
By Fandomlover2million

143 14 368

3 k-pop boy groups decide to meet up for their break as their staff had something fun for them. These groups... More

Files: Info: Stray Kids
Files: Info: Tomorrow By Together
Files: Info: Enyhpen
Files: Info: Group 1
Files: Info: Group 2
Files: Info: Group 3
Files: Info: Group 4
Files: Info: Group 5
Files: Info: Group 6
Files: Info: Rules
Files: Info: Items Info


13 1 9
By Fandomlover2million

Chan bolted to the other room, along with the other two in the same room as him. When they reached his dorm area, they saw Jungwon breathing heavily and Ni-ki trying to calm him down. It seemed that he was having a panic attack. Next to them lay Han, who was sleeping peacefully with his hand laid out next to Ni-ki, and his palm faced up. His watch was also glowing red?

    'That's not normal' Chan and some others thought as they looked at their own. On their watches, it was glowing green, but Jisung's was abnormal. He decided to first calm the younger kids before moving to Han's condition but it seems like Lee Know had already gotten to it.

    "Jungwon, Ni-ki? What happened? Who screamed?" Chan asked while sitting next to them.

    "Well I was the one who screamed, and the thing is," Ni-ki started and looked over at Jungwon who seemed to calm down after a little bit.

    "Well, we were gonna wake up Han right? But the thing was that Han wasn't waking up at all. But y'know we thought that was normal because you said Han was a heavy sleeper and he slept late last night. But he didn't even wake up when we blasted loud music and splashed some water on him! He still didn't wake up. So we started to shake him and Ni-ki shouted. The reason he did so was because he had turned Han's hand over and saw red and it startled him. But then we thought that wasn't good and we checked his heartbeat and the thing is..." Jungwon started rambling.

    "The thing is what?" Lee Know asked patiently as everyone held their breath.

    "The thing is that he's kinda burning up. A lot. And his heartbeat is irregular." Ni-ki continued.

    "He may have a fever? But we should go get some medicine." Jungwon suggested.

    "A what? Fever?" Minho says as he gets up quickly. Felix took his spot next to Han to check up on him.

    "I'm gonna head to the pharmacy then, who else wants to come? Only one other person has to come, I just don't want to go alone," Minho shouted as hurriedly tried to find the car keys. "And where are the damn car keys!?" He shouted looking at the others with visible panic in his eyes.

    "Found them hyung! I'll come with you, just drive safely please-" Jay says trying to lighten the older's mood.

    "Ok! Everyone, just try to keep yourself busy while we go, and-" Minho starts to say before he gets cut off by a screech.

    "Testing, 1 2 3, is this working? Ah there we go," A voice starts to come out from the speakers set up around. "Hello!"

    Everyone looked around, startled by the sudden presence. They tried to see if it was a familiar voice but it was unlike any of their staffs' voices. Chan and Felix immediately got closer to Han and the others grouped around them, trying to seek safety in numbers. A few were marking down the exits with their eyes and making escape plans in case anything were to go wrong.

    "Who are you? Are you one of our staff? If you aren't, how did you get in?" Chan yells out.

    "Hey hey, no need to yell. Dang, you are loud. And to answer your questions, 1- can't tell you, 2- Nope, and 3- can't say either. But I can assure you that none of you will get hurt," The androgynous voice exclaims.

    They all let out a sigh of relief till the voice says "Well at least not by me," with a hint of happiness in their voice.

    "What do you want from us? We don't have anything to give you except money, but I'm gonna assume you're one of our fans considering you already knew we were loud." Changbin says boldly.

    "What do I want? Hmm, I want you to play my game of course! That's what all the fans want anyway," The voice replies. "I already started editing your first episode, and wow, I didn't think it would take this long," they say while giggling.

    "Content?" They say, echoing what she explained. They glanced at each other confused about what he could be talking about.

    "Yes, content! I've been missing you all dearly," they say in a childish tone, "And I've been wanting some mixed content with all of you! And now my wish is true once again!".

    Again? They all thought. What could be going on here? How did a fan get in here all by themselves..., unless, someone in their staff helped them. But none of their staff was around to be seen, and they made sure to carefully lock the doors from crazed fans like them.

    "Anyway, you all probably have a million questions so I'll just do what I'm supposed to be doing before everything goes haywire again. ANYWAY! The game you have to play has already started! That's right, it was the Mafia and it seems like you've already found the first victim!!"

    "What? The first victim? This is a game, how-" Sunghoon says before he gets cut off.

    "Oh, but it's not 'just a game'. This. Is. Real! And that lil cutie right there is the first victim honey! Look how adorable he looks while he's sle-"

    "Ok! That's enough, but Han? Why? How? I don-" Taehyun starts before getting interrupted once again.

