My Love: Octane x Reader

By EllieSilvax

6.1K 195 119

21 year old Y/N is having money trouble trying to take care of herself and her two younger brothers as her mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (NSFW)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (nsfw)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

198 8 8
By EllieSilvax


  I laid on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through my phone. I tried my best not to think about Octavio or what he did but no matter what I kept seeing advertisements for the upcoming season for the games. I sighed in defeat and shoved my phone in my pocket. I didn't know how to feel. I feel betrayed that he went against his word but the way he explained it, I should feel grateful for how far he went to get my job back. It couldn't have been easy for him. It's not really easy for me either. My head was a mess about the whole situation. Every time I even think about them kissing, my heart aches and I get this horrible pit in my stomach that reminds me of my past. My reasoning for being so hesitant to trust anyone. Why it's so difficult to let anyone get close to me. I can't think about this anymore. My doorbell rang and it took all of my energy just to get up. When I finally managed, I answered it. There stood an average height guy holding a pizza box and he greeted me with a dorky smile. Since mom was working an overnight shift, I didn't have the energy to cook for my brothers tonight so I just ordered in. And honestly, comfort food didn't sound too bad.

  "Do you want your receipt?" He asked me.

  "I'm good, thanks." I answered as I took the pizza box from him.

  "Have a good night."

  "You too!" I said before closing the door. "Nathan! Jacob! Pizza!"

  As if on cue, I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs as I sat the pizza down on the dining room table.

  Before I could grab myself a couple slices, my phone rang. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check who was calling. It was mom. She usually didn't call during her shift so it must've been important. I answered and held the phone to my ear.

  "Hey mom, what's up?" l asked, a bit confused about the reasoning behind her call.

  "Hey Y/N, I have some bad news."

  I remained quiet as I waited for her to continue.

  "Your friend Octavio Silva was admitted into the hospital a couple hours ago."

  Suddenly the anger I felt towards him just hours prior vanished. All I could think about is what happened.

  "What happened? Is he okay?!" I asked in a panicky tone.

  "I'll explain but you should probably get here." She told me.

  "Mom, I'm watching Nathan and Jacob tonight.." I reminded her and looked over my shoulder to see they have practically eaten half of the pizza already.

  "I already called Jessie, she's on her way over. I know you two were getting close so I thought you'd want to be here."

  Jessie was our new neighbor a few houses down who moved in not too long ago. Since I was busy, I helped mom pay someone to help look after them and make sure they get to school.

  I thanked my mom for letting me know and told her I'd be there soon. We hung up and I went back into the dining area.

  "Hey guys I gotta go, Jessie will be here soon to watch you."

  "I'm getting a little old for a babysitter." Nathan answered, annoyed.

  "It's mom's call, not mine. I'll see you later." I quickly answered before I left.


  I entered the hospital and thankfully it wasn't too busy. The main lobby had been completely empty. I approached the front desk.

  "Hello, Y/N! What can I do for ya?" The lady at the front desk asked me as she chewed her gum. Since my mom worked here, she was already familiar with who I am.

  "Hey, is Octavio Silva a patient here?" I asked her.

  She clicked away on her computer, "It looks like he was admitted into the ICU a few hours ago. Once he was stabilized, he was checked in to stay overnight."

ICU?! What the hell happened?

  "What room is he in?"

  "Sorry, I can't provide that information. You aren't family and it's after visiting hours." She answered.

  "Please, he's one of my mom's patients and I really need to see him." I was getting really worried.

  She sighed and picked up the phone, putting it to her ear before dialing a number. "Hey your daughter is here, is it okay to send her up to Mr. Silva's room?"

  "Mhm. Okay, my mistake. I'll send her up now." She said before hanging up.

  She pulled something out of her desk drawer and began scribbling something down with a pen. "He is on the third floor in room 302." She then handed me a visitor's badge, "If anyone stops you just tell them to talk to me."

  I took the badge and pinned it onto my shirt. "Thank you so much." I smiled and gave her a quick wave before making my way to the elevator.


  I found the room and knocked on the door, it was quickly pulled open and I was greeted by my mom. She let me in and closed the door behind me. I walked over to see Octavio completely unconscious and hooked up to an IV. I rushed to his side and pulled up one of the chairs to sit beside him. My heart sank as I watched him lay completely still. His chest would move slowly up and down to indicate he's still breathing but...that was all. There was no sign of the energetic Octavio I knew.

  "What happened...?" I looked at my mom who held a clipboard to her chest then looked back to Octavio.

  "A couple of his friends, Ajay and Elliott brought him in earlier. He passed out during the games due to his stim." She explained.

  "His stim? How could that even happen? He uses it all the time!" Keep calm, Y/N.

  "His vitals were weak when he was brought in and Ajay was smart enough to keep a sample of the stim he was using since she noticed him getting dizzy when he used it. It's currently being tested but we believe it might have been spiked with some sort of toxin to sedate him."

