Drarry Oneshots

By dilfnnibal

12.9K 160 52

Just a bunch of Drarry Oneshots! Don't be afraid to comment or DM a request! Hope you enjoy reading :) DracoM... More

Muggle Music (Super Freak)
Love and Hate
Bad Idea
Leaving the Dursley's
Blind Date
Texting (1/2)
Texting (2/2)
Broomsticks and Flowers
Secret Relationships
A Poem For You

"Jealous, Malfoy?"

1.4K 17 8
By dilfnnibal

Tw: none!
Plots: Everyone has begun teasing Malfoy about liking Harry, due to him only bullying Ron and being jealous of his and Harry's friendship.

Ron and Harry sit next to each other, stirring potions and trying to figure out what ingredients to add next. From across the room, Draco is glaring daggers at the Weasley.

"You need to relax," Pansy says next to him, stirring the cauldron slowly as she makes a potion.

"How can I? Look at stupid Weasley, he's stirring the wrong way!" Draco exclaims. His eyes remain on the two Gryffindors. He sees them smiling and joking around with each other and neither of them are paying any attention to the potion they're creating.

"Oh lighten up. You're just jealous Ron gets to work with Harry and you don't," she says matter of factly. Draco turns his glare to her, angry at how confident she is about that assumption.

"I am not jealous! Why would I want Potter as a partner? He's always making things explode or making the wrong potion," Draco says defensively while crossing his arms over his chest. Pansy chuckles and looks at Draco, still stirring.

"That's exactly why you want to be his partner. You want to teach him how to make potions and get closer with him. You act like I'm an idiot," Pansy shakes her head disapprovingly and focuses on the stirring again.

"Because you are one," Draco mutters.

"Hm?" She hums, daring him to repeat what he just said.

"Nothing!" He says quickly before slouching down and rubbing his face with his hands and letting out a long sigh.

"That's what I thought," she gives it a final twirl before she stops stirring. "We have one more ingredient to add," she says while looking over the instructions.

"I can't do this," Draco ignores what she said and pushes himself off the table. Pansy rolls her eyes and sighs, continuing to make the potion alone.

He walks over to Harry and Ron, a scowl on his face. The two Gryffindors laugh until they see Malfoy storming over. Both of their faces fall.

"What, Malfoy?" Harry asks coldly.

"Weasley, you git, you've been stirring to long and in the wrong direction!" Draco completely ignores Harry and starts hammering Ron.

The Weasley's face goes red and he looks down at the potion, watching it churn in all sorts of directions and bubble. Such a simple step could mess up the whole potion if done incorrectly.

"Did you just come here to lecture us, Malfoy?" Harry speaks up again, finally gaining Draco's attention. Harry notices the Slytherin's face softening as he makes eye contact with Harry.

"No, I came here to correct Weaselby before you two explode, again," Draco scowls at Ron.

"It's not going too- uh oh," the liquid starts bubbling more, popping and steaming.

"Ugh! Shove over," Draco nudges Ron out of the seat and starts stirring in the right direction. "It's probably too late to fix this mess," he stirs in the counter direction Ron was stirring in and the bubbles begin to calm down. He looks down at the table, noticing they actually have the correct ingredients. He sprinkles some in and continues stirring, as if he was restarting the potion.

"Does this look difficult to you?" He sneers at Ron, questioning his stupidity.

Ron blushes in embarrassment, turns away and crosses his arms over his chest like a child. He continues stirring for about a minute before stopping.

"There, now follow the instructions properly. I just saved you two a bad mark," Draco directs himself to Ron, not daring to speak badly to Potter.

He turns on his heel and walks back to Pansy, who's already finished the potion. She leans her elbow on the table and rests her head on her palm.

"You have some serious issues, you know that?"

"Shove off."


"Then he comes up to us, in the bloody middle of class and embarrasses me!" Ron whines out as he tells Hermione about their potions class.

"He didn't dare scold Harry though, it's so unfair! It's like he's jealous or something. I don't know why he has it out to get me," Ron whines like a child and places his hand on his chest before sighing.

"Malfoy's just a snobby, narcissistic- brat! Oh how I'd like too-" Ron goes on, but Hermione and Harry's attention turn towards the familiar blonde standing right behind Ron.

Draco's arms are crossed, Blaise and Pansy on either side of him, as if they're some shitty gang.

"What? What are you guys looking at?" Before Ron turns around, it hits him why his friends are so quiet.

"He's standing right behind me, isn't he?" Ron asks while sighing. The two nod their heads slowly. Ron turns around to see a very unimpressed Malfoy.

"No, go on Weasley. I want to hear what you'd do," Draco uncrosses his arms and clenches his fingers into a fist, glaring at Weasley.

The gingers eyebrows furrow together as he grows angry. He's tired of Malfoy always pushing him around. He's supposed to hate Harry the most! Not him! Draco and Harry have been enemies for years and suddenly he can't say anything bad about him!

You're a Gryffindor Ron, don't be afraid, he thinks to himself. He can't keep letting Malfoy push him around.

Ron stands up tall, returning Draco's glare.

"I was going to say how I'd like to punch you in the mouth! You've been annoying me for the past month and ignoring Harry! What did I do?!" Ron raises his voice at Malfoy, tired of dealing with all his bullshit. "It's bloody ridiculous!"

