Danganronpa: The Inventor

By SamM387

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You've been accepted into Hopes Peak High School. However, things get weird as your put in a killing game inv... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to Hopes Peak High School
Chapter 2: No Hope of Escape
Chapter 3: The First Investigation
Chapter 4: The First Class Trial
Chapter 5: Not Everyone is Trustworthy
Chapter 6: Second Investigation and Trial
Chapter 7: A Glimmer of Hope
Chapter 9: The Third Trial

Chapter 8: A Strange Search

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By SamM387

After discovering Alter Ego, and then having him taken away, Y/N was up early as usual the next day. Y/N remembered that Byakuya had mentioned the possibility of a traitor with in the group. Y/N got dressed and went to the dining hall, meeting up with the usual people that were always there in the morning. Well, almost the usual bunch. Kyoko was there and Kiyotaka was not. The four of them talked until Makoto had joined them. No one else showed up.

"Where is everyone else?" Said Makoto.

"Not sure. I just got here a bit ago." Said Y/N.

"Let's wait for a bit until the others get here." Said Sakura.

With that, the five of them waited for about an hour. Still, no one else showed up. Y/N was getting worried about Mukuro. Kyoko knew that as well. 

"So, it's been about an hour now." Said Aoi.

"Why haven't the others shown up yet? We all agreed to look for Alter Ego together." Said Y/N.

"Something must've happened." Said Kyoko.

"Huh? You don't mean..." Said Makoto.

"The motive right?" Said Y/N.

"Yes. I was careless and was too focused on Alter Ego. Monokuma gave us a motive. There's no way something wouldn't happen eventually." Said Kyoko.

"We need to find them quickly." Said Sakura.

"We need to split up and cover more ground. Ogami, I'd like you to check the dorm rooms. Naegi, please check the first floor of the school. I'll check the second floor. Y/N, can you and Asahina check the third floor." Said Kyoko.

"Yeah, sure. Let's get going." Said Y/N.

Y/N and Aoi ran for the stairs leading up to the third floor. Aoi would be ahead of Y/N most of the time. She was an athlete so this wasn't much of a surprise to him. Y/N and Aoi split up right when they both got to the third floor. Y/N didn't even look around when he got there.

"Mukuro, please be okay." Y/N said to himself.

"Somebody help!" Aoi yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Hina!" Said Y/N as he ran towards her.

You then ran towards where you heard her scream. You entered the rec room and saw Celestia on the ground. There was a bit of a mark on her head.

"What happened?" Said Y/N.

"I don't know. I just found her like this." Said Asahina.

Y/N went to Celestia and placed his hand on her wrist to try and see if she wasn't dead. Makoto and Sakura had arrived a few seconds later.

"Hina, what happened?" Said Sakura.

"Is she...?" Said Makoto.

"No, she is fine. She was probably knocked out by someone." Said Y/N.

Celestia then started to groan in pain, slowly opening her eyes to see Y/N and the others. She then slowly got up and was holding her head.

"I was... stupid." Said Celestia.

"What happened?" Said Makoto.

"I was... attacked by a strange man. They went to great lengths to hide their face, then struck me with that." Said Celestia as she points to the hammer on the ground.

"Justice Hammer 1?" Said Makoto.

"That just looks like a toy. But, it is a real hammer. When were you attacked?" Said Y/N as he picked up the hammer.

"Earlier this morning, around 7 a.m. I think. I saw the man walking around and followed him here. Clearly, that was a mistake." Said Celestia.

"So just after nighttime then. You wouldn't happen to know where he is now?" Said Y/N.

Y/N knew it couldn't have been anyone in the dining room today. Celestia then gasped, causing everyone to get more worried.

"What is it?" Said Asahina.

"I just remembered. He had Yamada with him." Said Celestia.

"What was he doing with Hifumi?" Said Sakura.

"I don't know. I do recall seeing him walk left outside of this room with Hifumi." Said Celestia.

"That leads to the stairwell going to the second floor." Said Sakura.

"Oh no, Kirigiri is down there!" Said Makoto.

