Cyberpunk:The Lone Wolf

By Cheetahniel

3.6K 41 0

This story is about a guy who became a edgerunner. watch him as he proceeds to become the most famous edgerun... More

A protection Job part 1
A protection Job part 2
A Date
A Job with the Nomads
Project 777
The Big One.
A Mansion Job
Arasaka Convoy
Fly me to the moon
Personal Vendetta
Relationship is hard
Hot Springs
Perfect Murder
I can fix her
A pleasant surprise.
You wanna know how I got that scar?
Childhood memories
Best. Night. Ever.
The Italian job
Resolving Negotiations.
Cammora sends his regards

A beginning of something new

1.9K 12 0
By Cheetahniel

*Ronin's Point of view*

I was suddenly suprised by two tigerclaws in an alley that had ambushed me. I looked around and found out that the trash can to my right had a DR-5 Nova, a revolver. The lead pipe was lying on the ground. The two Tyger Claws were right in front of me, demanding your eddies.

I was quick to defend myself. I grabbed the pipe and quickly whacked one of the Tyger Claws with it, disarming him. Then I took the DR-5 and used it to kill the other Tyger Claw with the gun. The Tyger Claws were dead. I searched their bodies. They were hiding a small datashard. I slotted it into my cyberdeck and I got a message.

It said as follows: 'We want the package as soon as possible. We know Arasaka hired some mercenaries to intercept it. Pay will double if the package is delivered to the drop point in Pacifica within the next 24 hours.' After reading the message I proceeded to search through the datashard. There were two files in the datashard. The first was titled 'Arasaka Black Site.' The second was titled 'Package Tracking Log.' The Black Site file was a list of coordinates for all Arasaka Black Site locations in the city. The Tracking Log is a list of packages, what's in them, when they'll be transferred, and a schedule of potential interception sites. You plug the delivery address into your Agent. The package was shipped from an Arasaka warehouse in Central. I've set the course and headed towards the delivery point, which was located in Southside East, Watson. As I approach the location, I could see five other mercs also headed in the same direction. I realized that they must've been looking for the package as well. I entered the building and found myself in a warehouse filled with crates and boxes. Five merc's were standing outside one crate with their guns drawn. I unsheathed my katana I was wearing and rushed towards them. One of them tried shooting me, but I sliced their neck open before they got a chance. I spun around and sliced another merc's chest, spilling his blood all over the floor. I took out two more easily, leaving one. The last merc fired his gun at me, but I managed tp dodge it. He was the last one. I quickly took him out. The crate he was standing next to had the Arasaka package labeled "Classified - Top Secret" on it. Ronin loots the bodies. He finds a datashard from one of the mercs. It reads:"Hey Mercs, you were the lucky ones to find this package. Meet up at the bar in Kabuki after your delivery to find out where you'll be heading next. We're putting you on a big job." I picked up the package, "Property of Arasaka" written on the side. Ronin heads to the meeting point, Kabuki Bar. He sees one merc leaning against the wall. He's wearing a white jacket and matching sunglasses. He pulls a toothpick out of his mouth and looks at you. Hey, you the merc they hired for the package? We're supposed to be here at 12 pm and you're damn late. Boss is pissed. There were some complications, but I've easily dealt with them - Ronin replied unfazed. Complications? Like what? Boss said this job was supposed to be easy. You didn't break the package, did you? - No, it turns out there were couple of arasaka people in there.

I took care of them and brought the package here. - That's great. It's not often when a merc comes back and says they took out Arasaka personnel. What's your name? - Felix, But I'm known as Ronin.That's a pretty sweet nickname, Ronin. I'm Rick. My boss wants to see you. Come with me.

Rick turns and heads towards a back door into a private bar. He motions for you to follow him, into the back bar, where you see a well-dressed man with slicked back hair and a cigar in his mouth. He's the boss that Rick referred to.So you're the merc we hired, huh? We were right to pick ya. Killed Arasaka personnel and delivered our package on time. I was expecting it to be late.

Guess I was fast enough to do the job- he replied with a bit of satisfaction.

Great, here's your paycheck - he said as he sent me 25k eddies - Anyway; I'm assuming you want to know what your next assignment is, Ronin.

