Strange love (one shot Book)

By JiraLucifuge

1.9K 33 21

Each chapter will be a one shot with a different ship if you like a chapter tell me and i will make a chapter... More

Death cant stop love
Not dominant enough

Strange Love

1.2K 17 6
By JiraLucifuge

UA 2 Month After the War opposing the hero and villain the peace was finally back thank to the class green bean Izuku Midoriya the last Holder of One For All who After the War decide to go chase the villain to end AFO reign of terror over Japan. Thank to him and Star and Strips the LOV and AFO were Taken down pretty quickly. After that Izuku came back to UA but is classmate couldn't help to notice that Izuku change since the start of the War he was far more confident stronger more talkative but sometime he just left UA without explanation confusing is Friends . Some like mina and Uraraka tried to Ask where did he go but his anwser was Always the same "home i wanted to see my familly" confusing Bakugo who thought ( the nerd father came back ?) But all this confusion was replace by excitation when UA annonce that the familly are allowed to visit the student during one week end every student were happy to be able to see their familly and some started to pray to not being embarassed by their parents.

Class 1a dorm week end of the visit :

Bakugo(i'm dead the old hag is going to embarrass me in front of everyone )

Mina: i'm so happy that our parents can visit *jump arround clearly excited *

Kirishima*chuckle* mina calm down you are going to be tired for the rest of the day if you continue

Momo: i hope everything is going to go well since we started UA everything that we tried to to that was not studies in the classroom didnt go as planed

Jirou: most of the time you are the optmist one but yeah i can see why you are a little anxious

Denki: hey guys did you see this morning cementoss came to make the front door of the dorm bigger did he tell one of you why ?

Iida: no he didnt tell but i think it's to be sure everyone can enter the dorm they dont know IS one of us have a relative with a giants type quirk

Todoroki: i think Iida is right *slurp his soba*

Uraraka: did any of you saw deku-kun today

The whole class- Uraraka: training

Uraraka*sweatdrop* i see he never stop

Ojiro: never and it's impressive to be honest he as such a resolve to always do better just to be able to save more and more people it's *get cut*

Kirishima : MANLY ! *Look at ojiro* sorry

Ojiro*shake his head and laugh a little* it's alright

Izuku*enter the dorm* hello everyone

Class1a: Hello Deku-kun/Midori/Midoriya/Fuck you nerd

Izuku: does any of you know when our familly while be here ?

Iida: Principal Nezu told us that UA will open for the familly in 30 min

Izuku:heh ? I will not have the Time to take a shower !

Aizawa: and you right about that problem child because we already let the familly enter UA ground *everyone minus Izuku familly enter the dorm and start going to their kid * good Luck problem child * just goes in a corner of the room with a grin waiting for the chaos to start*

Every familly started to talk and catch up during some minute before in one familly a question was asked

Uraraka mom: so sweetie who is this boy that you love so much

Uraraka*blushes* mom please !

Uraraka mom: what i just want to know if he is a nice person

Uraraka*point to Izuku who is talking with Bakugo mom*

Uraraka dad: where are is parents ?

Uraraka: i dont know they should be here

???: IZUKU !!!!!!

Izuku*place himself to be ready*

???*jump on Izuku and start to cry water fall style* MY BABY BOY I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU

Izuku*smile* hey mom i'm happy too

Inko*hug Izuku tight* i hope you aware that i didnt come alone

Izuku*sigh* i know and i know you are not letting me go because i will run away but let the chaos begin

???*kick open the door* Oi Mama green bean you need to wait for us i'm not in the best condition to run arround right now !

????*enter behind ???* I dont think you should enter like this Kaina it's not very polite *clearly nervous*

Kaina: I dont give a Fuck Ippan where is my therapy brocoli

Izuku*wave a little* hey

Kaina: ...

Ippan*run to Izuku just lift him to hug him* IZU!!!!!

*just imagine she look happy and smilling*

Izuku*struggle* help !

Kaina*sigh and shake her head* Ippan let Izuku go i dont want him to be all broken for the day

Ippan* let Izuku go* oh i'm sorry Izu i Always forget

Izuku*catch is breath and chuckle* it's okay dont worry *look arround* wait someone is missing where is e*get cut*

???*run into the dorm* AND THE SUPER SNOWBALL IS HERE !!! * Jump on Izuku*

Izuku*get headbut in the stomach* GAH ! (Fuck it's hurt more that before did she became stronger WTF is she doing with the Big Three when i'm not here ) hey Eri you seem excited today

Eri: yeah i want to see grandma

Izuku*Fake hurt* oh i see you dont want to see me

Eri*hug Izuku* no i want to see you too papa

Kaina: hey Green bean why everyone is looking at us like that ?

