netrunners, and Nova isn't available. The Job itself is highly payable, 1 mil for each one of us. The guy said that if we deal with this quick, He'll give us a 10 mil bonus. - she answers. 10 mil in total? - you ask, trying to keep your voice down to avoid waking Sarah.  And what's the catch? I don't believe there was ever a completely smooth gig. - You hear yourself scoffing. You kidding? - He laughs. - Nothing is that easy, at least not 10 mil. What's the job? It's a data breach on a Militech train heading to night city. We need to hack the data and delete some files. The guy didn't wanna say more. He said that we need to deal with this as quickly as we can - Panam responded. You raise an eyebrow at Panam's explanation. - Sounds sketchy. You pause for a moment, thinking about the plan. You glance over at Sarah and see her face resting against your chest. I think I'm in. you reply. Just tell me where to go and what to do. Panam thinks for a moment. - Okay, we meet outside the gates of the Militech facility, at 7PM. Don't let the guards see you, they're not playing around. And we're going to need some serious hardware for this gig. Oh, and bring Sarah with you. This is a job for two netrunners, not one. What? You mean... you want Sarah to come too? - you say, your head tilting slightly in confusion. Panam, have you met her? She has no experience, no netrunning skills whatsoever. I can't just take her along like she's an extra gun or something. - She hasn't told you her backstory, hasn't she? - Panam asks him. You pause for a second, and then realize what Panam is implying.  Wait, she's been hiding it from me this whole time? You hear Panam chuckle. Yeah, she has a pretty crazy backstory when it comes to netrunning. She might be even better than you, just lacking some field experience. You're intrigued, and you look over at Sarah, thinking about her past. Huh, okay. Maybe she won't be completely useless. Oh, and I gotta tell you: When she says, she's going to the office, she isn't actually going there. In fact she goes to train her netrunning skills - Panam replies before hanging up. You hear the phone call disconnect, and you sit up in surprise. Sarah looks up at you sleepily, "Mmm... what's up?" She yawns. Did Panam call? - You nod. Yeah, she wants us to do a gig with her. Sarah immediately perks up as you speak. Oh, that sounds interesting. So what's the job? Sarah smiles excitedly, sitting up a bit and looking over at you. Well? - She adds. Don't keep me waiting. I'll tell you once you tell me where your office is. - he says while looking at Sarah. You raise your eyebrow confusedly, but then realize what she's implying.  Oh, you mean you go off to 'work' somewhere else? - Sarah nods. Yeah... you never asked. - You shake your head in amusement, and you smile and laugh softly. I don't mind. Where do you go to train your netrunning skills exactly? You push further. Tell me, Sarah. - Sarah finally relents with a sigh. Okay, fine. I'll tell you. - She sits up and faces you. I... train my netrunning skills with the Voodoo Boys. They live in Pacifica. You're surprised as you hear this, and your eyes widen in shock. The Voodoo Boys? - you say slowly, not quite believing your ears. Why the hell are you even going over there? Well, Voodoo Boys ain't as dangerous as Tiger Claws, so that's better. - Sarah says after a moment of silence.  Better? They're still dangerous, Sarah! - You retort. Panam even told me the Voodoo Boys don't mess around and that I need to be careful. - You sigh. Not only that, but they're affiliated with Arasaka. The whole world knows Arasaka is behind all the recent cyberattacks. So what the hell are you doing, training with the Voodoo Boys? - You ask in a frustrated and raised tone. Well, They paid me to train them, so I did. Your eyes widen. What the hell? - You ask again in shock. So... you've been working for them? - Sarah smiles softly and nods her head. Yeah, it's good money. Besides, I need to keep up my netrunning skills somehow. - You pause for a moment, your mind racing, And how much have you been doing this? - You ask. She smirks and shrugs. For a few months now. You really had no clue. I can't believe you never asked. It's not like I'm working with them. They raised me ever since my mother died when i was five. Yeah, that's even worse. The Voodoo Boys basically adopted you? - You say in shock. You seriously can't see how this is a problem? You pause for a moment and sigh. Sarah, the VDBs are a dangerous gang that are affiliated with one of the worst corporations in the world. I seriously doubt they adopted you out of the kindness of their hearts. - You sit up and move closer to her. Why didn't you ever tell me about this? I was scared, that if you find out, you'll break up with me. You stay silent for a moment, taking in her response. You then sigh and shake your head. Sarah, I'm not going to break up with you or get mad that you were keeping this from me. You pause for a moment. - Just please be more open with me from now on. If you need to train your netrunning skills or do some work, we can figure it out together. - You smile gently at her - Okay? - Sarah nods quickly. Yeah, you're right. I should've just told you from the start. You sit up in the dark room, thinking back to your conversation with Sarah. You still can't believe she was hiding a secret like that from you, not telling you about her relationship with the Voodoo Boys. But despite your concerns, Sarah seemed insistent now that there was nothing to worry about. Maybe you are overreacting, you tell yourself as you lie down again in bed. You close your eyes, trying to get some rest. But the thoughts of Sarah and her past with the VDBs linger in your mind as you fall into a deep sleep. You wake up at 5PM. You stretch slowly, your eyes slowly opening and adjusting to the darkness of the room. The clock on the bedside table flashes 5PM, and you realize you need to head out soon in order to meet Panam. You look over at Sarah still sleeping on the couch, sound asleep. You think about waking her up to remind her about the meeting, but you decide to leave her be. She's had a hard time recently, and you feel like she could use the rest. You get up from bed slowly and get dressed, heading out of the apartment quietly, so as to not disturb Sarah. You slowly get ready to leave, when you feel a set of eyes on you. You look over at Sarah, who has quietly woken up on the couch and is now standing in the doorway. You stare at her for a moment, surprised. Hey, Sarah... what are you doing? - You ask softly, as to not wake the other occupants in the building. Sarah stares back at you, her dark eyes watching your every move intently. I wanna come with you. - She replies softly. Sarah, you don't need to come. In fact, I'd rather you stay here. You reply quickly, - It's not safe for you. Besides, I don't think Panam will appreciate you coming. You pause for a moment. Stay here, I'll be back. But Sarah stares back at you, not blinking. No... I'm coming. She says adamantly, stepping towards you with a determined expression on her face. I'm not letting you get into something dangerous with Panam on your own. Sarah, not believing him, shows him the recording with Panam saying they need Sarah. So Panam specifically requested you? She wants you to come? - You