Our Bonds (A Kantai Collectio...

By Tamayako

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Being an Admiral sounds fun but it is definitely not easy. First there is the war with the mysterious Abyssal... More

Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter 1: An Almost Typical Day in the District
Chapter 2: Beginning to Feel Weird
Chapter 3: Something Normal
Chapter 4: Nightmares?
Chapter 5: A New Threat
Chapter 6: Great, More Enemies
Chapter 7: Captured by Scary People (Zuihou POV)
Chapter 8: Team Meeting (Enterprise POV)
Chapter 9 Saving CVL Zuihou (Preparations)
Chapter 10: Saving CVL Zuihou
Chapter 11: The Small Dreadnought Battleship
Chapter 12: Something Worth Fighting For (Prinz Eugen POV)
Chapter 13: Self-control and Remembrance
Chapter 14: Another Day's work but with Sirens
Chapter 15: Physical Examination
Chapter 16: Attack on Brunei
Chapter 17: Questions Answered (Sort of)
Chapter 18: An Impromptu Date
Chapter B: A Distant Past
Chapter 19: A Night Activity and A Skewed Reason
Chapter 20: Birthday 06/19
Chapter 21: First Joint Op (AL Commander POV)
Chapter 22: Troubling Mind
Chapter 23: Ironblood SOS
Chapter 24: Truth and Reconciliation
Chapter 25: On the Hill
Chapter 26: Stand Off
Chapter 27: All Paths Lead to Conflict
Chapter 28: Holdout
Chapter 29: Let Sleeping Dogs 'Lie'
Chapter 30: A Typical Beach Episode?
Chapter 31: Questions for Skewers
Chapter 32: Exercise #1
Chapter 33: Exercise #2 (Like taking Candy)
Chapter 34: That's it?
Chapter 35: Finals
Chapter 36: Work... What a Pain...
Chapter 37: A Pointless Argument (Spicy)
Chapter 38: A Long Overdue Discussion
Chapter 39: Friend
Chapter 40: Kill... and Capture
Chapter 41: Decisions Part 1
Chapter 42: Decision... Part 2
Chapter 43: Secret Rendezvous
Chapter 44: Jealousy
Chapter 45: Operation Pedestal
Chapter 46: Encounter and a Much Needed Upgrade
Chapter 47: Into the Night
Chapter 48: A Moment's Respite
Chapter 49: The Submarine Girl
Chapter 50: Encounter
Chapter 51: Deny
Chapter 52: Victorious
Chapter 53: Alive
Chapter 54: Rant
Chapter 55: Tsuki
Chapter 56: Advice
Chapter 57: A Visit to her Birth Place
Chapter 58: 2nd Attempt
Chapter 59: Honourable Memory
Chapter 60: With Zuihou (Mature Warning R18)
Chapter 61: Chat
Chapter 63: Bath time Shenanigans
Chapter 64: Investigation (Part 1)
Chapter 65: Investigation (Part 2)
Chapter 66: The Crane's Favour
Chapter 67: The Crane's Plea
Chapter 68: Storm's End
Chapter 69: The Other Side of Distress
Chapter 70: In Between
Chapter 71: Lucky Ship
Chapter 72: Sister Chain Part 1
Chapter 73: Sister's Chain Part 2
Chapter 74: Crimson Protectors
Chapter 75: A Day of Rest
Chapter 76: Bonding with Zuihou (Mature Warning R18)
Chapter 77: A Short Walk
Chapter 78: Preliminary Planning
Chapter 79: Phone call
Chapter 80: A Regular Day... Right?
Chapter 81: What the Doggy Brought In
Chapter 82: In the midst of an Operation
Chapter 83: Encounter
Chapter 84: Under a Ring of Fire
Chapter 85: Preparations to Continue
Chapter 86: The Sun Priestess
Chapter 87: A Warm Night (Mature Warning R18)
Chapter 88: Liberation of the Central Solomon Sea
Chapter 89: A Fun Christmas Day
Chapter 90: New Year's Day
Chapter 91: A Lazy and Warm Day (Our Bonds -Season 2-)
Chapter 92: New Trainees
Chapter 93: Abyssal Menace

Chapter 62: Moving On (My Precious Treasure/Memory)

75 5 1
By Tamayako

"Hey~ Admiral~ Let's take a break." (Suzuya)

"Don't tempt me. It has only been 15 minutes since we started."

