Reuniting | MaleReader x Digi...

Por C9-Destiny

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It's been years since the Y/n and the other DigiDestined once entered the digital world and met their Digimon... Más

Chapter 1 | New Beginnings
Chapter 2 | Return of Ludomon
Chapter 3 | Under A Bridge
Chapter 4 | Izzy's Building & Distortians
Chapter 5 | A New Member
Chapter 6 | Hot Springs~
Chapter 7 | The Return of LeoMeow!
Chapter 8 | The School Festival
Chapter 9 | The Return of Ken
Chapter 10 | Change of Heart
Chapter 11 | Date with Kari
Chapter 12 | TK and Patamon
Chapter 13 | A Message From Beyond
Chapter 14 | Goodbye...
Chapter 15 | Back To The Digital World
Chapter 16 | Exploration
Chapter 17 | Troubles In The Digital World
Chapter 18 | Separated...
Chapter 20 | Old Foes
Chapter 21 | Meicoomon...
Part 22 | Digigantic Problems

Chapter 19 | Titanic Problems

521 18 2
Por C9-Destiny

I do not own Digimon. It belongs to its respective owners, which applies to music, videos, and images used in this fanfic!

Back With Y/n, Kari, and Tai...

Y/n was walking with Kari holding hands, while Salamon was still sleeping in her other free arm, and Tai and the Digimon were walking just right behind him.

"Why do I feel like a third wheel, right now?" Tai said as he looked at the two, as they continued their walk back toward the forest.

"How could you be a third wheel? You, Y/n, and Kari aren't a tricycle!" Agumon said to Tai, as he sighed remembering how dumb his partner could be.

"No you dunce, he means that he feels that he is not needed when Y/n and Kari are being together," Zubamon explained to Agumon who still looked confused.

"Hmm... I still kind of of don't get it but Tai! Can we get some Takoyaki?" Agumon said as he looked at Tai with a smile.

"Sure, I'll get you all the Takoyaki you can eat," Tai said with a small smile as he petted the top of Agumon's head as he fondly remembered some of the times he and Agumon were together.

"Y/n, do you think we are getting closer to the destination of Matt and the others?" Gabumon asked Y/n who continued to look straight forward, as the last bit of the sun fell off the horizon.

"Hopefully, and soon. Who knows where Machinedramon is? Or even Meicoomon for that matter," Y/n said as he just walked.

"How do you guys who Machinedramon is?" Agumon asked.

"It's a long story," Y/n said as he remembered Piedmon, Puppetmon, MetalSeadramon, and Machinedramon.

"Yeah, but pretty much they tried taking over the Digital World, while almost killing us in the process," Tai said simplifying the story as much as he could into one sentence.

"But thankfully we defeated them, right Y/n?" Kari said as she hugged the rest of Y/n's arms as she rested her shoulder on Y/n's making him slightly blush.

"Y-Yeah..." Y/n said while looking away as Zubamon began to think to himself.

"Hey, Y/n when you chased after Meicoomon a few days back, why didn't you want us helping?" Zubamon asked Y/n whose blush faded away quickly as Zubamon brought it up, as Kari's and Tai's faces also turned somber.

"We'd rather not explain it..." Y/n said as he remembered their fight with Meicoomon and the reboot.

"Ok, but what is with all the distortions?"

"Honestly I don't know. Maybe Izzy might have the answer," Y/n said as Kari nodded at him, and turned to Salamon.

"You know what? I don't know why a portal or distortion whatever just opens up towards the others-" Tai said as suddenly right in front of them a distortion opened directly surprising the group.

"Huh, look at that," Gabumon said as the rest stared into the distortion.

"Dang, Tai for once you not jinxing us," Y/n said as he looked at the distortion prepared for anything that could pop out of it.

"That was when I was 10, and you were 8!" Tai countered back to Y/n who just threw his hands in the air.

As the two were arguing while Kari and the Digimon stared, a butterfly seemingly out of nowhere, presumably from a flower or shrub flew in front of Agumon catching his attention, and flew into the distortion. Agumon being the powerful, but dunce Digimon that he is followed the butterfly into the distortion.

"Agumon!" Tai cried out as he stopped arguing with Y/n for a moment, and ran into towards the distortion catching everybody by surprise.

"Tai!" Kari yelled out as she saw her brother run into the distortion, as suddenly Y/n and Zubamon quickly followed suit. "Y/n!" To not fall behind to lose them both she entered the distortion as Gabumon followed them as well.

"Don't leave me behind!"


