The Shadows Star: Book 1

By SolEsla

2.6K 75 2

✨In a galaxy far, far away✨ A girl with no name captures the heart of a certain zabrak Sith Lord who thought... More

2: Labyrinth of Conflict
3: Destiny's Dance
4: The Unspoken
5: The Unforseen
6: The Power of a Single Word
7: Safe
8: Our Oaths
9: His Shadow
10: Moonlit Bonds
11: Walls and Wanderlust
12: First Steps
13: Rings and Padawan Braids
14: Yield
16: A Few Choice Words
17: And So It Begins...
18: Neon Havens
19: When The Time Comes
20: The Weight of Our Choices
21: Run, Sombra
22: Torment
23: Hope
24: Kriffing Incredible
25: I Won't Leave
26: Peace is a Lie
27: The Path Ahead
28: I'll Always Be There
29: Feel. Don't Think.
30: Stronger Together
31: The Paths Placed Before Us
32: Shattered
33: Nostalgia
34: Attachments
35: Potential
36: Among Their Ranks
37: Little Chats
38: Duel of the Fates
39: As the Dust Settles
40: Acceptance
41: Carry On His Legacy
42: Fleeting Moments

15: Let Fate Decide

53 1 1
By SolEsla

As the evening descends and the sky is painted with hues of orange and purple, Sombra's new friends, Bael and Ielwei, bid her farewell as their families call them home. Warm embraces are exchanged, and Sombra watches as they depart, a sense of camaraderie and belonging settling within her heart.

Left with Salvador, the two young companions continue to explore the world around them. Salvador's presence is both reassuring and comforting. He guides her towards a spot he discovered earlier—a tree that seems to reach towards the heavens.

With youthful energy and shared excitement, they begin to climb the tree, ascending its branches until they reach its highest point. From there, they're treated to a breathtaking view—a sunset that paints the horizon with vibrant colors, a sight that leaves Sombra in awe.

Salvador's words break the stillness, his voice carrying a hint of wonder. "Are you an angel?" he asks, his gaze fixed on Sombra with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. Sombra's blush is immediate, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue at the unexpected question.

She responds with a soft laugh, her tone lighthearted. "An angel? What do you mean?"

Salvador's explanation unfolds with a sense of innocence and wonder. He tells her of angels, beings said to reside in the moons of Iego—a tale that captures her imagination. He speaks of their beauty, a description that resonates with the moment as Salvador inadvertently calls her beautiful.

Sombra's heart flutters at the unexpected compliment, her eyes meeting Salvador's with a mixture of surprise and appreciation. Her curiosity gets the best of her as she asks where he learned about angels. Salvador's response reveals a glimpse into his own experiences—his father is a pilot, who has flown them to various corners of the galaxy. It was during their journeys that Salvador heard stories of angels, stories that now connect him to this magical moment.

As the colors of the sunset deepen, Sombra and Salvador find themselves lying side by side in the branches of the tree. The soft rustle of leaves and the fading light create an ambiance of serenity, their presence in each other's company a comforting and intimate connection.

As Salvador takes Sombra's hand, she feels a rush of warmth—an unspoken understanding and bond that transcends words. With her head resting on his shoulder, they gaze at the shifting sky, a testament to the simple beauty of shared experiences and the budding friendship that continues to unfold.

In this tranquil moment, beneath the canvas of a galaxy-spanning sky, Sombra and Salvador's hearts beat in unison. Sombra continues to ask Salvador about all his adventures, all the planets he's visited, and the people he's met. His life seems like a dream to her, a life of endless freedom and adventure.

The evening sky is alive with hues of deepening blues and twinkling stars—a backdrop that mirrors the emotions swirling within the hearts of the two young friends.

Salvador's expression changes as his communication device chimes, his father's voice calling him back to their ship. Sombra watches as a hint of sadness crosses Salvador's features, the weight of impending departure apparent in his eyes.

In the tranquility that surrounds them, Sombra's voice carries a mix of hope and longing. "Can we do this again soon? I think my dad will let me come again," she asks, her gaze fixed on Salvador with a mixture of anticipation and vulnerability.

Salvador's response is tinged with a heaviness that resonates deeply within Sombra's heart. He explains that their stop was only for refueling, that they were leaving, and he didn't know when—or if—they would return. The weight of his words hangs in the air, a realization that their time together is about to come to an abrupt end.

Sombra's heart clenches with a mixture of sadness and heartbreak. The thought of her first friend leaving her so soon is almost too much to bear. The impending separation feels like a loss, a void that's suddenly opened up within her.

But during this emotional storm, Salvador reaches into his pocket and retrieves a delicate ring. His voice carries a soft sincerity as he explains. "I saw you staring at it in the market and thought I could get you a gift. Look, I even got a matching one. I just thought you might want it, so we don't forget each other."

He offers the ring to Sombra with a promise. "As long as we wear them, it means we will meet again. One day, I'll be a pilot and we can go on all the adventures in the galaxy together. I promise."

As Sombra takes the ring into her hand, a sense of warmth envelops her. This simple piece of jewelry holds within it a promise, a connection that will remain even when distance separates them. Their embrace is tight and meaningful, a gesture that speaks volumes about the bond they've formed in such a short time.

In a moment of sheer tenderness, Sombra places a kiss on Salvador's cheek—a gesture learned from her papá, a sign of affection that transcends words. As Salvador's father calls him once again, the reality of their parting becomes imminent. Salvador's reluctance is evident as he steps back, his gaze lingering on Sombra's.

With a final wave and a promise-filled smile, Salvador reluctantly departs, leaving Sombra alone in the embrace of the night. The stars above seem to shine a little brighter as if echoing the hope that they'll be reunited one day. And as Sombra clutches the ring in her hand, she feels a mixture of emotions—sadness at the departure of a friend, but also a sense of warmth and comfort in the promise that their connection will endure, waiting to be rekindled when destiny permits.

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