Broken Strings GxG (intersex)

By savage-_-potato

1M 52K 33K

Sequel to "The Violinist" Sam and Lola hate each other, one is a sweetheart while the other is the devil in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
To be continued...

Chapter 35

16.9K 967 328
By savage-_-potato


"Are you out of your mind!" Eliza yelled.

We were back to the changing room, Lola was sitting on the floor holding her side because Eliza punched her.

"Stop it Eliza! It's my fault!" I tried to stop her but my human strength was incomparable to her vampire one.

"We're going home now and you.." she pointed to Lola,

"I'll deal with you later" she threatened, Eliza tried to grab my hand but I took a step away from her. I stood between her and Lola so she gave me a confused look.

"I'm sorry Eli, I respect you like I respect my mothers but I'm not leaving her. Not like this" I kneeled down next to Lola and pushed her hair out of her face so I can get a better look at her cuts.

"Do you have anything in your bag that I clean your face with?" I asked her softly and she nodded. I pulled her bag to me and searched it, she had clean clothes and a steel bottle.

"The bottle has vodka in it" she explained, I nodded and grabbed a clean white shirt and put some alcohol on it.

"This is going to sting" I gently tapped the shirt on her face and she winced, her hand shakily grabbed my wrist and pulled it away so she can breathe since it must've hurt a lot.

"I'm sorry baby" I whispered and kissed her cheek, I cleaned her cuts and made sure not to miss anything.

"Your mom is going to kill me" Lola chuckled at her own words, I rolled my eyes and leaned to kiss her lips.

"Not before I do it first" Eliza who I forgot was still here said.

"How did you even find me?"

"Your mother isn't stupid, sending you to study in a different city without protection? Yeah right" One of her men walked in the room holding bandages, she handed them to me.

"As soon as you came back I was informed" she explained, I wrapped Lola's knuckles. I helped her up on her feet and took out her sweats from her bag so she can put them on.

"Thank you" she mumbled, I smiled at Lola and went to pick up her bag but Eliza beat me to it. I put my arm around Lola's waist and we all left the room.

"Where's the rest of my money?" Oscar asked standing right in front of us,

"Oh" Lola let go of me and turned to the side like she was looking for the money then swung her arm at him giving the man one punch he hit the wall and fell down unconscious.


When we reached my car, Lola went in the back and I went to the passenger side knowing that Eliza wouldn't let me drive when she's around.

"Can you take me to my house please? I need to get my sister" Eliza didn't say anything and started driving to Lola's house, she knew the way there somehow and I didn't question it.

"I'll go get her" Eliza said, she parked the car in front of the house, there was no sign of Lola's dad so I assumed he wasn't home yet.

"You don't have a key" Lola said but Eliza ignored her and just slammed the door shut, we both watched her while she made her way to the door. I was hoping she won't be using any of her vampire speed or strength because Lola was human and she'll most likely freak out.

I turned to look at Lola who was staring at the main door with a confused look, her eyes were squinted like she didn't understand something. A few seconds later the door to my car opened and Eliza sat a Daisy on my lap. Of course she doesn't care, she used her speed to get Daisy out as fast as she can.

"What...the fuck?" Lola mumbled, I knew this would freak Lola out. I looked at Eliza and she didn't even care, she shrugged her shoulders and drove away.

"Hello?! Are we gonna talk about your driver literally teleporting inside my house?!"

"Lola, I'll explain later I promise. Daisy is trying to sleep" Lola leaned back on her seat quietly, I could tell she had so many questions that needed to be answered.

About half an hour later we stopped in front of my house, the lights were off but I had a feeling my mom was still awake. We all got out, Daisy was still sleeping in my arms and Eliza grabbed Lola's bag.

"What was that earlier?" I heard Lola say next to me,

"Lola, it's complicated. I can't just drop a bomb on you like that" we made our way inside the house hoping to run into my mom, but of course with the luck we have the lights turned on and my mother was standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips.

