Nobody to Somebody

By ReachForTheSkye443

388 14 2

A girl leaving everything behind to start afresh. She has a 4.0 GPA and an IQ score of 257. She lost her pare... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Sequel update

Chapter 13

7 0 0
By ReachForTheSkye443

Matteo's P.O.V
I was sitting with Dante in the study, and he was talking about Sky and how damn gorgeous she is and all the dumb shit he wants to her. Kyla and Skyler look the same, and the fact that he could tell the difference between them makes me think that he might be serious about her.

I was not listening because I was angry. I'm not angry with him or anyone but myself. I pushed her away. No amount of alcohol or drugs or sex can make me forget about her. It took me that long enough to figure that out.

I didn't even go to breakfast today. that's how much I didn't want to see her. I said all those shitty stuff about her, which were all not true. She was trying to help, but I pushed her away.

"Hello. Matteo?" Dante snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Fuck off." I growled and he raised an eyebrow.

My uncle came in the study with a serious expression on his face. He nodded for me to follow him down the hall, and I got up with Dante following me.

"Kyla. We need her to work for us." His voice firm showing no signs of indecisiveness.

"The ragazza?" I quirked an eyebrow. Who else?

"Yes. She stopped a virus in 10 minutes, plus she created a firewall and some shit like that." He explained, and I was astonished, sarcastically speaking. I knew she was capable of doing anything a when we first met.

"Big deal. Blake can create a firewall, too." I said nonchalantly. I didn't want her to work for us.

"Oh yeah. Then how did the motherfucker get into my laptop." He basically growled at me.

"Do I look like I have a fucking answer to your question?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We're hiring her and tell you mom and sister to sort out their shit. They need to stop acting childish." He said, and I nearly scoffed.

"She came into our lives like a month ago, and now she works for us? Bullshit!" I growled. It is her safety. I'm worried about it.

"We're sticking with Blake. End of the fucking discussion." I stood up and I saw the beautiful lady right in front of me.

She changed her hairstyle. She was still wearing her glasses. Her neutral expression nearly intimidated me, and her brown eyes showed nothing besides nonchalance. Her jeans hugged her tight in so many ways. Her stance showed that she won't take any shiy from anyone. She was making a statement that she will not take any shit from me.

"Call Blake." I said to Dante. He glared at me for not saying please but I gave him a deadlier glare.

He went to another room to make the phone call.

Kyla was just about to go the opposite direction of where  Dante went.

"Dove pensi di andare?" I grabbed her arm.

Translation: Where do you think you're going?

She yanked her arm off mine and her she looked at me with cold eyes.

"Don't talk to me." She said calmly yet angrily.

"I was only going to get a drink of water. I won't miss any chance of proving your sorry ass wrong." She then she strided off to the kitchen.

Dante came back. "He'll be here in five." He informed me, and I nodded.


After a few minutes, Blake arrived. Blake is kind of the normal stereotypical hacker you know. He does have muscles, but he wears glasses, is extremely introverted, and speaks when he feels the need to.

Blake has green eyes and dark brown hair which looks black, and he always wears a beanie. His typical outfit is always grey sweatpants and sneakers or jeans.

Kyla came back, and he looked at Blake like he was trying to analyze him. The way Kyla was checking him out made me want to break Blake.

"I need you to break into her firewall." I ordered him, and he nodded, starting to work.

[Two hours later...]

"Is that hard to break in?" I asked exasperated.

"Whatever I try, it starts me over back to the beginning. It's like taking a bricked wall apart, with bare hands. It's... impossible." Blake looked at Kyla astonished.

"This guy gets it." She pointed out sipping her drink. She had a smirk on her face.

"How?" He asked Kyla.

"It's pretty simple actually but I'm not going to tell you because that would be revealing my work in which you would plagiarize since I don't work for you." She folded her arms and I clenched my fists.

I looked at my uncle and he was smirking.

"Fine. She can work here." I gritted out.

"Good." She said as she took a seat next to Blake.

"Okay. How'd you do it?" Blake adjusted his glasses, which is what he does when he wants to concentrate hard.

Their close proximity makes me want to blow Blake's head off.

Kyla's P.O.V
Blake is a really fascinating person. I love how he accepts and acknowledges his mistakes. He's also kind of cute actually very handsome with his green eyes that are mesmerizing. His Adam's apple bobbing up and down is freaking sexy. Although, Matteo's cuter even though he's a jackass but still cute.

"How is it easy for you to admit you're wrong?" I asked completely dumbfounded. I do not like admitting I'm wrong.

"When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do: admit it, learn from it and never repeat it." He explained and wow that is true.

"Can we be friends?" I asked as if I'm a three year old who just found her favorite person. He gave me a really cute boyish grin.

"Sure." He chuckled and I liked seeing him laugh. It's melodic.

"I love your name by the way. It's associated with black and black is my favorite, other than blue." I said.

"Thanks. Yours too. It's means a crown of laurel, right? Meaning...malady." He said, and I chuckled.

"Finally, my kind of person." I gave him a high five, hoping Willow didn't hear that.

Someone coughed, and I looked up. It was a pretty annoyed Matteo.

"Yes?" I asked, irritated.

"I think it's time for Blake to go." He said, and I arched an eyebrow.

"Why?" I asked, confused as to why he is acting like this. Is he jealous?

