By Coffinfriends

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What if Luz wasn't the first human in the boiling isles? Hi, as many of you know my friend made this and sadl... More

Another One
The Intruder
Covention Memories
Moving Hooty!
Lost in Language
The Magic In Nature
Enchanting Grom Fright
Agony Of A Witch
Young Blood, Old Souls
Separate Tides
Keeping up A-fear-ances!
Hunting Palismen
Eda's Requiem
Knocking on hooty's door
Eclipse Lake
Yesterday's Lie
Follies at the Coven Day Parade
Elsewhere and Elsewhen
Any Sport in a Storm
Reaching Out
Hollow Mind
Labyrinth Runners
O Titan, Where Art Thou
Clouds on the Horizon
King's Tide
Thanks To Them

Wing it Like Witches!

29 2 0
By Coffinfriends

Boscha had her hair down in her bedroom, which is filled with various trophies. She looks into her mirror.
"You are talented. You are a star. You may be hated, so long as you are feared." As she speaks, she puts her hair into the usual bun then stands up, putting on a varsity jacket before heading for the door.
"Most important of all, you are a winner."

Boscha rips off a page of her calendar before walking out the door, revealing the whole month has been marked "Grudgby Season". Boscha walking through Bonesborough dribbling a grudgby ball, passing several mesmerized onlookers and approaches Hexside, with a banner reading "Go get 'em, Banshees" magically unfurling over the school. Skara, Amelia, and Cat form up behind Boscha.

"Alright, girls. You know the drill. Captain goes first." Boscha enters the school. "Hello, Hexside! Your star has arrived. Groveling line starts here.....Something's not right. Nobody's here!"

Students laughs are heard from a distance so Boscha peers around a corner, spotting a crowd of students gathered around Willow, who is holding a potted plant.
No way!"
"Do me next. Do me!" Willow uses her magic, the plant sprouting a fruit looking like the potions student's face. The student takes it.
"Welcome to the world, little buddy. You're the coolest, Willow."
"Aw, shucks!"
"Yeah, Willow rules!"
Boscha walks past with her posse. "Wow, she has to make friends out of plants. How sad."

"Oh, please! You know, I used to be like you, Boscha, obsessed with status, challenging my competition. But I grew up. When will you?" The crowd of students laugh, Bocscha didn't like that.


Outside of Hexisde. Eda and Luz fly in on Eda's staff with Y/n following.
"My first grudgby season! I'm so excited, I have more school spirit than the school spirits!" A ghost holding pom-poms drops them to the ground.
"Why do I even bother?"
"Ah, grudgby season is the best. You know, I used to play, back in my gory days with Y/n."
"You mean "glory days"?"
"Well, that too. I was unstoppable on the field. I had the best moves and the best cheats."
"Cheating isn't anything to brag about. How do you know you were any good if all you did was cheat your way to victory?"

"Ugh. What do humans know, with your goody-goody attitude? If "cheaters never prosper", why was I the star player?"
"Well, can't reason with crazy." Luz pulls a sleeping King out of her hood "Bye King, you little snoozers."
Luz kisses King's head and puts him on the staff as he wakes up. Luz leaves. King scurries into Eda's hair.

"Ugh. Eda, when was the last time you cleaned up in here?" He throws a bag of onion rings from Eda's hair, then pulls out a rat. "Get your own scalp, buddy. This one's taken." He throws the rat.
"All this talk of grudgby has me feeling nostalgic. Whaddya say you and me take a little trip down memory lane?"
"Hard pass."
"That's the spirit."
"You mean me?"
"Ugh. Come on!" Eda and Y/n fly away.

Y/n held Rosetta in her hand. "Make sure nothing happens to Luz and her friends, if necessary blend in." Rosetta nodded before flying towards Hexside.


In a history classroom within Hexside. A teacher goes on about the emperor while nearly everyone is bored out of their minds.
"I can't wait for grudgby season to start! I've studied up on all sorts of magical sports. Like this." Luz holds up a DVD case. "Good Witch Azura 2: The Field of Deadly Fates. A classic underdog tale." "Azura challenges Hecate in the smibbitch championship. But will she risk it all by taking a chance on the deadly Thorn Vault?"