Ronin nods. It's a job that requires discretion. We want you to steal something very important to Arasaka's operations. In other words, it's a Black Ops assignment. Interested? - I'm in, What do we know about this thing I need to steal? - he said whilst still being unfazed - The item is a datashard. It's very important to their operations at a facility in the Badlands. It's rumored that the datashard is extremely valuable to Arasaka and would cripple the corps if they lost it. That's about it. You'll be going up against Arasaka's security forces. Are you Interested? - I am, but I'll need a netrunner for this job. - Of course. The best one in town is available, if you have the funds to hire her. Her name is Lucy. She's very dangerous. You think you can handle her? - I actually was thinking of this one shows him a data of a netrunner called Sarah - Oh, very well. I prefer Sarah over Lucy myself. Sarah's the best netrunner in all of Night City. You'll have no problem with her. The boss tosses you a disc.Here's the information you need for Sarah. Go find her, hire her and get the job done quickly. My patience wears thin. I took the disc, thanked the boss and left the bar. I then headed to the coordinates on the disc and I've found my way to Sarah's apartment. I knocked on the door of her apartment. A young-looking woman, no more than 28, answered and looked at me. - Oh, you're the merc. Boss told me they'd be sending someone. What's your name?I could tell she's skilled in netrunning. Her eyes darted around and flickered with data from the Net.

My name is Felix, but everyone calls me Ronin. -I replied.

I then proceeded to hire Sarah to be my netrunner partner for this and future Black Ops missions. The two of us become partners. After a moment, Sarah has finished prepping and sent me the coordinates for our first Black Ops mission together. The mission is time-sensitive. The Black Site is heavily guarded with Arasaka's top-of-the-line Black Ops soldiers stationed there. Only 16 hours are left to complete this mission. I needed to bring my A-game. The two of us will plan our strategy together in the car ride to the Black Site. The stakes are high and consequences severe. I agreed and the two of us hopped into the car and begun discussing our strategy for this Black Ops mission. Sarah suggested a stealthy approach, as open combat wasn't an option with the Arasaka Black Ops soldiers stationed at the facility. With her impressive hacking skills, the pair of us could get through this operation undetected. With me and my disguises skills it'll be a piece of cake- I anwsered her calmly - I like your thinking, Ronin. Let's use disguises and sneak our way into the facility. It's guarded by some of the toughest soldiers money can buy. But with your disguises and me in your ear, we should be able to slip in undetected. - they then proceed to get to the job's coordinates - Ronin and Sarah drive to the specified coordinates in her modded vehicle. The two of you have been disguised as Arasaka Black Ops soldiers to blend in and remain inconspicuous as you approach the facility. You look more and more like the real deal. As this is a Black Ops mission, you need to remain alert at all times. the two of you slowly approach the black ops facility, disguised as Arasaka Black Ops soldiers. As I approached the facility, I could see signs of high alertness from the guards. They're using thermal goggles to scan for intruders. You have to avoid being seen. The stakes are very high and time is running out. I quickly activated my thermal camouflage. It worked like a charm. The guards looked right past me and never saw me. It's the perfect opportunity to sneak my way inside the black ops facility. Ronin and Sarah sneak their way through the facility, guided by Sarah on her datashard. It's a massive facility, with multiple security levels. We must proceed quietly and with caution. As the two of us made our way through the facility, we noticed that Arasaka soldiers are patrolling the area, along with drones with cameras and motion sensors. I needed to find the datashard and slip out without a trace. Sarah gave me a thumbs up and proceeded to loop the cameras while creating a minor distraction. The soldiers and drones were drawn toward the diversionhe created. Now I could move forward through the facility. I've managed to retrieve the datashard. It's about the size of a small USB drive. I then proceeded to the extraction point, as Sarah has already disabled the turrets and automated defenses. Everything looked clear for now. Me and Sarah slowly advanced towards the extraction point. It was well past our deadline to complete the mission. I better hurry up. Suddenly, multiple alarms begin sounding through the facility. The Arasaka guards seem to have figured out what's going on. You hear Sarah's voice in your ear: We need to hurry up! Arasaka soldiers are converging on our position. Hurry! Hurry!Me and Sarah managed to barely escape with our lives. As I pulled up to my boss, he seemed both relieved and irritated that you delivered the datashard with just seconds to spare. As he took the datashard, I could tell he was excited about what that data holds. And as for me, there's no rest for the wicked.There you go - Ronin says as he hands him the tech - Looks like it paid off to hire you, Ronin. Arasaka won't soon forget you delivered a major datashard right under their noses. The client has already put in a big bonus for your prompt service. I take it you're interested in getting some more work with us? - as always - Great. There's an opportunity I think may interest you. And you know the best part? This one pays big. Interested? - I'm in. -Mr. Jenkins has asked for more protection in Japantown. It pays real good, but it's dangerous. The job requires discretion, as the client does not wish to draw any attention. Are you interested? - What's the paycheck? - This job pays well. 20,000 eddies for a week of 24/7 protection. Jenkins is a reputable client with big pockets. - I'm In. - Mr. Jenkins said he'll be in touch once he arrives in Japantown in a couple of days. You'll meet him at a specified location and then you'll be his bodyguard 24/7. He mentioned it pays great money, and Jenkins is a well-known fixer with a strong reputation.sure thing. As long as it pays - I anwsered unfazed
Good. Jenkins is someone you definitely want to maintain a positive relationship with. Make sure to keep a low profile once in Japantown and try to stay within the district for the duration of the mission. You'll get all the details once Jenkins arrives. You and Sarah head out together. As she drives, you keep her entertained with some light conversation. Hey Sarah, you mind if I ask you a question? - She turns to you with a smile and says: Sure, what's up?

