The Owl House: A Witch Among...

Από Amano404

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credit to Disneydude94 for helping me with the name. Here is the story of Esper into the Owl House. Get ready... Περισσότερα

Witches Before Wizards
I Was A Teenage Abomination
The Intruder
Hooty's Moving Hassle
Babysitting Duty/Once Upon a Swap
A Tethered Tale/Lost in Language
Something Ventured Someone Framed
The Mystery of Glandus
Sense and Insensitivity
Adventures in the Elements
The First Day

A Lying Witch and A Warden

320 24 14
Από Amano404

Every story starts with something small, something that will grow into something strong. These small kids are going to do great things one day, we just know it.

We have two children playing in the park, one in the sand and the other playing with her plushie on the swing. The one at the swings has wild red hair, brown skin with freckles underneath her green eyes. Wearing blue overalls and a yellow shirt with her mix matched socks, finishing off the look with a black headband that covers her ears. The one in the sand has mixed skin with dark brown hair in three long braids. She is also wearing a pink shirt and blue overalls as well with yellow rubber shoes. The one in the sand notices a pile of snake skin and bring it to the other children playing in the park, "Look! This means a snake was nearby!"

The three children she was talking to look at her in horror, shocked that she would even touch such a thing, "Ew!" "That's so gross!" "Why would you even touch that dead thing, you weirdo?" Hearing the commotion caused the girl at the swing to turn around, leaving her plushie on the swing as she ran to the other kids.

Before the girl in braids could speak, the redheaded girl pushed the boy to the ground, "Go away! My mom says that no one should be mean to anyone and you're being mean to her right now. If you don't go away, I'll tell on you! I mean it!"

The boy in the black shirt began to leave but not before saying, "Whatever, you pointy eared weirdo!"

The girl in pigtails looked to the redhead, noticing that she is wearing a headband over her ears, "Pointy eared?" Esperanza looked away, ashamed, "Uh... Yeah, my ears aren't... shaped like your's. See?" She takes off her headband, showing her Dad says it's a m... m-med-ical co..." She sighs as she breifly takes off her headband, showing off her ears. They were big and pointy at the end, but to Luz, there no different from some of the ears she would see in the books she would love to read and the movies she would love to watch.

The other girl smiles, "Condition? That's okay, I think they look cool! Oh! My name is Luz, Luz No-ced-a! We... We can be friends, uh."

"My name is Esperanza Fox!" Esperanza stuck out her hand and Luz shook it, adding in, "It's nice to meet you Esperanza Fox! Oh! How about I call you Esper for short!"

Esper smiles, approving of the nickname, "Oh! That sounds so cool! There's my dad! We should go tell him! Come on, Luz!"

And that's how it started, the two girls were almost inseparable after that. They noticed that they have lived across the street from each other as well. For years, they would be the only ones looking out for each other in school, celebrating birthdays together, getting into trouble together, Esper was there for Luz when her father died, etc. They would constantly be over the other's house, with Luz taking note of just how many toys and video games Esper owns, Esper seeing Luz's collection of Azura books and how much they mean to her as well.


Then came the day that would change their lives forever, years later, on Esper's 14th birthday. Luz had already turned 14 months ago and Esper was there but for some reason, on her birthday, her parents requested that Luz not be there. Camila knew the reason and allowed this. It was strange to Esper but she figured it meant they wanted to give her something special.

Her father, Douglas Fox, had been setting up their little party all day. He had the day off from the bank and had put up a sign that says "Happy Birthday Esper!", streamers, everything she likes. He was a tall man with pale skin and blond hair swept back with hair gel. His green eyes almost matched his daughter's but were significantly lighter. Wearing a pale green shirt and black pants, along with a small silver ring on hisleft hand, his wedding ring. Right as he put the blue cake on the small table, his wife walked into the house. Her name is Janet and she had just gotten home from an inpromptu meeting with a client, as she worked as a lawyer within Gravesfield. She had rushed home in order to get into her dark purple sweater and black pants, keeping her blue teardrop necklace and matching earrings on. She has dark skin with fluffy dark brown hair with striking gold eyes.

She held her husband's hand, "Are you sure she's ready to hear this? There's still enough time to call this off and save it for another day, Doug." Douglas smiled back at her, "Honey, I'm sure she is. Our little girl is growing up so fast and I think she deserves to know. Who knows, maybe she'll see it as a magical destiny sort of thing and laugh it off."

Just then, their daughter walked into the house from school, now taller with her wild red hair in a ponytail. Dressed in a yellow hoodie with a white smiley face on it along with black pants and the black headband hiding her ears. She still has those nice freckles as well, "Hey! Sorry I'm a little late, I had to help wrangle up some snakes Luz lost track of during class. So uh... Why can't Luz and Mrs. Noceda come to my party?"