Gus grabbing the DVD thinking it's edible making Luz grab the DVD.
"The council headquarters was built and paid for by...? Anyone? Willow?"
Willow stands up. "Uh, the Pixie Dust Taxes?"
"Whoo, yeah! Go, Willow!"
"Impressive, Miss Park." The students all murmur in admiration.
"What's going on? It's like all of Hexside's caught Willow fever!"
"Ever since I patched thing up with Amity, I've been feeling more confident." Willow gestures to the flower shaped hair clip she's wearing. "I guess it shows."

The hair clip levitates off of Willow's head and into Boscha's hand.
"Aw, Willow thinks she's popular now. How cute."
"Hey, I agree, my friend is very cute. But give that back!" Luz grabs for the hair clip. Boscha pulls her hand back.
"It's weird that Amity hangs out with you now. Ever since Grom, she's gone soft. But don't worry." Boscha puts the clip in her hair. "I'm still here to show you who's boss." Gus grabs the hair clip. "Here, Willow."
Gus puts the clip back in Willow's hair.
"Oh-ho-ho! The friends wanna get in on this too, huh?"

Boscha levitates Willow's bag into the air, spilling its contents onto Gus, Luz, and Willow as Boscha laughs.
"Is that laughter? Hey, hey! Learning's not supposed to be fun!"
"We are having zero fun, I swear. Boscha's picking on us."
"My apologies, sir. I was practicing my aim for grudgby." Boscha throws an eraser at Willow as the teacher goes on how she should practice on him.

"Oh, thanks, but I already have the perfect targets." She throws gum at Willow only to have it levitated back to her.
"Oh!" Boscha glares at a student, short and slender with dark brown hair and light brown skin. Her hand slightly raised either as a warm gesture or a warning, a neutral expression in her face but her amber eyes told a different story.

"Don't worry, it's not like she can follow us around all day, right?"
"She'll find a way..."

Outside Hexside's front steps. Gus, Luz, and Willow are covered in trash, their faces graffitied with insults.
"She followed us around all day. She literally followed us around all day!"
"I'm really sorry I pulled you guys into this. We should have just kept a low profile. Boscha could get away with murder if she wanted to."
Principal Bump goes down the stairs. "What's this? Boscha got away with murder? I can't say I approve, but at least she's trying new things."
"We will find a way out of this." Amity passes by the stairs.

"Amity!" Luz cleans herself off before running up to Amity.
Amity blushes nervously. "Oh, Luz! You're here! I mean, obviously you're here, this is school, and you go here now, with, uh, me... I've been talking for too long."
"Amity, we need your help."
"Yes, I can help!... With what, exactly?"
"Boscha won't stop picking on Willow, and no one will do anything about it because she's the "Star Captain of the Grudgby Team".
"Yeah, this time of year, she's extra unbearable."
"You're friends with her, can you help us?"
"Uh, the hard part is, there's no reasoning with Boscha. She only speaks in grudgby terms."
"Hmm. Okay, okay. I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down."

Amity looks at the books she's holding. "I'm... not putting anything down."
Willow screams as trash falls on Willow from above as other students watch. Luz runs up to her.
"Willow! What happened?"
"Boscha happened."

Boscha from a second floor window holds a trash can upside down in her hands. "Hey, Willow! I just thought all trash should stay in one spot."
"That's it!" The dark haired student drew a giant circle but before it was completed, Luz interrupted.

"Boscha! Willow challenges you to... a grudgby match!"
Boscha drops the trash can. "She what?"
"I what?" The trash can falls onto Gus.
"She what? Seriously, what's going on here?"


At the Owl House, Eda is in her old grudgby jacket, showing a photo album to King.
"And here's when we took down Epiderm High in the semi-finals." She points to photo of her younger self holding a trophy and a young Y/n by her side.

"Oh, I was the youngest on the team, but I had what some call "star power". AKA, this." Eda pulls a box out from her hair labeled "Eda's Rad Cheats". "This is my cheat box. I have all my best weapons in here. Smoke bombs, sock-worms... Mwah. You name it. Oh, I never lost a game with this bad boy." The door slams open and Hooty enters.

