Skyfall | Marvel

By Amberkiwifruit

9.8K 282 8

It makes her sick, the way sadness is addicting. Sadness is familiar. It's comfortable and it's easy in the s... More

| Skyfall |
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227 8 0
By Amberkiwifruit

Athalia, Natasha, and Bruce were sucked in the room below the lab. The hot flames still burning through the empty window pane, the glass stuttering from the heat and the three bodies being blown through it. They groaned in pain as their bodies came in contact with the cold, metal floor below them.

Piece of glass had followed them in the fall. Spread out around them. The two girls laid almost on top of each other, Athalia with both legs stuck under a broken piece of pipe while Natasha, thankfully, only had one.

"Romanoff!" They heard Fury's voice play through the earpieces. Reaching her finger to her ear, Nat replied.

"We're okay." The strained panting sound coming from Bruce made the two girls question if they were actually okay. Banner wasn't stuck under another unlike the girls, however, all the emotions from the group fighting, the stress of Loki, and the fear of almost being burned alive were catching up with him. "We're okay, right?"

Athalia tried to turn herself over, pulling herself across the floor in the hopes her legs would be able to wiggle free from the hold of the pipes. Nat trying the same. Banner groaned as he fought against the Hulk.

"Banner?" Athalia spoke to him, she just got a painful groan in response. The goddess was scared, not for her safety, she's fought many a beast in her time but for the safety of Bruce himself, Natasha, and every other living soul on this aircraft.

"Bruce?" Nat called out to him. Still no answer. The redhead looked at the goddess as she still tried to turn her body around. They didn't know what to do.

"You keep talking to him, I'll work on this." Athalia breathed, gesturing to the metal crushing them. She was finally able to turn even the smallest amount.

Romanoff nodded at the plan. "You got to fight it, Bruce. This is just what Loki wants." Nat spoke, a green tint coming to the skin on Banner's face.

Athalia reached out for the metal pipe, placing her palm against it she watched as ice slowly left her body, covering the pipe. Her idea was if she had frozen it at a cool enough temperature it would be able to break. But for metal to break while frozen, it needs to be about anything to liquid nitrogen temperature which is as cold as negative 196 °C [− 320 °F].

Being a Frost Giant means that Athalia wouldn't be affected if the small, enclosed room was that cold. If Banner was to turn into the Hulk it wouldn't affect him either. That just leaves Nat. A mortal human with no powers, her leg being crushed and the result of freezing to death.

"We're going to be okay. Listen to me." Natasha continued to speak, waving away the two agents who had come to their rescue. "We're going to be okay. All right? I swear on my life, I will get you out of this. You will walk away and never ever-"

"Your life!" Bruce replied in a monstrous voice, scaring the redhead. Once the pipe was completely frozen, Athalia worked on lifting end-crushing Nat so her skin wouldn't burn from the cold temperature. A lavender haze shaping around the edge of the pipe, she began to lift them.

More of Bruce's skin began to turn green and he continued to fight his own battle against the other guy. His clothes ripped as his muscles began to grow. Natasha had a panicked look on her face. She wiggled her leg, trying to get herself free from the small gap Athalia had made.

The goddess's heart beat faster and faster as they began to run out of time. Bruce was losing the fight. The Hulk was taking control of their shared body. Twisting her hand she lifted the metal from Nat's legs.

A loud roar boomed through the enclosed space. Athalia's eyes widened. The Hulk was here and she was still stuck. The green creature hit some control panels, the light dying around them, flicking off.

"Ah!" She groaned, sending out a big blast of purple energy. The metal stuttered, freeing her from its hold. Nat scrambled to her feet, helping the goddess to hers. Athalia's leg felt numb. The two stopped as they saw the hulk. They stood still, not wanting to make a noise. If they did they were done for. Neither of them had been up against him before. Would Athalia even stand a chance?

The Hulk turned his head, looking back at the young girls. He gritted his teeth, letting out a powerful roar. Scared, the two began to run making their way to the stairs to create space between them and the mindless creature. Hoping to buy them time, put up a field of energy, creating a wall between them.

Climbing over more pipes they tried to distance themselves. The Hulk's roar was heard around the whole ship as the noise echoed through the vents. The blood slowly started to come back to Athalia's legs. She pushed past the pain as she continued to run away. The whole ship was at risk with Hulk on the loose.

Nat stumbled, not being able to feel her leg. Athalia wrapped her arm around her shoulder to help her push farther. It was quiet. To quiet. Natasha had pointed out a spot to hide, hidden behind some type of machine Athalia wasn't able to make out in the dark. They waited but no roar or crash came their way.