The group then ran downstairs to search the second floor. Along the way, Byakuya and Genocide Jill were spotted. Makoto went to talk to Byakuya while Y/N went to Jill. He was a bit nervous talking to her since she was a serial killer. 

"Hey, Jill. You haven't seen Kyoko or Hifumi right?" Said Y/N.

"Nope, I've been following the pretty boy all day." Said Jill.

"So you have been with Togami the entire time." Said Y/N.

"Well, I can't speak for my other half, but yes." Said Jill.

"What do you-" Said Y/N.

"Over here!" Said Sakura.

Everyone then went into the library and see Hifumi holding his head and bleeding. Y/N noticed a hammer just like the one Celestia was attacked with earlier. Only this time it had the number two on it.

"What happened to you?" Makoto said to Hifumi.

"Are you alright?" Said Aoi.

"I can't believe it, Robo Justice attacked me." Said Hifumi as he was holding his head in pain.

"Hardly the time to be cute." Said Byakuya as he didn't believe Hifumi at all.

"He's not being cute. Hifumi, is this the man you called, Robo Justice?" Said Celestia to Hifumi.

"Is that a camera?" Asked Jill.

"Yes, I found it when the third floor was opened. I took this picture before I blacked out." Said Celestia.

She then showed everyone a photo of Robo Justice and Hifumi. Everyone then looked at it and was a bit in disbelief at first, but it was evidence they were telling the truth.

"Well, okay." Said Byakuya as he now believed Celestia and Hifumi.

"Wait, you're saying this... robot attacked you?" Y/N said.

"Yeah... that's him, I'm sure of it..." Said Hifumi as he was still holding his head.

"This just keeps getting stranger." Said Sakura.

"He attacked me with this hammer then ran away." Said Hifumi as he pointed at the hammer.

"A hammer that big, I'm surprised your okay." Said Aoi.

"I'm NOT okay, do you see all the blood on me?" Said Hifumi.

"It might be best to take Hifumi to the nurses office first." Said Y/N.

"Yes, let us do that." Said Celestia.

The group then made their way to the library. Y/N was treating Hifumi with Asahina nearby the both of them. The rest of the group just stood and watched for now.

"How are you feeling, Hifumi?" Said Aoi.

"I'm okay. I think the bleeding stopped. I do feel a bit dizzy." Said Hifumi.

"Sure looks like it. You might have a scar, but you should rest for now." Said Y/N.

"You act like a parent, Y/N. You've cooked and taken care of us." Celestia said then giggled.

"I'm used to it. I had to take care of my siblings a lot over the years. Let's leave Hifumi here to rest while we look for... Robo Justice." Said Y/N.

The group then walked out of the nurses room. The door was now closed so only Hifumi was in there. While walking out, Y/N was thinking of Mukuro. He hadn't seen her since the day before and he was obviously worried about her. 

"We should hurry and find Robo Justice before someone else becomes a victim. The Justice Hammers seem to be increasing in size from the first two." Said Celestia.

"Then it is likely to assume the third hammer will be much bigger." Said Byakuya.

"If anyone got hit with a bigger hammer, they'd be dead." Said Aoi.

"Yeah, we need to make sure that doesn't happen. Celestia, you saw what happened to Hifumi right? Do you happen to remember what time that happened?" Said Y/N.

"Let's see. I think it was around seven in the morning." Said Celestia.

"That was around the time we were in the dining room with Kyoko." Said Aoi.

"I was in the laundry room doing my laundry that time." Said Byakuya.

"His black underwear is as black as the pitch-black darkness of the blackest night..." Said Jill.

"Why do you know that?" Said Byakuya while sounding weirded out by that.

"Isn't it obvious? Cuz I was peeking!" Jill said while acting innocent.

"Jill did tell me she was with you the whole time, Byakuya. I guess that is what she meant." Said Y/N.

"The only two we haven't seen are Hiro and Taka." Said Makoto.

"You seem to be forgetting about Kyoko and Junko." Said Byakuya.

