Nobody to Somebody

By ReachForTheSkye443

3.1K 133 40

A girl leaving everything behind to start afresh. She has a 4.0 GPA and an IQ score of 257. She lost her pare... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Sequel update

Chapter 12

70 1 3
By ReachForTheSkye443

[A month later...]

It's been officially a month since I've moved into this huge mansion, and I still get lost sometimes. It's been a month since Matteo last spoke to me.

I've been looking for a job here and there, but my attempts have bought me nowhere, it's either too little salary or the jobs are too far away.

I was lying upsight down on the stairs doing work on the laptop and my hair all over the place. I wondered if I should ever dye my hair black since I have honey brown hair with caramel highlights.

The stairs were insulated with light brown rugs, so that's why I was lying there. I was alone in this house, Sky went with Willow to look for some fancy shoes and I refused to go shopping. I was tapped out, but they didn't seem to understand that.

I want to be independent with my money. That's why I've been looking for jobs. So this is what life after high school looks like. I hate it.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, and I looked up, and I saw an upsight down Ms De Luca, Matteo's mom. I sat right side up.

"What you're deal, ragazza?" She eyed me suspiciously as she shook her head in disappointment. I know she doesn't like me, but at least use my name. It is there for a reason, after all.

"Nothing." I nonchalantly replied as I went back to rapidly typing.

"You're just another slut that Matteo wants to get over and done with." She spat and I wiped it off my forehead. Why haven't we slept together?

I looked at her cold blue eyes. Misty likes eyes, seeing nothing but frost. I could see behind those eyes there was nothing but fear and worry for her son.

"With all due respect, Ms De Luca. I don't have any business with your family, and I don't intend to anytime soon." I said, closing my laptop to look straight into those icy blue eyes. I wonder why Matteo's eyes are ocean blue?

"Neither should you." She snarled, and I quirked an eyebrow, wondering why she hates me so much.

"Okay." I said as I started getting up. I was done with this conversation.

"Listen here, ragazza. Stay away from my family and son. Otherwise, sei morto." She said as she put her fingers around my neck and watched as I struggled to breathe.

She let me down harshly as I tumbled down the stairs. Ow!

"Let's this be a warning." She said as she strided towards the door.

I rubbed my neck as I hissed in pain. My chest started to tighten up. I ran to my room and I saw someone in there. Wait, am I in the wrong room again?

It was a drunk Matteo sitting on my bed. Yes, it was my room. I noticed he was taking more and more shots. He was sitting on my bed.

"Woah! Matteo, that's enough." I went towards him, but I halted. The mom said not to even go near him, and she made that very clear.

"Would you just shut the fuck up!" He said clearly annoyed. I didn't like seeing him like this. I know that under all that facial hair is a handsome man.

His hair was messy, he grew a beard, and he was not in the right state of mind. The hair being messy was kind of good look on him. Okay let me snap out it.

"I swear, if you fucking take another step closer to me. I will kill you." He looked at me, and the blue in his eyes was now mixed with a hint of red.

I took a step closer to him as the smell of alcohol intoxicated me. I didn't care if my chest was tight, but I wanted to see what was bothering him. I cared?

"Sei così noioso." He said, standing up.

Translation: You are so annoying.

"I'm just trying to help." I said as I tried to take the bottle away from him. With every step I took, the more shorter my breath became.

"Who said I need you're fucking help huh, all you are is a stuck up little bitch, you're useless to me and my family." I stopped on my tracks. I froze.

"Look. Stay out my fucking life and I'll stay out of yours." His breath fanning over my face as he harshly pushed my chest. His hard impact caused me to fall down wheezing.

He left me there. Without helping, he just wanted me die. Nobody wants me. No one in this family likes me. They think I'm a nobody, well I'll show them what a nobody could do.

I took my inhaler, and I inhaled the air. I opened the window to let the alcohol smell out. A tear involuntarily fell down my cheek. This is the second time I've cried since my parents died. I looked at the wall, the white plain wall only to find out that it had been punched.

I sighed as I let the salty water from my eyes drop from my cheek to my chest. I sat on the window seat, watching as the stars came to life.

I saw a shooting star. It was pretty. I've always been a fan of astrology. It's just that back in New York, the stars would come sometimes. It was nice seeing the starry night. It always relaxes you. I even drew little patterns with my fingers. It was what my mom used to do.

I went on to take a shower, I stripped my clothes off as I went inside the shower. I though this time maybe I could be a hacker, but not just any hacker, an undercover one. I'm not holding back this time, not even a little bit.

I went to bed after wearing my pj's. I stared at thinking that the person who almost killed me was sitting here. I angrily ripped the bedding off to put a knew and then I slept under the blankets.

I woke up in a sour mood, but nonetheless, I'm not used to smiling, so nothing really changed. I decided that today is the day I'm going to do braids.

I showered, brushed my teeth, flossed, and I looked at messy bush I call my hair. I fluffed it up and applied moisturizer on my scalp. It was obviously strawberry scented or was it rosemary scented?

After that, I decided to wear black skinny jeans and the black tanktop. It was beginning to be a little sunny.

I wore somw black combat boots to top off my look. I got out of my bedroom. I stared at Matteo's door which ironically next to mine. When I was on the balcony of the stairs when I saw Mr De Luca was working on something.

"Morning." I greeted him, and he acknowledged my greeting.

Him and Willow's mom are the only ones who are nice to me. Then again, he might be pretending.

"Fuck." He slammed his hand on the desk. Does he know that he almost broke the laptop? I could ready see the keys wanting to be loose.

"What is it?" I raised an eyebrow as I climbed down the stairs.

