Weight of Time

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Natalie Cassidy has been on her own for years. One day, she feels a strange call for a small town on the East... More



70 4 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


Abigail's carriage arrived at an area in the forest, where King George and several of his men were waiting.

"Princess Abigail," King George called. "Your beauty grows with each passing day. It is an honour to have you join my family."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Abigail replied as a frantic noise was heard in the background. "Is everything okay?"

"Just the excitement at the royal wedding. We want to ensure the safety of our guests. So, if you'll excuse me." He walked away from Abigail and approached one of the knights. "Find him."

Prince Charming was being chased by several knights on horseback. They attempted to shoot him with arrows, but continuously missed. They came to a fallen tree, which Prince Charming's horse managed to jump over. King George's men ended up losing sight of Prince Charming.

"Split up!" a knight ordered as Prince Charming watched the knights scatter from afar. When he turned around, two hooded figures kidnapped him.


David and Kathryn were eating dinner at home.

"Chicken's delicious," David said, attempting to make small talk.

"David, there's something we need to discuss," Kathryn told him.


"I applied to law school."

"That's amazing! Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I don't know. Maybe 'cause I didn't think I could actually do it, but I did. I got this today -- I got in." She handed him a piece of paper.

He looked at the paper. "It... It's in Boston."

"I know things have been hard between us, but maybe a fresh start is what we need. Maybe we've been fighting too hard to recapture old memories, when we should've been making new ones instead."


The hooded figures had Prince Charming hostage in the forest. His wrists were tied in front of him. One of the hooded figures walked towards him with a knife.

"Who are you?" Prince Charming asked. "What are you waiting for? Do you think I fear you?" The hooded figure cut Prince Charming's binds. Confused, Abigail appeared in front of him. "Abigail? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to get my hands on you before your father ripped you to shreds," Abigail replied.

"How did you know I was going-"

"Because I have ears in the King's court. And, despite everyone's best efforts to shield me from it, I know the truth. You love Snow White and you have no intention of marrying me."

"I won't marry someone I don't love, or give that despot the satisfaction that I helped him. If that means suffering the consequences, so be it."

"You're prepared to lay down your life. How charming. But I didn't come here to see you die – I came here to help you escape."

"Why would you do anything to help me?"

"Because I don't want to marry you either."


Mary Margaret got out of her car and met David on the main street.

"What did you tell her?" Mary Margaret asked.

"That I needed to take a walk," David replied. "Clear my head. Think about it."

"I'm guessing you didn't tell her that the walk was with me."

David shook his head. "No. No, of course not."

Mary Margaret frowned. "Why is that our default? Lying?"

"Because I don't-"

"We're not being honest. I know it's hard, but we have to tell her the truth about everything -- about us."

"I don't know if I can."

"You have to. If we can't be honest with other people, how can we be honest with each other?"

"Is it really the best plan?"

"What's your plan? Moving to Boston?"


"The only way no one gets hurt here, is if we don't want to be together. Is that what you want?"


"Well, then we have to stop hiding and do something. It's better she hears it from you than from someone else. You have to make a choice. Natalie already found out, but I don't think she'll tell anyone."

"I choose you."

"Then, it's time to tell Kathryn."


August's motorcycle was parked outside Granny's Diner. Emma and Natalie arrived at the same time he was leaving.

"I've been meaning to bump into you two," August said. "Matter of fact, I was hoping we might grab that drink you promised."

"Is that you asking me or Emma out?" Natalie asked in a teasing tone.

"Well, if putting a label on it makes you more comfortable, sure. Let's call it a date. You mind a third wheel?"

"Not this time."

Emma looked between them with a small smile and said, "I thought you came here to write -- find inspiration."

He looked at Natalie. "I'm optimistic about our date."

"See, I have a policy -- I won't let a friend go out with guys who won't tell me their names. I find it weeds out the ones who like to keep secrets, like they're already married or they store body parts in their freezer. It was nice talking to you." She walked past him to enter the diner.

"It's August. August W. Booth."

"Really? With the middle initial?"

"W's for Wayne. So, there goes your reason for not meeting me here after work."

Emma and Natalie entered the diner to find Mary Margaret waiting.

"Who was that?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I don't know yet," Emma replied.