"Kyoko was with us in the dining room when Celestia and Hifumi were attacked." Said Makoto.

"And what about Junko? She seems to always be with you, Y/N. So you should know exactly where she is." Said Byakuya.

"Not this time. I haven't seen her since yesterday." Said Y/N.

"I happened to knock on everyone'd door when I was checking the dorms. No one came out so I assume they're somewhere in the school." Said Sakura.

"I see, so then she might also be the one that attacked Celestia and Hifumi." Said Byakuya.

Y/N didn't want to think that Mukuro was the one that attacked them. As soon as he was going to say something, he noticed Celestia had a strange look on her face.

"Something wrong, Celestia?" Said Y/N.

"I saw a shadow! Something moving around the top of the stairs!" Celestia said.

The group then started running up the stairs towards the second floor. Celestia had suggested that everyone split up to try and find whoever it was. Y/N went to the library, only to find that no one was there. He then went to the room where all the other files were and once again, no one was there. Just as Y/N exited the room, a loud scream was heard. He bolted out of the library and went to the staircase leading to the third floor. Celestia was there and the rest of the group had arrived a few seconds later.

"Celestia, are you okay?" Aoi asked while concerned for Celestia.

"That was a rather... intense scream for someone like you." Said Byakuya.

"I saw him! The strange costumed man...! He ran off when I screamed. I was blocking the stairs so he headed further down into the hallway and disappeared!" Said Celestia in a panic.

"That leads down to the physics lab." Said Y/N. 

"He's cornered himself then." Said Byakuya as he smirked.

Jill then sneezed and Toko was back. She was confused as to why she was there and what everyone was doing.

"Whoa, it's true. But that doesn't matter right now!" Said Aoi.

Just then, another loud scream could be heard. It didn't sound like it came from somewhere nearby, but it also sounded very familiar.

"What was that?!" Said Aoi.

"That sounded like Hifumi." Said Y/N.

"We have to go back and check on him." Said Makoto.

"What about the suspect? We've gone to all this trouble to capture him, right?" Said Byakuya.

"Let's just split up for now. Byakuya, Toko, and Sakura, come with me. Celestia, Hina, and Makoto, go check on Hifumi." Y/N said then ran towards the physics lab.

Sakura, Byakuya and Toko followed behind him quickly as the entered the physics lab. Neither of them saw Robo Justice, however there was still the closet in the back of the lab. The four of them walk in and saw something awful. 

It was Kiyotaka, blood underneath him and coming from his head. Everyone was in shock while Toko fainted from the site of blood. Just then, an announcement was made on the monitor nearby and Monokuma was pretending to play the drums.

"Bum bum bum bum, corpse alert. You all know the drill, investigation then trial!" Monokuma said before the screen went dark.

"Well, guess that means we better start investigating." Said Byakuya.

"You two check on Taka. I'll move Toko so we don't step on her." Said Sakura.

Y/N and Byakuya went over to Kiyotaka and looked at his body. His only injury appears to be a single blow to the head. Y/N did notice that Kiyotaka's watch was broken and did display the time six, on the dot. He knew Kiyotaka was alive at six last night, so he must've died before everyone woke up. 

"Well, this is odd." Said Byakuya.

"What is it?" Said Y/N.

"The hammer that is here." Said Byakuya.

"How is that odd? Seems straight forward to me. His death was instant thanks the hammer." Y/N Said.

"Not that. The number on it. You saw the first hammer near Celestia and the second with Hifumi. This one is labeled with the number four on it." Said Byakuya. 

Y/N would get up and look at the hammer. Before he could say anything, the sound of footsteps could be heard coming towards the door of the room. Makoto would walk in and he would be horrified at the sight of seeing Kiyotaka dead on the ground. Then show concern for Toko wo was laying nearby.

"Taka! Toko!" Said Makoto.

"She's alive, merely passed out from the sight of blood. And I'm afraid the murderer had already made good their escape by the time we got here. Another one of these silly hammers was used. However, we can't seem to figure out why this one is number four and not three." Said Byakuya.