Janet had sat down at the table along with Douglas, still holding his hand. She gestured for her to sit down at the last chair, which she did. Douglas took a deep breath, "Esperanza, we didn't want to say anything while Luz was here but we thought it was time for you to know that... You're adopted."

Esper stood up suddenly, "Wait what? What do you mean?"

Douglas put his hands in front of him, motioning for her to calm down, "No it's okay, don't get up! We just thought it was time for you to know-"

Esper: "Know what? Why would I want to know that I'm not your real daughter?!"

Janet spoke up this time, "No, don't say that. Of course you're our daughter. Esper..."

Esper looks out the window, noticing Luz standing outside her house, waiting for the bus. She starts to head towards the door, eyes tearing up, "I need some air!"

Doug had gotten up from his chair, "Esper, sweety, wait! I just thought-" He was stopped by Janet, who held his hand again, "Doug, let her cool off for a while. She'll be back after talking with Luz and we can talk about it later."

Esper had ran over to Luz, who was standing outside her house, sad about putting her book in the trash can and the fact that she knows she has to go to summer camp.

Esper was aggressively wiping the tears from her eyes, not wanting Luz to see her cry as she stood in front of her. Esper pouted as she finished, "Man! Today sucks! You're going away to camp and I have to deal with-What are you doing?"

Luz had her hand in the garbage, looking for something, "I can't find my Azura book! Where is it, where is it?"

Then an owl let out a noise, the pair looked over and saw a tiny owl with a bag in it's mouth. "Tiny trash thief!" Luz shouts as Esper fdollows, "Let's get him!"

The two run after the owl, even as it runs into the abandoned house next to Luz's home. They still follow, determined to get the book back. There is a flash of light and suddenly the two run out of a door, still chasing after the owl. Esper lunges forward, completely missing the owl to land on the ground as Luz steps over her, "Stop adorably hopping away you-Woah! I thought I had a lot of weird stuff but this, this... This is impressive. Esper, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, dang he's fast for a little owl."

A voice rang outside the tent, "Finally! You're back!" It startled the two. Now they look outside the tent, hiding behind the flap as they watch the mysterious pale figure look through the trash, tossing away certain items until she puts on the goofy glasses, "Ah yes this! This will make me rich! And this, eh, it'll make good kindling." She was very pale with grey hair, gold eyes, wearing red as well as a green bonnet.

Luz suddenly jumps up, taking her book from the older woman, "Whoops! Excuse me, sorry, that's mine. Thank you! Come on, Esper!"

They try to run, only for the door to disappear as the woman tries to stop them. "You two aren't going anywhere!" Causing our heroes to run from the tent, trying to get away again before stopping on a cliff. Gawking at all the weirdness below before a fairy comes up to them. Esper hides behind Luz as the the fairy requests for their skin, causing Luz to hit it with her hand.

Luz graps onto Esper's hoodie, "Where are we?! Did we die? Are we... in the bad place?" Esper gulps at the last part before the pale woman puts a tight hand on both their shoulders, casuing them both to look up at her, "You wish!"

She tosses the two on their own stools, with Luz quickly talking before Esper could, "I'm sorry, I just wanted my book. Esper is completely innocent in this, if you want to eat someone's skin, eat mine! Just make it quick! Do it now!" Esper spoke up, "No! Eat me instead!"

"Eat you? Why would I eat... Potential customers! Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes? A bar of green human candy? Oh! How about this black shadow box that reflects only sadness?" Suddenly, the woman's demeanor has changed.

Luz and Esper looked at each other, confused before giggling.

Luz gets up from her seat as Esper smiled, "That's not all it can do! Here, let me see it. It looks like one of Esper's dad's old TVs." She put in some nearby batteries and an old exercise video started playing. Suddenly everyone started crowding around the stand, causing Esper to stand up next to Luz and the taller woman. She looked at the pair, "What did you two say your names were?"

"I'm Luz! Luz Noceda!" "And I'm Esperanza Fox! Esper for short."

The pale woman collected all the money from the people giving it to her, "Well Luz, that was pretty clever, for a human."

Esper raised an eyebrow as Luz did the same, "That's a weird thing for another human to say."

The woman giggles at her, "Oh dear child!" She then takes off her bonnet, "I'm not like you!" She then stands on the table, "I am Eda the Owl Lady! The most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!"

Luz and Esper look at each other excitedly, "A witch?!" Luz especially looks at Esper's ears, as Esper had put her hands on them, noticing that Eda's ears are pointy like her own.

Eda continues her speech, "I am a respected! Feared!"


Suddenly the tv was smashed and people started running away. Luz falls over as Esper helps her up, "You okay?" Luz nods.

