By laflor777

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Lauren Jauregui is a publicist in New York trying to rein in the biggest ego the city's ever seen. Camila Cab... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 10

507 37 12
By laflor777

11 Days until NYC

Camila didn't waste any time making it back to her apartment complex. She jogged through the lobby of her building and had nearly made the elevator when she heard Cole, the kid at the desk, call to her.

"Hey Mila, lovely day."

"Awesome day," she said as they elevator doors closed.

She rifled through her pockets for her gum and when the car opened on the sixth floor, she tossed the whole pack to little Wes Brody.

"Whoa, thanks Camila!" the little boy said as he ran down the corridor.

"Butternut Squash!" Taylor Swift greeted her.

Camila deftly avoided the oncoming ass slap, grabbed the styrofoam cut in the drunk's hand, and chugged the whole damn thing.

"Hey, that was my passion fruit mango Afternoon Delight," Taylor complained.

"It was delicious, now go make another one," Camila told her as she led Taylor into her apartment.

She had the key in the lock of her own apartment door when Troy and Ally opened theirs.

"Hey," Ally said. "Long time, no see."

"Yeah," Camila smiled and pushed her door open. "Busy."

"Not too busy, I hope," Troy replied. He reached out his hand to do the usual hallway spin.

Camila gave him a low five, "Love ya. See ya," and she shut herself in her apartment.

She threw down her keys and rushed over to the cabinet where she kept Lord Pumpkin's afternoon meal. She had already served the Salmon Surprise when Pumpy waddled in with a meow. He was pleased that Camila had finally been trained to feed first, do anything else later.

"From Russia with Love," Normani said  from the couch. He pointed to the television.

Camila stopped moving and checked out the screen. "We get channels from Russia? I never knew that."

"It's the movie," Normani told her.

"Oh," she was still a little confused, but she really didn't care. She had other things to do as she made a move toward her room. "That's great, Mani. I hope it's as good as BBC."

"You don't want to watch?"

"Not now. FaceTiming Lauren. Going to New York," she called over her shoulder right before the door shut.

"Going where?" was Normani's muffled reply.

Camila swiped her computer off her desk and carelessly fell onto her bed. Just a few clicks and there was Lauren. No waiting.

"You're real," Camila said as soon as she saw her.

Lauren laughed and the brunette thought that her heart had stopped. She had heard that laugh so many times, but she had no idea that it was so beautiful to watch.

"So many times in the last couple months, I wondered if you were real," Camila told her.

When the other woman had settled in a smile, she said, "I'm very real, Camz. And you're even more beautiful than in your pictures."

Camila couldn't hide the deep blush that floated across her cheeks, "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Make me all giggly and stuff."

"It's true."

Camila bit her lip, which made her grin a bit lopsided.

"You can't tell me not to compliment you and then look so fucking cute, Camila."

"I'm sorry."

They stared at one another for long moments, smiling, then laughing at themselves, then smiling again.

"I can't believe you're going to be in New York in eleven days," Lauren finally broke the silence.

"It was a surprise to me, too."

"Good surprise?"

Camila nodded sharply, "Best surprise."

"I didn't mean to put you on the spot about staying with me earlier," Lauren said seriously. "If that makes you uncomfortable or anythi-"

"No, no," Camila interrupted. "I was hoping you would ask."

"I can't wait to have you here, eleven days feels like forever right now."

10 Days until NYC

"Tell Mani, I said hi," Lauren said.

"Okay, sure."

"Camz, there's a mirror behind you," Lauren pointed. "I can see her hovering in your doorway."

Soon enough, Normani had appeared just behind Camila's shoulder. "Hi Lauren."

"Hi Mani," Lauren waved with her fingers. "Nice to see you."

"Nice to see you, too, finally," Normani said with a big-mouthed grin.

"So?" Lauren leaned in a bit closer. "Are you going to give me some kind of 'talk' or something?"

"No!" Camila shook her head.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure about Camila staying with you," Normani talked over the brunette woman.

Camila palmed her face and pushed her away, "Will you stop it?"

She appeared again after slapping her hand, "You're going to take care of her, right?"

Something in the vulnerability of the question and the way Lauren's face softened from 'don't fuck with me' to 'I get where you're coming from' made Camila take special notice.

"Her well-being will be my number one priority, Mani," the raven answered. "I'll take good care of her."

"Thank you," she said sincerely.

