
Autorstwa BadGalNovels

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fate : be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way. Often people try to navigate through life... Więcej

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Autorstwa BadGalNovels

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"Nique... Ari... Trina, bring y'all asses on now! Y'all been getting ready for the last two hours." Alora shouted, walking down the hallway towards the stairs.

"I'm ready." Trina said, stepping out of the guest room she occupied following behind Alora.

"We ready and at the door!" Nique spoke for the both herself and Ari. Nique made sure she was dressed and ready by the time given by their parents because they wouldn't hear the end of it if they were late.

"Awe cousin you look pretty," Alora gloated over Nique as she walked down the stairs. Nique was growing into herself, she resembled rubi rose.

"The women of my family really are some bad bitches!" Morgan chimed in, standing by the kitchen doorway stuffing her face.

"Bad bitches?" Alora repeated, making sure she heard Morgan correctly. "Shawty gotta damn potty mouth." Ariana cut her eyes at her.

Nique palmed Morgans forehead. "Watch ya damn mouth! But thanks boo!"

Alora giggled, "The car here but I'm on ya ass later," she pointed at Morgan. "Food in the kitchen if y'all get hungry. Do not let boys stay up past 11:30, no snacks after 10, call if ANYTHING goes wrong, okay?"

Morgan nodded. "Oh my goddd, I got this. It's not my first round babysitting these bay bay kids. Go  ahead and enjoy ya night. I got this !" Morgan said with confidence as she pushed them out of the door.

"I love that girl but Ima kick her ass one day." she said, walking towards the car. "Hey Frank!" Alora greeted her driver with a hug.

"Hey Mu, you ladies look beautiful," he complimented.

One by one he helped the ladies climbed into the SUV. "Thanks," they replied in unison once comfortably inside.

Frank shut the door then jogged around to the passenger side. Once he was inside he pulled out of the driveway and towards the destination for the night. The ride was smooth, the ladies laughed and joked around like old time. This was a relief given last week Alora was stressed and depressed missing her child terribly. Now she was smiling with good spirits preparing to have a wonder night with her family.

After about thirty minutes the car came to a stop, shortly after the back passenger door open. "Ouuu my baby looking good!" Amir admired Trina, helping her from the car. He did the same for Alora, Ariana and Nique.

"Yall finna get cursed out," Nique laughed, eyeing the boys feet. Everyone had on a pair of white forces instead of dress shoes to compliment the look.

"Iont know what it is but love the suit and forces look," Alora said, entering Romes space. She fixed the collar of his jacket then pecked his lips. "You look good luv,"

"You look even better baby," he licked his lips, staring down on her.

"I think it's time to go in before these two make a baby out here." Ariana joked. Rome and Alora had the type of connection that those around could feel. You saw the love in Romes eyes when he stared at her. Alora damn near melted in his presence.

Safir laughed, pulling the restaurant door open for everyone to enter. The host swiftly greeted them then lead the group to a private room at the back of the establishment. The rest of the family was already sittef awaiting their arrival, even a special guest.

"I'm tripping or you see what I see?" Alora lent over, whispering to Ariana while they walked towards the table. She nodded while giggle, "Chilleee yes!"

Alora shook her head. "Hey my beautiful family!" she greeted everyone, give each person a quick hug on her way to her seat.

Nique entered the space immediately stopping in her tracks. "Vin, w-why are you here?" she asked nervously, her eyes bounced around the room in search of her father.

"I invited him," Nique spun around to face her father . "This dinner is for family and since Vin is ya man, he deserves to be here."

"Wait huh? How?" She glanced between the two men. Last she checked Dre knew nothing of Vin and she was trying to keep it that way although Vin wasn't.

"That's not important. Let's just say Vin is a standup guy and he has my blessing." Dre kissed Nique forehead then lead her to her seat next to Vin.

Dre and Vin shook hands before he went to the other end of the table. Nique was overwhelmed with excitement, she no longer had to hide her relationship with Vin and it seemed as if her father actually liked him. Dre doesn't like anyone. She a million and one questions but she was going to let it rock , for now.

"You look beautiful," Vin handed her a bouquet of roses. Nique blushed, Thank you."

"Mhm don't be shy now like you wasn't running around town with this man." Aunt Kim teased.

"I'm loving this," Ariana cheesed. "Mu and Ro, Vin and Nique, Mir and T-" she stopped talking at the sound of the door opening. "Shanti and Dess." she finished, uneasily, locking eyes with Alora.

"So you two did link," Alora smirked .

Shanti smiled. "We did.

"If y'all ever have a baby y'all gotta name her after us so we the reason y'all mat." Alora said.

"Aria Alora Diamond," Ariana made up a name on the spot. Alora high fived her friend. "Ouuu I like that boo."