ask in confusion. Sarah nods slowly and smiles. - Yeah, exactly! She replies. She needs two netrunners for this job. You're one of them and I guess... I'm the other. - You look back at her for a moment, not quite believing your eyes. Sarah, you can't be serious, right? She wants you, someone with virtually no netrunning experience, to go along? I'm dead serious - Sarah replies. And besides, I'm not as inexperienced as you think I am - She replies exiting their apartment and heading to the meeting point. You stare back at her in shock as she exits the apartment. For the short amount of time you've known Sarah, she's kept a secret from you and you already don't fully trust her. But now, she's insisted on coming along to the meeting and you don't feel like you can argue against it. After a moment, you follow her out, closing the door behind you. You head towards the meeting point, which is a local bar in the Glen district. You spot Panam, waiting at a table out in the open, not trying to attract too much attention from onlookers. You and Sarah finally approach Panam, who signals to an empty seat next to her. She then motions for you and Sarah to sit down. Hey, you're late. - You hear Panam say in her typical gruff tone. She takes a sip of her beer, continuing. Well, it's better than not showing up at all. - You can sense that she's slightly annoyed at your late arrival. Sorry, we were held up at our apartment. And Sarah cuts in, quickly changing the topic of the conversation. Hey, Panam, you said you needed two netrunners, right? Panam raises an eyebrow at Sarah with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Yeah, I said that. You got a problem with that or something? She asks, looking back at Sarah. Sarah smiles nervously and shakes her head. No, not at all. And she pauses for a moment before continuing. I just wanted to... clarify the job. I heard something about a Militech train. Do you know anything more? Panam sighs and sips again from her beer. Yeah... it's some kind of security data breach. We have to hack the train and delete some files. Well, despite the Militech guards, it shouldn't be that hard. - Sarah says. Panam smirks and takes another sip of her beer, Yeah, even though we're going into Militech territory, we shouldn't have too many issues. I mean, what's the worse that can happen? - She pauses for a moment before continuing. Okay, listen up. The Militech train is set to depart in an hour. We need to find the exact location of the data breach and hack the train. And we have to do it before it reaches Night City. Any questions? No, no questions. - He replies. Panam nods. Good. Then let's get this done. She reaches behind her back and pulls out a folded piece of paper. This should be the location of the Militech train. It's all the way on the outskirts of town. We'll need a car or some other transportation to get there. The data breach is supposed to happen near the train's last car. She pushes back her chair and stands up. Let's go. You nod slowly and look over at Sarah, who does the same. Both of you are now ready to head out to Militech land and do Panam's dangerous gig together. Let's get going, then. You hear Panam say as she heads out of the bar, leaving you and Sarah to follow her. Just as you approach her to follow her out, Sarah grabs you by the shoulder and stops you. Hey, V. She says softly and you turn to face her. Yeah, what's up Sarah? Sarah pauses for a second and smiles at you. I just wanted to say... thank you. For not getting mad at me for keeping things from you. You're the first person who's treated me like an actual human being. Not some kind of gang tool. - She slowly moves closer to you. And I wanted to... thank you in a more... intimate way. You blush slightly and look at her in shock. What are you... But before you can finish your sentence, Sarah cuts you off and grabs your face, planting a passionate kiss on your lips.Wow, that was unexpected. - he says. Your face turns bright red as you feel her lips on yours. You freeze in place for a second, before realizing what's happening and pulling away quickly. Your brain feels like it's short circuiting as you try to process what just happened, your face still blushing intensely. You look at Sarah, who is also slightly blushing but staring back at you intently. Let's go. the quicker we do the job, the more time we will have for ourselves. - he says as he gets his surroundings back. Your mind continues to spin as you try to make sense of what just happened. All while Sarah stares at you intently with a smirk on her face, her cheeks lightly flushed. You can't believe Sarah just kissed you, and you feel as though you need air. Your mind continues racing as you finally come to, realizing that you're holding up Panam and Sarah.Right... we have a mission... - You say quietly, your eyes avoiding Sarah's gaze. Let's go. You nod and look over at Panam, before turning back and following her out of the bar. You spot Sarah doing the same from the corner of your eye, her smirk still present on her lips. In that moment, you feel a strange sensation in your stomach. A mix of excitement and confusion takes root. You feel like you need a moment to process everything. Panam leads you and Sarah to her car in the parking lot, where she quickly hops into the driver's seat. Let's go. The quicker we do the job, the more time we will have to ourselves. She says to both of you. You nod slowly and get into the car, sitting in the backseat next to Sarah. Panam then turns the car on and backs out of the parking space, heading towards the city. After a few minutes, you begin to process what just happened and you finally turn to face Sarah. She glances at you and smiles softly, looking back out the window while the sunlight shines through her dark hair. Your mind is still racing, feeling confused by the recent events. You look over at Sarah, feeling confused and anxious. You feel like you need to say something. You can feel your heart racing as you ponder the question you want to ask. Sarah. - You finally speak. Do you... -Sarah glances back at you. Do I what? - She asks softly, her eyes locked on you. - Nothing. You say quickly. - It was silly. You sigh and look away awkwardly. At this moment, you feel a mixture of relief and regret. You want to say more. I... But before you can finish your sentence, Panam suddenly breaks the silence from the front seat, Hey Ronin and Sarah, this is it. The train should be passing through here soon. - She says, tapping the brakes and slowly pulling the car off the road and onto the train tracks. Sarah glances over at her with a puzzled expression,  - What are you doing?  