"See? Even you are bored of all these paperwork. Let's get some sweets Mamiya's" (Suzuya)

Today, Suzuya is my secretary ship. I may have made a mistake in asking her for help today.

"Come on. Get to work already. I want to get these done by lunch."

I tapped the self-proclaimed gyaru on the head with some files,

"Mleh. Fine~" (Suzuya)

Suzuya grabbed the files that were balancing on her head,

"Why aren't the elite four here?" (Suzuya)

"Elite four? What are you taking about? P*kemon?"

"Zuihou, Shigure, Pudding-chan and Shioi. Usually they are your secretary for the day." (Suzuya)

"Zuihou and Shouhou are teaching Ryuuhou how to use her planes and the ways of a CVL. Shigure is on patrol duty with Yuudachi. Both Prinz and Shioi are on expeditions and would be back by evening. So unfortunately, you were next on the list."

"Is that so...? Hey! What do you mean by unfortunately? Shouldn't it be fortunately instead?!" (Suzuya)

"Hurry up and get to work."

I tapped her head with another folder.

"Ugh... Muu... Admiral is being mean~" (Suzuya)

"Alright. I'm going to give the dango I was intending to buy for you later to Kumano later. Since I'm mean."

"Admiral is so kind~ You're not mean at all~" (Suzuya)

"Wow. That was easy. I'm kidding. Finish this stack and I will treat you to more than just Dango later."

"Yay! I will totes hold you to that promise, 'kay?" (Suzuya)

"Since when have I ever broke a promise? On second thought, don't answer that."

The office was silent, but not for long.

"Say, Admiral?" (Suzuya)


"Zuihou's skin became nice and glowy after our 1 week vacation. I tried asking her what's her secret but she doesn't want to tell me. You two are close. Got any ideas?" (Suzuya)

"You are asking the wrong person for skincare solutions. Why would I know?"

Speaking of which, her skin does appear glowy these days.

Hold on. I read somewhere that sex can help to promote collagen production. Is that reason?

So if I have sex with Zuihou even more, she will get more beautiful?

My son is eager to stand up just thinking about it.

"Looks like you do know something about it." (Suzuya)

"Did some new kind of facial cream just get released?"

"If there was, I would have known about it." (Suzuya)

"Then I'm all out of ideas."

"You de~eefinitely know something." (Suzuya)

Her face is too close...

"Alright. That's enough distraction."

I pushed her face away from me. My phone started ringing as soon as I picked up my pen again.

Now what?

It's an unknown number? But there is no scam warning. It might be something important.


Hello. This is TA-Q-Bin Services. I have a parcel for Tokoyami-san." (Courier)

The person on the other side of the call sounds young. It's finally here!

"Yes, speaking. Are you here already?"

"Yes. Pardon me, Tokoyami-san. I'm standing in front of what looks to be a military base. With large gates and all. The GPS led me here. Is this your address?" (Courier)

"There should be a wall with the words 'Maizuru Naval Base' written on it. Do you see it?"

"Maizuru Naval Base... Ah. Yes. I see it." (Delivery Guy)

"Then you are at the right place. Pick a guard post and just place the parcel there."

"But, I will need a signature and a stamp." (Courier)

Should I... Yeah. I should. Otherwise, it might freak him out.

"Are you in a rush to make another delivery?"

"No. I still have some time." (Courier)

"Alright. I'll go out and meet you. Give me 10 minutes."

"Understood." (Delivery Guy)

"What did you buy? "(Suzuya)

"Just some toys."

"Pfft~! A grown man buying toys?! That's totes hilarious!" (Suzuyu)

This cheeky gyaru is laughing uncontrollably.

"What? Even an adult would want to have something to play with once in a while."

"Ohoh~ So, it's those adult toys. Gross~" (Suzuya)

This girl...

Two can play at that game.

"How did you know? Oh well. It's not like I'm keeping it a secret anyway."

"Eh? Seriously?" (Suzuya)

Hah! She is getting flustered.