Mina: who are you you two ? *Point to Kaina and Ippan*

Uraraka: and what are you relationship with deku-kun *clearly jealous because of the hug between Ippan and Izuku *

Kaina: I'm Kaina Tsutsumi and for my relationship with Izuku it's simple * goes to Izuku and grab him by the collar before kissing him*

Izuku*kiss back*

Kaina*break the kiss and look at the class* other question ?

Uraraka*in total shock*( how why when where what ?)

Mina*in shock too* what but i ship Midori and Uraraka

Izuku: heh ?

Kaina: too late the bean is mine

Ippan*clear her throat*

Kaina: my Bad, he is ours *point to herself and Ippan*

Mineta: HOW ?!!

Izuku: it's hard to explain

Kaina: Can i sit please i'm not at top shape since  this potato head bastard  made me blow up

Izuku*catch a chair with black whip* sure

Kaina: hmm nice quirk i Hope you know how to use it i*get cut*

Ippan: Kaina ! *Point to Eri*

Kaina: ah yeah my Bad

Endeavour: nice to see you are better since last time nagant

Kaina*look at Endeavour* what are you doing here since when you are a teacher ?

Endeavour: my son studie here

Kaina:i see

Endeavour: i Hope nothing happen to you or this fox lady again i really dont want to face the kid again

Kaina: heh ?

Aizawa: wait nobody told you ?

Izuku*start to sweat and look for a place to run*

Aizawa: After AFO make you blow up Izuku went berserker the little bastard was even attacking Heroes who tried to stop him because he was injured

Kaina* morph her arm and aim at izuku* dont moove Izuku

Izuku*under his breath* shit

Kaina: when you said injured what do you mean ?

Aizawa: i mean that he used black whip to moove like a puppet

Kaina*look at Izuku and charge her arm with a bullet* explain now

Izuku*put his hands up* okay okay calm down i'm going to explain

Mina: you need to explain how do you know them too

Izuku*sigh* sure... So it's started After i beated muscular ass during my Time as a vigilante


Izuku*jumping arround* i need to find shigaraki and AFO fast

???: I just want to go to a refuge please i'm not a villain !!!

Izuku*dash toward the voice and see a giant women getting attacked by civilians *

I'm skipping a Big part of the encounter because it's like in canon


???: Thank you so much mister hero

Izuku: just call me deku if you want to find a refuge UA is a good choice you should go there

???: Do you think they will accept me ?

Izuku: yes why?

???: Because of how i look ?

Izuku*tilt is head* what the problem with your look

???: People Say that i look like a Monster because i'm tall and because of my quirk

Izuku: but you look cute *realize what he said * wait i didnt mean to *get cut*

???: You really mean it ?

Izuku*blushes hard under is Mask and look away* yes

???(he is the first one to not treat me like a freak ) thank you so much

Izuku: you should go now miss it's dangerous for you to stay so long in the streets

???: Yeah thanks you for everything mister deku and i Hope i can see you when the Heroes win *smile*

Izuku(she believe in us )

Timeskip to nagant battle Izuku didnt break nagant canon but just restrain her and tackle her on the ground

Izuku*on top of nagant  blocking her canon* please nagant you could still help us changing this society


Izuku: we will take them down you me Hawks Endeavour mister Aizawa and the other at UA i know they will help us

Nagant*stare at Izuku not sure on what to do*

Izuku*his cold act as a vigilante start to crumble little by little * please nagant we need you *tear up* i dont want to fight people like you who are great people that society as broken * let her canon go *

Nagant*aim at izuku head*

Izuku:you could shoot if you want

Nagant: i will if you dont get off me

Izuku*let himself fall on the ground next to her *

Nagant: so what now ?

Izuku: let's find shigaraki and AFO together and stop villain arround the city at the same Time

Nagant: sure

Izuku: no killing if possible

Nagant: i hate killing anyway...... In 1 week i have a meeting with AFO we could go there to stop him


Hawks*arrive on the roof and see the two on the ground* What the hell Midoriya

Izuku: what she will help us

Hawks* look at nagant*

Nagant: need something chicken wings ?

