Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yu...

By Kamamo_

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[๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„๐’๐ˆ๐‚๐Š] _อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ_อŽ "๐Ž๐ง๐ž ๐ฅ๐š๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ค๐ข๐ฌ๐ฌ?" "๐ˆ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๏ฟฝ... More

[1st Chapter: The Far Shore.]
[2nd Chapter: Moonlight.]
[3rd Chapter; A fresh New Face]
[4th Chapter: Simpler times...]
[5th Chapter: A new club and Friends!]
๐Ÿฅ€[Chapter 6th: Teru Minamoto]๐Ÿฅ€
๐Ÿฅ€[7th Chapter: Stolen.]๐Ÿฅ€
[Chapter 8th: Tsukasa...?]
[Chapter Nine: Welcome back!]
[10th Chapter: Playdate]
[11th Chapter: The Realization Of An Obsession]
[12th Chapter: Sweet dreams~.]
[13th Chapter: A Loyal (Potential) Familiar.]
[14th Chapter: The Summer Demon!]
[15th Chapter: Marriage proposal.]
[16th Chapter: Girls day!]
[17th Chapter: Inheritance]
[18th Chapter: The True meaning of Fear]
[19th Chapter: The True Meaning of Fear, PT2]
[20th Chapter: Your Obedient Servant.]
[21st Chapter: Aftermath]
[22nd Chapter: A Picture Perfect Reality]
[23rd Chapter: As The World Caves In]
[24th Chapter: Mr.Hajime.]
[25th Chapter: Lovesick.]
[26th Chapter: Meant To Be Yours.]
[27th Chapter: Teachers Pet]
[28th Chapter: Escapism]
[29th Chapter: Secret Alliance.]
[30th Chapter: Love potion]
[31st Chapter: Befriending No.3!]
[33rd Chapter: Splinters.]
[34th Chapter: Alleyway]
[35th Chapter: Dangerously Yours]
[36th Chapter: Daddy's girl]
[37th Chapter: Baked Goods!]
[Regrets I have!]

[32nd Chapter: Bittersweet.]

521 14 13
By Kamamo_

"Who...?" Kenta tilted his head to the side. As I trembled. No... it can't be... "I- sorry! Haha! I'm- gosh... sorry, I must be mistaking you for someone else... please- please forgive me..." I held onto my arms as I tried to scotch over to the door. "But- seeing as you're okay right now! I'll be... leaving-"."WAIT-" Kenta yelled out, reaching an arm out. His body curved to face me properly. He started to blush immensely as he realised what he had done, and started waving his arms in the air.

"NONO- IT'S FINE! I SHOULD BE THE ONE APOLOGISING!" He calmed down, before scratching the back of his head. "I'm glad you came to visit... Y/n-san... Wait- I'm sorry!" He kept waving his hands in the air in an apologetic manner. "I meant Seimei-san! Sorry..." He looked at his hands.

I chuckled at his behaviour, and just waved a hand in the air. "Nono, it's perfectly fine! Please... call me Y/n." I said immediately. It was pure silence for a while, till I looked over at the door, and back at him- who seemed visibly uncomfortable. He was fidgeting with his fingers intensely, as he kept eyeing my lower body and the floor.

"So... Y/n-San... Thank you for visiting me... I really do appreciate it..." I finally grew the courage and looked him in the eyes, those... all too familiar eyes... "Yeah...! Of course..." And so! the return of the awkward silence. A little too quiet...

"Uh-" Kenta clears his throat, looking away shyly. 'Cute...' I muttered in my head. "This may seem a bit of an odd request... but when I get out of the hospital... would- would you mind letting me hang around you...? At school... I mean." He blurts out. "Wha-".

"I understand if you say no... I just- since I lost... Takeo and Hotaka... They were pretty much my only friends... and I understand if-" He pauses, before clenching on the hospital blanket. Tears threatened to pour from his eyes. "If you don't... I- just... Don't want to be alone... sorry...."

