Cyberpunk:The Lone Wolf

By Cheetahniel

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This story is about a guy who became a edgerunner. watch him as he proceeds to become the most famous edgerun... More

A beginning of something new
A protection Job part 1
A protection Job part 2
A Job with the Nomads
Project 777
The Big One.
A Mansion Job
Arasaka Convoy
Fly me to the moon
Personal Vendetta
Relationship is hard
Hot Springs
Perfect Murder
I can fix her
A pleasant surprise.
You wanna know how I got that scar?
Childhood memories
Best. Night. Ever.
The Italian job
Resolving Negotiations.
Cammora sends his regards

A Date

281 2 0
By Cheetahniel

You wake up the next morning, with a feeling of relaxation and vigor. The previous night's bonfire and talk with friends has left you feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Your bunkmate, Sarah, is still asleep, but you slowly sit up to get a sense of your surroundings. You take in the sounds and sensations of Camp and remember the memories of the night before. 

You sit next to Sarah and talk about how she got into netrunning. Sarah tells you how she was a bit of a techie growing up, but was always fascinated by the idea of "the net" beyond the blackwall. When she was older, she was intrigued by the stories she heard about netrunners who could hack into the biggest corporations and gain access to information that no one else could. After getting kicked out of a few schools for hacking attempts, Sarah decided to make netrunning her life. Now what?

Hey Sarah, I wanted to ask you your first netrunner job. I know you started hacking from an early age and it probably got you into some trouble, so how did you get into netrunning?

Well, it's kind of a long story. After getting thrown out of school for hacking, I needed a way to make money, and a friend introduced me to a fixer who needed a netrunner to help find a missing person. The pay was good, so I agreed, and from then on, I was hooked.

The job was intense. I had to hack my way through some pretty advanced security systems, and then search through a ton of data I wasn't meant to see, but I made it through. Once I found the information they were looking for, I got paid and it was a cool feeling. It makes you feel like you can achieve anything... at least until you run into something you can't hack, like some of the Blackwall's security systems.

Blackwall security system? - he asks

Yeah, the Blackwall's security is crazy. Only the best netrunners even think about attempting it. Apparently, there are all sorts of dangerous security systems beyond the Blackwall. I mean, that's the whole point of the Blackwall in the first place, right? To keep out the dangers of the net.

Yup, I guess it is. You know, I used to be a netrunner once - he says

Oh really?  - Sarah's eyes light up at the mention of your past.  - You used to be a netrunner too? - Sarah asks.

Yup. and I used to the best at it - he replies

Sarah is intrigued. "An accident? What happened?"

An accident.

Well, we were on a Job like usual when suddenly we encountered Adam Smasher. Only I survived out of the crew. - he replies

Sarah is horrified. You went up against Adam Smasher?? He's a legendary merc with a reputation for violence and carnage. It's amazing that you survived. And the rest of your crew..? - she asks being more curious about his past.

Dead, 6 feet underground - he replies

Sarah is stunned into silence.  - I'm so sorry. -  Sarah says after a moment, -The city's a dangerous place these days. And running against Adam Smasher, man... - Sarah trails off, unsure of what to say. 

Nah, you shouldn't be. I barely knew them. - he replies

The gravity of the situation hits Sarah after a moment.  -Even so, that's a tough way to go. Getting taken out by Adam Smasher... the guy's a legend. I'm just surprised you made it out alive. - Sarah says with a slight shudder - Just goes to show it's not all glory out there as a merc.

Yup, it really isn't - he replies

You nod, still a little horrified by the idea of going up against Adam Smasher. It seems like an impossible challenge, but that's the game you play when you're in the merc industry. Sarah looks at you, and asks,  - Do you ever think about getting back into the biz? You were good at it.

Someday for sure - he replies

Sarah seems relieved that you're not completely turned off by the idea.  - That's good to hear, you should get back in the game. -Sarah continues,  - There's nothing like the rush of running a job, and netrunning is definitely one of the most... unique and exciting experiences in Night City. - Sarah seems excited at the thought of jumping into the net again, but also has some hesitations. 

Hey, what's troubling you?