The man who smashed it looked to be a guard of some kind, holding up a wanted poster with Eda's drawing on it, along with a pet looking creature, "Eda the Owl Lady! You are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors!"

"Woah! Witch criminal!" Luz says as she sticks close to the table, Esper staying close to her.

The guard continues to point at Eda, grabbing her wrist, "You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatorium." Eda pulls her wrist away from him, "Would you guys quit following me around? I haven't done squat!"

The guard then grabs Luz and Esper by the back of their hoods, "And you two are coming too! For fraternizing with a criminal!" Luz curls up on herself, "WHAT! That's not cool!" Esper tries to break free from his grip, "Hey! Put us down!"

Eda puts her hands in front of herself, "Alright! Alright you win! Let me just get my stuff, DUCK KID!"

Esper lowers her head as Eda swings her staff, hitting the guard in the face. He drops the two girls as Eda then makes her items float in the air. "Woops! Can't forget this!" The door that contorted into a briefcase flies towards her, she then puts all her stuff into a neat bag, putting it on her staff. She then runs off, "Follow me, humans!"

Luz and Esper run next to the Owl Lady with Luz concerned that if she gets in trouble here, her mother will kill her. Eda smiles at her, "Ah don't worry, I won't let those guys hurt you, humans are much more valuable to me alive than dead!"Luz looks at her curiosly, "What's that supposed to-" Suddenly the two are grabbed by Eda, and they take off, flying on her staff.

Eda gives them the rundown of the Boiling Isles as they continue to fly, stating that every myth in the human world is a result of some of the Boiling Isles leaking onto Earth. Including giraffes, which were banished for reasons unknown. The two inquite about going home but Eda states that she will only let them go home if they help her first.

Esper stays behind Luz, "Aren't you worried about those guards finding us?"

Eda shook her head, "Nope! My house has a state of the art defense system!" The door then hoots, revealing a face on the door, "Hoot Hoot! password please!" Eda than pokes the face's eyes, "Hooty, we don't have time for this. Let us in." Hooty then looks angry, "Alright alright geez! You never wanna have any fun! Ow! Hoot!" He then opens his mouth, allowing the three inside as Esper makes a disgusted face.

Eda snaps her fingers, "Welcome to... The Owl House!" revealing all the magical things in the house to the girls. When asked if she lives alone, a figure appears in the hallway. Stomping about as he makes it to the living room.

A small, fuzzy dog-like creature walks into the hallway, he looked to have a skull protruding out of his face along with one long horn and one short one, "Who dares intrude upon I! The King of the Demons!" He is surprised when Luz suddenly hugs him, calling him adorable. Upon Eda saying that Luz is going to help them with their situation, he is moved to Esper's arms. Esper hugs him as after he shouts "Hooray!" Esper then hugs him tighter, "Aw! You really are adorable! And your fur is so soft!" King starts shoving her head, unsure of how to handle her.

Eda nods at the two before explaining that King was once a king of demons before his crown of power was stolen and she states that only the human can go through the door to get it back. Which is where Luz and Esper come in. She takes King from Esper, using his cute face as extra leverage. After realizing that Eda is their only way home to the Human Realm, the two agree. The group then heads off the the Conformatorium in order to get King's crown back. With Esper helping Eda distract the warden, as she figured spliting up would be more useful. Esper rides with Eda to the top of the tower while Luz was with King going through the cells, talking to the prisoners. Luz learns that the place is just filled with people who want to be free to share their creativity without the fear of being locked up. Luz finds this awful as she hides from the Warden, meanwhile Esper and Eda are still flying to the top of the tower. Esper spots the warden, "Hey, Eda, it looks like he's distracted with that smaller person."

Eda smiled as she looked at the scene, "This is perfect! Come on, Esper, let's go find King and Luz while he's distracted."

The two spot Luz in a hallway with King on her shoulders. Eda smiled widely, "Good news! He's distracted with tormenting this one prisoner, he won't be stopping anytime soon." Esper took notice that she was sad about something, "You okay, Luz?"

Luz frowns as King then runs to the door, wanting his crown, "It's not fair that they're all in here... They just want to be themselves, why does everybody think that being a weirdo is so bad..."

Esper frowns at the last sentence, knowing what it means to her and Luz.

Eda ushers them into the room as King rushes in, trying to get to his crown. Eda reminds him that they have two humans and let them go up to the door. The two go up to the glowing door, preparing to go in. Only to see that Luz is able to get in and it shocks Esper, causing her to fall back, being caught by Eda and King.

Eda holds her, "Woah! Hey, kid. You okay? I thought you said you were a human!"

Esper rubs her head as she sits up, "I thought I was! What does this mean?"

Eda looks at King, who shrugs, "Well, I don't know what that means. Are you Esper the Human?" This causes Esper to hold her ears again, feeling them through the fabric of the headband.

