Idolised Lies

By LeafCake

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Leafy was the Number 1 fastest growing Idol in the world, she had it all. Adoring fans, sold out shows and fa... More

Chapter 1: Reminisce.
Chapter 2: Loves Me Not
Chapter 3: Captured And Captivated
Chapter 4:None Of This is Real
Chapter 5: Take A Chance
Chapter 6: It's Raining Afterall
Chapter 7: Deeper Than Blood
Chapter 8: Admiration And Regret
Chapter 9: The Blinding Stage
Chapter 10: Warm Kindess
Chapter 11: Starlight Secrets.
Chapter 12: A Stale Memory
Chapter 13: Change Of Heart
Chapter 15: Neon Lights
Chapter 16: Idol Advice
Chapter 17: Dodge The Question
Chapter 18: Flash A Smile
Chapter 19: Darkened Star
Chapter 20: Tired Fear
Chapter 21: Meet and Greet
Chapter 22: A Lulled Blaze
Chapter 23: Desperation
Chapter 24: Sick Surprise
Chapter 25: Secret Side
Chapter 26: Missing and Remorse
Chapter 27: Sun Kissed
Chapter 28: Final Light
Chapter 29: Badly Hidden
Chapter 30: Give me truth
Chapter 31: Decisions and Choices
Chapter 32: Cutting Ties
Chapter 33: Broken Bottle
Chapter 34: Stone Cold
Chapter 35: Cosy Stars
Chapter 36: Strawberry Kisses

Chapter 14: Heartfelt Handshake

486 22 38
By LeafCake

Leafy was excited, she was in her dressing room doing some last minute touch ups to her makeup, humming as she did so.

She enjoyed events where she could engage with her fans, it meant they got to see her in a different light and if she played the game right, people would post online about how sweet and kind she was in real life and more  fans would want shows.

A stage manager knocked on the door and told her she would be performing in ten minutes and she needed to go and join the other girls, Leafy happily got up and left her dressing room.

As she stood back stage, having mics be adjusted to her she smiled at Ice Cube who have a small, one sided smile back.

Four came over to her and chatted for a few minutes, wishing her a good show and assuring her she would do great.

Leafy was almost bouncing with excitement as an announcement was made and an uproar came from the crowd and she felt that usual giddy feeling in her chest that she got whenever she could her the sound vibrating on the floor beneath her.

But she didn't let it get to her, she was a professional after all, the other girls must be shaking right now, average newbie behavior.

Waving as she made her way to the center of the stage, Leafy smiled at the crowd of people, all with lightsticks in their hands and cheering and yelling for the group.

Her eyes scanned the sea of people, searching for one singular person.

Thankfully, his resting frowning expression and sunglasses made him stand out to her.

Or maybe she was just drawn to him, who knows?

He looked up at her, even behind the dark sunglasses, she could feel his eyes on her and she suddenly found herself feeling very warm.

She flashed him a smile that was met with a kurt nod and he turned away, going back to being a security guard.

And as quickly as it washed over her, that warmth was swept away when he was no longer facing her.

Yes, he was doing his job but the crowds weren't too bad, what happened last time was out of his control, it was the other guards fault entirely.

Surely he could watch her, even just for one song.

She wanted him to be impressed by her, she wanted him to see why people enjoyed Idols so much.

But he never did.

For some reason he was too focused on keeping things in check.

Or maybe he was focused on something else...

Quickly pushing the thought aside, she readied herself, getting into a pose as the music started up.

She sang in time with the other girls, putting energy into every movement and smiling as much as she could.

Something that people never talk about is how tiring it is to be an Idol.

Even after one song, her muscles ached from the constant movement and the warm air didn't help with her breathing.

But no one could ever complain, they were here to entertain.

Show no weakness, that's the way to win.

Keep dancing no matter how much it hurts, keep singing no matter how much you want to cry.

Keep smiling, no matter how deep the lies go.

These people don't know you, they don't know what you are.

Keep showing them perfection and they'll keep loving you, even if that love isn't for you.

They give you their hearts, in return you give them hope.

Make the lies you tell sweet and pretty, make the darkness look welcoming.

Make sure they can't look away.

Hide everything that isn't perfect.

Hide everything they don't want to see.

Hide the truth, embrace the lie.

Embrace the love that isn't real.

And if you ever cry, make sure you look pretty doing it.

She was perfect, she didn't let the façade break, she was best lie to be told.

It broke her heart.

She sang and danced, giving everything her all, all eyes were on her.

She was singing a solo verse, the other girls supporting her with their dancing as she did so.

She sparkled under the lights, basking in the love she received from all these people, reaching out to all of them as she twirled.

She was an Idol, strong and determined to win their hearts.

She was an iconic light, shining in her aura, radiantly brilliant, undeterred.

Her movements showed that she sure of herself, that she knew each step perfectly.

The picture of beautiful confidence, unshakable.

And suddenly, those sunglasses were taken off.

Eyes like wildfire met eyes like a forest and they were suddenly ignited.

She would never be able to explain how that gaze made her feel, how she suddenly wanted to stop and reach out just for him.

She suddenly felt scared, an empty fear for one person.

She was a bright star and yet she had fallen.

She wanted to hide herself and sleep to make the fear go away but she knew she couldn't.

Hiding her discomfort, she continued flawlessly, her eyes fixed on Firey as the final song came to a close.

"I hope you all enjoyed that performance, I know we all had a lot of fun showing you our best moves to your favourite songs!" Leafy called out to the crowd.

"But the fun doesn't end here everyone, I hope you all stay to meet us all!"

Smiling brightly, she exited the stage to prepare for the Meet and Greet, arguably the best part of the evening.