  "But I don't understand...these legends kill each other for money and they're fine shortly afterwards. Why would some stupid toxin put him in this state?" I questioned, I've watched the games for years and understood the legends were never actually hurt. This didn't make any sense.

  "As much as I disagree with the idea of the games, I know they don't actually die because of how the games are programmed and the advanced technology that is used. This toxin wasn't a part of the games, it was brought from outside which means it's not a part of the program." My mom explained.

  "So since it's not part of it, it hurt him for real..." I finished for her. She nodded to confirm the conclusion I had arrived at. I looked back over to him. He looked so peaceful, not like the Octavio I knew who would constantly be bouncing off the walls. "What are you guys going to do?"

"He's currently hooked up to an IV to flush the toxins out of his system. We can't get any fluids into him orally or we'd risk him choking so we're doing it this way. Thankfully, the toxin doesn't seem lethal so once it's out of his system, he should wake up."

But how long would that take...?

  My mom noticed I wasn't saying anything and walked over to put her hand on my shoulder. We haven't been close lately but having her here was the comfort I needed at the moment. "I need to go check in on other patients but let me know if you need anything, okay?" She told me as she approached the door to leave. She looked back at me for a moment, "Hey, make sure to talk to him. He may not be able to respond but...coma patients are still able to hear the things going on around them." She then left, leaving the two of us alone.

My mind started to race, I had three different trains of thoughts going all at once. I was worried about him, I feel guilty about what happened between us before all of this. Who did this? Why would anyone do this to him?

  I ignored him and unclipped the necklace he had gifted me on our last date. I watched as his face shifted from panic to sadness as I dangled it in front of him. He held out his hand and I gave it to him. He finally moved out of my way and I opened the door and left, slamming it behind me.

  When the elevator doors opened, I saw a familiar face. The face of the bitch who cost me everything. She must have been on her way to see Octavio.

  "What happened to you?" She asked me as she exited the elevator in the fakest tone you could imagine.

  "You can have him." I muttered as I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the main floor.

Linda...that's who...

  It all made sense, she went to Tavi's apartment shortly after I left. We had a heated argument beforehand, something must've gone down between them to trigger her to act out. I wouldn't put it past her after I saw how batshit crazy she was in her entries.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly called Mr. Young. He was the last person I wanted to talk to since he's the one who fired me but I needed to make sure Linda couldn't do any more damage.

  This number is currently unavailable, please leave a message.

  "God damn it." I swore under my breath then tried calling Wattson.

  She picked up, thank god.

  "Natalie! I need to talk to you. It was Linda she's the one who-" I sounded like a rambling maniac.

  "Y/N slow down. We know. We got the evidence from Crypto this afternoon. Mr. Young was going to contact you tomorrow to offer your job back."

  Well, that's a relief but not exactly the priority right now.

  "What happens next? She could have killed him, Nat."

  "Y/N...Linda is gone."

  "What the hell do you mean she's gone?!" I raised my tone, I didn't mean to but I really couldn't help it right now.

  "Mr. Young went to confront her and her office was already cleared out. She made a run for it, Y/N." Natalie explained to me slowly.

  "We can't let that bitch get away with it!" I normally wasn't so hostile. Getting me fired was already over the line but going after someone I for deeply was just asking for trouble.

  "She won't get away with it, Y/N. What she did was illegal and Mr. Young wouldn't pass up an opportunity to make money. Just be there for Octavio and we'll take care of the rest, okay?"

  I sighed in defeat, I wanted in on the action of taking her down but deep down I knew Natalie was right. The best thing I could do was be here for him just like he was always there for me. I reached out my hand to hold his, I gently caressed his hand with my thumb.

  I didn't really know what to say, I felt many emotions all at once. I was angry for what that bitch did, I felt guilty that part of it was my fault, I was worried about Tavi because I didn't want to lose him. I couldn't lose him. I decided to just say what's on my mind.

  "I know it's been rough between us lately..." I took a deep, shaky breath in an attempt to keep myself from crying. My chest felt tight and it was getting difficult to hold it together but I did my best. "I'm sorry that this happened to you, I never knew she'd go this far."

  I really didn't know where I was going with this, there was so much on my mind but I couldn't put it into words.

  "If what my mom said is true and you can really hear me right now. I just want you to know that I lo..."

I took a deep breath, I need to stop beating around the bush and just say it already.

  What if he doesn't feel the same? I've been pushing him away...No! Enough with that. I'm going to say it.

  My heart pounded in my chest, I was so nervous to say it especially since I wouldn't get a response. I wouldn't know if he felt that strongly about me in return, especially after I hurt him.

  "I love you, Tavi." I then leaned down and planted a kiss on his forehead.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I'm really happy to be back and uploading consistently again. I might be making an Octane imagines book so if you have any requests/suggestions feel free to comment or dm me! (The more ideas, the better!) Also please consider leaving a vote as it helps with motivation. Until next time, xoxo <3

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