By Calysus

1.4K 66 54

Ryeon's and Joonggil's thread of fate was severely damaged...... Even though the feelings are still intact in... More

{8}"DEJA VU?"


41 3 5
By Calysus

Of course this chapter needs to have a playlist.
And here it is;
Fantasize by Ariana grande
WTF by Hugely feat Amber Van day
Act fool by bring it back?( I guess)



Standing infront of joonggil's office was somehow worrying, the oak door was the only thing stopping me from entering his office. I gathered myself and held my hand towards the door, I knock three times and waited for two seconds to get his reply.

"Come in……"He ordered. I slowly pushed the door opened, I poked my head slightly at a gap I made, he was sitting on the couch while sipping some wine with his necktie loose and crossed his legs, his back was pressed at the soft chair frame. He turn his head in my direction as I fully entered my body, he gaved me unknowingly slight smile. "You're here…… how's my ex-wife?…"He teasingly asked as I settled myself into his soft couch that was opposite his....

"Call me that again and something might happen!"I growled as he uncross his legs and rested both of his elbows above it, and leaning with a grin.

"Or what?…… Is that a threat or prize?"I raised a brow and forced a smile.

"Whatever you want……"I tease back. "So let's begin!"I declared while straightening my back. "So what kind of plan do you have?…"He plumb back into his last demeanor.


"No the table… I was talking to the table...."I retorted with Philosophy. He's face scrunched up and I can see his mouth twitch.

"… You know I haven't choke anyone since i did that to you……"His voice was filled with annoyance.

"Do it…… since you're good at that…… seeing people's breathing gone……"I challenged. He glared at me while squinting his eyes. "If you're done glaring at me… I will discuss my plans first…"I changed the subject and crossed my arms.
"Kwan will stay with me for three days in advance.… And if the my term was done he can stay with you……"

"I agree… but I want or add something……"He interrupted. I nodded at him as he continued. "Each of us should make a room for him……"He had a point.
"And also…… we need to send him in school... He need to learn something…"He said arrogantly.


"And also Kwan was in my quarter……"He added.

"What?…… Alone?"I interrogated.

"No of course…. She's with Ms. Jiyoon.…"I raised a brow.

Now he's addressing her in that way, Ms. Jiyoon!

"I will come over to pick him up…… maybe 4:50…"

"Where are you going?"

"Shopping for his clothes and… I don't know… everything he needed…"I stated as I stood up. " So… I shall head out now… thank you for your cooperation Mr. Park.."I set myself away from the couch. I turn my back at him and started to walk towards the door. As I reached my hand at the doorknob he spoke.

"Can I come?"My hand automatically stopped mid way, contemplating my response. Even though I hated the idea of him tagging along I still wanna do this for Kwan, to make him feel like he had the complete family he once had.

I sighed and tug on the doorknob, "Fine you can go… but please pretend that were not close…… just keep your distance from me..."I stated before leaving his office.


I knocked at joonggil's door after five hours of waiting eagerly, the door opened and inside was Jiyoon with joonggil and Kwan.

I felt my face twitch, they looked like a family. Kwan ran to me with open arms, I crouched and accepted his gesture.

"Kwan-ah are you ready?"I asked as he continued to hug me.


We parted soon after, I stood back again and grabbed his right hand…

"Let's go?…"I looked up at joonggil who was now leaning at the door frame. "You coming?……"He jolted straight up.

"Yes…… Ms. Jiyoon we will head out for now… you can go home…"He stated before joining me with Kwan, grabbing his left hand.

"I got permission from the director that we will use one of the cars..."Joonggil announced.

"Really?……yey!"Kwan exclaimed happily, he started swinging his hands.

"Mr. Park's charms never really fades huh?"I teased while glancing at him, he just stared at me like it's the first time I teased him.
"Hey!"He snapped into his thoughts and turn his head away from me.… Weirdo…

As soon as we go to the lobby we stopped by the counter and asked Mr. Baek for the keys. I was slightly shock when Mr. Baek gave him the key to the BMW.
My eyes widen while fixated at the key,
That's so unfair. When me and Choi jun woong got into Jae-soo's past we brought that rusty and old car.