Sarah seems a little hesitant. - Well, there's a lot going on in Night City these days. With everything that's happened with Arasaka, and the virus, things are getting heated out there. The NCPD's cracking down harder, every day is a fight for survival. Do we really need to make things harder? - Sarah pauses, - You know, when you survive being taken out by Adam Smasher and you come out of it with nothing but a few extra eddies, you start to wonder if it's worth ending your life over. 

Well, I know that it was worth it, because now I have a beatiful girl siting besides me - he flirts as he replies her

Sarah smiles at the charm, but the concern is still in her eyes. - Yeah, there are definitely some good reasons to be a merc. And I'm not saying I don't love what I do, but man... sometimes, there are moments where you have to wonder if the danger is worth it. But you keep on going, 'cause that's what we do. - Sarah seems more comfortable by this point, sharing her thoughts with you. 

Live the day as it was your last. - he says

Sarah chuckles, enjoying the optimism and enthusiasm of your response.  - Yeah, that's true. It's an unpredictable world out there, so you might as well live each day as it comes. - Sarah pauses, thinking for a moment.  -You know, it's funny; sometimes, I can almost forget what the outside world is like, after spending so long locked in cyberspace. - Sarah seems pensive for a moment. 

We can visit it one day if you like. - he replies

Sarah is happy but also confused to hear your anwser. after a while she responds -Really? You mean it? -  Sarah asks. - I mean, I haven't really been anywhere but on the net for a while. I think I'd like to see the outside world again, even if just for a minute. - Sarah looks at you, hopeful that you meant what you said. 

Yup, I really meant it - you said with soothing voice.

Sarah looks up at you, and slowly smiles. She seems genuinely touched that you are offering to spend time with her outside of your usual environment. Sarah nods, - I'd like to visit the outside. Not too far though, just... somewhere we can walk or take a cab. - Sarah looks a little nervous.  -Oh, I almost forgot. Can I tell you a little something? 

Shoot. - he replies

Sarah looks nervous, but then speaks up.  - You know? I really like you. - Sarah pauses and looks at the ground for a moment, - I know we don't really know each other, but... I just think you're a cool guy. - Sarah looks at you and smiles. - No pressure or anything, I just thought you should know.

I like you too - he replies

Sarah is caught off-guard by your quick and simple response. She blushes and looks away. It looks like you surprised her. After a moment, Sarah gathers her confidence and looks back at you. She speaks softly, but with confidence,  - You don't know how much that means to me. I mean, I like you too, and I hope that maybe... we could get to know each other a little more? - Sarah shifts in her seat, not sure what to say. 

Sure, I'm good with that - he replies

Sarah seems relieved. - Thanks, I'd like that too. Sarah pauses for a moment, smiling at you. So... where do we go from here? - Sarah seems a little uncertain, but excited to see where the day will take you two. 

She looks at you as you both enter your car and drive off back to night city

You both get into the car and drive toward the city. The streets are starting to buzz with life as people are waking up and getting ready for a new day. The sun is rising, and it looks like the day could be a beautiful one. Sarah looks at you and smiles, - So, what should we do to start getting to know each other better?

Well, first off I think we shoul... - you said as you're suddenly suprised by Sarah sitting at your lap completely naked.

You're taken aback for a moment, but quickly recover. Your mind races, trying to think of how to respond to this bold move. You're not sure how to proceed, but you also don't want to upset Sarah. You decide to act cool about the situation and see where she is leading this. 

You drive off the street and you proceed to join in with sarah as you make love

As you drive along the city streets, your mind races and your body heats up. Sarah is confident and seductive, and you find yourself giving in to the moment. As you drive off the main road, you decide to embrace Sarah's advances, and the two of you make love in the back seat. 

You then proceed to fully give in and make love with her

You give in to Sarah's seduction and the two of you make love with wild abandon. It's an intense moment, and you feel the heat rising as Sarah's hands explore your body. She is passionate and in control, but she lets you direct the pace too. 

