The Cold Protocol (Male Sith...

By Kingrenetti

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During the Clone Wars, Separatist Admiral (Y/n) led his droid's against the Republic and become a big problem... More

CHAPTER 1-Post Clone Wars!
CHAPTER 2-The Village!
CHAPTER 3-Rebel Cells!
CHAPTER 4-Night Raid!
CHAPTER 5-Talk of The Clone Wars!
CHAPTER 6-Operation Risky Waters!
CHAPTER 7-The General, The Apprentice, and The Force
CHAPTER 8-Peace Keepers!
CHAPTER 9-False Prosperity
CHAPTER 10-The Hacker
CHAPTER 11-Confederate-Menagerie Relations
CHAPTER 12-Escalation!
CHAPTER 13-Battle of Menagerie Part 1
CHAPTER 14-Battle of Menagerie Part 2
CHAPTER 15-Battle of Menagerie Part 3
CHAPTER 16-New Ally
CHAPTER 17-Next Step
CHAPTER 18-Information, Training and Reinforcements
CHAPTER 19-The White Fang
CHAPTER 20-Recruitment
CHAPTER 21-The Khan
CHAPTER 22-Plan of Attack and Infiltration
CHAPTER 23-Battle of Bingham Part 1
CHAPTER 24-Battle of Bingham Part 2
CHAPTER 25-Battle of Bingham Part 3
CHAPTER 26-Battle of Bingham Part 4
CHAPTER 27-Battle of Bingham Part 5: Showdown
CHAPTER 28-Battle of Bingham Part 6: Duel
CHAPTER 29-After Shock
CHAPTER 30-Coalition of Rebel Sectors
CHAPTER 31-New Assignment
CHAPTER 32-The Remnant
CHAPTER 33-Find the Outlaws
CHAPTER 34-The Knight & The Soldier
CHAPTER 35-Reunion
CHAPTER 36-The Outlaw Base
CHAPTER 37-Cooperation
CHAPTER 38-Escape
CHAPTER 39-The Traitor
CHAPTER 40-Three Beasts
CHAPTER 41-Hawks Vs Three Beasts
CHAPTER 43-Always a Family
CHAPTER 44-Setting the Stage
CHAPTER 45-Red Horizon
CHAPTER 46-Defense Plan
CHAPTER 47-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 1
CHAPTER 48-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 2
CHAPTER 49-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 3
CHAPTER 50-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 4: Showdown
CHAPTER 51-2nd Battle of Menagerie: Admiral Vs General
CHAPTER 52-Rebuild
CHAPTER 53-Milita Meets CRS
CHAPTER 54-Council
CHAPTER-55-Break Out
CHAPTER 56-Calm Before the Storm
CHAPTER 57-Conspiring
CHAPTER 59-Operation Mimic
CHAPTER 60-Welcome to Unity City
CHAPTER 61-Meetings
CHAPTER 62-Thorn
CHAPTER 63-A Day in the City
CHAPTER 64-A Night in the City
CHAPTER 65-Shadow
CHAPTER 66-Peace Faction Leader
CHAPTER 67-The Plan
CHAPTER 68-Union Academy
CHAPTER 69-Within Darkness
CHAPTER 70-Shadows Attack
CHAPTER 71-Through the Force
CHAPTER 72-Evaluation
CHAPTER 73-New Job
CHAPTER 74-Reunite
CHAPTER 75-Time to Plan

CHAPTER 58-Conspiracy in Motion

1.4K 56 5
By Kingrenetti

Onboard the Reclaimer of Independence, Altus had returned to the vessel a while ago. Seeing as this was his previous post before he uh...... blew up. Since it wasn't in his back up memory chip, he had to be informed about the day's events on how it happened. But considering the new body he got thanks to Markus; he must've been damaged greatly. He can worry about stuff like that later, He knows that (Y/n) is on his way and it is no doubt something important. As he thinks about (Y/n) and his arrival, he hears the blast doors to the bridge open up. He turns around and sees (Y/n) alongside Najenda, Obi Wan and Twilight. He turns around fully and silently nods at (Y/n).

Altus: "Admiral." he greets.

(Y/n): "Altus." he said, returning the gesture.

Altus turned to Twilight with curiosity.

Altus: "Who would this be?" he asks. "A new recruit?"

(Y/n): "No. He's from the Separatist States, and a plan has been made to weaken Union from the inside. All we need to do is contact someone to get inside the city." he explains. "Najenda, know anyone we can call?"

Najenda: "Only one." she replies. "Her name is Robyn Hill. She's a high-ranking member of the Huntsmen Division and is the leader of her own group of Huntresses. She could help us get inside of Unity City with her connections and status."

(Y/n): "Can we trust her?" he asks.

Najenda: "Robyn Hill supports the Peace Faction and I used to meet with her monthly to discuss current events and gain information from the Peace Faction. She's trustworthy." she responded.

