Their Darkest Light

By venxinnx

25.6K 694 84

T H E I R D A R K E S T L I G H T She hated the Dark since she was a baby, she would cry and cry until some... More

1 : Start
2 : Father
3 : Brothers.
4 : Home.
5 : Panic.
6 : Family.
7: The Secret.
8 : Nightmares
9 : No Break
10 : Italy.
11 : Celebration
12 : Celebration Continues.
13 : Japan
14 : Let's celebrate!
15 : Back home.
16 : First Day.
17 : Danger, Stay out.
18: No!
19: Place Unknown.
20: Pain
21: R.V.S
22: Training
23: Alive
25: Danger, Danger, Help.
26: Lady Amellia.
27: Introduced as the little lady of Ruscov.
28: Punishment
29: Alive?
30: The 'Important' something
31: Bloom
32: War 1
33: War 2
34: Dream
35: 18th and him.
Taglish Versions.

24: Thoughts About her.

357 12 0
By venxinnx

I just wanted everyone to know what the Ruscov and Hara brothers think of their little sister, how they see her, how much they love her, I want everyone to know that just because they're not always being seen in hard times, they don't get much of a say and POV doesn't mean they don't care. I would like everyone to know how much this Hara and Ruscov brothers could do and say when it comes to their little sister.


"Let's start!" Ao shouted.

I pouted, They're going to talk about the part of my life that I almost don't remember. I barely remember a scene from when I was 3, the only thing I remember is the worst part of it.

"Stop pouting there, Lia. It's not like we didn't love You from the start!" I kept on pouting.

"I don't even remember a thing about when I was 3, I BARELY remember a thing." I said while still pouting.

"That's fine, We're going to say our thoughts about You anyways." Ao shrugged.

"Yeah, now let's start with the oldest!" Tadashi said.

First one is Toshiro.

Toshiro looked at me and smiled a little, "I could still remember how I wanted to touch You through the screen. I was 15 when You were born, I couldn't help but smile knowing that I'll have a sister to protect now and not just some rascals. That day, when I was finally able to touch You, I didn't want to let go. You made me feel happy for some reason, do You know how much I prayed to have a sister? And then You finally came, I was more than happy. You're an angel sent to the devils." Toshiro said and smiled at me.

I smiled back.

I looked at Daichi who is now looking at me. "I was a year younger than Toshiro, so I was 14 when You were born. I didn't smile, but my heart is pounding so hard, I just kept on looking at You, I was so mesmerized. When I saw Your eyes, it feels like I'm looking at shining jewel, an expensive one. I knew from that moment that I'll be ready to lose my life if that means I could protect You." He ended that with a smile.

Next is Akira.

Akira isn't looking at me, instead he's looking at my arms. "That arms of Your are the first part of Your body that I was able to touch, I was 13 and looking at an angel is something new to me, I grew up not with toys, well basically daggers and guns are my toys, I enjoyed them. But when I saw You, I knew I didn't want You to play with the same thing, I even hid all of those in the basement so I could bring You inside of my room without the fear of You getting hurt. I was never fond of small shiny, and bright things, but You, You're a light given to the darkest family." I chuckled at the fact that that's why he's looking at my arm.

Eihei started talking after Akira "14, I know nothing and care nothing about girls, the only girl I lived my life with is Aunts, Mom, and Oba-chan (grandma), but when I saw You I really got super curious, I cared so much. I was so sure that You're a doll, You're a beauty. Now that I think of it, I was probably thinking, how come such a beautiful soul was born in a family full of bloodied hands." For the first time I saw Eihei smile so wide.

Gio is right beside me so I put my head on his shoulders, he then put his arms on my shoulder and now I'm in his chest, resting my head comfortably, I really feel safe when I'm with them.

"Ehem, I was 14 at Italy, helping my father do his job when I received the message that You're born on September 3, 2005 at 1:19 am, Uncle sent us a picture, and Your eyes caught my attention, it's the same as Alec's, I was envious of how beautiful Your eyes were, it's a rare jewel. But it fitted You perfectly, that made me realize that I shouldn't be envious of someone who received what they should. You're the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. And as You grew up, I could see that Your smile and Eyes shine so bright together."

Keisuke is a next.

"95005, that's my phone lock." He started, Ao quickly took Keisuke's phone and entered the said number

"It is!" Ao said shocked.