"Agumon, get back here!" Tai yelled as he exited the distortion only to fall flat on his butt, as the distortion was higher elevation than he had anticipated. "Ow..."

Y/n and Zubamon soon fell out of the distortion but were able to stick the landing as they saw Agumon just stare off into the trees as the butterfly flew away.

"Wah..." Agumon let out as he saw the butterfly fly away.

"Ahh!" Kari said as she started falling, and Y/n started getting ready to catch her.

"Don't worry I got gotcha!" Kari then fell into Y/n's arms as he was holding Kari in his arms bridal style. "You okay?"

"I am now~" Kari cooed as she snuggled into Y/n's chest making him blush as he turned away, as she enjoyed the close contact with her love partner.

Tai was rubbing dirt off his back, as he got up and sighed. He looked around him and saw that there were even more distortions that were opened up next to them.

"What the..." Tai said as suddenly walked out of the distortion to reveal that it was Matt, and Izzy with Ludomon, and Gomamon walking right behind them.



Ludomon ran towards Y/n and hugged his leg, as Y/n just smiled at him as he was still carrying Kari in his arms, but was trying his best to show affection to his partner.



Suddenly the rest of the Digidestined and the rest of the Digimon excluding Sora and Biyomon appeared out of the rest of the distortions as each of them began reuniting with their Digimon partners.

"Looks like the band's back together! All we just need is Sora-" Matt said as he petted Gabumon from the top of his head.

"Ahh!" A voice that sounded like Sora screamed out for help, The group and Digimon turned toward the direction of the scream as then...


A huge explosion appeared nearby them catching all of their attention. The group looked in shock before slowly coming back to their sense and running toward the scream of their friend.

The group kept running at an even pace pace with Y/n leading them all with Zubamon and Ludomon slowly behind him. As they drew near to the location of the screams they saw Machinedramon standing right in front of Sora who was protectively holding Biyomon and he was charging the two huge cannons on its back.

"Sora get out of the way!" Y/n yelled out as Gabumon and Matt appeared from behind them.

"Gabumon!" Matt said as he turned to his partner who nodded at him.

"Got it! Blue Blaster!" Gabumon said as he opened his mouth as large blue flames shot out of his mouth and made contact with Machindramon's attack splitting it in the middle making it miss Sora and Biymon.

"Huh? Y/n? Tai? Matt?" The three of them were now standing in front of Sora with their Digimon partners next to them, but Y/n then noticed something that stuck out like 

"Meiko!" Y/n said as he saw the glass-wearing, nerdish girl standing with Meicoomon in her arms, but he then noticed who they were next to, as every member of the DigiDestined looked surprised.

"Gennai?" Y/n said as the younger version of Gennai, wearing dark clothes smirked as he walked next to Machinedramon who once again began preparing his cannons. "What do you want with Meicoomon, Gennai?"

"And Why did you lick my face?!" Sora said still creeped out by a figure resembling Gennai.

"He did what?!" Matt yelled out angrily to Gennai with rage in his eyes, and Gennai just laughed as he climbed on top of Machinedramon.

"It's all the will of Ygdrasil," Gennai said as the group started running. "And personally... I don't know anymore..." Gennai said a smirk came on his face as Machinedramon started firing attacks at the group who began running.


"Why is Gennai doing this?!" Matt yelled looking back at Gennai riding on top of one of the dark masters.

"But Gennai would never do something like this!" TK countered back, as Gennai was crouching on top of Machinedramon looking down at the group still looking at them with his devios smile.

"Does it matter that I am Gennai or not? I am a Digimon supporter!" Gennai said as Machinedramon continued to fire its barrage at the DigiDestined.

"What?!" Tai asked confused at what Gennai meant.

"Humans and Digimon shouldn't get involved with each other. Then look at what homeostasis did. Now the Digimon are enslaved. And the world of Humans and Digimon grew too close to each other" Gennai explained as they kept running.

"We aren't enslaving them!" Joe said as Machinedramon stopped its attacks as the group slid down a small edge of a cliff, and crouched down to hide from Machinedramon and Gennai which failed miserably.

"Oh really? Did you forget about the reboot? Homeostasis itself chose you guys... And you all went ahead and rebooted!" Gennai said with a dark smirk as he then began laughing.

"So you're saying..." Izzy said as he held Tnetomon in his arms Gennai stopped laughing and turned to them.

"It was all under the will of Ygdrasil," Gennai said as he snapped his fingers as Machinedramon prepared its cannons on its back and directed them toward the group at the bottom of the cliff. Though before Machinedramon could fire its attack toward the group Salamon jumped out of Kari's arms and ran into the middle of the group.