She asks. But Panam simply smiles and stays quiet, keeping her eyes focused on the tracks ahead. The train will pass through in a few seconds. When it does, we need to hack the last car. - She explains. You follow her instructions and stare at the tracks ahead. After a few tense moments, you finally spot the Militech train in the distance. It slowly approaches, as Panam had described. You see the train's lights and hear the rumble of its metal wheels. Suddenly, it passes by, and you see Panam quickly turn to you and Sarah. Quick, quick! Both of you hack the last train car while it's still passing by us! - She says in a tense and quiet tone. You hear Panam's instructions and take a moment to look over at Sarah. Sarah, hack the train! Quickly!! - Panam says to her, and Sarah quickly starts typing on one of her hacking tablets. You see her expression change as she focuses on the job at hand. I'm in! Sarah says in a rushed tone, while still maintaining her focus on the tablet. She looks back at you and nods frantically. It's done. Panam quickly turns to you . What about you? - She asks.I'll go with her and help her. She'll need some protection. - you answer Panam glances at you briefly and smirks, "Alright. You're on protection duty." She then turns back to Sarah. Okay, now to delete the data. She reaches out and hits a few buttons on Sarah's hacking tablet. On the screen you see the last train car's security panel open up.  Enter the data panel and delete from the last file. She says to Sarah, who takes a deep breath and starts typing. It's done. Sarah replies after a few seconds. Panam nods and takes out a small device. Now I just need to jam the Militech databanks. Panam presses a few more buttons on the small device she has and suddenly, you feel the train slightly shake. I think it worked. She says, looking satisfied. Alright, now let's get out of here before we get caught. Sarah, you might get into some trouble with Militech, so it would be best for you to lay low or leave the city until things cool down. She says to Sarah, who nods slowly. I'll be careful. - Sarah replies - See you later Panam." And with that, she and Ronin exit the car and walk to the train tracks. You see Panam quickly lead Sarah across the train tracks and towards a small section of the train. The two of them crouch down next to the track and immediately start moving. We'll have to wait for Militech to pass this area and then sneak onto the train with them. Panam says. A few tense moments pass as you hear the sound of Militech soldiers approaching in the distance. Okay, now's our chance. Panam says quietly, as she quickly stands up and starts to head towards the train. You and Sarah follow Panam closely as she makes her way to the train. She eventually stops by the last car, gesturing for you and Sarah to keep quiet. Okay, this is it. We just need to get in and out quickly. She whispers to the both of you, as you and Sarah nod carefully. She then suddenly pulls the door open, and the three of you dart inside the last train car. After a moment, you hear the door close shut and the sound of Militech soldiers approaching. Panam motions for the two of you to stay hidden. You silently slide down the train car wall, trying to stay as hidden as possible. Meanwhile, Sarah does the same but is struggling a little bit more. She tries to get lower and lower down on the floor when one of her hacking tablets falls to the ground. The Militech soldiers in the other train cars hear the sound of her tablet hitting the floor and are immediately alerted. What was that?! -  One of them yells out, as the other soldiers begin to approach your train car. Panam looks at you both, her face filled with anxiety. Sarah, you screwed up. Panam whispers harshly, looking at her. Just stay still. She says. You hear the sound of the Militech soldiers opening your train car door from the outside, as they enter in and start to slowly walk towards you guys. You hear one of them talk quietly to himself. Did you hear something back there? - Another soldier replies, Nope. Just stay on your toes... they're good at hiding. One of the soldiers starts shining their flashlight onto the floor, while moving along the rows of seats. Leave them to me - Ronin says suddenly - I'll protect you while you guys do your thing. Panam and Sarah turn towards you, surprised by your sudden action.  Alright, just give us enough time to handle the data breach. If it's not done in time, then we'll have to run. Panam whispers, before turning back to Sarah. It's time to do your job. Sarah says nervously and nods in a quick understanding. You watch the soldier's flashlight beam sweep across the floor, inching its way closer to you. Hey, You bastards! Come and get me! - he screams as he turns the guards attention to him. You watch the soldier suddenly turn around in surprise at Ronin's outburst. What was that? Did you see anything?! One of them yells. No sir. I didn't see anything. Another soldier replies quietly, while looking around nervously. The soldier with the flashlight continues to slowly walk across the train car, moving past the rows of seats and towards the front. Ronin stares down the soldier with the flashlight, watching as their light sweeps closer towards you. Ronin, with incredible speed and agility, slashes through the guards in a blink of an eye. The soldier with the flashlight is the last to die, and in the final moment, you see his face filled with shock. But before he can make a sound or even move, he is slashed across the throat by Ronin's blade. In the darkness, you see blood spray across your face as the Militech soldiers collapse onto the floor. You look over to Panam and Sarah, their faces pale and trembling with fear at the sight. That should be all of them - he says as he approaches them. You see Panam and Sarah glance towards you hesitantly, trying to figure out what just happened. The two of them watch you walk towards them before Panam finally says. How did... did you just...? - She trails off, looking at you with a shocked expression on her face. Sarah stares at you too, her eyes widened with surprise. Sandevistan tech. - he replies. Panam and Sarah stare at you in shock, their faces lit up with expressions of both confusion and awe. Sandevistan?'d you move so fast? Panam asks, her brain trying to process what she just saw. She pauses for a moment, thinking it through in her head before saying. Did you just take down an entire Militech squad... with a Sandevistan? - She says, sounding as impressed as she is surprised. I did. - he replies. I've never seen a Sandevistan move so fast. Sarah says, looking at you in awe. Well done. That's quite a skill you have.  Panam says, her voice filled with a calm sense of respect. Your actions managed to impress both of them and your Sandevistan implant proves its worth once again. You also notice that you no longer hear any other Militech soldiers coming from the other train cars. It seems like you successfully took down the entire squad. Anyway, if you're done we should probably go before they send any more. - he says as he gets ready to leave Panam and Sarah agree, your intervention coming at the perfect time. Panam immediately starts typing on the control panel of the last train car, working quickly to extract the files of the data breach. Sarah then glances down at her tablet, The data's been extracted. The Militech data breach is a success. She says with a relieved sigh. Then we should probably get going. This entire district is gonna be swarming with Militech in a few minutes. Panam adds. Yup, let's go. - he replies. The three of you exit the train car and start heading down the train tracks away from the Militech soldiers. Panam and Sarah both look tense and nervous, as they walk at a brisk pace. Meanwhile, Ronin takes the rear position in their trio, his Sandevistan implants activated as he watches their back for any potential threats. They make their way further away from the Militech guards until