Kenta's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his vulnerability. I could see the pain etched on his face, a reflection of the loneliness he had endured. My heart ached for him, understanding the depths of his loss.

Without hesitation, I reached out and gently rested my hand on top of his trembling one. "Kenta," I began softly, "you don't have to apologise. Losing friends is never easy, and it's okay to feel scared and alone." I gulped, and I gave him a reassuring squeeze on his hand. "I understand... the loss must be so devastating.... But never blame yourself for those events... got it?"

He looked up at me, eyes filled with hope mingled with uncertainty. At that moment, I made a silent promise to myself - to be there for him, to offer him solace amidst the chaos of life. "I would be honoured," I said sincerely, "to have you by my side." I give a sheepish smile.

He returns the smile. It's creepy... on how close it is to his...


From then on. When Kenta had left the hospital, and returned back to school. He stuck to me like glue. Where I went, He went. A weird sense of deja vu... I also tried asking Sakura about Tsukasa and his whereabouts, but she'd just give a simple shrug of her shoulders, and return back to whatever she was doing. The broadcasting room... felt so- empty... and since no Tsukasa, meant no new rumours... for now at least.

"Morning Y/n-san~!" Keiji beamed at me. The white haired male slid his bag over the head of the chair, before seating himself. He saw me intensely looking at the front row of the desks, and saw the swarm of students surrounding the previous sickly boy, Fujii Kenta. The current topic of the entire school.

"Poor guy..." Keiji remarks, as he brings out a juice box and starts to drink from it. "Have you noticed how popular he's gotten?". I looked away from Kenta and his newfound fanclub, and looked at the white-haired boy. My brow raises in curiosity. "How so?" I leaned over on my desk some more, to get comfortable.

"Like- despite the whole... kidnapping jizz... He seems more confident, and there's something about this charismatic aura now surrounding him... it's kind of weird... don't you think?" Keiji says, eyeing Kenta. Natsuhiko soon enters the room, yawning. "Like... In choir yesterday, I remember him not even doing jackshit, but now he's the best singer in class... and his Grades have skyrocketed since he came back... isn't that- kind of weird?" He stated. Natsuhiko a little confused about the current topic.

"I guess so... was he always like that?" I looked over at Keiji, ignoring the annoying pest behind me. "Nah. I actually found him quite- creepy before... always took him for the perverted type... y'know?" I kick him in the shin, which results in his breath getting caught in his throat, as he winces in pain. Bending down to rub his now sore leg.

"Who's a what now?" Natsuhiko says, peering over my shoulder. I still not wanting to acknowledge his presence. "Don't say things like that, Keiji. But I get what you mean... Oh, and goodmorning Natsu." Natsuhiko beams at my words. Relishing in the new attention he's received. "My muse! I thought for a second I was dead... and you couldn't see me.... But to be recognised by such beauty brings pure bliss to my days~!" He whines, obviously teasing about our common ability that allows us to see the dead. Keiji just looks at him like a madman, before switching the topic back to Kenta.

"Also, he's been extremely clingy towards you the past 4 days he's been back, right Y/n?" Kenta looked over at me. Me just shrugging my shoulders in response. "Yeah... with my permission of course... I went to the hospital to visit him the other day, and he asked to basically be friends and hangout with one another... Says he'll be lonely considering what happened to Hotaka and Takeo." I blurted out, fatigue starting to settle in my body. 'God... how much spiritual energy have I been using lately...?'

"For real? But considering his popularity now... He doesn't really need to anymore... technically..." Keiji states... with a hint of- jealousy? In his voice. "He's got a point, not to mention the amount of times I had to pry him off of you, for when we had to get to the clubroom." Natsuhiko butts in. "Nahh, It's fine. I don't mind..." I yawned, resting my head on my arms, as they folded over my desk, creating a comfortable pillow for me to rest my head on.

Keiji and Natsuhiko just look at one another, before sighing. "If you say so..." They say in unison. And as if on cue, the bell rang out. Signalling to students that it's time for class. Before I drifted off to sleep... I caught a glimpse of Kenta in my peripheral vision... The image of Tsukasa popping in my head.