"Yet? So, you're going to find out?"

"It's nothing."

"Nothing with you means something. Because if it were nothing, we wouldn't be talking about it."

Natalie shrugged. "He and I have a past. Youll find out. I'm sorry -- I thought you called me and Emma here to talk about you?"

"Yeah, but talking about you two is easier right now."

"What is it? What's going on?"

They lowered their voices to a whisper and Mary Margaret said, "Remember when you told me to stay away from David and I agreed?"

"Yes," Emma said.

"I didn't."

Emma nodded. "Yeah, I know."

Natalie crossed her arms. "I figured you wouldn't."

Mary Margaret's eyes widened. "You do? How?"

"Because I'm Sheriff, and you are a lovesick schoolteacher," Emma replied. "Covering your tracks is not exactly your strong suit."

"Well, I've been discre- Discrete."

"Two teacups in the sink, new perfume, late nights, plunging necklines. It was not hard to connect the dots."


"When I met you, you were a top button kind of girl."

"Huh. Why didn't you say anything? Natalie said something."

"Because you're with a married man," Natalie said. "Even if it is under a curse."

"I'm not your mother," Emma answered.

"No. Well, according to Henry, I'm yours," Mary Margaret told her.

"I just figured that you would let me know when it was time. I'm assuming it's time."

"He's telling Kathryn."

"Everything?" Natalie and Emma asked.



Kathryn was on the computer and heard David return home. "David? David, come and take a look. I found a whole bunch of great apartment options. I have no idea which neighborhood to look at, but... Have you ever been to Boston?"

David shook his head. "No. No, I've never been."

"Maybe we should ask the Sheriff, Emma. She's from there. Natalie might have spent some time there. They could probably help-"

"Kathryn. I can't go to Boston with you."

Kathryn pursed her lips. "Can't? Or won't?"

"I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry. I... I don't know what to say."

"Try the truth. David, is there something going on that I don't know about?"

"No. No, something happened. I don't know what it is, but there is something that's preventing me from connecting. And it's not fair to you to let that screw up your life. You're right -- you need a fresh start. It's just not with me."


By horseback, Abigail, Prince Charming, and Abigail's men arrived at a clearing in the forest. They got off, and Abigail went to retrieve a bag with provisions.

"We have reached my father's realm," Abigail said. "We should be safe here. I have provisions waiting for you." She handed him the bag, but he threw it aside.

"I can't take any of it," Prince Charming told her. "Not until you tell me what's really going on."

"I told you, I was just-"

"Stop playing games. If you have no feelings for me, as you've said, why show me any kindness at all? What haven't you told me?"

"This isn't about you, James – it's me. I don't want to marry you, because my heart also belongs to another. A man I was once to wed. A man named Frederick."

"What happened?"

"We all have our own tragedies, lost love being the worst. I thought reuniting you with yours might grant me some consolation."

"Well, I'm afraid I'm not able to help you, then. My 'love' told me in no uncertain terms that she does not feel for me as I do for her. You can't fight for something that doesn't exist. So, there's my tragedy."

"That's no tragedy. Come – follow me." Abigail led Prince Charming to a small shrine, which was built around a golden statue of a man. "A moment, please." The guards left the two of them alone. "This is where my beloved Frederick sacrificed his life."

"I'm sorry. Did he die in battle?"

"We were traveling with my father, King Midas, when our caravan was ambushed. Frederick bravely defended us and was cut down saving my father's life."

"It's a fitting tribute. The craftsmanship is... Is remarkable. I've never seen anything quite so lifelike." He touched the statue.

"That's because the hand you're touching, is actually Frederick's."

"Excuse me?"

"It's not a statue. Frederick saw the attack when no one else did, and threw himself in front of my father, knocking him to safety. Because of my father's curse, he was instantly turned to gold."

"All curses can be broken. Have you tried true love's kiss?"

"Until my lips bled."

"The gold got in the way. There must be something else to do."

"There is legend of a lake – Lake Nostos. Its waters are said to have magical properties, that can return to you something that was once lost."

"And, yet, you haven't tried it?"

"Of course I have. But the lake is guarded by a ghastly creature that drowns its victims. No one who's ever faced it has lived to return."