Firey was stood not too far behind Leafy, watching carefully incase anyone tried to pull anything when they were talking to her.

She was very good at handling people, no matter who came up to her she remained as charming as ever.

Some people were shy with small, happy smiles on their faces when she shook their hand and chatted kindly.

Others were confident spoke with her like she was a long time friend they hadn't seen in a while and she returned the sentiment.

Some were a bit... strange to say the least, breathing heavily and clearly flustered by her and her touch, a little too eager to be so close to Leafy.

One thing that Firey noticed was the occasional... creeps.

He saw more than one perv trying to sneak glances at Leafy's chest or legs, hearing disgusting comments they said under their breath.

He wondered how she put up with.

She just kept smiling, laughing that twinkling laugh that she had and continuing to shine even when the spotlight wasn't on her.

She was just good at what she did.


A few hours later, Leafy turned to say something to Firey but she was slightly surprised to see him look like he was about to drop dead.

She nodded to him in a way of saying "are you okay?" and in response he waved his hand weakly, like he was shooing a child away.

The event was over, Leafy and her group addressed the crowd one last time and it officially ended.

Leafy walked over to Firey who was now leaning against the wall, his face pale and flushed, his hair slightly less fluffy than usual and he looked like he hadn't slept in a week.

"What happened?" Leafy asked concernedly.

"This event," Firey yawned.

"Oh, it wasn't that bad," she smiled.

"Waiting around in a crowd of sweaty people with no AC is my idea of hell," Firey groaned.

"Aww, cheer up, you hardly had to do anything," Leafy joked.

Firey looked at her, totally confused as to how she stayed so peppy after dancing and singing then dealing with weird fans for 2 hours.

"You cannot be human," he said tiredly.

Leafy gave him a soft smile before she spotted something out of the corner of her eye.

"Wait here," she said.

"What else am I going to do?" he asked himself.

Firey stood against the wall, wishing he was anywhere but here, he just wanted to be on his couch playing with his dog, away from everyone else.

A minute later, Leafy came back, holding something behind her.

"I just realised you didn't get a handshake," she said in a sweet tone.

She held out her hand and Firey raised an eyebrow at her.

She kept smiling, her eyes glinting happily, she gave him a much different look than she gave her fans.

Something about the smile she gave him right now felt... softer.

It was sweeter, smaller, not as wide or energetic as the smile she had on stage.

It felt real.

Wordlessly, he shook her hand, unable to get a word out.

She clasped her hand on his, laughing slightly at Firey's unsure expression.

"Thanks for supporting me," she grinned, the same thing she said to everyone who shook her hand that night.

After she let go, she stepped back and handed him a can she had gotten from the vending machine, an energy drink that felt ice cold.

"Here, a gift from your favourite Idol!" she said proudly.

"Thanks," he said as he opened the can and quickly chugged it.

Leafy recoiled, slightly taken aback at Firey's lack of class.

Four called Leafy over to them, leaving Firey to drink his drink.

"You've been invited to a party," Four said, checking their phone.

"Oh what, where?" Leafy asked.

"In a club not far from here, I don't think you should go though," Four said in a matter of fact tone.

"Aw, why not?" Leafy whined.

"Clubs are always shady, I can't go with you because I'm too old and there's no way in hell I'm letting you go somewhere like that by yourself," Four insisted.

"Please Four, this could be great for my publicity," Leafy said, trying to convince them.

"Nope, I'm not risking anything," Four said.

"Why don't you trust me?" Leafy questioned.

"Oh, I do trust you, it's the drunk weirdos I don't trust, it's not safe by yourself especially considering you're a prime target for flirting ," Four said with clear disgust.

Four hated the idea of anyone trying to be sleazy and flirt with Leafy, she was like family to them, they just wanted her to be safe.

Four also worried it could cause a scandal but it was mostly the safety that concerned them.

"So, if I get someone to go with me, I can go?" she asked.

"I guess so," Four responded skeptically.

With a cheeky smile, she turned on her heel and walked back to someone she was certain could keep her safe.

"Hey Firey, do you think you could do me a teeny little favour?" she said as sweetly as she could.


After explaining the situation to Firey, he knew he wouldn't be able to not take her, not when she kept looking at him with those eyes so he walked with her over to Four who gave him a scrutinising look.

"Fine, you can go but just don't so anything stupid," they sighed.

Leafy clapped her hands together happily as she thanked Four, giving them a quick hug.

Leafy ran off to get her jacket, leaving Firey standing with Four.

"If you let anything happen to her tonight, you will be six feet under," Four said in a low tone.

Firey nodded, too nervous to give a response.

"Watch her like a hawk, don't let anyone try anything, understood?"

"Yes, Four,"

Glaring at Firey slightly, Four left to go  home, saying goodbye to Leafy before they did so.


Leafy met Firey near the front of the stage, eager and looking forward to the party.

"Thanks for agreeing to this Firey, it means a lot," Leafy said as they left the venue.

"Don't mention it, besides I owe you one for the drink," Firey shrugged. "I can't promise I'll be much fun though,"

"That's fine, I think it'll be nice just to spend time with you," Leafy smiled.

She said it so casually that Firey almost missed it, thank God he was listening.

Such simple words and yet they had such an impact on him.

He watched as Leafy walked down the street, her arms swinging as she babbles about anything that she thought of and he just smiled at her.

It all felt so easy when he was with her, like nothing was complicated.

He knew it wasn't true though.

But for now, just for tonight, he would lie to himself and let himself believe that things actually were okay.

If he was being honest, it scared him that someone could make him think that way.

It scared him when he realised the girl walking just beside him could make his heart skip a beat with a simple look.


Take me back to the night we met
And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you.

Hope you enjoyed that chapter!


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