After 3 classes later. I sat at my desk. Tired and stressed out of my mind. Today feels agonisingly long... Like No.1 decided to slow down time just to specifically torture me.

"Hello, Y/n-san!~" Kenta beamed at me. I just lifted my hand up doing an awkward wave. My eyes still feeling heavy... Gosh... these past few days kind of suck... now realising it... The fake world, Mr. Hajime, Yuta, Tsukasa... as I grimaced at the thought of the current events. Kenta seemed to notice my now sour expression. Which made him to wave off his new friends, and to pay a little closer attention to my now sour mood.

"I was wondering if you'd like to eat lunch with me today~!" He said, already putting my desk and someone else's together, to elongate the table in a way. "My mom also packed a little too much... So would you like to have the extras she made? It's just- it'll be a shame to throw it away. Yknow?" He says with a toothy smile. That smile... it really does look like his...

"Oh- sure... I was actually originally gonna get lunch from the vending machine downstairs... so- thanks!" I say gleefully. Fixing my slumped over posture, to sit properly. That smile... those eyes... it's so uncanny...

He slid a nicely wrapped bento over to me, as he pried his own one open. He took his chopsticks and clasped his hands together. "Thank you for the food!" He said, and immediately dug into his food. I laughed at his childlike manner, before noticing a bit of his food on the corners of his mouth. I took the spare napkins beneath my desk, and rose up a bit so I could properly bend my upper body over the desk to reach his face.

"Gosh... you eat like a child... Be careful... okay?'' wait... didn't I already say this before? Oh yeah... to him... I really am going crazy...

It was a gorgeous day, and I was in a field with Tsukasa- in a boundary of sorts... just having a bit of a fun tea party. Tsukasa nibbled away at a piece of toast that was neatly spread with jam. Bits of crumbs scattering across his chin and mouth. I sighed as I took a napkin and cleaned his mouth. "Hehe...Gosh, you eat like a child... Be careful. Okay?" I retracted my hand, as I giggled softly at him. He only nodded before biting at his toast... recreating his previous state.

How long has it been since then...? A month? Maybe...? Kenta meanwhile froze in his spot, his eyes wide. "O-okay..." I went back to my seat, and unfolded the food Kenta gifted me. With a frown- I started to eat. These conflicting feelings that's been stinging at my chest the entire week have been nothing but bothersome... I could no longer properly focus... and it has been worrying Yuta and my friends... I wanna pinpoint the exact issue of why I've been feeling like this... Could it be- Tsukasa?

I stopped any movement, and stared down at my almost empty bento. Tsukasa... My first and loyal familiar... Could you be the source of my troublesome thoughts? I've always felt strange when I was near you... But I mistook that feeling for fear this entire time... hadn't I?

And here I am... looking at any guy that resembled you just a tiny bit... hoping it was you all along... As annoying as you were... you cared. More than anyone ever did. I loved yet feared that about you. I know almost little to nothing about you. Who is Amane? And why do you look eerily similar to No.7? How did you die? Why are you an apparition? How long have you been dead? All these thoughts and feelings for you are driving me crazy...

If only I could just-


Kenta snapped his fingers at me, to get me to pay attention to him. "Hey, What's the matter? You seem a little upset." He asked, fixing up both of our bentos and stuffing them in his bag once they were wrapped up. "Huh...? Oh..." I looked at my hands, and back to him. "Just- a lot on my mind right now..." Kenta stayed silent for a moment.

Kenta... reminds me a lot of you... Is it because of his eyes? His stature? Speech? Or that smile of his... It feels slightly uncomfortable, I do not regret my decision of welcoming him into whatever social circle I have... but- I guess whenever he's around me, a wave of nostalgia washes over me. And I hate it.

The sounds of the clicking clock on the wall only being the only sound that could be heard. "Want me to help distract you?" He tilted his head to the side, a big bright smile tugging at the corners of his lips."What-? How... so?" I furrowed my brows at him. Before he ruptly stood up, and took my hand.