"I haven't been ignoring Potter! He's still a git!" Draco ignores the first part and focuses on what Ron said about Harry.

Pansy smirks next to him, "mhmm." She hums sarcastically, holding back a laugh.

Ron notices and realizes he may have the upper hand here. Now it's his turn to cross his arms over his chest and smirk.

"Are you... jealous, Malfoy?" Ron questions with a teasing smirk that soon turns into a toothy smile.

Draco's scowl fades as he looks fearful with blush on his cheeks. "Nonsense! I don't care who stupid Potter hangs out with!" Draco lies defensively. Both Pansy and Blaise erupt with giggles and they both try to silence themselves.

"I mean, you are pretty obsessed with him," Blaise comments.

"Shut it! I want nothing to do with Potter!" Draco hisses out.

Harry himself just sits there blushing madly, listening to them all make fun of Draco. He wonders if it's true, if he is jealous. Harry's well aware Draco's always wanted to secretly be his friend, there's no doubt about that. He's holding onto a grudge and won't ever let go. But Malfoy having feelings? Obsessing over Harry? That's news to him.

"Are you sure about that? Your cheeks look a little red," Hermione chimes in, getting her vengeance as well. Draco's blush seems to darken and he rubs his cheeks and looks at his hands, as if the blush would come right off.

"My father will hear about this! About how-"

"About how you're madly in love with Harry Potter and jealous of everyone who talks to him?" Ron cuts him off, proud of himself for finally standing his ground against Malfoy.

Draco stands there, fuming. His eyes flick between Ron and Harry. Harry looks up at him, still seated at the table and blushing.

"You know what Weasley? Yes, I am jealous," Malfoy admits, his pride still holding up. Harry's jaw drops and he stares up at Malfoy in total shock. Everyone else looks at him the same way. Blaise and Pansy laugh more, just as surprised as everyone else.

"I'm jealous Potter went off and made friends with the wrong sorts. I'm jealous you get to sit with him everyday, I'm jealous you get to look at him everyday, I'm jealous of you!" Draco begins rambling.

"It doesn't matter if people know, it's not like it's going to change anything," he crosses his arms over his chest. "No, I don't necessarily hate Potter, but I do hate you," he growls out to Ron before turning and storming away to the slytherin table, going all the way to the end so he doesn't have to be near any of the golden trio.

"You need to keep him on a leash," Ron tells the two Slytherins.

"Trust me, we try," Pansy says while smiling at the others before walking away to sit next to Draco.

Ron sits back down and lets out a heavy huff.

"I can't believe he said that! Draco Malfoy is jealous! Who would've known. I thought his ego was too big," Hermione says, still shocked at the news.

"What do you think, Harry?"

Harry sits there quietly. He's not sure how he feels about it. Draco Malfoy wants him more than a friend- or frenemy. Deep down Harry's always had a special soft spot for Draco, despite everything he's done and what he'd said to him and his friends. He's always admired his confidence, even though he has way too much. In the end Draco just wanted to be closer to Harry.

"I don't know," Harry replies softly, still lost in thought and staring off at the plate of food in front of him.

"I think it's rather romantic," Hermione says, looking at the positive side of things.

"Ew, gross 'Mione," Ron says while taking a bite of his oversized chicken wing.

"Is it gross?" Harry asks, questioning everything he's ever known about his feelings towards Malfoy.

Ron raises his eyebrows, "oh uh, no mate. If that's what you want, uh, so be it. As long as he's not being a bloody prat every two seconds, it's fine," Ron says supportively, not knowing Harry would feel the same way as Malfoy.

"No, don't act like that Ron, I don't like him. I'm just... wondering..." he trails off.

Ron side eyes him before going back to eating.

"He's watching us," Hermione says, glancing over at Draco and then back at Harry and Ron.

"Good, let him," Ron scoffs.

"Be nice Ronald," Harry looks over at Malfoy, the blush on his cheeks return.

Ron gasps as Harry calls him by his real name. "He really does love Malfoy!" Ron accepts defeat and sighs once again.

"I don't love Malfoy, I just, feel bad for him. I don't know," Harry grumble's uncomfortably, feeling himself shrink under Draco's cold glare.

"Why don't you go eat with him then?" Hermione asks, as if that was the most casual thing she's ever said. Ron doesn't even argue, he just eats his chicken.

"Should I? Is that weird?" Harry asks worriedly.

"Nonsense! Go ask if he'd like to eat with you. Ron and I are okay alone," she places her hand on top of Ron's, making the Weasley blush slightly and smile.

"You two wouldn't be mad if I did?" Harry asks while placing his fork on his plate and grabbing his drink.

"Of course not!"

"Maybe a little," Ron admits.

Harry just laughs and playfully rolls his eyes. He picks up his plate and drink and walks over to the end of the slytherin table. Draco looks up at him, confused as to why Potter is standing there.

"Would you like to have lunch together?" Harry asks awkwardly. He shifts his weight on his feet anxiously, unsure if this is a big mistake.

Draco's eyes widen as a shocked look spreads across his face. He turns his head back and forth to look at Blaise and Pansy, who give him a thumbs up as an okay to go.

"Of course, I'd love too," he grabs his cup and his plate as well. The two walk off side by side to go enjoy their lunches outside on a bench.

Maybe Malfoy isn't that bad.

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