"I bought the latest one. These t*nga cups are not cheap, you know? But for the pleasure they give, it's worth every yen. The slipperiness, the folds inside, the texture, the way they wrap around my-"

"Wargh! Gross! Gorss! That is too much info!" (Suzuya)

"They even have products for ladies. If you want, I can buy some for you too."


I win.

"Just kidding. Why would I openly buy those kind of things online? I would be committing social suicide if I did that."

"That's... kinda a good point." (Suzuya)

"Oh. But I did bought a toy. It's a model kit."

"I didn't know you have such a hobby." (Suzuya)

"It's a plane."

Ah. I shouldn't have- Actually, this might work.

"Oh. So it's Zuihou's." (Suzuya)

"Yep. She asked me to buy one online. The account was under name so I have to receive it."

"Go on. I will raid your bookshelf for a manga to read while I wait." (Suzuya)

"Yeah yeah."

I made my way to the gate. It's a ten minute walk from the Commend Office. For supplies and materials, the Guard Fairies will receive them on our behalf. The delivery guys are our own so they are used to their order receipt getting stamped mysteriously. For other more personal items, we would go out and receive them ourselves. Seeing a stamp floating and stamping the delivery papers will freak the normal couriers out.

The fairies at the guard post gave a salute and unlocked the side gate for me. The Courier is waiting beside her scooter.

"Tokoyami-san?" (Courier)

"Yes. That's me."

"You're... not a soldier." (Courier)

"Yeah. I'm an officer."

"Ah. That's amazing. Is this a JMSDF base? I have never been to this part of Kyoto before." (Courier)

I stamped and signed the delivery order she had passed me.

"This is an IJN base. A branch of the JMSDF but we are the frontliners."

"Oh. Against those sea monsters. That's cool. You even those little mechanical dolls moving about." (Courier)

Mechanical... dolls...?

"What mechanical dolls?"

"Those cute little things with toy guns at that guard post. Is there some kind of AI in them? They respond to me when I interact with them. Though, they don't seem to make any sound." (Courier)

"You can see them?"

"Err... Yes?" (Courier)

That talent alone can easily give her an Officer rank.

"Sorry if this sounds rude, but how old are you? Are you interested in joining the IJN?"

"Erm... I'm 17. I'm doing this job to save up money for college. I'm not too keen on military stuff." (Courier)

"Oh. That's too bad. You have talent which our organization needs."

"What?" (Courier)


I gave her my name card,

"If you change your mind about joining us, give me a call. There is a bond program which the government will sponsor your college and university fees. I will give you more details"

Which is something that did not exist when I was in university. God damn it.

"I'll think about it." (Courier)

The courier left as I walked to the dorm area.

I made my way to the Carrier Dorms and entered Zuihou's room. Since she would be at the Carrier Training Range all day, I can take my time.

Let's see... Where did she put it? If I recall correctly, it should be under her bed.

I reached under her bed and pulled out a bunch of dusty paper boxes. The old Zuihou loved to keep the boxes of her favourite model planes under her bed. The current Zuihou prefers to stack her boxes on top of her wardrobe. The box I'm looking for is the Type 99 Bomber with Platinum Coating. I stacked the other boxes neatly and pushed them back under the bed.

I reached for the highest shelf above her workstation and gently picked up the dusty Platinum coated Type 99 Bomber. Zuihou will forgive me for using her brush. I dusted the model plane and used the cloth that's on the workstation to wipe it down. With all the dust finally gone, it sparkled under the autumn sun.

This was the old Zuihou's favourite model plane. And it was also the first one I ever bought for her. So it has a lot of sentimental value for the both of us. But now...

I placed the model plane into it's original box.

On the day where Zuihou and I returned to Maizuru separately, I went to Akihabara to find a gift for her. I was about to give up and wanted to buy some kind of jewellery for her when I saw this set on display. It was a limited edition Type 99 Dive Bomber Model 22 with Titanium Finish plastic model kit, manufactured by Hasegawa Model Kits, Zuihou favourite model kit manufacturer.

I was able to get my hands on the last one. It was so expensive. As it was on a mail-order basis, I had to wait for a few weeks before I could get my hands on the actual product itself. It finally arrived today. I plan to surprise her with it so her being at the Carrier Training Grounds today is a perfect opportunity for me.

I really hope she likes it.

I placed Zuihou's present on the workstation and took the old model plane with me.

