Everything is Pure Fiction

By MPKGD1103

219 2 5

What if one day all 7 of the MONSTA X boys all came together and read fanfiction? Will they be ready for it? More

1 - Prompted
2 - Hyungwon
3 - Kihyun
4 - Jooheon
6 - Wonho
7 - Changkyun

5 - Minyuk

5 0 0
By MPKGD1103

"Come on! Please! Let's go now!" Minhyuk tugged on your hand begging to leave the party. "I am serious: I really have something planned for us, and you will really like it!" He was playing with your fingers and slowly started to twist the rings on one of them until your skin started to get tugged.

You hissed at him and jerked your hand away from him making him realize that he was in fact hurting you now. He was surprised that he had hurt you so he started reaching for your hand again but you stepped away and looked at him up and down.

You took him to a corner where there can only be the two of you. Looking him dead straight in the eye, you asked him whether he was serious about all this. He nodded so hard like an eager puppy.

"Seriously?" you can't help but smile. "The LEE MINHYUK of the world-famous group Monsta X is begging to leave a party."

He nodded again.

"The party master of Monsta X is dying to leave a party?" You sounded a lot more suspicious this time.

He nodded again.

You reached for his hands and guided it along your waist, locking his fingers behind your back and leaned forward. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close.

Your nose grazed on his as you went to the tip of your toes. You smiled and said: "Babe, I thought you would never ask." You kissed him deeply as you nearly breathed him in. "Give me 10 minutes, I will look for the owner of the house, say my goodbyes, and then we can leave."

"Hurry, will you". He said before giving you one last kiss and before untwining his fingers from behind your back, tracing your figure, and letting you go.

You gave him one more kiss on the jaw and disappeared inside.

Those 10 minutes were agonizingly painful for Minhyuk as he waited in the car. The keys were already in the ignition.

Hyungwon bursted out laughing. "This is where the fiction comes in: Minhyuk. Driving". He wipes the tears in his eyes.

Minhyuk quickly stood up and went to Hyungwon wrapping his fingers around his neck and shaking him senseless.

"I hate you," retaliated Minhyuk.

Hyungwon sat there with his hands on Minhyuk's wrists laughing at the love that he was getting from his best friend.

Wonho slapped Minhyuk's butt. "Sit down and finish your story."

Minhyuk rubbed where Wonho's calloused palm came in contact with his supple bum, sat back down, and continued.

"Ok, I was driving."

Minhyuk jingled the keys and tried to make a beat out of it. All his idol training was for nought as he can't even make a productive waiting session and create some music as he waited for you.

Another 10 minutes have passed and finally he sees you coming out of the house. Unfortunately for you she was with someone. Reaching the car, you introduced him to your friend and made further small talk.

And after what seemed like forever, the roar of the engine was finally heard and you blasted off into the night.

You reached your apartment and were waiting for the surprise that Minhyuk was telling you about.

You bent over reaching for the clasps of your heels when Minhyuk scooped you up and carried you to the bedroom.

Everything was very much unkempt since this morning. You had a little bit of fun last night and had a comfy rest so there really was no way that you would be put into trouble for fixing it. So, you get back home, Minhyuk carrying you to the bedroom and throwing you into the unmade bed.

You propped yourself onto your elbows getting ready for what Minhyuk was about to give you.

He jumped onto the bed and sprawled out on the space beside you. He closed his eyes and with his right arm, covered it. His left arm remained wide open.

"Uhm," you looked at him and leaned closer to a small pocket of space where his arm and his body had separated. "Mr. Lee Minhyuk, was this your plan all along: to go home and sleep?"

You see a smile growing on his face. You knew to expect the unexpected.

You leaned over, cupped his face, and kissed the corner of his lips.

You laid one hand on his chest and lightly tapped your finger twice. He did not move but his smile remained the same. Once, again you reached over and kissed him.

He still wasn't moving.

You propped yourself on your elbows and stared at him. Your fiance's naughty smile was sprawled across his face. You weren't really sure what that smile is for: something mischievous or just innocence. You started tracing his lower.

"Yah! Lee Minhyuk!"

You bit his jaw.

You felt his arm curl behind you, touching your back, his hands finding his way up to your nape.

You hooked traced your index finger down his Adam's apple.

He swallowed hard. You placed your left leg on top of him. Hooking your index finger on his necktie, you pulled it lose enough to expose the upper buttons of his shirt.