As we entered the room filled with different variations of cars, joonggil immediately spotted our ride, the black BMW.

Kwan immediately let go of our hands and ran towards the shiny car, he touched it while jumping up and down.

"Wow! It's my first time riding one of these!"He exclaimed.

For some reason I felt sorry and happy for him at the same time, not every child was born with a silver spoon on their mouths.
Some children need to suck it up and just live with the things their parents want and can do.

My train of thoughts was cut off by the blaring of the car, I flinched as the car continued causing a harsh sound. Joonggil turned to me with a surprise expression.

"Are you okay?"He queried while changing his face into a worried one. I glanced at him and smiled lightly..

"Yes…"I reassured while walking towards the car, "… shall we go now?"I asked as I opened the backseat door. Kwan got in first, he was ecstatic to feel the softness of the seats. I was about to hop in when Kwan stopped me.

"No!...."I stared at him with confused face.
"… I saw on the tv.…that the mom and dad should be at the front… because they're the parents."He continued.

"I guess it's fine if I just be seated here…."I reasoned but all I got in response was a frown. I sighed and forced a smile.
"Fine… don't be naughty there.…"I requested as he nod his head.

I shut the door closed and turn to joonggil that was waiting outside the car with a grin,
I rolled my eyes and grabbed the handle of the door and opened it. I hopped in as he did, I pulled the door closed and put on the seatbelt.


As the car started to hit the road, Kwan started singing in a joyful tone, He hummed and even do a little hand gestures earning a chuckle from both Ryeon and joonggil.

A few minutes of singing he suddenly stopped and sat down. Ryeon raised a brow as she turn her head at the back.

"What happened?"She asked while Kwan started smiling.

"Ma'am…… no. Mom are you going to adopt me?"Joonggil dropped his jaw at what Kwan just said, while Ryeon's eyes gleamed.

"Mom?… Me?"

"Yes!…… Are you not?"Kwan started pouting.

"No… I will adopt you no matter what… I'm your mom… okay…"Ryeon interrupted with a huge grin.

"What about me kwan?… Am I not your dad?"He implored.

Ryeon glanced at him with a smirk,"He called me first..... Sorry for being the best…"Ryeon teases a not so happy joonggil.

"Dad!"Kwan exclaimed interrupting Ryeon's success.

Joonggil fisted his left hand and punched the air, "Yes!"He glanced at Ryeon, ".... What were you talking about Ms. Koo?"He was now the one teasing a frowning Woman.

Ryeon huffed and got back in her usual position.

"Dad…."Kwan called out to him.


"… That girl you were with… who is she again?"He questioned.

"Ms. Jang Jiyoon?…. Why what about her?"Joonggil answered.

".… Is she your wife or--"Kwan started.

Ryeon breath heavily while making her signature stern face."It's his girlfriend kwan..."Ryeon responded back instead of Joonggil.

They were in a tunnel now passing, as soon as Joonggil heard those words he slowed the car into a side pavement. He breath first and scrutinize his eyes at Ryeon.

"What?.... Ms Jang?"he interrogated with a nearly heard growl. Ryeon turn her gaze at him, they locked eyes.

"Yes… you were even making out In your office…"Ryeon claimed.

Joonggil glared at her while moving his pupils back and forth towards Kwan. Ryeon immediately shut her mouth.

"Me?… "joonggil sighed. "Can we talk outside?"He opened his door and jumped outside. Ryeon on the other hand was not having it, she sat properly, she didn't want to get outside with that man. But to her misfortune joonggil opened her door for her. Joonggil stared at her before grabbing her wrist pulling her outside and slamming the door shut, Kwan just stayed quiet as it was unfolds.

"Let me go!"Ryeon ordered while trying to get out of his grip. As he was successful of getting her out of the car they teleported on the rooftop of a building again!

He let go of her wrist, "What the heck!… Kwan was left alone!"Ryeon grumbled.

Joonggil took his phone out and dialed a number, he held his phone on his right ear.
Ryeon heard ringing that was replaced by a woman's voice.

"Could you go to this street……"Joonggil's voice began to lowered."Please buy him whatever he wants…"Then he hung up.

Ryeon started to walk away when joonggil teleported infront of her making her to stop, she rolled her eyes, she can feel his gaze at her.