"Don't give up hope just yet. I will face this guardian and return with the water that will undo this wretched curse."

"None have succeeded."

"None have my fearless bravery."

"Or fearless disregard for their own safety."

"Either way, one of us should have our happiness."

"And if you die, neither of us will."

"No, not true. Don't you understand? If I succeed, you will be reunited with Frederick and your misery ends. If I fail, the misery that ends will be mine."


August had Henry's book. He'd taken it apart and was treating each page. Across the room, he had several pages hanging on a clothesline to dry. On the table, part of the book was rebound. He took a dried page off the line and added it to the stack before starting to rebind it with string.


Regina and Henry were sitting on the couch in her office. Henry had a box with a bow on his lap.

"Oh, go on," Regina encouraged. "Open it."

"What's the occasion?" Henry asked.

"The occasion is I love you. Go on."

Henry opened his box and pulled out a video game. It looked like an older game.

Regina looked at Henry. "Now, I know you miss your book, but with that, you can do the heroics. You can save the princesses, you can be the hero. Henry, you have to believe me. When I tore down the playground, I did it for your safety. Please, don't be upset with me. I really didn't mean to destroy your book."

Henry said, "It's not just the book."

"Okay, then what is it?"

"It's Emma and Natalie -- I want to see them."

Kathryn opened the door to Regina's office. "Regina, have you got a min- I'm sorry."

"Oh, don't worry about it," Regina replied. "Henry, why don't you get home and start your homework? I'll be there in a bit and we can have dinner."

Henry left the office and made his way home.

Kathryn started crying and Regina walked over to her. "Oh, Kathryn, what is it?"

"It's David. He's leaving me," Kathryn informed.

"That little home wrecker."

"Excuse me?"

"She just couldn't stay away, could she?"

Kathryn frowned, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Why, Mary Margaret, of course," Regina replied.

"What's Mary Margaret got to do with this? What's Mary Margaret got to do with any of this? Regina, do you know something?"

"They've been having an affair."

"How do you know this? How? Did you see something?"

"I saw pictures. Sidney was always looking for scandal -- it sells papers. He showed me. I buried them, of course."

"Show me."


"Show me!"

They walked towards Regina's desk, and Regina pulled out a folder. Kathryn opened it and took out several photos of David and Mary Margaret together.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kathryn asked.

"Because I thought you two were working it out," Regina answered. "I wanted you to work it out. Believe me, I want you two together."

"Why? Why do you care about any of this?"

"Because I'm your friend."

"No, you're not. A friend wouldn't do this. A friend wouldn't lie. Everyone's lying to me."


Abigail and Prince Charming came to a small shrine. There were candles, helmets, swords, and other things placed around it.

"What's this?" Prince Charming asked.

"It's a shrine to the guardian of the lake," Abigail replied. "Every man who faces it leaves an offering here first, asking for the creature's mercy."

"I go the rest of the way alone."

"No, this is for me. You have to let me come with you."

"No. The only life I want in my hands, is my own."

"Good luck, then. And don't forget..." She looked at the shrine.

"A lot of good it did them." He left without leaving anything at the shrine.



Mary Margaret walked through the halls. David was at his house, looking through pictures and called Mary Margaret.

Mary Margaret answered. "Hey. Did, uh... Did you do it?"

"Yeah. It's bad."

"I'm sorry."

"No, it was, um... It was really bad."

"But you told the truth. So, now, we can pick up the pieces. We can start over from a real place."

"Hey, I want to see you. Can I come by when you get done at school?"

"Of course! I'll see you then. And David -- you did the right thing."

They hung up. Kathryn entered the hallway and made her way towards Mary Margaret. She bumped into the gym teacher.

"Oh, hey!" the gym teacher cried. "Watch where you're going."

"Kathryn," Mary Margaret greeted. "I'm... I'm sorry."

Kathryn slapped Mary Margaret. "Screw you, you're sorry."

"I understand you're upset. You have every right to be."

"Thank you for that insight."

"Can we... Can we please talk somewhere private?"

"Private? Why do you get any consideration at all? You have shown none for me -- either of you. All you did was lie."

"We should have talked to you sooner, but we've been completely honest. We didn't lie."