Shanti laughed, taking a seat across from them. "Baby don't mind them two. They tend to be very outspoken at times." Dess warned her.

"Yall wanna take shots?" Alora asked, glancing up and down the table. "And their alcoholics," Carter added.

At that moment their waitress entered the room. "Right on time!" Alora clapped her hands together. "Can we get 2 bottles of ace of spades and 8 lemon drops."

"Lemon drops and ace of spades?" Dom questioned.

"I'm pretty sure one of them bottles supposed to come this way. Alora knows that's my shit." Uncle Zahir said.

"Exactly Unc," she replied.  "Ans lemon drops for the ladies. Matter a fact keep the lemon drop's coming all night please. No one is to have an empty glass." she told the waitress.

The waitress took a few other requests from the table before disappearing out of the door. "I'll be right back." Alora said, raising from her seat. She made her way towards to top end of the table where her parents, aunts and uncles sat.

"You look beautiful baby girl," KD hugged her. "Looking good ya self. I see why you ain't dig in the boys yet." she glanced down at his sneakers of choice, white forces.

He chuckled. "I actually fuck with the look lowkey and don't tell they asses I said that."

She ran her fingers over her lip as if she was zipping them. "My lips are sealed."

"How you doing niece? You looking good." Aunt Kim said. "Your energy is just different."

Alora smiled. "I mean I'm feeling good. I have an amazing family to think for all y'all love and support."

"Or is it Rome ?" Tracy chimed in with a smirk. Alora tossed her hands over her rosie red cheeks. "Auntie hush!"

Mama K chuckled. "I wasn't gonna say nothing but what's that about missy?" Mama K said, prying. KD shook his head at his wife, bringing his drink to his lips. "Always in her business."

"Uhhh cause that's my daughter and she is my business." K retorted with a lot of sassy. "Period." Aunt Kim encouraged.

Alora giggled. "Yall so annoying but yes. Rome is like thirty percent of the reason, family is the rest," she admitted. "All bullshit aside I love you guys more than anything. Daddy bringing y'all home could've been the best thing for me because despite everything I had going on I looked forward to being around y'all."

Having most of her family present force Alora to realize how connected they were. She called herself running away from home after high school to the one place the rest of her family was. She many not have interacted with them on the daily but it gave her peace of mind knowing they were nearby.

"You know we always here niece," Zahir rose from his chair to gave his niece a hug. "It's never a need to hide or try to handle thing ya self. I speak for everyone when I say we ten toes down about each other."

"PERIODT," KD mocked Kim causing them to laugh.

"Okay okay I guess I can tell everyone why we're here while mood is still right!" Mama K said, she walked to another table grabbing a stack of red envelopes. She passed one to each person at the table then returned to her seat just as the waitress entered with their drinks.

"Do not open them yet. My mom likes to give a little speech then a gift at these type of things," Amir whispered to T.

K waited for everyone to get settled before speaking. She tapped her glass twice, gaining everyone attention. "Hello family," she waved. "For the new faces welcome to your first Diamond family dinner. If your here the person sitting beside wants you here for a long time. Family is something we take personal and not everyone makes it here."

"Correction nobody makes to here!" Carter joked.

K chuckled, continuing her spill. "Most everyone at this table has been through something over this crazy summer individually but we got though it all together. I see the growth in all my babies; Amir finally hung up his jersey," she clapped her, the table joined in.

"I saw that one coming," Amir chuckled. "You've always been a hot head but it's good to see you found someone worth calming all that down for. You have an amazing woman by your side, act like I raised you right," Mama K winked at him. "I will ma." he blew her a kiss from his end of the table.

"To my bonus daughter Ariana, you have overcome so much in your life and your still navigating this thing called life. I see these days your glowing, smiling more and I love that for you. You deserve that baby."

"Thank you Mama K," she blew K an air kiss.

"Baby girl, baby girl," she moved on to Nique. "You got a real man right there. Vin here is the only man that has ever asked ya father for your heart and that alone is what earned him the right to be here tonight," K revealed.

"You did wha- I told you I was gonna do it." he cut her off. "I know you come from a respectable and powerful family and nothing is respectable about sneaking around with another mama daughter. On top of that I love you to much to be sneaking around the city with you. I need everyone aware of who my lady is." he said to her. Nique was at a lost for words, she couldn't do anything but kiss him.

"And Safir, you've always been front row behind ya siblings but never forget to take care of you baby. You may not be my child but you are my child," she stared off at him. "Your mother would be proud of the man you've become and whenever your ready you know my doors open."

K words touched him more than she realized. Since the Nick bullshit him and K relationship hadn't really been the same. Safir had more questions but it never seemed like a good time to seek answers. K was aware of the possibility of KD being his father and she never spoke up. That just didn't sit right with him.

