Neteyam x Ao'nung: in the cov...

By sun_teeth

631 37 9

*ALL ART IS DONE BY ME UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE* *I have to change the cover photo cuz I don't have my art... More

1- A books cover
2- One on One Lesson
3- Conflict in the water
4- I fucked up
5- Dont do that again
6 - Progress
7 - Desperate
8- after party
9- Tolerance
10- Control
11- A Realization

12- Conflicting feelings

28 1 0
By sun_teeth

Ao'nungs POV

"We've really gotta go." I groan, the bright rays of light nearly flooding the cavern.

"What?" Neteyam groggily responds: I must've woken him up.

"It's almost mid day, the others will start to wonder where we went." I pout at the boy wiping his eyes.

"You're right... How long have we been asleep?" He mumbles.

"You've been asleep for a few hours, I've been awake though."

"And you didn't think to wake me? I thought you were the one who wanted to sleep in." Teyam berates me.

"Maybe stop whining and we can get back." I whine in a mimicking voice, crossing my hands over my chest.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." He squints, glaring daggers into me. His piercing eyes can be scary, the golden hues causing my heart to climb high into my throat.

"Yes sir." I salute playfully, Neteyam's only response being to sigh and roll his eyes at me.

"Call your fish." Neteyam speaks while gesturing his hands.

"She's not a fish." I exaggeratedly pout, clicking to call her as I do so.

"You're both fish." He side eyes me as he walks to the waters edge where my skimwing lies.

"Okay tree hugger." I groan, feeling the heat of the sun bathe my skin as I leave the shade to follow him. I mount the creature and extend my hand to Teyam, helping him to sit behind me.

"Everyone is going to notice we were gone." The warm skin boy complains behind me.

"Trust me, no one will even be awake yet." I chuckle.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean everyone is going to be passed out or whining in bed begging for fruit juice and soup."

"Oh..." He looks consentrated, devoted to thought, "I still don't understand."

"Everyone is hungover Neteyam. Like you are, after drinking you know?"

"That does explain the headache."

"You really didn't know that?" I question, it's not like they don't have alcohol in the forest.

"I did... I guess it just slipped my mind. Back at home most Na'vi just smoke not drink." He responds.

"Oh, have you ever smoked?" I make conversation as I ease my skimwing into motion.

"A little once, but I'm not a fan." I glance over my shoulder to see him scrunch his nose.

"Goody two shoes." I tease, looking forward again and picking up the pace.

"Slowly." Neteyam breathes into my ear, the hairs standing up on my neck.

"What?" I fight to get out, eyes wide, suddenly hyper-aware of how tight his arms are wrapped around me.

"My head is throbbing, please... Go slowly." I feel him bury his head into the crook of my neck.

"Anything you say... Princess."


When we arrive back to the village we go our seperate ways, a smile and wave being the limit of our communication. Neteyams eyes are tired, but seem happy, so I decide it's best to let him just go home and rest. As I expected, everyone at home is hung over or still asleep in their homes, only a few odd faces greeting me as I walk along the netted paths. With nothing better to do, I direct myself towards my home pod in hopes to find my harpoon and go on a solo fishing trip: bringing back a good hunt the day after I tamed my skimwing should better my reputation as a provider.

Crossing through the entrance into my home I'm met by a strangely clean and quiet space, far better than I'd expect following such a chaotic night.

"Where were you?" Tsireyas voice precedes her as she enters the main living area.

"No where." I shrug.

"Liiaarr." She stretches the word out with squinted eyes and an exaggerated expression.

"Ugghh." I let me head drop back and roll my eyes playfully, "I was just out relaxing."

"Yeah, with your little boyfriend." She teases.

"It's not like that." I reply, mouth agape, breathless, and taken aback. My brow presses and I can't help but notice an empty feeling forming in the pit of my stomach, a frown threatening my lips.

"Mhm." She crosses her arms over her chest and wiggles her eyebrows.

"Shut up." I groan, grabbing a throw pillow from the tidy assortment and throwing it at her. She catches it just as it makes contact with her face and takes on an offended expression, throwing it back with triple the force. I laugh and put it down, and then we both go silent for a little while.