If we're gonna work together, you need a nickname

Sure. How about I call you 'Sparky'? - You know, because of your skill with electronics and all.Sarah smiles at you, I like it. Do you mind if I call you 'Cyber'? It matches your chromeface.

I stay as Ronin. You could be a Lone wolf.

Alright, 'Ronin'. Works for me. So, you ready for this job with Jenkins?

I am.

Sarah smiles and responds, Me too. It'll be good to stretch our legs and get back to working with a real fixer again. It's been too long. - Yeah. it's been way to loong. - he replies back with a smile -
Exactly, - she says. Alright, I'm gonna put on some music while we drive. Any bands or songs you like?

Yup, Samurai and Hyper are my favourites

Oh, you like Samurai? Okay, I've got just the song for that. Sarah connects her datashard to the car speaker and plays "Black Dog" by Samurai as you drive through the night. It's a great tune and the perfect soundtrack to this job. We then headed to the hotel in which we were supposed to meet Mr. Jenkins as the music kept on playing

Me and Sarah continued listening to Samurai as we made our way to the hotel where Mr. Jenkins has reserved a room. We've got plenty of time to drive. We got to the hotel and then Sarah has told me the room number. We both waited in the car while we were waiting for Mr. Jenkins to emerge.

We'll go in. it's already too late for sightseeing

Me and Sarah headed to the specified hotel room door and knocked three times on it. A couple of seconds passed and the door opened. Mr. Jenkins, a short and slender older Japanese man, smiled at us both. Come in, come in, - he says. My associate is just finishing getting ready. Make yourselves comfortable.

Oh I got a message - Ronin checked his phone - it's the guy we got hired by, he says he rented out a room for me and sarah for a few days.

Perfect. - I replied.

After about a minute or so, Mr. Jenkins's associate walked out of the room. He's a young Japanese man, about my age, with platinum blonde hair and pale purple eyes. He smiled at me as he extended his hand to shake mine. You must be the mercs my boss hired. My name is Kenjiro, and I'll be your contact for this mission. You'll be protecting Jenkins and myself while we're here in Japantown. What's your plan for these couple of days, Mr Jenkins?

Mr. Jenkins responds, We'll be making some business deals here with some of the local fixers while we're here in Japantown. We know this district is a bit dangerous, so that's why we requested for some protection in case things get hairy.

He handed me a datashard with the information on your mission.

You put the chip in your cyberdeck while Mr Jenkins debriefes you

You put the datashard in your cyberdeck while Mr. Jenkins goes over the key points of the mission. He tells you that you'll be protecting him and his business associate, Emily, while they conduct some business deals in JapanTown over the next several days.He goes over the key details about their itinerary and tells you when they'll be meeting certain people or going to certain locations.

You listen carefully to Mr. Jenkins as he gives you a brief overview of his plans for the next several days. He mentions that certain fixers he has business with are only able to meet at certain times, and the meeting locations are in areas with high security. He also mentions that Emily tends to get bored easily and will probably want to go out and explore the nightlife.

