Saved Me; Ryeji FF

By ryuckyy

13.8K 814 205

Cards were Ryujin's signature. She would place a card in between the stiff fingers of each of her victims, si... More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
forty three.
forty four.
forty five.

thirty six.

243 14 0
By ryuckyy

In the days and weeks that followed, the grief continued to fester inside Ryujin, taking root inside her. She found refuge in solitude, often retreating to her room where she felt the pain of Chaeryeong's absence most acutely.

Yuna regularly attended physical therapy sessions with Lia to regain the strength back in her legs. It was difficult enough to lose the love of her life, but to partake in therapy to regain mobility was almost too much to handle. Though, she was grateful to have Yuna's presence beside her, silently cheering her on.

Yeji spent her days sitting out in the living room, waiting for her girlfriend to make her appearance, which was only twice a day. She would cook up some of Ryujin's comfort food and leave it outside her room, discreetly watching her quickly snatch the bowl of food from a small crack of her door.

Some nights, she would lean beside the door, wishing that Ryujin would let her in. She wanted to see her, to be a shoulder to lean on or a hand to hold. But she understood that grief had no timeline and that everyone coped in their own way.

As Ryujin's healing process continued in a linear path, her nights were illuminated by the soft glow of the LED lights of her laptop. Even in the solitude of her bedroom, she couldn't escape the relentless torment of the outside world.

- - -

Did the Black Card make their return?

Article by 백이진 (Baek Yijin)

Seoul has been left in shock and mourning following the untimely death of a promising young medical graduate, Lee Chaeryeong. Police reports had shown that Chaeryeong, along with her friend, who is also a medical graduate, was taken hostage in a bankrupt accounting firm building. When police arrived, they were shocked to find dozens of mercenaries scattered along the hallways. Law enforcement was unsure of the women's involvement with the underbelly of crime, however, the tragedy is deeply saddening for the public.

Chaeryeong was a bright and compassionate young woman, whose dream was to become a doctor and contribute to the betterment of society. Her dedication to her studies led her to become one of the top students in her cohort at the leading medical school in Seoul. Colleagues who studied beside her claimed that she was one of the most passionate and caring students that they had encountered.

"It was truly a brutal loss for us all. We have lost a doctor with a huge potential to save countless lives in our society. I will always miss her and her kindness towards not only me but other students in our class." A classmate of Lee Chaeryeong stated.

The Mysterious 'Black Card'

After several months since the Black Card's disappearance, the shadow of the infamous Serial Killer cast a dark cloud on Chaeryeong's tragic passing. Although no concrete evidence has been presented to support the Killer's involvement, it did not deter many from speculating that the 'Black Card' may have played a role in the events leading to Chaeryeong's demise.

As often as there are cases of tragic and unexplained deaths, rumours and speculations abound to occur. Many 'internet sleuths' begun to connect the dots, piecing together a narrative that, while lacking evidence, fuels suspicions that Chaeryeong's death may have been orchestrated by an individual tied to the 'Black Card'.

[OP]: Isn't it strange that the police didn't release any information about this Chaeryeong case?!!!!!
[Reply #1]: Right?! What are the police hiding from us!!
[Reply #2]: Stop talking about this! It's sad!!)

[OP]: Apparently, CCTV footage showed a person dressed in black entering the building the night Chaeryeong was killed...
[Reply #1]: OMG... How haven't the police not arrested the monster yet?!!
[Reply #2]: Where did you find this video? How can we trust you?!)

Authorities have yet to release an official statement regarding Chaeryeong's death, and the circumstances surrounding it remain under investigation. It's essential to remember that, at this point, speculation is based on conjecture rather than concrete facts.

As the investigation unfolds, it is imperative that the truth is revealed. The memory of  Chaeryeong, a young woman with a promising future, deserves nothing less. Whether the notorious serial killer proves to be a sinister presence in her story or merely but a rumour and speculation remains to be seen.

- - -

The hitman clicked out of the news article, the pain of being falsely accused increasingly weighted on her chest. The truth was a tangled web of secrets and lies, distorted by the many ripples that she had created.

On her desktop, a folder was buried beneath her documents and contracts. Treasured Photos. With a deep, shaky breath, she clicked into the folder. As Ryujin clicked through the photos on her laptop, each image held a small significance with Chaeryeong. She saw them as kids, her best friend laughing and grinning ear to ear as she stood beside her, faking a smile. The more photos she went through, the brighter her smile became with having Chaeryeong by her side. There were pictures from their high school years, where they starkly contrasted with each other; Chaeryeong with her uniform neat and presentable and Ryujin with her rugged and messy tie swung over her shoulder.