"How did you know?"He jumped right into the question."Did you--"

"Hey!… Don't blame me for something I didn't do!"Ryeon retorted while looking Joonggil at the eyes. "And you said it yourself… the building was filled with eyes and ears… maybe one of them saw you and started--"Ryeon was cut off by joonggil's sudden change of expression, he narrowed his eyes at her, clenching his jaw and flared his nostrils.

"So…… you're one of them…"He chided in a menacing way. "… And what was that… me and… Ms. Jang were… making out?"

"Is it true?"Ryeon scoffed.

Joonggil twitched his nose and grabbed Ryeon by the shoulder, everything went so fast, Ryeon found herself pinned into a wall. Joonggil's eyes was filled with wrath and disappointment?

"So…"He breath heavily. "… How did you feel?… How did you react that I maked out with another girl?...."He grinned maniacally sending shivers into Ryeon's whole body.

"What?.….."She inquired in a low and shaky voice.

"… I said how does it feel to hear that my lips was touched by someone else…"Joonggil's grip from her shoulder tightened.

The atmosphere was beginning to be heated up, everything around them was dim, but somehow the light from the other buildings still illuminated their perfect silhouettes. Ryeon's pink hair and red eyeshadow was seeable, while joonggil's broad shoulders was towering over her, his slicked back hair was now loosened and was almost covering the irritation in his brown eyes.

"It's bearable…"Ryeon spat out.

Joonggil scoffed as he tightened even more his grip.
"Bearable?…… Did you know when Ms. Jang kissed me passionately the only thing I thought…… Is you… crazy right?"Of course it's a lie but it makes Ryeon looked at him with surprised gaze. Her eyes sparkled in the dimness of the night. Her breathing became shaky, joonggil grin at this side of her.
"… Whenever we would go to my bed… whenever she undresses me, and whenever her hands touched some parts of my body… And when I'm on top of her… and when we make love roughly… I would always imagine somebody… like you." He stated in a low and seductive tone, Ryeon's cheeks became hot, her whole body was so hot, sweat started to form on her forehead.

"S-stop…"She panted, she was barely hanging by a thread.

Yet Joonggil never stop from their and teased her even more. "And if my hands wandered around her body… my mind would always reflect your face..."They started panting and sweating. "Such a bummer that I couldn't do it with you… it would be so fun…"He added in a husky tone.

"A-are you c-crazy?!"Ryeon inserted earning a scoffed form joonggil.

He started leaning forward towards Ryeon, she started to close her eyes ready for his lips to rest into her. Joonggil's hands that was resting on Ryeon's shoulder was now going down and into her waist pulling her closer.

As their lips was inches from each other a thud interrupted them, instead of their lips crashing they bumped heads instead. Joonggil and Ryeon held their heads and groaning in agony.

The door slammed opened and a girl with messy blonde hair stepped outside, she looked like she was lost.
She walked like a soulless body.

The two followed her by their gazes until Ryeon's phone rang. She picked it up and the red screen of her phone said it all, she was going to kill herself, her rate was 99%, it was high, but when the picture of the girl was showed Ryeon realized....

"Yu Mari……"She whispered.

"What?"Joonggil asked again.

"It's Yu Mari our newest subject..."Ryeon stated as she slowly walked towards Mari, joonggil following her.

They slowly walked behind her stopping themselves for making a noise, When Joonggil accidentally stepped on iron rod, it create a harsh clang. Yu Mari turned her head around and saw them, she widen her eyes, afraid of what will they do to her if they know that she was going to end her life here. She started to sprint, Ryeon stared at her in shock and started to ran behind her when she jumped off the railing and into the depth of the building. Ryeon who was running after her was in a state of unknowingly what to do. She breath in and sprinted fast, she jumped out of the building and was now falling on a 16th story building with cars passing by below them. Ryeon closed her eyes and tried to fall fast and grabbed her……

They were falling fast but Mari was falling faster. They were almost at the ground when something happened.....


Hello guys I hadn't have time to edit this after I was done writing so I hope you understand....

I actually lost count of how many joonggil and Ryeon was about to make out or something else, they were always interrupted by nuisance people……

Well that's it for now.....

Buh bye….


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