"H-huh- what-" He hushed me, before he forcefully dragged me out of the room. As Kenta dragged me through the bustling school halls, my thoughts raced alongside my pounding heart. The noise of chattering students and echoing footsteps filled the air, creating a cacophony that drowned out any chance of coherent thinking.

Amidst the chaos, I struggled to keep up with Kenta's determined stride, my mind swirling with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.The hallways were crowded, bodies jostling against each other like waves crashing upon a shore. I could feel the occasional brush against my arm or shoulder, adding to the sensory overload.

Yet amidst this sea of faces and voices, I couldn't help but notice how Kenta effortlessly navigated the labyrinthine corridors, his grip on my hand unwavering. My thoughts flickered between uncertainty and anticipation.

What was Kenta planning? Why did he feel the need to whisk me away from the comfort of our classroom? And most importantly, would this distraction truly ease the weight on my mind? As Kenta pulled me along, my gaze inadvertently shifted to him.

I couldn't help but notice the subtle details that made up his person. His Amber eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, reflecting a depth of emotions hidden beneath his cheerful facade. The sunlight filtering through the windows danced in those enchanting eyes, casting an ethereal glow upon them.

His dark-brownish hair fell effortlessly over his forehead, framing his face with a casual charm. Strands of hair occasionally brushed against his cheek as he moved with purpose, adding to his dishevelled yet endearing appearance. There was something captivating about the way each strand seemed to have a mind of its own, refusing to conform to any particular style. As we maneuvered through the crowded hallways, I noticed how effortlessly Kenta navigated the chaos around us.

His movements were fluid and graceful, almost as if he possessed an innate sense of rhythm amidst the cacophony. It was as if he had carved a path for us through this sea of bodies, ensuring our journey remained uninterrupted.In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a growing curiosity towards Kenta.

Beneath his playful demeanour and infectious smile, there seemed to be layers waiting to be unravelled. And as we ventured further away from the familiar confines of our classroom. We descended the grand staircase, each step leading us closer to a place I hadn't visited in what felt like an eternity.

The school's garden awaited us, its lush greenery and blooming flowers providing a stark contrast to the bustling hallways we had just left behind.As we reached the bottom of the stairs, I couldn't help but be drawn towards a familiar sight. There it stood, majestic and serene—the willow tree. Its long, graceful branches swayed gently in the breeze, as if beckoning me to come closer.Memories flooded my mind as I approached the tree.

This was where Tsukasa and I would spend countless hours, seeking solace beneath its comforting shade. We would share secrets, dreams, and laughter within these hallowed grounds.But now, standing here with Kenta by my side, I couldn't help but feel a bittersweet pang of nostalgia."Why did you bring me here..." I asked, my voice laced with curiosity and a hint of confusion. Kenta turned to face me, his eyes sparkling mischievously as he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

Without saying a word, he let go of my hand and darted ahead, his excitement palpable in every step."Thought this place would cheer you up!" he exclaimed, his words floating towards me on a playful breeze. His sing-song voice carried a sense of whimsy and warmth that instantly lifted my spirits. "Considering it does for me... and not many things can do that, y'know~"

I watched as Kenta disappeared into the distance, his figure blending seamlessly with the vibrant surroundings of the school garden. The air was alive with the scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves. It was as if nature itself had conspired to create the perfect backdrop for our impromptu adventure.

As I followed in Kenta's footsteps, a mix of emotions swirled within me. I couldn't deny the twinge of nostalgia that tugged at my heartstrings—the memories of this place intertwined with moments shared with someone else. But there was also a growing anticipation, an eagerness to discover what new experiences awaited us beneath the shade of the majestic willow tree.

With each step closer to Kenta and further away from the past, I felt a renewed sense of guilt. Memories of running around, and acting like children with Tsukasa was a thought I grimaced at.

I really do miss him... Huh...?

