OUR NONA BABY Completed✅☑️

By Neha22333

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Lan Wangji and Lan Zhan both were Twin Lan Brothers who fell in love with Wei Ying at their first sight... le... More

1. Introduction
2. Pervert Twins
3. Conditions
4. Pregnancy Prank
5. Car Romance
6. Prank went wrong
7. Hurt Wei Ying
8. Lan Twins POV
9. Realization
10. Understanding
11. Elder's Sins
12. Hurtful
13. Bonding
14. Understanding Of Trio
15. Extreme Pleasure and Separation
16. 21st Lan Twins Birthday
17. Teasing
18. WangYing
19. Wei-Ying's Birthday
20. Marriage
21. Consummate
22. Good News
23. Real Pregnancy
24. Unbearable Loss
25. Realization
27. Happy Ending

26. Last Respects

657 27 4
By Neha22333

While Lan Wangji and Lan Qiren made preparations for the burial of the three, omega Xue Yang also helped take care of everything along with his friend.

Lan Xichen is taking care of Wei Ying while the rest of Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun are also there to help omega during his pregnancy.

Wei Ying is crying over his poor destiny but alpha Lan Xichen and the Jin twin brothers support him and try to ease Omega's grief.

Omega Nie Huaisang and alpha Wen Ning also visited Wei Ying in the hospital and worked together to help their friends get through this difficult time.

When preparations are being made for the funeral of those three dead person, Wei Ying reached their house and said goodbye to his parents and mother-in-law for the last time.

The doctor told Wei Ying not to take stress, it would be dangerous for their child because Wei Ying has one child with Lan Zhan and the other with Lan Wangji.


Lan Family has followed his last honor to their loved ones.

Wei Ying said to Lan Yi, "Maa, don't worry I will take care of Pa and my beloved husbands Lan Wangji and Lan Zhan too. I hope you find peace. Don't worry maa, I will perform all my duties and I will also fulfill my responsibilities towards the family well."

Wei Ying said to his mother Cangse Sanren, "Mom, I'm sorry that I left you alone, but when I was a child, I knew how much you loved me. I forgive you for everything, mom. I  hope that God will forgive all your misdeeds and now you rest in peace mother. Mom, I am also pregnant and I will become a mother soon so please bless your grandchildren."

Wei Ying told his father Wei Changze, "Baba, I love you, I will run your designing business that you gave me as a wedding gift. I will never let you down baba and please take care of mom too. I am happy that now both of you can live together in heaven. Baba please bless your grandchildren."

Lan Wangji hugged Wei Ying who was crying uncontrollably and Lan Zhan also kept his wife from crying.

Lan Qiren said to Lan Yi, "Yi-er, I missed you so much and you left me alone in this world but I promise you that I will bring my two sons and son-in-law along with my grandchildren safely. I'll join you in heaven soon, Yi-er."

Lan Qiren said to Wei Changze, "Changze, I will also take care of your son and grandchildren. I once felt very jealous of you for marrying my first love Cangse, but today I regret it very much that because of me, you have lived your entire life like a penance. I will always be grateful for your sacrifice and I am sorry that I could not get you justice."

Lan Qiren said to Cangse Sanren, "Cangse, I'm sorry for being harsh to you, I hope you will forgive me and go to heaven and this time you will live your life happily with your husband. The way you have lived alone for so many years, I too will have to live alone on this earth without my wife. Maybe God has given me the same punishment that you have faced while you were alive on this earth."

Lan Wangji said to Lan Yi, "Mom, why did you leave us for Lan Zhan but my little brother is fine? Don't you love me or Wei Ying, so why did you leave us like this? Mom.  I really miss you, I really want you here with us. Dad really misses you, Wei Ying lost both of his moms on the same day. Mom, I want you so please come back to us. Mom, your son really wants to talk to you and hug you one last time."

Lan Wangji started crying loudly while pleading with his mother in a broken voice because he respects his mother the most.

Being the eldest alpha son of the family, he had been away from home for 2 years but now he wanted to live peacefully with his mother, then his mother left them all alone in the world.

Lan Wangji said to Wei Changze, "Baba, don't worry about Wei Ying, I will take care of him and our unborn child as well. May your soul rest in peace."

Lan Wangji said to Cangse Sanren, "I hope you will suffer for your misdeeds because because of your wickedness I have also lost my mother but I will never tell your son about your wickedness. I do not want that Wei Ying has to suffer because of you. I hope that now you love Baba very much and live your life happily with him in heaven."

Lan Zhan, not crying, said to her mother, “Mother, I always thought that you loved my elder brother the most and only cared about him. I never thought that you would lose your life because of the false news of my death.  Mom, please forgive me and please come back once and hug me. Mom, I want to hug you for the last time because I love you so much and I miss you so much."

Lan Zhan feels very sad that because of the false news of his death, his mother abandoned this world and left her body and went to heaven.

Lan Zhan is unable to control his emotional mind at all and he starts crying loudly and lamenting the death of his mother because Alpha feels the most sorrow for his mother leaving this world.

Lan Zhan goes ahead and says to Wei Changze, "Baba, you saved my life by not taking me with you that day, which is a great favor to me. Baba, forgive me for not being able to protect you but I will definitely protect your omega son in my life. I would like you to always shower your blessings on all of us."

Lan Zhan pleaded with Cangse Sanren, "I know you never wanted to marry your only omega son to us two brothers, but you had no right to have an illicit relationship with our father. Perhaps you have forgotten that relationships built on the basis of lust and selfishness often cause a lot of pain to all of us. Still, I will pray for you that you realize your mistakes and now you live your life peacefully in heaven because I know that human is the embodiment of error."

All of them together paid their last respects to those who died and wished for their journey to heaven and prayed to God to grant peace to their souls.

All four of them are deeply saddened by the loss of their family members, but life never stops for anyone even after someone's death.

Just as every beginning has an end, every end also has a new beginning and this is the rule of this world, that is why everyone has to move forward with time.


To be Continue...

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