"You didn't lie? You snuck around. You had him break up my marriage with a pack of lies. With some crap about not being able to connect? He didn't have any trouble connecting with you."

Mary Margaret frowned. "David didn't tell you about us?"

"No, of course not. That would have been the honorable thing to do."

"But, he said he would tell you."

"Well, then he lied to you, too. Good luck making it work. You two deserve each other." She walked away.


Prince Charming arrived at Lake Nostos. He took off his cloak before approaching the edge of the lake. He dipped a canteen into the water, causing a ripple to spread throughout the lake. He stepped back and said, "Where are you? Make yourself known to me!" Prince Charming drew his sword. "Beast! Show yourself." Bubbles appeared in the middle of the lake, along with a glowing light.

A siren emerged from the water. "Here I am."


August pulled up to Granny's Diner on his motorcycle. Emma and Natalie went out to meet him, while Granny watched from the side.

"You going to come in?" Emma asked. "I thought you want that drink."

"I do, but I didn't say here," August said. "Hop on."

"You want me to get on the back of that bike?"

"That's what 'hop on' means."

"How about if we go somewhere, I drive."

"How about you stop having to control everything and take a leap of faith? You owe me a drink. Hop on. I know a good watering hole."

"If you don't, I will," Granny warned.

Natalie grabbed a helmet and climbed onto the handlebars. "Don't say anything, Emma."

August handed Emma a helmet. She hopped on and the three of them rode off.

They reached a well at the edge of the forest. They got off the bike and walked towards it.

Emma scoffed. "A watering hole? Literally?"

August shrugged. "Well, say what you want about me -- I always tell the truth."

"I just thought a drink was, like, wine or whiskey."

"What, do you want me to get you two drunk?"


"Next time."

"You are optimistic," Natalie teased.

August brought over three cups. He handed one to Emma, another to Natalie, and began pulling up the well's bucket.

August glanced at the women. "They say there's something special about this well. There's even a legend. They say that the water from the well is fed by an underground lake, and that lake has magical properties."

"Magic?" Emma repeated. "You sound like Henry and Natalie."

"Smart kid. Smart woman. So, this legend. It says that if you drink the water from the well, something lost will be returned to you."

"You know an awful lot about this town for being a stranger."

"And you know very little for being the Sheriff."

"How do you know all this? You've been here before?"

"I know all of this for one very simple reason -- I read the plaque."

"You actually believe that?"

"I'm a writer. I have to have an open mind."

"Yeah, but magic?"

"Water is a very powerful thing. Cultures as old as time have worshiped it. It flows throughout all lands, connecting the entire world. If anything had mystical properties -- if anything had magic -- well, I'd say it'd be water."

"That's asking a lot to believe on faith."

"If you need evidence for everything, Emma, you're going to find yourself stuck in one place for a long time."

"Maybe. Or, maybe I'll just find the truth before anyone else."

August handed her a cup. "Well, Miss Skeptic, there's one thing I can tell you for sure that requires no leap of faith, and I know you'll agree with me."

"What's that?"

"It's good water."

They toasted their cups.

Natalie caught August's eye and the two shared a smile.


As Mary Margaret walked down the street, she crossed paths with several people who were talking and whispering. Thanks to being distracted, she bumped into Granny.

"Oh, gosh!" Granny gasped.

"I'm so sorry, Granny," Mary Margaret apologized. "I must not have been looking."

"I'm sorry. I didn't..." Granny noticed Mary Margaret. "Oh. You."

"Excuse me?"

"You should be ashamed of yourself." Granny briskly walked down the street.


At Lake Nostos, the siren walked across the water towards Prince Charming and asked, "What's your name? Would you like to know mine? Because I can be anyone you want me to be."

"Stop – I know what you are," Prince Charming said. "You're a siren. Your deceitful words are a spell meant to lure me to my death. "

"I would never hurt such a brave, powerful man like yourself. Not when there are so many other things we could do."

"I said stop! I will not fall prey to your deceptions."

"Really? You're immune to me." She bent over and cupped a handful of water. When she poured it over herself, she transformed into Snow White. "Like me more now, Charming?"

"No. You're not really her. It's an illusion. I know it's not real."