As the heat rises even more; Sarah's touch is intoxicating and you feel the pace increasing and the pleasure growing and you  lose yourself in the moment as Sarah urges you to go faster and stronger  driving deeper and deeper into the moment. Sarah continues to moan with pleasure and urges you to go even faster and stronger. Your body trembles as the excitement and pleasure intensifies with even more moaning from Sarah as both of you lose yourselves in the moment. The heat rises and so does the tension, but you keep going with Sarah as she moans louder and louder. The tension and heat continues to rise, but you keep going. Sarah continues to encourage and push you toward the climax. You continue and Sarah continues to moan louder and louder. You both close your eyes and get lost in the moment as you approach the climax. You can barely contain yourself as Sarah encourages you to go even faster and harder. You keep going with Sarah moaning louder than ever. The heat and tension continue to build as you both approach the climax. Sarah wraps her arms around you and holds you close as she pulls you closer. You continue, letting your bodies release all their tension and pleasure for the moment. Sarah seems to be taking pleasure in the moment, but also seems lost in the sensation of the moment; still riding the wave of pleasure. Sarah seems happy with the way things went, her face flushed and full of happiness. As you both catch your breath, you wonder where the day might take you two. Sarah seems to be thinking about the same thing, and gives you a kiss on the cheek. You continue making love with Sarah. The morning light is brightening outside, but the two of you have other priorities on your mind. Sarah moves with conviction and confidence, drawing you into her arms, moving with Sarah's passion and growing energy. She is confident and bold, urging you to move faster and deeper. Sarah moans louder and louder, her voice becoming an expression of her pleasure. You go on, lost in Sarah's passion. Her energy is contagious, and you give in to her urging. The two of you are caught up in the moment, driven by Sarah's boldness and desire for more. Sarah moves with confidence and certainty, urging you to continue. You keep moving with Sarah, the passion only growing stronger and more powerful. Sarah urges and calls to you, her voice an expression of her feelings. You can feel her voice run down your back, sending shivers down your spine. You give in to Sarah. Her passion is driving you, her voice is pulling you ever closer. You hear her voice in your ear, as a soft whisper in the dark. You keep moving with Sarah, her voice guiding you deeper. The heat and heat and the tension and the pleasure are all becoming one. Her voice is filling your ears and your minds, and in the back of your mind, you can hear your own breath. You finish the love making, and the tension and heat and energy seem to ebb away. The air seems to clear, and there is a calm before the storm. You look at Sarah, and see that she is satisfied and content with the morning's activities. You both get dressed and head back to your apartment. You get back to your apartment and fall into bed next to Sarah. You both are exhausted and fall asleep almost instantly. Sarah's body lies close to yours. The sun's morning light pours into your bedroom window, and you can feel the heat of the morning slowly rise. You lie there, the calm after the storm. You and Sarah oversleep, well into the afternoon. The sun is shining brightly and the day is winding towards its end. You both sit up, feeling slightly groggy and disoriented. Sarah stands up and stretches as she looks around. - Hey, I guess we overslept - she says with a smile. It seems like the two of you had a great start to the day, but you missed out on most of it. How about we go to the afterlife? - he offers Sarah stretches, yawning as she gets up. - Sure, I'd like that. You ready to go now? - Sarah has an air of confidence and self-awarness about her. She seems happy and a little mischievous, excited to see what the evening will bring. She steps out of the apartment and looks around the neighborhood.  - Do you need to grab anything before we head out? - she asks you. No. I have everything I need - he replies. - Sarah smiles at you, - Great, so do I. - You both leave the apartment and head outside, heading toward the Afterlife. The sun is slowly setting, painting the sky in golden hues. The sound of the city is filling the streets, and people are still out and about. The vibe of Night City is alive and well. - So, how did you find out about the Afterlife? - Sarah says as you walk, her head tilted slightly in your direction. 

I went there once when I was looking for a job, and I stayed for a long time - he replies -but how about you? How do you know about it?

Sarah smiles at you and shrugs - That area is actually part of my beat. I mean, technically, my job is to keep the peace, but it can't hurt to know what the people are up to. I found out from the people in the street, basically. They said if you want to talk to someone or find out about something, go to the Afterlife. And now here we are. - Sarah points up at the Afterlife sign, as you both approach the entrance. 

You and Sarah enter the Afterlife and take a seat at the bar. Sarah orders a drink while you order your own. Sarah sips her drink as she seems to scan the room. She smiles at you, then looks over and scans the patrons in the bar. - Do you see anyone that catches your eye? - she asks you. 