They didn't stay in that spot for long. Knowing that it wouldn't be safe as they hadn't any idea when the Hulk could be. Natasha pulled out her gun that was clipped on her belt while Athalia formed her spear. Stepping around the corner was their worst mistake. The green creature that had been searching for them appeared in front of them, letting a loud roar leave his monster's lips.

Natasha shot a bullet, forming a hole in the pipe above him. Cold air brushed out, fogging Hulk's version allowing enough time for them to escape. Grabbing Nat's hand the two girls broke into a full sprint. Running as fast as they could with the little feeling they had left in their legs. The Hulk was faster. Running behind them at a great speed, breaking everything in its path. Sparks of light flickering and firing everywhere.

Right behind the two girls, he swung his giant hands sending them flying into the walls. Athalia grunted as her body came in contact with the wall. Natasha is being thrown in the opposite direction. More glass shuttered around them as they landed on the ground. Past memories from the giant frost monster attack back on the Jotuheim flashed through Athalia's brain.

The Hulk crushed into the wall next to Athalia. The princess started up at him, trying to push past every piece of fear building up in her body and brain as the creature's big hand wrapped around her waist, holding her in the air.

A dagger flashed into Athalia's hand, ready to stab the beast. Athalia didn't want to stab Bruce but he wasn't Bruce at that moment, it was the Hulk and the Hulk wanted to kill them. That was his mission. But the shock of Thor hurdling through the walls, tackling the big beast through another stopped her.

The threes tumbled through the wall, Hulk dropping his hold around the princess she rolled a few times. Nat is now being left alone. The room the Thor had crashed them into was filled with more agents, mechanics, and unfinished jets.

"Go!" Athalia yelled at them, "Get out of here." she added pushing herself off of the ground.

The Hulk let out another roar. Thor stood in front of him, bringing his big hand back he went to hit the god but the pull of Athalia's magic held him back. A purple mist tugged at his fist. Thor took the opening and bunched Hulk in the face, spinning him around with the force of the impact. Hulk snarled, moving to crush Thor with his hand, the blonde pushed back against the force.

"We are not your enemies, Banner," Thor said, pushing against the green palm. "Try to think!"

Hulk had had enough of his words, lifting the god into the air, pushing him in the face making him fly across the room. Standing on her feet, she felt the blood coming back to her legs. Athalia used all of her strength to fight against the Hulk, wanting to keep the creature in this era instead of letting him explore the ship.

Taking a swing, the Hulk meant to hit the smaller creature, Athalia, but the goddess used her magic. She sent a blast of energy at his fist, redirecting it towards his own face. Blast after blast of energy, she pushed Hulk around the room. Dodging the swings he fired her way. Rolling only the floor, landing on her knees she sleed across the ground towards Thor.

The moment Hulk jumped off the ground to attack Athalia, Mjolnir flew into Thor's hand. The blonde swung his arm around making the cold metal of his hammer fly into Hulk's face. He was knocked back, crashing into the grey jet behind him making it slide across the hard ground. An uncomfortable screeching sound danced around the building.

Thor glanced over at his sister, making sure she was okay. She nodded her head, letting him know that she was alright. Hulk broke off the wing of the jet, firing it back at the two gods. Dropping to the floor, it just grazed over their heads caving into a S.H.I.E.L.D. jeep ripping the room clean off.

Thor threw his hammer into Hulk's hand. The creature not worthy of its power was sent flying back, the unworthy weight of the hammer holding him to the ground. The two watched as Hulk struggled to lift Mjolnir, digging his feet into the ground. Roaring and grunting as he failed.

Athalia jumped on Hulk's shoulders, grabbing the sides of his head she pulled him back while Thor returned Mjolnir to his hand. Moving herself, Athalia held her spear against Hulk's neck. Hulk throws his body side to side, trying to shack off the goddess. Thor jumped on as well, hoping the Mjolnir could still keep him down. Hulk pushed off the ground, making the three crush through the roof, landing on another floor. Thor and Athlalia removed their hold on the Hulk and collapsed on the ground.

Not even having a moment to rest. Hulk picked up Thor. Throwing him against the ground in the research lab. From the corner of Athlalia's eye, she saw a fighter jet hovering in the air outside the window of their level. With one last throw, Hulk sent Thor flying back across the room, farther away from his sister.

The creature hadn't noticed the jet outside the window as it slowly started to make its way over to Athalia who'd flicked herself off the ground. Bullets started to get fired through the window, stuttering the glass, hitting and bunching off the Hulk. The bullet failed to harm the creature, it only angered him more.