A small chuckle escaped from her lips as she saw a photo of their graduation party- Ryujin's arm around her raising a plastic cup in the air with a cigarette in her mouth as Chaeryeong cowered under her, wanting nothing but to leave the party.

But it was the photos from their time in Sydney that brought a bittersweet smile to Ryujin's face. Posing on the balcony of the hotel room that they could barely afford, against the backdrop of a foreign city. She clicked through a couple more photos, a group photo in front of the Luna Park entrance (she vividly remembered Chaeryeong's nervousness when she asked a random local to take their photo, she stood beside her with a bright red face that showed perfectly in the image.)

She paused at a particular photo, one taken on the balcony of their Blue Mountain cabin. It was a candid shot of Chaeryeong and Lia, their heads bent together as they shared an inside joke. Their smiles were so genuine, so unburdened by the weight of the world. A tear escaped down her cheek which she quickly wiped away and dryly chucked.

"God, why am I crying over a bunch of pixels on a screen." She laughed to herself.

After rinsing out the coffee stains from her mug, she decided to walk into Chaeryeong's room, unannounced and unsuspecting. It was a warm summer afternoon, and sunlight filtered in through the blinds. Ryujin had expected to find her best friend engrossed in her textbooks, revising over her notes and catching up on lectures. What she hadn't expected was to see Chaeryeong sitting on the edge of her bed, tears streaming down her face.

Chaeryeong had lost her mother not too long ago, and the pain was still raw and overwhelming. Ryujin being emotionally reserved and having no experience in comforting people, stood at the door frame, frozen. But at that moment, she realised that her friend needed her more than ever. She had quietly walked over and sat beside Chaeryeong, offering her silent support.

As Chaeryeong's tears soaked into her shoulder,  Ryujin's heart ached with a sense of helplessness, her natural inclination had always to handle emotions with a pragmatic approach, but she knew that it wouldn't solve everything.

Her hand slowly raised up to gently pat her best friend's back. She didn't know what right words to say, so the least she could do was to be there for her.

Eventually, the sobs grew quieter before she pulled back from the embrace. Her eyes, red and swollen, lay on Ryujin who gave her a soft and reassuring smile. "Okay?"

She nodded back, "Okay."

Ryujin couldn't help but to be curious. She waited for Chaeryeong to regain her composure before asking her softly, "What does it feel like to cry?"

The medical student paused for a moment, considering the question. She wiped away the remaining tears from her cheeks. "I'm not sure how to explain it, to be honest." She began, turning her gaze toward Ryujin. "It's like a release. When you've been holding onto something deep inside, something that is painful or overwhelming, and you just finally allow yourself to let it out. It's like a weight being lifted, even just momentarily."

The dark-haired woman nodded, it was an unfamiliar concept for her, the idea of feeling emotions that deeply. She hesitated for a moment, her voice soft and vulnerable as she admitted, "I've never cried before. I don't even know if I can."

Chaeryeong looked at her with understanding in her eyes, listening to Ryujin as she continued.

"I didn't feel anything when I was hurt by my father, or even shed a tear when my mother died. Is it because I'm a sociopath? Am I even human?"

"No.." She replied close to a whisper, reaching out and gently placing her hand on Ryujin's. "It doesn't make you any less human."

Ryujin managed a small, grateful smile as she looked back at her best friend.

"And that's okay, Ryujin. Whenever that day comes, when you need to cry, I'll be right here for you. Just like you were for me."

Ryujin chuckled as she looked up to the ceiling, trying to stop her tears from flowing. "Fuck, where are you now?"




As Yeji unlocked the door after coming back from an appointment, her heart sank as she spotted dishes in front of Ryujin's bedroom door. She couldn't bear to see her girlfriend locking herself up in her bedroom any longer. Carefully, she knelt down and picked up the dishes, placing them on the dining table. She hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door.

"Ryujin, it's me." she called out softly.

There was no immediate response as usual, she could only imagine what Ryujin was going through in there. But she felt compelled to see her.

"Ryujin." She repeated with a touch of urgency in her voice. "I'm coming in."

She turned the doorknob and entered the bedroom. The sight before her was heartbreaking. Ryujin sat on her bed, her eyes fixed on the laptop screen, lost in a world of memories and pain.

Yeji approached Ryujin slowly, not wanting to startle her. She sat down beside her, placing her hand on her girlfriend's back. "Ryujin..."

As Ryujin leaned onto Yeji's shoulder, she bit her bottom lip, trying with all her might to stop the tears from pouring.

"You're okay." Yeji whispered soothingly, stroking Ryujin's hair. "I got you."

The dark-haired woman nestled herself into Yeji, taking a moment to breathe and calm herself down. They sat there, together in the quiet of the room, feeling the weight of her grief slowly lighten.