"Hoot-hoot! Guess who found a special friend in the forest." He brings in Lilith, wrapped up in his elongated body. "It was me. Hoot!"
Hooty releases Lilith, who falls to the floor.
"Edalyn." Hooty pops between them but Y/n stops him.
"Ugh. Scram, Hooty."
"Okay!" Hooty's body retracts back into the front door, which then promptly slams shut.

"Why are you in your old uniform?"
"No reason. It's laundry day. What are you doing here?"
Lilith summons scroll, clears throat, reads. "Edalyn Clawthorne, you are hereby under arrest by the order of the Emperor of the Boiling Isles—" Eda uses her magic to roll up the scroll, which smacks Lilith in the face.

"You were saying?"
"Come on! I have to bring you in. It's time for you to join the coven. The Emperor has big plans for the Isles, and he wants you to be a part of it all."
Eda picks up the photo album; sarcastically. "Ooh, Aah. What an incredible opportunity for me."
"What are you even looking at?" Lilith grabs the photo album from Eda. "Grudgby pictures? Feeling sentimental?"
"Pah! Me? Never. I was just telling King here how good I was." Eda summons a grudgby ball.
"Oh, Edalyn. Not only is the curse affecting your hair, but your memory as well."

Lilith holds up the picture of young Eda, unfolding it to reveal a young Lilith with an even larger grudgby trophy, and several medals.
"Ah, tell you what. I'll go with you peacefully to the Emperor..."
"Sure. If you beat me at a game of grudgby. Luz is always challenging people to things. Why not me?"
"Hmm... Game on."
"Why grudgby?"

Back at Hexside, Luz walks up to Boscha, who is exiting the building.
"Okay, maybe it's the altitude of the second floor, but I thought I heard you say that Leaf Girl wanted to challenge me to a grudgby match."
"That's right! We'll settle this once and for all on the field." Students flank both of them. Willow runs up between them.
"Or we could just talk about our issues."
"Let's do this."
"Oh, no."

"If Willow's team wins, you don't get to pick on her anymore."
"Fine! And when we win, Willow and your team will be our water gofers."
"Ha! That's not even a punishment. I love water."
"And we get to use you as target practice." Boscha throws the ball and kicks it, sending it straight through a tree trunk. The hole smokes.
"See you after school, losers."
"We'll see who's the loser..."

The Banshees leave as the entire tree catches fire. "Whoo-hoo! Willow verses Boscha!"
"Luz, this isn't a good idea."
"Yeah, I've never even played grudgby before! How am I supposed to beat Boscha."
"But you're the better witch. I don't know much about sports, but I know about sports movies. We,
too, are a ragtag team of lovable misfits joined together to defeat a powerful enemy. With a little team spirit and a training montage, we can win."
"Well, if you think this'll work, then I'm in. How about you, Gus?"
"In seasons past, these flags have waved in support of grudgby greats. Now they will wave for the greatest: Me!"

"What about you, Amity?"
"Me? On a team with you? Running around in cute uniforms? Sweating?" Amity blushes heavily, then runs off.
"Huh? Well, I guess she's out. In any case, you'll step in for her now, let's get training!"
"I'm Rosetta." Luz and her friends introduced themselves before going to the Hexside grudgby field.

"So, how exactly do we play grudgby?"
"Well, there's a ball, and you score by getting the ball through the other team's goal."
"That sounds easy."
"It is, except..."

Willow summons a leaf and blows it onto the field. The leaf is quickly ripped to shreds by fire, vines, ice shards, and rock spikes that emerge from the field.
"Oh, right. Boiling Isles. Should have predicted this."
Luz sets her phone to play motivational sports music. She puts a sweatband on.
"Alright! Every great sports story includes a training montage."
"What's a "mon-tage"?"

Luz explains to Willow and Gus what a montage is using a chalkboard; Luz shows the two a football movie on a TV; the four of them have a tea party in animal onesies. Then the grudgby field.
"Oh, I get it now. Wait, were we just having a tea party in animal jammies?"
"What happens in the montage stays in the montage! Now let's hit the field."