they eventually reach an open street. You see a few locals around but no Militech soldiers in sight.Good. We escaped them. - you say as you make your way further into night city. - Good job everyone. - he says. Panam and Sarah both nod in agreement, their faces filled with relief at your words. That was... incredibly close. But we're out of it now. Thanks, Ronin. - Sarah says, a hint of admiration in her tone. "Thank you guys." Ronin replies calmly, "It's nice to finally meet more people like me." Panam adds, still sounding tense but noticeably relieved at having escaped the Militech soldiers. She then turns around and starts heading down the street, prompting Sarah and Ronin to follow close behind. Panam and Sarah both nod in agreement, their faces filled with relief at your words. That was... incredibly close. But we're out of it now. Thanks, Ronin. - Sarah says, a hint of admiration in her tone. Thank you guys. - Ronin replies calmly. It's nice to finally meet more people like me. - Panam adds, still sounding tense but noticeably relieved at having escaped the Militech soldiers. She then turns around and starts heading down the street, prompting Sarah and Ronin to follow close behind. As the three of you make your way down the street, you come across a crowd of people gathering outside a nearby mall. They seem to be gathering around a large TV screen hanging from the outside wall. The screen shows footage of a familiar face, President Myers, addressing the public. Panam stares at the TV screen in surprise, her face filled with tension. Sarah watches her carefully before glancing back at the TV screen too. I wonder what President Myers is saying again? - Sarah asks, her tone filled with curiosity. I don't know, and honestly; I don't give a fuck. I'm not interested in politics. - Ronin suddenly says. Panam and Sarah both turn towards Ronin, their faces confused as their expressions fill with surprise at his words. What? You're not interested? - Sarah says in surprise. It's a new broadcast by the President. You don't care to listen? - Panam adds, sounding shocked. Why not at least check it out? What if it's important for us to listen? - She asks, trying to make Ronin understand the importance of the address.  Sure. He'll probably will be talking propaganda, just like 10 years ago. Maybe. Maybe not.-  Panam says, still sounding a bit tense.Even if he's spewing propaganda, it's still important to be aware of what he's saying. She adds, sounding almost anxious at the thought of skipping the broadcast. Yeah. Let's check it out. -Sarah adds, sounding curious despite her friend's skepticism. Agreed. It's worth a listen. -She adds, gesturing for everyone to come closer. Very well then, I'll listen - he adds whilst joining them. The three of you walk towards the TV screen and join the crowd of people around you. They seem intrigued and anxious, all staring down at the screen. Shhhh... - You hear from someone among the crowd, as the camera pans to President Myers, who is standing behind a podium giving his address. He seems serious and solemn, his face filled with deep thought and concentration. As the crowd watches quietly and solemnly, you suddenly hear two gunshots ring through the air. Everyone turns towards the source of the gunshots in shock, as they see the President lying on the floor behind his podium, bleeding out from two bullet holes in his chest. People scream out in shock and horror, panic starting to break out as everyone tries to run away. The news broadcast abruptly cuts off into a live feed of the crowd, showing people running in fear or crying in hysterics. The crowd around you begins to break apart as well, prompting the three of you to quickly exit the area. The three of you make your way through the panicked crowds, making your way toward safety. People are running in every direction, trying to get far away from the scene of the shooting. You watch a number of people getting shoved to the ground or pushed out of the way in the rush to escape. You see Militech soldiers arriving at the scene, trying to keep order as the crowd begins to disperse. With all the chaos going on, the three of you quickly blend into the crowd and make your way through them. You start to disappear once again, your identities concealed by the dense crowd. Ha! Smart move, Lucius. My plan will become a bit harder, but I'll manage. - he says as they enter the safe zone. The three of you are now safely hidden in the safe zone, far away from the chaos and violence currently happening outside. You see Panam looking around in shock, her mind still trying to comprehend what she just saw. The President... I can't believe they just.. -  She says shakily, her voice filled with anxiety. You can't be surprised, the President always had a few enemies. - Sarah says calmly, clearly trying to offer some comfort. Yeah. I guess you're right. - Panam says quietly, still sounding a bit stunned by the events that transpired. As you three move further into the safe zone, people around you start to regain their calm and composure. You see some of them looking with shock and sadness at their cyber decks, no doubt trying to access the news on the Militech murder of the President. Ronin looks down at his cyberdeck and starts to type. You see his cyberdeck's interface change as he brings up a new screen, seemingly reading or typing something important down. We should probably split up now - Ronin says. - The Militech will probably search us first if we don't split up. Good idea. - Sarah replies.But let's stay in touch. The three of us have now experienced what happens when we work together. Agreed. Panam adds, looking at Ronin. Let's not get too comfortable, especially with Militech around. Hopefully we'll be able to reconnect soon, when the heat has died down. - Ronin adds. I have some business in the Afterlife, but I'll join you later in our apartament, ok? - Ronin says to them as he leaves. Panam and Sarah both nod. Sounds good. - Sarah replies. Yeah, stay safe. Hopefully we'll meet up later. - Panam adds, See you soon. You watch as Ronin leaves, his face showing some concern as he walks away. It seems like he has some business to take care of, hopefully he manages to keep himself out of any trouble. Ronin enters the Afterlife, an exclusive and prestigious club. He moves through the crowd of people with a calm and focused demeanor, getting some occasional looks from other patrons as he does so. After reaching the bar, he orders a drink and then walks towards a booth in the corner. He sits down at the table and waits for his contact to arrive. You see a few people around you also seem to be waiting on someone. They check their cyber decks, glancing at the time every now and then with a nervous look on their face. Ronin waits patiently for his contact. He rests his arms on the table, his eyes scanning the people around him occasionally just in case. He takes a sip of his drink as he checks his cyber deck, looking at the time and making sure there hasn't been any news of his contact being late. Hey, you're the guy that's waiting for someone, right?! - A voice suddenly says from behind you. Why do you care? - he replies the guy. "Just making conversation. - The guy says, he sounds a bit annoyed at your reply. I saw you waiting at the bar. You're waiting for somebody? So