    "HEY! DON'T INTERRUPT ME WHILE I ADMIRE HAN! Ahem anyway, back to what I was saying. Yes, Han is the first victim and I guess you could say Ni-ki found the body as he was the first one to scream. Han was 'murdered' by one of you of course, that's how the game works, duh! But since this is the first round, we chose by random who killed him, so if one of you came across Han this early morning, congrats! You're one of the suspects!! That didn't do his job" they said while mumbling that last part.

    "Anyway, the impostors knew about this from like a couple of months ago. But they couldn't tell you since they would get killed! Isn't that funny?"

    The group sat in silence for a while as they digested this new information. A couple of seconds into a minute, into a couple of seconds. No one dared to say anything. They were put into a murder game? By none other than their fans? And now one of their friends is dead, and there are 6 people that they trusted who did this deed. Who could it be? That same question continued to race in each other's heads.

    "Han is dead?" Felix managed to get out. They all turned their heads in surprise to see the freckled boy tearing up. And soon one by one, they all started sobbing.

    How did a small meet-up change into something like this?

    "Ahem," the voice spoke, interrupting their crying. "Han isn't dead?"

    That one sentence took them out of their trance.

    "WHAT? You just told us that one of us had murdered Han, stop playing with us!" Lee Know shouts angrily.

    "I never said that. I said he was 'murdered', this is a game. He's just sleeping cus we put some drugs into his blood system using the watches you got. You were about to go outside to get medicine because he had a fever. Dead people don't fevers dumbass." The voice deadpans.

    "Wait drugs from the watches?" Seungmin says as some of them try to take off their watches. Others also tried to take Han's watch off. But to their dismay, they would not budge.

    "Good luck with that, those things will not get off. Believe me, I have seen it allll, and with that note, I'll also say that you're not allowed to leave the premises without permission. If you need anything, you'll get it delivered to you as soon as possible!"

    "WHAT!" Lee Know shouts once again, "Nope I still need to buy medicine. Jay, you have the keys let's go!". He says as he rushes towards the door. As he reaches there, he opens the doorknob and bam! He hits his shoulder into the door, and surprisingly it opens only to be hit with an excruciatingly painful electric shock.

    "Hyung!" Jay exclaims running to him only for him to be stopped by Lee Know telling him not to get closer for the fact that he may get shocked along with him.

    "Hey, what was that!?" Chan shouts at the voice.

    "He disregarded the rules, and that was his punishment. If any one of you breaks any of the rules, you'll get an electric shock. The next is more painful than the last." they explained calmly.

    Lee Know walked back in calmly and sat down next to Han. He held his hand and placed it on his cheek. Felix being right next to him got closer and patted his back. Suddenly they heard a large bang in the kitchen. Hurriedly Soobin and Sunoo went in only to see a cardboard box next to the back door.

    They brought it over and opened it to see all types of fever medicine. They instantly took one they recognized out and poured it into a medicine cup to help Han drink it. As they gave the medicine to Chan, Lee Know was looked over at by Changbin and Hyunjin. The others kind of stood awkwardly to the side.

    "Well since that's all over, the last thing I have to say is that there are some items that'll help you around! You'll know it when you see it. Also, you have a meeting aroundddddddddddd 10 minutes! You'll meet in the main living room on the ground floor. Talk to you till then! Tata~" The voice cuts off, leaving a very awkward silence as Stray Kids members check up on each other and TXT and Enha are left standing there.

    Feeling kind of useless, Yeonjun tugged at Soobin's sleeve and took Changbin over to the 1st-floor living room to help him get space from the surroundings. Others saw them do so, and slowly they dissipated. Heeseung and Beomgyu left with I.N. Hyunjin left with Seungmin. Jake, Jay, and Chan left to go look for items. Everyone else excluding Lee Know, Felix, and obviously Han left to take care of other things, leaving the two to their space.

    "Han," Felix says weakly.

    "Felix, we should go do something too, okay? Han will be okay! I'm sure of it this can't end like this right," Minho says while rubbing his back comfortingly while staring at Han sadly.

    "But, what if they take him away!? What if something happens to him while we aren't here!? I'm staying! I will not have anything happen again!" Felix says pushing Minho away to pick up Han and hold him in his arms protectively.

    "Felix..., fine. Wait here then, I'm gonna make breakfast for everyone," Minho says, getting up quickly and rushing out of the room.

    Felix was left alone with his thoughts. He put Han slowly back down but didn't let go of the other's hand. Sitting in silence, there was nothing to do but just be there. He sighed and stared at Han's face. He looked so peaceful, like he was just asleep, not just slowly dying.

    He brought his hands to his face to cup his cheeks solemnly. "I miss your smile,...". Suddenly Felix stood up and went to the main living room where the meeting would take place. He messages everyone to get there ASAP.