Luz blows a whistle, throwing a grudgby ball at Gus and Willow. It hits the ground, Willow prepares to kick it, but a giant tentacle burst from the ground, throwing the ball. Willow and Gus scream as their both tossed across the field and away from the tentacle. A giant hand bursts from the ground, grabbing Gus. Flaming grudgby balls follow Willow.

Willow runs the opposite direction. A trampoline emerges from the ground and launches her backwards. Willow lands next to Luz, who hasn't moved at all.
"I need a cup of water." Gus walks up to them and falls on the ground.
"Now for our big finale! Let's try..." Luz activates a plant glyph. "the Thorn Vault." She puts the glyph on ground.
"Luz, wait—"

Willow, Rosetta, and Gus are launched into the air by a column of thorns. Rosetta summons a large of wing from her back to break their fall. Gus rolls on the ground.
"Gus! Talk to me, Gus!
"I—I think something's broken." He pulls out his flags, now snapped. "My flags! I never should have tried to play. You were always enough for me."

Willow looks down to see her hair clip, now snapped in half.
"Come on, Gus. I have some floral tape in the greenhouse. We'll fix them."
"Okay." Willow and Gus stand and begin walking away.
"Guys, let's try the Thorn Vault one more time."
"Not now, Luz. We're tired."
"But we're the underdogs, we have to stay upbeat and keep trying and—"

Willow walking up to Luz. "Luz! Not everything can be solved with a good attitude and a dope music soundtrack. We're going to lose. And no movie can help us against that. The game is off."
"Willow, wait!" Luz looks down at the broken hair clip, She picks it up.
"I'll check on them." Rosetta used the giant wings to fly towards the green house.


Outside the Owl House, a makeshift grudgby field set up in front of it. Eda and Lilith approach each other from opposite sides. Hooty stretches out to be between them, now wearing a ref's hat and whistle.
"You gals ready to hoot? We want a clean game here, so no magic allowed."

King's next to a scoreboard, dressed as a cheerleader. "Yes! Now I'll strike fear into my enemies with this armor of intimidation."
"Yeah, intimidation armor." Eda looks at Lilith with a grin. "Pushing paper all day might make you a little rusty. I'll try to go easy on you." Eda throws her the Grudgby ball.

Lilith catches the ball in between her leg and her stomach and then starts preforming sick tricks then throws Eda the ball back. "Remember, dear sister, you may have been star player, but I was team captain for a reason." Lilith casts a spell on Y/n, who's now young wearing a cheer outfit.
Hooty blows the whistle.


At the Hexside grudgby field, Luz sitting on the bleachers. She repairs Willow's hair clip with a band-aid. Amity walks up to her.

"Tough practice?"
"I pushed Willow and Gus too hard. It's just, I hate seeing Willow get picked on. She's one of the best friends I've ever had. Winning this game is the only way I know how to help."
"Did you know, before Boscha, I was the grudgby team captain?"
"Well, once I left the team, I decided that was a part of my life I wanted to forget."

A flashback of Amity as captain of the Banshees.
"We were playing Glandus High for the Island Championship. We had a move planned, and it was a good one. But, at the last minute, I decided I wanted to do something a bit flashier. I changed our game plan to... the Thorn Vault."
"Good Witch Azura 2: Field of Deadly Fates! You watched it too?"
"Uh, yeah."

In the flashback, Amity successfully does the Thorn Vault, launching herself to a goal post and tossing the ball in. The score changes for a Banshee win. Amity cheers, then realizes she hurt her teammates.
"It went disastrously wrong. My teammates got hurt. All because I had an idea of how things should be. I pushed them too far."

"I never played again after that day." Amity turns to Luz, their faces incredibly close. Amity stumbles back and falls, blushing heavily.
"Wah! Sorry." Luz helps Amity up. "I just really love backstories."

The Banshees enter, walking onto the field.
Luz putting something in Amity's hand. "I know what to do to make this up to Willow. Thanks."
Amity looks at her hand, revealing Willow's hair clip.
"It's after school. Where's the leader of your loser brigade?"
"I'm here on her behalf. We forfeit and I'm here to tell you that I'll take Willow's place as your water gofer, target practice, whatever you need."
"Wow, you're really a good friend." Boscha magically lights a grudgby ball on fire. "And a perfect target."
Boscha throws ball at Luz. "Think fast!"