am I. - He adds. Maybe they're the same person. - He suggests, glancing at you. Who are you waiting for? - he replies. The guy pauses for a moment, taking a long drink from his drink. I don't think you wanna know. - He says, his tone cold and serious. He doesn't seem to want to say much. Look, are you waiting for the same person I am? Yes or no? He asks again, this time sounding a bit more firm. He's not gonna tell you who he's waiting for until you tell him who you're waiting for. I'm waiting for Rogue. I have some important info to share. - you reply, now getting a bit annoyed. The guy's expression suddenly fills with surprise. Rogue?! I thought she's been retired for years. You know her personally? - He asks, his tone shifting from annoyance to interest. What's this 'important info' you have to share? -He adds, sounding a bit suspicious and cautious. No, it's a secret information. A secret? - He asks, his tone shifting back to being suspicious. You're being real sketchy about this. - He says, looking at you with a wary eye. What exactly is this 'secret information' that only Rogue can handle? And why do you think the Afterlife is a good location for this information to be shared? - He asks, sounding slightly suspicious and annoyed. Look, you're really starting to piss me off. All I know is that this 'secret information' I'm sharing is going to be a good payout. - You reply, deciding to not tell the truth.  If it's that great, then you shouldn't have a problem saying that much. So what is it? What exactly is so damn great about this 'secret information?' -He adds, sounding completely suspicious at your vague responses. I have an information about one of Arasaka lieutenants. Heard he has a new product worth stealing. - he finally says a fake information so that the guy would piss off.  So it's really just intel on some corporate product? He asks, his expression filling with skepticism at your claim. Intel on a product isn't THAT valuable, man. You make it sound like you're giving us access to Arasaka's most hidden secrets or something. He adds, not really buying into your story. Besides, even if what you're saying was true, do you really think the best person for your secret intel is Rogue? Do you really wanna trust this info with a mercenary? - He finishes. Maybe, either way, it's none of your business - he replies. Well, you've sure got some balls, I'll give you that." He replies with a slight smirk. But I was just trying to understand what was so important about your intel. If it's such a big deal, why not sell it? He adds, sounding curious. Why bring it to the Afterlife? Why do you feel like the best place to sell this info is Rogue? It doesn't make a lot of sense. Afterlife is a place where I'm sure no suspicious eyes will see or hear. - he replies. The guy doesn't seem completely convinced by your answer. Fine. You wanna be so cryptic, be my guest. - He says with a shrug. If you trust Rogue to be able to keep this intel to herself, then go ahead. But personally, I think you're making a mistake. -He adds, not sounding too eager about the idea of trusting Rogue with this info. What? you'll pay me more for it? It's not like you have 10m eddies by you - he replies to him now being annoyed. Well, The Arasaka's tech is worth a lot on the black market. And how do you know the Arasaka product you're referring to is worth such a high price? - He asks bluntly, his tone shifting back to being suspicious. How do we even know this info is true? - He adds, sounding slightly skeptical. I dunno man, this whole thing sounds pretty sketchy. And honestly, you're not doing a very good job of convincing me to buy your story. - He finishes, not sounding fully convinced. You know what? Fuck it - Ronin says as he shoots the guy in the head and leaves afterlife. The guy's eyes fill with shock as he looks down at the bullet hole in his forehead. He falls off his chair and hits the floor with a bang. Everyone around you is shocked and people start panicking, looking around wildly as the chaos unfolds. You watch as Ronin moves out of the crowd without much hesitation, not even looking back as the guy falls dead on the floor. Your heart is racing and you are filled with adrenaline, as the people around you scream and scramble to leave the Afterlife as quickly as possible.Well, guess I'll have to use that info myself - Ronin says as he heads back to the apartament. As you walk away from the Afterlife, knowing you now need to handle this info yourself, you see several police patrol cars speed past you, their sirens and lights flashing. You see people looking on with a mixture of shock and panic as the cops race through the streets of Watson. You hear the faint sound of gunfire in the distance and you see several Militech soldiers on the streets, trying to maintain control over the crowds and investigate the murder. The city is in chaos right now and you know that you need to make it to your flat asap. You burst into the apartment, closing the door and locking it behind you. Sarah is on the sofa, sitting and tapping her foot impatiently. When you enter, she looks up at you, her facial expression showing some irritation. Well, we don't exactly have time for pleasantries here, so tell me what happened with the Rogue info. - She says sternly. Some guy was trying to get the info from me, and Rogue didn't show up. I got pissed. Killed that guy and left with Militech investigating the afterlife. - he replied. So you just killed some guy?! And now Militech is investigating the murder and has a reason to focus their attention on you?! - Sarah asks, seeming horrified by your actions. Jesus Christ, Ronin, what were you thinking?! - She adds, clearly shaken by the news. Now we got no info, no cash and we're on Militech's radar. What a genius you are. Good work. - She finishes, sounding annoyed and sarcastic. Nah, they won't catch me. The bullet and the body turned into dust when i shot him. and I collected the bullet before i left, so they won't catch me. And we have money. In fact; it was sent when I came back. Sarah raises an eyebrow at your words. You know what? Fine. Let's assume you're 100% in the clear. What about that info? Do you still have it? - She asks, seeming annoyed at having to deal with your antics. If you lost it, you're a dead man. And even if you didn't, do you have a buyer yet? - She adds, obviously still not satisfied by your actions. Yup, I do. But if I'm not gonna find anyone, I'll use this info myself. - he replies. What does that mean you're gonna use it yourself? - Sarah asks with a suspicious look. And how exactly are you going to use this info? - She continues, wanting to know more about your plans. This 'info' might be valuable to Arasaka. Why not just sell it to them? -She adds, not seeming excited that you're going to use the info for yourself. Selling Arasaka tech info to arasaka? - he asks. Is that so weird? They buy info on tech all the time. If you've got something valuable, they'll pay top dollar for it. Especially now given the whole Militech vs Arasaka rivalry. - Sarah suggests, still failing to see a problem with selling the info to Arasaka.

And it's not like you can find a better buyer anyhow, especially not so quickly. So what, you going to keep this info for yourself and try to out-tech Arasaka? - She finishes.