Keisuke shook his head in disbelief. "I'll be changing that later. That's Your birthday, I don't know if You know how hard it is for me to communicate, or even to be near a child at that time. But that day, when I saw You in the pictures, I wanted too, I want to touch You, I want to hug, I want to kiss those fluffy cheeks of Yours. I wasn't hesitating at all. I said to myself, may be Your the light that would ease the darkness inside me, inside us. But no, You're the light that needed to be protected, the one who can keep this family sane, the light that I promised to protect even if my life is what it cost. I know a time will come that You won't need our protection, I know that one day You will be able to protect Yourself, I know that, that day is coming close, but I will always be by Your side to help and protect You." He kissed my forehead after that.

"The girl with the same eyes as mine, the one who looks exactly like dad but got mom's nose, and head shape." Alec started. "I looked at You amazed by the fact that we have the same eyes, and when I saw You look at me coldly one time, I felt trapped and scared in my own eyes. A lot happened, but still those eyes still fits You more than me. You grew up beautifully. I was actually scared that time when You were born, if anyone knew about Your existence, they'll find a way to kill You. I was scared for a while, but knowing how I don't want to be away from You anymore, I decided that I'll do my best to protect You, to protect the butterfly. This family is willing to kill, and get killed if that means those Jerks will stop. But if not, even our dead bodies will rise just to prevent them from hurting You." Alec then gave me a smile.

I also noticed the necklace that are same as mine, they wear it often now.

I guess things didn't go as planned, 'cause It didn't matter anymore who will talk, it's like they're letting each other talk, no pressure, no fighting on who goes first.

"Geez, how do You start with this? Hmm, we actually never had a conversation about anything, the only time I talked to You is when You cried so much about the bunny toy I bought You. You were sorry about that. Hey, I may seem weird and everything, but that time when I first saw You while being held by Aunt I already knew that You're a precious Jewel that should be protected at all cost." Ayumu said.

"I didn't actually liked the fact that we're going to have a girl in the family. Not because I hated it, I actually always wanted a sister, but I was scared that we wouldn't be able to protect You. And then that day came, he caught You, he laid his fingers on You. I hated myself back then, I couldn't stop blaming myself and everyone, if only they didn't... No, if only I could've protected You. We're lucky that You're born, the luckiest family at this point." Gregorio said.

"We love You, You're the best thing that happened to us. The only good that happened in this family. The others are also good but not as good as You." Ao whispered the last part to me. I giggled with what he said and Gio and Alec who's beside me glared at him playfully.

"Things got better when You were born, our father doesn't focus much on being on us being able to hold guns and knifes properly, but even if they didn't change, that won't change how much I love You. That won't change the fact that I'll learn more so I could protect You. I actually failed that part. But I will do my best this time, I'll do everything I can." Aldrenrein said laughing a little.

"It's seems like they already said almost everything to You. With how cruel our world is, I was scared for the first time. I was able to recognize what I'm feeling. It was hard for me, I actually needed to search it, I focused My life studying emotions, on how I could express and recognize emotions. I wanted to show You only the good side if this cruel world that we lived in. I was born with Alexithymia, Amellia. I had a hard time recognizing even my own emotions." Nickolas said.

"This is crazy! That's the actual reaction I had when I found out that Aunt had a girl. I was expecting another boy, I was even planning to give it the nickname poika (boy in finnish). But nope, it's a girl! Our brothers knows how much I wanted a girl, boys like them are annoying! And I gave You the nickname Meli." Kio said with a smile.

"A lot of things already happened, but still. The most important day in this whole family is Your birthday. No one even cares that You receive almost all the love and care, that's what we wanted." Vion said.

"A precious gem." It's short but meaningful, that came from Miko

"Our cute little Lia." Katsu said while smiling

"The princess everyone has always wished for." Yasu said while looking at me with gentelness.

"That night, the day You were born, I was so sure that You're an angel." Arthelesis said chuckling.

"I thought I was looking at a highly valued gem when I look in Your Eyes." Takeshi said while squinting his eyes as if he's trying to look deeper into my eyes.

"Annoyingly cute." Yuki smirked.

I grimaced when he said that.

"Jeez, you're still a baby for us." I frowned when Tadashi said that.

"I wasn't able to process that I had a baby sister, I was so happy that time."  What Tadanori said made me laugh a little.

"You're the only reason I stayed calm as hell." Xavier said.

"Mom and Dad almost cursed all of us when we tried to sneak you out when you were 2, just so we could play. That's still fresh and funny for me." Keilo said as he smiles remembering what happened that day.

I wonder what they did.

"I bought 2 gifts for each of your birthdays. One is something you could already use at that age, and one that I could give you when you're 18." Vinzenzo said smiling at me a little.

"You're so little compared to this jerks, so I thought you were some kind of a squiky toy honestly." Kairo laughed.