After a few minutes, the debriefing is finished. Mr. Jenkins shakes your hand and thanks you for taking the job. He and Emily go back inside their room to get ready for the first meeting. Now you have some time to kill before the first meeting.You go to your room with sarah and you order a fancy dinner

You and Sarah head to your room for the evening. You have a nice spacious and comfortable room, even if it is very basic. You order some sushi for the both of you, and sit down to enjoy a relaxing dinner with Sarah. It's a pleasant evening.You go and have a loving relationship with her - gotta release the tension somehow. - he says as he proceeds with his doings. - You spend the rest of the evening with Sarah, chatting, eating, and having some fun. -You proceed to make love with her while she moans with love - You and

Sarah share a passionate and loving moment. It was a long work day, and you're both grateful for a chance to relax and de-stress. After some time, you and Sarah finish up and lay down on your beds to rest and relax together before starting the next day of work. - The next day arrives quickly. Mr. Jenkins and Emily come out of their room, ready for the first business meeting of the day. They're both dressed in high-quality attire. Mr. Jenkins introduces you to Emily. He then explains that Emily is there to assist him with the business meetings but that you'll be protecting the both of them. He briefs you on the first meeting location and tells you when it'll start and where it'll be.

Mr. Jenkins, Emily, and you hop into the car and drive off to the first business meeting of the day. Mr. Jenkins looks at a list he has and tells you that the meeting will be held at a small cafe near Japantown Plaza. Once you arrive, security is tight. Mr. Jenkins and Emily head inside, with you following closely behind.

As the three of you make your way to the meeting, Mr. Jenkins turns to you and tells you that he expects the meeting to go smoothly, but to be cautious and vigilant nonetheless.You and the group arrive at the cafe, and Mr. Jenkins and Emily enter. You follow, keeping a close eye on them. You notice that Emily is looking around at the cafe to get a feel for the place, while Mr. Jenkins appears fully focused on the business at hand.While the meeting goes on, you watch the other patrons and the staff. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Mr. Jenkins and Emily are finished with the meeting in about 30 minutes, and you all head back to the car.
Next, Mr. Jenkins takes you to a more secluded location for a second meeting. Emily stays in the car with you while Mr. Jenkins goes inside to talk to a couple of other fixers about some business deals. The meeting lasts about an hour, but nothing suspicious happens. Emily doesn't seem to like staying in the car, and she starts to complain about the wait.

You get out of the car, when suddenly shots are fired

You and Emily get out of the car to stretch your legs. All is quiet and peaceful, until a gun goes off in the distance. You both duck behind the car for cover. More shots are heard, and Emily looks at you with a panicked expression on her face. She grabs your arm and pulls you back into the car for safety.I pull out a Machine gun and head to Mr. Jenkins while killing the hostiles

The shots are getting closer. You pull out your machine gun and head towards Mr. Jenkins, who's cowering behind a table in the building. You fight off the attackers, who are wearing Tyger Claw outfits and wielding machine guns and shotguns.Get down! you shout at Mr. Jenkins. You help him to the floor and tell him to stay low in case the Tyger Claws return. Stay right here, Jenkins. Just stay down and keep your head down.

You said as you pull out a smoke bomb and using your thermal optics you kill them before they knew what happened.

You pull out a smoke bomb and use your thermal optics to take down the Tyger Claws. The smoke bomb fills the room with clouds of hazy smoke, causing the enemies to become disoriented. You use your thermal optics to see through the smoke, and you take down the Tyger Claws before they can respond. By the time the smoke clears and the surviving Tyger Claws regain their bearings, it's too late.Mr. Jenkins stands up and dusts off his suit. I see I've got a good pair guarding me, he says with a smile.You ask Mr. Jenkins as you clean the blood of your clothes: What the fuck happened in here?

Mr. Jenkins smiles at you and responds. Nothing too unusual. It seems like the Tyger Claws are trying to make a push into this district and decided to make their move while I'm in town. They're not happy that I've got my own protection.Mr. Jenkins continues, This happens more often than most people would like to admit. But these Tyger Claws were particularly bold in their attempt to kill me. I think they were hoping to make a statement. Seems like they failed- He anwsered now with a calmer tone off voice. -

Yes, it seems like they failed -Mr. Jenkins replies with a small smile.- Thank you for your quick work in dispatching them. I wouldn't have liked that to go differently.Mr. Jenkins and Emily enter the car for the third business meeting of the day. Emily seems a bit shaken up from the encounter with the Tyger Claws earlier.You proceed to head back to the hotel. it is too dangerous to make any deals now.