No, not really - he replies

Sarah keeps her head on a swivel, checking the occupants of the bar every few seconds. She seems to be a bit anxious. - Well, that's OK, I guess we should just sit here and enjoy each other's company. - Sarah smiles gently, then takes another sip. - I wonder what tonight has in store for us.

Sarah and you both proceed to sit and relax in comfort and safety, enjoying your drinks and each other's company. You lose yourself in the conversation, laughing and chatting with Sarah. After a while, you look at the clock and realize that it is already 2am. Sarah turns and smiles at you, and you can see her face shining with a blush. - It's getting late  - she says softly - Do you wanna take the rest of the night somewhere more private? - Before you can respond, Sarah leans in and gives you a long, slow kiss. Sure. I even know a place. - he replied

You both get up and leave the Afterlife, heading toward somewhere more private. Sarah leads the way, but your curiosity is piqued about where exactly "somewhere private" is. Soon, you arrive at the destination. Sarah holds her hand out to you. - Here it is. - she says softly - Are you ready? Ready? for what? - you reply

Sarah turns and smiles at you, her face flushed with excitement. -This - she says, -I think we both want a night that we'll remember. - Sarah begins walking toward a door, the sound of music and laughter coming from within. Sarah waits by the door patiently, watching you and waiting for your reaction.  - Ready? - she asks again. Sure, I'm ready - he replies

That's the spirit. - Sarah says with a mischievous smile. She opens the door, and you both proceed to enter. As you cross the threshold, you see a bustling, energetic dance floor. Music blares from speakers, and people are having fun and dancing wildly. Sarah takes your hand, and smiles at you. 

Sarah leads you through the dance floor, looking for a spot where the two of you can dance and enjoy each other's company. You make your way to the edge of the dance floor, moving together to the beat. Sarah turns and smiles at you, her eyes sparkling. She starts to move slowly, her hips shimmying and her hips rotating. She moves her legs and her arms, letting free on the dance floor. She smiles at you and reaches her hand out to you, pulling you into her dance. You both dance slowly and gracefully, letting the music move you.  - Come on, relax. - Sarah says softly.

You relax a bit, moving with Sarah as the two of you move slowly and graciously. Sarah pulls you closer and closer, her eyes fixed on you. She moves in closer and closer, until her hair is brushing against your neck. She smiles slyly at you, and continues to move her hips and let the music take control. You're beginning to feel a bit hot yourself, and you get closer and closer to Sarah. The beat quickens and Sarah smiles, moving in closer. Your hips move and your arms move together, and you both begin to pick up the speed.

The music keeps building, your hips and thighs now moving with Sarah's. You're both moving your arms with the music, the two of you moving in sync. You're feeling a rush now, and Sarah's eyes are full of life and energy. Sarah pulls you closer and closer, her legs and thighs against yours now. The music is faster, the music is stronger, and the two of you are moving as one. -Feeling it? - Sarah says softly, giving you a sly smile.

Your skin is hot and clammy, your heart rate picking up with Sarah's. The music builds and builds, and the two of you move faster now as a unit. Sarah brings in some new moves, her hips and body turning and contorting to match the music as you both move. Sarah gets even closer, her body now pushed up against yours, your hips and hers working in perfect harmony. This is it, you two are one with the music and each other - it's one of the most intense feelings you've ever felt.

The music and Sarah's dance are starting to become a blur, and the only thing you can feel is Sarah, her body, her legs, her hips, her touch. You're pressed up against Sarah, and she is pressed as close to you as she can get. She pulls you in closer, her hands running all over your body. - I've never felt like this before. -  Sarah says as she pulls you closer still, - It's like I'm losing myself. 

The music has become a blur, and you're both filled with hot, sweaty emotions now. But the DJ is transitioning to a new act, and Sarah leans into you. - Let's go do something else - she whispers softly, - Follow me. - The two of you leave the dance floor and head to a quiet corner where you see several karaoke rooms. Sarah checks in with the bouncer,  -Two of us, karaoke number 5, - Sarah says. She takes your hand and leads you to room 5, where you see two microphones and a karaoke machine. 