"Y'know... If there IS someone you like, someone you feel like you can't have maybe, I'm here for you." She looks up at me genuinley, her eyes exuding a kind of comfort she certainly wasn't taught by our parents.

"You're too good for this world," I pat her head like I did when we were just kids, ruffling her hair lightly as I pull my hand away, "you don't have to worry about me."

"You know that won't stop me." She smiles, a sweet but sad look.

"Stop making that face." I almost feel as though tears may prick at my waterline at any moment, "You look stupid." I tease, her expression quickly turning squinted and angered.

"Hey! We were having a cute moment there!" She pouts and smacks my arm; hard enough to sting but not enough to stop me from laughing.

"I was kidding... maybe." I stick out my tongue at her. "Besides, we all know that it's you who has the hots for a tree hugger."

"Hey! At least I can come to terms with my feelings!" She strikes back. "... Is it really that obvious?"

"Painfully so." I gag.

"Well you're one to talk." She spits.

"We're just friends." I do my best to shut down her confrontation, it makes me uncomfortable- it's weird: normally I'm able to joke about this stuff.

"That's why you clung to him all day, and why you took every oppurtunity you got to touch him." She raises a brow.

"He understands me, he's kind of like a better version of me so talking to him is just... easy, nothing more than that."

"Mhm, sure..." She speaks, but I don't both to respond. "...He's not a better version of you though, just different."

"That's not true." I squint at her, "He's kind, caring, loyal, honest, and above all he's a leader- a protector- and he's so much better at it than me." I catch myself raising my voice.

"He is kind, and loyal, and all of those other things, but so are you- you just tamed the biggest skimwing I've ever seen just to prove yourself to the village- what more could they want?" She steps towards me.

"Someone else!" I try not to wake my parents but it takes everything not to shout, "I will never be the responsible leader father is, or the caring one Neteyam could have been!"

"You're wrong!" She raises her voice oh so slightly at me, "Ao'nung you have every right to feel however you feel but you do not get to decide what others want! I understand that the clan may have mad you feel locked out, but you're a kid and they understand that, and everyone can see that you're doing everything to make up for your past mistakes."

"Father can't!"

"Not everything is about him. Sit down." She grabs me arm and pulls me down as she sits criss cross herself, "I cannot change your perseption of yourself, only you can, so maybe I'll have to help you see what i see." I can feel my head shake and my face squinch as she speaks, "What unkind person would do my hair for me whenever I got frustrated? Or collect shells and beads for me to turn into bracelets you don't care for, but then wear them anyways because you know I want you too?"

"Stop it." My eyes sting.

"I mean, how could a bad person, a bad leader, keep Roxto fed, happy, and cared for after his parents died? Not everyone can do that Ao'nung, most can't." She tries to comfort me.

"Anyone would do that for their bestfriend."

"No they wouldn't! If you won't accept how good of a person I know you are can you atleast acknowledge that you're the best hunter, gatherer, and fisher this village has ever seen? I know you poured your heart into improving in every way you could, and everyone else can see it too! You're dedicated and so selfless I just can't understand how you don't see that." As Tsireya speaks I'm forced to push my fingers into my eyes and hold my breath to keep from overreacting, to keep the childish tears from spilling.

"It isn't enough, why can't you understand?" I feel a drop of liquid threaten my cheek, smacking it away with the back of my hand hard enough for it to hurt.

"Neteyam wouldn't give you the time of day if you weren't a good person." Tsireya's eyes water, her voice breaking.

"You're already grasping at straws, you know Neteyam sees the best in people, even when it isn't there. Besides, this isn't about him." I seethe.

"Please, brother, what can I do to make you see what I see?" Tears slide down her cheeks. Fuck, why do I always end up hurting people?

"You can't, I don't have rose tinted glasses." She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath and going silent for a long while- almost long enough for me to leave.

"You make me very mad big brother, you're right, you are insufferable and infuriating, but that won't stop me from loving you."

"You shouldn'-" She cuts me off with a sudden embrace, hugging me tightly and digging her face into my neck. She's shaking, so I wrap my arms around her back as well- I don't squeeze as tightly as she does though. Withing seconds I feel warm tears start to coat my skin, and for just a moment, I let a few of my own tears escape from the pressure building in my head. We sit like that for a long while, rocking side to side gently. I don't like hurting her, I just can't stop myself; i don't want to talk about me anymore.