Luz looks at the pile of stuff before noticing that Esper isn't next to her, "Huh? Hey, Esper! Are you okay?"

Esper shrugs, "Uhhh, I'm fine! Just can't seem to make it through the door! For some reason! You get the crown, I'll stay over here."

Luz finds the crown, seeing it is a fast food resturant crown and that it doesn't give King powers. Disappointing Esper, who also gives Eda a frown.

Eda says, "If that dumb crown is important to him, it's important to me. Besides, us weirdos have to stick together. You know?"

Luz smiles as Esper nods, understanding what Eda means. As she feels the same way with Luz.

But then suddenly Warden Wrath comes out of nowhere and cuts Eda's head off, sending it flying into Luz's arms. She scream as Eda plays dead, Esper also screams at this. Eda is mildly annoyed as the Warden starts to talk about wanting to date Eda. Confusing Esper a lot as the guards then pick up her and King, she shouts "Luz!" as Warden Wrath holds up Luz after she makes a comment as well. Luckily after Eda blaws a raspberry at Warden Wrath, it releases Luz and she hits him on the head with Eda's staff. Eda's body takes care of the guards for Esper and King as the red head takes King and follows Luz, who tries to make Owlbert fly.

Luz looks at the staff, "Expecto! Flying! Magicus Escapacus!"

Esper then shouts, "Fly, little dude!"

Eda notices the warden start to get up and shouts, "Gun it, magic stick!" which makes Owlbert fly them around to escape.

A big chase then ensues, with Luz allowing the prisoners to escape and fight back against the warden who has kept them there for so long. The Warden hits them off their track, causing them to fall down into the collesium below. Eda gives Luz the key, telling her to go back to the human realm though Luz resists until she tells her to bring Esper too, noticing that she is still a bit injured from the shock earlier as well as the fall. Eda makes Luz and Esper go on Owlbert though Luz stops when she sees the prisoners not escaping.

As Luz gives them a speech, they questrion her, "Why are you helping us?"

And Luz gives them an answer, "Because us weirdos have to stick together! And nobody should be punished for who they are! Right, Esper?"

Esper nods, agreeing with her best friend, "Right, Luz!"

With that encouragement the prisoners rush Warden Wrath, saving Eda and King from his attacks They restrain him as Esper gives him a swift kick to his head. Esper is amazed by Luz's fireworks coming in the save the day as she hits them into Wrath's face, cheering her on as the fireworks go off.

After all the chaos is done, the group decides to fly back to The Owl House, Eda activates the key, citing that, "A deal's a deal, let's get you kids home." Luz then stares at the door before looking back, Esper gives her a nod as she gives King a crown from one of her Azura dolls. Luz is then given her Azura book back as she realizes that she is now similar to Azura, the reflection showing her in Azura's place while Esper, Eda and King fit in the other characters'. Luz comes to a realization, tugging Esper closer to her as the younger girl is confused, "Uh, what's going on?"

Luz starts, "Okay. I know you got your head cut off, and we started some kind of prison riot, but this was the most fun I've ever had! Come on, Esper, wasn't it for you?"

The younger girl shrugged, "I guess kicking that guy in the head was pretty fun."

Eda blinks at the two in surprise as Luz continues.

Luz continues, "I don't fit in at home and neither does Esper here. We both know that. You don't fit in here. If I stay, we could all not fit in together. I'm not going back to summer camp!"

Eda and King look at her in surprise, "What's summer camp? What are we talking about here?" Luz then smiles at her, bringing Esper closer to her in her grip, "I want to stay and become a witch. Like you. And Azura. What about you, Esper?"

Esper shrugs, "Oh! Uh, I guess I could give it a shot!"

Eda giggles at the two, "What? All right, that's crazy. Humans can't become witches." Though her face changes as she remembers when Esper couldn't walk through the contraband wall in the conformatorium.

Luz smiles at the older witch, "Maybe that's because they haven't tried. If you teach me to become a witch, I'll do anything you want."

Esper gives Eda a smile as well, "Me too! Me too! I promise to work extra hard!"

Eda sighs, "Alright, okay fine!"

Luz's smile grows, wrapping Eda, King and Esper into a nice big hug. All of them gasp, feeling like Luz is choking them as she holds them too tight.

Luz and Esper then lay down on two separate sleeping bags for the night, Luz starts texting her mom as Esper's eyes begin to get heavy. King then enters the room, eyeing their "sleep cacoons".

Luz smiles, "Goodnight, Esper."

Esper smiles as King cuddles up in between them, hand resting on his belly, "Goodnight, Luz, goodnight, King." She then turns around, taking off the black headband to reveal her pointy, witch-like ears yet again...

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