The front door opened, causing Ryujin and Yeji to slowly separate.

"Guys?" Yuna called out gloomly, as she pushed Lia into the apartment. "It's here."

Ryujin took a deep breath before following Yeji out of the bedroom, feeling her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. The sight of the urn on Lia's lap brought a fresh wave of sorrow to the room.

"Get ready, we are going to head out soon." Lia mumbled out as she looked down at the ceramic that held the ashes of her girlfriend.




Yeji parked the car at the parking lot, beneath the evergreen tree. The sun shone through the leaves, the light dancing on the hood as the cool wind brushed past through the open windows. Ryujin looked out the window, listening to the waters gently crashing onto the sand bank of the lake.

Yuna got out of the car and took out the wheelchair but quickly noticed that it would be difficult for her to push Lia through the grass.

The dark-haired woman swallowed the lump in her throat and approached the blonde, "Could I carry you?"

Lia was hesitant with the offer since the last time they had spoken was at the funeral home, ever since then, she had felt guilty of all the accusations that she had thrown at her.

"Please, let me." Ryujin asked again, offering her hand out to her.

The blonde nodded and took her hand, lifting herself up slowly from the car and allowing Ryujin to scoop her up off her feet, carrying her in her arms. Ryujin looked down at Lia's hands, tightly gripping on Chaeryeong's ashes.

Slowly, they made their way to a secluded spot on the lake's tranquil shores, surrounded by the beauty of nature. It was a place where Chaeryeong had often visited to find solace and peace after her difficult exams or to be with her girlfriend.

As they arrived at the sandbank, Lia gestured to be put down so she could walk to the water's edge. The group watched as Lia slowly walked closer to the water and opened the urn. With tears in her eyes, she released her ashes into the peaceful waters of the lake. The ashes scattered, gently drifting with the wind as they slowly fell gracefully into the water.

After the water accepted the last of its precious offerings, it embraced Chaeryeong's essence with a serene grace. It was a bittersweet moment of finality and closure, something they all needed.

Yuna wiped her eyes as she walked over to Lia and carefully guided her back to the other two. They all took a seat by the water's edge, taking a moment to remember their friend.

"It wasn't your fault, Ryujin."

Ryujin quickly turned her head to Lia, who was looking at the waterline, watching the sun slowly set down to the horizon.

"If I had taken better care of you all-"

"It wouldn't have made a difference." Lia looked back at the hitman, "We were the ones that idiotically trusted that woman. I would never blame you for what happened, but I do blame that woman for taking away the love of my life."

The dark-haired woman sighed, "Then I will make her face the consequences, for you and for Chaeryeong."

Lia smiled softly as she leaned on her shoulder, mutual support for one another as they continued to live their lives for the person they loved.

- - -

The night was cool and crisp as Chaeryeong stood on the balcony, her heart pounding from excitement after receiving the results of her final exam. She gazed up at the starlit sky, feeling as if she was on cloud nine.

The balcony door slid open, amplifying the sounds of Lia's and Yuna's boisterous karaoke in the living room. Chaeryeong looked back to see Ryujin closing the door behind her and walking towards her.

"Hello, Dr. Lee." Ryujin joked lightheartedly, taking a cigarette out of her pocket and placing it between her lips.

Chaeryeong giggled, enjoying her new title. "Well, as my first act of being a doctor, you need to stop smoking." She smiled mischievously as she snatched the stick out of her mouth.

The dark-haired woman widened her eyes in shock before attempting to take the cigarette back, "Hey, how dare you!"

The doctor laughed as she gave the cigarette back, "Okay, destroy your lungs. More patients for me."

She scoffed before lighting up the cigarette and exhaling it out into the darkened sky. Ryujin looked over at her best friend who was nervously tapping against the railing.

"You're going to do just fine as a doctor, Chaer." She said nonchalantly, standing beside her as she looked up into the sky.

"I don't know, Ryu..."

"It's not like you're going to kill anybody. I'm your living proof."

The childhood friends chuckled together, relishing in the moment that they both had been waiting for. Chaeryeong's eyes shimmered with gratitude, looking over at Ryujin with a soft, appreciative smile.

"I can't wait. I can't wait to work in a clinic, then I don't know, maybe open one with Lia."

Ryujin watched with pride, a warmth in her heart after years of watching her efforts pay off. "And I'll be your frequent patient."

The blue-haired woman playfully nudged her on the shoulder before pulling her in for a side hug.

"Thank you for staying with me"

"Whatever." Ryujin rolled her eyes, hugging her tighter.

- - -

She watched the sunset beneath the horizon, a small smile forming on her lips.

"I hope you stay by my side in the next lifetime, Chaer."


don't look at the time stamps on the tweets jdsklfjsl

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