The Prisoner Of Azkaban | Her...

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In which you move to the magical school of Hogwarts and you uncover a secret about your past,all while you me... Altro

Prisoner Of Azkaban
1 Dementor
2 Gryffindor!
3 Potions Class
4 The Grim
5 He's been sighted!
6 Quidditch
7 Hogsmeade Visit
8 Should they be warned?
9 Page 394
10 End Of Term
11 Shrieking Shack
12 Buckbeak
13 Cromwell,Potter
14 Crystal Ball
15 Scabbers
16 The Whomping Willow
17 Full Moon
19 Expecto Patronum
20 The End of The Year

18 What is going on?

218 8 1
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Your eyes slowly flutter open,your head slightly pounding and your arm barely hurting anymore.

Above you,you see Hermione leaning over you,a worried but releaved expression on her face.

"Mione?".You breath out,your eyes fluttering open.

Hermione smiles widely,turning her head to look at the rest of your friends. "She's awake!".

You hear the sound of footsteps running over towards you and finally you see Maddie,Faith and Morris leaning over you.

"Oh,thank Merlin.We thought you were dead".Morris says,placing his hand on his chest.

"How are you feeling?".Maddie asks,placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"Fantastic".You reply,slowly moving to sit up.You look at your broken arm that is now in a cast.

Faith looks at you. "You've got yourself some quite nasty cuts,not to mention your arm,but,don't worry.It makes you look cool".

You let out a weak laugh before turning your head to look at Hermione who's sat on the edge of the bed,a worried expression still on her face as she bites her lip,looking at you.You give her a small smile,looking at her hand that is sat in her lap,you take it into yours.Hermione looks at you shocked as you don't let go of it,holding it close to you.

"Where's Harry and Ron?".You say,looking back at Maddie,Faith and Morris.

Faith and Morris move to the side to let you see Harry who is sat up in his own bed,he has a small smile on his face as he gives you a wave.

"I'm over here!".Ron calls out as he is laying a few beds away from you,his leg in a cast and propped on a pillow.

"Where's Sirius?".You ask,looking at Hermione who has a sad expression on her face.

"Listen,Y/N,they've captured Sirius.Any minute the dementors are going to peform the Kiss".Hermione replies.

Harry gets up from his bed,his legs still a bit wobbly and he walks over to the rest of you. "You mean they're gonna kill him?".

"No.It's worse.Much worse.They're going to suck out his soul".Hermione explains.

You move around so you're feet hang off the bed and you're about to stand up. "We have to-".

Your cut off by somebody walking into the Hospital Wing.You turn your head to see Dumbledore walking in.

"Headmaster,you've got to stop them.They've got the wrong man".Hermione says as all of you walk over towards Dumbledore.

"It's true.Sirius is innocent".Harry says.

"It's Scabbers who did it".Ron says from his bed.

"Scabbers?".Dumbledore says.

"He is an Animagus".Maddie adds.

Morris nods. "He turned into a rat".

"A smelly rat,at that".Faith adds on.

Ron carries on. "He's my rat,sir.He's not really a rat.He was a rat.He was my brother Percy's rat.But then they have him an owl-".

Hermione cuts him off. "The point is,we know the truth.Please believe us".

"I do,Miss Granger".Dumbledore says. "But I'm sorry to say the word of seven thirteen year old wizards will convince few others".

"Then you convince them,sir".You point out.

"I'm afraid that will not be enough,Miss Cromwell".Dumbledore says,walking over towards Ron and placing his hand on Ron's injured leg,making Ron let out a wince. "A child's voice,however honest and true is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen".

The sound of a bell chiming to signal the time makes Dumbledore look at all of you and walk over and past all of you.

"Mysterious thing,time.Powerful and when meddled with,dangerous.Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower".Dumbledore spins around and looks at Hermione. "You know the laws,Miss Granger.You must not be seen.And you would do well,I feel,to return before this last chime.If not,the consequences are too ghastly to discuss.If you succeed tonight more than one innocent life may be spared.Three turns should do it,I think".

Dumbledore turns around,walking up towards the doors of the Hospital Wing.He shuts them but then remembers something and he pokes his head through.

"Oh,and by the way.When in doubt,I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin.Good luck".Dumbledore says before he shuts the door.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?".Ron questions.

Faith shrugs. "I got no idea".

"Sorry,Ron,but seeing as you can't walk".Hermione says before she reaches into underneath her zip up hoodie and takes out something. "Everyone,hold onto me".

"Hermione....what are you doing?".Morris questions,looking skeptically at the brown haired girl.

Hermione looks at him sternly. "Listen to me".

"Alright.Ok".Morris puts his hands up before he grabs onto Hermione just like the rest of you.

Hermione holds onto something in her hand,spinning something around.You look at it curiously.

"Where in Godric's name did you get that?!".You exclaim,putting your hand up from arm to touch the thing in her hand,but Hermione slaps your hand away.