"Yeah, about that. Someone used number three to kill Hifumi." Said Makoto.

"Are you serious?" Said Y/N.

"Hifumi has been killed as well?!" Said Sakura.

"We'd better go check this out." Said Byakuya.

The group then left the storage room in the physics lab then exited the lab. When they were outside the lab, the group ran into Celestia who was just on the other side of the door.

"Celestia? Aren't you supposed to be waiting in the nurse's office?"  Said Makoto.

"Something came up." Celestia said while she seemed to be very concerned and worried.

"What happened?" Asked Makoto.

"Hifumi's body has disappeared!" Said Celestia.

"Don't be ridiculous. There is no way a body can disappear." Said Byakuya.

Celestia just stood there with a worried look on her face. Her expression didn't change even fore a second.

"I think she is serious about this." Said Y/N.

"What the heck is going on her?! Everyone to the nurse's office!" Said Sakura.

Sakura stormed to the nurse's office with everyone else following behind her. Once everyone arrived, Hifumi wasn't there. Only a puddle of blood and the third justice hammer. Aoi was near the corner panicking, which made Sakura go to her to check and make sure Aoi was okay.

"Hina, what happened? Are you okay?" Said Sakura.

"Me and Celestia went to the bathroom since I wasn't feeling well. But we were only gone for like a minute." Said Aoi.

"So the body disappeared within the span of a minute." Said Y/N.

"The culprit must have come and carried the body away. They must be enjoying the sight of us standing around, frightened, and confused. We're all going to die here. We're going to die, just like those guys died." Said Celestia.

"I don't believe this. I don't believe a body would just disappear. First there were two murders, and now one of the bodies has been taken." Said Byakuya.

"Wait what?! Two murders?!" Said Aoi.

"Taka's been killed. We found him in the equipment room." Said Sakura.

"Taka's been killed too!? NO!?" Aoi screamed.

"Hina, calm down." Said Sakura as she tried to calm Hina down.

"We're all gonna die...all of us... they're gonna kill all of us!" Aoi yelled in a panic.

"Oh crap, what is wrong with us? We left Toko back in the lab!" Said Makoto.

Makoto then stormed out of the nurses office. Y/N ran with him to the lab. While exiting, Sakura could be heard getting upset with Byakuya. Eventually, the group had arrived and saw Toko was still on the floor unconscious. However, something else was very noticeable in the storage room.

"Uh...where is Taka?" Said Y/N.

"This can't be happening." Said Byakuya.

"Are we hallucinating?" Said Sakura.

"I doubt it. This must be the killer. They're moving the bodies to confuse us." Said Y/N.

"We have to hurry up and find this maniac!" Said Aoi in a panic.

"I don't think we have to worry about that." Said Byakuya.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Said Aoi.

"Think about it. We were all on the third floor when we heard Hifumi scream. We then split up into groups and found both bodies. There are also three classmates that aren't with us right now." Said Byakuya.

"Hold up, Kyoko was with us in the cafeteria when Hifumi and Celestia were attacked." Said Makoto.

"You seemed pretty quick to defend her. Don't tell me you're in love with her." Said Byakuya.

"I can back up what Makoto said, Byakuya. Now is not the time for jokes." Said Y/N.

Byakuya scoffed then spoke once again.

"Well, anyways. I do accept her alibi." Said Byakuya.

"Which means the suspicious individuals we're looking for can be none other than Hiro and Junko." Said Celestia.

"Correct. Which means we don't have to worry about any more murders." Said Byakuya.

"You're talking about the two kill rule." Said Y/N.

"As long as that rule is in place, there will not be a third murder. Which means we can relax and search for the two missing bodies." Said Byakuya.

With that being said, everyone decided to search for the bodies of Hifumi and Kiyotaka. Mostly everyone stayed near the third floor. While everyone was there, Y/N went down to the second floor to try and search for Mukuro. Along the way, he spotted Kyoko leaving the Boy's restroom, which was odd.

"Hey Kyoko. What were you doing in-" Said Y/N as he was then cut off by Kyoko.