9 Days until NYC

"What are you doing?" Lauren asked.

Camila was lying on her stomach, stretched across her couch, poking at the screen of her phone. "I'm poking your dimple."

"Which one?"


"Nice," Lauren turned her face a little. "I can almost feel it."

"Nine days."

"Nine days," the other woman sighed. "Uh, Camzi. Lord Pumpkin is giving me that look again."

Pumpy had taken up residence on Camila's back and was watching Lauren over her shoulder. He found her just as fascinating as Camila did.

"He likes you," the brunette said.

"He looks like he wants to eat me."

"It's been over an hour since his last treat," Camila told her. "He's probably considering it."

"Will he be okay while you're gone?"

"Mani will take care of him," Camila replied.

"Okay," Lauren said. "I just don't want him to be lonely."

Camila was amused, "He'll be fine. I've left the two of them alone before. And I've already explained to Pumps that he might have to share me."

"Is he okay with that?"

"He warming up to the idea."

8 Days until NYC

"Don't rain on my paraaaaaaaade," Ariana finished with a flourish.

Camila, who had been watching from Lauren's phone, gave her an enthusiastic clap.

"Don't encourage her," Lauren said when she reappeared in the window.

"You're the one who said I had to suffer with you," Camila reminded her. "I liked it."

"If she thinks you enjoy her performances, she'll never leave you alone."

"I'm not going to be rude, Lauren."

"Camila hates you," Lauren told Ariana offscreen.

"I didn't say that, Ariana!"

"Camila says to stop torturing me," she kept on.

"My turn!" Dinah said as replaced Ariana on the stage area of the master closet. "Make sure Camila can see me."

"She'd rather soak her eyes in bleach," Lauren told her.

When Lauren's face came back into a view, she had a mischievous glint in her eye. She was smiling broadly, obviously amused with herself. When she noticed Camila's pout, she stopped smiling. "What?" she asked.

"I'm mad at you," Camila told her, "but you're still so hot.'

One Week until NYC

"Are you nervous about the pitch?" Lauren asked.

They were both working, but they had started to leave their connection open nearly all the time now. Camila's brows were furrowed as she poured over some market research.

"A little," Camila answered with a glance to the screen.

"You shouldn't be, Camz," Lauren encouraged her. "You have some great ideas. They'll love you."

"I hope so," she said distractedly.

"I can't imagine anybody not loving you."

Camila's head shot up, but Lauren had already gone back to whatever she had been working on.

She smiled knowingly, though, when she heard the unmistakable humming of Don't Stop Believin'.

6 Days until NYC

"Just under a week now," Camila reminded Lauren as she made her way back home after work.

"Are they adding hours to the day?" the other woman asked. "Because it feels like it."

"Is it a leap year?" Camila searched her brain for the exact meaning of that term. "Don't they add stuff to leap years?"

"Yeah, but that was in February," Lauren answered. "It's already been added, Camz."

"Oh crap, it's Matt," Camila had just turned the corner onto her street when she saw him coming through the double doors of her building.

"Who's Matt?"

"Just this creepy guy who lived in my building. I thought he had moved, but he may be visiting Taylor," Camila filled her in. "Quick say something funny."

"Something funny."

"Yeah, ha. For real, so he'll think I'm too busy laughing to talk."

"Why don't you just say that?"

"Because it's mean, Lauren," Camila told her. "Make me laugh."

"You're putting me on the spot, Camz. I feel pressured. I can't deliver under pressure. Okay, okay, you want a joke? Maybe a cynical observation? I have plenty of great stories about Ariana that might work. Dinah's love life is really good for a few laughs. A dirty limerick? Have I ever told you about my brief interest in shrubbery conservation?"

"Nevermind," Camila told her. "Matt's gone. I got by with a wave."


"You really suck at that game."

"Maybe we should talk about this so next time you have a laughing emergency, I'll be better prepared."

5 Days until NYC

"Your eyes are so brown," Lauren observed as the two of them lied in their respective beds in their respective cities. Camila had decided that if they set their phones up against their extra pillows, it almost felt like they were together.

"Yours remind me of emerald," Camila commented. "My favorite movie candy used to be Dots, but I'm pretty sure it's Whoppers now."

"We're a study in contrast."

"Is that a legal term?" Camila asked.

"No, Camz," Lauren smiled. "It just means we look totally different from each other."