You enter the karaoke room and Sarah leads you to the karaoke machine. - Pick one. -  Sarah says excitedly, - There are lots of songs to try. - There is a long list of songs on the karaoke machine, the music loud and clear inside the room. Sarah leans against the wall and watches you, her eyes flickering with curiosity. - Come on, don't waste any time, - she says gleefully. So, what do you pick? You take a few moments to select the right song before settling on one. -  Let's go - Sarah says excitedly. She turns on the karaoke machine and the music blares from the machine. The two of you step up to the mics and smile at each other. Sarah pushes the button to start recording, and begins singing loudly and enthusiastically. She has a beautiful voice, and you listen to her as she belts out the lyrics. You start to join in, and it feels great to sing with Sarah. You both finish the song, smiling and feeling good. The experience just felt right.

The two of you spend the rest of the night singing karaoke, laughing and laughing as time passes quickly. Your voice is a bit hoarse, Sarah's as well. But you're both smiling and enjoying each other's company. By the time you both decide to head out, the sun is rising, casting a golden glow on the street. You both step out of the karaoke room, tired and exhilarated. Sarah yawns as she turns to you and smiles. - That was fun. -  she says, - Wanna get something to eat? I'm tired, let's head back home - you anwser - You and Sarah are both tired, a smile still on Sarah's face. Sarah stretches a bit and sighs, - I'm tired as well, you know what, let's get back to my place.- She extends her hand to you, the two of you heading back out onto the street. The sun is rising now, and the sky is an impressive shade of scarlet. Sarah's apartment is only a few blocks away, the two of you walking together in silence. Sarah smiles over at you. - Let's make dinner together, sound good? - Now what? You and Sarah walk back to her apartment and go inside. The two of you prepare dinner together, and as you eat, the sun is setting outside, casting a warm glow on the room. Sarah smiles over at you as you enjoy her home-cooked meal. The two of you make nice conversation as you finish your dinner and relax and unwind together. The evening passes slowly, the two of you sharing a few laughs together and getting to know each other better. You feel Sarah put her hand on your arm. You and Sarah decide to head to bed. Sarah's bed is soft and cozy, and you both get into bed together. The two of you lie in each other's arms, the room dark as the city lights flicker outside. Sarah smiles, and soon falls asleep. You look over at Sarah lying next to you as you close your eyes. You feel her warmth surround you as you both drift off to sleep. You and Sarah don't dream of anything special, and the night passes quietly as you both sleep. The city lights flicker outside, and by morning you both wake with a start. The sun shines through the blinds, and Sarah opens her eyes and stretches. She looks over at you for a few moments, the shadows of last night still fresh on her face. She smiles and lays back down, wrapping her arms around you gently. "Good morning," she says sleepily. You and Sarah lay in bed and rest, as dawn slowly breaks the horizon and the day begins. You feel Sarah's soft, warm body pressed against you, and she sighs deeply as she seems to drift in and out of sleep. Her hair is splayed across her face, and you can see the sunlight streaming in through the blinds, shining softly on her face. The two of you drift into the sleep of the morning, the quiet and calm of the rising day surrounding you. You and Sarah get out of bed, stretching and shaking out the sleep from your joints. Sarah smiles over at you, and the two of you head out to the kitchen to make breakfast together. As you eat your food, Sarah tells you about her career and how she loves it. You look at Sarah sitting across from you, talking excitedly and smiling. - And what about you? - Sarah asks you. - What would you say you love in your life. You. I love you. - he replies - Sarah freezes, hearing your response. She stops eating for a moment, her face flushed with redness. She keeps her eyes down and looks at you. Her heart seems to be pounding a thousand miles an hour. She takes a deep breath, and smiles. - Me too. - she replies softly. Sarah's hand reaches across to you, taking