You agree with Mr. Jenkins that it's too dangerous to make any deals now, and you suggest going back to your hotel to get some rest. Mr. Jenkins agrees, and you head back to your hotel in Japantown. Emily seems quite shaken up, and she can't stop trembling. Mr. Jenkins notices and places his arm around her, to try and comfort her.
After you arrive at the hotel, you and your crew go back to your room for the evening. Mr. Jenkins is comforting Emily, who's still shaken up and upset about the encounter with the Tyger Claws earlier. Emily can't stop trembling, and Mr. Jenkins can't stop comforting her.After a while, Mr. Jenkins decides it'd be best if everyone got some rest. You and Sarah go back into your room and try to get some sleep.
You lay down in your bed and try to sleep, but the day's events keep circling your mind. The encounter with the Tyger Claws and the fear you felt, the thought of your crew being harmed, and Mr. Jenkins comforting Emily. You find it difficult to sleep.Soon, you begin to drift off to sleep, and your thoughts turn into dreams. You're back in your childhood and walking through a forest with your father. You can't remember the last time you thought of these memories.
You lay down in your bed and try to sleep, but the day's events keep circling your mind. The encounter with the Tyger Claws and the fear you felt, the thought of your crew being harmed, and Mr. Jenkins comforting Emily. You find it difficult to sleep.Soon, you begin to drift off to sleep, and your thoughts turn into dreams. You're back in your childhood and walking through a forest with your father. You can't remember the last time you thought of these memories.
You hear the sound of gunshots and rush over to see what's happening. Your heart races as the memories of your encounter with the Tyger Claws come flooding back. When you arrive at the source of the gunshots, you see your father bleeding out on the ground.You drop to your knees and cradle your dad's head. His eyes are closed and he looks peaceful. You try to call out to him, but no response. You gently shake him, hoping against hope that he's somehow still alive. But all you get in response is the sound of your own breathing.
As you slowly begin to accept the truth, tears begin to fall. You sit next to your father's body and let the flood of emotions overtake you. You cry and scream and beg for this not to be true. You want your dad back and you want this entire nightmare to be over. But the reality hits you: your dad is dead. This experience has forever etched a hatred in your heart for those who took away your father. Your father was the one person in this world who had always been there for you and taught you everything you know. You swore that the ones responsible for his murder wouldn't go unpunished, and that you would find them and bring them a fate worse than death.Now what?

The next morning, you slowly open your eyes and realize that you're in your hotel room. The memories of your encounter with the Tyger Claws and the dreams you had come back to you. You sit up in bed and look out the window. The sun is shining brightly, and you can see the bright sky outside

You and Sarah sit down to a simple breakfast of toast and eggs. You discuss the events that happened yesterday and make plans for the day ahead. Sarah is still a bit shaken up by the encounter with the Tyger Claws, but she's trying to be brave.So, what do you think? will we run into any trouble today?

Sarah replies: Hopefully, we won't run into trouble today. It's hard to tell with this line of work, but if we stay vigilant and use caution, we should be okay. She continues, In any case, Mr. Jenkins did say we'd have an easier day today, so it shouldn't be as intense as yesterday.

puts on a braindance of one of his childhood memories

When you put on the Braindance, you see yourself as a young child in a vast forest, walking with your father and talking. You feel the fresh air on your skin and hear the birds chirping around you. It's so peaceful and serene.

You skip to the next Braindance, and you see yourself sitting in a classroom with your classmates, all of whom are about your age. The teacher is lecturing and you're all taking notes. You hear the sound of a bell, and you see the class is over.

You continue with the Braindance, and you see yourself walking out of the classroom with your friends. You're all talking and laughing, enjoying the newfound freedom from sitting in class. The sun is shining and it's a beautiful, sunny day.
You continue with the Braindance, and you see yourself walking home after school. You enter the front door and call out to your mother, I'm home, mom! She calls back to you, Welcome home, sweetie. How was school? You tell her that it was okay, but that you're hungry. Her reply is: Come and eat dinner. I'll make you your favorite food.

You continue with the Braindance, and you see yourself sitting down at the dinner table with your mother. She's finished cooking, and a plate of your favorite food is set out in front of you. You dig in, enjoying the meal and your mother's cooking. Soon, you've finished your dinner and you're full. Your mother smiles at you and asks how your day was. You tell her it was fine, but you're tired and want to go to bed. She gives you a kiss on the forehead and tells you to get some rest.

You put down your knife and fork and look up at your mother with a quizzical expression on your face. Mom, you ask. Why is dad barely home? She gives you a sad look, and after a moment she says, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Your dad is working hard so that he can provide for our family and give us a good life. I know he's not around much, but you have to understand that it's not easy for him being the sole breadwinner for the family.
Your mom laughs as she hears you exclaim that your dad's a superhero. I'm glad to see you think so highly of your dad, she says to you. But he really is a superhero, you know. He works long hours and doesn't get to spend as much time with us as we would like. But he does it all for us, so that we can have a good life.You grin and nod at your mom's words, then finish your dinner. After dinner, you go to your room and tuck yourself in for the night.

