Gateway from Newberslawnia

AnatidaeProjects द्वारा

745 27 1

The concept of two different worlds facing each other is nothing but a fantasy for most. It's just absurd and... अधिक

Rock the Agrania
Beyond the Wire


175 8 0
AnatidaeProjects द्वारा

Ruprada, (Northern) Newberslawnia, 10/1/2025
A big number of black bags lie on the slightly snowy road of Ruprada countryside, lined up neatly together. As the trolls' and wyverns' bodies are still lying in the surrounded area, the Newberslawnian military worked day and night to seal off the road for civilians.

No one really knows what really was going on ever since this gate was found standing here yesterday. Many people were determined to find answers for themselves however, and by many people, I of course mean journalists.

These people had been a pain in the ass to deal with, as they keep on insisting for information regarding the gate. It's also worth noting that some of the media can be... questionable at best, as conspiracy theories run rampant in the digital space. Drones had also been commonly shot down to prevent further OSINT* of what they're doing.

"These journalists man..." Stanislav mumbles to himself "...I fucking hate them..."

Considering this, Stanislav did not have a great start to the day, but at least it was better than the blizzard they had last week, even if it's only a little bit. Tanks and armored vehicles of all kind had been present on the site as he passes by them in the Tigr.

Helicopters would fly by, heading for either of the fallen wyverns' body, while some stayed in the air as combat air patrol, CAP for short. In truth, the amount of troops are here to defend against possible second incursion, which so far had not happened yet.

Rumors had been circulating in the Armed Forces nevertheless, that they will be crossing into the other side of the gate, to get a foothold into the land. If that's true, then question would not be if, but when.

As the Tigr comes to a halt upon arriving the 'Gate Area', some soldiers are visibly seen contemplating, maybe bracing for a far away from home scenario if that were to happen.

"Crazy day already right?" said Pyotr, the driver.

"Indeed Pyotr, it's a crazy day for us" replied the Starshina as he then turns to the back of the vehicle. Sitting one of the seat in the soldier from yesterday, adorning a coat with the EMR digital camouflage pattern.

"You sure we can trust this guy?" he whispered to Pyotr.

"He's the only that knows what's behind that gate, I don't really want to say this, but he's our only lead to this one" as Pyotr lowered his voice as well. Stanislav couldn't disagree nor can he agree more on that.

"Alright then... let's just get out of the vehicle shall we?" as he then opens the door, with Pyotr nodding then taking off his seatbelt.

Stanislav closes the door upon the boots make contact with the asphalt on the ground, then he makes his way to his squad. As he is walking, the Starshina would come across a familiar face for him...

"Comrade Yaroslav Danilovich!"

Yaroslav would notice Stanislav calling for him, saluting upon contact in which the Starshina saluted back. Both put their hand down as they closed distance.

"It's been while Stanislav" as Yaroslav reach his open hand out.

"Good to see you too" as Stanislav would exchange a (gloved) handshake with Yaroslav "I see you're a Starshiy Serzhant* now"

"Yes, and you're a Starshina?"


"Damn, I thought I was a rank higher than you"

The Starshina chuckled at his remarks. The two had been friends since they both enlisted in the Newberslawnian Ground Forces three years ago. They served under the same units, with same role of riflemen until Stanislav was transferred to another unit.

"So how's life in the 253rd?" said Yaroslav.

"It has been good, although it's colder here"

"I figured... Hey who's that guy over there?" said Yaroslav while leans over behind the Starshina. Stanislav turns around, seeing Pyotr getting the ancient soldier down from the vehicle.

"That's one of the ancient Intenone soldiers or something, he's with us today"

Ancient Intenone was one of the most well-known empires in history, as they were among the first civilizations in Crafare as well as the world's first state.

"I see, why would you bring him in though?"

"Wouldn't want to charge in blind"

Yaroslav nodded, before he checked his watch.

"Whoops, I... don't have much time left, I'll see you around" as Yaroslav begins to take his leave.

"See you" as Stanislav would then continue his walk.