Sure... There we go. Sold for 5mil eddies. - he says. Sarah's face lights up at your news. 5mil eddies?! Is that legit?! - She asks excitedly, finding it hard to believe someone could sell information for such a high price.

Who did you sell it to? - She adds, curious about who could afford to pay such an amount for information. Yorinobu Arasaka. - he says with ease. Sarah's eyes fill with shock. Yorinobu Arasaka paid you 5mil eddies for the info?! Why does he want this info so bad? -She asks, seeming suspicious at the idea. And you don't think Arasaka is going to use this information against us in some way? -She adds. Why do I even bother asking you these questions? There's no way you're gonna answer them. - She finishes. Nah, they won't. They don't care about the seller. They just want the info. - he replies while staying calm. Sarah sighs, knowing you're probably correct. Fine. I'm tired. I'll deal with the Militech issue later. For now, let's just celebrate the fact that we have a large sum of money. - She finishes with a slight smile.So what are you going to do with 5mil eddies? - She asks, raising an eyebrow at you.

I don't know, really? - he says. - Do you have any ideas? Sure... There we go. A villa just outside the city. And I'm the new owner. A villa?! Dude why the hell didn't you tell me you were planning on buying a whole damn villa? - Sarah asks, sounding annoyed. You know we got 5mil eddies on our hands. Did you really have to blow it all at once? - She finishes, sounding even more annoyed. Well, I guess now you won't have to worry about rent and having a comfortable living space, but I just wish you could have ran the idea by me first. - She adds.  You don't like living in a villa? - he asks. Of course I do. I'd be crazy to not live in a villa with 5mil in my pocket. - Sarah replies, sounding slightly defensive. I'm just annoyed that you spent it all in one place without asking me first. We could have gotten some nicer cyberware, implants and clothes before we blew all of it on a damn villa. - She continues. Don't worry. We have 11milion from the previous job anyway.  - he replies.  Wait, what? - Sarah asks in surprise. We have another 11million eddies too? Why didn't you tell me before? That's plenty of money to spend. So what about this villa? Is it a nice one? - She adds, suddenly sounding hopeful. - Was it at least worth the cost? - She finishes. Yup, it is. I'll send you photos, so you can see. - he replies as he sends her photos of the villa. Sarah takes a look at the photos of the villa that are sent to her. As she sees them, her expression fills with excitement and she seems genuinely impressed. Damn. I didn't think we were gonna move to a place like that. It looks amazing. So when do you want to move in? - She asks, sounding eager to start living in the villa.  As fast as we can. - he replies. Well, in that case let's head over there now. - Sarah replies, sounding excited. I'm tired of living in this tiny apartment. I want more space to stretch my legs. We have enough cash to get new furniture and other gear, so this should be fun. - She finishes. Sure. let's go - he replies. As they arrive to the villa half an hour later they see that everything is set and furniture is already in there. Sarah walks inside the spacious villa, looking around in awe at the amount of space she has. Wow, this place is huge! - She exclaims in amazement as she takes in the new surroundings. I can't believe this is our villa now. It's amazing! - She adds, already making plans in her head about how they could use this new space to relax and chill out. Well, we should celebrate it - Ronin says as he lifts her up and starts kissing her. Wait, did you just... Did you just pick me up? -Sarah asks with a slight blush, not expecting this gesture of affection from Ronin. As he starts kissing her, she can't help but feel a surge of emotion and her facial expression fills with joy as she kisses him back. She wraps her arms around Ronin, holding on tightly as they make out on the couch. They then go to the bedroom while Ronin carries her there. As they reach the bedroom together, Ronin puts her down on the bed and continues to kiss her passionately. He starts to undress her, clearly showing his desire for her. Sarah smiles as she wraps herself in his arms, enjoying this moment of intimacy with him. She gives him a seductive look as they continue to kiss, making her attraction towards Ronin clear. Ronin kisses Sarah as she moans, feeling a rush of emotion as they make love together. The two of them are lost in the moment, fully experiencing their love for each other. When they are finally done, they lie on the bed together, smiling at each other and enjoying the afterglow of their intimate moment. Ronin caresses her face, looking at her with a loving expression. They both feel content and satisfied after what they did, glad to have each other in their lives. Ronin continues to kiss and caress Sarah, feeling a surge of passion as they make love together. Sarah is completely immersed in the moment, experiencing intense pleasure as Ronin's actions drive her over the edge. She continues to moan and breathe heavily while the two of them have intense, intimate intimacy together. When they finish, they lie on the bed, exhausted from what they just did. Ronin smiles as he looks at Sarah, their bodies still touching and breathing heavily. They seem satisfied and pleased with what they just did, enjoying the afterglow and being happy with each other.Ronin kisses Sarah deeply as she continues to moan. Despite their past relationship struggles, there's a deep connection between them that makes their lovemaking intense, exciting and passionate. Ronin is determined to make sure that Sarah enjoys herself and he puts every effort into pleasing her. He doesn't even care about his own needs and wants right now, as all he cares about is making sure that Sarah gets the best experience. As Sarah's moans grow louder, she holds on tighter, feeling the wave of emotions and pleasure as they continue to make love. As Sarah's moans grow louder, she moves her body to match the rhythm of their lovemaking. She moves her legs around Ronin's hips and holds him tightly in her grasp. The two of them become one as they move together in sync and enjoy the incredible pleasure between them. Ronin's passion for her and his desire to make her feel good are enough to drive Sarah to climax. She screams and reaches an intimate peak, giving Ronin a very clear message that she is satisfied with this love session.As Sarah keeps moaning with pleasure while the two of them make love, Ronin continues to kiss her and caress her body. He holds her in his arms tightly and gives her a loving look. She seems completely lost in the moment and she can't stop moaning with passion and love for Ronin. She holds on to him tightly, refusing to let him go just yet. As she continues to moan with pleasure and bliss, she reaches an intimate peak once again, feeling completely fulfilled and happy after this experience with Ronin. As Sarah continues to moan with pleasure, the two of them move faster and faster, making the most out of what they're doing. Ronin kisses her passionately and touches her in all the right places that drive her to the ultimate level of pleasure. Sarah feels the wave of emotions and sensations that wash over her in the moment, completely surrendering