Hawks: Yep shigaraki is fighting star and strips

Izuku*stand up* where

Hawks*show izuku the location*

Izuku: nagant ! Jump on my back

Nagant: heh ?

Izuku: i will fly to where they fight WE need to help SAS

Nagant*jump on his back*

Izuku*dash away*

Hawks: this kid his crazy

With Izuku and nagant during the Travel

Izuku: Can you stand in the air as long as you want with you second quirk ?

Nagant: Yep

Izuku: perfect (fa jin) *boost himself and arrive to the fight just before shigaraki touch SAS *let nagant go and rush at shigaraki*

Nagant*use air walk and charge her arm* let see if you can really change this World kid

Izuku*arrive in front of shigaraki and kick him with Ofa at 50% and Fa jin*

Shigaraki*fly back*

Izuku: are you okay? *look at star and strips*

SAS: who are you kid ?

Izuku: i'm deku ex hero in training at UA and this is nagant *point toward nagant *

SAS: what do you mean ex hero in training ?

Izuku*ready himself to fight* i left UA to find and stop shigaraki and AFO now it's not that i dont want to talk with you but we need to fight

SAS: how my quirk dont work on him !?

Izuku: because you need to use his name but he dont even know himself who he is ! Try things on yourself or on the environnement* rush at shigaraki with Ofa at 50%*


The two lauch a punch at each other creating a shockwave arround. After this start the two started to trade blow but izuku was slowly loosing but before shigaraki could lend a fatal blow on Izuku nagant shot his arm destroying it  but shigaraki manage to heal it but this shot gave a Idea to SAS


Nagant*turn toward SAS* What ?!

SAS: give me one or two or your bullet fast !

Nagant*give 2 bullet to SAS*

SAS: *use New order on  the first Bullet* Bullet now can stop healing quirk *sigh* i Hope this one work *use New order one the second bullet* bullet become a Quirk erasing bullet *give the bullet back to nagant * shoot the anti heal one first if we can injure him the second one is a sure hit

Nagant: and if the second one dont work ?

SAS: let's Hope the kid is strong enough ton beat this Monster if that thé case

Nagant*aim at shigaraki and shot is leg with the anti heal bullet*

Shigaraki*take the shot in the leg and try to regen* what the hell * Look at nagant* YOU BITCH *try to rush nagant*

Izuku*catch shigaraki with black whip* your fight is with me Shigaraki ( i need to go all out please guys help me) *start to power up OFA at 100% *

After powering up at 100% izuku started to fight shigaraki giving him Big injurie and giving nagant a window to try the  second bullet

Nagant*shoot the second bullet*(please work !)

Shigaraki*take the bullet in the shoulder and start to fall* ( what the hell i cant fly anymore *try to use another quirk * i cant use my quirks anymore )

Izuku*catch shigaraki by the hand* i got you !

Shigaraki: what did you do you do to me i cant use my quirks and i dont ear master voice !?

SAS: we erased your quirks

Izuku*pissed because he thinks that a bullet created with Eri blood* you used one of those bullet ?!

SAS: that was one of nagant bullet that changed with my quirk

Nagant: good news the two bullet worked nice job number one now *point her canon toward shigaraki head* we need to finish the job

Izuku: hey stop that he is quirkless now and yes i wanted to stop him but i tried to save him too !!

Nagant: save him ? He is a villain !

Izuku: and didn't you tried to kill me for AFO ?!

Nagant*eyes widen* i-i i didnt want too it's was just m'y only option at the moment

Izuku: do you think he wanted to be a villain ?!

Shigaraki ( what the hell why are you doing this for me ?)

Izuku: i make a promise to is fucking grandma and i'm going to keep it !

Shigaraki: what do you mean my grandma she's dead !

Izuku: dont you remember my quirk smart ass i can talk to her with it

Shigaraki*look at Izuku* why did you make this promise to her

Izuku: because hero dont only people lives they save people heart too *smile*

Shigaraki*look down*

Izuku: so now what do we do ? We have one week until your meeting with AFO nagant

Nagant: we could ask shigaraki where is AFO

Shigaraki: i dont know honnestly he keep warping in and out of the base all i know is he have a bullet made from this kid you saved and he want to use it but i dont know how

SAS: i didnt think you would give us so much information

Shigaraki: i lost i can see it and knowing with you and nagant you have infinite quirk erasing bullet glitch that's too OP even him cant win it's like trying to beat a challenger when you are *get cut *

Izuku: hardstuck bronze 30% winrate

Shigaraki*laugh* yeah exactly let me guess main support ?