"Yesterday, on 9/1/2025, while returning back to base, a group of soldiers had discovered what is perhaps one of the strangest, if not the strangest phenomenon. The soldiers were on their Tigr Infantry Mobility Vehicle when they came across a body of a troll

"I took a right turn over there, and went straight until I see that body here. I slammed the brakes as hard as I could, I was in shock at the time"

At first, they thought it was a prank, but upon further inspection, it was clear it was no prank.

"I tried to roll the body over but they won't budge, it's simply too heavy and at that point we all thought who would waste their energy doing this in the middle of a blizzard"

As they continued their journey, they would discover more and more of the dead bodies until they arrive at the giant gate as we know it today.

"Because there were too many bodies to pass, we had to go on foot for the rest of the journey. That's where me and my squad ending up finding... this"

Upon approaching the gate, they were met with an ancient soldier with a sword, charging at them.

"We had no time to think, we just shot him dead"

He wasn't alone however, as formation of shields appeared in front of them.

"Would've been formidable if they faced us thousands of years ago, nowadays they're target practice"

The machine gunner did not hesitate to pull the trigger, firing 7.62x54mm at an incredible fire rate with such firepower that easily dispatched the shield formations. After that, they headed back to their vehicle and took a detour back to base, calling it a day"

"Hey cut the TV" said Stanislav as he enters the tent, as one of the squad member turned it off with a remote "We need to talk for a bit" as he sit down on some crates thrown around here.

"So what's up Starshina?" said Lev, the rifleman. At which point, the Starshina stood silent for a bit before breaking it.

"The rumors as some of you might've heard... is true, we'll go in there within a week or so"

The mood went down as soon as the words were out. Their biggest concerns they had had become true.

"I know what you all feel right now, and frankly, I don't want to do it either. But with things going on right now, it's the best option we got right now"

The squad seems to have picked up the message the Starshina was trying to convey, with some of the members nodding ever so slightly. The tent is once again nothing but silent, with each of the member contemplating and brace themselves for the inevitable deployment.


After a long time walking, he sees light at the end of this gateway. This particular messenger had been walking back and forth from this gate two times before, and each time it feels like his legs are worn out.

From the previous times, he had reported the extremely cold weather with the fate of the unfortunate from the first time. The second time sees him finding bodies riddled with mysterious wounds, which doesn't match anything known to Agrania and lights of a 'monster'.

As the saying goes, "Third time's the charm", and he hopes to find better news about this new world. As he takes step by step, the light comes closer to him, awaiting him to find out what's going on right now.

As he cross the exit, he finds mysterious men in white and green walking around, with weird green carriage lined up on the side further away. Before he could process his next action, he hears a shouting from his right.

"Взять его!"

He was startled as he was immediately tackled by these unknown men. He tried to resist, but to no avail, as these men had successfully restrained him and quickly tied his hand behind his back. The speed they did it was terrifying, and it didn't feel like ropes at all.

As he was forced up again, the unknown men keeps talking in language he didn't speak, but know of, and it sounded like that of the North-Eastern Agrania.

'Did the North-Easterner escaped here?' he thought to himself, while he gets escorted to a place. What place? He doesn't know, as he is now extremely concerned about his future now.


"Huh, the military police caught someone..." said Pyotr, who watched the whole thing happen "I guess Command was right after all"

Pyotr, and the Agranian, as the soldier claim he is from, are now sitting outside, just near the gate. The Agranian in EMR camouflage jacket is just at awe of the Newberslawnian military deployed here. They're not as magnificent as the Agranian Imperium Army that's for sure, but they might as well be a formidable one.

"You sure we can trust your words on this?"

The Agranian was caught off-guard by the question asked by Pyotr, who had turned to him. He would eventually recover though, as he gets himself together and would form an answer.

"...Why would I betray someone that speaks the same language as I do?"

Pyotr still has his doubt, but part of it may have been alleviated, as he just accepted that answer, and then looking around the scenery again.

On one hand soldier remains nervous, he doesn't know what will happen to him next. On the other hand, a portion of him had been repeatedly reminding him that everything will be fine now that he's in safe hands of the 'Новизанский'.


The cold almost left him dead. The Agranian soldier opens his eyes once more, finding himself sitting on a chair with a table in a grey room. Unlike any room he had known beforehand, this one has a white light on top as opposed to torches on the side and a large mirror in front of him.