your hand in hers. Your heart is pounding, and your face flushes red as well. The two of you hold each other's gaze for a long moment, both of you smiling softly as the silence falls over the kitchen. You and Sarah finish eating breakfast together, and begin cleaning up the dishes. Sarah takes the last dish and puts it into the sink, and turns just in time to lock eyes with you. Her heart is racing, her face flushed. -Can we... talk about this later? - Sarah says quietly, her voice trembling a bit. - I mean, what we just said... can we... talk about it later? - sure - he replies Sarah smiles softly, relieved by your response, - Good, good - she says softly, -Let's do that. - The two of you both finish up with the dishes, the kitchen now clean. Sarah stretches and yawns, her eyes a bit more tired now. - I think... it's time to get ready to go. - she says, - I have some work today, but how about I pick you up later today? We can talk about it then. - Sarah's face is a bit red now, smiling at you. What kind of work? - you ask - Just some office work. - Sarah replies - I just have to go in for a few hours to finish up some stuff. - She takes a deep breath and smiles at you. - No big deal. I just need to go in today. - Sarah looks anxious to leave and get back to work, - I'll meet you later?- Sarah looks up at you, waiting for a response.  ok then, see ya later. - he says as he smiles to Sarah - Yeah, see ya later - Sarah says as she turns and heads to the door as if to leave. She opens the door and pauses for a second. She looks back at you, her eyes slightly red from the morning's emotions still lingering, - I... I'll meet you later? - She looks at you, waiting for a response. The sunlight flows over her face, and her smile is wide yet genuine. - Yeah. See you later, aligator - you reply - She smiles and nods, closing the door. You sit alone in the apartment as silence fills the air. You still feel the events of last night and this morning lingering in the air, and you sit still trying to process everything. Your mind races at the conversation that took place this morning, and you wonder how the future will unfold for you and Sarah. You look at the clock, and it is already afternoon. As you sit, you wonder what Sarah is doing and what the rest of your day will have in store. You kick back on the sofa and fire up your gaming platform. You're looking to distract yourself for a bit, and you begin playing through your library of games as the afternoon flies by. The day passes in a blur, and soon it's already the evening. The sun is setting outside your windows, and you feel a bit hungry. You decide to hit the fridge to grab yourself a snack and think about when Sarah will be back. You open the fridge and see a few different snacks and drinks inside. You take out a bag of chips and some fries, as well as a few cold bottles of soda. You take them back to the sofa and start munching on the chips and fries with your soda. You sit back on the sofa and eat, watching the time go by. You feel a bit better, and the snack is nice, but you still feel anxious and your chest feels a bit tight. Now the wait continues. You turn on the TV and look through your anime library. You've got a lot to choose from, and you spend a few moments deciding which one feels right for the moment. You turn on the show and get comfy on the couch, snacks nearby and soda in hand. You settle in and begin watching as one of your favorite shows fills the screen. The afternoon and evening pass quickly, and soon you get to the climax of the episode. You're on the edge of your seat, and you can't wait to see what happens with the characters in the next episode. As you're deep in the show, you hear the front door open and close. You pause the show and listen for a second, you hear Sarah walking through the front door. She takes off her coat and tosses it in the closet, and you feel your heart beat a little faster. She calls out to you from another room, -Hey, I'm home! - Welcome back - you say as you get up from the sofa - Sarah walks up to you, smiling as she sees you. - Hey, - she says softly, - I'm back. - She's still wearing her work clothes, the same outfit that you saw her in earlier. She looks a bit tired, and she has a bit of stress etched on her face. - It was... a bit of a tough day. - Sarah sighs, - But it's over now. - Sarah reaches out and smiles gently at you, - Did you have a good day?