"It's fun having a lot of brothers, but having you in our life is the best, protecting you is our job, giving you everything and the life should have is our job. I'm sorry if we failed for some part. We love you Amellia, nothing can change that. Even if you push us away, we will stay by your side." Alarco said.

"I actually wouldn't mind if you kill us, hahaha. No kidding aside, Amellia you're the only one that was able to touch Nori without hesitation." Tadaaki said.

"You grew up so fast. Even when you were just 3 I thought you're growing up so fast. Please slow down a little, Lia. I still want to spend those time I missed with my baby Ellia." Hiroshima said while smiling but I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Cute, lovely." Kuiro said.

"You're so jolly even at the age of 2." Xander laughed.

"People come~
And some people go~
And some people ride 'til the end~
When I am blind, in my mind~
I swear they'd be my rescue, my lifeline~
I don't know what I'd do if I, If I'd survived~
My brothers and my sisters in my life, yeah~" Lorenziano sang

"45 black cats, 5 half, 1 golden retriever." A weird description from Gregory.

"We all, are under your controll." Kiann smiled.

"Lady Amellia Mio Krane Hara-Ruscov." Avalino said with a wide smile.

"Beauty." One word from Gustov

"OMG!" Takeo said with his best shocked expression.

"No words to describe." Kyou said with still the same emotion in his face.

"The best." Itsuki.

"An angel." Akiko.

"Come on, everyone already said it." Tsuki.

"'Cause baby I know it~
I know that this time, I'll be able to~
I'll able to, protect you~
I've done the worse, I won't make the same mistake~
I've already learned~
I plan to stay away from danger~
To keep you safe~" Hendriz sang.

"Shining." Keiro.

"A literal princess." Guston.

"I love how You look exactly like dad but got Alec's eyes and mom's head shape." Violito.

"Your hair flows like the river." Kailo.

"Compliments are just not enough." Xandrix.

"Almost your eighteenth birthday, be happy." Xendrix

"Ehem, I'm the last one. Amellia, we may be cruel, or just some kind of a jerk sometimes, but always remember that we love you. It hurts when you said those words, and how you looked at us with disgust that time. Even just imagining it already hurts. We don't want to lose you again, I'll do my best, I was away back then, that jerk tried to poison our family before, but I won't let that happen again. Burry those sad, cruel, and bad memories. We will make a lot of new happy memories together, hmm? We'll go everywhere you want, do everything you want. Just please, don't, just please don't, and don't ever do that again. I wouldn't be able— none of us will be able to accept the fact that we didn't realized how suffocated you felt with us. And the feeling of having you hate us because of what happened before makes my blood boil knowing that that jerk brainwashed out sweet little princess. So please, tell us right away. We will fix this together." A long message from Handrix.

Those words made me tear up.

I looked up in the ceiling to stop my tears from falling down.

"Oww our baby is crying!" Ao teasingly shouted.

"Shut it, Ao!" I shouted. He just laughed it off.

I couldn't help but to laugh with him, that's one thing about him. Once he laughs everyone laughs.

We all re happily laughing when we heard gunshots. Upstairs.

"Dad... They're at Dad's office!" I shouted out of panic.

We all ran upstairs, me in the middle of all of them as if they're trying to guard me.

Alec opened the door gun in his hands, in their hands as Alec opened it with full force.

Alec and the other were immediately alerted when a thump sound was heard. There was also a lot of broken glasses on the floor.

I was lifted up by Gio while we walk thru the broken glasses. I held into Gio's neck.

As we reached closer to Dad's office's living room I could hear the gunshits slowly stopping as the thump sound kept on going.

I was shocked, my mouth agape as I saw the people in this place sprawled, I couldn't help it but to hold onto Gio's neck as I buried my head and cried in his arms.

Dad... Dad was lying down there with blood around him.

"Dad!" I heard Alec's voice as a bunch of running footsteps were heard.

My Uncles are on the phone calling the ambulance and the police that are under our mafia.

I couldn't move, I was only crying, I'm so weak. I feel much more weaker right now, I couldn't even look and give help.

My aunts and other brothers and cousins are trying to console me.

They need it more than me, but here I am, crying my ass out. I was in Gio's arms even until the Ambulance came.

Dad was brought to the hospital unconscious, with a shot on his shoulder, and near his tummy.

"We'll need help. We won't be able to handle this alone." I heard Alec said as he took me from Gio's arms.

I put my head in his neck.

"Hush now Lia, Dad will be fine. He's strong and healthy. He'll be okay." He said trying to make feel any less worried.

"Who's help though?" Lorenz asked.

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