The atmosphere the room gives out shivers his timbers, he does not know where he is, nor does he have an idea of what's happening right now.

The door creaks open, revealing someone in various schemes of green, a little bit of brown and green. On the right shoulder is some kind of insignia, a sword on the left crossed with a stave to the right in the center of a shield, in a rectangular field.

"Hey, you're finally awake" said the strange man "You've been out in the cold for awhile, trying to find safety yeah?"

He was even more confused than before, as the man facing him apparently spoke the same language as he does.

"I don't know who you are, and you don't know who I am" said the man in green, as he sits on the chair "So let's start with that shall we?"

This would inevitably weird the Agranian out a bit. He wasn't beaten as opposed of what the Imperium would've done, nor did they had a casual, maybe even friendly conversation with the prisoner.

"My name is Pyotr Zakharovich, Yefreytor** of the Newberslawnian Ground Forces"

That name confirms his suspicious he had since the man, who now he knows as Pyotr, was one of his people. He feels a bit safer, only a slight bit, but safer nonetheless.

"Z-Zinon Tarasovich... o-of the Agranian Imperium"

The opposing man, Pyotr nodded gently, acknowledging the Agranian soldier's answer before he continued on.

"Right, Zinon, I will be asking you some questions and you are expected to answer the questions" he said "No pressure" as he gestured his open palm towards him "Just answer the questions and you'll be fine"

Zinon nodded, with Pyotr going into the first question.

"First, what exactly is the Agraniskiy Imperiya***? Could you tell me more about it?"

Zinon took a good few seconds to think before answering:

"It's an empire that spans all over the continent... it dominates everything, every land, and every people... and slave trades are prominent there"

After he answered the first question, the soldier could see Pyotr's expression switches to an annoyed face. The slave trades' prominence in Agrania might have something to do with it, he thought.

"Right... next question: Why are you, and others here?"

"I have been forced to fight here, we were to subjugate the land beyond the gate here... that was before all was killed off by the cold"

"Okay... next, what's the terrain there look like?"

"There is flat road, but the area is generally mountainous"

"...Then could you tell me more about the military behind that gateway and the number of troops out there?"

Zinon was speechless, his nerve was strummed like a guitar because of the question alone. He began sweating, being hesitant to speak at all, he was clearly in fear of something, in fear of the punishment he may face. Pyotr picked up on this, and opened his mouth again.

"Look Zinon, you don't have to worry right now. Even if you were branded traitor in Agrania, you'd still be safe within Newberslawnia"

He's still nervous, but the fear has subsided, now that he was assured that they won't touch him anywhere in here.

"T-T-There are 30,000 troops, including trolls, wyverns, cavalry and war elephants"

Pyotr still has his doubts, but for now, he'll trust his words, as this one was the only one they had to know about the world behind that gateway.

"Thank you very much Zinon, that's all for now" as Pyotr took out a notebook and a pen, beginning to write the whole information down.

"...So what will happen to me?" Zinon asked

"It depends on what the commander wants, not me, I'm just a Yefreytor in the Ground Forces" replied Pyotr, before he raises his head up to his Agranian counterpart "Anyways... 30 thousands including trolls, wyverns and cavalry is this correct?"

"And war elephants..."


Zinon is looking into the skies, seeing these 'Pegasus' flew nearby, emitting their distinctive chopping sounds. It's one part of the wonders of the Newberslawnian Ground Forces that he was eager to learn about in curiosity.

The Agranian would then turn to Pyotr, who looked concerned at the gate and his heels repeatedly tapping the ground.

"Are you nervous?"

The Yefreytor turns around to him.


"Are you nervous? You looked worried there"

"Oh... um, I'm fine, it's just that it's been a while since I driven a BMP"

He was then confused.

"What's a BMP?"

To which, Pyotr then pointed at one of the green carriages parked nearby.

"You see that one with 6 wheels on the ground and a yellow tube on top of it?"

Zinon looked for the one he was referring to, and it didn't him even a few second to see the carriage with the yellow tube.

"That's a BMP, or more specifically a BMP-2" said the yefreytor "It will be our ride into the gate, just worried about if I can drive one as well as before"

"Ah..." was the only thing Zinon could say, as he learned what carriage they would be going into. At the moment he knows nothing about it, but he decides to learn about it through experience.