"Sometimes, illusions are better than truth. Everything you want that you can't have, I can give it to you. All you have to do... is kiss me. I know you want to. I can feel it."

"No." They kissed. When they broke apart, the siren began to lead Prince Charming into the lake. "No. I don't want an illusion. I want reality or nothing."

"This doesn't feel real?" They kissed again.


"That's right. It's me." And again. "I love you."

"No." And again. "No. It's not you."

"Yes, it is. I love you."

"No. This is not real love. I've felt it, and this isn't it. I know the difference."

"Congratulations, Prince Charming – you're the first." The siren pushed Prince Charming into the water and dragged him under. She let him go, then tries to coax him closer to her. He noticed several skeletons and bodies of armor at the bottom of the lake. He attempted to swim away, but was grabbed at the ankle by a piece of seaweed. Trapped, the siren swam towards Prince Charming. He saw a knife on the ground. When the siren kissed him again, he stabbed her. Now free, he swam to the surface of the lake.


David tried to scrub the word 'tramp' off the side of Mary Margaret's car, which had been written in red spray paint.

Mary Margaret walked to her car and saw him. "Who did this?"

"I don't know," David said. "I'm sorry. I don't know how any of this happened."

"You don't know? Really?"

"Mary Margaret, I can't control what other people do."

"No, but you can control what you do. And you lied. And, now, everyone is calling me a tramp."

"Who told her?"

"That is exactly the wrong question. The real question is, why didn't you do what we discussed? Why didn't you tell her?"

"I thought we could spare her feelings."

"Right -- you thought. Not we -- you. After we discussed this."

"I didn't want anyone to get hurt."

"Now everyone is hurt. We had an understanding. We had an agreement. But you not only lied to her, you lied to me."

"Mary Margaret, please. Listen to me. If we want to see if... If this -- if what we have -- is love... We have to do what you said. You know, we have to pick up the pieces, and we've got to move on."

"David, this isn't love. What we have is something else entirely. What we have is destructive, and it has to stop."

David frowned. "What are you saying?"

"That we shouldn't be together."


Emma was brushing the leaves off her yellow beetle when she noticed a red metal box in the gutter. She realized it was the box that contained Henry's book and opened it. The book was inside, fully intact. August watched Emma from around the corner. Natalie glanced from across the way and smiled as she walked towards her friend.


Regina was watering the plants in her office when Kathryn entered.

"It's beautiful," Kathryn said. "I had no idea you were so good with plants."

Regina smiled lightly. "Well, better than with people, it would seem. What are you doing here? I thought after what happened yesterday, I'd be the last person you'd want to see."

"So did I. And then I thought about it, and I realized I owed you an apology."

"Kathryn, you don't-"

"I know you'd never do anything to hurt me. I was just so angry, and confused, and I snapped. I'm sorry. I've just been fighting so hard to hold onto David, I've never stopped to ask myself why."

"He's your husband. You love each other. You always have."

"No, we haven't." She pulled out a picture of Mary Margaret and David. "See the way he looks at her? He's never looked at me like that, not even before his accident."

"Kathryn, relationships take work. You can't give up so easily."

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Yes. Once."

"Then, you're lucky. Because what I'm coming to understand is... Is that I haven't. What they have is real. It's true. My marriage to David, it... It was just like an illusion. I don't know how it happened, but it was never real. I know that now. The way David looks at Mary Margaret -- that's what I want for me. And I'm going to go out there, and I'm going to find it."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sticking to my plan. I'm moving to Boston. Alone. If I stay here, I'll never be happy."

"And what about David?"

"I wrote him a letter -- him and Mary Margaret. I told them they should be together."

Regina frowned. "Uh, I'm sorry. You did what?"

"I can't see him. Not now. It's just too painful." She hugged Regina and the latter awkwardly hugged her back. "I'm going to miss you, Regina. You've been a good friend to me."

"You're really going?"

"You know, it's funny. I've always had this irrational fear of leaving Storybrooke, like something's just holding me back. Is that crazy?"

"No. Change is always frightening. But you know what, Kathryn? This just may be what you need. Maybe you'll find what you're looking for."


Prince Charming returned to Frederick's shrine, where Abigail was waiting. "Water from Lake Nostos, as requested." He handed her the canteen of water.