"So, how is it going with Lo'ak?" I brush the tears from my face onto my shoulder, careful not to make it too obvious.

"It's going good." She sheepishly replies, still buried into my neck unmoving. "He's really nice."

"I disagree." I laugh lightly.

"You only diagree because you compare him to the nicest guy ever." She scoffs.

"What do you mean?"

"Neteyam obviously, he can be strict but he's like the most chill and caring guy I know. Lo'ak has a good heart, but an outsider like you wouldn't be able to see it: so clearly he'd look unkind when compared to your Mr.Perfect." I pull her away from my shoulder mid-way through her sentence, staring blankly as she finishes her words.

"Maybe he is just better." I huff, deciding to go along with whatever she's saying... I don't want to make her cry again.

"Oh so you do think he's perfect? What were you even doing with him last night?" She wigglers her brow again, a stupid smirk plastered on her face.

"Oh shut up," I push her face back, "we were just talking, I didn't want him to be alone after what happened."

"That's totally what happened," she winks, "we should have Kai banished or something though."

"I plan to have him punished." My face twists in disgust just thinking about him.

"Lo'ak punished him pretty good last night though, beat him bloddy and left him tied at the top of a tree!" She laughs, "he was able to get himself down, but he peed himself in the process! Me n' Lo'ak got a few more kicks in once Kai got down though, just enough to make him cry again, before going back home."

"That's twisted as hell, I like it." I smile, eyes wild.

"I knew you would." She laughs while smiling wide.

"I'm glad Neteyam seemed okay though, I hope he wasn't just lying when he said he was alright." I rub the back of my neck.

"It's sad but he probably barely remembers it, I suppose that it's the best outcome for him... What else did you talk about?" She pries.

"Nothing." I feel heat rise to my face.

"Oooohh, you're blushing." Tsireya rocks back and forth obnoxiously while pointing out my condition to my displeasure.

"No I'm not." I look away from her quickly.

"You know, there's nothing wrong with being gay." She teases, although there is a genuine tone behind her shit-eating grin.

"I'm not gay. I think." I whisper the last part. I guess she'd be the best person to be honest with... fuck it.

"Really?" She immediatley drops the theatrics.

"I don't know. This is weird!" I look back at her.

"Well, in my humble opinion, I think you have a crush on the forest prince." She says the last two words with a dramatic tone, the back of her hand comming up and touching her forehead theatrically.

"Really?" I choose to ignore her little performance.

"Duh! You follow him around like a lost puppy! Plus, you basically cling to him whenever you get the chance: you're so touchy."

"I'm not sure... Besides, it's not like I'd have a chance with him anyways."

"I disagree." She gasps, "you may follow him around but I'm pretty sure he loves it. He never even tries to push you away."

"You think?"

"More like I know. Why don't you just ask him out, see what happens?" She suggests.

"I feel like it's bad timing..." I think of recent events.

"Yeahhh... soon though, try soon." She scrunches her nose. Is she right? Could I really be gay? I mean, it would explain a lot... but that's unnatural? I think. Is it? I don't know!

"How would I even ask?" What am I saying?

"You'd have to do something really out there, direct as hell, he seems blissfully oblivious to me. To be fair, you do come across painfully staright, aside from when you're with him of course." Is it really that obvious? How come she's figured this out before me? No, it's gotta be platonic? Bros cuddle all the time, right? Have I ever cuddled with any other frends though...

"I don't think I should..."

"What! Have you been toying with me this whole time?" She puffs.

"No, but, I can't be gay. I'd be a failure to this bloodline: not continuing it and all."

"That's a stupid reason." She glares at me, "besides, how are you supposed to have kids anyways? You have far too much sass to ever be with a woman." Against my best efforts I let out a chuckle.

"I am not sassy." I joke with a flick of my wrist, elisiting a laugh out of Tsireya in response.

"Eywa wouldn't have given you these feelings if you weren't supposed to honour them, so please, put yourself first for once. If you don't sweep Neteyam up someone else will." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"I suppose... I'm gonna go fishing- blow off some steam." I get up with a sigh.