Suddenly Sarah Interrupts you. - You had quite the childhood. I envy you. - You shouldn't. My father was assasinated when I was twelve, So i had to search for any tobs to make a living for me and my mom - he replies with a sad grim on his face.

You look over at Sarah, who looks concerned as she hears the story about your past. You don't want to dwell on the sad memories, so you change the subject and ask her about her childhood.It wasn't all good. - Sarah replies. - I had to become self-sufficient at a young age, and I had to leave home. She pauses for a moment, then continues. I had my issues, and I still do. But I'm trying to make it in this world and do some good along the way.Was there any specific reason you ran away? - He ask as he was curious by her story.-

Sarah looks away as you ask her about the reason she ran away. She looks sad and uncomfortable, and you can tell it's still a sore subject for her.My family wasn't supportive of me or my choices. she says quietly. I felt lost and trapped, and I wanted to get away from them. She exhales deeply and continues, I haven't looked back since... But I'm trying to put that in the past and focus on the here and now.

Ok, I won't force you if you don't want too - he replied with a soothing voice.

You nod and change the subject, deciding not to force Sarah to talk about the difficult parts of her past.Look. you say. All of that is in the past. Things are different now, better. Why don't you tell me about one of your happiest memories?

You're talking with Sarah, who's about to tell you about her happiest memory. But then, your phone interrupts and rings loudly. You look at the caller ID and see it's Mr. Jenkins calling. You answer the call and hear Mr. Jenkins on the line. Listen up, team.- he says. I've got a new assignment for you. Mr. Jenkins continues, I need you to help escort a client to and from a meeting. It'll be a quick, easy job. The client is Mr. Johnson. He's a top businessman who wants to expand his company to the Night City, and he wants us to ensure his safety. We've already scouted out the route and there shouldn't be any trouble. It's a simple protection job -- no big deal.

You look over at Sarah and relay Mr. Jenkins' message.You Look at her while saying... What do you think? It'll be worth to earn some more eddies.

You and Sarah prepare for the escort job, making sure you have everything you need. You both check your weapons and make sure they're loaded with the right ammo. You also dress appropriately and head out the door.You arrive at the location where Mr. Johnson is waiting for you. He gets into your car and you begin the trip to the meeting location. You follow the planned route and keep an eye out for any trouble. Despite some light traffic, the drive is relatively uneventful.

You and Sarah are suddenly interrupted by a setup of Tyger Claws. You quickly pull out your submachine gun and start shooting at them, while Sarah handles the driving. You try to keep their attention on you, while Sarah tries to maneuver you away from the ambush. The Tyger Claws are relentless and keep firing at you, but with both of you working together, you manage to escape the trap and return to the planned route.

You and Sarah manage to escape the Tyger Claws' ambush, but it's not smooth sailing for long. Soon after, you see another car full of Tyger Claws approaching from behind you. You see there's no escaping them now, and you know you have to fight your way out.
You quickly bring out a homing rocket launcher and begin firing at the Tyger Claws' car. Each rocket detonates on impact, sending shrapnel flying in all directions. The Tyger Claws are quickly taken out, but you know that you and Sarah will need to be cautious for the rest of the trip. Sarah nods as you tell her to drive off the road. She quickly maneuvers off the road and onto the side of a nearby empty field. You quickly get out of the car and proceed to swap out the license plates. After a few minutes, the plates are swapped and the new car is ready to go.
The new car looks completely different now, and you are confident that you and Sarah won't be recognized. You proceed to drop off Mr. Johnson at his meeting location, where he thanks you for your service and pays you both handsomely.Now what?

You and Mr. Jenkins get back in the car and begin driving again, heading to the next client you'll be providing escort service for. Along the way, you and Mr. Jenkins make regular small-talk, getting to know each other a bit better.

After finishing your latest assignment, you bid Mr. Jenkins a farewell and walk out of the motel with Sarah. You both walk back to her apartment, chatting about the various clients you escorted. You and Sarah head inside her apartment and prepare a simple dinner together. You both enjoy the food and start watching some anime on the couch together.
You and Sarah continue watching anime and eating dinner together. As the night progresses, so does the anime you're watching. After finishing the anime, you and Sarah decide to do something else to pass the time.
You turn on the news to see what the latest headlines are. The lead story is about the upcoming election, where Governor Lucius Wheeler is battling for his reelection. A couple other stories deal with the rising crime rates in Night City and discussions over what can be done to deal with it. The news cycle soon brings up some sports headlines, as well.

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