"Remarkable," Abigail said. "But how did you manage to slay the beast?"

"Well, the fate of your true love was at stake, and it was a battle I couldn't afford to lose."

Abigail poured the water over Frederick's statue. The golden statue transformed into a human, Frederick. The two of them hugged, then kissed.

"Abigail, what happened to me?" Frederick asked.

"You were trapped, but now you're free," Abigail answered. "This is James. He's the one who freed you."

Frederick shook Prince Charming's hand. "I am forever indebted to you."

"Well, pay me back by walking down the aisle with someone you truly belong with," Prince Charming replied. "And, perhaps, giving me a horse and supplies for a journey as well?"


"Thank you," Abigail said. "So much. Where will you go?"

"To find Snow White," Prince Charming replied.

"You are going after her."

"True love isn't easy, but it must be fought for. Because once you find it, it can never be replaced."

"How will you know where to find her?"

"Well, a bird helped me track her down once. Hopefully, it can again."

"Well, then, good luck. Oh, and, James – please, make haste. When King George discovers that the union of the kingdoms has been ruined, he will come after you. Some people will stop at nothing to destroy the happiness of others."


Regina opened the front door to the Nolan home using her skull keys. Inside, she saw Kathryn's letter to David on the counter. She took it and left.


Henry was playing his new video game on a bench outside the school.

Emma and Natalie walked up to him, the former with a bag, and sat down on either side of him.

"Wow, I love that game," Emma said. "Space Paranoids, right?"

Henry nodded. "Yeah, my mom got it for me."

"I used to play that all the time when I was a kid. Relax -- it's all in the wrists."

"My mom's picking me up in, like, five minutes."

"All right. We'll be quick then. I just have something I'd like to give to you." She took something from her bag. It was the storybook.

Henry cried, "You found it! Where'd you get it?"

"I found it in a gutter. It must have fallen off the dump truck on the way to the junkyard and got tossed around in the rain. And, somehow, made its way back to me."

"Wow. That's crazy."

Emma frowned. "What other explanation could there be?"

"I don't know."

"Well, whatever happened, it came back to me."

Henry grinned. "Maybe, it means our luck is changing. Operation Cobra is back on. It's a sign. Things are going to be better."

"I hope you're right, kid. I got to go." She walked away.

Natalie smiled and followed after Emma.


Prince Charming was riding through the woods on horseback until he reached a clearing with a cabin.

"Snow!" Prince Charming called. "Snow White! Snow! Are you there?"

Red Riding Hood emerged from the field next to the clearing and said, "She's gone. She never came back after she went to find you."

"Then I'll find her. I will always find her. And I will convince her that we belong together. I will always fight for her, no matter what comes between us."

"It won't be much of a fight."

"What are you talking about?"

"Snow wants to be with you more than anything."

"Don't mock me. Snow told me that we can't be together because she doesn't love me."

"She left here to break up your wedding, because she's in love with you. Unless, something changed her mind along the way..."

"Not something – someone." The sound of horses was heard in the distance. King George and his men were charging towards them.

"James? Who are they?"

"That's someone – King George."

"Bring me his head!" King George ordered.

"Come on!" Prince Charming got back on his horse and extended his hand to Red. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up. The two of them took off as King George shot arrows in their direction.


Mary Margaret was lying on her bed in her apartment when Emma and Natalie entered.

"You feel like talking about it yet?" Emma asked.

"Nope," Mary Margaret replied.

"You want to be alone?"


Emma laid down next to Mary Margaret on the bed. Natalie sat on the floor next to the bed.


Regina took Kathryn's letter from a drawer in her office desk. A can of red spray paint was in the desk drawer as well. She grabbed a lighter from the table and headed to the fireplace. Kathryn sat in her car and took a deep breath before driving off. Regina used the lighter to set the letter on fire. Kathryn drove along the road, leading out of Storybrooke and saw the Storybrooke sign in the distance. Regina watched the letter burn in her hand for a moment before throwing it into the fireplace. The gym teacher from the school, who was also driving, came upon Kathryn's crashed car at the base of the Storybrooke sign. He got out to investigate and found the car empty and the airbag deployed. Regina stared at the fireplace as Kathryn's letter burned.

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