Izuku: yeah ? Let me guess main jgl perma toxic ?

Shigaraki: Fuck you egirl

Izuku*smirk* jgl gap

Shigaraki: oh give me my quirk back i'm going to beat your ass !

Nagant: shut up !

Izuku*Whisper* she's main ADC

Shigaraki*Whisper back* yeah otp caitlyn

Izuku*smile* i can see it

Nagant: Fuck you i'm main mid and we dont have Time for your shit we are above the fucking ocean van we go back on land

Izuku: sure * take shigaraki on his back and nagant bridal style* let's go *Blitz toward Japan*

SAS:did i just witness one of the most dangerous villain alive a ex pro Hero and and ex hero in training / vigilante become Friends because of a video game ? ...... What the hell ?!

After this fight shigaraki was given to naomasa who took care of him during the time of the war. With Izuku and nagant the two started to hunt villain together the bond between becoming stronger with each day passing the last day just before thé meeting with AFO the two had a little fun night together but none of the two confess thinking that the other just wanted a one night stand.

Inside the Manor where nagant was suppose to meet AFO

Izuku*look arround* he his not here let's go back

Nagant: that strange

Before the two left the Manor a hologram appear with AFO face

AFO: Ah Izuku Midoriya and Lady Nagant i knew the two of you would come

Nagant: if you knew that i was going to betray you why did you gave me a quirk a send me to him ? *Raise an eyebrow*

AFO*chuckle* that simple i wanted you to betray me because like that he was far more easy to harm

Nagant*understand what is happening and take a couple of step back *

Izuku: what do you mean AFO?

AFO: what i mean is i wanted the two of you to be close to harm you and break you but i didnt think you would become this close *laugh* now remember kid *point to Izuku* Your next

Izuku* turn toward nagant * KAINA !

Nagant*some crack appear on her face* i love you Izuku *blow up blasting destroying the Manor)

After the explosion the group of hero following Izuku arrive at the scene and found Izuku hugging nagant body

Izuku*not even looking at the group* she's still alive take her to the hospital if she die or if the commision try to trow her in jail i swear that AFO nothing compare to what i will do to this fucking country* stand up*

Endeavour*in front of Izuku* Izuku you just take an explosion in the face you need some rest

Izuku*look at Endeavour in the eyes* out of my way now or i make you moove myself *activate OFA*

Endeavour: i will not moo* get cut by a punch in the stomach lauching him back *

Izuku: dont try to stop me i will kill this bastard i hope for all of you that when i come back Kaina his in a hospital bed and well* jump away*

Flashback end:

Izuku:After that i hunted AFO solo and you know the end

Kaina:dumbass why would you fight against hero ?!

Izuku: i was pissed ok ! This potato head motherfucker make you blow up right in front of me how did you want me to react ? Oh no Kaina anyway let's take a nap the blast hurt me

Kaina: hey dont start being sassy with me or i put a bullet in you kneecap

Izuku: try me Lady Tsar Bomba

Kaina*load her arm*

Eri: Mommy daddy stop fighting !

Kaina*look at Eri and Whisper at Izuku* you are lucky be ready tonight i'm taking my revenge

Izuku*Whisper back* Always ready

Kirishima: that explain for Lady Nagant and you Midobro but not for The fox lady and you

Ippan: After is win against AFO i started to visit him at the hospital because we was the first to treat like a normal person. After some Time i fall in love with him and After Kaina wake up we talked together and decide to share him

Bakugo: and for the commision ? If we need to kick some ass i'm up *smirk*

Izuku: we already took care of it with some pro Heroes after the War but SAS told me about the commision in America want to take it down too *smirk*

Bakugo: Fuck yeah ! When do we start ?

Izuku: soon dont worry.


Hey little one shop finish if you want more one shot like this tell me i will try my best
For my other stories i will update some soon just vote for the order ( i will update the one with the most vote first and comment on the name PLS that will help me see what stories have the most vote )

I'm the flame for hell

Betrayed huntress

True Hero

Broken hero (New storie to know what the storie will be go into m'y stories Idea)

Meme time

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