Before I go, I need to prepare some stuff first. I took the old box with me and the stuff that came with the parcel. I tossed the bubble wrap and wrapping paper into the trash can and head to the Mess Hall.

"Yo. Do you have any Mikan to spare?"

The Chef Fairy gave a thumbs up and winked. She put a small plate into a plastic bag before hopping down the counter. The fridge behind the counter and the chef fairy reappeared on one of the shelves. After tossing 5 Mikan into the bag. She repeated the process in reverse and passed me the bag once she hopped right back onto the counter.

"Thank you."

She shook my finger and I left for the Factory.

"Akashi, you here?"

"Yeah? What is it?" (Akashi)

Akashi peeked out from behind the partition and took off her goggles.

"Do you have a shovel and a transparent heavy duty box big enough for this?"

"Do you want an E-tool or a proper shovel?" (Akashi)

"A proper one, please. An E-tool is too small."

"At the back. Help yourself to them. The transparent boxes are in that corner. What do you need them for?" (Akashi)

"I'm not too sure how to explain it."

"Huh... Oh." (Akashi)

She gave me a gentle smile.

"You're finally doing it, huh." (Akashi)


"Got it. Go for it."

"Thanks. I'll return the shovel later."

"Don't bother cleaning it. Leave that to Yuubari." (Akashi)

"Heh. Roger that."

With my preparations complete, it's time for the hard part.

I walked up the hill overlooking Mazuru Naval District.

"Hello. I'm here again."

As usual, I'm greeted with silence.

I placed the plate at Shigure's cairn and stacked the Mikan.

"Here you go. Another fresh pile Mikan for you. Your other self is doing just fine. She is getting stronger by the day. Yuudachi still pulls her around sometimes. Just like you in the past."

I can't help but reminisce about the time I had spent with the old Shigure. Though short, she was a friend and a girl which made me feel like protecting her. Just like the current Shigure, she acts like a puppy sometimes.


I turned to Zuihou's cairn and carefully took out the model plane from the box,

"Look, Zuihou. Remember this? Of course you do. This is your most precious treasure. Sorry if it's a little dusty. I tried to clean it."

Fuuu~ Okay. You can do this.

"I watched as you poured in hours building this. I must admit, it was honestly boring. But seeing you having fun putting each piece together made it fun for me as well. All this while, it was sitting in your old room. Now, I'm returning this to you."

I placed the plane back into it's paper box and sealed it in the transparent box I got from Akashi. I dug a hole in front of her cairn, careful not to spill any dirt on her. Once the hole was big and deep enough, I carefully placed the box in the dirt and buried it. The grass is messed up, but it will buff out and grow back.

"You know, all these years, I missed you. I blamed myself for not being able to protect you. I always thought, what if I had done this, or if the mission had gone this way, would you still be here, waking up beside me. There was a time when I wanted to join you. I had seriously thought about it. But... You won't be happy if I did that, right? And who would lead the others in this already broken world of theirs? Ha. Who am I kidding? There are countless people who can do an infinitely better job than me. Well, that's not the point."

Memories of the two years I spent with Zuihou flooded my head. The times we argued, the times we laughed together, all of the happy memories we shared.

"You might not know of this. Or maybe you did. I will never know now. I loved you, Zuihou. I wanted to grow old with you. After that mission, I actually planned to confess to you. But before I knew it, you were gone. It was difficult. Day and night, I can't stop thinking about you. I always thought we could play together. But, that wasn't meant to be in the end, wasn't it? There are times when I actually cried from the loneliness."

I wiped my nose with a finger,


"Today, I'm here to tell you something important. I'm done lamenting the past. Now, I'm happy. Right now, I'm dating your other self. Another Zuihou. She is not you. Both of you may share the same looks and name, but you're not the same. Zuihou is Zuihou. None of you can replace one another. I want to share my happiness and time with her. I came here to tell you that."


"It was short, but I made a lot of memories during the two years I had with you. They will always be my most precious treasure."

I stood back up,

"I will visit every now and then, but not regularly like before. Thank you for everything, Zuihou. Goodbye for now."

I cleared the little bit of water that was in my eye, packed my things and head down the hill.

It's already past lunch time. I better hurry back.


I felt that song fits the scene. Hope you guys enjoy it.

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