    "FELIX?? IS ANYTHING WRONG!? WHAT HAPPENED?" Chan shouts while 'calmly' walking into the living room with some other stressed members and friends, checking over the younger Aussie.

    "Nothing happened," Felix says while softly taking the worried older's hand off his shoulder. He looks over at the accumulating group and says "I can't wait any longer so let's just get this over with fast. I don't want anyone to take out the blame because it was chosen at random."

    "What will happen afterward though?" Someone asks.

    "I don-"

    "You'll find out soon enough. Just get started, you already decided that you wanted to push it up making it harder for us, assho-"

    "OKAYYY! HI! It's me again!! Doing ok? Well since you decided you want to start it now, we had to start up everything needed quickly. So sorry for the interruption!"

    "Anyway, don't mind us, we're just here to make sure that nothing will go wrong! Not that anything will..."

    "Okay?" Felix says. "Anyway, I don't want us to keep sulking instead let's just act now. I don't think I can handle the wait at all".

    "Well, how do we start this then?" Ni-ki asks.

    "Well, I'm just gonna come out and say this but I saw Han last night. I was out on the deck for some air and he visited me after going to the bathroom I think? But then I saw him off and nothing happened." Jungwon said.

    "Han was up last night?" Hyunjin asks.

    "Yeah, he was," Chan answers. "He went to the kitchen where I was and had some water and tried to make me cuddle with him. But before that, he went to the bathroom so I headed back and I think I fell asleep before he got back?"

    "I can vouch that he went to the bathroom." Soobin interrupted, "I passed by him on the way there and he got scared".

    "I wonder why?" Yeonjun says sarcastically trying to lighten the serious mood.

    "Well, so that means you three are now suspects, so is there anyone else that was up in the early morning or late night?" Jay questions looking over the group seeing that everyone was shaking their heads excluding those three.

    "Well now what?" Jake asks.

    "Well, the strange voice said that the person had an opening for murder but they didn't take it so, it has to be somewhere where they were isolated together," Changbin says.

    "By that logic, that means Soobin couldn't have done it. They only passed by each other from what we've heard and there's not much room in the hallway it would have been awkward to get so close in the dark when one is going to the bathroom and the other returning for it. You get what I mean?" Heeseung says in a soft voice.

"So that eliminates one person out of three, so you two have to tell us what you both were doing up and what you did with Han," Seungmin says staring them in the eye.

But as soon as Seungmin stopped talking, they heard static. From where though?

As they turned to the noise, they realized it was coming from Changbin who looked panicked and took out a black rectangular object. As they surrounded him to get a better look, they found it out to be a two-way radio.

"Where did you find that?" Ni-ki asks.

    Yeonjun and Chanbin gave each other a glance and Changbin spoke up and said that when they all split up and Soobin went to get water, they both found the walkie-talkie hidden under the sofa.

"Well then, what are you waiting for?? Try and tune it!!" I.N. says.

"Maybe we can even ask for help?" He whispers making sure 'they' can't hear.

Settled around Changbin and Yeonjun in a circle, they started to fiddle with the radio. Desperately trying to tune into the station in which someone was trying to communicate with them. They had even found out that their radio was labeled 3 which meant there were two other radios that could communicate with them.

As everyone around them started losing hope and started getting tired, they finally tuned in as a crisp murmur came out of the speaker.

"Hello??" Changbin yells desperately.

"Anyone there?" Yeonjun buts in.

As they sat in silence waiting for the other side to answer, one voice stood out in particular as they answered back.

"Changbin? Yeonjun?" A voice answered back.

The two looked at each other in surprise and looked at their friends.

"You know our names?" Changbin asked suprisedly.

"What do you mean I know?? Of course, I know, how could you forget meeee?" The voice yelled through.

Changbin recognized the voice however he couldn't tell where he had heard it from. As people started to crowd him, he started racking his brain. Where had he heard this voice? A fanmeet? In the airport? A concert?

Then it clicked. It was a fast motion as Changbin grabbed the radio out of Heeseung's hands and the poor guy almost fell forward from the force.

"Wait aren't you-"


Word count: 2781 words
Date Finished: 11/01/23
Date Published: 11/01/23
Date Edited: N/A


Hii!! Sorry for the very late update, and I'm sorry for the short chapter as well 😭. I can't believe it took this long for another chapter 😭

I'm also sorry if it feels like this chapter seems very rushed, I'll definitely try to improve on that!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it either way, and I want to know how you all think of it so far?

Like always, if you've enjoyed the chapter make sure to comment and vote please! I love reading comments and it makes my day so much better to see that people like reading my work.

Anyway, I hope you've all had a great day/night and I love you all!! Thank you for reading once again and see you until next time :]

~Love, Light ♥️

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