As I approached the willow tree, a mix of emotions swirled within me. The memories of laughter and secrets shared with Tsukasa were bittersweet, but Kenta's presence brought a sense of whimsy and warmth that lifted my spirits.

As I reached the willow tree, its branches swaying gently in the breeze, a rush of emotions washed over me. The nostalgia for the past mingled with the anticipation of new experiences. It was as if this place held both my cherished memories and the promise of something yet to come.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" Kenta said into my ear, which made me jump. "AH! Oh... nothing..." He just chuckles as he plops down onto the ground... Where Tsukasa would normally sit... "You keep saying that, yet you always look like your head is in the clouds. Like your mind is elsewhere..."

I sat beside him cautiously. Sitting with my legs up to my chest along with my arms, Which were wrapped around them to hold them in place. "Maybe.. It's not just nothing... but It's too complicated to say what my thoughts are... or why I'm thinking them..." I leaned backwards, so I could rest up against the tree. "But when I do find the words, I'll tell you."

Kenta only just nodded happily, before his eyes travelled to the sky. The sky was clear, and the perfect blue hues danced wonderfully around the sun. The scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves created a perfect scenery for us to relish in.

But amidst the joy and peace, guilt gnawed at my head. Thoughts of Tsukasa and the confession made me grimace. I couldn't help but miss him, I couldn't ignore the conflicting emotions within me. The memories with Tsukasa were intertwined with feelings of guilt and longing. That's when a thought crossed my mind... a thought that'll forever plague my pathway onwards.

Am I... In love with him?

No... That'll be- wrong of me! My family's life work! What they stood and sacrificed for! Would all be in vain if I... a descendant of a well known Samurai and Exorcist...- I gripped my school uniform. The intensity of my thoughts gnawing at me. For- how long? For how long did I have these feelings for him?

When we first met? Nah, can't be- I don't believe in love at first sight... hell of mirrors? No- The playdate we had 3 months ago? No- couldn't be that either... Or could it be... When we first kissed?

Goddamnit... Get a grip Y/n! You are a Seimei! And a Seimei is not to feel- such... trivial.... Feelings... for his kind...... That's when my phone started to buzz like crazy.

"Kenta..." I kept my voice low, but just loud enough so Kenta could hear me. "Yes~?" He said rather playfully. "I have to go-" I lifted my head up as my body started to relax. "D'aww... shame! But alright... See you at class later~" He waved me off, as he continued to toy with the falling leaves.

Welp... off to see Yuta!


"And... these are?" Yako, who was in her little fox form, Questioned Yuta. He held a neatly wrapped box... like a form of a present...? "A gift... for helping me." Yako circled the box, giving it a quick whiff before her little fox eyes widened.

The smell of Citrus and Pomegranates filled her senses. It smelled... sweet? Despite both being somewhat sour fruits. "And what are the contents within this suspicious box, hmm?" She anxiously questioned the boy that suspiciously looked like her Mizaki...

"Well... It's a Kimono. Along with some hairpins and extra accessories." He awkwardly responded. Heat rising to his face.

Yako's fox ears perked up at the mention of a kimono. The thought of wearing a new one made her tail wag with excitement. But why would Yuta give her such a thoughtful gift? Was there something more behind it?

As she carefully unwrapped the box with her teeth, delicate fabrics revealed themselves. The kimono was a vibrant shade of crimson, adorned with intricate floral patterns. Yako couldn't help but run her paws across the smooth silk, marvelling at its beauty.

It was beautiful... but this made her even more suspicious at Yuta. "Do you like it? It cost me a fortune." He chuckles nervously, hoping that she'd be swayed knowing it cost a lot of yen. "I guess..." Yuta beams at this, before scooping her in his arms. Giving her gentle pats on her head. "I'm glad! But Thank you Mizaki stai- I mean, Yako." He corrected himself. She soon whips her head over at Yuta, ready to throw some insults his way just for being human. Before the sound of a loud door gets busted open.

"YUTA! I NEED YOUR- help........?" She said, as she looked from Yuta, and then at Yako. 

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