Luz ducks out of the ball's path. Boscha summons more flaming grudgby balls. Luz runs as the balls are sent at her. Amity runs off to find Willow as Rosetta lands on the field stopping a ball from hitting Luz.
"We have a problem to settle." Rosetta's eyes glowed a dark red as she grinned.

At the schools greenhouse, Willow tapes up Gus' flags.
"There, that ought to do it."
"These are flags of surrender now."
Amity slams open the door. "Luz needs our help! I know she pushed you guys, and she always gets in over her head. She can be so stupid, which I love— I mean hate! In any case, she needs you right now, which is sweet— I mean, I hate it, and it's dumb!"
"...You lost me."
"Just, here." Amity gives Willow her hair clip. Willow smiles.
"Can we resist the call to action? No! May the flags be raised once more."
Gus runs out, Willow and Amity right behind him.


Eda and Lilith's grudgby match. Eda tries scoring a goal, but Hooty blocks the ball.
"Hooty! Whose side are you on?"
"I'm an unbiased participant, hoot-hoot." Lilith grabs the ball, successfully avoids Eda and Hooty, and scores a goal. King marks the score, now tied 5-5.
"Point goes to Lilith. We're at a tie here, folks." Eda and Lilith both pant in exhaustion.
"Time for one more play."
Eda pulls our her cheat box. "Just one little trick and the game will be mine."

Eda opens her cheat box, only to find it empty, save for a note reading, "I noticed your lunchbox was getting dirty so I cleaned it! LOVE, LUZ", with a drawing of a heart and Luz throwing a peace sign.
"Dang it, Luz! Your nonsense has gotten into my head. Well, time to do this the old-fashioned way."
"Taking your time. Nervous?"
"Not today, sister."

Hooty blows the whistle, beginning play again. Eda and Lilith both jump for the ball. Eda grabs it and makes for the goal. Hooty emerges from the ground.
"It's me again!"
Eda steps on his face, using him as a launchpad.
"Ow!" Lilith leans on his face.
"Yeah!" Eda scores the goal as Y/n cheered for her.
"Ha ha! Game over! Team Owl House rules supreme!"
"Yes! Still got it! Still got the skills to pay the bills!"
"No!" Lilith on her knees slams her fists angrily at the ground. "No! I can't go back to the Emperor empty-handed."

Eda takes her ring off and holds it out to Lilith.
"Here. Tell them I put up a heck of a struggle."
Lilith takes the ring. "I will be back for you. And next time, I won't be alone."
"I'll be waiting." Lilith looks over her shoulder at Eda, then walks into the distance.
"I'll be waiting too! Hoot-hooty-hoot!"
"Phoenix... go and leave this." Phoenix took the object and flew off.


Back at the Hexside grudgby field. Rosetta protects Luz from Boscha's grudgby balls.
"Having fun yet? 'Cause I'm just getting warmed up."
"So am I kid!" Boscha throws a flaming grudgby ball at Rosetta, which is sent back by a force field suddenly emerging from the field in front of Luz.
"Boscha. Your issue is with me, not Luz. Leave her be."
"Willow!" Luz runs up to Willow "I'm sorry I got you into this mess. You're right, I got my head too stuck in the movie biz."
"It's okay. I know you were just trying help in your Luz way. But now let's finish this... my way." She turns to Boscha. "The game is back on."
"You need three players on your team. Where's your third?"

Willow and Luz look to Gus in the bleachers, looking sadly at his flags.
"Uh, well..."
"Right here."
"You just destroyed your social life."
Amity looks at Willow and Luz. "Nah. I think I made it better."
"Ugh! Game on!" Boscha stalks off as Amity, Luz, and Willow smile at each other.
"I'll keep watch if they try anything.

Boscha, Cat, and Amelia facing off against them, all six in grudgby gear.
"Go Willow!"
"There's something on your shoe."
"Like I'd fall for that."