"I'll leave. It's okay, Kyla." He said getting up and I gave Matteo the coldest look ever.

"I'll walk you." I said.

"He can walk himself." Matteo stated, and I turned around to stare at him.

I ignored him, and I continued to talk to Blake.

"You wanna take my numbers?" We both asked at the same time, and I chuckled.

"You're like the boy version of me." I continued to laugh, and I have never laughed like this before.

"And you're like the girl version of me." He also chuckled.

We exchanged cell phone numbers, and I watched him go with his car. I waved goodbye and he gave me a two finger wave.

I walked back inside, and Matteo was standing there looking grumpy as hell.

"Can we talk?" I led him to the living room because I am really tired of him dictating me around.

"Look. I work for you, yes. But it doesn't mean you could dictate me around the house. You made it loud and clear that im a nobody to you, so let's keep this professional, meaning you don't enter in my business and I don't enter in yours." I explained in a calm tone.

His eyes had a number of emotions swirling in there. Overall he looked emotionless.

He stood up and went on his way and I guess I now have a job.

My phone rang and I thought it was Blake but it was an unknown number.

"Hey, princessa." And I recognized that voice anywhere.

"Hi Milo." I said chuckling at the nickname he chose to call me.

"What took you so long to call? I've been waiting for you call." I said.

"Sorry. I've been busy helping Mamma in the restaurant she opened." He said, and I was glad that he was okay.

"Where's Miley?" I asked as I went to Willow, who was in the kitchen.

"She's just sleeping."

"Oh hey Milo." Willow said.

"Hey. Are you treating my princessa nicely?" He asked, concern laced in his voice.

"I think you're princessa has another man." Willow giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"The better not be. I grew two inches taller last night." He said sounding excited.

"Don't worry Milo. I'll always be yours." I said as I chuckled.

"Okay. I gotta go bye." He said and then he hung up.

I went to check the kitchen to look at the fridge because I was craving ice cream cause damn was it hot.

"So what's happening between you and Matteo?" Willow asked as she turned to face me.

"Nothing at this current moment." I said honestly, replying. I found the ice cream.

"Kyla, I think he likes you. He's a bit nicer than he normally is." Willow stated, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Is he?" I asked sarcastically yet surprised.

"Yes. He would never greet us. Yes, occasionally, he would talk to us if it was work related. He was cruel and didn't listen to anyone's opinions." Willow explained.

"Still looking for the point in your statement." I shrugged while eating it.

"My point is, although you haven't seen the change since you didn't leave with him his whole life, it doesn't mean you shouldn't give him a chance." She explaimed.

I tried giving him a chance, but he is hard to deal with. I would like to be briefly respected like a human being and be treated like one. Willow doesn't know what he did to me, so he'll earn my forgiveness, but for now, cold shoulder it is.

"So I'm going to work for you guys." I said, changing the topic.

"Really?" She said with worry and excitement at the same time.

"Yeah." I licked the last of the ice cream tub.

"Did you really just a whole ice cream tub?" She asked.

"No. I stared at it." I sarcastically replied.

Willow rolled her eyes, and I got texted from an anonymous number to meet them at a restaurant.

I walked to the front door, and Marco stopped me. I really need an excuse to get out of the house, even an anonymous number will do.

"Where are you going?" He asked his deep voice, kinda of frightening me.

"A restaurant." I replied, trying to get through to him.

"Ms Ross. Mr De Luca said if anything happens to you, we will die, so I suggest you go back to the house." He explained, and I rolled my eyes at Matteo's antics. First, he bullies me now he's being overpossessive. Seems like bipolar to me.

"Listen, Marco. I need to go there, it's important." I took off my glasses to stair at those big muscular arms and then the face.

"Fine. I'm accompanying you, though." He said, and I nodded.

He escorted me in one of the black fancy cars. For the first time, I sat in the front cause it was just me and Marco.

I texted the person back:

Who are you??

You'll find out once you see

Come on. I don't have time for stupid games. I pulled up at the restaurant now and showed me where you are.

Look to the left of your window

I looked to the left, and I scanned the place until I found a figure pointing to himself.

I got out of the car with Marco at a respectable distance. As I got closer, I noticed it was Adrian. He looked better in person. His messy hair was all over the place, and he wore black. I think everyone here is trying to steal my favorite color.

"What's with the guard?" He asked, pointing to Marco.

"He had to follow me here." I said.

"I wanted to update you. They know you've stopped the virus, and they are coming to see who you are. You must've created a firewall of some sort, which is why they are tracking you down as we speak." He said, and I took my phone and switched it off.

"Is there anything else?" I asked him, and he arched an eyebrow.

"No." He said.

"How'd you know it's me?" I asked because there are a million possibilities that it could be someone else.

"I'm a hacker myself." He said, showing me the device.

"What is that?" I asked as I held it in my hand.

"That is a tracker. They have revolutionized their technology, which is how they found you back in Massachusetts, so as long as their phones are on. They are tracked." He explained, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I need to switch off their phone and find something to block the signal." I said, and he nodded.

"Thanks, A. Keep me updated." I said, and he smirked.

"What?" I stopped on my tracks.

"You have a nickname for me?" He smirked.

"Dont flatter yourself A. I might have a nickname for everyone else. Actually... it's just you." I said, going back to the car.

Sup ya'll! Blakeeeeeeee. You guys are going to loooooveeee him. Don't  forget to vote.

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