He really was making it hard for you to achieve anything. Your right arm that was holding you up was starting to shake. He knew that he was annoying you but you were also sort of enjoying this.

You unbuttoned the top most button and seeing a little bit of skin there you decided to poke that bare skin with the tip of your stiletto fingernails. He winced at the pain. For a quick moment, he removed the arm covering his eyes to squeeze the hand poking his throat.

After wiggling your fingers in protest, he let go and placed his arm back over his eyes to cover it once again.

You stared at him hoping that your eyes will dig a hole right through his arm and into his skull. You really were beginning to no longer enjoy whatever Minhyuk is doing.

He removed his arm from his face and plopped on to his side.

You started playing with the buttons on his shirt once again. You circled your fingernails on the buttons creating 8s on his shirt before slowly unbuttoning a couple more.

You feel his hand grazing your upper back and his thumb drawing tiny circles on your shoulder blades.

Your right arm is tired now. Your shoulder feels like it is bound to pop if you stay in that position for any longer. So, you plopped down with your armpit right on top of Minhyuk's arm.

With your right hand, you brushed his hair back and pushed back the few strands that fought to fall on his eyes. There was too much product on his hair that no matter what you did the strands stayed stubbornly on top of his eyebrow giving his forehead some sort of canopy.

"Oh Min," you said as you exhaled breathing into him. You smiled as you put your head down leaning on your arm.

A few strands of hair fell on your face which Min pushed back. He shifted his weight, pushing you on to your back, and placed himself on top of you. You grinned from ear to ear.

He planted his lips on yours, then he navigated his way to your jaw – then down to your neck.

You felt him lift some of his weight off of you. Still staring up at the ceiling, you took a deep breath trying to figure out his next move.

You felt the warmth of his breath lower than your collarbone. Then the soft padding of his lips grazed on your exposed chest. He felt you take a deeper breath.

He pulled away and yet your body felt like following him. You arched your back trying to catch up to his kiss.

He smirked and chuckled haughtily.

You fell back flat into bed when the arching of your back seemed futile. You started raising your hand with an attempt to pull him closer.

He grabbed hold of your slightly raised hand and pinned it back down to the bed. "No," he said. "Lemme just take control."

You nodded.

He kissed you again somewhere near the navel. You were still wearing that silk dress but it was thin enough that you could feel almost everything.

You can feel his hand slowly roaming around your hips and waist. He let go of your arms that he was using to pinning to the bed and held onto your hips.

He found the opening to your dress where the slit opened to your thigh and kissed that spot. You ran your fingers through his hair and asked him to do it again.

He went up a little bit higher and kissed it one more time.

Then he stopped. You can sense him staring. Not at you, but at the dip of your hip; the part where you kept a long lost secret: a tattoo.

You can now feel him looking up at you. You craned your head and looked down at him where he was still perched above your hip.

He pushed himself off of you.

"You have a tattoo," he brushed his hair away from his face. "You never told me."

You sat up and covered your hip. "It was a secret and I wanted to remove it."

"Why?" he said.

"Why what?" you replied.

"Why do you have that and why remove it?"

"I was a swimmer for most of my life. Well, that is, before the summer that we met."

Minhyuk looked at the spot where you covered your skin with your hand.

"I got into an accident and I can no longer get in the water." You pulled your dress a little further down. "I am getting therapy for it."

Minhyuk looked at you, kneeled, and took your hands. He looked at your palms and kissed the center of it before folding it into his

"I am sorry for not telling you." You said trying to sniffle back the tears. "I just... need time and space".

Minhyuk gently let go of your hands, cupped your face with his gigantic hands, and then grabbed two pillows. He squished your face with the pillows making your cheeks puff. "No need to be sorry, squishy! I'm just really happy that you are now comfortable talking about it – even if we were just right about to —uhhmm...."

You laughed and sprayed a little bit of spit on Minhyuk causing him to smirk.

"I'm happy you are laughing now," he let go of your face. You playfully pushed him off with your hand which he caught.

He tackled you to the bed once more and wrapped you with his arms and legs. "I guess I could keep it now," you exerted every effort to say and breathe as he was still holding you very tight, forcing a smile.

Minhyuk let go and propped himself on to his elbows. "What do you mean?"

"It means I am thinking of keeping my tattoo," you pointed to your hip which was now covered by his left knee. You placed your hand on the whale on his left knee slowly tracing it. "I think I am keeping it for now at least. You have scars to hide with your whale and so do I with my dolphin. So, twins?"

You looked at him for approval.


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