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The reincarnation of the Green spirit that protects Africa has bestown upon a girl who discovers reawakening... More



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Past Memory of the War


"Your Highness!!"

A puff of smoke came afterwards.

She crackled loudly feeling she has killed him.
She suddenly got hit hard by a large strand of hair coming out from the smoke.

Green glowing eyes made the smoke to cease.

She was standing in front of Mkumebe.

She got up from the ground and summoned lighting bolts at her.

She feel nothing as she was hit countless times.
"Is this your best shot yet so far?!"

"What??!" she yelled.

She controlled her hair and divide it into seven large strands, and attacked her.

The witch dodged the strands of hair perfectly but soon got hit by the arm, she bleeding.

Who would have thought Mgbenago's hair could be this sharp!

The wound was deep but she stood strong.

"Aisss!" she hissed, "what a nice sharp hair you got there!"
She casted her powers at her.

Mgbenago's hands were glowing with sparks, she dodged and casted lighting bolts at her.

The witch was surprised at her powers. "Mmmm..."

She (M) sensed a demonic aura around the witch.
She immediately teleported in front of her.

"Ahh!, let go of me!!" she struggled as she was tied up by a strand of hair.

She grabbed her head and and snapped her fingers.

She (W) immediately lost consciousness. She fell down leaving a demonic essences behind.

She (M) destroyed the essences into dust.



She turned towards the sound and spot an entity spitting poisonous thorns everywhere. She flew up to the sky and cast her powers at it.

Soldiers running from the entity, one of them accidentally bumped into the poisonous thorn and immediately died.

She sensed death nearby and soon spotted a dead soldier next the poisonous thorn.
While flying towards the entity, her hair carried the corpse to the Seer who was running towards the prince. They saw the dried and burning carcass in horror.

She fought while circling around it. She controlled the water up to sky and surrounded it around the entity. Then she drowned the entity but it was more powerful to break through hers.

It spat out thousands of poisonous thorns at her.

She created a shield to protect herself and the people who were in harm's way.

Her eyes glowed.

She quickly flew down to the ground and flew upwards to it's face to gain momentum and super punched it, sending it flying to the sky.
While the entity was still being thrown into the sky, she flew higher than it and waited for it to come closer. Her hair expanded covering the sky, her hair immediately grabbed and slammed it to ground with full force. Her eyes glowed brightly and shot a heavenly beam at the entity, burning it to ashes.

"Another Entity.....Another Victory"

She grunted loudly shaking the land. She felt something on her left side of her stomach......blood......and the thorn!
She disappeared into thin air.
She appeared at entrance of the palace while grunting. She walked towards her room leaving behind a trail of blood. The maids saw a trail of blood and reported the King.
Moments later, Zatoi arrived and spotted it and tracked the trail to her chamber. "Mgbenago!"
He tried to open the door but it was locked.
"Mgbenago!...."he knocked loudly with a worried face, "Mgbenago, dear are yo-"


she finally pulled the thorn out.
Blood was gushing out quickly than usual, it went out of the room which had raised his concerns even more.

"Mgbenago!!!....Mgbenago!!!" he was banging door like a mad man.

This just added more to his worries. He finally began to kick the door with Mkumebe who suddenly showed up. With all their might they managed to kick the door down to the ground.

They all went in.




She opened her eyes.


- Mgbenago's POV -

"Wake up"

My sight was blurry when I was startled by a strong and distorted voice.

"Get up"

I slowly got up and I soon regained vision clearly.
I saw a Green Spirit who was 2 feet close to me.

She was much more greener than I thought.

ut then, it hit me, bringing me back to reality.


That thorn killed me!

I couldn't had the opportunity to heal myself....

Is this my end?..


I looked up, startled by her voice.

"No, This isn't the end..."

How did she know?..

"I can read your thoughts, Mgbenago"

I gasped by her words...i forgot she's the Green Spirit.

"Rather, I summoned you here"

Summoned me? But I have no soul.

I'm just a vessel.

"If you're indeed a vessel, why are you in the spirit world with me..."

I stared but looked away.

"Two souls lives together in one body." she said firmly, "Just like you and me..."

I looked at her again...feeling uneasy but calm. "Oh..that makes sense.."

There was silence and she broke the silence with a soft chuckle.

"That's not why I summoned you here just for the silence. I summoned you for a reason."

I stood silent and she began to speak....or that's what I thought...

Instead I fell down into the void...
along with her but she seemed calm...

"I'm here to tell you about your vision but this might not be well with you!!"

Vision...didn't the Seer explained that to me...

"He only explained..... half of it"


"I'm here to explain the vision clearly"

I was anxious, feeling uncomfortable....does this mean the vision is not properly explained.

"But before I explain, let me show you something..."

She disappeared as she completed her sentence.


I landed on the ground hard but I felt no pain from it...

The sunlight almost blinded me as I protected my eyes with my hand.

