Strike It Right (Louis Tomlin...

By CarolmSimon

86.2K 1.5K 127

Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't, Tried hard to fight your feelings but you just couldn't... More

Strike It Right
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
*Finale* Chapter 33
The Sequel : My Lucky Strike
The Soundtrack

Chapter 9

2.5K 51 2
By CarolmSimon

Another day in hell has just started. I take a shower and then fix my look that I could normally show myself in public. After all sooner or later I will go out of this room. And probably it will be sooner because I’m starving and breakfast should be served in any minute. I go to the door, take a deep breath and then like my mom told me I raise my chin up and go to the corridor…. Although I still feel a bit doubting.
“Hey! Nice to see you.” As always I meet Xavier.
“Hi.” I say and poorly smile.
“How are you doing?” he asks softly and I just shrug my shoulders and look forward.
“Better than yesterday, I think.” I respond while we’re walking downstairs.
“Well you need to be in a better mood and start preparing to your next win against Honduras.” He says and I just let out a sarcastic laugh.
“Sorry, but I don’t believe in myself anymore. I guess that Mr. Villar really made a mistake when he hired me.” I say as we enter the restaurant and at the table the whole team is sitting. I just sigh and turn my look away from them. I don’t want to see them and I bet they don’t want to see me as well.
“Good morning.” I hear them saying but it’s probably directed to Xavier and I just don’t bother to look at them.

>>>>Louis< <<<

Everyone said good morning to her but she just ignored us.
“So now she’s too good to talk with us?” I asked Zayn and he just sighs.
“I don’t know.” He says and shrugs his shoulders.
“She didn’t look at us so I guess she thought that it was for Xavier.” Says Charles and I look at him and then at her. She’s talking with the team’s doctor and then sighs. She really looks sad…

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
Another training is coming… I sigh and get in the bus after the whole team and sit in the front. The balls are already here in specific bag and I look at them. I squeeze them between my hands. They need to be pumped. I take the pump from the same bag and prick the needle into the hole. I start pumping. My assistant comes to me and sits in front.
“You know that this is my job?” he asks a bit carefully and I just poorly smile and nod.
“I know.” I say a bit sadly “Just I’m used to doing everything by myself. You can help me if you want.” I say to him and look softly and he takes another ball and prepares for pumping.
That’s how I spent my trip to the stadium time.
Now while the team is changing clothes I make four squares from the stands. While I do so everybody comes and puts their water-bottles on the seats and then comes to the field.

“Okay, for warming up it will be a simple game.” I said in a low voice and took a note which I made in my hotel room “In the first square go: Aaron, Sam, Vince.” I say and don’t even bother to look up and see if they are going. They still will do whatever they want. “Second square…” I say and sigh “…Gerard,Charles,Will.”

>>>>Louis< <<<

“Third square…” she says and takes another sigh. Now she’s totally different from the first training. Now she doesn’t have that fire in her voice which shown that she’s really ready for everything “…Zayn, Louis, Navas and West.” She says and I go to my square “Those who left in the fourth.” She says and turns to us.

“Rules are simple. Four stand in the sides and 2 in the middle. Those two have to take the ball from those four and if they take the ball then they go to the side and the one who made a mistake goes to the middle.” She says so blankly that I frown. Where’s your spirit, woman? You’re the coach of England's national team. What else do you want?

“We’re five.” Says Charles a bit carefully and she looks at him “Maybe you could enjoy us?” he asks this time more carefully and we all quickly look at her.
“What? You still didn’t laugh at me enough?” she asks not nervously, not angry but somehow different. I just don’t know how to explain “Make one in the middle and play in one touch.” She turns around and goes to her stuff and we just look at each other and shrug our shoulders. Well, Charles at least tried.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<

I come back where my stuff is and my assistant and Xavier is sitting. They both look at me strangely and I frown.
“What?” I ask.
“I think you were too harsh this time.” Says Xavier as always with a smile and I look at him confused.
“You think I’m too harsh with them?” I repeat his question still not believing that he said that.
“Okay, okay… I’m not saying anything.” He says chuckling and throws his arms in the air.
“Anyway, they don’t really care that they are five. They won’t play normally anyway.” I say and sigh.
“Well, I think this time you’re wrong.” Says my assistant and I frown and look over my shoulder. They are playing seriously? No, really… that’s something new.

“Another exercise…” I say as I put the last stand “…which you probably really need. I said and while I’m explaining to them an exercise all of them listen to me seriously. What had happened? Did my speech affected them or they just grew up?

We come back to the hotel and as I enter my room I realize that I really dream about a warm shower. I want to relax although this day was not so terrible as other days but still… I went to the bathroom turn on the hot water and took off my clothes.

I wrapped my hair with a towel and myself because my nightclothes are in the bedroom. I open the door and go out of the bathroom… and find whole the team sitting in the room. I got scared that I even jumped and then grab on my heart. Suddenly I remember that I’m only with a towel and quickly grab into it and look at the team angrily.

>>>>Louis< <<<

All of us are looking at her with exploded eyes. With training suit she didn’t look so…so…so hmmm. Charles is still standing with the nightclothes well with her short purple nightdress in his hands and is looking at her also with dropped jaw.
“What is wrong with you?” she asks nervously and quickly grabs her clothes from his hand and shows to the door with her hand.
“Out!” she shouts angrily but with a bit shaking voice “Out!” she repeats and we all slowly stand up and quickly go out from her room.
We stand in the corridor when we hear how she locks her room’s door from the other side.
“It had not to be like that.” Says Carles and puts a palm on his forehead.
“Yeah… but…” says Zayn “…but you saw her.” He finishes still amazed.
“Now probably she’s not thinking that we wanted only to apologize.” Says Charles and everybody look at him.
“Yeah, especially when you were holding her nightwear in your hands.” Says Zayn and I nod.
“But do you even imagine how she would look in that?” asks Charles again and raises his eyebrows.

I turn on the other side and fix the blanket on myself and the pillow under my head. Suddenly I hear how the door opens and I frown and quickly open my eyes to see who it is. And I see her… only in her nightwear coming slowly to me with a smile on her face.

“Navishaa?” I whisper and lead her with my look while she comes and sits on the bed.
“Yes.” She whispers melodiously and runs with her fingers through my face.
“What are you doing here?” I ask curiously but don’t turn away my look. In this attire she looks amazing.
“I didn’t want to be alone.” She whispers back and I swallow something from my throat “Can I stay here for a little?” she asks and I sit on the bed next to her.
“Of course you can.” I say and take her hand between my palms and feel such a soft skin.
“Thank you.” She whispers and shyly pecks on my lips.
“Navishaa…” I whisper.

Suddenly I hear a loud laugh and quickly open my eyes and frown. I turn on the light and find Zayn laughing in his bed.

“What is wrong with you?” I ask sleepy and he looks at me smirking.
“Oh, Louis… You’re the beast.” He says and I look at him confused.
“What the hell are you talking about?” I ask nervously and put my head back on the pillow.
“Navishaa.....Navishaa.....” He says that passionately with closed eyes. What the hell is he doing…? Oh my God. I quickly raise my head from the pillow and Zayn starts laughing again.
“Say that to someone and you’re a dead man.” I warn him with a bit shaking voice and he just keeps laughing…

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