"Nothing, I just opened the wrong door." Kyoko said in defense.

Y/N knew that she was walking out and she came up with a quick defense. He would have said something to her, but he didn't when he heard her gasp. He then looked in the girl's restroom and saw Mukuro laying on the ground, and not moving. Some blood coming from her head and a bit on the floor.

"No... not her." Said Y/N.

Y/N then runs over to Mukuro and checks on her. He placed his fingers on her neck, and felt a pulse.

"Thank god. She is still alive. She is still alive." Said Y/N.

"She might have a concussion. Or just got knocked out. Either way, we should take her to the nurses office." Said Kyoko.

"Yeah, let's hurry." Said Y/N.

Y/N and Kyoko would then take her to the nurses office. Y/N would begin to treat her wounds and wrapping bandages to stop the bleeding. Kyoko would leave as soon as they got to the nurses office. Right after he finished, there was an alarm that just went off and Monokuma appeared on the monitor in the office.

"Bum bum bum bum! Double corpse alert! Stop me if you heard this one. Investigation then trial!" Said Monokuma before the screen cut out.

Y/N got up and didn't know what to do. He couldn't leave her by herself. However, he would get a surprise visit.

"Hello there, nerd." Said Monokuma.

"What the hell? When did you-?" Said Y/N.

"That doesn't matter. Look, I know you're concerned for her, but I won't let you not investigate." Said Monokuma.

"Wait, why do you-" Asked Y/N.

"Like I said, that doesn't matter. Look, I will make you a deal. Go investigate, and I will make sure no one comes in and hurts her." Said Monokuma.

"How am I supposed to trust that? You nearly tried to kill her a while back." Said Y/N.

"Geez, fine, alright. Tell you what, how about I tell you all something very important tomorrow if you all survive this trial. It will be a revealed secret."  Said Monokuma.

Y/N didn't still didn't want to believe the offer. He wanted to be by Mukuro's side for as long as possible. However, he didn't have much of a choice. If he were to survive, the secret could be useful for everyone.

"Fine. I'll go." Said Y/N.

"Good. Oh, and since she is out cold and recovering, she will be exempt from participating in the trial. However, if the killer wins, then she will die along with you and everyone else." Said Monokuma.

Y/N walked out of the nurses office and headed back upstairs to the second floor. He was going to see if anything happened on the third floor. However, he ran into Makoto along the way.

"There you are. Where were you?" Asked Makoto.

"I found Junko. She was knocked out and bleeding, but still alive. I took her to the nurses office and bandaged her up." Said Y/N.

"Glad to hear she is alright. How will she be in the trial though?" Said Makoto.

"Monokuma came by and said she isn't going to be in it thanks to her condition. He assured me she will be alright." Said Y/N.

"Do you actually trust him?" Said Makoto.

"Of course not, but he did say-" Said Y/N.

"Y/N, Makoto." Said Kyoko who came from around the corner behind Makoto.

Both Y/N and Makoto looked at her.

"Kyoko, where have you been? We were-" Said Makoto but was then cut off. 

"Can you bring everyone to the pool, Makoto? I need to ask Y/N something." Said Kyoko.

"Huh? Yeah sure." Said Makoto as he left to get everyone to the pool.

Y/N then went to the pool room and they they went near a locker on the opposite side of where the doors were. Kyoko then looked at Y/N to question him more.

"Well, we're alone, I want to hear more about you and Junko more." Said Kyoko. 

"What? Why do you care so much about that right now? We're in an investigation, and I am worried about her right now." Said Y/N. 

"I understand that, but you two are also hiding more than when you two talked to me the first time. Sorry if I sound rude or cruel." Said Kyoko.

"Then tell me what you were doing in the boys restroom when I caught you opening the door." Said Y/N.

"I said it  was nothing." Said Kyoko.

"No. You discovered something. If you want to know more about me and Junko then you need to tell me what it was you were doing in there." Said Y/N.