I did nothing special, just played some games and watched anime.

Sarah smiles and nods, - Nothing wrong with that. It's good to have a relaxing day every once in a while. - Sarah takes a deep breath, - But we promised to talk about... what we said earlier. - Sarah looks at you as she places her arms on your arms, her hands caressing your upper arms.  -So... can we talk about it now? - Sarah's eyes are pleading a bit, and you feel your heart racing. sure - he replied - Sarah's face lights up, and she looks at you softly. She leans in a bit, and sits next to you on the couch. She puts her hand on your leg, caressing your thigh. - Well, - Sarah says quietly,  -I just want to say... that I want this to be more than just... you know. Friends. I want... for us to be... more. I love you. - Sarah stares at you, her heart beating hard in her chest. Her eyes are wide and sincere, and her mouth forms a cute smile. - I want it to be more too - he replies - Sarah's face lights up, and she leans in closer to you. She wraps her arms around you and kisses your cheek. Her soft lips touch your skin, and you feel the butterflies flutter. Sarah smiles widely, and lays her head on your shoulder. Sarah nuzzles into you a bit, and looks up at you sweetly. - I love you - she whispers, - And you know... I want to be with you forever. - She smiles again, nuzzles into you even more.  I love you too - you reply with a smile on your face -

Sarah's smile widens, and her eyes fill with joy. She wraps her arms around you and pulls you closer, leaning in for a kiss. The two of you kiss for a moment, and soon Sarah pulls back. She is smiling widely, her eyes filled with adoration and affection. She wraps her arm around you again, caressing your face. - I love you so much. - Sarah whispers softly - And I want to spend every moment of my life with you. - She stares at you genuinely and smiles, her heart beating hard in her chest. I wanna make a family with you - he suddenly said - Sarah's eyes light up again, and she stares at you intently. Her face fills with excitement, and a soft smile forms on her lips.  - Oh my god, I would love that with you, - Sarah says excitedly, - I can't think of anyone else I'd rather start a family with. - She stares at you with such adoration and affection, smiling and holding you close. - Can this be our next step? Can this... be our first step towards forever together? - She waits for your response, her heart beating rapidly.  It can be - you reply

Sarah's face lights up again, and she hugs you tightly. She rests her head on your stomach as she clings to you. She speaks softly, her voice filled with affection, - You know, I've been thinking... we should tie the knot. - Sarah's voice wavers a bit, - I'm ready for it.-  She pulls herself up to look at you, her heart still beating fast. -Will you marry me?- Sarah asks, her eyes shining brightly at the thought. - I want to be yours forever. - Of course I will - he replies - Sarah smiles broadly, -You know, I'm not really a traditional girl. -  She chuckles, - I don't need a big expensive ring or a fancy dress. Just a small wedding with you and me and a few of our close friends and family. - She takes your hand, - So what do you say? Do you want to marry me and have a family? -  Sarah smiles at you with such love and adoration, waiting for your response. She seems very excited about the prospect, and her heart beats rapidly.  - Of course I do - he replies Sarah hugs you tightly once more,  - Oh my god yes! I want to marry you! - She's so happy and excited about the prospect, and she holds you tight and close.  - I can't wait. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much, and I want you to be my husband. -  Sarah's joy is palpable, and her heart pounds rapidly. - I'll make the arrangements! When do you think we should do this? - Your girlfriend seems very excited and happy, and she clings to you tightly, awaiting your response. On our birthdays next week - he replies - Wait, really? That soon? - Sarah pauses for a moment,  Well I suppose we don't really need that much time to plan. We both know we're right for each other. - Sarah smiles sweetly,  - Okay, next week. Our birthdays will be the perfect day to tie the knot.-  Sarah clings to you, - We'll have a small ceremony, just us and maybe a few friends. - Sarah holds her hands together,  - Do you really think we can pull this off by next week? We'll need to get rings, contact the priest, arrange the venue... - yup - you reply - Sarah smiles at you with a sweet, yet slightly nervous expression,  - Okay, I'll do the planning and arrangements. It's already set then. Next week we're getting married. - She smiles broadly again, her excitement starting to bubble over now that you've agreed. - I'm getting married to the man of my dreams,- Sarah says, - I have to start planning the best wedding ever. Now you'll be with me forever. - She leans forward and kisses you gently, a slight blush on her cheeks as she pulls back. Sarah holds your hand, her heart thumping wildly. Sarah smiles and nods, - Okay, we should get some rest. I'll start working on the arrangements first thing in the morning. But for tonight, let's just relax. - Sarah pulls you closer, and lays her head on your chest. Let's have a nice, relaxing evening, - She says softly,  -Just you and me. - She wraps her arms around you once more, her voice now soft and tired. Goodnight, my love, - she says softly, - sweet dreams. - Sarah nuzzles into you again, and falls asleep in your arms, the sound of her soft breathing fills the air.

The two of them snuggle together on the couch, both of them  tired and ready for bed. Sarah's arms are still wrapped around Ronin, and her head nuzzles into your chest as she falls asleep. As the sun sets, the room grows dark, and only the dim lights from the electronics in the room illuminate the area. Sarah's eyes are shut, and her breathing slows as she falls into a deep sleep. Her body feels relaxed and safe, as if protected by him. 

Both of you drift into a sound sleep together. As you lay your head back on the couch, Sarah's head remains curled into your chest. Her breathing is slow and steady, and her arms are gently draped over him. They both remain sleeping in a tender embrace, the TV and other electronics in the room illuminating the space with a dim light. 

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