She scrunched her face like she smelled something disgusting while staring between me and Lola, in a blink of an eyes she was in Lola's face.

" I smell you all over my daughter?" My mom in threatening tone, Lola stood there looking as confused and terrified as she can be, for two main reasons, one my mother just appeared in her face when a moment ago she was all the way across the room, and two, it's my mother of course Lola will be scared.

"Mom please, Daisy is sleeping. Let's talk later okay?" I kissed her cheek and made my way to Aurora's room, before I can open the door my sister yanked it open.

"Daisy?" She asked confused,

"Why is Daisy here? Is she okay?" Aurora asked again, we both walked inside the room and I laid Daisy on my sister's bed. Aurora sat on the edge with a soft smile, I could tell she was sad because she could tell Daisy was so sick.

"Make sure she sleeps well, okay sweetie?" I kissed Aurora's head and left the room to go check on Lola, to see if she was alive or not.

"What?!" My mom's voice echoed through the house, I ran to the living room to find my mom holding Lola by the collar while Eliza was leaning on the wall with her arms crossed watching the scene in front of her.

"You took my daughter where?!"

"Mom! Stop that! Put her down please" I tried to pull my mom's arm away from Lola but of course I failed miserably.

"I asked her to take me there, I swear mom. It's my fault, if you're going to yell at someone it should be me." I defended Lola because it was my fault after all, and knowing my mother she's not so forgiving.

"Sam, are you insane? What if Eliza didn't follow you there?!" She dropped Lola who winced softly at the impact, I went to her side and helped her stand on her feet. She was holding her side with a pained face.

"But I'm fine, right? Eliza was there on time, and nothing bad happened. So please let's talk about this later, can't you see she's hurt?" Before my mom could say anything else we walked away from her.

"Oh my! Lola? What happened to you?" My momma walked out of her bedroom,

"Just a little scratch Mrs Falcon" the redhead smiled softly, my momma rolled her eyes and gestured for both of us to follow her to the kitchen.

Lola and I sat on the stool and my momma grabbed a kitchen knife, I sighed knowing what she was going to do.

When I was a kid, and everytime I fell and the cut was too deep my mom would give me a little bit of her blood and I'll heal instantly, and since my momma was turned by my other mom she as well can heal with her blood.

My momma cut her palm a little and squeezed some of her blood in a small glass before sliding it towards Lola who's eyes were about to pop out of her head.

"Go on, you'll be good as new I promise" she reassured Lola who was staring at my momma's hand that didn't have a cut on it anymore,

"Am I dreaming? Am I seeing things or did your hand heal?" She asked sounding unsure, my momma brushed her hand on Lola's head pushing the hair away to take a good look at her face.

"If you want your face to look as good as before you need to drink this, before my wife finds out and kills all of us."

Lola gulped and turned to look at me, I nodded with a reassuring smile. She sighed and grabbed the glass chugging the whole thing without thinking, she shuddered in disgust and put her hand over her mouth.

"If it doesn't work I'm gonna kill myself" I heard her whisper, I chuckled and rubbed her back gently to try and make her feel better.

"Sammy baby, don't tell your mom about this okay?" My momma said in a whisper,

"Tell me what?" My mom appeared out of nowhere, Lola's face was slowly healing and the cuts on her knuckles were closing. She moved her arms around surprised that she wasn't feeling any pain anymore.

"Why did you do that Vivienne?! should've let her suffer" My mom scolded then turned around to leave the kitchen.

"Darling, the girl was in pain. We can't just leave her like that" my momma went after her, I rolled my eyes at them. I give them about five minutes or less and they'll be fine like they weren't mad at each other at all.

Lola had her head down still staring at her knuckles with a thoughtful look, I didn't know what she was thinking but it must be important so I didn't bother asking her what's wrong and we just sat there in comfortable silence.

Hi there! I hope you're having a better day than me lol



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