"Very well." Kyoko said as she then walked up to Y/N and whispered into his ear. "I discovered something that might help us get out of here. That's all I can say for now."

"Are you serious?" Y/N whispered back to her.

"I'm not entirely sure. However it might have some information on who captured us and a way to get out of here." Kyoko whispered back.

Just as Y/N was about to say something back to her, the doors opened up on the other side of the pool to opened. Makoto had brought everyone, aside from Mukuro, to the pool area. They joined Y/N and Kyoko. Byakuya looked furious.

"And where have you been? You can't just disappear when we are looking for the culprit." Byakuya said to Y/N.

"Sorry, I got worried about Junko and went looking for her. I ran into Kyoko and we found her in the girls bathroom on the second floor. She got knocked out and was bleeding from her head." Said Y/N.

"She was attacked as well? Where is she?" Said Aoi.

"She is in the nurses office recovering right now. Monokuma forced me to come over and investigate instead of staying with her." Said Y/N.

"Why would Monokuma force you to leave her?" Asked Celestia.

"I'm not sure. He said that if I did that he would keep an eye on her and make sure nothing bad were to happen to her. I don't trust it, but that's what he told me." Said Y/N.

"Enough with Junko. Why did you bring us here, Kyoko?" Byakuya said.

Kyoko just stayed silent and looked at everyone with a serious look on her face.

"Come on tell us, now is no time to be silent. We're wasting time. What is so important that you needed us here?" Byakuya said as he was irritated by Kyoko not saying anything.

"This." Kyoko said as she opened a locker nearby and showed that Robo Justice was in it.

Everyone was surprised by this as Robo Justice stepped out and spoke. The voice was obviously Yasuhiro's.

"Can someone help me out of this? Wait, who did this to me? Did I get remodeled by the Illuminati?" Said Yasuhiro.

"Glad to see you haven't changed. Hold on, help you out? Didn't you put that suit on?" Asked Y/N.

"Of course not dude! I was asleep for like a second then woke up to Kyoko kicking me. When I awoke I was crammed into the locker." Said Yasuhiro.

"Just take off that ridiculous costume. It pains me to just look at you." Said Byakuya.

"I would love to but... I don't know what's up with this costume! I can't get it off! Someone help!" Yasuhiro said in a panic.

"Why would you make a costume that you can't take off?" Asked Celestia.

"There is a clasp on the back that's keeping him from taking it off." Said Kyoko.

Both Sakura and Y/N walked behind him to check. Sure enough, Kyoko was right.

"Kyoko's right." Said Sakura.

Y/N then thought that it would be impossible for him to take it off and put on without the help of someone else. Everyone then started to help Yasuhiro out of the costume. Aoi would bring up how the costume perfectly fit Yasuhiro. Eventually it would lead to her putting on the costume. Her theory was correct, however, there was an oversight about the costume. It couldn't bend at the waist. 

Eventually, Makoto told Yasuhiro about Kiyotaka and Hifumi being murdered. Yasuhiro then brought up that he had received a note late last night about a hidden exit and that he had to meet someone at the rec room at one in the morning. Unfortunately, he didn't have the note on him. That only grew the suspicion on him even more.

"Hey, Y/N. Can you accompany me to bodies?" Said Kyoko.

"I would, but I don't know where the bodies are either. Remember?" Y/N said to Kyoko before looking at Makoto. "Hey Makoto, can you tell me and Kyoko where the bodies are?"

"Huh? Oh, they're in the storage closet in the art room." Makoto said.

"Thanks." Said Kyoko.

Y/N and Kyoko then walked towards the art room to go look at the bodies before the trial started. Y/N thought Kyoko would try to talk to him more about his secrets, but she didn't. It seemed like she was focused on the trial now more than some secrets. 

The two eventually got to the bodies. This was the first time Y/N had seen Hifumi's dead body. I was something he wasn't used to. Kyoko kept the same look on her face as she walked over to the bodies. Around that time, Aoi, Sakura, and Makoto had rejoined them. Aoi and Sakura were in charge of making sure no one tampered with the bodies to destroy evidence.