"No touching.Now,be quiet".Hermione scolds you.

Once she's done setting what time she wants to go back to,you watch as the middle part starts to spin.

Suddenly,your surroundings start to change rapidly and all of you,apart from Hermione who has must of done this a million times before,watch in amazment as there are people walking past you quickly.Their voices are muffled as they walk around.You also see the time of day starting to get.It's get's from dark to light quite rapidly.

Finally,everything stops and Hermione steps away from all of you,hiding her time turner.

"What just happened?".Harry says.

Faith turns her head. "Where's Ron?".

"That's a time turner,isn't it?".Maddie says,looking at Hermione.

"Seven thirty.Where were we at seven thirty?".Hermione questions,looking at all of you.

"I don't know".Morris shrugs.

"Going to Hagrid's?".Harry says.

"Come on,all of you.And we can't be seen".Hermione says.

Hermione grabs onto your good arm and she grabs onto Maddie's arm who was standing next to her and she pulls you along.

"In Godric's name,where the hell are we going?!".Morris shouts.


The whole group runs down to the courtyard where you were this evening.You notice the same crows cawing around you.Then you run the bridge.

"Hermione!Hermione,wait".Harry calls out after the brown haired girl.

Finally,you run down near the pathway that leads to Hagrid's hut.

"Hermione,will you please tell us what it is we're doing?".You say and you stand behind Hermione as she stops just by the enterance, peering over the stone wall.

You feel as if your breath is knocked out of you as you stare at the back of yours and your friend's heads,even though you're right here and your friends are right beside you.

"Is that....".Morris' eyes go wide.

"Us!".You exclaim.

Hermione turns around and she points her finger up to her lips to signal for you to be quiet and she puts her hand on your chest,pushing you back against the wall.

Hermione one again grabs the time turner in her hands,showing it to you. "This is a time turner,Y/N-".

"Yes,I know that".You cut in but Hermione glares at you.

"McGonagall gave it to me first term.This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year".Hermione explains,looking at you and the others.

"You mean we've gone back in time?".Harry asks.

"Yes".Hermione replies.

"I think I'm going to faint".Morris says,putting a hand up to his forehead.

"Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment.Clearly,something happened he wants us to change".Hermione says,peering over the wall again.

The rest of you do the same and you stand behind Hermione as you watch Hermione from earlier punch Draco in the face.

"Good punch".You say.

"Thanks".Hermione says with a wide smile.

"Malfoy's coming".Maddie points out.

Hermione turns around,putting her arm on your shoulder to push you towards where Maddie is guiding all of you to jump out a small window.Once your out the window,all of you duck down,listening as Draco and his friends run away,shouting things as they go by.

You watch as Hermione moves down further and you follow her,Harry next to you while Maddie,Faith and Morris trail behind.Once you hear the sound of the past you's running down to Hagrid's hut,Hermione peeks out of the corner before moving up and running down to the stone past you was just at.

"Look.Buckbeak's still alive".Harry says.

Indeed,Buckbeak is still alive as you look towards him.He's in the same position he was this afternoon.

"Of course.Remember what Dumbledore said?If we succeed,more than one innocent life could be spared.Let's go".Hermione says but Faith stops her.

"Hang on a minute.I thought you're not suppose to mess with the past.What's going to happen if we save Buckbeak?".Faith questions,a curious look on her face.

"We are not altering the past,if that's what you are thinking.Us right now,doing this,we've already existed.We have not time travelled,we have created a second copy of ourselves in a way.This,it already happened.What we are going to do now it already happened in the past".Maddie explains as she looks at Faith.

"Come on,let's go".Morris says.

All of you run down to hide behind the pumpkins,Hermione leading.Inside Hagrid's hut,you can hear Hagrid talking to all of you.You lean down next to Hermione behind the pumpkins,Harry beside you,Faith beside him while Maddie and Morris lean down behind you.

Hagrid's still talking by the time you hear the crow cawing.

All of you turn your head to see Dumbledore, Fudge and the executioner approaching.

"Here they come.I'd better hurry".Harry says,moving to stand up but Faith pulls him back down.

"What are you doing,you twit".Faith says and Harry looks at her confused.

"Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we rescue him.If not,he is going to think Hagrid set him free.It'll jeopardize this whole situation".Maddie says,putting her hand on Harry's shoulder.

All of you look back towards the window where inside,you can see Hagrid handing Scabbers,or Peter Pettigrew,to Ron.

"That's Pettigrew".Harry says.

Hermione looks at you and Harry and she can see that both of you have the same,furious look in your eyes.She puts her hand on both yours and Harry's shoulders.

"Y/N,Harry,you can't".Hermione says.

Harry looks at her."Hermione,that's the man who betrayed our parents".

"You don't expect us to just sit here".You say and both you and Harry try to get up but Hermione and Faith pull you down.