The ball is launched into the air. Boscha lunges for it but is stopped.
"Huh?" There are vines wrapped around her shoe. She falls over. Willow catches the ball and makes the first goal. The game progresses, Amity uses a giant abomination arm to hold back an axe for Luz, who scores another goal. Gus creates illusion duplicates of himself to cheer Luz, Amity, and Willow on. Amelia scores a goal for the Banshees.
"Nice work."
"Thanks." The two high-five making Boscha annoyed.

The game progresses further. Boscha throws a flaming grudgby ball at Luz, who blocks with an ice glyph. Luz catches the ball, seeing a fire glyph burned onto it.
"Whoa." Luz puts a piece of paper onto the ball, burning the glyph onto the paper. She taps it, activating a fire spell.
"Fire magic! Amity!" Luz throws the ball and Amity knocks it into the goal with a giant abomination fist. "Yeah!"

The score is now tied 9-9. Both teams huddle up.
"There's time for one more play."
"And this play could determine whether us underdogs win or lose."
"Here's what I have to offer." Luz holds out fire, light, plant, and ice glyphs.
"I think we should try... this one."
"The Thorn Vault? Are you sure?"
"I'm ready this time."

Rosetta, Gus and his illusions cheer on as play resumes. The two teams face off at centerfield once again. The ball is launched into the air, and Luz catches it.
"Watch out! Amity pushes Luz out of the way of Boscha, getting tackled as a result.

Luz activates the Thorn Vault, sending Willow across the field, and successfully scoring a goal.
"Whoo! You did it, Willow! We did it! We won!"

Luz and Willow look to the score board, reading 9-10. Then the Banshees' score changes to 999.
"Wait, what?" Boscha holds up a golden insect.
"Oh, thorns."
"Wh-What happened?"
"She grabbed the Rusty Smidge."
"The what?"
"Yeah, while you were celebrating your "victory", I caught this guy. It means we automatically win. All magic sports are like this."
"That just invalidates all our efforts! If catching that thing is so important, why do anything else? There's no reason to watch any of the other players! That's such a stupid rule!"
"Well, we beat them and proved our social dominance. All is right in the hierarchy."

Skara, Cat, and Amelia run up to Willow and Luz, leaving Boscha in the dust.
"Good game, Willow!"
"I had so much fun playing you guys."
"Oh, really?"
"Willow, you're really good. Would you want to be on our team?"
"Mm, thanks for the offer, but I think I'm done with grudgby for a while. Hey, where's..." Amity groans, trying to stand up.
"I think—I think I hurt my leg. But, I'll be okay."
"Are you sure? I could help carry you if it really hurts."
Amity blushing and chuckling nervously "I'm fine! Who's Amity?"

"Aaaaand, scoop!" Luz picks Amity up.
"Oh, wow. Sports." Amity blushed more as she receives a wink from Rosetta.
"Can we have another montage?"
"Yeah! Montage, activate!"

Montage: Gus, Luz, and Willow all score goals, then loung in huge flowers with spring-like stems; Gus uses his illusion magic to change their team's score of 10 to 1000; the three run up to the Owl House. King dances in his cheerleader outfit while Luz records on her phone.]
"You're—You're not gonna show this to anyone, right?"
"Of course not. Keep cheering."

The montage ends with Amity, now with a cast on her leg, walking into the Owl House, with Hooty sitting her on the couch with Luz and Willow, surrounded by Gus, King, Y/n and Eda.
"Wait where's Rosetta?"
"She's here."

Rosetta now as a barn owl flew around before turning into a human.



Phoenix flew for a while before landing on a balcony, he turned into a coven guard and walked out the room.

He walked for a while before entering the throne room, Emperor Belos sat on his throne next to a smaller one with a red cushion holding similar mask to Belos.
"I have something for you Emperor Belos." He kneeled and held a small box, Emperor Belos took the box and opened it.

"A ring and a necklace..." The Emperor's eyes glowed as he held the objects in his hand before facing the guard. "It's almost time... she'll be back..." Phoenix in disguised clenched his fist as he eyed the Emperor.
"Oh... and report back that their fine, Phoenix." Emperor Belos eyed him before sitting back on his throne.
"Yes..." Phoenix stood up and glared at Belos before leaving him alone.

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