Camila's face lit up, "We're a double rainbow!"

4 Days until NYC

"Okay, is there anything in particular you want to see?"

"I probably won't have the time," Camila answered.

"Yeah, I know, but if there was just one thing..."

"I can't think of anything," the brunette said without ever looking up from her work.

"Are you sure? I'm willing to take you to any touristy places you want to go," Lauren offered. "And that's totally against my better judgment. I'm making exceptions for you."

"That's sweet, Lo." Camila said.

"I'll even take you to the top of the Empire State Building," Lauren laughed. "Worked for Tom Hanks."

Camila finally stopped working and looked at the raven. "Will it have the giant heart?"

Lauren shook her head, "Probably not."

"Then, no," Camila continued with her project.

3 Days until NYC

When Camila's phone rang at 6:22 that evening, she knew she shouldn't take the call. She knew she shouldn't, but she also knew it was Lauren. Lauren tended to trump whatever good sense she had.

"Hey!" she said after she answered.

"Hey," Lauren was squinting at the screen. "Are you still at work?"

"Yeah," Camila waved her hand around behind her. "We're doing a run-through and Selena's been throwing tomatoes at us."

"Harsh words, huh?"

"No, she was literally throwing tomatoes at us." Camila held up a garbage bag with a neck hole and red splatters. "She thinks it helps us be light on our feet and quick with the draw. We had to make a few adjustments and she had to make a run to Whole Foods. Organic tomatoes pack a better punch."

"Interesting motivational techniques."

Now it was Camila's turn to lean in and squint at her phone screen, "Where are you?"

"I'm in Ariana's limo, she's doing some surprise guest thing at Sunshine Corazon's big Madison Square Garden finale concert."

"Why are you sitting in her limo?"

"Oh," Lauren looked a bit sheepish. "Um, well, I've been trying to make sure my schedule is all clear when you'll be here. I had to make some phone calls."

"Lo, you don't have to do that," Camila held up some of the diagrams in front of her, "I'll be working."

"I know," Lauren shrugged. "But I want to be as available as I can be."

"Aww," Veronica said as she rolled into Camila in her chair. She craned her neck until she was in frame. "You're cute, Laurel."

"Lauren," Camila told her for the thirtieth time.

"Thanks, I guess," Lauren took the compliment anyway. "Who are you?"

"Veronica Iglesias." She nudged Camila hard, "You haven't told her about me?"

"Of course, I have," Camila's eyes widened to signal Lauren.

"Sure, she has," Lauren backed her up. "Veronica. Iglesias. Coworker."

"Did you tell her about me?" Louis asked as he leaned over the other side of the table. "Hi Lauren."

The New Yorker took a good look. "You must be Louis."

"Yeah," the man was pleased.

"Boring Bowtie Louis," Lauren nodded. "Camila's mentioned you."

Camila took a quick glance around to find Shawn looking on curiously. She flashed her phone at him, "Lauren, Shawn. Shawn, Lauren."

Shawn jutted his chin in acknowledgement.

"You must be the tool."

Shawn looked to have wanted to defend himself, but never got the chance.

"Three days, Camila!" Dinah shouted into the mic as she slid in next to Lauren.

The brunette in Seattle laughed, "I know, right!"

"We can't wait," Dinah told her and then poked Lauren's arm. "This one is counting the seconds."

"Shut up, Dinah," Lauren punched her.

"Aww," Veronica said again.

"Which one is Lauren?" Liam asked pushing Veronica out of the way.

"The one." Camila thought that was obvious.

"Who's that?" Louis tilted Camila's screen ever so slightly so he could see the new arrival on the other end.

"Oh, that's Dinah," Camila explained. "Dinah, this Louis and Vero and Liam."

"Hi," Dinah said with a wave. "Nice to meet you."

"Who are we meeting?" Camila heard as Ariana appeared on the other side of Lauren. "Oh, hi Camila."

"Hi Ariana," Camila smiled.

"That looks like Ariana Grande," Louis pointed out.


"Oh my god, that is Ariana Grande," Vero tapped the screen. "You didn't tell us you knew Ariana Grande."

"The actress slash singer?" Liam was angling for a better view.

"Yes, it's me, Ariana Grande," she gloated. "How are you all?"

Camila let out a frustrated breath, "Ariana, this is Vero and Louis and Liam." She felt the presence of Shawn rolling up behind her with the news that the Ariana Grande was now part of the equation. She hooked her thumb backward, "And Shawn."