Safir felt himself getting emotional, his eyes got glassy as if tears would fall. He got up from his seat, went over to K and embraced her. "I love you ma."

"I love you too son," they parted, Safir returned to his seat. She moved to the next person.

"Mook, Carter and Dom, hung the life up.. settle down and give me some great nieces and nephews thank you!"

Mook sucked his teeth. "I might get a little wife or something but kids is where I draw the line. Sorry Auntie."

She waved him off, moving to Dess. "I never thought I ever see you in a relationship again but Ms. Shanti looks good on ya arm. Continue being a great father," her attention shifted to his date. "Take care of my nephew. He will give you the world or die trying but only if you deserve it."

"I plan to." she replied, locking eyes with Dess.

She heard stories of the Diamond men and how they carried it but it was nothing like experiencing it first hand. Shanti didn't want for a thing since she and Dess started dealing with each other. He helped her expand her real estate portfolio in just two months. He invented in her mind, body and soul. Dess was the type of man you made a sandwich for at two a.m with no complaints because he was handling everything at home.

"My baby Mu," she locked eyes with her daughter. "If anybody has been through some shit this year it's you. The woman you've become has exceeded anything I've imagine. Your everything that little boy can ask for. We know your grown and you can definitely handle ya own but it's okay to ask for help baby. And lastly stop playing with my son in law!" she said causing the table to laugh.

Alora sucked her teeth, rolling her eyes. "If I hear that shit one more time." she mumbled. "Love you ma."

"Saved the best for last huh," Rome smirked

K nodded with a smile. "Let's start with fuck whoever ain't here and whoever ain't been here. You are enough. You are loved and respected, don't let anyone take that away from you,"

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out K was throwing shade to Kiesha. "We are all extremely proud of to progress you have made to right wrongs that have effected you for a long time now. Mental health is very important, and something that's not talked about enough in black households," she cut her eye at Redz.

Some could argue Redz should've gotten Romw the proper help as a child but when you think about it. Rome wasn't the only person who was left behind, Redz was too. He was also trying to navigate rising his son alone and dealing with a broke heart. Mental health was the last thing on his mind.

"Keep up all that your doing. Your hard work does not go unnoticed." she finished.

"As long as I'm still walking this earth Alora and Mari will always be the priority. Thank you Mama K." he raised his glass to her.

"As they should," KD and Redz said in unison. They glanced at one another then shook hands.

"Okay, I'm done my spill. Open the envelope."

At the same time everyone tore into their envelope removing a card. "I'd like to formal invite you all on our Annual Family Vacation to- Aruba bitches !" Alora blurred out. "Chilleeee I can't not wait to be waited on hand and foot, sun bathing on the beach. Ma you did ya big one I see."

Mama K laughed. "We leave in two days so get y'all shit together. Everyone needs to be at the charter by 4am Thursday."

"How am I supposed to order stuff in two days Ma?" Ariana questioned.

"Why do women feel the need to order new clothes when they go on vacation? Them people ain't never seen ya clothes in ya clothes," Redz shook his head.

"Things I'll never understand either. Im packed and ready already." KD agreed.

"I actually have a bunch of shit with the tags on it at the house so I'm cool." Alora said. "I just have to get Mari some stuff that's it."

"I can take him tomorrow," Rome offered, Alora hesitated til her mothers voice about accepting help popped in her head . "I gotta get myself stuff anyway. I ain't bring vacation clothes with me."

"Okay you can take him. I guess tomorrow everyone will be getting ready for the trip." she asked the table.

"Yup!" they answered in unison.

It seemed like the waitress could read Mama K mind because the second she looked at the door their waitress along with a few other workers were entering with different dish she requested prior.

"Sooo after this what's the move?" Carter asked his cousins.

"Strip club!" Alora twerked in her seat. "I haven't been in forever plus my favorite stripper working tonight."

"Honey and Belle" Amir questioned, his face lowkey lite up.

"Iont care for Belle but Honey? Baby girl can take my money any day of the week," she passed her phone over to Carter for him to see.

"Damn her ass fat ashit!" he said watching her twerk on ig. "Now I know this ain't Magic now" Dom said, looking over Carter shoulder at the video.

"No, it's called The Ladies Den and it's own women. I feel like it's over Magic. The women are gorgeous, natural bodies perfect tits." Ariana answered. She and Alora used to go all the time when she came to the A.

"So after dinner stripper club?" Alora cheesed, she was excited to see someone ass and titts. She loved the titty bar.

"Yup," everyone agreed.


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It's only been 2 days and y'all almost at 100 votes. Love that! Vote if you haven't. 150 for next update

y'all happy the family finally getting a break from the bullshit?
Mama K kind words were touching lol
But everyone needs to lay off my sis bout Rome
Oh yea got the comment about Rome and Lora sex scene cut short, don't worry I gotcha

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