(Y/n) shared a look with Obi Wan, silently asking for his opinion. Obi Wan was caressing his beard in thought before he noticed the gaze. No words needed to be exchanged as the look on the Admiral's face was all he needed. A simple nod is all he gave. The admiral then looks at Najenda.

(Y/n): "Get in contact with her and let me know where to meet her. Considering I'm going in alone, I should be the first to know." he orders.

Najenda nods and turns to walk out of the bridge. As she left, (Y/n) looked at Twilight. The agent was in awe as he looked out the window to see the large Droid Fleet. Each of the Starships made him awe struck as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Real life Aliens. For years they always guessed they existed but.... they're real. Wait, if they're true. Then what really happened in Roswell?

{The Outlaw Base, Far Away from Unity City, Europe}

In the base of the Outlaws, Daniel was walking towards the edge of the base as a Shuttle lands. The back ramp of the shuttle drops and Jackson steps off. The cowboy was shocked at how fast he got here but Jackson figured that these ships were naturally faster than anything Humanity can produce on Earth. As he steps off the ship fully, the ramp returns into the ship and the shuttle quickly takes off. Jackson watched it leave before walking towards Daniel who walked towards him.

Daniel: "How'd it go?" he asks.

Jackson: "We're relocating."

Daniel paled.

Daniel: "Please tell me you didn't piss them off."

Jackson: "no... but I definitely pissed Najenda off." he says, calming his fears while walking past him.

Daniel turns as he watches Jackson off. He heard the sorrow in his tone when he mentioned Najenda. He then quickly follows him.

Daniel: "Where would we relocate to?" he asks.

Jackson: "Mistral. I know someone there who can help us find a place to lie low." he informs.

Daniel scowls. Jackson stopped and roughly grabbed his shoulders.

Jackson: "Cut the attitude. I know you two have your odds. But please, put your petty fucking dispute aside." he scolds, not willing to take his shit.

Daniel sighs and just nods reluctantly. Knowing it's pointless to argue with Jackson. Jack lets go of his second in command's shoulder and proceeds onwards to the main hall. As he did, he noticed everyone was on edge and he was confused. He looks to his right and sees Daniel walking with him. The two exchanged a look and decided to go into the main hall. As they did, Jackson was about to push open the doors but stopped. He hovered his hand over his gun before he kicked the doors open and drew one his revolvers. Daniel drew out his as well as they rushed into the building. The building was empty as usual. The bartender was cleaning a glass, but Jackson noticed someone new sitting at the counter.

He holsters his gun and gestures for Daniel to do the same. They approach but stop as the woman turns her head a little.

???: "Do you treat all your guests with such hospitality?" she asks, stoically.

Jackson: "only the ones that announce themselves." he spouts, putting his hands on his belt.

He hears a faint exhale of humor before the woman sets down the drink she held before standing up from the stool. Jackson noted that the drink wasn't a strong one. But he recognizes this person and knows why it isn't strong.

Jackson: "The hell you doing here raven?" he asks.

Raven Branwen steps closer to Jackson while holding her Grimm-like helmet in her hands.

Raven: "Figured I'd come say hello to the only real friend I have left." she said, sounding sad towards the end.

Jackson nods lightly. He knows all about Team STRQ. He hadn't said anything about Summer to Raven as Summer wanted him to keep his mouth shut. Qrow knew about Raven but didn't care and Taiyang.... Where does he begin? Sure, Raven did leave in the middle of the night and never came back, but Taiyang is so oblivious to the Union's lies that t's not even funny anymore. He knows Tai is a good person and an advocate believer in justice and peace. He believes that if a revolution starts, Tai will side with the CRS if given the chance. The only thing holding him back is the damn lies given by the Union. Tai trusts Ozpin too much.

Jackson: "Well, you're always welcome here Raven." he said, calmly.

Raven smiles.

Raven: "Thank you. This place is one of the few locations I can come to." she said. "Oh, and hi Daniel."

Daniel: "Bitch."

Jackson snapped a glare at him. His eyes bursting into flames as his powers activated. Daniel stepped back and silently apologized. Raven laughs at this display. Jackson's powers deactivate as he turns back to Raven.

Jackson: "Sorry about him."

Raven: "no, no it's fine. I find this quite humorous." she said, suppressing a laugh. "So, what have you been doing?"

Jackson: "Well... I just got back from Menagerie after helping the CRS." he said.

Raven: "I'm sorry?"

Jackson: "The Coalition of Rebel Sectors. They're rallying Rebel Cells and the people to create an armed revolution to destroy and bring down Union. I had gone to Menagerie to help them get in contact with Australia to get some civilians out of there." he said.

Raven looked worried.

Raven: "I overheard that Union had attacked Menagerie. Where you there?" she asks.

Jackson: "I was. But that depends on which one you're talking about. The First or Second Battle. I was present for the Second Battle and... may have fought Esdeath." he said.

Raven's eyes widened.

Jackson: "I didn't finish the fight as the Rebel Leader took control of the battle and fought her till, he shocked her into submission." he said. "Literally."

Raven just stood there in shock and awe. Jackson Black fought General Esdeath. Must've been one hell of a fight considering what power those two hold.