"Is that Camila?" the group heard a voice without a face.

"Bailey says hello," Lauren explained and turned her phone around to show the bodyguard waving like a maniac.

"Hi Chloe!" Camila waved back.

"We can't wait to see you," Bailey gave her a lame thumbs up.

When the phone spun back around, they caught the tail end of Lauren mumbling something about 'these fuckwads bogarting Camila.'

"We're all excited about her first visit to New York," Ariana scolded Lauren.

"I loved you in Victorious," Shawn yelled, practically gushing all over Ariana.

"Calm down, Shawn," Camila hissed.

"You were in a play with my brother once," Louis said excitedly. "Well actually, you were the lead and he was the understudy to Dying Man #3. You were brilliant."

"I'm sure it was a great experience for him," Ariana smiled her big fake smile. "You should all come over for dinner at my place when you're in town."

"Fuckin' hell, Ari-" Camila heard Lauren say before she cut off the FaceTime. She rolled away from the group and could still hear Ariana going on about her 'obligation to meet adoring fans.'

After a moment, it was just Lauren's voice. "So much for keeping that secret, huh?"

"I can't believe I didn't accidentally spill it earlier, to be honest," Camila replied.

"It's okay," Lauren assured her. "It's not a big deal. But it looks like we'll be getting the whole group together now."

"Hm," Camila replied.

"I know."

"That's okay as long as we have some time to ourselves."

"I promise you, Camz," Lauren said seriously. "You're not leaving New York until I get you to myself."

2 Days until NYC

"Do you think...maybe..." Lauren took a deep breath, "we should set some ground rules?"

"Ground rules?"

"I just want you to be completely comfortable."

"Lauren," Camila flopped back onto her bed, taking her computer with her, "you're over thinking this."

"I don't think so."

"Okay," Camila gave in. "What kind of rules are we talking about?"

"Well, you know..."

"Sex rules?"

Lauren immediately licked her lips. She was so easy sometimes. "Not sex rules per se..."

"Then what?" Camila was curious as to where this was going. "Do you have a side of the bed?"

"Left," Lauren said quickly. "Unless you like the left."

"I just want to be next to you, I don't really care what side of you I'm on."

Lauren scratched at her nose and let a moment pass. She was nervous and Camila was just soaking in all the little nuances that came with the ability to actually see the other woman.

"I want to take you out."


"Out," Lauren repeated. "Like a date."

"We've had a million phone dates," Camila said. "And movie dates and coffee dates."

"I'm not sure it counts as a date when we're three time zones apart."

"Why not?"

Lauren rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "I want to take you out and do all the things you're supposed to do when you meet someone and like her and you want to spend every second with her."

"We can go out."

"I know, but, I don't want to get ahead of ourselves. We're already so far ahead of ourselves."

"I told you, you're over thinking this."

"I want to do it the right way."

"We're already doing it the right way," Camila argued. "Our way. This is our way. I like our way."

"I like our way, too," Lauren's voice rose ever so slightly. "Just...let me take you out...on a real date...before anything else happens."

"We'll see," Camila winked at the woman on her screen.

1 Day until NYC!

"So you'll fly into LaGuardia and then head to the hotel."

"Yep," Camila answered. She was packing the last of her things while Lauren was lying in her bed in New York. "Then I'll be in meetings for most of the day."

"Okay," Lauren shifted higher on her pillow. "Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up from the airport?"

"Transportation is already arranged, plus the whole group will be with me."

"Yeah," Lauren remembered. "And you'll let me know when you're done."

"As soon as humanly possible," Camila smiled. She threw her favorite sweatshirt in her suitcase and walked over to the desk where her computer displayed Lauren's face.

"I can come get you."

"I'll be fine."

"I'll send Smith."

"I have your number, your address, Dinah's number, her address, and the number to the NYPD, Lauren." Camila held up her phone as proof. "I think I can manage to get to you."

"If you need anything, call me, okay."

"I will."

"You promise?"

Camila shook her head at the cuteness of overly protective Lauren. "I promise!"

"Okay." Lauren looked reluctant to shut down the call even though she was yawning like crazy.

"Get some sleep," Camila told her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh wow," Lauren choked a little. "Say it again."

Camila didn't even try to force back the giddiness. "I'll see you tomorrow."

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