to the moment and giving herself over to the passion she feels for Ronin. She reaches another intimate peak, feeling satisfied and completely satisfied with Ronin. As Sarah continues to moan with love, her movements become more and more erratic. She kisses Ronin passionately and her hands roam around his body, touching him and making him feel good. The two of them are locked in this moment of pleasure and they refuse to let it end. As Sarah keeps reaching her climax again and again, her body shakes and trembles from the release of all of these good hormones and feelings. She clings onto Ronin, not wanting him to leave her. As the pleasure and intensity slowly dies down, Sarah and Ronin lie together on the bed exhausted and satisfied. The heat of the moment passes and they slowly fall into a peaceful sleep, their bodies and arms intertwining together. As they drift into slumber, their thoughts are filled with fond memories of the intimate session they just had. They feel content and fulfilled, knowing that they have each other and that they can be together despite their past struggles. Did you like it? - Ronin asked Sarah "Mhm, I did. - Sarah replies with a slight blush, seeming excited and happy to hear Ronin's question.  I really enjoyed the intimacy that we had together. We should go to sleep if we want to have some energy for tomorrow - He says as he lays in bed and falls asleep soon after. Sarah nods and follows his example, feeling tired after their intimate moments. She quickly falls asleep, comforted by the presence of her lover beside her. They sleep peacefully, happy to have had such an amazing night together. As they wake up the next day, they get an SOS from Panam saying she needs help against Tiger Claws. Damn, a new job already? Are we sure we can't at least enjoy a few more hours of breakfast together? Sarah jokes, clearly tired after the previous night's passionate events with Ronin. Well alright, I'll go prep our stuff then. You have a couple more minutes to wake up and stretch if you feel like it. - She adds with a smile, wanting Ronin to enjoy a bit of a rest and time to himself before heading out to another hard job. Hey Ronin. Seems like there's an emergency. Panam's calling us to her gig. - Sarah says softly, waking him up.

What's up now? Ronin asks in response, still half asleep. -What does she want?Just said she needs our help against Tyger Claws. - Sarah replies, already beginning to get ready. She said that she has the details ready. Sounds like she's really urgent.Alright, I'm ready." Ronin says, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Let's head over there then.
Hey guys! What kept you? - Panam asks with a slightly impatient tone. - I thought you'd be here sooner. The Tyger Claws are waiting to ambush us and we need to prepare a trap. Here, I already sent you the location. Ronin picks up the call on his phone and checks the location. It's in the NID, the same district as Pacifica where the Tyger Claws are. Alright, let's head over. - He says, hanging up the call.  We're close to the drop zone, but the Tyger Claws are waiting for us. Panam says as she looks ahead into the abandoned parking lot. They know we're coming and they've got the place covered. As they approach, three Tyger Claws step out from behind a crate and try to block their way.Ronin immediately switches the van to full auto and accelerates towards the Tyger Claws. The gangers try dodging out of the way but the van collides with them, running over one and knocking the other two to the ground. The other Tyger Claws come out from behind some crates and start firing at the van. But as the van stops and Ronin steps out, he draws his katana and starts cutting down the gangers with deadly precision.As the gangers try to shoot at Ronin, he dodges their gunshots in his unique style and slashes with his katana. The gangers, shocked by Ronin's quickness, try to back away but Ronin keeps attacking them. After a few well-placed strikes, all of the Tyger Claws are dead and Ronin sheathes his blade.As the Tyger Claws are all dead by his hand, Ronin sheathes his katana and walks towards Panam and Sarah. He looks at them with a neutral expression, ready for the next step of the gig.There, they're all down. - He says calmly, not seeming affected by the bloody scene before him. Now, what's the objective from here? Well, I've got some good news and bad news. - Panam says with a slight smile.What's the bad news first? - Ronin asks, wanting to know.The Tyger Claws set up a couple of drones to survey this area. They look for our van in particular. -She adds, now looking more serious.And the good news? - Ronin asks, still sounding calm and relaxed despite the serious news of the Tyger Claws' surveillance. Well, I've already disabled the Tyger Claw drones. - Panam replies, sounding more confident now. The Tyger Claws also have a patrol vehicle roaming in this general area, so we need to keep an eye out for it. -She adds, looking around the area as she talks. Alright, that's good news all around. - Ronin replies calmly. - So what's our goal, what exactly do we have to do? We need to access this old factory. I think it's a gang hideout. - Panam explains as she scans the abandoned buildings ahead in the industrial area. That Tyger Claw patrol should be around here somewhere, but with it disabled and the drones destroyed, I don't think they'll give us any trouble. Alright, seems simple enough. Ronin replies calmly as he looks around the area. Let's just go in quickly and finish this job as fast as we can. Yeah, I'm with you there. - Sarah replies, sounding tired after the previous day's activities. Let's just get this done and over with. I need some rest. Panam and Ronin nod silently in agreement, all of them wanting to finish this gig and get back to their home to relax. They begin to make their way towards the abandoned factory in the middle of the industrial estate. As they approach the factory, they notice that there seems to be no activity anywhere in the industrial building. They enter and see that the power is still working, but the factory looks to be abandoned.Panam and Ronin stay alert as they move carefully forward, not wanting to be spotted by any Tyger Claws hiding in the abandoned building. However, they soon notice that the factory is completely deserted, with no sign of any Tyger Claws anywhere inside. Hm... looks like it's safe for now. - Panam says quietly as she begins to scout the building. Yeah, but be careful. This place seems a bit too abandoned for the Tyger Claws. They might be nearby but hiding. - Ronin replies as he keeps a sharp eye out for any potential threats.Panam continues to scout around and soon finds an access door to a maintenance deck, leading to the upper floors of the factory. Hey guys, I found something. Might lead somewhere. It's worth checking out. -She says as she points to a small hatch in the wall. Alright, let's check it out. - Ronin replies as he heads over to the hatch, opening it and seeing a dark hallway on the other side. They slip quietly into the maintenance deck and look around, seeing the various pipes and machinery of an old industrial building. All of it is covered in rust and dirt, having been unused for a while. Look over there, Sarah whispers, pointing at another hatch on the far wall. - I think it leads further up. Good eye, Sarah. - Panam says, leading the