Raven: "Where's that bitch now?" she asks.

Jackson: "Captured and being held prisoner by the Coalition. Their leader intends to interrogate her for all the information she holds. How it's going I don't know. I left before they could interrogate her." he explains. "But I uh, saw Najenda again."

Raven: "Really?" she asks, narrowing her eyes. "How did that go?"

Jackson: "It uh, blew up." he said.

Raven raised an eyebrow.

Jackson: "We're back on high tension is what I mean. I left the rebels, and she got pissed that I was once again leaving when technically it was her that left first." he explains. "Anyways, not important."

Daniel: "Weren't you going to ask a certain someone a question?" he asks, nodding his head towards Raven.

Jackson nods his head I acknowledgement. Raven looked between the two before settling her gaze on Jackson.

Jackson: "I'm moving my people to Mistral. Think you can give us a hand?" he asks. "I don't ask for much, hell, I don't ask at all. But I need my people to get out of here. Somewhere safe."

Raven: "I know a few places in Mistral. But UF activity has increased ever since a rebel base was blown up recently." she said. "IF you come to Mistral, you'll need to be really careful with what you do."

Jackson: "Rae, my people robbed the UF Military how many times? I'm sure I can handle what's in Mistral. Grimm included." he explains with confidence.

Raven sighs hearing this but does nothing to sway his mind.

Raven: "Alright. Tell your people to get ready. I can use my Semblance to get you all there faster." she informs.

Jackson nods before looking at Daniel who got the message and nods silently before rushing out of the building. All Jackson does after that is wait patiently for everyone to be ready. He just wants everyone to be safe. He does regeret having to leave Najenda, but these people needed him. He abandoned far too much in the past, and we will never abandon these people.

{Unknown Location, Unknown Continent, Unknown Time}

A dark lifeless forest covers most of the landscape. Dead trees and fog fill the area giving it an eerie feeling. The silence adds to this atmosphere. As the moon shines above the land, a car's headlights break through the fog. A MAV drives through the forest at a safe speed while the occupants inside are armed. The emblem of the UIB is on the side of the car signifying who it belongs to.

(This is the Emblem/Flag of the UIB)

As the MAV travels through the dead land, it comes across a humble Cabin made from the surrounding trees and resources from the land. The humble home leaves a very civil feeling for the occupants of the car in stark contrast to the rest of the land around them. Whoever lives here must be a psycho considering that Grimm do wander this land. The car stops in front of the cabin and keeps its high beams on. The back doors are thrown open as UIB Soldiers pile out of the car with their bullpup rifles in hand. The driver and passenger come out with their guns at the ready. The final man out of the car is Henry Louis, Director of the UIB. He steps onto the ground and looks around the silent landscape.

He then motions for his men to approach the building and they nod. The troops begin approaching the home with their guns raised. As they got closer, they all heard a roar and turned to see a Danger Beast charging them. The soldiers took aim and opened fire upon the beast. As the Danger Beast gets riddled with bullets, a pack of Beowolves suddenly emerged from the fog and pounced on of the soldiers. Henry pulled out a pistol and shot the Beowolf before ducking under another. He shoots it down before throwing his arm up and backhanding another one before shooting it as well.

His men shoot down the others but one more Danger Beast shows up and its massive.

UIB Soldier: "S Class Danger Beast!" he calls out while shooting at it.

Henry stares up without care and holsters his gun. Suddenly, the beast is cleaved in half without effort by an unknown man who then in the blink of an eye, attacks the remaining Beowolves. Cleaving them in half as well. After this short slaughter, the UIB Soldiers aimed their guns at him. The man simply turns to them. He spins his swords into his the sheathes which are mounted onto his waist.

(Art by Pocket Chicken on Twitter)

???: "Director."

Henry steps past his men who slowly lower their weapons.

Henry: "I believe you can guess why I'm here, Mercenary."

???: "I can. You need someone dead."

Henry: "I require your expertise in handling some rebels. If you come back to Unity with me, I'll brief you there were no prying eyes can watch us." he informs.

The man stood there in silence before giving a response.

???: "why should I care about some rebels?" he asks.

Henry: "If you help me, I'll help you." he said. "I'm sure you're itching for a proper challenge. Something to test your skills on. If you help me, I'll allow you to fight the Rebel Leader. Hearing the reports, he bested Esdeath in a duel."

The man's eyes lit up with intrigue under his mask.

Henry: "Besides, you owe me a favor for pardoning you all those years ago, Grimshaw" he said.

The now named Grimshaw chuckled realizing that Henry was blackmailing him. He isn't mad, just humored by this concept. But he does have a debt to pay.

Grimshaw: "Very well. I shall help you as you helped me. Mutual assistance." he says.

Henry: "Welcome aboard, Grimshaw." 

New Antagonist has joined the roster!

With Renetti back on his feet, more TCP chapters will come out.
but we're planning on delaying the original Chapter Update time to give us enough time to finish, edit and pubish.

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