"Steam isn't the only thing you wanna blo-" I whip a pillow at her causing her to run off giggling, 'what a weirdo.'


Returning with my large haul I see the village has started back up, although still groggily, desperate to catch up on the days tasks before it gets too dark.

"Bro, you're back!" Roxto almost immediatley notices me, "Good catch!" He wraps an arm around my back, eyeing the overfilled net.

"Yeah, I had nothing better to do."

"You're gonna make a great Olo'eyktan man." I glance over to see him looking at the ground.

"Thanks." We just walk like that for a while, far enough to reach the fire and hand over the fish to greatful cooks.

"By the way, did you hear what happened to Kai?" Roxto looks up at me, taking a step away from me to make eye contact."

"Not exactly, but I've got a jist." I shrug, grimacing at the rememberance of last night.

"Apperantly someone found him tied to a tree with his fingers all broken and, don't tell anyone I told you this, but somebody let it slip that he was bleeding from down there. I never liked him much but an impromptu castration? That's crazy!" His eyes go wide.

"Damn..." I hold back a grin thinking of Lo'ak getting revenger for his brother, maybe he's not so bad afterall. "Crazy son of a bitch must've done that I guess."

"That's an understatement."

"I have to go speak with my father but I'll be back for dinner, see you soon." I wave as I walk off.

"See you!" He calls.


"Father?" I peer into my family pod, unsure of if he'd even be here this time of day.

"Ao'nung? Where have you been!" He approaches me quickly, a mixed look of concern, relief, and anger on his face.

"I've been fishing." I cringe, fearful of beratement.

"I'm glad, I know you're your own man now but please warn me next time." He... smiles?

"Yes father." I smile in return, "But I did come here for a reason. That Kai boy-"

"The boy that got mutilated last night? Do you know anything about that?" His face grows curious and concerned.

"Yes, actually, he was at my party last night. All I know is that he tried to... assault someone last night. I told him that there would be consequences but left him alone for the time being. I don't know who did that to him and I do know this may sound extreme but is there a possibility he could be formally puunished? The mutilation is a lot but I believe he should see a proper punishment once he heals. Maybe months of outer reathe fishing." I explain, seething over my last words with a goal of keeping him far away without seeming extreme.

"Hmm... That's a lot to take in. I will speak to his parents and  decide upon a punishment, assault is very serious... do you know any wittnesses?" He asks.

"I do... but I'd like to speak to them before I say too much."

"I understand. Now go eat boy, you've done more than most today." He pats my back and sends me on my way.

Walking towards the dinning Hall I see a familiar face,

"Hello ma'am, could I speak with you for a moment?" I approach an older woman pleasently.

"Of course boy, what would you like to speak about?" She smiles, unphased by my callout.

"It's about your son," I think of the fucker from last night, "he said some things last night that I believe are against this clan's beliefs, and I thought you should know."

"What did he do this time?" Her face drops to one of disappointment.

"He just said some things disqualifying the experience of sexual assaults victims, and I fear that of he is not educated on the importance of consent he may cause problems for some individuals in the future. I mean no offense to you, you're a lovely woman and I truly believe that this is an outside influence, but I also believe that you, as his mother, are best equipped to handle this situation." I explain to her.

"I am so sorry for my son, I will be sure to speak with him about this." She holds one of my hands in both of hers, her forehead visually twitching as she thinks of her troublesome son.

"Thank-you so much, have a good meal!" I wish the woman a good day and continue on my path, giggling as I hear her cuss about beating her senseless boy as I walk away. My shoulders grow a little lighter as I'm assured the boy has what's coming to him, and I didn't even have to get violent to do it! Neteyam would be so proud.

I eat with Roxto, not seeing Neteyam for the rest of the day. He's probably resting.

I should go to the spirit tree, Eywa would know how to handle my feelings better than I do- that much is clear. Maybe my mother actually, she has to finish my tattoo so maybe she'd be able to give me insight. I cringe at the thought of laying out my feelings to my mother while she holds a needle to my heart. Maybe not. I should check in on Neteyam before bed, make sure he's safe, I feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I think of him.

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