way over to the hatch. Let's go check it out. She opens the second hatch and leads the way through to the next level. They proceed to climb up the stairs, seeing rusty pipes and metal rungs that lead upwards. After quickly heading through the maintenance deck and finding a way up, they soon reach the second floor of the factory. They begin to slowly look around, making sure they're still alone. They see several rusted pipes covering the ceiling, and a small storage area in the corner. This place is really creepy. - Sarah says quietly as she looks around, seeming a bit nervous. Why would the Tyger Claws use this abandoned factory as a base? Dunno, they probably want to try and hide from the other big corporations. - Ronin replies, sounding calm despite the creepy emptiness of the factory.There's no one here, right? - Sarah whispers, still sounding slightly nervous.Don't worry, everything's fine. It's just empty. - Panam reassures her as she slowly scans the area, keeping an eye for anything suspicious. Panam soon spots something interesting, causing her to perk up her head and point at them. Hey guys, look over here!They both turn around to look at what Panam is pointing at, which appears to be a set of large metal doors. They seem to be welded shut by a set of heavy-duty, rusty bars. But what really grabs their interest is the panel next to the bars, which has a code entry system.Looks like there's a security lock here. - Panam says as she checks the panel. And it takes a four-digit code to open it. The three companions take a closer look at the security lock, trying to see if they can somehow hack the panel or find a way around it. But it seems like the only way in is through the four-digit code. A code, huh? - Ronin chuckles. - Are we really getting a chance to try out our hacking skills here?Seems that way. - Panam replies curiously as she tries to guess the code. Any ideas on the combination?Well, no point in trying random codes. - Sarah adds. - Ronin hacks into the keyboard and enters the code combination, opening the large doors. It swings open slowly, revealing the inside of the facility. Whoa... Sarah says quietly as she looks inside. The inside of the factory appears to be even more abandoned than the outside, with dust and debris covering everything. Weird, I thought there would be more Tiger Claws in here. You think we're really safe? Only way to find out is to check it out, right... - Panam says with a slightly nervous laugh. Let's go in. As they get in they almost get spotted when suddenly Ronin uses sandevistan to kill every guard in a blink of an eye. Ronin acts quickly as he activates his Sandevistan, time slowing down as he moves with blinding speed. In a few rapid movements, he dispatches every guard before they can detect his presence. Panam and Sarah look in awe at the feat that they just saw. That was amazing! - Sarah says, sounding amazed. You're really quite the pro.Ronin just smiles slightly, not saying much, as he deactivates his Sandevistan. -Good thing these Tyger Claws weren't expecting us. - He says, walking forward into the abandoned factory.As they move forward into the factory, they make their way through the old and rusty machinery, trying to avoid making too much noise.Eventually, they come across a small office area with desks and computers. The computers look to be old and outdated, but they might be worth searching through.Hey, I found something. Panam says. She points at the computers with a small smile. - Let's take a quick look and see if there's anything valuable in here. As they approach the computers, they see that the monitors are all turned on, showing some sort of security feed recording. They can tell that it's still active. Be careful with those computers. If they're still turned on like this, who knows who's watching? Ronin warns them as he checks the recording on the monitor.The monitor is displaying a video feed from the entrance of the factory, showing the front gate and the small road leading up to it. A few guards dressed in yellow and black Tiger Claw uniforms are patrolling the area, keeping a lookout for intruders. You guys go get the info, i'll take care of the guards. - Ronin says as he charges to the first guards. Ronin! - Sarah says with a worried tone. - Wait, what are you-But it's too late, as Ronin is already charging forward towards the guards. The guards notice Ronin sprinting towards them, but they don't have time to react before he closes in on them.In just a few movements, Ronin takes care of the guards, dispatching them before they could raise the alarm. Once they're taken down, he turns back and faces Sarah and Panam. - Those guards should no longer be a problem. That was... badass. - Sarah says, sounding impressed.Yeah, that was one hell of a maneuver, Ronin. - Panam adds, now more relaxed after the security threat. You didn't even break a sweat. As they talk, Panam notices something interesting on one of the computers. Hey guys, come over here and take a look. - She walks over to one of the computers and motions for Sarah and Ronin to come closer. As Sarah and Ronin walk over to the computer, they see that Panam has opened up a list of all the Tyger Claws operating in Pacifica. And it looks like there are several hundred of them. Whoa. - Sarah says in surprise as she looks over the list in front of them. There are a lot more Tyger Claws than I expected.Yeah, it looks like these guys are a bigger organization than I thought. - Ronin agrees, now looking at the list with interest. They have a pretty extensive operation up and running in Pacifica. As the three companions continue to look at the list of Tyger Claws, they see something that catches Panam's eye. Hey, looks like we just got lucky. She says with a small smile, pointing at an item in the list. The Tyger Claws have been hiding a big secret in Pacifica. Look, it says 'Project 777' and I don't recall hearing anything about that before.Hmm, interesting. - Ronin replies, looking more closely at the list. What exactly is this 'Project 777'?  No idea. - Panam replies, sounding curious. Maybe it's worth checking out?I agree with that. - Sarah adds. We'll never know if we don't find out.  Alright, you're right. Let's go investigate this. Hopefully, it'll be something that can help us in our fight against Arasaka. Ronin replies, now sounding more determined. As the three companions agree to investigate Project 777, they begin to plan their move. Panam takes out her phone and tries to find more info on Project 777, but her search comes up empty. Looks like we're going to have to go in blind." Sarah comments. "Any ideas on what this 'project' could be?Hard to say." Ronin replies. Let's investigate the site and see what clues we can find.Agreed. Let's get going. - Panam says, motioning for Ronin to lead the way.The three companions exit the office area and begin heading deeper into the factory, searching for any clues on the nature of Project 777. As they explore the long, old corridors, they come across some strange machines and equipment, seemingly used for some high-tech research.They also notice some large cages that appear to have been used to hold animals or people. They pass by an empty observation room covered in dust and debris, with an old monitor still turned on, showing a live feed of a person in one of the cages.

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