Kyoko then took out her handbook and looked at the Monokuma file. Y/N then looked at Kiyotaka's body once again and checked his wristwatch once more.

"Did you find something?" Kyoko asked Y/N.

"Yeah, Taka's wristwatch seems to be broken" Said Y/N. "I noticed it earlier when we found his body."

"What time is on it?" Kyoko asked once again.

"Just past six o'clock." Said Y/N.

"I see. We know it was working last night, so it got destroyed this morning." Said Kyoko.

"Sure seems like it." Said Y/N.

Kyoko looked at the bodies more while Y/N turned his head to the wall of hammers. Some were missing and one was wet. He noticed that the hammers missing all matched the sizes of the Justice Hammers found earlier. He also assumed that the hammer washed was just recently used to kill, which didn't make sense to him since Hifumi and Kiyotaka were killed before then. 

Y/N then thought it could've been used on Mukuro, but the hammer would've been more dry by now. He then thought about the body discovery announcements. He noticed there were two of them. Before he could think more, an announcement was made by Monokuma.

"Are you excited? Are you pumped!? It's time for the class trial to begin! Like the bright burst of fireworks, like the flash of a soul clashing with the life and death...! And so, with no further ado...! Everyone please meet at the usual spot! Make your way to the red door on the first floor of the school!" Monokuma said over the monitors then laughed. "See you soon!

With that being said, everyone in the room then made their way towards the red door with the elevator. No one had said anything along the way, which was pretty normal. All anyone could think of was getting through the trial alive.

Eventually, everyone was already there at the elevator and was ready to start the class trial. Well, almost everyone. Mukuro was still not there. Monokuma then appeared in front of everyone.

"Hello kids! Are you ready to get this class trial underway!?" Monokuma said.

"We can't hold the trial just yet. Junko isn't here. You'll have to go drag her over here like you did with Toko in the last trial." Said Byakuya.

"Yeah, about that. Junko will unfortunately not be able to participate in this class trial." Said Monokuma.

"What?! Why?!" Said Aoi.

"Her injuries are too severe for her to participate in the trial. She also hasn't woken up in a while. Worst case scenario is she is in a coma. Best case is that she wakes up tonight or tomorrow morning. Either way I will move her to her room after the trial and lock her door." Said Monokuma.

"Out of curiosity. What if she is the culprit in this case?" Celestia asked.

"She will be punished of course. Same if you all choose the wrong murderer as well, she'll be punished with you all." Said Monokuma.

"Well, Y/N? Did Junko say anything relating to the case after I left?" Kyoko asked.

"No, she was still out." Y/N responded.

"To bad, I am sure she had some valuable information to share as well." Monokuma said then laughed. "Oh well, I'll see you all down in the trial room." 

With that, Monokuma disappeared once again. Leaving everyone at the elevator. The gate opened, but no one stepped into the elevator just yet.

"Let's go get this over with." Said Byakuya.

"H-Hold on! I'm not mentally prepared yet...!" Said Yasuhiro.

"You'll never be mentally prepared! You can't run away anymore, Hiro. You're gonna pay for your sins..." Said Aoi.

"I told you already, I didn't do it! Seriously!" Said Yasuhiro.

"That reminds me. Did you ever Find the other costume? Or the note?" Celestia asked Yasuhiro.

"Um, well... no, but-" Said Yasuhiro.

"How unfortunate. Then it would seem we have out culprit." Said Celestia.

Yasuhiro then proceeded to freak out after she said that.

"Now isn't the time to make accusations. Save it for the courtroom." Said Kyoko.

"She's right. Let's get down there first. Then the story can really begin." Said Byakuya.

"Yeah, good idea." Said Makoto.

"Lets get going then." Said Y/N.

Everyone then walked into the elevator. Once everyone was in, the gate door closed behind them and it began to descend to the trial room. Everyone silent as usual. Upon arrival, everyone got out and made their way towards their spots. Everyone that was there was ready for the trial to begin.

Remaining Students: 10/16

End of Chapter 8

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