Thor launched himself at his sister, pushing them out of the fire of the added lasers leaving the aircraft. The Hulk roared, jumping out the window towards the aircraft. That the was last the two saw off the Hulk. The jet he'd attacked sent black smoke as it lost control.

"We have to get to Loki," Athalia said, as she dragged her brother out of the lab. She busted through the doors, Thor right on her tail as they tried to reach the floor the holding cell was on. Right when they arrived Loki was opening the door to the holding cell.

Thor lept forward, "No!" He yelled at their brother, going to tackle the other god to the ground to stop him from escaping the glass prison. As Thor jumped at 'Loki' the illusion disappeared, the door closing leaving Thor stuck inside. Loki stood on the other side of the glass only a few steps away from Loki. They stared through the glass.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki asked. Thor yelled in annoyance, hitting his hammer against the glass making it creak. There was a reason that Fury had warned The youngest god not to leave even the smallest mark on the glass. The cell shock, the pillars holding it up losing their hold.

"The humans think us immortal," Loki said, walking over to the control panel. "Should we test that?" Out of anger, wanting to stop their brother, Athalia shot a sparking ball of electricity at Loki. Before it could hit them, the twin stopped it reflecting it back to Athalia. The shocks of electricity shocked the goddess, making her curl over in pain.

"Move away, please," Coulson said, holding a giant gun in his hands. A new weapon that they had been working on. He stood only a single step away from Athalia who lay on the floor in pain, a quiet groan leaving her lips as her body kept sparking.

Loki moved his hand away from the button. "You like this?" Phil asked, moving the gun, and taking a step in front of Athalia. "We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does," he explained, taking a few more steps closer to the god of mischief. Moving his finger, Coulson powers up the gun.

"Do you want to find out?" Before he could pull the trigger, the real Loki appeared behind the mortal man, standing above his sister, scepter in hand as he plunged it through Phil's ribcage. Just missing his heart.

"No!" Thor and Athalia cried out. Loki removed the scepter making Coulson fall to the ground. His back fell against the wall leaving a smear of his blood painted across the wall. Athalia dragged herself towards the dying mortal man with everything she had left in her. Tears slipped through her eyes, not wanting this man to die.

The real Loki walked over to the control panel. Pressing the button that opened the floor below the cell holding Thor. His hand hovered over the button to send Thor falling to his death in a metal prison, almost like he was waiting for something. Then Thor dropped.

"No!" Athalia cried out for her other brother as the cell fell, dropping so fast she almost missed it. A tear ran down her face. They were losing. Loki had the upper hand. There was no way this mess of a team the Fury wanted was ever going to work. Bruce was right they weren't a team they were a ticking time boom.

"You're going to lose," Coulson spoke to Loki, his voice weak. The god turned around and questioned the man's words. "It's in your nature."

"Your heroes are scattered. Your floating fortress falls from the sky." Loki listed, "Where is my disadvantage?"

"You lack conviction," Phil said.

"I don't think I'm-" Before the words could finish leaving Loki's mouth Coulson shot the power of the gun in his lap towards him. A ball of fire flew at him spending him straighter through the wall.

Phil laughed dryly, "So, that's how that works."

Athalia who had managed to pull herself up against the wall, sat next to the agent. She raised her hand, hovering her palm over the wound on his chest as blood seeped out onto his shirt. She rambled an enchantment in her chest as a lilac mist glowed around her palms, trying to help heal the man.

"Fury," She breathed, placing her other hand on the com on her ear. "Coulson down, he's been hit. Loki's gone."

"Copy." Fury's voice replied. "Stay put,"

"We didn't plan on moving," Coulson tried to push Athalia's hand away. Not seeing the point in trying to heal him when he wasn't going to make it. "Stop, let me help."

"Princess, there is no point." She shook her head, ignoring the word that left her mouth. The two sat in silence as Athalia tried to heal the mortal man. Another tear slipped from her eye. Fury finally found them, making his way over to the two pressed against the wall.

"Sorry, boss." Phil apologized as Fury removed the weapon from his lap. "The god rabbited."

"Just stay awake," Fury ordered, grabbing Phil's jaw. "Eyes on me."

"No, I'm clocking out here."

"Not an option."

"It's okay, boss. This was never gonna work if they didn't have something to..." Phil swallowed the lump of blood filling his throat. Taking his last breath. Athalia slowly lowered her hand, no longer feeling a heartbeat. She turned her head and met Fury's gaze.

"He's gone..."

[Amber's little chats; I've let everyone set with their feelings after the final episode of Loki Season two... what are people's thoughts? I personally loved it and i think that Athalia would be proud of him :) ]

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