"So why won't we be riding in the 'Tigr'?" he asked.

"The difference is that one needs one of our weapons, and the others already has a 30mm autocannon coupled with a 7.62 and ATGM"

Well... that really got a lot more confusing for the Agranian one.


Greater Agrania, Agranian Imperium, 977
The Generalissimo of the Imperium Army walks up to the balcony of the Imperial Palace where Emperor Cassius is out like every other day, trying to suppress his worries. His concerns had been getting worse since the news of the 'monster' broke out.

Proclus didn't want to do it, but he has to tell him the news, as per procedure and regulation. He slowly approaches the emperor, who turned to him as his face shows a not-so-happy expression.

"...What is it this time Proclus?" said Cassius. Even his speech is changing to the bad news, making Proclus to become more nervous. He would maintain composure, and would tell him the news.

"Our messenger... has been missing since this morning"

As expected, the Emperor isn't having any of it, displaying more of a disappointed expression. In light of this though, the generalissimo continued on.

"Rest assured my liege, our army will find a way to overcome this new threat"

Cassius looked up, as he was brightened up a slight bit. His words had reminded him the past difficult battles in history, where the Imperium soldiers were faced with hardships that they eventually conquer.

"Thank you Proclus, you may be dismissed"

As Proclus nodded, he turned away, facing the exit. He would walk and walk further away before he reaches the door. He opens the door, exiting the room, before suddenly being met with a familiar face.

"So how has my father been feeling?"

It was no other than Cassius' daughter, Princess Artoria in her knight attire, who is facing the generalissimo right now. He did not expect her to come at this moment, as he would figure out a suitable answer.

"He has some worries... but I can assure he is fine"

"Really? Because I keep worrying about him, how he just been sitting out in the balcony..." as a saddened face appears on her. Proclus knew that face very well, as he would take a deep breath and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Look princess, I know how you feel right now, in fact I had the same feeling as you years ago" as Artoria looks up to him "I do not know if you know this, but my father was a general. Every time he had to command his troops into battle, I would worry a lot, but everything turned out fine"

He then removes his hand from the princess' shoulder.

"So don't worry too much, I'm sure he can handle this" as Proclus takes his leave. That left the Imperium Princess standing there, just looking at him. And then, she turns to herself, mumbling: "He can handle this..."


Ruprada, Newberslawnia, 15/1/2025
The engine rumbles, and the tracks keep creaking. It's a start of a new day at approximately 1 AM in the morning, as the armored vehicles of the NGF line up on the gate itself. During this time, more vehicles would start their engines, sending a puff of black smoke to the skies in the case of the BMP's.

As a BMP stops by near the gate and the other line is still going, a shout could be heard amidst the creaking noises.

"Oi Zinon! Get on!" shouted its driver, Pyotr himself, wearing a black helmet that covered his ears and the back of his head. Zinon would go to the back where the other is, then attempting to climb on the carriage.

He would be helped up by one of the soldiers, giving him a hand and lifting the Agranian up.

"There, there"

He would then sit down on top of the BMP, while the wheels keep rolling again. There is one question he had however regarding the fact they're sitting outside instead of inside.

"Why are we out here? Shouldn't we be inside?"

One would chuckle before the answer to his question is delivered.

"Trust me, inside is cramped as fuck, we would rather be outside than inside"

This is an answer he could understand, as he now knows the BMP-2 is not great in terms of being comfortable for the soldiers. He looks at each of the soldiers, they had green uniforms, green armor, green helmet and most importantly black staves.

"Hey what about a weapon? Can anyone give me?"

"We'll figure that one out later Zinon" said the gunner-operator of the vehicle, cracking a little bit of smile in the process.

"Well gentlemen" said Stanislav, who is sitting on top of the turret of the BMP, his hatch as commander open "We are about to embark to an otherworldly adventure"


*Starzhiy Serzhant: Senior Sergeant
**Yefreytor: Corporal
***(My own) Russian translation and transliteration of Agranian Imperium

Equipment used:


Vetrov Ve-8MTV-5 (Mil Mi-8MTV-5)

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