"Puppy howl!" Salamon yelled out as she released a loud echo from its mouth sending it to Machindramon causing him to flinch and stop its attack giving the group some time to run away.

"Machinedramon..." Gennai said as he stayed crouching on top of Machinedramon. "You're a Mega-level Digimon! You shouldn't be stopped by a god damn rookie! I'm starting to not believe you're the strongest Digimon ever created," Gennai said angrily as Machinedramon didn't respond at all.


"Are you sure we will be safe here?" Meiko asked, standing on the deck of the huge ship as everyone was checking up on each other as everybody was getting a chance to get a breath or two.

"These are some Titanic problems we are facing here guys, Gennai or whatever is evil, the dark masters are back..." Y/n said as he rested his head back on the steel walls of the ship.

"I don't like how you phrased how big our problems are... Considering we are on a ship," Izzy said as he looked around the ship, and opened his laptop. "Though we could get this ship moving if we were able to get the engine restarted-" 

"I'm going to stop you there. You may be able to fix the ship, but none of us have a degree or education in ship engineering, so I don't think this thing isn't moving for a while," Matt said, as Izzy just ignored and continued to type on his computer.

"I'm sorry... This is all our fault!" Meiko said as she bowed with Meicoomon in her arms.

"Don't stress it out. This was out of our control. Plus at least we know that Ken isn't evil," Y/n said as he looked up at the starry sky.

"Salamon, why did you jump out?" Kari asked her partner with a concerned look in her eyes.

"I wanted to save you, Kari, just like Y/n. You're too nice," Salamon said in Kari's arms.

"Yeah, but if Ken isn't evil then where are Davis and the others still?" Y/n asked, but before anyone could say anything the ship began to shake, as everyone began to lose their footing as a huge explosion near the ship caused the rocking of the ship.

"Are they going to sink the whole ship?!" Mimi asked as they held on to whatever they could in order to not fall.

"They would need a submarine to find us!" Izzy said as he quickly grabbed his laptop to make sure it didn't fall or break.

"TK..." Patamon said as he flew into TK's arms who held him protectively.

"Guys, the Digimon are going to be the ones that are most likely going to get hurt before us," Joe said as he looked at Gomamon who just tilted his head.

"But we still don't stand a chance!" Mimi said as she looked at Palmon and put her into a deep hug.

"But we still have to try!" Sora said, as Izzy nodded and looked at Tentomon.

"Will you help me Tentomon?" Izzy asked his partner.

"Izzy..." Tentomon said as the ship stopped rocking and some members of the group got back onto their feet.

"There are so many questions that we have to ask," Matt said as he looked around for what could have caused the ship to shake.

"Like where is the food?" Agumon asked looking at Tai who just sighed.

"Yeah!" Ludomon said looking at Y/n as Zubamon facepalmed with one of his sharp claws.

"What with them and food?!" Izzy asked, but before Y/n or Tai could answer another explosion in the water appeared near them, but not as close as the one before, as across the frozen cold lake, stood Gennai and Machinedramon.

"This ship won't last much longer! Guys evacuate to somewhere safe!" Izzy said as a concerned look on Sora's face appeared.

"But..." Sora said as Y/n, Matt, and Tai ran off from the ship.

"We'll be bait! Get out of here while you still can!" Y/n said as Kari started following the three of them.

"Y/n! Tai! Wait for me!" Kari said as she followed them with Salamon in her arms.

"A decoy, huh?" Gennai said as he snapped his fingers, A large metal serpentine figure in the walk lurked closer to the four of them and their Digimon and shot up to reveal itself.

"MetalSeadramon!" The four of them said as they backed up as the large metal creature dove for them knocking Tai, Matt, and Kari into the water, sending Y/n, Ludomon, and Zubamon into the nearby forest.


"Ow..." Y/n said as he rubbed his forehead, and looked around to see that Ludomon and Zubamon weren't around.

"Y/n! Help!" Ludomon cried out from behind Y/n who quickly turned around to see that Zubamon and Ludomon were both struggling to get out of the strings that were holding them in place, not allowing them to freely move.

"I can't move!" Zubamon said as he tried adjusting his head to use the sword on top of it to cut the strings, but to no avail.

"Ludomon! Zubamon!" Y/n cried out and started running towards them, but stopped as two figures emerged from the darkness of the forest.

"Well look at what we got here Puppetmon... A two-for-one special," Piemon said as Y/n was left staring at the two Mega-Level Digimon right in front of him.

To Be Continued...

-T1 Agu Signing Out...

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