"Yes,and you must".Hermione says and she pulls all of you down to sit behind the giant pumpkins.You sit down next to her,Harry next to you with Faith while Maddie and Morris crouch down opposite you.Hermione looks at both you and Harry."Y/N,Harry,you're in Hagrid's hut now.If you just go bursting in, you'll think you've gone mad.Awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time.We can't be seen".

"Awful things?What awful things?".Morris looks at Hermione with fear.

No one says anything back as you hear Fudge talking,Faith slightly peers her head over the pumpkin.

"Fudge is coming".Faith says.

Hermione looks towards the window where all of you are still there. "And we aren't leaving?Why aren't we leaving?".

Hermione then notices is a stone laying on the pumpkin.You watch as she looks at it before she raises her arm up and throws it over towards the window.The sound of a vase breaking can be heard.

"Are you mad?".Harry says as Hermione ducks down behind the pumpkin.

Then,Hermione quickly grabs another stone from the ground and she throws it towards the window.An 'Ow!' can be heard.

Harry holds onto the back of his head as he see's himself get hit with the stone.You can tell he can feel the pain even now. "Ow.That hurt".

"Sorry".Hermione apologises.

The sound of Dumbledore,Fudge and the executioner talking can be heard getting closer and you can see over the top of the pumpkin that they have reached the door of Hagrid's hut.Dumbledore knocks.

You see the back door of Hagrid's hut open and you see past all of you peering over the corner.

"We're coming out the back door".Hermione announces.

"Come on.Let's go".You say.

All of you turn around,running down and into the woods so you wouldn't be seen.Each one of you hides behind a tree.Your heart is slightly pounding in fear of being caught.You really do not want to find out what will happen if all of you are seen.

You look to the right to see Hermione pushing away a tree branch to be able to see herself better.

"Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?".Hermione whispers.

However,a twig crunches and breaks underneath her foot.

"Hermione".Harry whispers.

Quickly,you jump over towards Hermione, pulling her into your chest with your good arm as her past self turns around to inspect the noise.

You hold your breath and you feel Hermione breathing on your neck as her hands rest on your arms.You close your eyes,listening to hear if one of you comes down to investigate the noise,but luckly,none of you do.You hear the sound of the past you running away and you let out the breath you were holding.You look at Hermione to see her looking up at you,a nervous expression on her face.

"That was close".Morris says as he walks out from behind a tree.

All of you walk back up towards the pumpkins as voices inside Hagrid's hut can be heard.

"Y/N,go.Buckbeak trusts you out of all of us".Maddie says,looking at you.

Slowly,you walk out from behind the pumpkins,walking over towards where Buckbeak is chained up,crows surrounding the area.Buckbeak looks at you as you walk over and you bow just like you did when you first met him.Once he looks comfortable again,you put your hand up towards the chain that is hanged up to stop Buckbeak escaping.A crow bites you.

"Ow".You whisper.

You pull the chain out of the hoop and the rest of your friends come up behind you.However, the sound of voices inside Hagrid's hut are getting louder,meaning they are about to walk out and the door slowly swings open.You freeze as you watch the door.Luckly,Dumbledore deters Fudge away and the door closes again.

"Ok,Buckbeak.Come quickly.Come with us now.Come on".You whisper as you try to pull him with one arm,but Buckbeak doesn't budge.

You continue to pull but Buckbeak stays still.After a moment,he begins to move his head around.

"Buckbeak,come on now.Ok?Quickly.Hurry up".You whisper.

"Come on,you big brute".Faith whispers unpatiently.

You pull his by the chain again but he gets annoyed,looking at you and he screeches.

You watch as Hermione walks over,holding the ferret that were hanged up in her hand.Hermione holds the ferret out towards Buckbeak.

"Come on.Come on,Buckbeak".Hermione whispers. "Come and get the nice dead ferret".

Buckbeak rises onto his feet which makes you fall back as you're holding the chain and Hermione throws him the ferret,Buckbeak catching it in his beak.

Harry and Morris help you up off of the ground and you carry on holding the chain.

"Come on.It's here.Come on,Beaky".Hermione whispers,holding the ferret up as all of you are now walking backwards,you holding the chain.

All of you freeze as behind Buckbeak, Dumbledore,Hagrid,Fudge and the executioner walk out of Hagrid's hut.Luckly,they're looking the other way.

Hermione gasps as Buckbeak grabs the ferret out of her hands with his beak and she holds her hands up,all of you watching what's going on behind Buckbeak.

Hermione holds up another ferret. "Come on".

And this is how all of you end up dragging Buckbeak down towards the forest,saving him.

All of you run futher in,you holding onto the chain while Hermione lures Buckbeak with the ferrets,Maddie,Faith,Morris and Harry behind Buckbeak,looking back to make sure no one is following you.

Finally,when you find a good spot to stop, Hermione throws Buckbeak the ferret.You put the chain down.

"Now what?".Harry says.

"Now we save Sirius".Hermione says.

"How?".Faith questions.

"No idea".

All of you run through the forest to the Whomping Willow.

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