I carefully scan the surroundings around and.....
FEWA Tribe??....
I'm in FEWA Tribe??

But the place was was more greener than before.
And the Kingdom was......small?


From what I knew, the Kingdom was massive.

- End of Mgbenago's POV -

The atmosphere was better than before.
It was calm, peaceful and quiet.

She sensed no aura from the land
She tried to fly but suddenly got pulled back.

The chains were around her foot.
It dragged her back to the ground.

She tried to use her powers but..
Her powers were gone..
She command her hair but nothing...
Her hair was not moving.

She only had flight and aura detection.


A loud explosion was coming from the West side of the land.

The chains dragged her to the destination with full speed.

People were running for their lives, screaming on their lungs.

Demons chasing, devouring them one by one.

They ran faster and further away from the demons but soon reached a dead end. Soon the demons caught up with them, ready to devour them. They cried and cried as the demons were coming closer and closer.


The sound was getting louder as it coming closer.
A hand slammed in between the demons and the people, making the land the shake.
A head submerged from the nowhere looking at the demons.

That was the Green Spirit!

Her eye glowed causing them to self eliminate.

She looked down at the people and blow a fog at them...
Moments later, they vanished.

Mgbenago was awestruck by it appearance.

She looked completely different!

They were 12 shards circling clockwise behind her, and 5 shards hovering her head like a crown.
The marking on her forehead was expanded and designed. It looks the same but different.
Her green skin and clothing was more vibrant and designed with different symbols.
Her face was extremely beautiful at the same time extremely horrifying!


Both (Mgbenago and the Green Spirit) turned the sound and A giant demon was flying still sending hundreds of demons at the Green Spirit.

That demon was horrifying.
It has 12 eyes all over the face.
It's has 3 mouths, one for the face, one for the chest and one for the back.
Its wings were razor-sharp bat wings.
It was very muscular and buff.
It's horns were made of fire.
The Ten rings that looked like a saturn, hovering around the horns like a crown.

That was the Demon Lord from the ninth hell.

Mgbenago was terrified while the Green Spirit was prepared for action.

{This fight is only between the Demon Lord and the Green Spirit.
This fight is gruesome and brutal.
This fight might look like wrestling to make the scene understandable.
Mgbenago will be somewhere, watching the fight.
Note: Every fight scene, Mgbenago will be there}

{Note: (GS) means Green Spirit
(DL) means Demon Lord}


She (GS) continued to kill the demons while fighting against him (DL) for the past 12 days.

She kicked him in the gut hard, he stumbled backwards to ground.
He got up and cast spells at her, she walked up towards him while taking the hits like they were nothing.
He flew up while casting his powers at her. She positioned herself for an attack, wings came out from her back giving her the boost to jump and speared him to the ground.
They both got up, he struck at her by his claws first. But she grabbed him quickly, her right wing got bigger, the feathers became a sharp blades and stabbed him in the chest, he roar in pain.
She kicked him away hard, pushing him away. She jumped and dropkicked him and flew away.

He immediately chased after her, they were further away from the FEWA Tribe.

Far away from the FEWA Tribe,

He fled for his life as he was defeated countless times. She chased after him, the 12 shards circled around him on her command and chains surrounded him and he was finally chained.

The five shards around her head suddenly enlarged to the same size as her and circled around him. The elemental spirits circled around him as well, shooting beams at him while chanting mantras in a strange tongue.

She summoned a beam of holy light from the heaven and shot at him.

The scream was painful and brutal, his voice slowly ceased as life faded away. His body began to rot and faded into dust.

Everything faded to black...

-Mgbenago's POV-

Everything went black and it was just me and the Green Spirit who I didn't know she was behind me until she call me.


I turned to her.

"Hear me, the war isn't over just yet"

I said to myself 'does this mean there's more demons?'

"Yes there are more demons coming not only here but my shards as well.."


"My shards are my....powers"

' she's vulnerable right now'

"I'm not vulnerable, those shards represents my powers i possessed, it also increases my capablity and powers. That how i defeated that demon you witnessed. If those demons get their hands on my shards, they will use it against me and it will be a huge threat against the whole world including your homeland"

I gasped in shock but flinched my fist tighter. "Wait..if those shards are powerful then why did you discard them"

"I didn't...the Creator did"

I stayed silent...

"Yes, you heard me. The Creator discard them safe away from not only the demons....he discard them away from me"

"Why?" I asked calmly but deeply worried.

The fogs started to surround me and my eyelids were getting heavy, i was slowly losing consciousness and the last words i heard from her...

"Because i disobeyed...."


Hi readers,
Sorry for the long wait...i got busy with something.....heavy '😢and now its well taken care of. 😭😭

💔💖(Rest in Peace Sweet Mama)💖💔

By the way
I'm writing my second novel as you're reading this..

The next chapter will be a suprise
Thank you. Bye
Total Words: 2000

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