"You won't be able to solve it." He looked back on the screen and started rapidly typing.

"That is a theoretical probability that you got there. Have you tried an experiment to see if your theory will be right or if it will be wrong?" I asked.

"You didn't have to add probability, but go on, young lady, fammi vedere Cosa hai." He got off his seat as he let me sit.

It was a level 10 coding problem that I was dealing with. I started rapidly typing as I put on my glasses. It seems as if someone is trying to hack into their main frame and put a virus in it.

I started creating a firewall, a backup code, and another backup backup code, which I transferred to my red memory stick. You could never have too many backups.

"Guard this with your life." As I gave him the memory stick. Right, I forgot to say please. He won't mind.

I started by creating a code that could clean the malware that this computer came from, and it may be coming from France or region in that area.

"We need to wait at least ten minutes." I said as I got off the seat. I indicated to
him at a bar which was filling up with some blue to indicate that it was loading.

"What did you do?" He asked, astonished.

"Someone sent a virus to corrupt your mainframe but I creates a code which could kill the virus and a firewall so it could block the virus and on top of that-" I explained but he cut me off.

"I get it. Let's go have breakfast and I'll discuss something with you." He said, leading me to the kitchen.

I went to the kitchen, and I sat down in my respective place, which was across from Willow and next to Sky.

"Damn! You look good today." Willow said, and I gave her a small smile.

I looked around, and Matteo was nowhere to be seen. Good, after what he did, he could be in hell for all I care.

The helper served us breakfast, and I gave her a small smile, but she diverted her eye from me. Am I really that scary to look at? I do have an attitude that has developed from all the years of pain so maybe.q

I ate a muffin, and everyone ate in silence until someone who came in. Just as I was enjoying something the silence.

He had wavy brown hair which was shorter on the sides and a big mess in the middle, and a killer stash. Also those brown eyes and that jawline! He had a lighter shade of brown in his eyes. I could see that Sky agrees with me with the way she was looking at me.

"Ciao." He waved at us, and I nodded while Sky waved as she was already undressing him shamelessly.

"Who is this bella ragazza?" He narrowed his eyes at Sky who was still staring at him, and Willow quirked an eyebrow.

"I'm Skyler." She said seductively and I elbowed her. Not in front of the dinner table. That is not how we were taught.

"I'm Dante." He said as he winked.

"Oh, there are two of you. Nice." He winked at me, yet I showed no emotion towards him. Cold. I know.

"Yeah. We're twins. I'm Kyla." I introduced myself.

"Cool, not the smiling kind. I get it." He put his hands up in surrender. I like this guy.

Sky and Dante hit it off while Willow Iooked like she wanted to murder Sky with the fork she held in her hand.

After breakfast, I keep forgetting that I'm not home because if I was, I would be washing my own dish, but instead, the help is.

"I need to talk to you alone." Mr De Luca said, and I followed him. Is it because of Sky? It's normal for her to act like that so I don't really where the problem is.

We went to the dining room where his laptop was done loading, and I just had to cyber intact it. Cyber intact means I have to make the firewall into lava wall. This, in simple terms means to add reinforced titanium steel. It takes a load of coding and some other basic IT skills.

"Yes." I looked at him in the eye.

"How would you like to work for us?" He asked.

"I would, but -" I said, but he interjected.

"If it's about money, that would not be a problem. We can pay you in 1000 000 American dollars." He said, and I was surprised.

$1000 000? That would have an exchange rate of 9,121 000. What the hell would I do with that money? I could buy a car and I don't plan to live here forever so a house somewhere in Rome. I don't know if I could go back to New York, but it is still in the back of my mind. So working for the mafia does make you reach.

"No sir, although I would like the opportunity to work for you guys, I'm afraid the rest of the family wouldn't be okay with it." I said honestly as I spoke in a cold expression.

"Who?" He asked as his brow arched up.

"Alessia, Beau and Matteo." I spoke my tone condescending when spoken about Matteo.

"I'll talk to them." He said, and I nodded.

"You're still going to do your thing, right?" He asked, gesturing to the laptop that has loaded 100% complete.

"Yes." I playfully rolled my eyes.

I continued to type as I started with my lava wall. Nobody that I know of knows there's security beyond the firewall or error codes. We'll maybe some. It is pretty obvious but I'm not talking about the basic security. I'm talking about error codes are stored here which is why I'm going to use a combination of them to create this lava wall.

Willow came and sat at the opposite of me.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she sighed.

"It's Dante." She mumbled, her hands on her cheek as she slumped on her seat. She was frowning and pouting. She's cute when she pouts.

"Mhm." I said as I was struggling to come up with the strongest binary code for my so-called lava wall.

"He's well paying attention to your sister." Willow pouted.

"I saw." I calmly replied as I developed software to keep the lava wall intact. Like how concrete keeps bricks from falling apart, that's how the software keeps the lava from turning into molten rock, figuratively speaking.

"Yeah. It's super frustrating because he was interested in me, now he's interested in your sister." She flung her hands in frustration.

"Were you interested in him?" I asked as I took out a hard drive to store it in there, but just for me.

"No." She replied, looking at her nails.

"Maybe he just wants someone who'll return the attraction he has." I pointed out.

"I guess." She also stood up with me.

"You wanna go to the salon with me?" I asked, remembering that I should do my hair.

"Okay, but I thought you were tapped out." She looked confused.

"I am." I said in realization.

"Well, we can still go. My treat?" She said as she linked my hand to hers.

Dante? A character that I have just added. I don't about you guys but Dante seems like a vibe. Pics of the characters will be at the very end of the story if you want to see. Do not forget to vote. I should probably vote on the books I read so Chao!

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